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Questa - Questions and Answers

1 What is Tools?

Allows customizing of underlying data configuration as well as data

configuration. Data configuration determines what SQL is sent to the database.
generates the SQL and it cannot be directly modified.

2 What is the repository file?

The repository file is a compiled file which contains the data configuration and the
data presentation configuration constructed by the developer.

3 What are the three layers to the Siebel Architecture?

User Interface Objects,

Business Objects,
Data Objects

4 Describe the 3 Object Explorer (OE) tabs.

Types: higher level object types displayed,

Details: expanded top level object type displays object definitions of that type,
Flat: displays all definitions of that type

5 What keyboard command is used to invoke the picklist?


6 What does the Changed Flag indicate?

A Checkmark in this column indicates that changes have been made to the
contents of the corresponding record since a particular date and time (You set this
date and time using the General tab in Tools -> Options menu).
7 What is the difference between Get and Checkout?

They are equivalent except that Get does not place locks. Initial Get is required
before compiling against the local Repository.

8 What are the three windowpanes associated with project Diff?

Project differences,
Object differences,
Attribute differences
9 What is the No Delete, No Insert, No Update BC property?

If it is set to TRUE, no data manipulation can be performed. Default is FALSE.

10 What are the two means for editing object definitions?

Object List Editor, Properties window

11 What is the difference between an object type and an object definition?

An object type is a named structure from which object definitions of a given type
can be created. (ex.: Applet is an abject type and Opportunity List Applet is an
object definition.) An object type has a predefined set of properties.

12 What kinds of information is contained in the .cfg file?

Siebel application to run,

Data sources available to application,
Repository files to use,
Application title to display in splash screen,
Application title to display in application window

13What is the Data Object Layer?

A layer of abstraction over the RDBMS, insulating the application and developer from
database administration and restructuring. Contains Data Object Definitions such as
Table, Column, and Index, which directly map to the RDBMS structure.
14 What is the Business Object Layer?
Business Object Definitions built on Data Object Definitions and/or other Business
Object Definitions. Provides the interface to retrieve and manipulate data from the
underlying SQL tables. Major object types: Business Component and Business
15 What is a BC?

Associate the columns from one/more tables in the Data Object layer into a single
entity. Map to main table. Has Fields, most of which map to a Column in a Table.
Enable relationships with other BCs using PK/FK relationships built-in to the Data

16 What is a BO?

Bo is the major area of business functionality. A collection of BCs which are

logically related. One BC in the collection serves as the master BC (the master BC
has the same name as the BO itself). Same BC can be used in different sets of

17 What is the User Interface Objects layer?

Is the visual representation of the underlying BOs and BCs. Provides means to
customize the screen display. Defines the application, screens, views, applets and
reports (including UI layout and navigation, all UI controls)

18 What is the Siebel UI Organization Structure?

An application is a collection of screens. Each screen is a collection of views

pertaining to a functional area; Views map to the same BO and presents a subset of
its data: is a collection of one or more applets. Each applet maps to one BC.
19 What are the different kinds of values that an object definition property can be?

A Siebel constant,
Reference to the Name of an existing object definition
20 What are the steps for creating a BO and BC?

Create a project and/or checkout,

Create a BC and add to project,
Add fields to BC,
Create BO and add to project,
Associates BC to BO.
21 How do you invoke the Applet Designer?

View -> Edit Layout either off of the menu or by right clicking the mouse

22 What are the options for the Check Bitmap Identifier property for list columns of
23 What is the layout of the Siebel view sectors?

24 How do you invoke the view designer?

Select the View object type in the OE and choose View -> Edit Layout from the
Tools menu bar or right mouse-click on a view definition in the OBLE and choose Edit

25 What are the child object types of an application, we have looked at so far?

Screen Menu Items,

Page Tabs
26 What is involved in creating a bitmap?

Add a bitmap category;

Create a bitmap (name must be Logo);
Import bitmap;
27 How are keyboard shortcuts created?

Create With an ampersand (&) before any letter in the Text property.
28 What does the join object specify?
Object join specifies the FK to PK relationship. Allow the BC to represent data
from a foreign table. Used on the many side of a many to one relationship. Require
the data from the joined table to return at most one row.

29 What is the result of setting the Outer Join Flag property to TRUE?

Returns all records from the main table of the BC even if there is no joined record.
Set it to FALSE if the FK relationship is mandatory. If the FK will always be there,
then you dont need the outer join.

30 Are joined fields updateable?

No, they are READ-ONLY. In order for data to be manipulated

(insert/delete/update), it must appear in an applet in which the fields (to which the
controls are mapped) are
single-value fields mapped to columns of the BCs base or main table.
31 What is an applet and what does it do?
An applet provides viewing, entry, modification, and navigation capabilities for data
in one BC. Usually implemented as a scrolling list table or data entry form.
32 What happens during a copy record operation?
All child object definitions will be copied along with the selected object definition.
33 What are the steps for creating view, screen, and application definitions?

Create a view,
Create a screen,
Add view(s) to the screen,
Create an application (or use an existing one),
Associate screens to page tabs,
Associate screens to screen menu items

34What is the .srf file?

A file that contains object definitions in a compressed, binary format, Stored in

the \Objects folder, Read at runtime, Siebel reads the file on demand as different
parts of the application are executed, once read from the file, it is kept in memory.
35 What are the steps for creating a join for an existing BC?

Add field (FK) to BC required to construct join,

Create a join for the selected BC,
Specify the join relationship (FK to PK) BC,
Add fields to BC coming from joined table,
Modify applets as required (to display joined data).

36 What are the steps involved in creating a link?

Add/identify fields on BCs or intersection table to construct the link,

Create the link between the BCs,
Add BC(s) to BO and specify the link on the child,
Create applet(s) and view for display.
37 What is a link?
Specifies the relationship between BCs, Provides for the display of master-detail
parent-child information, Used for 1:M or M:M relationships, Allows data from the
child BC to return many records associated with the parent.
38 List the options for a links Cascade Delete property.

Delete: If a parent record is deleted, all child records are deleted,

None: Doesnt delete nor does it clear the FK column,

Clear: Doesnt delete but clears the FK column.

39 What is the No Delete Property?

If it is set to TRUE, the user cannot delete the child records through the link. The
user can disassociate a child record from its parent, but the record still exists in the
database and can be viewed via another screen.

