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Heat Transfer Engineering

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A Review of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop

Correlations for Laminar Flow in Curved Circular

Mehdi Ghobadi & Yuri Stephan Muzychka

To cite this article: Mehdi Ghobadi & Yuri Stephan Muzychka (2016) A Review of Heat Transfer
and Pressure Drop Correlations for Laminar Flow in Curved Circular Ducts, Heat Transfer
Engineering, 37:10, 815-839, DOI: 10.1080/01457632.2015.1089735

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Heat Transfer Engineering, 37(10):815839, 2016
C Taylor and Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0145-7632 print / 1521-0537 online
DOI: 10.1080/01457632.2015.1089735

A Review of Heat Transfer and

Pressure Drop Correlations for
Laminar Flow in Curved Circular


Microfluidics and Multiphase Flow Research Lab, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University of
Newfoundland, St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada

Heat transfer and pressure drop correlations for fully developed laminar Newtonian fluid flow in curved and coiled circular
tubes are reviewed. Curved geometry is one of the passive heat transfer enhancement methods that fits several heat transfer
applications, such as power production, chemical and food industries, electronics, environment engineering, and so on.
Centrifugal force generates a pair or two pairs of cross-sectional secondary flow (based on the Dean number), which
are known as the Dean vortices, and improves the overall heat transfer performance with an amplified peripheral Nusselt
number variation. The main purpose of this review paper is to provide researchers with a comprehensive list of correlations
and concepts that they may need during their research. The paper begins with an introduction to the governing equations
and important dimensionless numbers for the flow in curved tubes. The correlations for developing flow in curved and
coiled circular tubes are also presented. The main contribution of this study is reviewing the numerical and experimental
correlations to calculate friction factor and Nusselt number in curved circular tubes. Nusselt number correlations are
categorized based on the thermal boundary condition, as well as on the method. A Dean number range of 1 to 20,000 for the
pressure drop correlations and 1 to 7000 for the heat transfer correlations and a Prandtl number range of 0.1 to 7,000 are
covered with the reviewed correlations.

INTRODUCTION most of the heat transfer enhancement method is also inevitably

The prevailing trend of miniaturization in electronic devices In general, there are two methods to improve the heat transfer
is aligned with the increasing demand for higher performance rate: active and passive techniques [1, 2].
and reliability and requires new methods for the removal of Active techniques are based on external forces such as
heat. Thermal management of these miniature electronic devices electro-osmosis [3], magnetic stirring [4], bubble induced acous-
has attracted many researchers to develop efficient and cost- tic actuation [5], and ultrasonic effects [6] to perform the aug-
competitive heat removal systems. Hence, conventional heat mentation. Active techniques are generally effective; however,
removal systems are not sufficient any more, and new methods they are not always easy to incorporate with other components
for heat transfer enhancement are needed in order to improve in a system. They also increase the total cost of the system
the performance of heat sinks. manufacturing.
Heat transfer enhancement is desired in most of the ther- On the other hand, passive techniques employ fluid addi-
mal systems designs, whereas the pressure drop of the fluid in tives or special surface geometry. Using the surface geometry
approach is easier, cheaper, and does not interfere with other
components in the system. Surface modification, adding small
particles to the working fluid, or additional devices, incorporated
Address correspondence to Dr. Mehdi Ghobadi, Microfluidics and Multi-
phase Flow Research Lab, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memo- in the stream, are three main passive augmentation techniques.
rial University of Newfoundland, St. Johns, NL, Canada, A1B 3X5. E-mail: In these techniques, the existing boundary layer is disturbed and the heat transfer performance is improved. However, pressure


fully clean the working fluid flow area added to the exchangers
advantages. Naphon and Wongwises [911] and Naphon [12]
studied different spiral and coiled heat exchangers heat transfer
and pressure drop characteristics. Louw and Meyer [13] experi-
mentally studied helically wound tube-in-tube heat exchangers.
They quantified the effect of annular contact in terms of heat
transfer coefficient and pressure drop. It was concluded that
the heat transfer coefficient in the annulus increases substan-
tially. Ghorbani et al. [14] experimentally studied the thermal
performance of shell and coil heat exchangers. Ding et al. [15]
simulated the performance of plate fin and tube heat exchanger.
Early investigations on curved geometries were conducted
by Thompson [16], Williams et al. [17], Grindley and Gibson
[18], and Eustic [19] The idea of using spiral geometry was first
Figure 1 Different types of curved tube geometries: (a) helical coil, (b) bend used in spiral plate heat exchangers in late 19th century [20], and
tube, (c) serpentine rube, (d) spiral and (e) twisted tubes. further investigations were conducted in the 1930s in Sweden
[21, 22]. Taylor and Yarrow [23] studied the criterion for tur-
bulence flow in 1929. Since then, there are now approximately
drop is also increased [7]. Consequently, their net effectiveness 5,000 U.S. patents and more than 10,000 research articles on
depends upon the balance between the increase in heat transfer curved tube geometries and their applications.
augmentation and the pressure drop penalty. Neglecting the effect of coiled tube pitch, Rennie [24] exam-
Curved geometries fit several practical applications because ined the double-pipe helical heat exchangers numerically and
of their high efficiency, lack of any moving parts, compact- experimentally. Kumar et al. [25] studied a tube-in-tube heli-
ness in structure, and ease of manufacture. The various types of cally coiled heat exchanger for turbulent flow regime numeri-
curved tube geometries can be classified as follows: torus (con- cally. Shokouhmand et al. [26] experimentally investigated the
stant curvature and zero pitch), coiled or helical tube (constant shell and helically coiled tube heat exchangers in both parallel-
curvature and pitch), serpentine tubes (periodic curved tubes flow and counter-flow configuration. They used the Wilson plot
with zero pitch) with bends or elbows, spirals (Archimedian method [27] to calculate the overall heat transfer coefficient. Wei
spirals), and twisted tubes, and are shown in Figure 1. The facts et al. [28] studied the performance difference between straight
concerning the working principle of curved tubes and reasons and coiled capillary tubes. They indicated that helical effect
for its enhanced performance are well established: (a) genera- increases with the decrease of the diameter of coiling.
tion of secondary flow due to unbalanced centrifugal forces; (b) Curved geometry application in nanofluidics attracted many
enhanced cross-sectional mixing; (c) reduction in axial disper- researchers [2931]. Naphon et al. [29] investigated heat transfer
sion; (d) improved heat-transfer coefficient; and (e) improved in mini heat sinks. Hashemi and Akhavan-Behabadi [30] experi-
mass-transfer coefficient [8]. mentally studied the heat transfer and pressure drop of nanofluid
Using curved geometry is preferred to other conventional flow in a horizontal helically coiled tube in constant heat flux.
agitation techniques due to their similar and sometimes better Fakor-Pakdaman et al. [31] accomplished an empirical study on
performance. Lower energy consumption and low maintenance the pressure drop characteristics of nanofluid inside helically
cost make them even more attractive. Heat transfer augmenta- coiled tubes. Kockmann and Roberge [32] studied transitional
tion due to secondary flow and providing higher heat and mass flow in curved microchannels, by considering the dominance of
transfer area per unit volume of space are two main advan- viscous forces in microchannels.
tages that are achieved in heat and mass transfer applications. Coiled geometry also find applications in flow through
Curved tubes can provide homogenization of feed streams with porous media [33], chemical reactors, and evaporators and steam
a minimum residence time and are available in most materials generators [34]. The idea has been widely used in biomedical
of construction. studies such as protein separation and emulsification [35], blood
From a heat transfer point of view, helically coiled heat ex- oxygenators [36], blood flow [37], and drug delivery systems
changers offer certain advantages. Compact size provides a dis- [38]. Reviewing all current and potential applications of curved
tinct benefit. Higher film coefficients, the rate at which heat is geometry is beyond the scope of this study. A review on the
transferred through a wall from one fluid to another, and more ef- potential applications of curved geometries in processes engi-
fective use of available pressure drop result in efficient and less- neering was accomplished by Nigam et al. [8].
expensive designs. True countercurrent flow fully utilizes avail- Unlike flow in straight pipes, fluid motion in a curved pipe
able logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD). Helical is not parallel to the curved axis of the bend, owing to the
geometry permits handling of high temperatures and extreme presence of secondary flow. As the flow enters a curved bend,
temperature differentials without high induced stresses or costly centrifugal forces act outward from the center of curvature on
expansion joints. High-pressure capability and the ability to the fluid elements. Because of the no-slip condition at the wall,
heat transfer engineering vol. 37 no. 10 2016

Figure 2 Secondary flow field at vertical cross section with low and high Dean numbers.

