Panzerkrieg Revised Rules

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a. Combat Segment
b. Exploitation Segment
GRAPHICS: Kevin Zucker, J. A. Nelson, Larry
9.3 GROUND SUPPORT RULES: Bruce C. Shelley
RULES UPDATE: Wah June Hwang
9.4 AIR SUPPLY Original Copyright 1978 Operational Studies Group
10.0 COMBAT Copyright 1983 The Avalon Hill Game Company
PANZERKRIEG is an operational level simulation of
various Axis and Soviet campaigns in southern Russia
during the period 1941-1944. These campaigns, more
than any others, display the large forces and vast
distances of protracted combat between two industrial
giants. The simulation presents nine scenarios, each
describing a different period of operations. Each of
these scenarios is played as a separate game and all
scenarios use the same rules and components. The
game is an examination of the battles which shaped the
campaign and is based upon evaluation of the combat
forces, the leaders, the logistical limitations, and the
terrain over which the antagonists struggled.
PANZERKRIEG has been designed primarily as a
two player game, with one player commanding the
Axis forces and the other the Soviet forces. When
played solitaire, the competitive value of the game is
eliminated, but it remains a tool with which to study
the history presented.
The 22"x32" game map represents the area in southern
Russia where the campaigns simulated took place. A
field of hexagons (hexes) has been superimposed upon
the map to regularize the positioning and movement of
the playing pieces (counters). Each hex is identified by 2.3 SCENARIOS AND STUDY FOLDER
a unique four-digit number for easy reference. For PANZERKRIEG offers nine different scenarios for
example, the city of Odessa is in hex 1115. play, each placing the players at the beginning of a
crucial passage of the war in southern Russia. The first
2.2 THE PLAYING PIECES eight scenarios are found in the 16 page Scenarios and
Playing pieces, also known as counters, are provided Study Folder (the ninth scenario, a hypothetical
of three types: combat units, leaders, and information situation, is included on a separate card). The scenarios
markers. Combat units represent the fighting in the folder are described in three ways: a map show-
formations of the various armies. Leader counters ing the placement areas for each side, a set-up display
represent individual commanders (and their staffs) giving each side its deployment instructions, and a
included in the game because of the significant impact brief historical commentary.
of their leadership on the conduct of the relevant cam- 2.4 CHARTS AND TABLES CARDS
paigns. Information markers are included as playing
aids. The various charts and tables which are used in play
and an additional ninth hypothetical scenario are
SAMPLE UNITS included on three separate cards. Included on the cards
are the Combat Results Table (CRT), the Weather
Intensity Table, the Weather Effects Table, and the
Terrain Effects Chart (TEC).
PANZERKRIEG is played in sequenced turns called
Game-Turns. Each Game-Turn consists of two player-
turns. The player whose turn is in progress is called the
phasing player, all actions must take place in the
sequence outlined below. Any action attempted out of
sequence is not allowed. All Game-Turns are identical
and follow one another until the scenario being played
is ended and the winner determined. The length of the
scenario is the number of Game-Turns shown on the attacks. Each attack is conducted according to the
scenario Turn Record Tack. following procedure:
A. WEATHER DETERMINATION Combat Procedure (for each attack)
The first player to move in a scenario, as listed in the All attacking units and a maximum of one leader total
scenario "Deployment Notes", rolls the die and their combat strength and compare it with the total
consults the Weather Intensity Table to determine the strength of the defending units and leader (if present).
weather for this Game-Turn. The weather result is then Both sides' strength may be modified by terrain and
noted by placing the appropriate weather state marker supply considerations, and the defender may be able to
on the scenario Turn Record Track. commit reserves. The ratio of attacker/ defender
strength, after all modifications are included, is
reduced to one of the simply odds ratios found on the
1. Supply Determination Phase Combat Results
The first player determines the supply status of his Table (e.g., 16 to 6 becomes 2 to 1). The attacker then
units. Those units that were marked as being out of rolls a die, and modifies the number rolled for the
supply on previous turns, and that are now in supply, presence of attacking leaders, terrain effects, and
have the out of supply markers removed. Place out of weather effects. The net number is cross-referenced
supply markers on those units now out of supply that with the previously determined odds column, and the
were not previously marked. Units marked as being out result of this attack is read off and immediately applied
of supply have their combat and movement capabilities to the units involved. Each attack is resolved separately
halved. and completely, before proceeding to the next attack.
2. Movement Phase The Combat Results Table (CRT)
The first player moves each unit or stack of units The results read off the CRT indicate to the players the
individually through the hex grid of the map, tracing a various actions that must be taken with the units
path of contiguous hexes and spending a portion of its involved in a given attack. Combat generally results in
movement allowance (one or more movement points) the retreat and/or elimination of at least one player's
for each hex entered or hexside crossed. A unit may involved units. A complete explanation of the results is
never exceed its movement allowance. Rail, sea, and given with the CRT.
road movement may be used to speed friendly
Breakthrough Results and Exploitation Eligibility
movement. The first player now brings on any
reinforcements that are due. The first player also Attacks made at high odds with the die roll modified
"flies" his air units to any hexes on the map not by an attacking leader may result in a breakthrough.
containing enemy CAP markers, and within range of All defending units in such cases are immediately
his air bases. These air units may attack enemy units eliminated or reduced to battlegroups. If there is at
they are stacked on during the upcoming Combat or least one attacking armored or mechanized infantry
Exploitation Segments, either alone, or in conjunction unit involved in the attack, other friendly armored or
with friendly ground units. The first player continues mechanized units adjacent to the original attackers
the Movement Phase of his player-turn until he has which have not yet attacked and which are not in an
moved all units he wishes to move. enemy Zone of Control (see section 8.0), are eligible
for exploitation and are marked with an exploitation
3. Combat Phase
After all movement has ceased, the first player may
b. Exploitation Segment
now attack enemy units that occupy hexes adjacent to
his own ground combat units, or which occupy the After the phasing player has conducted all of his
same hexes as his own air units. The phasing player is attacks in the Combat Segment, all units marked with
never obligated to attack, and does so at his own exploitation markers may move again and conduct
option. attacks. Only units marked with exploitation markers
may move and attack. No air units may be flown to
a. Combat Segment
targets during the Exploitation Segment, but air units
First, all attacks against enemy ground combat units flown to targets during the Movement Phase may
made solely by friendly air units must be resolved. withhold their attack strength and attack in conjunction
Note that attacks involving solely air units on one side with exploiting units. No air units may attack alone
are resolved on the Combat Results Table and that they during the Exploitation Segment.
