Aptis Task 3-4

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Aptis Task 3 - Language Club EEN

You are talking to Todd in the club chat room. Talk to Todd using complete sentences. Use 30-40
words per answer. You have 10 minutes to complete all 3 answers.

T: Hello. I see you're new to our club. I've been a member for nearly a year now. Why did you
decide to join?

T:What do you enjoy about learning languages?

T: Apparently the club is going to start posting members' reasons for learning languages on the
website. What do you think of this idea?
Aptis Task 4 Customer Service
Last week you received a package in the mail that you ordered a month ago from an international
company: You bought this item as a present for a friend. You were planning on giving this gift to
your friend when they came to town to visit. You friend has since gone home but you have
decided to not cancel the order and keep the item for yourself. However, when the package
arrives it is not only late but it is also broken.

Write an e-mail to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you are planning to do. Write
about 50 words.

Write an e-mail to the company's customer service department. Write about your feelings and
what you would like to do. Write 120-150 words.

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