the axial velocity in the core region is much greater than that between tube-side and shell-side heat transfer correlations was
near the wall. To maintain the momentum balance between the not made. Some of the presented correlations are not valid, and
centrifugal forces and pressure gradient, slower moving fluid a uniform nomenclature was not used. The main purpose of
elements move toward the inner wall of the curved tube. This this review paper is reviewing the well-known heat transfer and
leads to the onset of a secondary flow such that fluid near the pressure drop correlations available for flow inside curved and
wall moves along upper and lower halves of the torus wall, coiled circular tubes. The entrance region, the critical Reynolds
while fluid far from it flows to the outer wall. The curvature, number for transition from laminar to turbulent flow, and the
1/R, affects the flow patterns, and even slight curvature was fully developed region are considered in this paper. Noncircular
observed to modify the critical velocity of the fluid [8, 39]. ducts, non-Newtonian fluids, and turbulent flow in curved tubes
It has been well established that for high Dean numbers, are not studied.
De > 100, the secondary flow field consists of a relatively
inviscid core and a viscous boundary layer is initiated. Figure 2
depicts the secondary flow field at low and high Dean numbers.
The secondary flow increases the heat and mass transfer rates, PROBLEM FORMULATION
in addition to the rate of momentum transfer that also increases
the pressure drop [40]. The continuity, momentum, and energy equations need to be
Heat transfer and pressure drop in a curved tube are de- solved to determine the heat transfer and pressure drop charac-
pendent upon many parameters, including: Reynolds number, teristics of curved coils analytically and theoretically. All three
Prandtl number, Newtonian or non-Newtonian fluid, wall ther- velocity components exist, even in the case of fully developed
mal boundary condition, curve-to-tube radius ratio, tube cross flow, because of a curvature-induced centrifugal force that gen-
section, length-to-diameter ratio, and coil pitch. These param- erates a secondary flow over the normal axis at any cross section.
eter effects have been described in many papers that will be Theoretical solutions are obtained by solving the appropriate
mentioned later. The main purpose of this study is to summarize differential equations and boundary conditions. The momentum
important experimental and theoretical results for single-phase equations for laminar flow are presented by Sankariah and Rao
laminar flow in curved tubes and channels. Well-known corre- [47] in the toroidal coordinate system, and by Patankar et al. [48]
lations for heat transfer and flow friction based on their appli- in the curvilinear cylindrical coordinate system. Patankar et al.
cations are summarized in this paper. The scope of this paper [49] also presented the momentum equations for turbulent flow
is limited to steady-state single-phase flows in stationary ducts. in curvilinear cylindrical coordinate system. Tyagi and Sharma
Turbulent flow inside curved ducts [41], multiphase flow inside [50] presented the energy equation for laminar flow in the
curved ducts [42], centrifugal instability [43, 44], transient flow toroidal coordinate system, and the time-average energy equa-
[45], and swirling flow [46] are not treated here, and the reader tion is presented for turbulent flow by Kreith [51] in the curvi-
can refer to the cited documents. linear cylindrical coordinate system. Masliyah and Nandakumar
Reviews on friction factor and heat transfer correlations in [52] employed an alternate development of a nonorthogonal co-
helical and curved ducts have been presented by Naphon and ordinate system that is useful in studying fluid flow in helical
Wongwises [1] and by Nigam et al. [8]. However, the experi- tubes in the limit of large pitch. They also reported the ratio of
mental or numerical boundary conditions for each correlation the friction factor of a square helical tube to that of a square
are not always specified. In some cases, a clear distinction straight tube in terms of helical coil number.

heat transfer engineering vol. 37 no. 10 2016


No slip (zero-velocity components) at the wall is the usual where Tw,m is the peripheral mean wall temperature (peripheral
boundary condition for the velocity problems. However, in this integrated average of Tw ). The flow-length average heat transfer
study we discuss three important boundary conditions for the coefficient h m is the integrated average of h x from x = 0 to x:
heat transfer problems: T, H1, and H2 boundary conditions. T 
1 x
refers to axially and peripherally constant wall temperature. H1 hm = hx dx (4)
refers to axially constant heat flux at the wall with peripherally x 0
constant wall temperature, and H2 refers to axially and periph- Correspondingly, the Nusselt numbers N u p,bc ,
erally constant heat flux at the wall. One should note that in N u x,bc , N u m,bc , and N u bc are defined in the following,
the experimental coil heat transfer studies with constant heat where boundary condition denotes a specific thermal boundary
flux boundary conditions, it is hard to achieve exact H1 or H2 condition such as T, H1, and H2. A local peripheral Nusselt
boundary conditions. The difficulty arises because tube bending number is defined as
operations distort the tube wall thickness, and secondary flow
h p Dh q p Dh
alters the fluid temperature profile [53]. N u p,bc = = (5)
Most of the dimensionless groups associated with the flow k k(Tw Tm )
inside curved ducts are in common with those for straight ducts, The peripheral average but axially local Nusselt number is
whereas two additional dimensionless groups for curved tubes defined as
are Dean number and helical coil number. Dean [54, 55] con-
h x Dh q x Dh
ducted the first analytical studies of fully developed laminar N u x,bc = = (6)
flow in a curved tube. He developed a series solution as a per- k k(Tw,m Tm )
turbation of the Poiseuille flow in a straight pipe for low values The mean (flow-length average) Nusselt number in the ther-
of Dean number (De < 17). He reported that the relation be- mal entrance region is defined as
tween pressure gradient and the rate of flow is not dependent 
on the curvature to the first approximation. In order to show its h m Dh 1 x
N u m,bc = = N u x,bc dx (7)
dependence, he modified the analysis by including the higher k x 0
order terms and was able to show that reduction in flow due to The peripheral average Nusselt number in the hydrodynam-
curvature depends on a single variable, now known as the Dean ically and thermally fully developed region is simply defined
number. without the first subscript p, x, or m as follows:
Various other authors have used different definitions of the
Dean number for curved tube studies. It was reported that for h Dh
N u bc = (8)
low Dean numbers, the axial-velocity profile was parabolic and k
unaltered from the fully developed straight tube flow. As the In the fully developed region, N u m,bc approaches N u x,bc and
Dean number is increased, the maximum velocity began to be both approach N u bc .
skewed toward the outer periphery. Similarly, for high curvatures The pressure drop inside a duct with the length of L can be
(1/R), the secondary flow intensity is very high, while for lower expressed as
curvatures (1/R), the secondary flow intensity is much less [8].  
In a helical coil, the effective radius of curvature Rc of each 4fL 1 2
P = U (9)
turn is influenced by the coil pitch b, and is given by [56] Dh 2
b where f is the Fanning friction factor. Most of the correlations
Rc = R 1 + (1) for laminar flow in curved tubes are in term of the ratio of
the Fanning friction factor for the curved tube to the straight
Use of Rc instead of R in Dean number definition results in a tube under identical conditions, f c / f s . The Fanning friction
new number, referred to as a helical coil number. factor in laminar flow is defined as f s = 16/Re. However,
The definition of the peripherally and axially local and mean one should note that the critical Reynolds number for transi-
heat transfer coefficients and Nusselt numbers are the same tion from laminar to turbulent flow is Re = 2100, whereas in
as those by Shah and London [57]. The peripheral local heat curved tubes the flow persists as laminar up to greater Reynolds
transfer coefficient h p can be written as number.
q p = h p (Tw Tm ) (2)
where Tw is the local temperature on the duct periphery, Tm is
the fluid bulk mean temperature at the cross section, and q p is
the heat flux at the point of concern on the duct periphery. The
In this section the well-known correlations for Nusselt num-
peripherally average, but axially local, heat transfer coefficient
ber and friction factor are reviewed. However, before reviewing
h x is defined by
the correlations, developing flow (entrance region) and critical
qx = h x (Tw,m Tm ) (3) Reynolds number are discussed.
heat transfer engineering vol. 37 no. 10 2016