involve a special result that applies only to these
4. Administration Phase
attacks (air units ignore adverse combat results; if a "*"
appears the targeted unit(s) is disrupted). Then ground After all exploitation attacks have been resolved, the
units which are adjacent to hexes occupied by enemy first player may create or put under construction
ground units make their attacks, either alone or in fortresses or bridgeheads, and may incorporate
conjunction with friendly air units. The phasing player replacements into his units which have been reduced to
continues to resolve attacks until he wishes to make no battlegroups, and/or break divisions down into
more, or until he has no more units eligible to make battlegroups. Each of these activities may only be
undertaken by ground units that have not moved or supply, regardless of which side of the scenario start
participated in combat during the preceding player- line it is on (see section 24.0, Scenario Map Start
turn, and are not now adjacent to any enemy units. The Lines), so long as that rail line can be traced to a
phasing player removes all disruption markers from friendly map edge.
friendly units placed due to air attacks. Lastly, the
5.11 The supply line path may extend a maximum of
phasing player may place CAP markers on the hexes
ten hexes (regardless of terrain type from the unit
he wishes to protect from enemy air units during the
(exclusive) to the friendly railroad hex (inclusive). The
subsequent enemy player-turn.
path must be free of enemy units and their Zones of
C. THE SECOND PLAYER TURN Control (see 8.0). It may cross major rivers only at
bridges or through bridgeheads (see 18.2), and may not
The second player then repeats the phases listed under
cross sea hexsides unless the unit is operating on a
the First Player-Turn, moving and attacking with his
seaborne supply line as described below.
own units.
5.12 Once a supply line has reached a railroad, it may
not deviate from the rail line in reaching the board
Upon the completion of the Second Player-Turn, the edge. Rail lines, which are cut by the presence of
Game-Turn marker is advanced on the scenario Turn enemy units or their Zones of Control, cannot be used
Record Track to signal the completion of one Game- to convey supply. An enemy unit moving across (but
Turn, and the beginning of the next. The first player not occupying) a friendly rail line has no effect on
then begins this new Game-Turn with the Weather friendly supply (which is determined at the start of
Determination Phase, and proceeds through each phase friendly player turn.)
in order. Play proceeds in this manner until the last
5.13 A unit is also considered to be in supply if it can
turn of the scenario is completed, at which point the
trace an overland supply line often hexes directly to a
winner of the game is determined.
friendly reinforcement entry hex.
The first player in a scenario determines the weather Units that are located in or near town or city port hexes
for each Game-Turn by consulting the Weather on the Black Sea coast may trace a seaborne supply
Intensity Table and rolling one die. Cross-reference the line if the player controls Black Sea ports suitable for
month of the Game-Turn (indicated on the scenario sea transport (see 6.2) which are themselves in supply.
Turn Record Track) with the die roll to determine the Seaborne supply is traced as follows:
weather condition for this Game-Turn. Conditions
shown on the table are Clear, Rain, Snow, or Storm. from the unit (exclusive), up to five hexes to any
Two additional weather conditions are possibleMud friendly port hex (inclusive).
and Ice. Mud occurs if the weather condition Rain
by any number of sea hexes from the first port hex
continues for more than one consecutive Game-Turn.
to any other friendly port hex.
Ice occurs if either Snow continues for more than one
consecutive Game-Turn, or immediately upon the from the second port hex (exclusive), along a
appearance of the condition Storm. See the Weather maximum ten hex path to a friendly rail line which can
Effects Table to determine how weather effects move- be traced off a friendly map edge.
ment and combat.
A seaborne supply line is blocked if any of the paths or
5.0 SUPPLY the rail line is occupied by enemy units or their Zones
of Control (see 8.0).
Units must be in supply in order to exercise their full
movement and combat capabilities. Supply status is 5.3 SUPPLY EFFECTS
determined and indicated during the Supply Out of supply ground and air units and headquarters
Determination Phase at the beginning of the player- have their combat value and movement allowance
turn, and remains in effect until that player's next turn. halved, with all fractions rounded down. Headquarters
Out of supply units are marked with an out of supply which are out of supply may not dispatch reserves (see
marker. To be in supply, a unit must be able to trace a 10.2). Supply has no effect upon the combat or
supply line. In addition, Axis and Soviet units are in movement capabilities of leaders. Airfields which are
supply if they are able to trace five hexes free of out of supply may not support CAP (see 9.2), and are
enemy Zones of Control (see section 8.0) to the eliminated if out of supply for more than one Game-
western or eastern map edges, respectively. A limited Turn. Out of supply units can construct fortifications.
number of Axis units may also be supplied by air (see
section 9.4, Air Supply). 6.0 MOVEMENT
5.1 SUPPLY LINE During the Movement Phase, the phasing player may
move any and all of his ground, air, leader, and
A supply line consists of a path of hexes leading cross-
headquarters units. Movement is voluntary, and is
country from the unit to a railroad, and along the
regulated by the hex grid superimposed on the map. A
railroad to a friendly rail hex on the edge of the map.
unit expends movement points for each hex entered or
Any railroad hex on the map may be used to trace
hexside crossed, as detailed on the Terrain Effects
Chart (TEC). The movement points that a unit has ROAD BRIDGES: All ground unit types may cross
available (the right hand number on each counter) can rivers at road bridges when performing normal
be modified by its supply status and by the prevalent movement. When crossing a road bridge during normal
weather conditions. To enter a hex of clear terrain movement, the unit incurs no additional movement
costs one movement point. Air units moving to and point costs over the cost of moving by road.
from their airbases ignore all terrain and each hex
THE CAUSEWAY: Hex 0926 is the causeway hex.
entered counts as one movement point of their
No ground unit may move into or through this hex
allowance expended. No unit can expend more than its
except when using rail movement. No unit using rail
net movement allowance (possibly modified by supply
movement may end the Movement Phase in this hex.
and weather). Movement points cannot be accumulated
from one turn to the next, nor can they be transferred LAKE HEXSIDES: The black lines on the hexsides
from one unit to another. No unit can enter a hex in the lake bordering hexes 1247, 1148, and 1149 may
unless it has sufficient movement allowance remaining not be crossed by ground units.
to pay the full cost. A hex that does not contain a
No ground unit may move through an all sea hexside
town, city, rail line or road is unplayable unless it
contains at least approximately 50% land. unless using sea transport (see section 6.2 below).