40 What is the List of the command line switches.

/u Username,
/p Password,
/d Database,
/x Debug Mode,
/s Spool: outputs all SQL statements to a log file,
/c Configuration File,
/l Language: same effect as the Language parameter in a .cfg
51 What are the two types of view drilldown that Siebel supports?

Static: Navigation is to a particular view.

Dynamic: Navigation is to one of several candidate views.
52 When is the Thread bar updated/refreshed?

The thread bar is refreshed when another screen is selected from the tab bar or
Screens menu.

53 What is the S_LST_OF_VAL?

S_LST_OF_VAL is one table that holds all static pick list values. Must declare a
LOV_TYPE to distinguish the particular pick list.
54 What does setting the Runtime property to TRUE indicate?

If TRUE, then a runtime check will be made to see what special processing needs
to occur for the field. TRUE indicates that more must be done than just showing the
data from the database.

55 What is the visual cue for the user that a pick list is available?

It is a drop down arrow.

56 What are MVFs, MVGs, and MVLs?

Multi Value Fields allow master-detail or parent-child information to be displayed in
one applet. Multi Value Group applets allow for the popup display of detail or child
records on demand. Multi Value Links leverage Links to support MVFs.

57 What is the visual cue for the user that a MVG applet is available?

A glyph after the control.

58 What are the comparison and logical operators?

Comparison: =, <>, >, <, >=, <=. Logical: NOT, AND, OR

59 What object types have a Sort Specification property?

Pick Lists,
60 What is the difference between - Pre-Default and Post-Default?

Pre-default automatically assigns a value to a field for a newly inserted record,

whereas Post-default assigns a value to a field, if not entered by the user, before the
record is inserted into the database.

61 What is a dynamic drilldown?

It enables hyperlink navigation to multiple views from the same hyperlink field,
depending on the value of a field in the applets current record. Siebel checks the
value of the field in the current record and navigates to the view based on the found

62 How do you configure a static toggle?

Parent applet specifies the first applet to appear in the view. Each child applet
specifies additional applets to which the user can go. A toggle icon must be added to
the applets, it is a standard button control (Method Invoked = Cycle Toggle)

63 How do you configure a dynamic toggle?

Child applet toggle definition specified for each applet you want to appear when a
specific condition is met. If all conditions fail the parent applet is displayed. Auto
Toggle Field: The test field. Auto Toggle Value: test value to match the test field.

64 What are the steps for creating a static pick list?

Create a new static pick list. Add BC field that will be populated. Map the BC field
to the pick list BC field. Specify which control or list column will invoke the pick list
Pick list will be empty until values are put in the S_LST_OF_VAL table.

65 What are the steps for creating a dynamic pick list?

Create a Pick list using a BC representing the joined table. Associate the Pick list
with a BC field. Map the BC fields to the Pick list BC fields. Create a Pick list applet.
Specify which control or list column will invoke the Pick list applet.

66 What are the steps for creating a MVG?

Create a MVL in the parent BC. Add MVFs in the parent BC. Create a MVG applet
to display child records. Add controls/list columns to the parent applet to display
MVFs and invoke MVG applets. Add primary FK in the parent BC and on the MVL.

67 What is a primary?
A primary is a FK on the parent-side that points to one primary record on the
child-side of a 1: M link. A primary FK creates a 1:1 link between the parent and the
68 How do you create a primary on a MVL?

Add a primary key field on the parent BC. Set the Primary Id Field and Use Primary
Join properties on the MVL.

69 What syntax is used to denote strings and Field names?

Double-quotes are used to enclose strings. Square brackets are used to enclose
field names.

70 List some of the calculated field limitations.

Cannot be used as sort criteria, stored in columns and read only. Validation criteria
on calculated fields are ignored. If SQL is used and performs a calculation, the value
will be applied after the data is in the BC, but before displaying in the applet.

71 Outline the Siebel database extension process.

Design the extension, Determine the placement of the data item in the user
Determine how to load data into the new data item

72 Can you use EIM to populate added extension columns to a base table?

Yes. But you must add extension columns to the appropriate interface table and
map the extension columns to the base table.

73 Describe the Standard 1:1 Extension Table?

The table name will end with _X, The PAR_ROW_ID column stores the foreign
key to the main table, and there are 47 predefined data columns of varying types.

74 Describe the Standard 1:M Extension Table?

The table name will end with _XM, The PAR_ROW_ID column stores the foreign
key to the main table, There are 47 predefined data columns of varying types, The
NAME and TYPE columns are required, non-system columns.

75 Describe the Custom 1:1 Extension Table?

The table name will be the main table + sequential number + _X, The
PAR_ROW_ID column stores the foreign key to the main table, there are eight
predefined system columns. User data columns must be added as custom extension

76 What are two common approaches to structuring development work?

Assign individual developer or group the bottom-to-top development role for

specific functional area, Assign developer or group to a specific architectural layer

77 List some Siebel naming conventions

Prefix new object definition names with your company acronym to easily recognize
your object definitions versus Siebel-supplied ones, Avoid using a numbering
convention, Give new object definitions meaningful names.

78 What is responsibility and position?

A responsibility is a class of users who require access to the same set of

application features. Controls what views are available when the employee logs in.
Whereas Position, controls what records from the BCs are displayed in the view.

79 List 3 additional object definition aids

Bookmarks (Adding a bookmark saves your context as part of the location of the
object definition.), Repository Search, Visualization Tools.

80 List 3 options for visualization tools.

View Details (for BCs and BOs only),

View Hierarchy (applicable to applets, applications, BCs, screens, and views),
View Relationships (for BCs and Tables only)

81 Describe the types of Siebel database extensions.

Standard extension tables - Predefined tables which support 1:1 or M: 1
relationship and part of the existing physical database. Custom extension tables and
custom extension columns - New 1:1 tables, New columns that are added to new and
existing tables.

82 What are the steps for using a standard 1:1 extension table?

Add a joined field in the parent BC (based on the main table). The join is implied
and created automatically at runtime. Add a control or list column to an applet.

83 What are the steps for using a standard 1:M extension table?

Create BC to represent 1:M extension table

Set Search Spec to equal Pre Default Value TYPE field
Add fields to the new BC (ensure NAME and TYPE)
Create a link from BC to New BC and add the New BC to BO
Create applet to display data from new BC

84 What are the steps for implementing physical database changes?

Test custom extensions locally first
Prepare the server database
Apply the changes to the server database
Propagate the server changes to mobile users databases
85 List the configuration steps.

