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Feasibility Study on Calamansi (Citrofortunella microcarpa) Rind

extract and Yellow Bell (Allamanda cathartica L.) Extract as

Alternative Fuel for Gas Lamp.

A Research Paper Presented to the

Faculty of Science Department

Banate National High School

In partial fulfillment of the



Crystal Rose Canicula

Janna Marie Deocampo

Johannah Mariz Dequina


March 2017
Chapter I


The production of fuel is abundant in commercial markets, but with lack of

natural resources in the Philippines. The production of fuels and other mineral oils
subdue from time to time. With that, our government only depends on
production of fuel from other neighboring countries which is not only costly but
also takes time. The researchers were looking for other possibilities of tapping
other energy sources.

In provinces, power shortage happens almost frequently. This study will be

conducted to produce a cheaper source of fuel for families that cannot avail other
generators. Specifically the families at the coastal and mountainous areas that
only depends on candle lit or lamplight. This investigative study will be conducted
to aid the government and its efforts to produce oil.

Background of the Study

Fuel has become a necessity for most people, to those households on some
parts of the urban city that still don't have the access to electricity. Mainly to the
families leaving by the seashore and works as fishermen. And also to homes that
are located at the isolated part of hills and mountains. Some workers also needed
fuel to make their work easier.

The main intention of this study is to develop an easy to make fuel to be used
during blackouts especially to families which cannot afford generators. With
ingredients that are found in their own kitchens and if possible in their backyards.

Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to evaluate the potential of Calamansi Peel and
Yellow Bell seed extract as alternative fuel.

Specifically, its aim is to prove if Calamansi peel and Yellow Bell seed extract
can be a substitute for Crude oil and Kerosene so people could make their own
fuel out of the raw materials.

Fuel from calamansi peel and yellow bell seed extract can be a feasible source of


1. To produce a fuel for lamp in a natural way.

2. To make cheaper and safer fuel.

3. To determine if the alternative fuel will light an alcohol lamp.

Significance of the Study

The increasing prices of crude oils and fuels nowadays are the main problem of
poor families and the government as well. Power blackouts are frequent so
people are finding a way to avail a cheaper source.

Since we are aiming to minimize our expenses, we can make use of the
calamansi rind and yellow bell seeds which can be found in the surroundings. This
will be significant and worthy to the community and the government plus the
entrepreneurs. This will help the country minimize economic problems.

This study provided some information regarding the potential use of Calamansi
rind oil and Yellow bell seeds extract as an alternative fuel. Specifically, it provides
useful information to the following:

-Health- The result of this study will contribute in reducing the health problem
caused by the soot and smell of kerosene

-Students- They will have an idea about alternative fuels which can be obtained
from plants around them

-Future researchers. The result of this study will give them a vivid concept in
producing alternative fuel
Environment- This study will not harm the environment because it is all natural.

The community and the government plus the entrepreneurs. This will help the
country minimize economic problems.

Scope and Limitation

This study is focused on the use of Calamansi Peel and Yellow Bell seed extract
in making alternative fuel for gas lamps.

Definition of Terms

Calamansi Peel- used in the study wherein it juice was extracted to produce fuel.

Yellow Bell seed- used in the study. It was boiled to extract its' oil

Vodka/ Grain alcohol- It was used to help separate the extract in the calamansi
peelings, in making essential oil.
Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

During the past decade, almost all of the energy studies were on important
alternatives such as oil, coal, solar, nuclear, etc. It is for this reason that
environmentalists are entrusted to examine a very wide range of human needs
towards indigenous resources that would somehow assist in our nations falling
supply of energy. Various organic oils and fats are essential constituents of all
forms of plants and animals. However, only relatively few plants and animals
produce oil in sufficient quantity. The most important oil, therefore, are those
that can be readily attained in commercial quantities from available raw
materials. Organic oils are triglycerides or esters of fatty acids. They are chemical
combinations of one molecule of glycerol with three molecules of fatty acids.
When processed with caustic alkalis, they form soaps that are salts of branches
and narrow alternate leaves.


The calamondin/calamansi tree bears a small citrus fruit that is used to flavor
foods and drinks. Despite its outer appearance and its aroma, the taste of the
fruit itself is quite sour, although the peel is sweet. Like other citrus fruit, the
calamondin is high in vitamin C. The Calamondin or Calamansi has considerable
amount of essential oils stored in the rid. The most common method of extraction
is via steam distillation, cold-press method and centrifugal extraction. The
calamansi essential oil is used to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety,
and is widely used as a substitute to lemon or lime essential oil.

