Giardino Marston 1999

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Engineering geomorphology: An overview

of changing the face of earth

Article in Geomorphology December 1999

DOI: 10.1016/S0169-555X(99)00069-0


14 243

2 authors:

Rick Giardino Richard Marston

Texas A&M University Kansas State University


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Geomorphology 31 1999. 111

Engineering geomorphology: an overview of changing the face of

Since the beginning of human history, people and describe ways in which geomorphology serves hu-
their activities have changed the face of the earth. In mankind, we believe the term engineering geomor-
establishing societies, people have built settlements phology is best because it encompasses all of the
along flowing rivers, on highlands with strategic other descriptors.
views of valleys below, and on beaches adjacent to In addition, because a knowledge of geomorphol-
oceans, seas and lakes. As human society expanded ogy is fundamental to engineering works, engineer-
and required more and more natural resources, the ing geomorphology best describes the application of
impacts of their changes increased dramatically. They geomorphic theory and techniques to solve earth-re-
developed techniques and technology to extract min- lated engineering problems. Engineering geomor-
eral resources, capture and store water, harness the phology has been a recognized sub-discipline for
power of flowing rivers, control the flooding of more than 20 years and it continues to expand today.
rivers, develop and expand ports and rivers for ma- It is important to note that a significant number of
rine commerce, and develop ways to stabilize dy- geomorphologists are actually in the primary practice
namic slopes to expand the locations of their settle- of engineering geomorphology.
ments. Although geologists do not always seem to appre-
Many of these endeavors, even those in recent ciate the fundamental differences between physical
times, developed without an understanding of the geology and geomorphology, geomorphology is
dynamic nature of the surface of earth and became much more than just advanced physical geology.
human adventures that resulted in loss of life and To differentiate, geomorphology engineering ge-
property. Much of this could have been avoided if omorphology in particular concerns the processes
the developers had had an appreciation of how they and rates of change in the earth rather than simply
were changing the face of the earth in other identifying landforms or describing the look of the
words, an appreciation of geomorphology. What no- landscape. The importance of engineering geomor-
bler a role than service for humankind can geomor- phology has been established over the last 20 years
phologists play? by the continual, though subtle, focus of the Bing-
hamton Geomorphology Symposium.

Place and role of engineering geomorphology

The pragmatic role of geomorphology is referred Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium contri-

to by a variety of descriptors, such as applied geo- bution to engineering geomorphology
morphology, practical geomorphology, environmen-
tal geomorphology, urban geomorphology, and engi- Throughout its history, the Binghamton Geomor-
neering geomorphology. Although all of these terms phology Symposium has been dedicated to address-

0169-555Xr99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 9 - 5 5 5 X 9 9 . 0 0 0 6 9 - 0
2 Introduction

ing real-world problems; so, geomorphology and Stress as factor in engineering geomorphology
its role in service to society have been the focus of
several Binghamton Geomorphology Symposia. The Romani and Twidale begin by identifying some of
first of these was the 1970 Binghamton Symposium, the engineering implications of a variety of stress
which addressed the role of environmental geomor- forms. Field evidence shows that sheet fractures and
phology. Subsequently, the 7th Annual Symposium other stress forms result from compressive stress.
in 1976 was organized around the theme of geomor- Minor forms, such as A-tents or pop-ups, and other
phology and engineering; the 11th Annual Sympo- forms of similar origin, pose formidable engineering
sium in 1980 focused on applied geomorphology; challenges. Stress-related interpretations therefore
and the 25th Annual Symposium in 1984 focused on carry a range of implications for civil engineering
geomorphology and natural hazards. and quarrying projects. The minor forms are also
The 1990s have been declared the International indicators of seismicity and should be studied within
Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction. The 25th the framework of the larger regional geologic pic-
Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium aptly ad- ture.
dressed this frontier by focusing attention to the role Fracture characteristics in weathered granites is
of geomorphology in identifying and studying natu- covered next by Ehlen. The variability of weathered
ral hazards. This volume takes the next step: geo- materials is an important factor in the geotechnical
morphology as the solution to mitigating identified characterization of rock for engineering purposes.
hazards. The 28th Binghamton Geomorphology Most engineering rock mass classifications include
Symposium continues the strong contribution of the weathering schemes that separate the weathering
past symposia by focusing on the role of geomor- profile into zones or grades that depend upon the
phology in the interface between engineering and engineering and geological properties of the rock.
geomorphology. The Symposium focused on the pre- Many geotechnical characteristics, including weath-
sent and future state of our disciplines contributions ering, are controlled by the density and arrangement
and role in managing the surface of earth. of fractures within the rock, but the relationships
Today, humans are changing the face of earth between fracture patterns and weathering grades are
faster than other geomorphic processes. Understand- typically not addressed.
ing how these processes work and the consequences Exposures of weathered granites in eastern Asia
that may result is the fundamental tenant of engineer- represent all grades of weathering, but no single
ing geomorphology. Providing an understanding of exposure exhibits the complete range of weathering.
potential consequences and how to avoid them is the Separate analyses of visual and tabulated classifica-
of engineering geomorphology. The
raison detre tions of joint spacing data were required to provide
papers in this volume provide a broad perspective of representative estimates of joint spacing in the gran-
the application of engineering geomorphology in the ite. Mean joint spacing is usually 25% or more close
service to humankind. The perspective is global. We in weathered granite than it is in fresh granite, and
have attempted to address the interactions between the difference between the mean spacings for weath-
geomorphic processes and people by bringing to- ered granite and fresh granite tend to be statistically
gether internationally known and respected scholars significant. Although joint spacing distributions for
and practitioners. weathered granite and fresh granite are not statisti-
The present volume is organized around many of cally significantly different, there are no significant
the geomorphic processes. Understanding of the role differences among the joint spacing frequency distri-
of stress in rocks is fundamental to understanding the butions for the different grades of weathered granite.
stability of a landscape and the implications for Fractal analysis of joint spacings suggests spacing
engineering geomorphology. The papers by Romani characteristics of fresh and slightly weathered granite
and Twidale and by Ehlen and by Hall introduce the are very different from those in moderately, highly,
importance of various types of stress from an engi- and completely weathered granite. Sampling of
neering geomorphology view. three-dimensional models for weathered and fresh
Introduction 3