Perform analysis, design and document

Create/modify object definitions in the Siebel Repository
Create SRF file for the application
Test the Siebel Enterprise application, including performance testing
Step through until design is fully implemented

86 List the BO configuration guidelines in regards to creating new objects.

No Siebel-supplied definition exists to satisfy business requirement

An existing definition is in use
Need the same BC twice in the same BO
Wish to use a table already used by Siebel-supplied BC definition, but for entirely
different purpose

87 What are the Dos and Donts of BO configuration?

Add/modify fields
Modify properties of existing BC
Add BC to BO
Add new relationships between BC
Create new BC & BO
Do not:
Rename them
Delete/inactivate BC or any of their fields
Delete/inactivate BO or BC within a BO

88 What are the available settings for Visibility Applet Type?

Sales Rep (see when user on Team)

Manager (see when direct/indirect reports are primary on team or when primary)
All List (see all records with a primary position)
Personal (see Contacts/Activities not Accounts and Opportunities)
89 What is data-driven access control?
Controls the read-only nature of BC, BC record, or BC Field based on value of
another BC Field
BC Read Only Field: current record read only
Field Read Only Field: field specified by field name is read only
Parent Read Only Field: BC read only

90 List some of the strategies to optimize application performance.

Reduce the number of objects

Reducing number of applets per view not as critical
Cut down on unnecessary duplication
91 Name the 5 main building blocks of the Siebel Architecture

File Server,
Gateway Server,
Enterprise Server,
Siebel Server,
Siebel Database Server.
92 Name the four levels of control we have over the Server


93 Name the four states that a component can be in.

94 What are the 5 steps to define the your Organization in Siebel.

Define the Organizational Hierarchy,

Understand Visibility,
Define Positions,
Define Responsibilities,
Set up Users as Employees.

95What are the four possible processes that EIM can perform?

96 What are the 3 generic mandatory columns in an EIM Interface table?

97 What is a collective name for the specific mandatory columns in a EIM interface

User key

98 What are the two sections of the .ifb file?

Header Section: Specifies global parameters that apply to all the process sections.
Process Section: Specifies the parameters for the section.

99 What must an employee have set, other than login name and password in order to
log in to Siebel?
100 Give two possible reasons why an employee logs in and sees nothing inside an
1 The employee has no responsibility set.
2 The responsibility that the users have no view associated with it.

101 Name 5 third party software packages that are shipped with Siebel.

Adobe Acrobat
Fulcrum SearchBuilder
Sybase SQL Anywhere

102 Explain the 5 main functions of the Server Manger

Controls your Enterprise,

Manages Siebel Servers,
Allows the configuration of the components,
Allow you to run tasks,
Collect statistics.
103 Name and explain the three modes of Component operation.

Server Mode: run background operations for the server and runs forever, once
Task Mode: run specific task and exits upon completion,
Session Mode: created dynamically for client request. Runs as long as session
is maintained then exits.
104 Explain what a primary position is.
A primary position can merge or delete records, submit forecasts and by default
the creator of an account, contact or opportunity is the owner.
Primaries are assigned:
Manually by the Siebel Admin or manger
Automatically by Assignment manager.
105 What is EIM?
EIM (Enterprise Integration Manager) is server based and allows asynchronous
integration with other corporate databases. It manages data exchange between
external systems and Siebel Enterprise Applications.
106 What is to purpose of IF_ROW_BATCH_NUM?
It is an integer greater than or equal to 0. It is used to group rows together in a
single batch. It is combined with the ROW_ID to form a unique key within the
interface table.
107 What is a User Key?
The User key is the unique key within the base table. The User key can be made
up of one or more columns and is/are mandatory. All the User Key fields must be
imported to ensure loading.
108 Explain how you run EIM.
Select: Server Administration? Server? Server Tasks.
Add a new Task and select EIM.
Set the parameters (Batch number, Configuration file, trace
Start the task.
Ensure a complete run.
Check Trace files.

109 What directory must the .ifb file be in, in order for EIM to pick it up?

Siebel Sever Root\admin

110 What does Delete All Rows, do in an .ifb file?

It deletes all rows in the target table and the child records.

111 What are the four ways that you can log/trace in EIM?

Task Info Log

Trace Flags
Error Flags
SQL debug flags
112 Name four generic events that Workflow can run.

Send E-mail
Send a page
Send a broadcast message
Run external program
Perform Database operation
113 What are the 5 steps to run the Workflow Manger?

Generate the triggers

Start the Workflow Monitor Agent
Start the Workflow Action Agent
Start the E-mail manager
Start Page manager

114 If you set EXEC = TRUE, when generating triggers, what does this actually do?

It generates a TRIGGER.SQL file that contains all the triggers to run your Workflow
and Assignment policies. Then is runs the SQL file on the database.

115 Name the 3 pieces of the State Model

Change Requirements
116 Name 3 types of Authorization that the State Model can use.

Position job title of a person

Division an area where a job is located
Position Type a more generic position
117 Name the four Assignment Rule Types.
All, above minimum Use all candidates with score >= min
All Must assign Use all candidates
One, best fit One person, with highest scoring employee/position
One, Random One random person

118 Name the 3 modes of running for the Assignment Manger.

Batch Mode
Dynamic Mode
Interactive Mode
119 Name 6 possible values for the IF_ROW_STAT, when using EIM.

120 What is the SLEEP TIME parameter in both Workflow and Assignment?

It is parameter that sets the time that the process (Assignment or Workflow)
sleeps between polling.

121 Describe the process for file Attachments in EIM.

It is three steps:
1 Copy the files to Siebel server Root\Input directory
2 Populate the IF tables with rows that reference the files
3 Run EIM
122 What can you NOT execute from a Workflow Action?

Workflow action is executed at any application that has a GUI.

123 What is stored in the S_ESCL_REQ?

When a trigger fires, based on a Workflow Policy, it inserts a row in the

S_ESCL_REQ table. This is then checked by the Workflow Monitor to see if an
action is required to be fired against the rows found.
124 What does the Workflow Monitor Agent do?

Workflow monitor Checks the S_ESCL_REQ table for violations of workflow

Monitor all policies within a single group. Generate requests for Workflow Action
Agent in the S_ESCL_ACTN_REQ. Purges the S_ESCL_REQ table.