The movement point cost to enter the various type of Both players may make troop movements in the Black
Sea by naval transport. Each side has the capacity to
hexes or cross hexsides is detailed on the Terrain
move one unit by sea each turn. Sea transport may only
Effects Chart (TEC), which is found on the separate
take place between coastal port cities and towns
chart and tables card. Additional notes for certain
friendly to the moving units. Only the following cities
terrain types are included below.
and towns marked with a port symbol are considered
RIVERS: Major rivers can be crossed only at bridges ports: Constanta (0109), Odessa (1115), Sevastopol
or at river crossing hexes, which are printed on the (0222), Yalta (0224), Feodosia (0427), and Novorosisk
map. The cost specified on the TEC for crossing a river (0335). A unit to be moved by sea must begin its
is for crossing the river hexside only, and it is a Movement Phase in one of these ports. It may not land
movement point cost that does not include the cost for in a port in any enemy Zone of Control (see 8.0), but
entering the hex which the unit crosses into. This holds may leave from such a port. A sea transported unit may
true for all rivers, including major rivers. make no movement in a turn other than the naval
transport movement. A unit transported by sea is not
eligible for exploitation the turn that it is moved.
movement costs only apply when moving across a
Major River between two River Crossing Hexes. 6.3 RAILROAD MOVEMENT
Otherwise, River Crossing hexes count as Clear
Both sides may make use of railroad movement. There
is no limit to the number of units that can use rail
KIEV: Units may move from Kiev to hex 3215 as if movement. To be moved by rail, a unit must begin the
Kiev was a River Crossing hex. Movement Segment located on a hex containing a rail
line. It may then move by rail to any other rail line hex
KERCH STRAITS: The Kerch Straits (between on the appropriate (beginning) side of the start line to
hexes 0531-0631) and hexes (0532-0632) separate the which it is connected by a continuous rail line not
Crimea from the Taman Peninsula, joining the Black interrupted by opposing units or Zones of Control. No
Sea with the Sea of Azov. For all game purposes, this unit may ever enter or exit an enemy controlled hex
strait is considered to be the same as a major river using railroad movement. Rail movement may not be
crossing hex. used to place a unit adjacent to an enemy unit. Units
BRIDGEHEADS: A player may improve the crossing moved by rail may not use regular movement on the
facilities of a major river crossing hexside and make it same turn, nor may it conduct Exploitation movement.
the equivalent of a bridged hexside. (See 18.2 6.4 ENTERING AND EXITING THE MAP
Bridgehead Effects.)
When reinforcements are called for in a specific entry
ROADS: Units may move along roads at twice their hex (or range of entry hexes) the reinforcing units are
normal movement rate, with the road canceling the simply placed in that hex; they may then move
normal movement costs of the terrain in the hex. Units normally (including by rail) that turn. The reinforcing
derive this benefit only when following a road exactly, units pay no movement point cost for the entry hex and
but units may combine road and off-road movement an unlimited number of units may use a single entry
freely in one turn. hex on a Game-Turn, as long as stacking restrictions
RAILROAD BRIDGES: All ground unit types may are observed at the end of the Movement Phase.
cross rivers at rail bridges when performing either rail 6.41 If a given reinforcement hex is occupied by
or normal movement. When crossing a rail bridge enemy units and that hex is scheduled for reinforcing
during normal movement, the unit is assessed one units, those units may enter at an alternate
additional movement point over the cost of entering reinforcement hex. Axis units enter at alternate
the next hex. reinforcement hexes bearing the next higher number
which is unoccupied by enemy units. Soviets Only armored and mechanized units of both sides, and
reinforcements enter at the next lower number the German parachute unit can exert a Zone of Control
reinforcement hex unoccupied by enemy units. Units (ZOC). The hex one of these units occupies, and the
may enter reinforcement hexes covered by enemy six hexes immediately surrounding the occupied hex,
Zones of Control (see section 8.0, Zones of Control), constitute that unit's ZOC. ZOC's inhibit movement,
but are not obligated to do so. They may instead enter and may block supply lines and retreat routes after
at the appropriate alternate reinforcement hex. Units combat.
which enter at an alternate entry point on the same map
ZOCs do not extend across lake hexsides or Major
edge as the blocked hex enter the same Game-Turn.
River hexsides. This is not changed by the presence of
Reinforcing units entering on another map edge than
River Crossing hexes or Bridges.
they would have normally must delay one turn before
entering. Air units in a hex have no effect on ground unit
movement or ZOC's.
6.42 Units may never move off the map. In one
instance withdrawals are called for. These units are 8.1 MOVEMENT EFFECTS
simply removed from the map during the
All units must expend 3 movement points to enter a
Administration Phase. Only units in supply at the
controlled hex, in addition to the normal terrain costs
moment can be withdrawn. If units of the type and
for that hex as detailed on the Terrain Effects Chart.
strength specified do not meet these conditions, a unit
The presence of friendly units in the controlled hex
of higher strength must be withdrawn instead.
does not negate the effect of the ZOC for purposes of
6.5 UNIT MOVEMENT TYPES movement. Units may move from one enemy con-
trolled hex to another, so long as they have sufficient
The following units are armor type units for purposes
movement points to do so. Ground units may not enter
of movement point costs on the TEC: armor,
enemy occupied hexes (Exception: Hexes occupied
mechanized, artillery, anti-tank, headquarters and the
solely by enemy Leaders, Artillery and Anti-Tank
Luftwaffe airborne division. All other types are non-
units may be entered, and passed through, destroying
armor units for movement purposes. Leader units may
the occupying units.)
be considered either type and may alternate between
the two freely during a single Movement Phase. 8.2 SUPPLY EFFECTS

7.0 STACKING Supply lines cannot be traced through enemy ZOC's,

neither before nor after the supply line reaches a
Players may generally stack more than one unit railroad. The presence of friendly ground units does
together in the same hex. The Axis player may stack negate enemy ZOC's for purposes of tracing supply.
up to three friendly ground combat units in a hex at the Also, units which normally have a ZOC retain it when
end of a phase. The Soviet player may stack up to two out of supply.
friendly ground combat units in a hex at the end of a
phase. Stacking limitations apply only at the end of a 8.3 COMBAT EFFECTS
given phase and must be observed strictly at that point. Units disrupted by enemy air unit attack do not have a
Any units in a hex stacked in excess of these limits are ZOC. Units forced to retreat by a combat result may
eliminated (the owning player chooses which to not enter an enemy controlled hex, and are eliminated
eliminate). During the Movement Phase, units may instead. The presence of other friendly units in the
freely pass through a hex ignoring the stacking controlled hex does negate the effect of the enemy
restrictions. (See also Axis Satellite restrictions, 19.0). ZOC for purposes of retreat. Units can thus retreat
In addition to these stacking limits, either player may through enemy ZOC's if the controlled hex is occupied
have one of each of the following units and marker by non-retreating friendly units.
types in a hex: a leader, a CAP marker, a bridgehead 9.0 AIR OPERATIONS
marker, an artillery unit, an anti-tank unit, and a
headquarters unit. Also, either player may stack an Both players may use air operations in support of their
additional combat unit on a bridgehead marker to ground forces. All such air operations are conducted by
maintain the bridgehead. The Soviet player may place the air units which the player has available for the
an additional airborne brigade unit on any stack. scenario being played. Air operations are founded on a
system of air bases which are strategically positioned
One Air Base and its Air Units may stack in a hex in by each player. There are two types of air operations in
addition to stacking of land units. the game: Ground Support and Air Supply (Axis
The following unit and marker types are exempt from player only). There is no air transport. Combat Air
stacking restrictions, and may be placed in a hex in any Patrol (CAP) markers are a special type of unit, whose
quantity: air units (flying ground support operations use is explained below. To conduct an air operation,
see 9.6); stalemate, exploitation, out of supply, and the air unit is moved from its base to any hex within its
disruption markers. range.