granite supports this assertion. In an engineering areas with severe winters. In Finland, more paved
context, this suggests that joint spacing relationships roads cross the Arctic Circle than in the whole of
in the various grades of weathered granite can be North America. Geomorphic elements such as es-
treated as the same regardless of weathering grade kers, drumlins, mires, steep rock cliffs, river chan-
and that joint patterns in fresh granite must be nels and ice-dams, fluvial erosion, and palsas ad-
evaluated separately. This knowledge could result in versely affect road construction in cold environ-
significant time and cost savings in the geotechnical ments. Solutions to these problems include removal
characterization of these materials. of frost-sensible materials and replacement by more
Hall discusses the role of thermal stress fatigue in favorable sediments.
the breakdown of rock in cold regions. Many geo- When road surfaces are kept snow-free in severe
morphological studies ignore the role of thermal winter weather, they are subjected to deep freezing.
stress fatigue even though engineers have long main- However, these roads can be maintained in ways that
tained that thermal stress is an effective process. address snowdrift and icing problems, avoid geomor-
Physicists and the ceramics industry have provided a phic factors that cause problems, and use natural
theoretical foundation to explain the nature and mode processes to help people. Two examples of how road
of operation of thermal breakdown. Recent geomor- construction affects geomorphic processes are:
phological studies have since shown the importance bridges that block moving river ice and ice that
of thermal stress in cold regions by means of high- forms along roadbanks.
frequency rock temperature data which can identify Rock glaciers, which are common in the alpine
rates of temperature change in excess of 28C miny1 . environment, are landforms that require engineering
Such studies show that the occurrence of weathered consideration during construction projects. Burger et
material in cold but dry regions can be explained by al. review the engineering geomorphology of rock
thermal stressrshock that is strongly influenced by glaciers and explain guidelines for how they should
differences in radiation received on slopes of varying be used. As the reader will note, the partnership
orientation and gradient. between geomorphology and engineering facilitates
the development of human settlements in harsh alpine
environments. Rock glaciers provide locations for
Engineering geomorphology in arctic, mountain
urban water sources, drill sites, shaft and tunnel
and tropical environments
portals, ski tower supports, and dam abutments. As
The important role geomorphology plays in vari- dynamic landforms, rock glaciers must be properly
ous environments is addressed by a series of papers. identified in the field. Placing structures on, in, or
begins this section by examining the role
M. Seppala adjacent to rock glaciers requires an appreciation and
of engineering geomorphology in road construction understanding of their temporal stability.
in an arctic environment. Burger, Degenhardt and Rock glaciers play a significant role in the natural
Giardino present a study that examines the engineer- transport of alpine debris. Two obvious geologic
ing geomorphology of rock glaciers in alpine envi- hazards of rock glaciers are active movement and
ronments. Gupta and Ahmad change the focus from mass wasting. However, the structure of the rock
arctic and alpine environments to a tropical environ- glacier is conducive to the production of a steady,
ment in their paper that addresses engineering geo- continuous supply of melt water during summer
morphology in the urban tropics. months. Thus, rock glaciers can and do serve as
Geomorphological principles are especially useful alpine aquifers. Water quality studies done on some
for road construction in cold environments. By look- alpine rock glaciers seem to indicate that they can
ing at the road construction practices used in Finland provide quality potable water. However, caution
and at the geomorphological aspects involved, should be exercised before tapping into the potential
reveals that road contractors could save
Seppala aquifer because of the long-term impact of climate
money in building and maintenance costs by consid- change on the temporal nature of the landform.
ering the geomorphic facts. Examples from Finland Human development of the alpine environment
document why road construction is very expensive in has provided a foundation for the appreciation and
4 Introduction