125 What does the Workflow Action Agent do?

Process requests in S_ACTN_ESC_REQ for a single group.

Invokes all actions linked with the policy being processed in order.
Logs in Email\Page actions in the S_APPSRVR_REQ table so the correct manager
can execute them. Purge the S_ESCL_ACTN_REQ table.

126 What is a State Model?

A State Model defines the controls for the values of fields within a business
component and the transitions between the values of the chosen field.

127 How does Assignment Manger find the best candidate?

Calculates score for each employee/position.

Highest scoring employee/position is considered best fit.
Use scores to assign weights to your criteria.
128 What does Releasing do for Assignment rules?

Restart the Assignment Manger.

Regenerate the rulecache.dat file on the Siebel Server that contains your
Assignment rules.
129 What is Dynamic Assignment?

This is when Assignment Manager runs automatically to intelligently assign new

objects (inserts) or objects that have changed, (updates), via Connected Clients,
Mobile Clients, EIM or Thin Clients

130 What is Interactive Assignment?

This is when the end user request Assignment and receives a list of qualified
people available for the assignment.
131 What are the major functions of Siebel Remote?

Transaction routing
Synchronization of database server and mobile client database
Obtaining and updating literature, correspondence, and attachments from the
Siebel File System
132 What are the benefits/features of Siebel Remote?

Brief connection time for mobile users

Easy to use
Resistant to failure
Detailed reporting of synchronization events and statistics
Consistent client and server
Scaleable architecture
Security and authentication

3 What are the major functions of Siebel Anywhere?

Create an upgrade kit

Distribute the upgrade kit contents
Apply the upgrade kit contents
4 What is the Master Transaction log, what is stored in it and what
happens to it?

Master Transaction log is stored in S_DOCK_TXN_LOG.

All transactions are recorded that occur via stationary & thin
clients, EIM, AM, WF and
Siebel Remote. Only the net-changes are stored. Once copied
to the server the log is

5 When must Generate New Database be run to create a new

database template?

First install Siebel Enterprise Applications

Have mobile clients that use a non-English collating sequence
Use Database Extensibility to add extension tables, extension
columns, or extension
indexes to the default Siebel schema

6 What are the functions of Synchronization Manager?

Validates the mobile client

Validates and decompresses transaction files
Handles transfer of literature, correspondence, and attachments
7 What is the local database file and what does it contain?

The local database file is stored as siebel99\local\sse_data.dbf

and contains:
Files available to the mobile client when disconnected
Files added to local file system are synchronized up to Siebel
File System

8 How can the following error be avoided?

[ALT99] 1998-12-30 00:07:46 Transaction Processor exited with
error (task 5581),
You must extract at least one mobile client before starting
transaction processor for the
first time.

9 What are the 3 types of database conflicts?

Update conflicts: updating values in an existing row. This arises

when the before image of
a record being altered does not match the current image on the
Duplicate conflicts: adding a new row.
Delete conflicts: deleting an existing row

10 How do you send a message to all mobile users?

Create a text file named MOTD.TXT and place it in the SIEBEL

ROOT\ADMIN directory on
each Siebel Remote server.

11 List the Siebel Server (Remote) Components.

Server directory structure

Generate new database
Database extract
Transaction processor
Transaction router
Synchronization manager
Transaction merger

12 What happens during database extract?

Extract Enterprise data (entrpse.dat), Get Enterprise literature

Extract data for USERA (database.dat), Get literature owned by
USERA (000001.toc)
Entrpse.dat & database.dat = (000001.uaf)
Entrpse.toc & 000001.toc = (000002.toc)

13 What does transaction processor do?

Copies transactions from the Master Transaction log to the

Siebel servers, in sequentially
numbered .dx files
Purges the Master Transaction log once transactions are routed
to all Siebel servers
Run only one transaction processor per Siebel server
14 What does transaction router do?

Get transactions (Txnproc\) for each mobile users, lock \Docking

directory for the user it is
processing. Use visibility rules to rebundle/route transactions to
mobile clients outboxes
Multiple router tasks can be started on a Siebel Remote Server

15 What are the following files - dobjinst.dbf and visdata.dbf?

dobjinst.dbf - a list of all accounts, opportunities, etc.
Visdata.dbf - visibility data needed when data changes are
made that affect visibility,
obtained from the database server. Cached on the server for
routing to other mobile users

16 What is Transaction Merger and what does it do?

Transaction merger is an asynchronous process. It applies

uploaded transactions from
Mobile client inboxes onto the database. Inboxes processed in
order mobile clients
Run at least one transaction merger for each Siebel Server

17 What are the steps for enabling Siebel Remote on the server?

Verify server specifications

Enable encryption
Set Siebel Remote system preferences
Review routing rules
Generate database template
Register mobile clients
Database extract
Configure remote server components

18 What are the steps involved in enabling Siebel Remote for


Verify client specifications

Update CFG file
Initialize mobile client database
Set synchronization preferences
View results

19 What happens during initialization?

Prompts for mobile client connection information.

Validates Mobile Client
Checks for database extract
Downloads snapshot, template, and file attachments
Creates and loads database
Again prompts for connection information.
20 What are an administrators responsibilities for distributing
Prepare the contents of the upgrade kit
Create an upgrade kit
Activate the upgrade kit
Apply the upgrade kit
Test the upgrade kit
Distribute the upgrade kit to the users
1 What is SVB?

A scripting Language used inside Siebel. Allows further

configuration of the Siebel
application. Similar to VB in syntax and structure without the UI.
It also supports
Microsoft COM.

2 What is COM?

This is built on Microsoft's Component Object Model. It allows a

framework for
communication (Client/Server). The server exposes functionality
by methods and objects
thus leveraging the existing functionality.

3 What can COM provide for Siebel applications?

Data exchange and Application control.

4 Name 3 areas where we can use SVB

Business rules,
Custom UI,
Operating System Access.

5 What 2 ways can we alter the UI?

Add Active X,
Menu items,
Toolbar items

6 What 3 ways can we utilize the Operating System?

Application launching,
Files access,
DLL calls.

7 Name 2 types of Business rule implementation

Data Validation,
Data manipulation
8 Name the 2 types of COM Servers


9 Why might you get a connection error when connecting to an

Automation Server?

An instance of the Siebel Application is not running.