Calamondin peel oil extract from two composite peel samples with hexane were
each analyzed by gas chromatography-- mass spectrometry (GS-MS), and 56
constituents were identified and quantified by GC peak area percent value. All
except 5 of these components had been identified previously in citrus juices or
oils composition of the peel oil components most resembled that reported earlier
for komquat, a member of the Fortunella species believed to be one of the
parents of calamondin.
Yellow Bell

The Yellow bell plant requires direct sunlight. Quisumbing (1978) mentioned that
the thevetin seeds yield fixed oil that contains triolein, (63 percent) tripalmitin
and stearin (37 percent). When processed in simple methods, yellow `bell will
yield oil that shows same chemical properties of fuel. The plant has milky sap
which is considered poisonous, and all parts are highly cathartic (purgative). The
texture is coarse and leaves are bright to light green: the plant is often pruned
and used as a shrub. All parts of the plant are considered toxic.The leaves and
roots and flower may be used in preparation of powerful cathartic (hence the
name); the milky sap is also known to possess antibacterial and possibly
anticancer properties. Seeds yield a fixed oil containing triloein 63%, tripalmintin
and stearin, 37%. Also yields equally high protein content of the defatted meal
(30_37% protein). Flowers yielded quercetin, kaempferol and quercetin-7-o-
galactoside. Phytochemicalnevaluation showed the plant to be rich in active
constituent !E, a-amyrin acetate, lupeol acetate, B-amyrin and thevetigenin.
Phytochemical screening of leaf extracts yielded bioactive compound alkaloids,
phenols, flavonoids, steroids, tannins, coumarins, and reducing sugars. Fruits
yielded steroids, flavonoids and tannins, with the absence of phenolics, saponins
and anthroquinone.

The seeds of these yellow bells contain oil, which can be used as fuel. Based on
the results and findings of the study, the following conclusions were obtained:
Yellow Bell Seeds (Allamanda cathartica L.)Crude Extract as Fuel

Yellow bell seeds crude extract can be utilized in producing oil. The yellow bell oil
can serve as a homemade fuel which can be a substitute to kerosene. Its lighting
efficiency gives a brighter effect when used as a fuel for lamp. It emits less soot as
compared to kerosene. The oil can be produced with the minimum of efforts and
is considered cheap.
Chapter III


A. Materials

50 mature yellow bell seeds

30 ml of water

1/2 kilo calamansi peels



Sterilized bottle

Mortar and pestle


Evaporating dish

2 alcohol lamps

Thin cloth

Antonov vodka

Denatured alcohol


For calamansi:

1. Peel the fruit. Remove the rind of the fruit with a peeler or knife and place it to
the side.

2. Dry the peel. Allow them to air dry until the peels are hard to the touch.
3. Cut the peels into small pieces. Once the peels are completely dry, cut the peels
into small pieces.

4. Place the peels in a jar and cover with grain alcohol.

5. Pour enough vodka into the jar to completely cover the peels.

6. Place the jar in a location that gets plenty of sunlight to help the separation

7. Shake the jar several times a day.

8. Give the jar a shake each day to help separate the oil from the peels.

9. Strain the liquid from the peels. After a week passed, use a coffee filter to
strain the liquid into a second jar.

10. Place a coffee filter or cloth over the second jar, and allow all of the alcohol in
the jar to evaporate.

11. Set aside

(The procedure is derived from, and

For Yellow bell seed:

1. Gather mature yellow bell seeds.

2. Remove the outer coverings of the fruit to obtain the seeds.

3. Cut the shell of the seed through the center linings, thus separating the kernels
or flesh from the shell.

4. Ground the kernels using mortar and pestle.

5. Add water to the ground seeds, then strain using fine cloth to separate the milk
of the seeds.

6. Heat the extracted oil to remove the water content.

7. Measure and place in a sterilized bottle ready for use as fuel for lamp.

8. To test the effectiveness of the fuel, two alcohol lamps are used. The other
lamp contains 30ml of denatured alcohol and 30ml alternative fuel (20ml yellow
bell and 10ml calamansi seed extract).
Chapter IV

Results and Discussion

In this study, it was tested and proven that calamansi peel and yellow bell
seed extract is as effective as denatured alcohol in terms of quality and

