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Abundance Prayer

From The Light of God that We Are.

From The Love of God that We Are.
From The Power of God that We Are.
From The Heart of God that We Are.

Lets Decree-

We dwell in the middle of Infinite Abundance. The Abundance of God is our Infinite

The River of Life never stops flowing. It flows through us into lavish expression.
Good comes to us through unexpected avenues and God works in a countless ways to
bless us.

We now open our minds to receive our good. Nothing is too good to be true. Nothing
is too wonderful to have happen. With God as our Source, Nothing amazes us.

We are not burdened by thoughts of past or present or future. One is gone. The other
is yet to come.

By the power of our belief, coupled with our purposeful fearless actions and
our deep bond with God, our future is created and our abundance made manifest.

We ask and accept that we are lifted in this and every moment into Higher Truth.
Our minds are quiet.

From this day forward we give freely and confidently into life and Life gives back to
us with magnificent increase. Blessings come in expected and unexpected ways. God
provides for us in extraordinary ways for the work that we do.

I AM indeed grateful.
Saint Michael Archangel ~

O Saint Michael Archangel, please come to me now. i need your help.

O Saint Michael Archangel, Please be my Spiritual Teacher, i want to be your student,
Please give me clarity on what's real about God, and yourself.
O Saint Michael Archangel, you are the one who remembering me the purpose of my life
and give me the courage to follow through on it, please help me.
O Saint Michael Archangel please guides me, navigate me with your spiritual guidance &
divine navigation.
O Saint Michael Archangel Please enrich me with exceptional strength, extraordinary
courage and confidence. Please help me to hold new opportunities in my life. Please help
me to become aware of my own thoughts and feelings and to act upon them.
O Saint Michael Archangel you always stand for me with your league of helper angels to
remove lower energies, to remove negative energies.
O Saint Michael Archangel Please cut the cords that can bind me to people and the past.
Please open my heart with your spiritual fire and activate your divine love and healing &
wash away all that is transient and unnecessary within me.
O Saint Michael Archangel please gives me your divine Protection. Brings exceptional
courage, strength & confidence to me, and clears all negative energy so i can move forward
in manifesting my dreams.
O Saint Michael Archangel please clears away any energy from within me & around me
that are not of Gods Love & Light.
O Saint Michael Archangel Please surround me with your Royal Blue Light & Royal
Purple Light
O Saint Michael Archangel Please protect me with your protective shield, now.

O Saint Michael Archangel Please come to my office, please respond personally.

Please clears away all energy from my office place that are not of Gods Love & Light,
please clears all negativity from my office & protect my office place with your protective
shield, surround my office place, fill my office place with your royal blue light & royal
purple light, please order your league of helper angels to remove all lower energies from
my office place,
O Saint Michael Archangel Please remove all the obstructions from the name of my office
& also from my office so that we can easily earn our daily requirements of livelihood

Archangel Michael, I call upon you now, Archangel Michael, please come to me right
now, Please cut the cords of Fear that are draining my energy & vitality, Thank You

Archangel Michael, I call upon you now, Archangel Michael, please come to me right
now, Please cut the cords of Jealousy that are draining my energy & vitality, Thank You

Archangel Michael, I call upon you now, Archangel Michael, please come to me right
now, Please cut the cords of Anger that are draining my energy & vitality, Thank You

Archangel Michael, I call upon you now, Archangel Michael, please come to me right
now, Please cut the cords of Attachment that are draining my energy & vitality, Thank
You Archangels

Archangel Michael, I call upon you now, Archangel Michael, please come to me right
now, Please cut the cords of False Knowledge that are draining my energy & vitality,
Thank You Archangels

Archangel Michael, I call upon you now, Archangel Michael, please come to me right
now, Please cut the cords of ego & superego that are draining my energy & vitality,
Thank You Archangels

Archangel Michael, I call upon you now, Archangel Michael, please come to me right
now, Please cut the cords of lust of sex that are draining my energy & vitality, Thank
You Archangels

Archangel Michael, I call upon you now, Archangel Michael, please come to me right
now, Please cut the cords of Black Magicians with Black Magic, witchcraft, Spell
working that are draining my energy & vitality, Thank You Archangels


Archangel Michael, I call upon you now, Archangel Michael, please come to me right
now. Bring back the part of myself that has merged with (name the persons name).
Bring back my energy.
With your sword of light, please cut the cords between (say persons name) and myself.
Please remove from my energy field anything that is not mine, not serving me, that is of
(name of person) or that (name of person) has brought in with him/her, and completely
remove that energy field out of my body, from my body, from my house, from my
property, from my kids, from my workplace and anywhere else it currently resides. Fill
my entire being with the Gods Love and Light, especially where the cords were cut.