Each player is provided with a number of air base
counters specified by the set-up display of the scenario
being played. Air bases must be placed in cities or hexes during the player's Movement Phase, and attack
towns that contain a railroad line, and can trace a during either the Combat or Exploitation Segments.
supply line. No more than one air base may ever Air units on a ground support mission must fly to an
occupy a given hex. Each air base has the capacity to enemy occupied hex. They may never fly into or
operate four air units. All air units to be used must be through hexes containing an opposing CAP market.
placed on air bases (only) during the set-up, before the Air units may attack only the hexes upon which they
start of play. are stacked. Adverse combat results have no effect
upon air units.
9.11 Once placed on the map, the owning player may
move any one air base per Game-Turn, and the move 9.31 If a hex being attacked by air units is
must be to a city or town under friendly control and simultaneously being attacked by ground units, the air
located on a railroad hex. The air base is simply units must combine their combat value with that of the
removed from the map, placed upside down in its new ground units into one total attack strength.
position, and then flipped over during the Administra-
9.32 Air units alone may attack hexes which are not
tion Phase. Air units may not conduct any air
being simultaneously attacked by ground units. In this
operations from a base on the turn in which it is being
case, the attacker may choose which of the defending
units to attack, ignoring the others. These attacks must
9.12 Air bases may never retreat. If a hex containing be resolved at the beginning of the Combat Segment
an air base is attacked and a retreat result is rolled, then before the attacking player proceeds to resolve pure
the air base is instead destroyed. Any air units stacked ground attacks or combined ground/air attacks. Attacks
on an air base when it is eliminated are also eliminated. made solely by air units are resolved on the Combat
Results Table (see the separate card) and all combat
9.13 Air bases may never be attacked by enemy air
calculations are made normally (defending units
receive any benefits for terrain, except those for
9.14 Air bases which are out of supply may not support defending in River Crossing hexes or behind River
CAP, and are eliminated if out of supply for more than hexsides). However, these attacks are resolved using
one Game-Turn (see section 5.0, Supply). only the disruption result as outlined on the CRT.
Attacks made solely by air units never benefit from the
9.15 Air units return to their bases immediately after presence of friendly leaders.
the attacks in which they have participated are
resolved, and they may return to bases different from 9.33 Axis satellite air units are restricted in their
those from which they flew. ground support ability (see section 19.2, Satellite Air
9.15 An airbase has an intrinsic defense capability
against ground attack of one combat strength point. 9.4 AIR SUPPLY
This defense factor is doubled or tripled normally for German 5-20 air units may be diverted from combat
towns and cities. functions in order to supply units that cannot trace a
9.2 COMBAT AIR PATROL (CAP) normal supply line. Their bases must be within range
of the units they supply, and the Soviet player must be
Defensive air power is represented by CAP markers.
informed of the details of any such activity. Air units
These signify concentrations of protective air activity
are committed to air supply during the Axis player's
on a sector sufficient to deny use of the airspace to
Supply Determination Phase.
opposing air forces.
9.41 The Axis player points out to the Soviet player the
9.21 The presence of a CAP marker on a hex prohibits units that he is supplying by air, and flips over enough
the enemy player from flying air units into or through
of his 5-20 air units in range to fulfill the supply
that hex.
requirements. The units supplied in this manner are
9.22 CAP markers are placed at the end of the considered to be in supply until the beginning of the
Exploitation Segment of the player-turn, and remain in Axis player's next Supply Determination Phase.
place throughout the enemy player-turn. 9.42 The first two 5-20 air units diverted may supply
9.23 CAP markers must be placed within 12 hexes of a two divisions each. Thereafter, for each three
friendly air base which is in supply. Any one air base additional 5-20 air units diverted, one division may be
can support all of the CAP markers available for the supplied. Air units engaged in supply activity may
scenario. conduct no other air operations in that turn. KGs, BGs,
AT units and Artillery units each count for 1/3 of a
9.24 The number of CAP markers each player has division. HQs are supplied for free.
available each turn is shown on the set-up display of
the scenario. 9.43 Air supply is not allowed into a hex containing an
enemy CAP marker.
Both players have air units representing major 10.0 COMBAT
formations of bomber and ground support aircraft. Combat occurs between opposing units after all
These are based on air bases, move to their target movement has ceased, and at the discretion of the
phasing player. The phasing player is the attacker, and to give the result of "DE"-defender eliminated. The
the non-phasing player is the defender. Ground units defending Soviet units are removed from play and the
must be under command control (see 10.1) in order to attacker occupies Rostov.
attack. Attacks are made by air units against enemy
ground units in the hex occupied by the attacking air
units. Attacks by ground units are made against enemy In order to make an attack on an adjacent hex, ground
units in hexes adjacent to them. All defending units in combat units and leaders must be located within seven
a hex must be attacked as a combined force. Separate hexes of a friendly headquarters units. Opposing units,
units in a hex cannot be attacked individually. A enemy ZOC's and terrain located between the
friendly leader stacked with attacking units adds his headquarters and the units which it is commanding
combat factor to the attacker's strength (see 11.0). The have no effect on command control. A headquarters
defender may be able to increase his defense strength unit may exercise command control over any number
by committing reserves to the battle (see 10.2). Terrain of units within its range.
and supply considerations may modify the attacker's
10.11 Headquarters in enemy ZOC's may provide
and defender's strength. Armor superiority for either
command control for units within their range.
side will shift the odds of the attack in that sides favor
(see 12.0). Each attack is resolved according to the 10.12 German headquarters may provide command
procedure outlined below, and the results of the attack control to all Axis units.
are implemented immediately before resolving the next
10.13 Satellite headquarters may provide command
attack. Explanations for each combat result are
control only to units of their nationality. The command
presented on the Combat Results Table. A player may
control range for satellite headquarters is four hexes,
make as many attacks as he desires during a turn,
rather than seven.
subject only to his command control capabilities and to
the number of adjacent enemy occupied hexes. The 10.2 RESERVES
attacker decides which opposing units shall be engaged
Once the attacking player has stated his total strength,
in battle and in what order such battles will be re-
the defender must decide whether to commit reserves
to the battle. Reserves are defined as any combat units
PROCEDURE of the defender which are stacked with headquarters
units and which are located on town or city hexes
The attacker and the defender each determine their
within five hexes of the hex under attack. Reserves
respective strength, including ground units, attacking
must be dispatched after the statement of attacking
air units, leaders present, defensive reserves, and any
strength and before the combat die roll is made. Units
modifications due to supply or terrain. The total
committed as reserves share the fate of the friendly
strengths for each side are then compared, and the
units in the combat hex. They do not return to the
resulting ratio of attacker's strength divided by
headquarters after the attack is resolved.
defender's strength is rounded down in favor of the
defender to the nearest ratio found across the top of the 10.21 Combat units dispatched as reserves do not pay
Combat Results Table (CRT). This is the column of normal terrain movement costs, but may move a
the CRT on which the attack will be resolved, unless maximum of five hexes only. Reserves may cross
the column is shifted due to the presence of armor major rivers only at bridges or bridgeheads, and not at
superiority for either side. The attacker then rolls one river crossing hexes. Reserves cannot enter any hex
die and cross-indexes the number rolled with the occupied by enemy units or ZOC's except the hex they
column on the CRT noted above to determine the are reinforcing.
result of this combat. The number rolled on the die
10.21a Reserves may not be committed if it will cause
may be modified by terrain effects, the weather, and by
the reinforcing hex to overstack.
the presence of leaders on either side. Explanations for
each combat result are presented with the CRT. 10.22 Units committed as reserves do not receive
defense strength improvements due to the terrain of the
combat hex on the turn that they reinforce that hex.