10 What considerations should you be looked at when implementing

Business Rules?

Select Pre/Post strategy,

Informing the user,
Selecting the proper context

11 What considerations should be looked at when determining

when to use SVB/COM?

The existing functionality of Siebel,

Capabilities of Tools,
Requirements of Data synchronization
Impact on performance.

12 Name a few impacts on performance when writing SVB

When accessing the Database, leverage existing definitions and

use existing indexes.
Lengthy code is slow, also SVB is interpreted and therefore slow.
SVB runs on the Client
and can slow the machine. Server based processes are better
and more efficient

13 Explain the following terms: Object, Property, Event, Event

Handler and Method.

Object a thing or entity

Property characteristics of an object
Event actions the object responds to
Event Handler response to the event
Method Common interface to the object

14 Name the 5 objects in the Siebel Model.

Business Object
Business Component
15 Name the differences between PRE and POST.

Data not accepted
Operation can be CANCELLED
Name starts with Pre_

Data accepted and processed
Operation is COMPLETE
Name does not start with Post

16 Describe Non-UI Context

Created by code, no user action,

Objects are non-visual,
Empty until populated by methods
Non Blocking access.

17 Describe the steps for creating Non-UI Context

Create the BO,

Create the BC,
Establish the View mode context,
Activate the fields,
Populate the BC,
Perform the algorithm,
Destroy the objects.

18 Explain Declarative and Non-Declarative binding

Declarative Binding Allows an Active X component (value) to

be mapped to ONE BC
field, without SVB Code.
Non-Declarative Binding Allows more than one Active X
component to be mapped but
requires SVB code to be written.

19 Describe an Automation Server

Uses a running instance of the Siebel Application,

It is implemented as part of Siebel,
Can access the UI,
Provides for data exchange and application control.

20 Describe a Data Server

Creates a separate background instance of the Siebel

Has no UI component,
Provides Data exchange,
It is implemented as a DLL.
1 Who or What can an account represent

Current/potential client, business partner, competitor


2 What are the main characteristics of a Service Requests and is it

owned by the team?

Severity, Priority, Status and it is assigned to an individual by log


3 What is an opportunity and what are its characteristics?

It's a potential revenue generating entity, Probability of

completion, close date, sales
methodology, association with an account

4 How would you check the configuration details like how many
changes, who changed?

Help - About Record

5 What can a primary position do in addition to a standard person?

The primary of the team is able to merge, delete records and to


6 What does responsibility control?

View access

7 How do you commit new records or changes to existing records

in the Siebel database

By tabbing off the record

8 List three ways that you can insert a record

From edit menu, Ctrl I, From toolbar.

9 List three ways to create a new query

Select new query from Query menu, Click New Query icon, Type
Ctrl-Q on keyboard

10 List three ways to execute a query

Click on Execute Query icon, Select Execute Query from Query

menu, Press Enter

11 How would you check to see who you are logged in as within
Siebel application?

Help - Technical Support

12 What are the three types of views that can be linked to a

List Detail & Explorer

13 Name the hierarchy of the UI Structure


14 What applet shows both the parent and child record relationships
at the same time?

A Tree applet
15 Describe what happens when the user selects a list applet and
scroll down the list, in terms
of data retrieval?
1) Query generated 2) Set of data retrieved, 3) Subset of
queried data is loaded into the
applet, 4) Next subset of queried data is loaded as scroll bar is
moved, 5) Pulled out data
is cached.

16 What is the difference between Thread bar and History List?

The Thread Bar tracks your movements through a screen in

terms of views. The History
tracks the previous view and record navigation

17 List three differences between the dedicated client and the HTML
thin client in terms of
HTML- List views are read only Dedicated Client - List views
are editable
HTML - Detail views are read only Dedicated Client - Detail
views are editable
HTML - Can only delete one record at a time

18 In order for a user to login to Siebel and have access to date,

what must they have?

1) Be defined as an employee in the application

2) Have a login on the database
3) An organization
4) at least one position
5) At least one responsibility

19 What is the difference between Adding and Inserting records?

Add - Associates a new record to an existing record or creates a

new record.
Insert - creates a new record that is not associated with any
other existing records on the

20 Explain what predefined queries are

Controlled by System Admin, specific to current screen, can be

deleted/changed by
System Admin only,
1 What do the ellipses indicate?

Multi ValueFields or Multi Line Edit

2 3 types of Siebel client

Dedicated, mobile, thin

3 What are the three object layers for a configured application

UI layer, Business layer and Data layer

4 State 5 of the components of the logical server architecture

Gateway, Enterprise, Siebel Srvr, File server, dbase server

5 What are the levels at which the server parameters can be set

Enterprise, Server, Server Component, component definition,

6 What are the four server component states - describe each of

Online, Running, Offline, Shutdown

7 In Tools how do you obtain a read only copy of the repository?

By running a GET
8 What 4 parameters must be set in order for a thin client to run?

Gateway Sr, Enterprise Sr, Siebel Sr and Object Manager

9 Why does a developer have to perform a GET?

In order to have a copy of the repository so that the developer

can work on the Metadata
(UI, Business and data layers)

10 On what screen do you set up your Organizational Hierarchy?

Screens -> Application Administration -> Divisions.

11 What is an .srf file and what does it contain?

File that contains application configuration - UI objects specifying

the data presentation,
business objects specifying business logic, data objects
specifying the data organization &

12 What is the cfg file and what does it contain

contains initialization settings for the application engine such as -

Gateway Server,
Enterprise Server, Application info, server parameters, srf file,
database sources, etc.
13 Describe briefly the following: gateway server, file server
enterprise server

GS - Provides access to and availability of Siebel Servers (name

server and Connection
FS - Shared directory that stores compressed files used by
Siebel applications
ES - Group of Siebel Servers that access the same database

14 What are the steps to install the database server

Invoke dbsrvr installation program

Run grantusr SQL script
Edit & run install.ksh script
Edit & run imprep.ksh
15 What does the grantusr.sql, install.ksh and imprep.ksh do?

grantusr SQL script = create dbase users and allows access

install.ksh script= create the dbase schemas & populates seed
imprep.ksh = populate repository data