understanding of rock glaciers from an engineering engineering geomorphology literature. This impor-
geomorphologic point of view. Important informa- tant geomorphological process has been more or less
tion gleaned from recent geomorphological studies relegated to the domain of the hydrogeologists. The
has aided both engineers and engineering geologists paper by Veni demonstrates the important role geo-
in prudently evaluating rock glaciers as potential morphologists can play in environmental impact as-
sites for human development. sessments of karst regions.
Gupta and Ahmad examine geomorphology in the In their efforts to protect regional groundwater
urban tropics in terms of a developing interface supplies, governmental agencies are increasingly re-
between research and practical application. Rapid quiring studies of karst areas and their features. Veni
urbanization in developing countries provides abun- presents a geomorphological strategy for conducting
dant opportunity to interface geomorphological re- environmental impact assessments in such areas. In
search and usage in the urban tropics. Many cities in areas where tracer tests or geophysics are not re-
tropical developing countries were established one or quired, funded, or otherwise feasible, geomorpholog-
two hundred years ago to function as regional trad- ical methods remain as the primary tool for assessing
ing posts or administrative centers by either colonial karst. The methods are flexible and can be general-
or regional powers. It is doubtful that the site condi- ized or fine-tuned to accommodate regional varia-
tions were taken into consideration, and conse- tions. Biological and other resource issues can also
quently, many of these cities were established in be assessed with this strategy.
hazardous or environmentally sensitive areas. As In karst areas with relatively small features, exca-
these cities developed over time, they spread across a vation is a key tool for accurate assessment. How-
wide range of terrain conditions, including unsuitable ever, the assessment will help city planners and
areas such as floodplains, coastal swamps, steep engineers to better manage karst areas; proper man-
slopes, or sand dunes. For a number of these cities, agement must also occur on a regional scale. The
which are located near active plate margins and highly permeable nature of karst precludes adequate
tropical cyclone belts, such problems are magnified. management solely on a feature-by-feature basis.
Increased demand for water has required subsurface Studies of the relationship of water quality to imper-
extraction, leading to problems of subsidence and vious cover show that adverse environmental im-
quality. pacts increase significantly when impervious cover
City management requires interfacing geomor- exceeds 15% of the surface of a watershed. Similar
phology with engineering practices and urban plan- impacts in a number of groundwater drainage basins
ning. This can be especially challenging, for precise support the argument that a 15% impervious cover is
geomorphological and geological information and a regionally effective means of protecting karst
long-term data sets are not available for most cities. aquifers when coupled with protection of critical
Furthermore, it is necessary to present such informa- areas identified by field surveys.
tion in formats appreciated by the engineering and
planning communities. Often a set of specialized
maps is extremely useful. Collection of geomorpho-
logical information and inventory preparation for Mass movement and engineering geomorphology
communicating geomorphological data to city engi-
neers and planners is therefore paramount and must Humans enjoy viewing broad vistas. The quest for
be done in the most effective manner possible. a view has caused humans to settle on higher and
steeper lands. Thus, mass movement plays an impor-
tant role in engineering geomorphology. The paper
Engineering geomorphology in karst environ- by Guzzetti, Carrara, Cardinali, and Reichenbach
ments and the paper by Rosenfeld provide an excellent
overview of the importance of understanding mass
Groundwater and its effects is a topic that until movement processes. In many mountain regions, the
fairly recently has received limited attention in the growing demand for forest products and food has
Introduction 5