The German player is the attacker and moves three 13- (Defending units already in the hex retain any terrain
11 panzer units and a 13 leader adjacent to Rostov, benefits which they would normally receive.)
which is occupied by 2 Soviet infantry units, a 4-7 and
a 3-7. The German player also flies four 5-20 air units 10.23 Leaders cannot be used as reserves. Leaders are
to Rostov to support the attack. Both sides are in not headquarters, and cannot be used to dispatch
supply and the Soviet player has no reserves available. reserves.
The defending Soviet unit is tripled in a major city, 10.24 Disrupted headquarters and headquarters in
giving it a strength of 21. The total attack strength is enemy ZOC's may not disptach reserves.
72. The ratio of 72 attack factors to 21 defense factors
is rounded down in favor of the defender and reduces 10.25 Reserves not committed during the Combat
to the ratio of 3 to 1 found on the CRT. The attacker Segment are available for use during the Exploitation
rolls a 4 on the die, but this is increased to a 6 due to Segment (see section 15.2).
the presence of an attacking leader. The modified die 10.26 German headquarters may dispatch reserves of
roll of 6 is cross-indexed with the 3 to 1 odds column any Axis nationality. Satellite headquarters may only
dispatch reserves of their nationality, and only to hexes when the attack is resolved in the next Game-Turn.
already containing at least two units of their Ground units of either side may not enter any
nationality. stalemated hex, nor participate in any stalemate attack
or defense. CAP markers and phasing air units are not
MODIFICATIONS affected by these retric-tions, and may be freely
altered. Attacking stalemated units may not be attacked
The combat strength of participating units on both by the defending player's air units.
sides of an attack, as well as the die roll to resolve the
attack, may be modified by several factors. Combat 11.0 LEADERS
strength may be modified by terrain (see the TEC) or Leader counters represent generals of exceptional
by lack of supply (see section 5.0). The combat die roll ability exercising close tactical command over given
may be modified by terrain, by the presence of leaders, sectors of the battle front. Each leader has a movement
and by the weather (see the Weather Effects Table). allowance and moves like a combat unit. The presence
If more than one Combat Strength modifier applies of a leader in combat affects the strength of the forces
simultaneously, they are considered in this order: with which he is stacked and can affect the combat die
(1)Command Control, (2)Supply, (3)Disruption from roll. Leaders must be stacked with combat units in
air attack, and (4) Terrain, dropping fractions after order to use their combat strength. Only one Leader
each modification is applied. may stack in a hex. Leaders may be used in combat
only once in each player-turn, and only one friendly
10.31 Terrain effects may modify the combat strength leader may participate in a single combat. A leader
of both the attacker and defender. In cases where cannot attack or defend by himself, and is eliminated
several modifications could apply to the attacker, only from play if all of the units with which he is stacked
the least harmful modification takes effect. For are destroyed (and no battle-groups remain [see 13.0,
instance, units attacking across a Minor River (attacker Battlegroups]). A Leader may pass through a hex
strength -5) at a Bridge (attacker strength xl/3), would containing a lone enemy Leader.
have their total strength either reduced by 5 strength
points or reduced by two thirds. If several units were 11.1 LEADER COMBAT STRENGTH
participating in this attack, it would probably be least Leaders add their improvement strength (combat
harmful for the attacker to reduce his total attack strength) to the total strength of the combat units they
strength by 5. are stacked with, both when attacking and defending.
10.31a In an attack over both a Major River (bridge or A leader may not add more improvement strength
crossing) and Minor River hexside, the attacker has the points than the combined printed combat strengths of
choice of using the modifiers for either. He may not the units he is stacked with. Leader strength is
chose the strength modifier of one and the die roll determined after any downward modification of
modifier of the other. combat unit strengths in the hex, and is never affected
by lack of supply, command or terrain.
10.32 In cases where several stacks are attacking a
single hex and different terrain modifications would 11.2 LEADER DIE ROLL MODIFICATIONS
apply to the attacking stacks, each stack is considered When attacking, a leader adds 2 to the die roll used to
separately for strength modification. For example, if resolve combat. (This is in addition to his strength
several stacks were attacking over a combination of addition above.) When defending, a leader cancels any
cross-river and non-river hexsides, or in a combination die roll modification due to an attacking leader. A
of the two river types, each attacking stack's strength defending leader has no die roll effect if not attacked
would be calculated separately before being added to by an opposing leader.
the total.
10.33 The die roll modifications for terrain, leaders,
and weather are each considered separately, and added When resolving combat between ground units, either
together to derive a net modification. If several the attacker or the defender may benefit from armor
modifications due to terrain are possible, the superiority. The armor superiority benefit is only
modification most favorble to the attacker is used. For possible if the defender occupies a Clear terrain hex.
example, an attack over a Bridge (die roll -1), over a Any armor superiority is negated if the defender
Minor River (die roll -2), and into a Swamp hex (die occupies a Major City, Town, Fortification, Mountain,
roll -2) would be modified by -1 to the die roll, the Swamp, or Woods hex.
most favorable modification to the attacker of the If one player's forces contain armor type units and the
three. other players do not, the player with the armored type
NoteSTALEMATE CLARIFICATION: Only the units receives a shift in his favor of one column on the
player in whose player-turn the stalemate resulted (see CRT. Armor type units are ground combat units having
the CRT) is obligated to repeat the attack. The a movement allowance of 11 (not headquarters or
defending units in a stalemate must remain stationary leaders). For example, if a defending player's forces
throughout their player-turn and may not attack in their contain one mechanized infantry unit (an armor type
Combat Phase. Reserves committed to a defense which unit) and the attacking player's forces include only
results in a stalemate do receive the terrain benefits infantry, artillery, air, and leader units (no armor type
units), the defender receives a column shift. If the odds When a retreat is called for by a result on the CRT, the
column in this case would normally be 4-1, the shift owning player determines the retreat path of his units
drops the column to 3-1. (except in the case of a breakthrough, see the CRT
notes for breakthrough). All retreats are subject to the
Anti-tank units stacked in a defending hex negate the
following guidelines:
armor superiority advantage of any attack made on that
hex (see 17.2). a) Units must retreat toward or along a friendly
railroad supply source.
b) Units must retreat into or through vacant hexes, if
Certain combat units depicted in PANZERKRIEG possible.
were in reality much superior to the average units in
terms of the ability to continue functioning after taking c) Units may only retreat into or through any hex or
heavy losses. In these units a core of experienced and hexside through which they may normally move.
highly motivated troops could continue fighting where d) Units may not retreat into or through any hexes
the average unit would have completely disintegrated. covered by enemy ZOC's unless those hexes are
To reflect this fact, these units are not completely occupied by friendly ground units.
destroyed when their loss is called for by the CRT.