16 How do you set up an organization?

Define organization hierarchy

Define divisions
Define positions
Define responsibilities
Set up employees

17 State 3 of the task modes - give examples

Background mode - transaction Router, Batch - EIM, Interactive -

Synchronization Manager

18 What three methods can you use to track and debug a task, in
Server Manger?

Set Trace flags for the full trace, set SQL flags to get a run down
of the SQL generated
and finally set error flags to get more error information.
19 Describe the steps for creating a developer in Siebel

1) Create user as an employee in Siebel, 2) Create a login to the

database, 3) Create them
as a mobile user, 4) Generate a database template, 5) Generate
a database extract for
the user, 6) Initialize the local Db, 7) GET a copy of the

20 What must you do before the Installation of any Siebel products?

1) Validate the versions that are to be used and ensure that they
are supported (hardware
and OS), 2) Create the File server and share it, 3) Install all third-
party software (Fulcrum,
Adobe, Resonate, etc), 4) Install the RDBMS and create the
empty DB

1 What is the template called that you use to create an actual

object definition

Object Type

2 What are the 3 tabs for Object Explorer.

Types, Detail, Flat

3 What is a Primary Key. What is its name in Siebel?

Column that uniquely identifies each row in a table. Row_Id

4 How do you get UI and Business Object Information about a

particular object from within
Go to Help->About View

5 What does the Changed Flag indicate?

A change has been made to that object

6 If you want to search across multiple Objects at once for a

particular value what would
you use?
The Repository Search

7 Name the 3 main types of tables in Siebel

Data, Interface and Repository

8 How can you find out what has changed on you local copy of a
project compared to the
server version?
Run Project Difference

9 What does an Intersection table in a link tell you about the

relationship of that link?

It is M:M

10 How can you find the ROW_ID of a particular row of data from
within Siebel?

Select Help -> About Record, then click the Details button

11 State the 3 object layers of the architecture and their associated


UI: Application, Screen, View. Applet, Record. BL: Business

Object, Business Component,
Field. DL: Table, Column.

12 What values can types have within an Object Definitions

User defined, numerical values, Boolean values (True/False),

Siebel defined constants,
references to the names of other object definitions

13 Name two properties that a Property view does not show?

Changed and Project Info

14 Name 7 initialization parameters

u=username, p=password, s=spooling of SQL, c=configuration

file, x=extra help, d=data
source, l=language file
15 What is a BC?

Associates columns from one/more tables in the Data Object

layer into a single entity.
Maps to a main table. Has Fields, most of which map to a
Column in a Table. Enables
relationships with other BCs using PK/FK relationships built-in to
the Data Model.

16 What is a BO?

A major area of business functionality. A collection of BCs which

are logically related.
One BC in the collection serves as the master BC (the master
BC has the same name as
the BO itself). Same BC can be used in different sets of

17 What does Maintain locks do?

It allows a copy of your Checked out project to be returned to the

server but keeps it
checked out by you

18 What is the difference between GET and CHECK OUT?

Get: Just gets a read only copy of a project. Check out: takes a
read/write copy from the
server and locks it both on the server and locally so that only
you can work on it.

19 How do you cancel Check out?

Simply check out the project again, this will take the current copy
from the server and
over-write your version on the local machine. Then you can
check it back in.

20 What is the difference between Check In/Check Out and


Check In/Check Out allows changes to returned to the server,

locking only allows you to
make changes that is all.
1 How do you export a project?

Repository -> Add to Archive

2 What are the three compile options

All, Locked and Selected

3 Where would you change the splash text and the application

In the Siebel section of the CFG

4 By setting the sequence number in a Screen view, what are you


You are setting the order the views appear in the screen view

5 How would you restrict a view for a particular client type?

By setting the Client Restriction field on the Screen View

6 What is the layout of the Siebel view sectors?


7 If we configure Siebel for a lower resolution, how many sectors

do we have? And how can
you determine which sectors are lost?
6 sectors and by setting the drop sectors on the view
8 What main three types of object can be put onto an applet?

Labels, buttons and text box's

9 How do you set the tab order?

The menu item: Format -> Set tab Order

10 Are fields displayed on an applet using a join read only or


Read Only (usually)

11 How can you check you configuration work inside Siebel? And
what does it do?

You can Validate your changes using the Validation screen (right
click and select
Validation). This allows you to use a set of pre-defined Siebel
rules to check your work for

12 Explain what an incremental compile is?

At a milestone or the start of a project you do a complete compile

of ALL projects then
from then on you can just compile the locked projects
13 What is a view and what does it consist of?

A view consists of one or more applets, it maps to a single

business component, they are
grouped into screens and finally they form the basis for

14 Once you have created a view what do you have to do in order

for a user to see the view?

Register the view and then assign the view to the users

15 Explain what an applet its?

It is a means of displaying to the user, the data in fields of one

business component. It
occupies one or more adjacent sectors in a view. It can be
configures as - list, form, pick
MVG or Associated

16 Why might your changes to a list applet not be seen within a test
of the application? And
how can you force them to be seen?
The changes that are made to a list applet will be overridden by
the users preferences
(local file). To ensure your changes are seen reset the columns

17 What are the main differences in an Entry applet and a form


An Entry applet has buttons (New, Delete, Copy, Cancel). It is

used to editing the data in
a list. A form applet has no buttons and is used to display the
master record.

18 When would you use a Join?

You use a join to show 1:1 or M:1 data in the same business
19 What is an outer join?

If we have an outer join (i.e. set to TRUE), we get all the data
from the base table
irrespective of data in the joined tables.

20 What are the steps for creating a join?

Create a field to the BC to expose the FK. Create a join on the

BC, then create the join
1 When extending columns or Tables what project must be
Checked out?


2 Do you have to add a Siebel Join to a 1:1 table extension?

No it is an implicit join

3 How can you ensure that only the owner of a record has the
power to delete it and where is
it set?
By setting the Owner Delete property on the BC

4 what do [] indicate around a variable in a Search Spec?

It is a Field name

5 Where are calculated fields stored in the database?

They aren't!!

6 What does _XM indicate on the end of a table name?

It is a 1:M extension table

7 Name two sorts of Drilldowns

Static and Dynamic

8 Where is the history list stored?

<Client directory>\bin\<user name>\siebel.ssf

9 Do you need a toggle button in a Dynamic Applet Toggle?

No, it is determined by a field value

10 What is PAR_ROW_ID?

It is a FK and it stores the PK of the main table.

11 What does clicking APPLY do when concerned with Extension


It applies the physical changes to the database. Where as

extend simply extends the
Data layer.

