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Mineral Groups

Minerals are divided into groups based on chemical composition.

Most minerals fit into one of eight mineral groups.

Silicate Minerals

The roughly 1,000 silicate minerals make up over 90% of Earth's

crust. Silicates are by far the largest mineral group. Feldspar and
quartz are the two most common silicate minerals. Both are
extremely common rock-forming minerals.
The most common carbonate mineral, calcite, can be found
The basic building block for all silicate minerals is the silica naturally in a bivalve shell. [Figure6]
tetrahedron, which is illustrated in Figure below. To create the wide
variety of silicate minerals, this pyramid-shaped structure is often Azurite and malachite, shown in the Figure below, are carbonates
bound to other elements, such as calcium, iron, and magnesium. that contain copper instead of calcium.

Two carbonate minerals: (a) deep blue azurite and (b) opaque green
malachite. [Figure7]


Halide minerals are salts that form when salt water evaporates.
Halite is a halide mineral, but table salt is not the only halide. The
chemical elements known as the halogens (fluorine, chlorine,
bromine, or iodine) bond with various metallic atoms to make halide
One silicon atom bonds to four oxygen atoms to form a silica minerals (see Figure below).
tetrahedron. [Figure4]

Silica tetrahedrons combine together in six different ways to create

different types of silicates (Figure below). Tetrahedrons can stand
alone, form connected circles called rings, link into single and double
chains, form large flat sheets of pyramids, or join in three

The different ways that silica tetrahedrons can join together cause
these two minerals to look very different. [Figure5]

Native Elements Fluorite is a halide containing calcium and fluorine. [Figure8]

Native elements contain atoms of only one type of element. Only a Oxides
small number of minerals are found in this category. Some of the
minerals in this group are rare and valuable. Gold, silver, sulfur, and
diamond are examples of native elements. Oxides contain one or two metal elements combined with oxygen.
Many important metals are found as oxides. Hematite (Fe2O3), with
two iron atoms to three oxygen atoms, and magnetite (Fe3O4)
Carbonates (Figure below), with three iron atoms to four oxygen atoms, are
both iron oxides.
The basic carbonate structure is one carbon atom bonded to three
oxygen atoms. Carbonates include other elements, such as calcium,
iron, and copper. Calcite (CaCO3) is the most common carbonate
mineral (Figure below).

Sulfides are formed when metallic elements combine with sulfur.

Unlike sulfates, sulfides do not contain oxygen. Pyrite, or iron
sulfide, is a common sulfide mineral known as fools gold. People
may mistake pyrite for gold because the two minerals are shiny,
metallic, and yellow in color.


Magnetite is the most magnetic mineral. Magnetite attracts or _______________________________________________________________
repels other magnets. [Figure9] _______________________________________________________________
Phosphates _______________________________________________________________
Phosphate minerals are similar in atomic structure to the silicate _______________________________________________________________
minerals. In the phosphates, phosphorus, arsenic, or vanadium bond _______________________________________________________________
to oxygen to form a tetrahedra. There are many different minerals in _______________________________________________________________
the phosphate group, but most are rare (Figure below). _______________________________________________________________
Turquoise is a phosphate mineral containing copper, aluminum, and _______________________________________________________________
phosphorus. [Figure10] _______________________________________________________________
Sulfates _______________________________________________________________
Sulfate minerals contain sulfur atoms bonded to oxygen atoms. Like
halides, they form where salt water evaporates. The sulfate group
contains many different minerals, but only a few are common.
Gypsum is a common sulfate with a variety of appearances (Figure
below). Some gigantic 11-meter gypsum crystals have been found.
That is about as long as a school bus!
Although the orange crystals on the left looks nothing like the white _______________________________________________________________
sands on the right, both the crystals and sands are gypsum. _______________________________________________________________
[Figure11] _______________________________________________________________

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