In this section criteria for hydrodynamically developing So et al. [70] numerically studied laminar flows through 180-
flow, thermally developing and hydrodynamically developed degree bends of circular cross section. They considered a zero
flow and thermally and hydrodynamically developing flow are cross-stream flow at the inlet. They reported up to three sec-
discussed. ondary flow patterns in the cross-stream half-plane of a curved
pipe. They were the Dean-type secondary cell, a secondary sep-
aration cell near the inner bend (closest to the center of curvature
Hydrodynamically Developing Flow of the bend), and a third cell near the pipe center. They reported
that the number of secondary cells in the cross-stream half-plane
Kreulegan and Beiji [58] were the first who experimentally is greatly influenced by the inlet flow, and to a much lesser extent
studied the flow development in curve pipes. Later, Austin and by the Dean number.
Seader [59] used the angle of tube curvature to obtain fully Agrawal et al. [62] performed an experimental study of the
developed flow for four different coils (R/a = 6.9, 9.1, 14.4, development of steady, laminar, incompressible flow of a New-
and 24.1): tonian fluid in the entry region of a curved pipe for the entry
 a 0.33
condition of uniform motion. They found an embedded vortex in
= 49 De (10) addition to secondary flow separation near the inner bend. They
R compared their axial velocity profile with theoretical analyses
The equation is valid for 190 De 950, and the flow was of Singh [66] and Yao and Berger [61]. However, the quantita-
considered to be hydrodynamically fully developed at the coil tive agreement between theory and experiment was found to be
entrance, and becoming developed because of curvature effects; poor.
was found around 90 and 245 degrees in most cases, which Choi et al. [71] found a valley in the circumferential wall
indicates a very short entrance length. shear profile and a region of nonmonotonic variation of wall
Newson and Hodgson [60] experimentally studied 32 coiled shear with downstream distance. They suggested that the vortex
tubes in a vertical orientation, and studied the entrance ef- structure in the entry region is more complicated in fully devel-
fects. Yao and Berger [61] reported the entrance length based oped flow. Their results were in good agreement with the Singh
on boundary-layer theory. However, their results were signif- [66] predictions in the developing region
icantly different from those reported by Austin and Seader Stewartson et al. [72] and Stewartson and Simpson [73] an-
[59]. On the other hand, experimental data of Agrawal et al. alytically calculated the boundary-layer problem for the en-
[62] show good agreement with Eq. (10). Moulin et al. [63] trance of a curved tube. They found vanishing axial shear at
numerically simulated several cross sections and their results the inner bend at the downstream of a bend. They also stud-
were in good agreement with the prediction of Austin and ied the singular behavior near the point of vanishing axial
Seader [59]. shear.
Smith [64, 65] studied the influence of curvature on a pipe Ebadian et al. [74] numerically showed that the velocity is
flow for a pipe that starts bending uniformly after an initial almost symmetrical to the center point on both horizontal and
straight section. Singh [66] used the method of matched asymp- vertical centerlines near the inlet and at the inlet, and by increas-
totic expansions for the entry flow in a curved tube near the inlet. ing the flow length, the velocity becomes asymmetrical.
He considered two inlet conditions: (i) the condition of constant
dynamic pressure at the entrance, which may be of practical
interest in applications to blood flow in aorta, and (ii) a uniform Thermally Developing and Hydrodynamically Developed
entry condition. He showed that the geometry and the nature of Flow
entry condition significantly affect the initial development of the
flow. However, the pressure drop distribution is not significantly The numerical studies [6977] and experimental data [43]
influenced by the secondary flow during the initial development showed that the thermal entrance length inside curved ducts
of motion. is 20 to 50% shorter than what observed in a straight tube. It
Humphrey [67] used an elliptic form of the NavierStokes has also been indicated that the Nusselt number is oscillating
equations to numerically solve the laminar, incompressible, con- in the entrance region [49, 75, 76, 7880]. It has also been
stant wall temperature boundary condition flow in curved pipes shown that Nusselt number oscillation is increased at the en-
of small curvature radius and 90 degrees deflection angle. He trance for the fluids with higher Prandtl number. Furthermore,
also considered the flow through curved annuli, which the pres- the oscillations start at higher Gz values (shorter length) [75,
ence of the inner curved wall causes the appearance of two 76]. Dravid et al. [76] explained the behavior due to secondary
(rather than one) pair of cross-stream vortices. Liu [68] also flow generation as a result of exposing the tube wall alternately
solved the elliptical NavierStokes equations in a 90-degree to the hot and cold fluids. They also reported that the oscilla-
bend elbow, where fully developed conditions were assumed to tion decreases with increasing axial position and the asymptotic
hold. Soh and Berger [69] solved the full elliptic NavierStokes value is reached for large Graetz number. It was found that
equations for entrance flow into a curved pipe using an artificial the oscillation is enhanced with the increase of the pitch, and
compressibility technique. with the decrease of curvature ratio in the case of coiled tubes
heat transfer engineering vol. 37 no. 10 2016

[78, 79]. Lin et al. [79] also reported an oscillatory behavior for approaches the fully developed value before two turns of the
the friction factor in the case of developing flow. Sillekens et al. coil.
[80] related the oscillation phenomena to circulating secondary Oliver and Ashar [83] measured the heat transfer at the en-
flow along the tube wall. trance of uniform temperature coil tubes and correlated their
Cheng and Akiyama [43, 44] studied the thermal boundary- data by using the modified Graetz Leveque equation consider-
layer development near the wall having the constant wall tem- ing pseudoplastic behavior of liquids. Dravid et al. [76] calcu-
perature. The thermal boundary layer develops more quickly at lated the thermal entrance length for H2 condition; however, no
the inner wall than at the outer wall. For a small Prandtl number, specific N u x,H 2 is given.
Pr = 0.1, thermal boundary-layer development along the axial Ghobadi and Muzychka [84] conducted an experimental
length was found to be similar to that of a straight pipe, whereas study on heat transfer enhancement in short curved tubes for
for Pr = 0.7, 10, and 500 the Nusselt number decreases to a the constant wall temperature boundary condition. They stud-
minimum and then increases again and levels off to a constant ied the effect of curvature on heat transfer at a constant length,
value at a certain distance downstream. as well as the effect of heat transfer enhancement by changing
Janssen and Hoogendoorn [77] proposed the following corre- the length in a constant curvature. Their experimental results
lation to calculate peripherally average thermal entrance region showed that increasing the length at the same curvature results
Nusselt numbers (it does not account the observed oscillations) in significantly increasing the total heat transfer. This means
for 20 < Pr < 450 and Re < Recrit : that the enhancement mechanism needs some length to become
   x6   effective.
0.32 + 3(a/R) 0.33 2a m 0.14
N u x,T = 0.5
Re Pr
0.86 0.8(a/R) x w
(11) Thermally and Hydrodynamically Developing Flow
where x6 = 0.14 + 0.8(a/R). The validity of the correlation has
been validated by the experimental results [77]. Limited data are available for this case, because of very
Using a glycerol solution as the working fluid inside two short entry lengths at high De and Pr values [85]. Liu and
spirals that were enclosed in a steam chamber (constant wall Masliyah [86] numerically studied the simultaneous develop-
temperature condition), Kubair and Kuloor [81] proposed the ment of the laminar Newtonian flow and heat transfer in helical
following correlation, which uses fluid properties calculated at pipes, and reported that the Nusselt number in the developing
an arithmetic-mean temperature: region is oscillating. They defined the torsion due to the pitch as
a follow:
N u x,T = 1.98 + 1.8 Gz 0.7 (12)
Rave (b/2)
= (15)
The correlation is valid for 9 < Gz < 1000 <, 80 < Re < Rc2 + (b/2)2
6000, and 20 < Pr < 100, where Rave is used instead of R in They reported that when torsion is dominant, the asymptotic
the Dean number. Their proposed correlation is also applicable Nusselt number decreases, while the thermal developing length
to the fully developed region by substituting Gz = 20. increases with the flow pattern transition parameter for the high
For the H1 boundary condition, Janssen and Hoogendoorn Dean numbers. When the torsion is large, the asymptotic Nus-
[77] proposed the following equation to calculate peripherally selt number tends to the limits corresponding to Poiseuille flow.
average thermal entrance region Nusselt numbers: They also proposed the following correlation for thermal en-
a  0.5 0.33 2a x6 trance length:
N u x,H 1 = 0.32 + 3 Re Pr (13)
R x 0.155 + 0.00604De0.5 Pr 0.25
L th = Pr (16)
They also provided an equation to calculate the thermal entry 1 + 0.0122De Pr
length: which is valid for 0.01 < R/a < 0.15 and 20 < De < 5000.
0.8 Janssen and Hoogerdoorn [77] gave a bound estimated on the
L th 15.7Pr
L th = < (14) entrance length as
Dh Re Pr De
20Pr 0.2
Their proposed equation indicates that the thermal entry L th = (17)
length is mainly determined by the secondary flow, rather than De
by the thermal diffusivity as in the straight tubes. Kalb and A good agreement on the preceding correlations is reported
Seader [82] used the novel gradient method of heat trans- [85].
fer investigation based on measurement of the wall internal Nobari et al. [87] solved the continuity, full NavierStokes,
and external surface-temperature distribution. However, they and energy equations by using a projection method base on
focused more on the turbulent flow and the transition point the second order central difference discretization. They showed
from the laminar flow. They also observed a rapid transition that there are two major different developing patterns of the
from turbulent to laminar flow and that the Nusselt number flow, which are determined based on the location of maximum
heat transfer engineering vol. 37 no. 10 2016