12 What does the following statement do, in the sort Spec: Last
name desc, first name asc,
middle name
It would sort the data in the BC firstly by last name in descending
order, then first name in
ascending order and finally middle name in ascending order.

13 What is the major limitation to a validation in a BC?

It can only refer to fields in the same record of the BC.

14 Name three limitations for calculated fields

1) Read only, 2) Any validation criteria set for them will be

ignored, 3) They are not stored
in columns, 4) Can't sort on them
15 What three fields must have a value when creating a new record
in a 1:M extension table?

PAR_ROW_ID - stores PK of main table, TYPE - stored 1:M

type, NAME - stores 1:M

16 What is a dynamic drilldown?

Enables hyperlink navigation to multiple views from the same

hyperlink field, depending on
the value of a field in the applets current record. Siebel checks
the value of the field in
the current record and navigates to the view based on the found

17 What are the steps for using a standard 1:M extension table?

Create BC to represent 1:M extension table

Set Search Spec to equal Pre Default Value TYPE field
Add fields to the new BC (ensure NAME and TYPE)
Create a link from BC to New BC and add the New BC to BO
Create applet to display data from new BC

18 Describe the types of Siebel database extensions.

Standard extension tables - Predefined tables which support 1:1

or M:1 relationship. Part
of the existing physical database.
Custom extension tables and custom extension columns - New
1:1 tables, New columns
that are added to new and existing tables.

19 What are the steps involved in creating a link?

Add/identify fields on BCs or intersection table to construct the

Create the link between the BCs,
Add BC(s) to BO and specify the link on the child,
Create applet(s) and view for display.
20 List the options for a links Cascade Delete property.

Delete: If a parent record is deleted, all child records are deleted,

None: Doesnt delete nor
does it clear the FK column, Clear: Doesnt delete but clears the
FK column.
1 What is the S_LST_OF_VAL table?

Holds picklist values for all static picklists

2 How do you ensure that a picklist is available when running the


Set the RUN TIME property to TRUE

3 What are the 5 'view' types when talking about visibility.

My (Sales Rep), My Personal (Personal), My Teams (Manager),

All (Organizations), Across
All (All)

4 Name the 5 objects on which Scripting can be implemented

Application, BO, BC, Applet, Control.

5 Name 3 aspects of Personalization

Content Tagging, User Profile definition, Dynamic business rules,

Association of rules to
Siebel display applets

6 What is EIM and what does it do?

It is Enterprise Integration Manager and it allows the exchange of

data from external data
in the interface tables and user data in the base tables.
7 What keyboard command is used to invoke the picklist?
8 What are MVFs, MVGs, and MVLs?

Multi Value Fields allow master-detail or parent-child information

to be displayed in one
applet. Multi Value Group applets allow for the popup display of
detail or child records on
demand. Multi Value Links leverage Links to support MVFs.

9 What does setting the Runtime property to TRUE actually do?

If TRUE, then a runtime check will be made to see what special

processing needs to occur
for the field. TRUE indicates that more must be done than just
showing the data from the

10 What is the visual cue for the user that a MVG applet is

A Glyph or three dots

11 Name three advantages of an MVG

1) Takes up less room on the view, 2) Allows multiple child

records to be available in a
single view, 3) Allows users to see child records for multiple
parent records, 4) Allows for
query criteria to include values for fields in the parent/child BC.

12 What is a primary?

A primary is a FK on the parent-side that points to one primary

record on the child-side of
a 1:M link. A primary FK creates a 1:1 link between the parent
and the child.

13 Name the differences between PRE and POST.

Data not accepted
Operation can be CANCELLED
Name starts with Pre_

Data accepted and processed
Operation is COMPLETE
Name does not start with Post

14 Name three kind of reviews to complete during the initial phase

of project, and when
should other configurations take place?
REVIEWS: Data mapping, Database Extensions, Configuration
design. These should take
place at key phases such as: Pilot and Rollout.
15 What is Siebel Personalization?

It is the process of configuring a set of rules so that the

individual user experiences a
personalized view of both the presentation and the content.

16 When setting an MVG to appear for a particular control what

properties must you set on
that control/list column?
You must set the "MVG Applet' to the applet that you want to
display and you also must
set the 'Run Time' so that it appears when you click on it in the

17 Describe the route you would take if a developer on your team

had locked a project rather
than checked it out and now wanted their changes on the
(Assume the project is now locked locally). 1) Archive the project,
2) Unlock the project, 3)
Check out the project, 4) Import the archive, 5) Check in the

18 What good sources of information do you have at your disposal

for ascertaining the
information required for EIM?
Tools - to obtain the base table information, or Data Model,
Interface Guide: for
information on the interface tables, or Tools. And finally you can
look in Bookshelf

19 What layers of the Siebel Object model are not supported for
scripting in the thin client
Applet and records

20 Name 4-5 performance considerations when configuring Siebel?

1) Use primaries on MVG's. 2) Ensure that indexes exist to

support sort/search specs. 3)
Avoid calculated fields that are not RDBMS supported. 4) Keep
the number of BC's in a
view small. 5) Avoid outer joins. 6) Avoid a large number of joins
in BC's
1 What three columns must be populated in addition to the data
fields, in EIM?


2 What is the default.ifb and where is it stored?

It is a given configuration file for EIM and is stored in <siebel

server root>\admi\

3 How do you run EIM?

Create a task, set the parameters and then start the task.

4 Name 3 of the values of IF_ROW_STAT



5 Name three ways that Assignment Manager can run

Batch, Dynamic, Interactive

6 Name the 4 types of Assignees for Assignment rules

All, above minimum: All, must assign: One, Best fit: One,

7 Name the 3 inclusion methods

Include, Include all and Exclude

8 What parameters must you set in the CFG file in order for
Interactive Assignment
Manager to run?
Gateway Address and Request Server, in the Server section of
the CFG.

9 When starting the Workflow Monitor for Assignment Manager

what parameters must be
Group and Use Action Agent

10 If a rule is violated, where does a record get inserted to indicate

to Assignment Manger?

The S_ESCL_REQ table

11 Describe the process for population the EIM table

1) Use a database tool (bcp or SQL loader, etc) to load the flat
files. 2) Use SQL to pull
from other databases. 3) Perform data cleansing. 4) Use SQL to
update and columns etc

12 Why will imported data (say accounts) not show in the All
accounts view?

This is because EIM has loaded the data in but no assignment

has been run to share out
the data. (look in Marketing Administration)

13 What is Assignment Manger?

This allows organization to define rules that automatically assign

data ownership to the
most qualified people.