forced intensive land use on steep terrain, many antecedent moisture and a substantial snow pack at
times triggering mass movement. higher elevations, pose a threat for rapid flooding
Guzzetti et al. present a review of current tech- and a large number of precipitation induced land-
niques for evaluating landslide hazards in a multi- slides. In 1996, the Oregon Coast Range experienced
scale study in central Italy. In recent years, growing a severe winter storm 50-year return interval magni-
population and expansion of settlements and life-lines tude. that resulted in a large number of mass-wasting
over hazardous areas have greatly increased the im- events. Many land managers underestimated the
pact of natural disasters in both industrialized and number of events based on the magnitude of the
developing countries. Third-world countries have storm event 50-year return interval.. Both ground
difficulty meeting the high costs of controlling natu- and aerial surveys were used to characterize the
ral hazards through major engineering works and nature of these events and relate the occurrence of
rational land-use planning. However, even industrial- mass wasting activity to the topography, geology,
ized societies are becoming reluctant to invest money and land management activities of the region.
in structural measures that can reduce natural risks. Given the efforts to enhance and protect anadro-
Hence, the new trend is to implement warning sys- mous fish rearing habitat in the regions perennial
tems and land utilization regulations aimed at mini- streams, aerial videography has helped forest engi-
mizing the loss of lives and property without invest- neers to explore the implications of current and past
ing in long-term, costly projects of ground stabiliza- forest engineering practices, and suggests that engi-
tion. neering efforts to deconstruct the legacy of old
Several methods for assessing landslide hazard roads and culvert systems may be appropriate in the
have been proposed or implemented. The reliability drainage basins with the highest potential habitat
of maps and the criteria behind most hazard evalua- values.
tions are often poorly prepared or poorly docu-
mented. In addition, geomorphological information
The role of engineering geomorphology in fluvial
remains largely descriptive and subjective. There-
and wetland systems
fore, it is somewhat unsuitable for use by engineers,
policy makers or developers when planning land Streams are present in all environments, and wa-
resources and mitigating the effects of geological ter is fundamental to human survival. Thus, the focus
hazards. on fluvial geomorphology is a major focus of this
In the Umbria and Marche Regions of Central present volume. The various papers by Gilvear; by
Italy, attempts are being made to test the proficiency Harbor; by James; by Bravard, Landon, Peiry and
and limitations of multivariate statistical techniques
Piegay; by Marston and Dolan; by Schick, Grodek,
as well as different methodologies for dividing the and Wolman; by Anthony and Julian; by Whittecar
territory into suitable areas for landslide hazard as- and Daniels; and by Hooke provide an excellent
sessment at various scales. The results of these ex- overview of rivers in various environments. The two
periments show that, despite the operational and papers by Whittecar and Daniels and by Hooke
conceptual limitations, landslide hazard assessment underpin the important idea that streams connect
may indeed constitute a suitable, cost-effective aid to environments. These two papers also serve as a
land-use planning. Within this framework, engineer- transition to the papers dealing with geomorphic
ing geomorphology may play a renewed role in processes in coastal environments.
assessing areas at high landslide hazard, and helping A relationship between fluvial geomorphology and
mitigate the associated risk. river engineering is emerging, brought about by in-
Aerial videography, another relatively new tech- creasing public scrutiny after the failure of river
nology, is being used for storm damage assessment engineering to prevent flood hazards and the associ-
in commercial forestry. Rosenfield covers the impli- ated economic and environmental concerns. In this
cations to forest engineering brought on by storm-in- light, Gilvear discusses future roles utilizing a fluvial
duced mass-wasting in the Oregon Coast Range, hydrosystems framework. Fluvial geomorphology
USA. Severe winter storms, under conditions of high needs to be an integral part in engineering projects,
6 Introduction