Instead, all such units are battlegrouped when their Units unable to retreat due to a combination of
loss is called for. The battlegroup is a reduced value impassable terrain and/or enemy units are eliminated
unit which is printed upon the reverse side of the instead. Units may retreat into hexes containing
parent unit's counter. When an elimination result is friendly units if no completely vacant hexes are
obtained, the counter is flipped over to expose its available. Units may end their retreats in such hexes
reduced strength. Not all units in the game have provided that stacking restrictions are strictly observed
battlegroups, only those with the battlegroup printed at the end of the Combat Phase. Units which would
on the reverse side. Battlegroups function in all end the Combat Phase overstacked must retreat an
respects identically to normal combat units. additional hex. If friendly units end their retreat in a
friendly occupied hex which comes under subsequent
attack during the Combat Phase, they do not add their
In any situation where a unit is reduced to a strength to the defense, but suffer all combat results
battlegroup, that battlegroup must immediately retreat with the other units in the hex (and may be selected to
two hexes or be eliminated. In any exchange situation, fulfill exchange results).
the opponent must remove combat strength points
equal to the full face value of the parent unit before it 15.0 BREATHROUGH AND
is battlegrouped, regardless of its battlegroup strength. EXPLOITATION
For example, if a defending 7-7 infantry division is in- Very high modified die rolls on the CRT can result in
volved in an exchange, the attacker must lose at least 7 breakthroughs which allow the attacker to conduct a
strength points. This is regardless of the fact that the 7- special movement-combat sequence called
7 division is immediately replaced by a 3-7 battlegroup exploitation. Breakthrough results are more likely as
for a net loss of only 4 strength points to the defender. the attacker's margin of superiority (odds-ratio)
When a unit is itself battle-grouped in response to an increases over the defender, and allow unengaged
exchange requirement, the full value of the parent unit armor type units to exploit the hole torn in the enemy
is counted for exchange purposes, again regardless of defense.
the battlegroups strength.
In order for exploitation to take place after a
Both the Axis and Soviet forces are capable of breakthrough result is achieved, several requirements
rebuilding units reduced to battlegroups in combat must be met. First, at least one armor type unit must
back to full strength units through the use of have participated in the original attack. (Armor type
replacements. Each scenario specifies the total number units are non-headquarters, non-leader ground combat
of units which may be rebuilt in this manner units with a movement allowance of 11). Second,
throughout the scenario, by type. To be rebuilt, a additional armor type units must occupy hexes adja-
battlegroup must be in supply, must be stacked with a cent to the units making the original attack. If the
headquarters unit in a town or city hex not adjacent to original attack results in a breakthrough, then the
any enemy ground units, and must not have adjacent armor type units become eligible for
participated in combat during the current player-turn. movement in the Exploitation Segment and are marked
Replacement capability may not be accumulated from with an exploitation marker. Units that are to exploit
turn to turn, and if unused is considered to have been may not make any attacks during the normal Combat
diverted to another front and lost. Only units reduced Segment of the player-turn.
to battlegroups in the course of the current scenario
may be rebuilt. 15.2 RESOLVING EXPLOITATION
Exploitation begins after the attacker has resolved his
last attack in the Combat Segment. At this time, any
unit marked with an exploitation marker may move up
to its full movement capability, according to the of 11). They may never attack. Anti-tank units are
normal rules for movement. Leaders stacked with such eliminated if not stacked with regular combat units
units may accompany them. After all exploiting units when the hexes they occupy are entered by opposing
have moved, they may attack according to the normal regular combat units.
rules for combat. Reserves not committed by the
defender during the normal Combat Segment may be
committed now. The attacker may support exploitation In some scenarios the Soviets have available one or
attacks with leaders that are present and with air units more 1-7 airborne brigade units. These are the only
flown to the target hexes during the previous units in the game capable of parachute drops (the Axis
Movement Segment. airborne units may not air drop). These airborne units
may each drop once per game, during either a Combat
16.0 PANZER DIVISION BREAK DOWN or Exploitation Segment of a clear weather Soviet
A small number of additional German panzer player-turn.
battlegroups are included in the game for situations in To conduct an air drop, the Soviet airborne brigade is
which the player wishes to create additional mobile kept off the map out of play until the air drop is
formations at the expense of giving up some combat desired. Then the airborne unit is simply placed
strength. These battlegroups are single units and can anywhere on the map within eight hexes of a friendly
never be built up into divisions. They can be airfield. They may not land on hexes occupied by Axis
distinguished by the fact that they are printed on the units. They may land adjacent to enemy units, or in
front of the counter and are blank on the back. their ZOC's, and they must attack adjacent units in
(Remnant battlegroups, which can be rebuilt, are either case. They may not land adjacent to Axis
printed on the back of the parent unit's counter.) headquarters or CAP markers. They are considered to
Break down takes place during the Administration be in supply for the turn of their drop, but may not
Phase. Each panzer division may break down into three move that turn. Following their air drop, such airborne
battlegroups. The division must be located in a town or units revert to normal infantry units. Airborne units
city, in supply, and not adjacent to any Soviet unit. A lose their air drop capability once placed on the map
division breaking down may not move or engage in (whether they are dropped into play or not). They may
any other activity during the player-turn in which it be included in the initial set-up on the map, brought on
breaks down. The number of break downs allowed is to the map as normal reinforcements, or kept off the
limited by the countermix. map threatening an air drop. One Soviet airborne unit
may be added to any stack of Soviet units, in excess of
17.0 SPECIAL UNITS the normal stacking limits.
The capabilities and limitations of several types of 18.0 FORTIFICATIONS AND
special units are detailed below. One of each of these BRIDGEHEADS
types of units may stack on a hex in addition to the
stacking limit on regular combat units (see section 7.0, Land combat units which have remained inactive for
Stacking). Subsequent Special Units may stack in lieu the entire player-turn (i.e., they have not moved,
of a normal unit each. participated in combat, and are not now adjacent to
enemy units) may construct fortifications or
bridgeheads. During the initial player-turn in which
Artillery units add their combat value to regular units units fulfill this requirement, the fortification or
with which they are stacked in both attack and defense. bridgehead marker is placed in the hex with its "under
Artillery attack values are not reduced when attacking construction" side up. This indicates that the field work
across major or minor rivers (This is an exception to is being built. Provided that the hex does not undergo
the Terrain Effects Chart). Artillery strength in a given attack during the enemy Combat Phase, and that any
hex is determined after any downward modification of unit in the hex remains inactive throughout the
combat unit strengths in the hex. Artillery strength in subsequent friendly player-turn, the fortification or
an attack may not exceed the regular ground combat bridgehead counter is flipped over to its "active" side
strength in that attack (any excess is ignored). When during the subsequent turn's Administration Phase and
defending unit strengths are modified upward, artillery the noted advantages then take effect. If the hex in
strength additions may not exceed the printed strength which the fieldwork is under construction does come
of the regular combat units. Artillery units are under attack, or if the player moves or attacks with the
eliminated if not stacked with other regular ground units constructing the fieldwork, or if enemy units
combat units when the hexes they occupy are entered move adjacent to the hex containing the fieldwork
by enemy ground combat units. Artillery units must be under construction, it is immediately removed from the
the last units in a stack to be destroyed to fulfill map. It may be placed again as soon as the conditions
exchange result losses. for its placement are again fulfilled. Units may
construct fieldworks adjacent to enemy units if
separated from them by a river hexside of either type.
