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Chapter 1
(a) Error
(b) Absolute Error
(c) Relative Error
(d) Percentage Relative Error

Chapter 2
(a) Forward difference formula for f 0
(b) Backward difference formula for f 0
(c) Central difference formula for f 0
(d) Central difference formula for f 00

Chapter 3
(a) Trapezoidal Rule
(b) Error Bound for Trapezoidal Rule
(c) Simpsons Rule
(d) Error Estimate for Simpsons Rule

Chapter 4
(a) Intermediate Value Theorem
(b) Bisection method
(c) False Position method
(d) Fixed Point method
(e) Newton Raphson method

Chapter 5
(a) Jacobi method
(b) Gauss Seidel Method
(c) Power Method with scaling
(d) Inverse Power Method with scaling
(e) Shifted Inverse Power Method with scaling
(f) Gerschgorins Theorem

Chapter 6
(a) Golden Section Search Method
(b) Steepest Ascent/ Steepest Descent method

Chapter 7
(a) Eulers method
(b) Improved Eulers method
(c) Taylor Series method
(d) Runge Kutta method
(e) Adams-Bashforth/Adams-Moulton method
(f) Eulers Method for Solving Higher-order Initial Value Problem
(g) Runge-Kutta Method for Solving Higher-order Initial Value Problem
(h) Linear Shooting method
(i) Finite Difference Method for second order BVP

Chapter 8
(a) FTCS
(b) Crank Nicolson method
(c) Difference method for Laplace equation
(d) CTCS


Chapter 4
(a) Sampling distribution
(b) Confidence interval
(c) Hypothesis testing

Chapter 5
(a) Linear correlation coefficient
(b) Least squares regression line
(c) Coefficient of determination

Chapter 6
(b) Control chart
(c) System reliability

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