that is, to be integral to the planning, implementa- Harbor discusses the application of engineering
tion, and post-project appraisal stages of engineering geomorphology to erosion and sediment control on
projects. Its use should be proactive rather than construction sites. Construction site management,
reactive. Geomorphologists can assist engineers in traditionally dominated by professional engineers,
several areas of river management, including risk provides an important opportunity for engineers and
and environmental impact assessment, floodplain geomorphologists to work together in minimizing the
planning, river audits, determination of instream flow environmental impacts of land disturbance. Areas
needs, river restoration, and design of ecologically disturbed for construction are an important compo-
acceptable channels and structures. nent of nonpoint source pollution that degrades sur-
Fluvial geomorphology can contribute substan- face water quality. Increased regulatory require-
tially to the engineering involved in floodplain man- ments, combined with efforts to identify and publi-
agement. First the lateral, vertical and downstream cize the benefits of erosion control, are increasing
connectivity in fluvial systems must be recognized as the number of construction sites on which erosion
should the interrelationships between the river plan- control efforts are being implemented.
form, profile, and cross section. It is also important Geomorphologists have the opportunity to play an
to understand fluvial history and chronology over a active role in erosion and sediment control by imple-
range of time scales, and to recognize the signifi- menting knowledge of erosion and sedimentation
cance of both palaeo and active landforms as well as processes and of the variables that effect these pro-
deposits as indicators of levels of landscape stability. cesses. Pre-project geomorphological site assess-
The sensitivity of geomorphic systems to environ- ments allow project designers to work around areas
mental disturbances must also be highlighted, espe- with high erosion potential, and to stage and sched-
cially for systems close to geomorphic thresholds. ule land disturbing activities to minimize erosion
Ecologically acceptable engineering practices ulti- potential. Design and implementation of engineering
mately must be promoted with biotope and landform control measures, however, requires an understand-
processes considered. ing of erosion and sedimentation processes, and in
Major challenges facing fluvial geomorphology many cases incorrect installation and maintenance
involve gaining full acceptance by the engineering limits their effectiveness. Regular on-site inspections
profession and adapting to the widespread utilization and training by geomorphologists specializing in ero-
of new technologies such as Global Positioning Sys- sion control can ensure that measures are being
tems GPS., Geographic Information Systems GIS., installed and maintained correctly, and allow the
image analysis of satellite and airborne remote sens- inspector to modify the erosion control plan to deal
ing data, computer-based hydraulic modeling, and with changing conditions and unanticipated prob-
geophysical techniques. These technologies must lems. In addition, geomorphologists and engineers
dovetail with engineering approaches to the study of can use their combined understanding of erosion
river channels which emphasize reach-scale flow processes and construction site realities to develop
resistance, shear stresses, material strength with innovative, practical measures to improve erosion
catchment scale geomorphic approaches, empirical control.
predictions, bed and bank processes, landform evolu- On a larger scale, James considers the relationship
tion, and magnitudefrequency concepts. In a funda- of river engineering and fluvial geomorphology in
mental sense, joint effort must be made between terms of time and the persistence of alluvium. Many
disciplines to produce accepted river channel typolo- river systems are presently in a state of flux as a
gies and to conduct research aimed at generating result of substantial anthropogenic changes to water
more reliable deterministic equations for prediction and sediment regimes and channel hydraulics. Yet,
of bed and bank stability and bedload transport. historical approaches to understanding river systems
Geomorphologists should also collaborate with rarely receive adequate attention because historical
aquatic biologists to determine the role and impor- methodologies are less conducive to the application
tance of geomorphologically and hydraulically de- of quantitative analysis. Geomorphology provides a
fined habitats. perspective on river systems in which time at
Introduction 7

various scales is interwoven into practical and closely related to slope gradient, vegetation density,
theoretical aspects of scientific inquiry. Thus, geo- and soil texture. Digitized drainage maps, combined
morphology is important to our understanding of not with a geographic information system, can be used
only physical systems but also fundamental concepts effectively to depict the spatial pattern of soil mobi-
of time. lization in upland regions. Using this technique,
A historical approach was used effectively to gross soil erosion in badland areas of Wyoming was
study changes in channel morphology resulting from found to be extreme when compared to the remain-
sedimentation from hydraulic gold mining during the der of the drainage. Evaluation of the structural and
mid- to late-1800s in the Northern Sierra Nevada. non-structural sediment control strategies employed
Engineers as well as geomorphologists attributed the in the basin were found to be ill-suited to these
changes to ephemeral morphologic responses. Al- badland areas.
though it was believed that sediment loads returned Schick et al. address the hydrologic processes and
to previous levels, and that deposits were stabilized, geomorphic constraints on urbanization of alluvial
it was shown that morphological responses occurred fan slopes. Increased urbanization of alluvial fan
in phase with mining operations during this period. slopes is drawing attention to the hydrologic pro-
Thus, systematic changes in stage-discharge relation- cesses that act on slopes and the resulting geomor-
ships reflect channel morphological changes that are phic constraints. The natural array of processes con-
relevant to flood risk assessments, stability of engi- veying water and sediment from arid mountain
neering structures on floodplains, and geomorphic catchments, through alluvial fans, into the base level
interpretations. below is affected by human intervention to an extent
Over the centuries, French rivers have been trans- unknown until a few years ago. Previously, perme-
formed by social development projects that include able fan terrain is being replaced more and more by
hydro-electric power generation, flood control, navi- paved impermeable surfaces, making drainage prob-
gation, and erosion abatement. These modifications lematic. In addition, high sediment yields, supplied
have had detrimental effects on the ecology and by steep catchments, create situations difficult to
natural resources of the region, and are therefore manage in terms of effective economical and envi-
related directly or indirectly to geomorphological ronmentally sensitive criteria.
changes in the fluvial system. Increased public and The general inadequacy of structural attempts to
management awareness of these problems have fos- fully control floods emanating onto alluvial fans,
tered a new appreciation, giving rise to the formula- warrants consideration of local, low-key engineering
tion of specific objectives to support long-term man- intervention strategies to protect fan settlements.
agement strategies in the field of river engineering Several aspects of the considerations involved are
and fluvial geomorphology. The contribution by illustrated by examples from the town of Eilat,
Bravard et al. deals with the principles of engineer- Southern Negev Desert, Israel, a dynamically devel-
ing geomorphology that are being used to manage oping international tourist resort.
channel erosion and bedload transport in rivers that Steep coastal margins are potentially subject to
drain the French Alps and their piedmont. Their mass wasting processes involving notable landslide
engineering geomorphology approach, as applied activity and sediment evacuation downstream by
to gravel-bed rivers in Southeastern France, ad- steep-gradient streams. Anthony and Julian bring our
dresses the future of changing landscapes and attention to problems associated with environmental
ecosystems. engineering and hazard mitigation issues associated
Marston and Dolan examine the effectiveness of with source-to-sink sediment transfers in the steep
sediment control measures relative to spatial patterns Var River catchment, French Riviera, southeastern
of upland soil loss in an arid watershed. Arid water- France. Sediment transfer from short source-to-sink
sheds, such as those located in the state of Wyoming, segments, coupled with mountain hydrological
have been the subject of sediment control measures regimes, regulate patterns of river channel aggrada-
designed to mitigate upland soil loss. Rainfall simu- tion and coastal sediment supply in such geomorphic
lation experiments show that gross soil erosion is settings. Mass movements and channel sediment
8 Introduction