Archangel Raphael, I call upon you now, Archangel Raphael, please come to me now.
Please come to heal my Soul, my entire physical body, my organs, my chakras, all my
energy centers, heal me completely with Gods Love & Light especially the power
cords which is recently cut by Archangel Michael, heal me with Gods Divine Light & Love
& cover me with your emerald green healing energy, thank you Archangel Raphael
for your healing.

Archangel Michael, I call upon you now, Archangel Michael please locate and bring

back any soul fragments I have left in any place and in any person. Please cleanse, heal

and integrate them back into my soul. Please surround me, fill me and shield me with the

magnificent White Light of the Divine. Place a column of sparkling, angelic and vibrant

Divine White Light above my head that fills my entire body and being which cleanses and

heals every cell, and every organ of my body, mind and soul.

Please place a shield of Divine White Light all around me in every direction and

dimension. Only love and light be able to penetrate this shield. This shield of Divine

White Light fills, cleanses and protects my house, my yard, my place of business, my

children, my family members, my town, my state, my world and deflects any negative

energy sent my way and sends it straight back to the sender with love. Archangels

Michael set this Gods pure white light to stay on guard around me, to protect me, my

children, my family at all times and in all dimensions for as long as I exist.

Thank You Archangels Michael for protecting me! And so it is.


Archangel Michael, please be here with me now. I ask you to please vacuum [my body, my energy
centers, my chakras, my home, my office]. Please suction away all the lower energy of fear, jealousy,
anger, attachments, ego, superego, lust of sex, black magic & Black magic worker, witchcraft, spell
working, bad effects & negative energy of earthbound souls & false gurus, false teachers & release all
kind of darkness & negative energies from me to awaken the Gods true love & pure light within me.
O saint Michael archangel, I ask you to now lift away all traces of negativity, all effects & negative
energy of earthbound souls & false gurus, false teachers.
Archangel Michael, please come to my side, be with me, awaken the pure knowledge of almighty
God within me, please put me in the path of your heavenly guidance, please be my spiritual teacher &
O saint Michael archangel, please dip me in pure love of almighty God, Please enrich me with pure
knowledge of almighty God, please teach me about the pure knowledge of almighty god.
Archangel Michael, thanks for your kindness, for your Divine help,


Archangel Raziel, I call upon you now, Archangel Raziel, I ask for your help, & I hereby cut and
revoke all vows, deeds, covenants, and promises in this and all lifetimes, in all kingdoms and
dimensions and in all time and space.

1. Archangel Raziel, I call upon you now, Archangel Raziel, I ask for your help, & I hereby cut
any vows of POVERTY that I have made, in all directions & dimensions of time & space. I
cancel any negative effects of these vows, now and forever.
2. Archangel Raziel, I call upon you now, Archangel Raziel, I ask for your help, & I hereby cut
any vows of VERGINITY that I have made, in all directions & dimensions of time & space. I
cancel any negative effects of these vows, now and forever.
3. Archangel Raziel, I call upon you now, Archangel Raziel, I ask for your help, & I hereby cut
any vows of SELF SACRIFICE that I have made, in all directions & dimensions of time &
space. I cancel any negative effects of these vows, now and forever.
4. Archangel Raziel, I call upon you now, Archangel Raziel, I ask for your help, & I hereby cut
any vows of CHASTITY / CELIBACY that I have made, in all directions & dimensions of
time & space. I cancel any negative effects of these vows, now and forever.
5. Archangel Raziel, I call upon you now, Archangel Raziel, I ask for your help, & I hereby cut
any vows of SILENCE that I have made, in all directions & dimensions of time & space. I
cancel any negative effects of these vows, now and forever.
6. Archangel Raziel, I call upon you now, Archangel Raziel, I ask for your help, & I hereby cut
any vows of SUFFERING that I have made, in all directions & dimensions of time & space.
I cancel any negative effects of these vows, now and forever.
7. Archangel Raziel, I call upon you now, Archangel Raziel, I ask for your help, & I hereby cut
any vows of OBIDIENCE that I have made, in all directions & dimensions of time & space.
I cancel any negative effects of these vows, now and forever.
8. Archangel Raziel, I call upon you now, Archangel Raziel, I ask for your help, & I hereby cut
any vows against SPIRIT that I have made, in all directions & dimensions of time & space.
I cancel any negative effects of these vows, now and forever.
9. Archangel Raziel, I call upon you now, Archangel Raziel, I ask for your help, & I hereby cut
any vows against GOD that I have made, in all directions & dimensions of time & space. I
cancel any negative effects of these vows, now and forever.
10.Archangel Raziel, I call upon you now, Archangel Raziel, I ask for your help, & I hereby cut
any vows and promises of marriage to (Name) that I have made, in all directions &
dimensions of time & space. I cancel any negative effects of these vows, now and forever.

Thank you, Archangel Raziel, for helping me heal away any fears from previous lifetimes so that I may
focus clearly upon my present-day Divine life mission.

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