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You are on page 1of 1 Signature Specifications oi eid Please draw a rectangular box of size 2 cm x7 cm (Height x Width) on an ‘Ad white paper. Sign with black or dark blue ink pen within this box. The signature with all capital letters or in any other color than black and blue shall NOT be accepted. |. Get the digital image of the rectangular box (with your signature inside) scanned by a professional using a scanner. Crop it to the border of the box. Only J PEG image formats will be accepted. The maximum pixel resolution for the image is 160 x 560. The minimum pixel resolution for the image is 80 x 280. Photographs of the signatures taken using mobile phone are not acceptable, and can result in rejection of the application without any refund of the fee. Thumb Impression Specifications ci ae ew Please draw a rectangular box of size 3 cm x5 cm (Height x Width) on an 4 white paper. Mark your left thumb impression within this box using a blue or black stamp pad. (Right thumb impression, if it is difficult to access the left thumb for any reason. For candidates unable to provide thumb impression for any reason, please provide impression of any finger) . Get the digital image of the rectangular box (with your thumb impression inside) scanned by a professional using a scanner. Crop it to the border of the box. Only J PEG image formats will be accepted. The maximum pixel resolution for the image is 160 x 560. The minimum pixel resolution for the image is 80 280. Photographs of the thumb impression taken using mobile phone are not acceptable, and can result in rejection of the application without any refund of the fee. 31| Page

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