Table 1 Critical Reynolds number correlations summary

Author Technique Correlation Conditions

Ito [90] Experimental Recrit = 2, 000 1 + 15 < R
a < 860
12, 730
Kubair and Varrier [95] Experimental Recrit = 10 < R
a < 2, 000

Schmidt [96] Experimental Recrit = 2, 300 1 + 0.32
a < 200

Srinivasan et al. [91, 92] Experimental Recrit = 2, 100 1 + R
a < 200

Mishra and Gupta [97] Experimental 20, 000  2 Helical coil tubes
20, 000
Recrit = R
d > 150
30, 000
Cioncolini and Santini [93, 94] Experimental Recrit = R
a < 24
12, 500
Recrit = 30 < R
a < 110
120, 000
Recrit = 30 < R
a < 110

Recrit = 2, 300 1 + 150 < R

axial velocity either in the semi-inner or in the semi-outer region used by Sreenivasan and Strykowski [88] in their numerical
of the curved annular pipe. work.
Webster and Humphrey [89] reported low-frequency oscil-
lation in half of the pipe cross-section, while the flow near the
CRITICAL REYNOLDS NUMBER outer wall remains steady when 5060 < Re < 6330. The first
criterion for the transition point was introduced by Ito [90], and
later Srinivasan et al. [91, 92] recommended a correlation for
The critical Reynolds number, Recrit , identifies the transi-
design purposes, which was validated by the Kalb and Seader
tion from laminar to turbulent flow. In a curved duct flow, it
[82] experiments. Cioncolini and Santini [93, 94] proposed a
is hard to identify Recrit by the change in the slope of the
piecewise correlation to calculate critical Reynolds number for
curve for the friction factor versus Reynolds number, because
different curvature ratios, R/a. Table 1 shows a summary of the
of the gradual change [53]. However, it has been shown that the
proposed correlations to calculate the critical Reynolds number
secondary flow in a curved tube stabilizes the laminar flow,
as a function of curvature ratio in the curved tubes [9097].
resulting in a higher critical Reynolds number. Sreenivasan
In spiral flow, the radius of curvature varies along the spiral,
and Strykowski [88] showed that there are two stabilization
and therefore the flow does not have a single critical Reynolds
effects in flow through helically coiled pipes. First, in a cer-
number. While Kubair and Kuloor [98] suggested using the
tain Reynolds number range, the flow that is turbulent in the
arithmetic-average radius of curvature of the spiral in their heli-
straight pipe becomes completely laminar in the coiled section.
cal coil correlation, Srinivasan al. [92] have proposed the corre-
Second, the stabilization effect of the coil persists to a certain
lations for minimum and maximum Recrit that would occur at
degree even after the flow downstream of the coil has been al-
the Rmax and Rmin locations in the spiral:
lowed to develop in a long straight section. They showed that

the thresholds for the inner and outer wall are different. Sreeni- 12
vasan and Strykowski [88] also observed that critical Reynolds (Recrit )min = 2100 1 + (18)
(Rmax /a)0.5
number, which corresponds to the first appearance of turbulent
everywhere at the chosen cross section, reaches a maximum

value and then drops as the curvature increases. Taylor and (Recrit )max = 2100 1 + (19)
Yarrow [23] employed a colored fluid through a small hole in (Rmin /a)0.5
the side of glass helix through which water is running. Us- Patankar et al. [49] used Itos correlation [90] and compared
ing R/a = 18, they observed that the steady stream-line mo- it with their numerical work, and observed good agreement
tion persisted up to Reynolds number, 5830. Their results were between the correlation and the model. Later, Di Piazza and
heat transfer engineering vol. 37 no. 10 2016

Figure 3 Experimental friction factor for the medium curvature coils observed Figure 4 Critical Reynolds number reported by different researchers.
by Cioncolini and Santini [93].

Ciofalo [100] used the Ito [90] and Srinivasan et al. [91, 92] force, which causes the Dean number to continuously vary as
correlations to predict the turbulent occurrence inside the curved well. Therefore, fully developed flow is established in a spiral
pipe they used. coil only as a limiting condition when R/a or Dean number
Cioncolini and Santini [93, 94] divided the coil ducts into becomes large [53].
three different regions based on the curvature strength: strong Dean [54, 55] proposed that the velocity profile based on
curvature coils, medium curvature coils, and mild curvature perturbation analysis is valid for De < 20. His solution for
coils. They plotted the friction versus Reynolds number and the velocity distribution demonstrates the shift in the maximum
found discontinuities in the plots. They proposed different cor- velocity toward the outer wall. It also indicates a secondary
relations to predict the critical Reynolds number for each region motion in the form of two symmetrical roll cells, with flow
due the breaks in the graphs. They also observed two discon- inward along the periphery of the tube and outward in the central
tinuities in the medium curvature region. Figure 3 shows the region.
experimental friction factor for the medium curvature coils ob- Mori and Nakayama [101] used boundary layer idealizations
served by Cioncolini and Santini [93]. Di Piazza and Ciofalo for De > 100, and obtained the fully developed velocity profiles
[99] and Stasiek et al. [100] used the proposed correlations in for coils with R >> a. Their predicted velocity profiles show
their numerical studies to predict the turbulent flow inside coiled good agreement with the experimental data by Adler [102] and
tubes. the numerical results by Patankar et al. [49]. Figure 5 shows a
Figure 4 depicts the comparison for reported critical typical variation in the velocity profile with the Dean number,
Reynolds number from Table 1. For the Cioncolini and San- based on the analysis of Patankar et al. [49]. It can be seen
tini correlations [93, 94] the first critical Reynolds num- that the velocity peak moves toward the outer wall as the Dean
ber is plotted, since the second critical Reynolds occurs number increases.
for Reynolds numbers greater than 10,000. It can be ob- The theoretical and experimental studies showed that the
served that experimental results collected by different au- friction factors for coiled tubes are higher than those in a straight
thors cover wide range of Reynolds number for the same tube for an identical geometry and Reynolds number. Akiyama
curvature ratio. However, one may see that for small cur- and Cheng [103] demonstrated that friction factors at the outer
vature ratios, the critical Reynolds number is reported to be wall in a helical coil are substantially higher than those obtained
6, 000 < Recrit < 11, 000. in a straight tube, whereas friction factors at the inner wall are
almost the same as those obtained in a straight tube. As a result,
the overall effect is an increase in friction factors. This friction
REVIEW OF THE FLUID FLOW CORRELATIONS IN factors ratios can be seen in Figure 6.
FULLY DEVELOPED FLOW Austin and Seader [104] numerically studied the pres-
sure distribution inside coiled tubes. They have shown that it
The centrifugal force significantly influences the flow strongly depends on the Dean number and the pressure increases
through a curved tube. The constant radius of curvature in the smoothly from the inner to the outer periphery.
case of helical coil flow initiates a constant centrifugal force Bolinder and Sunden [105] employed LaserDoppler
that eventually establishes fully developed flow. In the case of Velocimetry measurements method to visually observe the flow
a flow through a spiral tube, the radius of curvature is contin- pattern of laminar flow in a helical square duct with finite pitch.
uously varying, resulting in a continuous varying centrifugal Ujhidy et al. [106] used laser technique for the visualization

heat transfer engineering vol. 37 no. 10 2016


for an increase in the friction factor due to the coil curva-

ture. The curvature can be expressed as just Dean number
or the combination of Dean number and curvature ratio R/a
Dean [54, 55] was the first researcher to investigate the pres-
sure drop of the fully developed flow in a torus by assuming
uniform stream for secondary flow. His solution consisted of a
perturbation on the solution for Poiseulle flow through a straight
tube. His solution can be rewritten in terms of friction factor ra-
  2 2  2 4 1
fc De De
= 1 0.03058 + 0.00725 (20)
fs 288 288

where f c is the Fanning friction factor for the curved tube, and
f s is the Fanning friction factor for a straight tube as given by
Poiseulles law:
fs = (21)
The Dean equation is valid for De < 20.45. Topakoglu [107]
extended the Dean solution to account for finite values of R/a:
  2 2   1
fc De R De2 (R/a)2
= 1 0.03058 + 0.1833 + (22)
fs 288 a 288 48