In our experiment, we compared 30 ml (10 ml calamansi peel and 20 ml

yellow bell extract). The table below shows the data we have gathered from the

Table: Performance of Calamansi peel, Yellow Bell extract and Denatured


Time it takes for the observation to occur

Observation Denatured alcohol Calamansi peel and Yellow

bell extract

Duration of the
flame before it
went out 6 minutes 29 seconds 3 minutes and 16 seconds

Time before it
the flame reach
its burning peak 8 minutes and 13 seconds 4 minutes and 35 seconds

Time when the

flame starts to
dim 4 minutes and 58 seconds 1 minute and 31 seconds
The statistical tool used in this study is Pearson-r. Pearson-r or Coefficient of
correlation describes the strength between two sets of interval scale or ratio-
scaled variables.

The researchers used Pearson-r because it minimizes the time and effort
expended when computing and testing two samples. Pearson-r is a simultaneous
test taking the samples all at single time.

Table 2: Statistical Analysis

Time it takes for the observation to occur

Denatured peel and
alcohol (x) Yellow bell
x2 y2 xy
extract (y)
Duration of the
flame before it 6.29 3.16 39.5641 9.9856 19.8764
went out
Time before it
the flame 8.13 (sec) 4.35 66.0969 18.9225 35.3655
reach its
burning peak
Time when the
flame starts to 4.58 1.31 20.9764 17161 5.9998

Total 19 8.82 126.6374 30.6242 61.2417

Formula of Pearson-r or Coefficient of correlation:

() ()()
[( )() ][( )() ]


n= number of pairs

xy= the sum of column xy

x= sum of values in column x

y= sum of values in column y

x2 = sum of the column x2 which is derived by squaring the value of x

y2= sum of the column y2 which is derived by squaring the values of y

[3(126.6374)(19)2 ][3(30.6242)(8.82)2 ]



= 16.3183

= 0.989385
Based on the result of the coefficient of correlation which is 0.989385, there is a
strong positive correlation that calamansi peel and yellow bell seed extract can be
an effective source of fuel.

1 2




= 0.1453165
= 6.808398
Coefficient of correlation with t-ratios is also used to find out the
significance of correlation at 0.05 level. A significant coefficient correlation means
acceptance of alternative hypothesis, while an insignificant coefficient of
correlation means the rejection of the alternative hypothesis.

At 5% level of significance, the critical value is 6.314. Based on our result,

our value, 6.808398, is greater than the critical value at 5% level of significance
which is 6.314. So it means that our alternative hypothesis is accepted.

This study aims to determine if calamansi peel extracts (citrofortunella

microcarpa) and Yellow bell (Allamanda Cathartica) can be a feasible source of
fuel for alcohol lamps. The purpose of this study is to make use of calamansi peel
and Yellow bell seed, which are often discarded and regarded as useless waste. It
was hypothesized that fuel from calamansi and yellow bell seed extract can be a
feasible source of alternative fuel for alcohol lamps.

The researchers gathered calamansi peel, separated the rind from the peel,
cut to thin pieces and left to dry, and then soaked in grain alcohol for 2 weeks to
extract the content of the peel. Then the researchers gathered yellow bell seed,
separated the seeds from the kernels, pounded and boiled in 30 ml water, until it
produced oil-like, sticky substance. After that the researchers combined the two
concentrations. Finally, the researchers tested its quality by putting the content
(30 ml, 10 ml calamansi peel and 20 ml yellow bell seed extract) in the alcohol
lamp and compared it to denatured alcohol.

The result showed that the fuel made from calamansi peel and Yellow bell
seed extract lights brighter than denatured alcohols flame. It also showed that
the duration of calamansi peel and yellow bell seed extract is almost equal to the
denatured alcohols burning time. This means that calamansi peel and yellow bell
seed extract is a feasible source of fuel for alcohol lamps. The researchers
concluded that calamansi peel and yellow bell seed extract can be used in making
fuel for alcohol lamps.

The study was conducted at Zona-Sur, Banate, Iloilo last January 30-31 2017.
Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations


This study was conducted that calamansi peel and yellow bell seed extract
can be used as an alternative fuel for gas lamps.


It is concluded that calamansi peel and yellow bell extract can be used as an
alternative fuel for gas lamps.


1. The future researchers may modify the procedure used in this study to
produce a better quality of fuels for lamps.
2. Future researchers may consider longer times for soaking the peels in the
grain alcohol/vodka to produce more amount oil.
3. Future researchers may use more yellow bell seeds to produce more
amount of extract.
4. Find a way to sell this product.

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