RoRo Cum GCB DFR 16.09.15 Revised 15

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Feasibility Report for Development of RoRo cum GCB

As the near-shore area off Ennore is sheltered from the westerly winds
by the mainland, the strong southerly to westerly winds during the
southwest monsoon do not cause high waves due to the limited fetch
available. Consequently, the wave conditions at Ennore are moderate.
Waves at Ennore approach predominantly from two directions 135 N
during March - September and 90 N during November January.
During the transition period (during February and October), waves
approach from 115 N. During cyclones, the significant wave heights
can reach up to 8m.

b. Tides
The tides at Ennore are semi-diurnal having two peaks and two lows in
every day and in every duration between new and full moon days (spring
and neap). Tide level changes continuously. Tide levels at Chennai Port
are continuously measured. Ennore is only 20 Km. away along the
coast from Chennai Port. In view of the close proximity to Chennai, it
can be assumed that there are no variation in tides and its predictions
from Chennai Port for Kamarajar Port. With this assumption, the
different levels of tides at Ennore are given below:

Description Height (in m)

Highest High Water + 1.50
Mean High Water Springs + 1.10
Mean High Water Neaps + 0.80
Mean Sea Level + 0.65
Mean Low Water Neaps + 0.40
Mean Low Water Springs + 0.10
Lowest Low Water - 0.10

The tide level at Ennore was observed by the National Institute of Ocean
Technology (NIOT) during February March, 2002 and it was compared
with that at Chennai Port based on the Indian Tide Tables.

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Feasibility Report for Development of RoRo cum GCB

c. Current Parameters

During the northeast monsoon, the current is directed southwards

while during the southwest monsoon the current is directed
northwards. The currents in the coastal zone are approximately 0.15 to
0.20 m/s. NIOT have measured currents at four locations off Ennore
Port during March 2002. At two locations with water depths of 15m and
10m, measurements were taken at 1 m depth intervals. It was noted
that the maximum current velocity was 0.35m/s at the surface and
0.25m/s near to the seabed.

Current data were also collected by NIOT from the NDBP buoy. It has
been noted that the maximum current recorded during March to July,
1999 was around 0.40m/s and for a few days it reached up to 0.60m/s.
The predominant current direction was towards NNE.

d. Climate Conditions

The environmental conditions described hereunder have been based on

in-house data and those procured from the Indian Metrological
Department (IMD). Wherever insufficient information was available,
expert judgments have been made. It will be necessary to perform
model testing and detailed analysis at the design phase of the project to
confirm the assumed data.

The climate in the region has a typical monsoon character. Two

monsoons dominate the climate - the southwestern summer monsoon
and the northeastern winter monsoon. The summer monsoon starts
around the beginning of June and holds on until September. The
northeast monsoon starts by the latter half of October and lasts until
December. The summer monsoon is stronger than the winter monsoon
and the months between both monsoons form a transition period of
calmer weather. Storms occur particularly in autumn months.

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