The Topakoglu [107] solution indicates that even for small

Dean numbers the friction factor ratio is still greater than 1.
Larrain an Bonilla [108] extended the coefficients and found
that the series does not converge for De > 16. Their numeri-
cal results for R/a < 0.2 do not differ significantly from the
Figure 5 The influence of the Dean number on axial velocity profiles in a
Topakoglu equation [107].
horizontal curved tube: (a) horizontal plane, (b) vertical plane. Adler [102] is another pioneer in proposing a correlation to
calculate the friction factor for curved tubes. He used integral
of the flow in coiled tubes containing twisted tapes and helical boundary layer theory to derive a solution for a torus for the mild
static elements. curved tubes. The axial velocity component was postulated to
Various experimental and theoretical correlations are pro- increase rapidly in a boundary layer near the outer wall, then to
posed to calculate the friction factor inside curved tubes. The decrease linearly to the inner wall. He proposed the following
main difference of these correlations is the way they account correlation:
= 0.1064De0.5 (23)
Ito [109] improved and extended the Adler solution to
fc 1.729 0.5 1.729 0.5
= 0.1033De 0.5
1+ (24)
fs De De

Austen and Soliman [110] showed that the pitch changes

affect the low Reynolds flow more than high Reynolds flow.
Yamamoto et al. [111, 112] showed that at a constant R/a, the
friction factor deviates from that of the toroidal curved tube as
torsion due to the pitch decreases toward that of the straight tube
as torsion further increases. Yamamoto et al. [113] studied the
secondary flow structure and stability of flow in a helical pipe
Figure 6 Fully developed ( f Re) p /( f Re)s , as a function of the Dean number. with large torsion by using a numerical calculation of a fluid
heat transfer engineering vol. 37 no. 10 2016

Table 2 Experimental friction factor correlations, curved tubes for laminar flow

Author Correlation Geometry Conditions

fc  0.45 1/0.45 1
White [118] fs = 1 1 11.6
De Curved tube 11.6 < De < 2, 000
Prandtl [119] fs = 0.29De0.36 Helical coil 40 < De < 2, 000
Hasson [120] fs = 0.556 + 0.0969 De Torus 30 < De < 2, 000
fc 21.5De
Ito [90] fs = Curved tube 13.5 < De < 2000
(1.56 + log De)5.73
f c a/R = 0.079 Re(a/R)2 Curved tube Re(a/R)> 6
Kubair and f c = 0.7716 exp(3.553a/Dh )De0.5 Helical coil 2, 000 < De < 9, 000
Varrier [95]
Schmidt [96] fc
fs = 1 + 0.14 (R/a)0.97 Re10.644(R/a) Helical coil
 2 2  2
fc (R/a)2
Topakoglu [107] fs = 1 0.03058 De 288 + 0.1833 Ra De288 + 48 Curved tube

1 if De < 30
Srinivasan et al. [91] = 0.419De0.275 for 30 < De < 300 Helical coil 7 < R/a < 104
0.1125De0.5 if De > 300
Ramana Rao and fc = 1.55
Re exp 14.12a/R Helical coil 0.0159 < a/R < 0.0556
Sadasivudu [121] Re < 1, 200
Mishra and fs = 1 + 0.033 (log H e)4 Helical coil 1 < H e < 3, 000
Gupta [97]
0.3164 a wall
Gnielinski [122] fc = 1
+ 0.03 Helical coil
4 Re0.25 R bulk
De 39.88
75.89 0.5 tan1 /
Xin et al. [123] f c = 0.02985 + R Helical coil 35 < De < 20, 000
ai,out ao,in
ai,out is inner diameter of outer tube (m) 1.61 < ai,out /ao,in < 1.67
ao,in is the outer diameter of inner tube(m) R/(ai,out ao,in )
Ali [124] Eu.G r hc = 21.88Re0.9 Helical coil Re < 500
Eu.G r hc = 5.25Re2/3 500 < Re < 6, 300
Eu.G r hc = 0.56Re2/5 6, 300 < Re < 10, 000
Eu.G r hc = 0.09Re1/5 10, 000 < Re
(2a)0.85 (2R)0.15
where: G r hc = L
Ju et al. [125] fs =1 Helical coil De < 11.6
0.75 a 0.4
fs = 1 + 0.015Re R De > 11.6
 a 0.51
Guo et al. [126] fc = 2.552Re0.15 R Helical coil

particle trajectory. They found an acceptable agreement with cannot predict the pressure drop in miniscale coils accurately,
the existing experimental results. and proposed the following asymptotic model based on their
Grundman [114] presented a practical friction diagram of results to predict the pressure drop in miniscale coils for the
a helical coiled tube, which accounts for the effect of cur- Dean numbers up to 700:
vature ratios. Takahashi and Momazaki [115] experimentally
fc   5 1/5
measured the pressure drop of mercury flow inside a helical = 1 + 0.45De1/3 (25)
coil tube and showed that the pressure drop was almost the fs
same as the pressure drop of the mercury flow in a straight Tables 2 [90, 91, 9597], and 3 [55, 75, 86, 101, 102, 107, 109,
tube. 117, 127132] depict the experimental and numerical-analytical
Ghobadi and Muzychka [116] experimentally studied pres- friction factor correlations in laminar flow through curved cir-
sure drop of laminar, steady-state flow in miniscale coiled tubes. cular tubes, respectively. As can be seen, most of correlations
They showed that the model by Manlapaz and Churchill [117] are presented in the form of f c / f s , although some others are in

heat transfer engineering vol. 37 no. 10 2016


Table 3 Numerical and analytical friction factor correlations curved tubes for laminar flow

Author Correlation Geometry Conditions

 2 2  2 4
Dean [55] fs = 1 0.03058 De
288 + 0.00725 De
288 Torus De < 20
Adler [102] fs = 0.1064De0.5 Torus Large De
fc 3
Barua [127] fs = 1.122
4De 1.1812 + 1.1812 + De
Torus Large De
fs = 0.509 + 0.0918 De

Mori and fs = 0.108 De
Curved tube 13.5 < De < 2, 000
13.253 De
Nakayam [101]
 2 2  2
fc (R/a)2
Topakoglu [107] fs = 1 0.03058 De
288 + 0.1833 Ra De
288 + 48 Curved tube
 0.5  1.729 0.5 3
Ito [109] fs = 0.1033De0.5 1 + 1.729
De De Curved tube
Tarbell and fc
fs = 1 + 0.0008279 + R/a
Re 2.096 107 Torus 1 < De < 295
Samuel [75] 8.57 < R/a < 100
Collins and fs = 0.38 + 0.1028 De Torus Large De
Dennis [128]
Van Dyke [129] fs = 0.47136De0.25 Torus De > 30
Dennis [130] fs = 0.388 + 0.1015 De Torus Large De
 m  2 

fc a/R  0.5
Manlapaz and = 1 0.18
+ 1 + De
Helical coil
fs [1+(35/De)2 ]0.5 3 88.33

2 if De < 20
Churchill [117] m = 1 for 20 < De < 40

0 if De > 40
Hart et al. [131] f c = (log Re/7) 1 + 70+De
Helical coil
Yanase et al. [132] f s = 0.557 + 0.0938 De Torus 96 < De < 10, 000
Liu and f c Re = 16 + (0.378De0.25 + 12.1)De0.5 0.5 2 Helical coil Laminar Developing

1 + [(0.0908 + 0.0233 1 )De 0.1320.5 + 0.37 0.2]

0.5 0.5
Masliya [86] + 49/De
R 2 + (P/2)2
= / (De)0.5 , =
R 2 + (P/2)2

different format in the original paper but have been converted agreement with each other, whereas the Yanase et al. correlation
to the base format of this paper. On the other hand, Ali [124] [132] deviates for low Dean numbers, De < 300, from other
proposed an experimental piecewise model to calculate the heat correlations, and the Van Dyke correlation [129] predicts a fric-
transfer based on Euler number, 1/2U 2 . He divided the flow tion factor different from the other presented correlations where
in coiled helical tubes into four different regions: low laminar De > 300.
flow, laminar flow, mixed flow, and turbulent flow. He catego- Ferng et al. [133] used a computational fluid dy-
rized these regions, introducing a critical Reynolds number for namics (CFD) methodology to investigate the effects of
the transition from each one to the other. He also used geomet- Dean number and pitch size on the thermal-hydraulic
rical numbers for regular-helical coil, G r hc , and the Reynolds characteristics in helical coil-tube heat exchangers. They
number to present his correlations, instead of Dean number and compared their pressure drop model with the results presented
curvature ratio. by Ju et al. [125].
Figures 7 and 8 depict the comparison of the Fanning fric- Pimenta and Campos [134] experimentally studied the fric-
tion factor ratio correlations presented by different researchers tion losses of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids in a helical
experimentally and numerically, respectively. The correlations coil. They compared their results with the Hart et al. [131]
that are only based on the Dean number are depicted. It equation for the Newtonian fluids. Rahimi and Beigzadeh [135]
can be seen that the experimental correlations are in good employed artificial neural networks (ANN) to predict the heat

heat transfer engineering vol. 37 no. 10 2016


Figure 7 Experimental friction factor correlations comparison.

transfer and friction factor in helical coiled tubes. They com-

pared their pressure drop results with the Ito experimental cor-
relation [90].