storage pose serious hazards to downvalley settle- New procedures of assessing wetland functions
ments and infrastructure. that use the HGM classification of wetlands require
A consideration of channel sediment storage pat- examination of both surface and subsurface pro-
terns highlights two important shortcomings relative cesses. If these HGM concepts are expanded to
to environmental engineering and hazard mitigation include geomorphic evolution, they will greatly im-
practices. First, the appreciation of geomorphic pro- prove recent practices in the design and construction
cesses is rather poor. This is illustrated by the under- of mitigation wetlands.
sized nature of engineering works constructed to Hooke recaps the changes that have occurred in
mitigate hazards in the upstream bedload-dominated fluvial engineering and coastal management resulting
channels, and by the unforeseen effects that 10 rock from the application of geomorphology over the last
dams, constructed in the early 1970s, have had on decade. Considerable achievements have been gained
downstream and coastal sediment storage and on in raising awareness of the nature of geomorphic
sediment dispersal patterns and, consequently, valley processes and their dynamics, and of how the under-
flooding. Secondly, planners and environmental en- standing of geomorphology can aid effective man-
gineers have lacked foresight in valley and coastal agement and decision making on engineering strate-
management issues on this steep setting, notably as gies. Over the past 10 years in the United Kingdom,
regards the reclaimed areas that are liable to flood- major developments have been made in the arenas of
ing. Meanwhile, the problems raised by these changes coastal and fluvial geomorphology. Specifically, this
have not been adequately addressed in terms of has meant an improved understanding of intercon-
scientific research. nectedness in geomorphic systems and the long-term
A necessary future step in bettering the engineer- variability of processes and landforms. Radical
ing solutions implemented to contain natural hazards changes in both policies and decision-making frame-
or to harness water and sediment resources is that of works have taken place such that the approach to
fine-scale analysis of source-to-sink sediment trans- coastal and river management adopted by the British
fer processes, of sediment budgets, of time-scales of Government is now to work with nature. Like-
storage in stream channels, and, finally, of high- wise, management structures have been implemented
magnitude hydro-meteorological forcing events in to facilitate and encourage integrated planning.
this area. The way all these aspects have been modu- Engineering geomorphology is now in a second
lated by engineering practices and socioeconomic phase of answering geomorphological questions, pro-
development should also be an important part of viding geomorphological information, and imple-
such an analysis. menting management in accordance with the princi-
Hydrogeomorphic HGM. concepts have proven ples advocated. Future developments will involve
instrumental in the design of created wetlands. Whit- major changes in geomorphology which will stem
tecar and Daniels explain the use of hydrogeomor- from radical alterations of scientific theories, philos-
phic concepts to design created wetlands in south- ophy, and methods. Modelling and response predic-
eastern Virginia. Mitigation wetlands constructed in tions must be done in ways that adequately deal with
southeastern Virginia during the past decade have complexity, positive feedback, non-linearity, and
experienced problems with inappropriate water lev- holism. Questions also remain with regard to the
els, excessive erosion and sedimentation, low levels links between geomorphology and engineering, and
of soil organic matter, overly compacted substrates, about the extent to which geomorphology will pro-
and sulfidic soils. Most of these problems can be vide application-oriented solutions, both nationally
recognized in the future with adequate planning that and internationally. Provided the requisite spatial and
permits sufficient study of the geomorphic and hy- temporal data are available, the opportunity exists for
drologic processes active at the mitigation site, and if further advancements in geomorphology, fueled by
greater attention is given to the history of geomor- theoretical and technological developments which
phic processes that created natural wetlands in that can be directly transferred to the realm of environ-
area. mental engineering.
Introduction 9