Anti-tank units add their strength to regular combat Air attacks nullify construction attempts only if they
units in defense only when attacked by opposing armor achieve a disruption result on the constructing unit.
type units (combat units with a movement allowance
Fortifications and Bridgeheads that are available may never even occupy hexes adjacent to each other,
during scenario set-up may be placed adjacent to and may not participate with each other in an attack
enemy units. against the same hex.
Fortifications double the combat strength of any land The two satellite leaders, Demitrescu and Messe, may
combat units in the hex they occupy. A fortification is only stack with, and add their improvement strength to,
destroyed if any enemy units enter the hex it occupies. stacks of units of their own nationality, Rumanian and
Fortifications may not be constructed in a woods, town Italian respectively, plus one German unit. These
or city hex, or in a hex already occupied by a leaders may never stack with solely German stacks, or
fortification. Units which build a fortification are not with any other nationality. Satellite leaders are
required to remain in the hex. Once placed, distinguished by a ""on their counters under their
fortifications may never be moved from one hex to names.
another. The number of fortifications included in the
game is intended as a strict limit on the number which
may be constructed. Axis satellite air units may only attack in concert with
ground units of their own nationality. German ground
and air units may also be included in the attack. They
Bridgeheads may only be constructed in a river may not attack together with ground forces consisting
crossing hex. They are constructed with the bridgehead solely of German units and/or other satellite nation
marker indicating with its arrow which hexside is units. They may not attack Soviet units alone.
being bridged. After successful construction, that
hexside may be treated as a bridged hexside for all 20.0 OPTIONAL UNITS
purposes including supply. The Soviet tank army counters and the German panzer
18.21 Supply must be traced into the hex occupied by corps counters are optional units that may be included
the bridgehead marker first, and then across the in the game if both players agree. They replace a
bridged hexside to a friendly rail line. Note that this number of regular divisions from each side's order of
means that units must cross a river and then construct a battle, allowing more combat strength in a hex.
bridgehead to supply units across that river. 20.1 SOVIET TANK ARMIES
18.22 Bridgeheads exist only so long as the friendly Soviet tank armies are built out of any three tank units
combat units responsible for their construction remain and any one mechanized unit. The number of tank
in the hex with the bridgehead. Note that neither this armies that can be created depends on the scenario
unit nor the bridgehead is counted for stacking being played, as follows: Kiev Pocketno tank
purposes. This unit adds its strength to the defense of armies; Winter Counteroffensive and The Drive on
the hex, but not to any attacks originating from the Stalingrad1 tank army; Stalingrad and The Back-
hex. If this construction and maintenance unit leaves hand Blow2 tank armies; and all other scenarios3
the hex, either voluntarily or by result of combat, the tank armies.
bridgehead is removed from the map.
18.23 Bridgeheads may be constructed only by
German panzer corps are built out of any two panzer
German or Soviet ground combat units, never by
divisions and any one panzer grenadier division. The
leaders, headquarters, air units, or Axis satellite units.
Luftwaffe parachute division may not serve as the
The number of bridgeheads in play on the map is
strictly limited by the number in the counter mix. panzer grenadier component of a panzer corps. The
number of German panzer corps that can be created
18.24 Bridgeheads, once played, may never be moved depends on the scenario being played. For the first 6
from one hex to another. scenarios (Kiev Pocket, Winter Counteroffensive, The
Drive on Stalingrad, The Backhand Blow, and
Note: In addition to the units shown on the scenario
Aftermath of Zitadelle), 3 panzer corps may be put in
set-up displays, up to two bridgehead markers may be
play. For the remaining scenarios, only 2 panzer corps
deployed by each side in each scenario.
may be used.
Axis satellite forces (Italians, Rumanians, and Tank armies and panzer corps may be brought into
Hungarians) were of even less quality than their play during the scenario set-up, or during play. The
German allies and had other difficulties as well. The units that combine into an optional unit should be
command control range for satellite units is four hexes recorded on scrap paper in case the larger unit breaks
rather than seven. Moreover, satellite units in hexes down. At the start of a scenario, set aside the divisions
outside of command control defend at half their normal combining into the optional unit and place the corps or
combat strength (round down). They may stack with tank army on the map in their stead. Panzer corps and
other units of their own nationality or with German tank armies must be made up of units from the same
units, but never with satellite units of other set-up area. Divisions from different set-up areas may
nationalities. Further, Hungarian and Rumanian units not be combined into an optional unit. After the game
is in progress, optional units may be formed from units capture that number of cities called for by the scenario,
on the map. Units to be combined into a panzer corps with all cities on the map being eligible. Any city on
must begin the Administration Phase stacked together. the map that starts the game on or behind an enemy
During this phase, remove the divisions and replace start line counts as an objective if captured. If the
them with the corps counter. Units to be combined into attacker loses cities, he must increase his captures to
a Soviet tank army must begin the Administration maintain a winning margin.
Phase stacked in two adjacent hexes according to the
For example, in the Kiev Pocket scenario, the Axis
rules for stacking units (section 7.0). Replace the
player is required to capture 5 objectives to win. In
Soviet divisions by placing the tank army in either of
addition to the cities listed for the scenario, all other
the two hexes the divisions occupied. These units may
cities in Soviet hands at the scenario's start are eligible
be moved before they are combined (or broken down).
victory objectives. The capture of any five of these
20.4 OPTIONAL UNIT EFFECTS cities will result in an Axis victory. If the Soviet player
captures two Axis controlled cities, then the Axis
The obvious advantages to creating a tank army or
player must capture 7 Soviet cities to win (maintaining
panzer corps are the net gain in combat strength and
the 5 city margin).
the ability to concentrate more strength in a hex. These
units function like other combat units with the In certain scenarios, towns are included in the list of
following exceptions: objectives for those scenarios only. Towns listed as
objectives remain objectives, in addition to the cities
a. They may not end any phase in a city hex.
