Pisno Ocenjevanje Znanja Za Oceno Št. 2 6. Razred

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6. razred
Name and surname: _________________
Points:___/200 45%-64%=2 65%-79%=3
Class: 6.a Grade:_______ 80%-89%=4 90%-100%=5
Date: 13 June 2017

1. Poimenuj naprave s katerimi merimo as. (__/8) 1 _________________

2 _________________
3 _________________
4 _________________
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
5 _______________________ 6 ___________________________
7 _______________________ 8 ___________________________
2. Napii kaj je narobe z urami. The exact time is 16:47. (__/4)
A: Whats the ______? B: The watch tells me its 16:23, so my watch is ______. And
his mobile phone shows its 17:01. His watch is __________. But a clock in the kitchen
has absolutely __________. The hands on it dont move.

3. Napii kaj ponejo ljudje (PresentC). Uporabi glagole iz okvirka. (__/8)

sleep drink a tea
do her homework play on the bed

+ Baby Ben ____________________.

Baby Ben ____________________.
+Usel ________________________.
? _____________________________
? Evan _______________________. -

- Dad and Sue ___________________. + _______________________

4. Dopolni besedilo z besedami Bachelor, Degree, high, Diploma, university,
state, nursery, marks, lessons, Ph.D., vocational, primary, private. (__/13)
Children under 5 years old go to _________. When they are 6, they start going to
________ school. They have ______ from Monday to Friday and they get _______ for
what theyve learnt. British children have got the possibility to choose between a
________ school, so parents dont have to buy for their studies, or they can choose a
_________ school, but in this case their parents pay tuition fees (sl. olnina). After
this most children go to different __________ schools or ___________ schools which
are specialized just for one job. When they finish it they get High School __________.
Some of them continue to study at the _________ or colleges. There, students can
learn about law, medicine or other things. When they finish undergraduate programs
they get a _______s degree. Then they can continue with graduate studies. If they do
it, they get Masters ________ and then Advanced Professional Degree and they
become ______.
5. Dopolni povedi z glagolom in prislovom. Uporabi PresentS. (__/5)
a. Tommy and Annika _______________ fibs. (not tell, often)
b. Pippi ___________________ her ball (not toss, normally)
c. Why _______ she ______________ badly? (behave, always)
d. He ________________ the computer games in the evening. (play, never)
e. _____ they ________________ their nails? (bite, rarely)
6. Dopolni verigo. (__/11)
second 60 seconds: _________ 60 minutes: ________ 7 days:
_______ 30 or 31 days: ________ 4x 30 or 31 days: ________ (spring,
summer, ________, _________) 365 days: _________ 10 years:
__________ 100 years: ___________ 1000 years: ___________

7. Dopolni asovni trak z besedami iz okvirka. (__/6)

contemporary age ancient age middle ages prehistory modern age
______________ ______________ ______________

AD / BC (obkroi) AD / BC (obkroi)

8. Dopolni besedilo z ustreznimi besedami o Daily routine; uro zapii v

oklepaj z besedo. (__/42)
In the morning, I _________ up at 6.30 (____________________________). Then I stay in the bed
for even ten minutes, so I get up at 6. . I go to the toilet at 6.45 (__________________
___________), I __________ my face and _________ my teeth, ___________ and _________ my
hair. To style my hair I use a comb and a brush. Whether I want to make my hair wavy, I use a
__________. But if I want those ringlets will be nice for more time, I use a _____ _____ or a hair
gel. Sometimes, I also make a bun when I go to work, so I need some ______ pins. I eat
______________ at 7.50 (_________________________________). Then I get __________-
normally a skirt and a blouse or a T-shirt. I also put on some makeup. For that first I need: a
__________ to moisturize skin, a liquid _________ and a face _________ to cover the
incorrectness on my skin, a _________ for the red cheeks, a ____________ for my lips, an eyebrow
__________, an _________and an ___________ for my eyelids and a mascara for my eyelashes.
Then I put ___ a deodorant and a ___________, because I want to smell fine. I
_________(sl.zapustiti) my apartment just before 9.00 (_________________). Normally, I drive to
work. But not very often I ________ the bus to work. I finish the work at 5.03 (___________
______________). When I _____ home, first I _____ (nahraniti) the dog and take it for a
________. Then I ________ TV and relax, listen to __________ or to the radio. My hobbies are
gardening, playing the instruments and doing exercises. So, in the afternoon, I ________ new
flowers in the garden and _________ them because they need water. Then I _______ (sl. vaditi)
the piano or __________ (sl. telovaditi). Then I have to tidy my apartment a bit. I _______ the
dishes, do the ___________ because the clothes are dirty and then I ______out them on the
balcony. In the evening, I take a _______ or a shower. In the bed I ______ a book.
9. Ugotovi katere olske predmete opisujejo besede. (__/8)
How to use the computer: ________ How to cook and bake: ____________________
How to draw, sketch and paint: ________ You need chemical elements table: __________
About numbers and geometry: _________ We learn about Newtons law: __________
About religion: ________________ How to make wooden objects: ____________

