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Math 511: Linear Algebra Good Problems 5 Due: Thursday, 3 July 2014 LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Name Key Instructions: Complete all 10 problems. Each problem is worth 10 points. Show enough work on the paper provided (this paper), and follow all instructions carefully. Write your name on each page. You may use any electronic (or other) aids that you wish, but you are expected to show all relevant details of any calculations. A correct “answer” is not good enough; Ineed to see how you got it! Good Luck! Name: 1. Let Lbe a linear operator on it! and let a = 1(1). Show that L(x) = ax for all xeR! Nokee thot 115 2 @ besa for vay xe tan be mite os xed, Than L(x)e L(el)s xb li) = x so LO) ax Wxek. 2. Let L bea linear operator on a vector space V. Define L”, n > 1, recursively by wen Ly) = Lt), for all ve V. Show that £” is a linear operator on V for each > 1. (Hint: Use mathemat- ical induction.) If Ais a matrix representation of L, what is the matrix representation of L”? Justify your answer. L=L B lotnr Ly asrunphin- Taduchin hype thesis: Assume US ie lindane some EBL ty &) = L(k tes) = LK EC) by te andachin bgp, = «L (UG) sice Lis lmear = FM (s). (a) E(se9)>L (IE sey)) « (109K) by al. lop L(UECo)+ L(t) since L a toe = {M(y1 Ula). g Te Lo> Ax md L(x) et (OO) Hoe / (= Lk @o)) = AA vAR > ATR. Tus AT ig Fle maha veprecenhng U Name: 3. Find the kernel and range of the following linear operators on Ps. 1. Lp(a) = xp"), 2. L(p(x)) = p(x) — p'(), 3. L(p(x)) = xp(0) + pi). 1. plas a + be fox Lips be + acy Tus ker CL) Spee 13 jm (L) = pm F483: A Lipls a the ro b -2ex =@-+ (bre) rer er ()! me a ns teeso Tut belt) = $0. 5 © ce by Fine vaneenullty Fhuenrem, tn (L)* Ps 3, LO) = AK + athe ker (L)# OP arbres 0 Tus few (L)= spn § 203 3 bene iim (L) = spon fy x3 Let 1 1 0 by=|1], be=]0], be=]1], 0 1 1 and let L be the linear transformation from R? into R° defined by L(x) = xy by + xob2 + (x1 + x2) Find the matrix A representing L with respect to the bases {e;,€2} and (by, be, bs) Name: 5. Let L:R? — R® bea linear operator. If ay _(-2 )_ (9 E)-(3) » -Li}-G) find the value of L((7,5)7). Let = (4) Use (4) Ts (%)= L (44, + 3u,)= 4a.) 3L Gs) =4(4)13(2) -GD+C2)= (4) 6. For each f€C(0,1}, define up=[[feds, osesi, , (a.) Show that J is a linear operator on C(0, 1), (b) Find the Le), Le"), and L(¢*), (a) L (4F +89) = {for pg lds = fteftads + Je pgads se Sf Ftods + ple glods > «LCF + pLG) 9 Name: 7, Let L be the linear transformation mapping P, to R’ defined by a [A tad a) unr=[ PO) Find the matrix representing L with respect to the ordered bases (1, x) and {e),€2}. ep itrdey 7 meee) Las f Sixdy\ (‘) 0 8. Let Sbe the subspace of Cla, b] spanned by e*, xe*, and x”e*. Let D be the differentiation operator on S. (a.) Find the matrix representing D with respect to the ordered basis {e*, xe*, x?eJ=U , (b) Find the inverse matrix J = D!. (c) Compute fx2e* dx and J(x2e"). Compare the results. @) ote)er~ (8h tr < Dox) =e%4 xe = Gh © pOeeJ= axe + wek = (2). 9, Prove the following results. 1. If Ais similar to B and B is similar to C, then A is similar to C. 2. If A,Be R"*" and A~ B, then there exist matrices S, 7 € R"*" with 5 nonsingular such that A= ST and B= TS. 3. If A~ B, then det A = det B. 4. If A~ B, then AT ~ BT. 5. If A~ Band A€ Ris any number, then (A— AJ) ~(B- AD. AWB > BESAS or AP SIRS eve DBS TAeT Maggi as (Tet) Ss = (ev )C (4) 1 = (rw)! c (15) 2 AWB 9% 2 SER ponsingular sb. sk = BS, Pot > BS. Then ST = sist =A wd Se BSS B.D 3 RWB Be oH _t diblbdto et tye (rips): dak lod dak (o) det 8) Je edit (Hg “hfe a ge sips 3 pte (ots = THIS = THT oo Ts = BT wAt. s AYR > Be SIRS Sl (ARE) SS SAS geo - Stns 10. Let L be the linear operator on R° given by L(x) = Ax, where and let 1 1 0 wali], »-(3 and v3=|~2]. 1 0, 1 Find the matrix B representing L with respect to the basis {vy,v2,V3}- ud= (29 3)(1 (2)- (2), LO4)= (Ye 2Y4)= ()) - (

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