on the map. For example, Belgorod and Izyum are
b. Only one tank army or panzer corps may end a eligible victory objectives for the Backhand Blow
phase in a hex. Although they count as only one unit scenario only.
for stacking purposes, two of these units may not stack
together. 22.0 STARTING A SCENARIO
c. Tank armies and panzer corps may not move or Open the Scenarios and Study Folder to the scenario
attack in an Exploitation Segment following a that is to be played. The map and the start lines
breakthrough as can other armor type units. overlaid on it detail where the various units of each
side are to be placed before starting to play. The units
d. Tank armies and panzer corps may not be used as of each side available at the beginning of the scenario
reserves. are detailed on the set-up display on the page opposite
e. If these optional units are forced to take losses, they the map. Players should assemble the number of each
are first reduced to their component divisions, and then type of unit called for on the set-up display. These
the losses are deducted. The component divisions or units are placed on the game map according to the
battlegroups remaining must then retreat so as to deployment notes and start lines on the scenario map.
conform to stacking limits (see section 7.0, Stacking). The length of the scenario in terms of Game-Turns and
the reinforcements for each side are shown in the
f. Panzer corps may not be supplied by air. center of the scenario set-up display. In all scenarios
the entire map is in play. The scenario instructions
g. Panzer corps, and Tank Armies may not be sea
indicate which player must set-up first. All of his units
must be placed on their positions, ready for play to
Broken down tank armies and panzer corps may be begin, before the other player begins to set-up. Also
rebuilt. Intact optional units may be broken down into indicated is the player whose player turn comes first.
the divisions that make it up during the Administration There may also be certain special deployment
Phase by replacing the counter on the map with the instructions listed, such as: "60 combat strength points
division counters (the Soviet divisions must be placed of units must set-up in Area D". A total specified such
in adjacent hexes to conform to the rules for stacking). as this may be made up of ground combat units of any
Each scenario lists objectives for either the Axis or
Soviet side. If the player whose side is assigned the The units depicted in the columns at the outside edges
objectives holds them at the end of the last turn of the of the setup display under "Axis Forces" and "Soviet
scenario, he wins. If he does not fulfill the Forces" are the units available for initial deployment.
requirements listed by the end of the turn of the The unit picture shows the unit type. Next to each
scenario, his opponent wins. Objectives listed in the picture is an "x" followed by a number, which
scenario must be occupied by supplied units (see indicates the total number of units of that type
section 5.0, Supply) to be considered in control of the available to that player. In many cases this number is
side assigned those objectives. followed by a number/letter combination, such as
"4W". This means that four units of this type must be
The scenarios generally require one side or the other to
deployed on the map in deployment area W. The
capture and hold a minimum number of listed city
notation "1VY" means that one unit of that type must
objectives. In addition the objective cities listed, all
be deployed in both areas V and Y. The remaining
cities on the map are potential victory point objectives.
units of a certain type not specifically allocated to a
In order to win, the player assigned the objectives must
certain area may be deployed in any non-prohibited Training, KG = Kampfgruppe (battlegroup) or
area, within stacking limits. The players are left a large Kampfgeschwader, ZC = Zerstoer-ergeschwader, STG
measure of discretion as to where their units are = (Stuermgeschwader, LG = Lehrgeschwader, ACS =
placed, though many times they will be required to Army Group South, Comp = Composite, A.I.R. =
place units of any type along the start line such that Armata Italiana di Russia, Gds = Guards, M =
each start line hex is occupied by units and/or ZOC's. Mechanized, AA = Air Army, S.W. = Southwestern
Only that portion of the start line shown on the map Front, CAU = Caucasus Front, UK = Ukrainian, Stal =
with the appropriately coded line pattern (if any) must Stalingrad, BG = Battlegroup.
be covered in this way. The key to the start lines is 25.0 SCENARIO TURN RECORD TRACK
presented below. Sometimes a deployment area is The length of the Turn Record Track indicates the
limited to a single hex. In this case, the deployment number of Game-Turns in the scenario. The Game-
letter shown on the map is enclosed in a circle. Units Turn marker is placed in the first space on the track
with a circled deployment letter must deploy in the and is advanced at the end of each Game-Turn until the
exact hex indicated. (In a few cases a city off the page final Game-Turn of the scenario is over. Also shown
is indicated by a circled letter with an arrow pointing for reference is the date of the beginning of the
to the specified city.) historical situation being simulated.
Note: No CAP or other markers may be placed in COMPONENTS
initial deployment set-ups with the following 22"x32"Mapboard 520 Die Cut Counters Rules
exception: In addition to the units shown, up to two Booklet Scenarios and Study Folder 2 Charts and
bridgehead markers may be deployed by each side in Tables Cards 1 Scenario Card 1 Six-Sided Die
each scenario set-up. 26.0 SCENARIO REINFORCEMENTS
24.0 SCENARIO MAP START LINES Additional units for each side which will enter the
The start lines shown on the scenario maps in the game as reinforcements are shown next to the Turn
Scenarios and Study Folder indicate the front line Record Track at the Game-Turn of their appearance.
hexes for one or both players. Lines in black indicate The graphic displays show the type of unit which is
Axis deployment, and lines in red indicate Soviet available. Above each unit picture is a number or range
deployment. The hexes containing the start line on the of numbers which indicate the entry hex or hexes on
map represent the farthest forward location which units which those specific units may appear. For example,
from that side may occupy. The scenario map outlines "11-14" indicates that the units depicted may be
the entire front line (separating the units of the two brought onto the map in entry hex 11, 12,13, or 14.
sides), and also indicates whether the front line must Below the unit picture is a number following an "x"
be occupied entirely by units, or by units and their which indicates how many units of that type now enter.
ZOC's. Start lines with no occupation requirement may Reinforcement units are brought into play according to
be occupied, but it is not mandatory. These lines are the rules for entering the map, section 6.4.
the closest to each other that units of the two sides may The set-up display also specifies the number of
be placed. For those scenarios not showing a Soviet battlegroups which may be rebuilt on a given turn, by
set-up line, the Soviet forces generally may set-up in type (infantry or armor). If a battlegroup may be
any hexes east and/or south of the Axis start line rebuilt on every second turn, this means turns 2, 4, 6,
shown on the scenario map. They may set-up adjacent etc. If this option to rebuild a battlegroup is not
to the start line, but may never set-up on or to the west exercised on the turn specified, it may not be saved for
of the line. Units may set-up adjacent to enemy units. use on a following turn. Unused replacement capacity
is lost. No more than one battlegroup of the indicated
START LINE KEY type may be rebuilt during a single turn.

All hexes must be occupied.

All hexes must contain units or their

Start line with no occupational
Deployment area boundary

Units must deploy in specific area

Red lines indicate Soviet area; Black lines indicate
Axis area.

LAH = Leibstandarte Adolph Hitler, DR = Das Reich,
Wik = Wiking, Tot = Totenkopf, GrD = Gross
Deutschland, Jag = jager, Sec = Security, Tr =

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