10.Dopolni s protipomenkami in / ali predlogi (in / on / at / ) oz. zapii

datume z besedo (tudi letnice).(__/23)
1. __the morning __________ 2. __midnight _________ 3. a.m.
4. dusk _________ 5. __yesterday _____________ 6. day
7. __ 1991 8. __ the weekend 9. __ next month __ _____ month
10. __sunrise _________ 11. __June 12. __the past
_________ 13. 30/7/1509: Its
14. 2/8/1874:

11.H katerim extracurricular activities vabijo spodnji oglasi? (__/13)

international club, literally, student government, community service, band, orchestra,
drama club, pottery classes, choir, yearbook, school newspaper, A.V. crew, debate club

We're looking for a guitarist. If you are interested, Do you like doing things with clay? __________________
contact Jim.
Do you like talking about the Are you playing the piano,
problems in the world and the violin or trumpet?
Have you got an ear for singing? other things? ___________________
___________________________ _____________________

Would you like to help at the school

Do you want to become a friend with a boy from event with the electronics?
Would you like to India, the USA or Mexico? ______________
make your school ________________________________
better or just give an
opinion? Attention journalists! Do you want to write for a newspaper,
_________________ What to become an actor? Join us. ___________ magazine or a ________? Thats the right place
____________________________ for you. ______________

Join _________________________ for charity and do volunteer work.

12.Katere olske prostore ali uslubence v oli opisujem? (__/12)

A room where you enter in the school: ______________
People who help the principal: vice-________, ______________ (sl.
A room where students eat: _____________ (a person who deals food:
__________ worker; a person who monitors the students there: _________)
A person who helps students (in guidance office):
A place where students have PE lesson: __________, they put on their
clothes for PE in the __________room
A person who guards the school: ___________ ______________
A person who repair the doors if they are broken: ________________
A place where are fans and cheerleaders on the match: _________

13.Dopolni preglednico. (__/30)

sweep the floor (whisk) _________, _________, carpet __________
_________ the floor ___________________________ attachments/bag
______ the floor (________, sponge, wet) ___________
____ the windows paper _________, window ________, ammonia
__________ dust ________, ___________ duster
_____________ floor wax
polish the furniture ____________________
________ the
cle______, ______ brush, sponge
shaving ______, ______________, _________
pencil, ___________ lotion, electric ________
________________ shoe polish, ______________ (sl. vezalke)
_______ out the
____________, _________ (sl. za reciklirati) bin
14.Postavi povedi v pravilen vrstni red. (__/3)
__ draw conclusions __ state the problem __ do a
__ plan a procedure __ form a hypothesis __ record

15.Dopolni povedi s pravilno obliko glagola have got ali have. (__/7)
a. She __________ a car.
b. ________ you ________ a new boyfriend? Yes, I _________.
c. I _____________your keys.
d. _________ she _________ breakfast? No, she ____________.
e. Every day I __________ a cup of tea at about 5 o'clock in the afternoon.
16.Napii kaj John rad oz. ne rad dela. (__/7)
love hate not mind like be nuts cant stand cant bear

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