Engineering geomorphology in coastal and deep Integrated site survey models attempt to predict
water environments conditions and process frequencies and magnitudes
relevant to the engineering design lifetimes of sea
The coastal environment is another environment floor installations, such as cables, pipelines, produc-
that has been conquered by humans. The paper tion platforms, as well as supporting coastal infras-
by Brunsden and Moore provides a view and lessons tructure such as jetties, wharves, bridges and har-
from Great Britain that have a global view. The final bors. Recent use of deep water areas for oil and gas
paper by Prior and Hooper illustrates another envi- production, pipelines, and cable routes is also show-
ronment that has been ignored by geomorphologists ing that the immense slopes beyond the continental
and relegated to the domain of the geological shelves contain exciting, exotic, and enigmatic geo-
oceanographer. They convincingly demonstrate that morphological features and processes. Exciting tech-
the blue water environment is an area of present nical and conceptual advances in seafloor geomor-
engineering geomorphology as well in the future. phology are now aimed at safe and effective engi-
Brunsden and Moore also examine the lessons neering in these environments.
learned in coastal engineering geomorphology as it is
practiced in Great Britain. Coastal management usu-
ally deals directly with the cause, effect and influ- Future of engineering geomorphology
ence of natural processes on housing developments,
industrial districts, and other human constructs. When The future for engineering geomorphology is
geomorphological investigation is applied to coastal bright. However, we cannot pass up this opportunity
management, decisions pertaining to specific projects to underscore the importance that geomorphologists
may be affected by historical legacies and public or around the world do not neglect a fundamental area
administrative attitudes. Modern attitudes to the coast as well as pursue and embrace new technologies.
in Great Britain are exemplified in areas such as the Education is fundamental to minimizing disastrous
Dorset coast of southwest England in light of recent consequences resulting from a lack of understanding
studies by the Department of the Environment and or appreciation of the interaction between humans
the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. The and geomorphology. Geomorphologists must accept
case of the Dorset coast illustrates the historical the responsibility to minimize the disastrous conse-
legacy of use and brings to light the problems of quences through participation in both formal and
contemporary coastal management. It also offers an informal education of the citizens of the world. With
environment where the natural geomorphological education human-caused disasters can be minimized;
principles of landscape design might be employed as without knowledge we are doomed to repeat our
part of the guiding concepts. mistakes and suffer the consequences of increased
Prior and Hooper discuss recent achievements and loss of property and life.
future directions in seafloor engineering geomor- The world wide web provides an unprecedented
phology. New mapping technologies are providing opportunity to bring understanding of geomorphol-
perspectives of the sea unencumbered by the im- ogy from primary through university to the general
mense ocean cover. Ocean floors are beginning to populace. Web sites dedicated to various aspects of
reveal a wide variety of relief, sediment properties, geomorphology and engineering geomorphology are
and active geologic processes such as erosion, fault- increasing daily. Virtual reality is the opportunity to
ing, fluid expulsion, and landslides. The develop- appreciate and understand through interactive view-
ment of coastal and offshore resources, such as oil ing. Virtual reality provides real-time visualization of
and gas and minerals, involves sea floor engineering dynamic processes if a picture is worth a thou-
in remote, complex, and sometimes hazardous envi- sand words then a three-dimensional visualization is
ronments. Optimum engineering design and con- conservatively worth 10 6 .
struction practice require detailed surveys of sea GIS and GPS are two technologies that are having
floor geomorphology, geologic conditions on the sea and will continue to have a dramatic impact on the
bed and to various depths beneath it. practice of engineering geomorphology. GPS is be-
10 Introduction