14 What is the difference between Explicit and Implicit Primaries in


Explicit primaries rely on the user setting the primary relationship

in the EIM table, whereas
Implicit primaries are set automatically based on the lowest
15 What are the three basic elements of the Assignment manager?

1) Candidates: the people/positions to be evaluated as

assignees. 2) Assignment Objects:
the entity (e.g. Account). 3) Assignment rules: the criteria

16 What does "Compare Object to Person" mean?

It will compare the object attributes to a candidates attributes.

17 What does the "Required Rule", 'When available' do?

1) It applies the rule if the criteria are not NULL. 2) If a candidate

does not match the
criteria, then are removed from the shortlist.

18 If we get a conflict between two rules with the same score what
happens and how can you
change the position who has visibility to this data?
Assignment manager assigns both rules and adds the System
Administrator to the team,
as primary. You can alter the position who has visibility by
changing the Default Assignee

19 What is the formula for calculating the workload score?

score X ( 1 - [Current Workload / Max Workload])

20 What is required for running Workflow Manager?

The following server components: Run Generate Triggers, Run

Workflow Monitor Agent,
Workflow Action Agent.
1 Name the 5 most commonly used steps in a Workflow process

Start, End, Business Service, Siebel Operation, Decision Point.

2 What three things need to be created in order to define a

Workflow Policy?

Create the Workflow Group, Create the Workflow Action, Create

the Workflow Policy
(conditions and action)

3 Name 3 ways to aid the performance of Workflow

Monitor the S_ESCL_REQ and S_ESCL_ACTN_REQ tables,

run multiple Workflow Monitor
agents and Workflow Action Agents in parallel, distribute the
processes across Siebel

4 Name the 3 main Remote Components

Database Server, Siebel Remote Server and Mobile

5 Where to all transactions get stored for Siebel Remote?


6 What 3 tasks must be run on the server in order for Remote to

allow synchronization?

Transaction Processor, Transaction Router and Transaction


7 Name 3 types of Conflicts that may occur when synchronizing

Update, Duplicate, Delete.

8 Name 3 methods to distribute a packager package

Accessible on a network, CD-ROM, E-mail or FTP, Siebel


9 When creating a package for end users what module would you
not have to include?

Packager Utility

10 Dataexp and Dataimp only work against what tables?

EIM tables

11 What is a workflow process?

It is a series of predefined steps executed in a sequential order.

Each step runs to
completion before going to the next step. It has a single start
point and can have many
end points.

12 What does the Workflow monitor agent do?

Checks S_ESCL_REQ table for entries, monitors all policies in a
single group, Generates
requests for Workflow Action Agent (S_ESCL_ACTN_REQ),
purges the S_ESCL_REQ

13 What does the Workflow action agent do?

Processes requests for a single group, invokes all linked actions,

purges the

14 What is Siebel Remote?

It enables mobile users to work on a local database,

disconnected from the network. It
uses the Siebel Server to allow synchronization with the main
15 How do you move a Mobile client?

1) Notify the user to perform last synchronization, 2) Verify the

Inbox's are empty, 3) Run
a database extract for the user on the new server (set MOVE =
TRUE), 4) Delete the
Docking directory on the old server, 5) let user log in..

16 What needs to be migrated to the QA system from Dev in order

to have a complete
1) Siebel Executable, 2) Repository, 3) File System, 4) Config
file, 5) Database Server, 6)

17 What is Siebel Packager?

A utility that allows you to create Siebel installation packages for

distributing to end users.

18 What are the steps for creating a custom package?

1) prepare to use Siebel Packager, 2) Prepare the Siebel

Components, 3) Run the packager
utility, 4) Make installer available to users.

19 How can you get a view of the relationships for positions?

1) In Tools lock the Divisions project, 2) Add the Positions List

Applet, 3) Compile 4) In the
Siebel Application go to the Divisions Views, 5) Generate the
relationship report.

20 Name two methods for populating the Target database

1) Copy the entire Db, 2) Use EIM, SQL, EIM and dev2prod.ksh
and UI.
1 What was the name of the pub that we went to, for the team

Slug & Lettuce (Ugh!)

2 What keyboard command is used to invoke the picklist?


3 Where to all transactions get stored for Siebel Remote?


4 What was the unusual pet Preetham had and how many types of
pets does she have
Desert Wolf. Now = Budgies & Fish

5 What 3 tasks must be run on the server in order for Remote to

allow synchronization?

Transaction Processor, Transaction Router and Transaction


6 Who (in the bootcamp) has travelled round the world?


7 What time do they close the little shpo near the reception?

8 Name 3 types of Conflicts that may occur when synchronizing

Update, Duplicate, Delete.

9 What are the names of the two people who are missing from the

Ian Stock & Salah Banna

10 How do you move a Mobile client?

1) Notify the user to perform last synchronization, 2) Verify the

Inbox's are empty, 3) Run
a database extract for the user on the new server (set MOVE =
TRUE), 4) Delete the
Docking directory on the old server, 5) let user log in..

11 Which town are we going to for the Bowling Nite?


12 If we get a conflict between two rules with the same score what
happens and how can you
change the position who has visibility to this data?
Assignment manager assigns both rules and adds the System
Administrator to the team,
as primary. You can alter the position who has visibility by
changing the Default Assignee

13 What speed should you drive around the ICL campus?

15 Mph

14 What is one of Nick's mother's forenames

Mary / Christine
15 Name three kind of reviews to complete during the initial phase
of project, and when
should other configurations take place?
REVIEWS: Data mapping, Database Extensions, Configuration
design. These should take
place at key phases such as: Pilot and Rollout.

16 What is the name of the folder on the server that contains


No games in here, mate!

17 What did this site used to be?

A Catholic Boys School

18 Name at least one person on the bootcamp who will be married

by the end of the year


19 Name three advantages of an MVG?

1) Takes up less room on the view, 2) Allows multiple child

records to be available in a
single view, 3) Allows users to see child records for multiple
parent records, 4) Allows for
query criteria to include values for fields in the parent/child BC.

20 If a rule is violated, where does a record get inserted to indicate

to Assignment Manger?

The S_ESCL_REQ table

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