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Our short film is called 1 Out Of 3. This name was chosen as it directly links to the concept
of the film. The production will last approximately 5 minutes and will involve the
audience of the capture of the killer as the audience has to figure out who the murderer
is from the short film. To advertise our product we are using social media platforms such
as Instagram and Twitter in order to promote it to audiences as these social media sites
are regularly used my by our target audience. Social media has impacted many lives that
are linked to our target audience therefore it is beneficial for us to advertise our short
films on them. We are planning to utilise the features of YouTube in order to distribute
our short film. This allows audiences to easily access content on our YouTube channel.
We plan to release trailers and behind the scene footage in order to build publicity for
our short film. By doing so we attract other audiences. Word of mouth advertising will be
used as audiences would continuously discuss what they have found and attract others
which causes them to tell others vice versa. We will also be advertising our product on
magazines and newspapers, preferably The Metro, as it is one of the most common used
newspapers around London. This would make our film more recognisable.
Our production is of the hybrid genre, crime/mystery. Aspects of both genres will be
present throughout our production. The involvement of police and murders allows it to
become a crime genre. Furthermore, the act of illegal activity further implies that it is a
crime genre. Mystery genre will also be present throughout. This will be exemplified
through the mysterious murder of Yasmin Abell. The twist is that there are 3 suspects
who are all involved in her death but only one had killed her. The audience have to work
out this crime mystery in order to frame the murderer. This use of this genre allows us to
involve the audience more to our production creating extra satisfaction for our audience.
The increase popularity of the mystery genre, with the success of 2014s Gone Girl, is
allowing the genre to be widely received by larger audiences.
Target Audience:
Our target audience is 15-25 in the socio-economic group of C1-E. The age range was
chosen to be 15-25 because we believe that this age range could relate more to our story
and characters therefore providing a better viewing pleasure. It is 15 because anyone
below may not understand the storyline or the indirect task given to them like finding out
who the killer is. Furthermore, our film may contain explicit language which is not
suitable for those below the age range. 25 was chosen as we believe anyone above the age
range could not relate or enjoy the short film. C1-E was chosen as it allows audiences to
enjoy our film better as those under unemployment or in education would be able to
watch it as they would have more time. Those under C1 would be able to enjoy our film
in their spare time either in the evening or on a day off of work. Additionally we believe
this target audience would like the crime/mystery genre more than those under or below.
There has been a murder in the streets of East London where Yasmin Abell was stabbed
to death. Detective Samuel is working the case in order to find out who killed her. Samuel
found three suspects. Terrance Carver, a business man who makes illegal cash from the
streets, Andre Pierce a drug addict recently released out pf prison who is in numerous
gangs and Tyler Mark, a member of the East Side Gang. The Detective visits each suspect
where they give their story of where they were on the night of the murder and how they
are associated with Yasmin. Samuel has to decipher the truth behind each story in order
to figure out who was lying to find the killer. Enough evidence has been given to the
audience to accuse one person of the murder but they have to figure out who.
Character Breakdown:
Samuel Waiters: Detective Samuel Waiters is hidden throughout the short film. This adds
mystery to the character which creates an enigma code. This enigma code suggests that
Samuel likes to conserve his privacy and stay hidden from trouble. Through his dialogue
he is represented as an intelligent individual.
Terrance Carver: Terrance Carver is a business man who makes illegal money from
streets in ways such as drugs, firearms and counterfeit. He is a powerful man who runs
and works with gangs. This places a lot of power on Terrance presenting his character as
power hungry and selfish. His cockiness also represents him as arrogant as he thinks he
has the power to avoid the police.
Andre Pierce: Andre Pierce is a drug addict who was recently released out of prison for
drug possession. He moves between gangs and acts as a snitch for them. This represents
him as desperate for respect and protection. His paranoia can be stemmed from his drug
abuse representing him as a menace to society.
Tyler Mark: Not much is known about Tyler Mark. He is a member of the East Side Gang
with great reputation amongst them. His parents died at an early age, where Samuel
Waiters worked his parents murder case.
Yasmin Abell: Not much was also known about Yasmin Abell apart from her partner who
used to work with a couple gangs however he was murdered. Some say Yasmin set it up.
When looking for actors, I searched for those who would match the description of the
characters. I did not look for those with the ability to perform. This is because I wanted
the audience to feel emerged with the actors as their backgrounds would be real and hard.
Visual Elements
The camerawork in the film will be simple. I will be using a 50mm lens in order to capture
a high quality image of my characters. My shooting style will have aspects as those seen
in Wes Anderson films where his technique is unique and simple. This camerawork will
allow me to present my characters broadly to the audience allowing them to easily
analyse them.
The editing of the film will be slightly complicated as I will edit in character backgrounds
within a frame using text and images. This will give my film some complexity as it will
contrast from the simple cinematography creating a more pleasant viewing experience.
The settings in my film will be those under the stereotypes of gangs and murders. The
estates are an example of a common place for gangs to deal drugs or to hang out. An
alleyway also has the same aspects. I will be using an alleyway for its discretion. I will also
be using an office space to present the power of one of my characters. The exterior of a
dozen garages will also be used as it is a convenient place for a murder to happen as it is
Not many props will be used in our film, however the props used will further the plot as
the rolled up marijuana will convey a large meaning within the film.
The costumes that will be used in our film will be mainly dark colours in order to set the
atmosphere of the film. The 3 suspects will all be dressed in black in order to suggest that
they were all involved with the murder of Yasmin. Yasmin will be wearing bright colours
to connote her innocence. The detective will not be visible therefore his costume will not
be planned however theoretically he would be dressed in a black suit to suggest
Audio Elements
Sound Effects:
Our short our film will not be sound effect heavy as there are not many sound effects we
could use. We could use sound effects to change the atmosphere of the scenes as sound
effects such as wind or such related to a dark atmosphere would create a wider meaning
to the scene.
Score Notes:
Score notes in our film will be mainly used throughout. Music related with the youths of
today such as UK Grime, will be used in order to create a correlation between our
characters and our target audience.
Our production company is called Fourteen Hundred, an alphabetical abbreviation for
1400, which links to gangs of America as some use numbers in order to represent their
gangs. This is commonly seen amongst rappers who are a part of gangs such as Kodak
Black, 1800, and Lil Uzi Vert, 1600. We decided to
base our name on this as it relates to gang culture
which allows us to be more involved with our
audience and could relate more to them. We also
thought that it would stand out amongst any other
This is our logo. It is simple and stands out. It also
presents the groups profession which is a
production company. This is given away by the film
set equipment which lets audiences know that we
create films. The distinct logo style makes it easy to
remember by our audience making us more known.

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