The entrance region of a helical coil is about 20 to 50%

shorter than that of a straight tube. Consequently, one may use
the correlations for fully developed flow in most of engineering
applications, especially with De > 200.
In curved tubes, as with the velocity profiles, the secondary
flow distorts temperature profiles, pushing the temperature peak
toward the tube outer wall. Consequently, a higher heat transfer Figure 9 The dimensionless horizontal temperature profile for T boundary
rate at the coil outer wall than at the inner wall is expected. condition as a function of (a) Dean number and (b) Prandtl number for a curved
Cioncolini and Santini [93] showed that the secondary flow ini- tube.
tiated inside the coiled tubes increases both hydraulic resistance
and the heat transfer effectiveness in comparison to straight enhances secondary flow, and increasing Prandtl number en-
tubes. Hawe [136] numerically found the fully developed tem- hances thermal convection. As a result, a higher distortion of
perature profile in curved tubes, and also showed that the heat the temperature profile can be observed by increasing either
transfer coefficient at the outer wall is greater than the heat Dean number or Prandtl number; see Figure 9 [75]. Balejova
transfer coefficient at the inner wall. Increasing Dean number et al. [137, 138] experimentally studied low Reynolds number
flows behavior inside curved tubes and observed cyclic behav-
ior in their results using Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids.
They also showed that natural convection effects can not be
neglected at low Reynolds numbers.
Heat transfer characteristics of coiled tubes in heat exchang-
ers have been studied by Ievlev et al. [139]. They reported the
heat transfer and hydraulic diameter for a bundle of helical tubes
in longitudinal and cross-flow heat exchangers. They observed
a noticeable increase in heat transfer and substantial reduction
of the heat exchanger dimensions. Prasad et al. [140] studied the
heat transfer coefficient for the shell and tube sides of a helical
coil heat exchanger. They tested the performance of the coiled
tube heat exchanger as a waste heat recovery device, and re-
ported a strong dependence on the coil to tube diameter. Inagaki
et al. [141] also experimentally studied the outside heat transfer
Figure 8 Numerical friction factor correlations comparison. coefficient for helical coiled bundles.
heat transfer engineering vol. 37 no. 10 2016

Havas et al. [142] proposed a correlation for outer Nusselt He reported the errors as 0.91% and 1.19%, respectively, for the
number to the helical coil in an agitated vessel based on modified preceding equations.
Reynolds number, Prandtl number, viscosity ratio, and the ratio It has been shown that heat transfer in pipes with chaotic
of the tube diameter to the vessel diameter. flow, curved with alternate axis, is different from in the regular
Ali [143] experimentally studied the fluids with Prandtl num- coiled pipes [151153]. Acharya et al. [151, 152] showed that
ber, 3 < Pr < 5, and curvature ratios, 10 < R/a < 21. He alternating axis coils enhances the heat transfer more than the
showed that the heat transfer coefficient decreases with coil constant axis coils with the same curvature and pitch. Lemenand
length with a tube diameter of 0.012 m, whereas it increases and Peerhossaini [153] proposed the following correlation to
with coil length for a tube of 0.008 m diameter. He found a predict the Nusselt number of a pipe with chaotic flow:
critical R/a for the maximum heat transfer coefficient for tube 0.033
N u = 1.045Re0.303 Pr 0.287 Nbends (29)
diameter of 0.012 m with either five or 10 turns of the coil.
Ali [144, 145] later investigated the effect of natural convec- where Nbends is the number of bends in the coil. The correlation
tion by considering the coil tube diameter as the characteristic is valid for 100 < Re < 300, 30 < Pr < 100, and 3 <
length for the Rayleigh number. He showed that in the lami- Nbends < 13.
nar region the average heat transfer coefficient decreases with Ke et al. [154] numerically studied the heat transfer charac-
increasing the number of coil turns, unless the flow becomes teristic of conical spiral tube bundle. Their results showed that
turbulent. the cone angle and cross section have significant effect on tube
Bai et al. [146] experimentally studied the turbulent flow in heat transfer, whereas the helical pitch has little influence on
coiled tubes and showed that the contribution of the secondary heat transfer enhancement.
flow in heat transfer augmentation decreases as the Reynolds The effect of natural convection induced in coiled-tube heat
number increases, and approaches that of a straight tube. This exchangers was studied by Zachar [155]. Natural-convection-
happens due to the smaller boundary layer in higher Reynolds induced heat transfer was studied over the outer surface of heli-
number. They also observed that the heat transfer coefficient at cal coiled tube heat exchangers. It was found that the outer side
the outer wall is three to four times greater that of the inner heat transfer rate is slightly dependent on the inner flow rate
wall. Takahashi and Momozaki [115] also showed a greater of any helical tube in case of increasing temperature difference
heat transfer coefficient at the outer wall using mercury as the between the wall temperature and the coil inlet temperature. It
working fluid. Yang et al. [147] and Yang and Ebadian [148] has also been shown that the heat transfer is affected whether
numerically studied the effect of Prandtl number on the heat the fluid inside the coil is being cooled or warmed.
transfer coefficient increase on the outer wall and the inner wall
of coiled tubes and showed that increasing the Prandtl number
results in greater difference in the two. Constant Temperature
Jayakumar et al. [149] investigated the heat transfer in heli-
cal coiled heat exchanger experimentally and using CFD. They Several numerical works have been performed to calculate
applied both constant wall temperature and constant heat flux, the temperature profile in constant temperature wall condi-
and showed that using the actual fluid properties instead of tions inside coiled tubes [156]; however, not many experimental
the average properties makes the modelling more accurate. The works have been performed to demonstrate the temperature pro-
following correlation is proposed for both constant wall tem- file in curved tubes [57]. Akiyama and Cheng [103] predicted
perature and wall heat flux, using the temperature-dependent that the heat transfer is higher for uniform wall temperature as
properties: compared to the uniform longitudinal heating for Dean numbers
smaller than 200.
N u = 0.025De0.9112 Pr 0.4 (26)
Jeschke [157] accomplished the first experimental research
The preceding equation is valid for 2000 < De < 12, 000, on heat transfer for two different curvature ratios, R/a = 6.1
1 < Pr < 3.5, and a/R = 0.0333. and 18.2, in turbulent region. He developed an experimental
Salimpour [150] experimentally studied the heat transfer co- correlation to calculate the Nusselt number in coiled tubes.
efficients of shell and helically coiled tube heat exchangers. He However, his technique to perform the experiment was found
developed a correlation to predict the tube-side Nusselt numbers to have too much uncertainty in it [8]. Merkel [158] revised
of coiled tube heat exchangers: the Jeschke correlation, and suggested that the heat transfer in
 0.277 coiled tube is (1+3.5R/a) times greater than the one for straight
b tubes.
N u i = 0.152De 0.431
Pr 1.06
2R Hawe [136] numerically found the fully developed temper-
He also proposed the following equation for the shell-side Nus- ature profile in curved tubes, and also showed that the heat
selt number of coiled heat exchangers: transfer coefficient at the outer wall is greater than the heat
 0.938 transfer coefficient at the inner wall in isothermal condition.
b Yao and Berger [61] presented a perturbation solution, but for
N u o = 19.64Re0.513 Pr 0.129 (28)
2R the case of combined free and forced convection in a heated
heat transfer engineering vol. 37 no. 10 2016

Table 4 Experimental studies on heat transfer correlations curved tubes for constant wall temperature

Author Correlation Geometry Conditions

Kubair and Nu = [1.98 + 1.8a/R] Gr 0.7 Helical coil 10.3 < R/a < 27
Kuloor [81] 80 < Re < 6, 000
20 < Pr < 100
N uc
Jha and Rao [165] = 1 + 3.46R/a
N us Helical coil 16.6 < R/a < 37.9
Schmidt et al. [96] N u = 3.65 + 0.08 1 + 0.87(R/a)0.9 Pr 1/3 Ren Helical coil 4 < R/a < 90
where n = 0.5 + 0.2903(R/a)0.194 1 < De < 10

0.0575Re0.33 De0.42 Pr 0.43 Pr m
6.2 < R/a < 62.5
Shchukin [166] Nu =  Prw  Curved pipes 26 < De < 7, 000
0.0266 (R/a)0.15 + 0.225(R/a)1.15 Pr 0.4 6.2 < R/a < 104
Dravid et al. [40] N u = 0.76 + 0.65De2 Pr 0.175 Helical coil 50 < De < 2, 000
5 < Pr < 175
 0.26 1/6
Janssen and N u = 0.616 f Re2 Pr Curved pipes De > 20
Hoogendoorn [77] 20 < Pr < 40
Yildiz et al. [167] N u = 0.0551De0.864 Pr 04 Helical coil 1265 < De < 2, 850
Pr = 0.7
Salimpour [168] N u = 0.554De0.496 0.388 Pr 0.151 0.153 Helical coil 35 < De < 410
= 2b
2R 0.058 < < 0.095
Corr ection Factor : = 034 < < 0.6
160Pr < 325
0.113 < a/R < 0.157
Pawar and N u = 0.9366 (Gz)0.8177 Pr 0.4 Helical coil 3.83 < Pr < 5.149
Sunnapawar [169] 0.055 < a/R < 0.0757
19 < Gz < 152
N u = 0.0472De0.8346 Pr 0.4 586 < De < 4773
0.055 < a/R < 0.0757
3.83 < Pr < 7.3
Rainieri et al. [170, 171] N u = 1.168De0.47 Pr 0.16 Helical coil 12 < De < 280
125 < Pr < 280

curved pipe.They considered both horizontal configurations for the heat transfer was significantly increased when the thermal
the curved pipes; however, they only considered a narrow range radiation was taken into account.
of Prandtl number, 0.7 < Pr < 5. Futagami and Aoyama [160] divided the effects of the sec-
Mori and Nakayama [156] subsequently derived the follow- ondary flow on the heat transfer into three types: centrifugal,
ing solution for uniform wall temperature: buoyancy and composite range. They experimentally examined
  a wide range of Prandtl numbers, 1 < Pr < 500, and Dean
1/2 1 + 2.35De numbers, 5 < De < 1000. Naphon and Suwagrai [161] showed
N u = 0.864De (30)
that the heat transfer augmentation inside spirally coiled tubes
is due to the centrifugal force that also increases the pressure
Liu and Masliyah [159] numerically studied the effect of drop. Zapryanov et al. [162] proposed that the Nusselt num-
torsion and Prandtl number on the vorticities, and the tempera- ber increases with increasing Prandtl number at the same Dean
ture profile. They predicted that for high torsion, the secondary number.
flow is reduced to one vorticity instead of the classical two vor- Prabhanjan et al. [163] experimentally compared the heat
texes. The temperature distribution split into two profiles for transfer and fluid flow between a straight tube heat exchanger
low Prandtl number (similar to two vorticities), and had only and a helically coiled heat exchanger. They showed that the
one profile for high Prandtl number. heat transfer coefficient is affected not only by the geometry of
Ebadian et al. [74] solved the combined effects of convective the heat exchangers, but also by the temperature of the water
and thermal radiation heat transfer. They did not find any in- bath surrounding the heat exchanger. Later, Prabhanjan et al.
fluence of the thermal radiation on the velocity field. However, [164] proposed a method to predict the outlet temperatures of

heat transfer engineering vol. 37 no. 10 2016


Table 5 Numerical and theoretical studies on heat transfer correlations curved tubes for constant wall temperature.

Author Correlation Geometry Conditions

2 2
De2 Pr
N u = 3.657[1 + 878 + 0.016 De
Maekawa [172]  2 4 Curved pipe Small Dean
(0.0058 + 0.0269Pr 2 + 0.0056Pr 4 ) De
288 ]

Akiyama and = Curved pipe De Pr 1/2 > 12
0.27Q(1 1.48Q 1 + 23.2Q 2 120Q 3 + 212Q 4

Cheng [173] Q = De1/2 Pr 1/4

Kalb and N u = 0.836De0.5 Pr 0.1 Curved tube De > 80

Seader [174] 0.7 < Pr < 5

 3  3/2
Manlapaz and Nu = 3.657 + 4.343
x1 + 1.158 De
x2 Helical coil R/a > 5

957 0.477
Churchill [175] x1 = 1 + , x2 = 1 +
De2 Pr Pr
0.75De1/2 + 0.0028Pr Pr 1/8
Liu and N u = 3.657 +    Helical pipe 20 < De < 5, 000
1 + 0.00174Pr 3 1 + 70.6Pr 0.6 /De

Masliyah [159] 0.1 < Pr < 500

Acharya et al. [151, 152] Regular coiled tubes

 Coiled tube
 0.13 0.5 0.43
N u = 0.69 Ra Re Pr Pr < 1
 0.13 0.5 0.21
N u = 0.676 Ra Re Pr Pr > 1
  a 0.18 0.5 0.375
N u = 0.7 R Re Pr Pr < 1
Alternating-axis coils  0.18 0.5 0.3
N u = 0.7 Ra Re Pr Pr > 1
N u Reg = 1.014 a 0.05 Pr 0.055 Pr < 1
Relative enhancement ratio NNuuAlter  a 0.05 0.09
= 1.045 Pr Pr > 1
Nu Alter R

the helical coil by considering the flow rates and geometry of in miniscale coiled tubing for constant wall temperature:
the coil.  4
Table 4 summarizes the the most noticeable experimental
N u c = 3.664 + 0.91375 De Pr 0.1 (31)
correlations for the heat transfer inside curved tubes with con-
stant wall temperature condition [40, 77, 81, 96, 165171].
They validated this correlation experimentally for 3.7 < De <
Table 5 shows the available numerical and analytical corre-
700 and 5 < Pr < 15.
lations for the constant wall temperature boundary condition
[151, 152, 159, 172175].
Manlapaz and Churchill [175] compared their numerical cor-
Constant Heat Flux
relation with the available experimental results collected by the
other researchers. The Manlapaz and Churchill correlation [175]
is the most common equation to calculate the Nusselt number As stated earlier, there are two types of constant heat flux
for constant wall temperature condition. However, the correla- boundary condition at the wall: H1, which refers to axially
tion accuracy in the region of 5 < Pr < 15 was found to be constant heat flux at the wall with peripherally constant wall
far from convincing [176]. The correlation accuracy was also temperature, and H2, which refers to axially and peripherally
questioned for small Dean numbers [86]. constant heat flux at the wall. However, it is not practical to
Ghobadi and Muzychka [177] showed that the proposed achieve an exact H1 or H2 condition due to the fluid temperature
model by Manlapaz and Churchill [175] is unable to predict distortion, which has been explained earlier.
the Nusselt number for miniscale coil tubes in a fully developed Most of correlations for constant heat flux at the wall in
region, and suggested the following asymptotic correlation to curved tubes addressed the H1 boundary condition. Limited nu-
calculate the Nusselt number for fully developed heat transfer merical results for H2 boundary condition by Tyagi and Sharma
[50] and Manlapaz and Churchill [175] showed good agreement
heat transfer engineering vol. 37 no. 10 2016

Table 6 Experimental studies on heat transfer correlations, curved tubes for constant heat flux

Author Correlation Geometry Conditions

Berger and N u = 0.0000229 + 0.000636 Ra Re1.29 Pr Helical coil 30 < R/a < 100
Bonilla [178] 1 < De < 100
Kirpov [181] N u = 0.0456Re1.29 (R/a)0.21 Pr 0.4 Helical coil 10, 000 < Re < 45, 000
Seban and N u = 0.13 f Re2 Pr Helical coil 6, 000 < Re < 65, 600
Mclaughlin [179] 2.9 < Pr < 5.7
 a 0.1
Rogers and Nu = 0.023Re0.85 Pr 0.4 R Coil tube 10, 000 < Re < 200, 000
Mayhew [182] a/R = 0.0926, 0.075, 0.05

Ren 1 + 4.8 1 e p Pr 1/3
Singh and N u = 0.224 + 1.369 Helical coil 6 < Re < 7, 650
a w
Bell [183] n = 0.501 + 0.318 Ra
p = 0.00946Gr/De2 R/a = 10.2and41.7
 a 0.337
Yildiz et al. [184] N u = 0.149Re0.673 Pr 0.4 R Helical pipe Pr = 0.7
Xin and Nu = 0.00619Re0.91 Pr 0.4 1 + 3.455 Helical pipe 5000 < Re < 105
Ebadian [185] R/a = 0.0267, 0.0884
Moawed [186] N u = 0.0345Re0.48 (R/a)0.914 (P/a)0.281 Helical coil 660 < Re < 2, 300
7.086 < R/a < 16.142
1.81 < p/a < 3.205

Table 7 Numerical and theoretical studies on heat transfer correlations, curved tubes for constant heat flux

Author Correlation Geometry Conditions

Mori and Nu
N us = 0.1979 De/Z Curved pipe Pr > 1

37.05 1 17Z 1 13 1 1
Nakayama [101, 187] Nu
N us = Nu
N us + + + Pr < 1
II I Z 40 120 10Z 30 10Pr De
Z= 2
11 1+ 1+ 77
4Pr 2
I: 1st approximation, II: 2nd approximation
4/5 a 0.1 1 +
 a 2
Mori and N u = 26.2 Pr 2/3
0.2 Curved pipe Pr 1, Re < 0.1
( R
Re( Ra )2
 1/12  a 2
Nakayama [156] N u Pr 0.4 = 41
Re5/6 Ra 1 +  0.061 1/6 Pr > 1, Re R < 0.4
Re( Ra )2.5

Ozisik and Nu =  48 

2 Pr 2
Curved pipe Pr
11 1 De

Topakoglu [188] Small De2 Pr

Akiyama and Nu
48/11 = 0.181Q(1 0.839Q 1 + 35.4Q 2 207Q 3 + 417Q 4 Curved pipe De Pr 1/2 > 12
Cheng [103] Q= De1/2 Pr 1/4 Pr > 12
Kalb and N u = 3.31De0.115 Pr 0.0108 Curved tube 0.005 < Pr < 0.05
20 < De < 1, 200
Seader [189] Nu = 0.913De0.476 Pr 0.2 0.7 < Pr < 5
80 < De < 1, 200
 3  3/2
Manlapaz and Nu = 4.364 + 4.636
x3 + 1.816 De
x4 Helical coil
Chrchill [175] x3 = 1 + De
2 Pr , x4 = 1 + 1.15

1.7De1/3 Pr 1/6 De < 20
Liu and N u = 0.9Re1/3 Pr 1/6 20 < De < 100 Helical pipe 0.1 < Pr < 500

0.7Re0.43 Pr 1/6 (R/a)0.07 100 < De < 830
Masliyah [159]

heat transfer engineering vol. 37 no. 10 2016


with the results for H1 correlations. Tyagi and Sharma [50] em-
ployed perturbation analysis to demonstrate the negligible influ-
ence of viscous dissipation on Nusselt numbers. However, their
results are limited to small Dean numbers: De < 30. Manlapaz
and Churchill [175] indicated no influence of the coil pitch on
the Nusselt number.
Berger and Bonilla [178] studied the heat transfer coefficient
for heated air, water, and oil in coils with condensing steam.
They reported the coiled heat transfer coefficient smaller than
the one in straight pipes, casting some doubt on the validity of
their experiments.
Seban and McLaughlin [179] passed oil and water through
tightly coiled and uniformly heated copper tubes with coil to
tube ratios of 17 and 104. They indicated the peripheral con-
duction was significant; however, it was insufficient to maintain Figure 10 Effectiveness of curved circular tubes as compared to straight tubes.
a peripherally uniform wall temperature in the laminar region.
They also observed the oscillation at the entrance of the pipes. boundary layer rather than the thermal boundary layer for
Mori and Nakayama [101] measured the heat transfer to air Pr > 1, thereby yielding an erroneous dependence on Prandtl
in a uniformly heated brass pipe with a coil to tube ratio of number [175].
R/a = 40. Schmidt [96] measured the heat transfer for air, Tables 6 [178, 179, 181186] and 7 [101, 103, 156, 159, 175,
water, and oil at the uniform wall temperature with coil to tube 187189] categorize the experimental and numerical correla-
ratios of R/a = 4.914, R/a = 10.17, R/a = 20.28, R/a = 41, tions available for constant heat flux at the wall.
and R/a = 81.3. The relative performance of a curved tube with H1 bound-
Jensen and Bergles [180] reported that nonuniformity oc- ary condition was studied by Kalb and Seader [189] as shown
curred during the processes of making the coil and resulted in 
in Figure 10. The ratio N u H 1,c /N u H 1,s / ( f c / f s ) is plotted
large heat flux distribution on the inner wall of the tube. Austen against Dean number for different Prandtl numbers. One may
and Soliman [110] conducted their experiments for coil to tube find a value greater than 1 as a better performance of curved cir-
ratios of R/a = 29 and R/a = 49, and small Prandtl numbers: cular tubes to straight tubes. The performance of curved tubes
3 < Pr < 6. Their results demonstrate that the pitch change is improved with fluids having Pr > 0.7. The performance of
affect the heat transfer at low Reynolds number significantly. coiled tubes enhances with increasing Pr.
These effects weakened as the Reynolds number is increased.
They also related these pitch effects to free convection, which
consequently becomes less effective as the forced convection
becomes more dominant at higher Reynolds number. CONCLUSIONS
Mori and Nakayama [101] used integral boundary-layer the-
ory to derive the following expression for the H1 boundary Well known correlations to calculate the Nusselt number and
condition: friction factor for laminar Newtonian flow inside a curved or
coiled circular tube have been reviewed. Different aspects of
0.864 De
Nu =   (32) the flow inside curved tubes have been studied. The objectives
1 + f ()De1/2 of this review can be listed as follow:
where is the thermal boundary layer to hydrodaynamic bound-
ary layer ratio. As a first-order approximation for large Dean 1. Governing equations and important dimensionless numbers
numbers, f ()De0.5 can be neglected, and they derived associated with curved tubes were presented. Different ther-
 mal boundary conditions of constant wall temperature, H1,
2 1 + 1 + 77 2 1/2 if Pr > 1 and H2 were defined.
(Pr ) = 1   
11 4Pr
 (33) 2. Available literature for the developing flow in curved tubes
2 + 102 1 1/2 if Pr < 1
5 Pr were reviewed. Hydrodynamically developing, hydrodynam-
ically developed, and thermally developed flow and hydro-
Mori and Nakayama [156] subsequently derived the follow- dynamically and thermally developing flow inside curved
ing solution for uniform wall temperature: tubes were studied. According to the reviewed correlations,
 the entrance length is 2050% shorter than the one in straight
1/2 1 + 2.35De
N u = 0.864De (34) tubes. The researchers also observed the Nusselt number os-

cillation in the entrance region of curved tubes.
Dravid et al. [40] showed that the energy integrals in the 3. The critical Reynolds number that identifies the transition
preceding solutions were evaluated over the hydrodynamic from laminar to turbulent flow for curved tubes was studied.
heat transfer engineering vol. 37 no. 10 2016

It was found that it is hard to identify Recrit by the change L length of curved tubing, m
in the slope of the curvature for the friction factor versus L dimensionless thermal length
Reynolds number, because of the gradual change. However, Nu Nusselt number h Dh /k
all researchers agree that the transition happens in signifi- P tube perimeter m
cantly higher Reynolds numbers in comparison to straight Pe Peclet number U Dh /
tubes. Pr Prandtl number C p /k
4. Pressure drop correlations for fully developed flow inside q heat flux, W/m2
curved tubes were reviewed. Centrifugal force influences the R radius of curvature, m
flow through a curved tube, and push the flow to the outer Rc effective radius of curvature, m
wall. Both numerical and empirical types of the correlations 1/R curvature, 1/m
were reviewed. The correlations were presented in f c / f s Re Reynolds number U Dh /
format. T temperature, K
5. Heat transfer correlations in fully developed flow in curved U average liquid velocity, m/s
tubes were also presented. The results were categorized for
different boundary conditions: constant wall temperature,
H1, and H2. The well-known correlations can be found in Greek Symbols
the relevant tables, where the appropriate condition (Prandtl
number and Dean number) were listed as well. It was also thermal diffusivity, m2 /s
shown that the results for H1 and H2 are too close. volumetric thermal expansion coefficient , = 1/T
boundary layer thickness, m
In the end there are still gaps in the area of the flow in (b/2)
torsion, = R 2 +(b/2) 2
curved tubes. The entrance region is not yet well studied, and dynamic viscosity, N-s/m2
no accurate correlation is available to calculate the pressure fluid density, kg/m3
drop and heat transfer for the developing flow. Most of the angle of tube curvature, rad, deg
correlations in the fully developed region are also based on the
case studied where the results were limited. Understanding the
fluid flow and heat transfer behavior of the flow in circular tubes Subscripts
is still an interesting topic for future investigations.
ave average
bc boundary condition
c curved
crit critical
The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Nat-
H1 H1 boundary condition
ural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
H2 H2 boundary condition
(NSERC), and AUTO 21.
i inlet
m mean
p peripheral
a tube radius, m s straight
b coil pitch, m T constant temperature
Cp specific heat capacity, J/kg-K th thermal
Dh hydraulic diameter, m x local
De Dean number Re (a/R) w wall
Eu Euler number 1/2U 2
p Dh
f Fanning friction factor L 4 Superscripts
2 U
1 2

Gz Graetz number, Pe
g(Tw T )Dh3
Gr Grashof number,
() mean value

H e helical coil number, He = Re Dh
  b 2 1/2 REFERENCES
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heat transfer engineering vol. 37 no. 10 2016

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