ginning to provide an accurate method to cost-effec- The overall messages the symposium delivered
tively collect large amounts of spatially-referenced were that a. work done in all types of geomorphic
data in the field. Point, line and polygon data can be environments illustrates how a science-based under-
acquired with a standard GPS unit. Spatially-refer- standing of geomorphic processes and boundary con-
enced field data can be exported as input to a typical ditions provides a critical part of the information
GIS software package. required to arrive at an appropriate, cost-effective
GIS is providing engineering geomorphologists approach to engineering geomorphology; b. there
with a system to efficiently map, measure, monitor, are many important and exciting new research direc-
and model engineering geomorphological data. The tions that geomorphologists could be pursuing to
GIS has the ability to handle both raster and vector provide the information necessary for wise manage-
data. Both temporal and spatial data can be accom- ment of the earth; c. geomorphologists and engi-
modated. The analysis and modeling strengths of the neers often approach problems differently, each with
GIS are just beginning to be acknowledged by engi- preconceived notions and standard approaches that
neering geomorphologists. The GIS and GPS will be may or may not be appropriate in a specific case; d.
major components of the engineering geomorpholo- collaborative, interdisciplinary work requires a broad
gists toolbox in the 21st century. perspective and dedication to complete understand-
Becoming involved in policy formulation will be ing that often yields solutions and insights that nei-
a major new arena for engineering geomorphologists ther side would have come up with individually; e.
in the next millennium. Geomorphologists have for geomorphologists main contributions include a good
too long not appreciated the importance of being a understanding of processes, spatial and temporal scale
contributing part of the policy developing and writ- and variability, and interactions between humans and
ing machine at the local, state and federal level. We processes; f. a common failing of geomorphologists
have abdicated our responsibilities, as scientists, to worldwide is their lack of understanding of regula-
legislative staffs under the rubric of science is not tory and decision making processes, and a tendency
partisan. It is our job and our responsibility to do to suggest solutions that are great in theory but
quality science and to make sure that the policies unworkable in practice. This symposium demon-
that are enacted to protect the general populace from strated that there are good examples of geomorphol-
the vagaries of nature are based on good science. It ogists taking active roles in the development of new
is further our duty to ensure that the relevant science regulatory approaches. We hope that this symposium
makes its way to the legislatures responsible for and this volume will serve to focus attention on both
writing the legislative policies. Geomorphologists for research and application in the critical area of engi-
too long have shied away from policy, believing that neering geomorphology. Through this awareness ge-
science and policy do not go well together. The truth omorphologists will step forward and claim their
is science should and must be the foundation and heritage and future-engineering geomorphology.
guardrails for good policy. All the papers in this volume were subjected to
critical peer review. We thank the following individ-
uals for their help in reviewing the papers for this
volume: David Alexander University of Mas-
A final note sachusetts.; Ken Barrick University of Alaska at
Fairbanks.; Bernie Bauer University of Southern
Our goal with this volume was to have authors California and National Science Foundation.; Terry
address the contributions and challenges of engineer- Brock U.S. Forest Service, Juneau, AK.; George A.
ing geomorphology through a focus on accomplish- Brook University of Georgia.; David Butler South-
ments, opportunities and directions for the future of west Texas State University.; Fred Chambers Uni-
engineering geomorphology. A diverse group of sci- versity of Colorado at Denver.; Cathy Connor Uni-
entists have provided an international perspective on versity of Alaska Southeast.; Derrick C. Ford Mc-
concepts and techniques in engineering geomorphol- Master University.; Will Graf Arizona State Univer-
ogy. sity.; Wilford Haerberli University of Zurich.; Carol
Introduction 11

Harden University of Tennessee.; Paul Lapoint nizers: Giardino, Marston and Morisawa. Marie as a
Golder Associates, Redmond, WA.; M.C. Larson co-founder of the Binghamton Geomorphology Sym-
U.S. Geological Survey, Puerto Rico.; Andrew posium was very enthusiastic and excited about tak-
Marcus Montana State University.; Jim McCloy ing the Binghamton Symposium to its farthest east-
Texas A & M University.; Andrew Miller Univer- ern location Bologna, Italy. It is sad that Maries
sity of Maryland at Baltimore County.; Roman Mo- untimely death cheated her of the opportunity to
tyka University of Alaska Southeast.; Fritz Nelson partake of the excellent scholarship at the meeting
University of Delaware.; Mike ONeill Utah State and the culture of the setting. It is fitting that the
University and U.S. Department of Agriculture.; Rick University of Bologna, the oldest university in the
Noll Alaska Department of Natural Resources.; western world, served as the venue for this meeting.
Patrick P. Peases East Carolina University.; Noel We dedicated the 28th Binghamton Geomorphol-
Potter, Jr. Dickinson College.; Chuck Rosenfeld ogy Symposium to our colleague, Marie Morisawa.
Oregon State University.; Doug Sherman Univer-
sity of Southern California.; George Veni Veni and
John R. Giardino
Associates, San Antonio, TX.; Jack Vitek Oklahoma
Office of the Vice President for
State University.; and H. Jesse Walker Louisiana
Research and Associate Proost for
State University.. We are also indebted to Jana
Graduate Studies and Departments of
Corley, Sherry Boyd, John Degenhardt, and Nancy
Geology and Geophysics and Geography,
Sawtelle for help in organizing the manuscripts and
Texas A & M Uniersity,
figures for the papers. We also thank Carolyn Cobb
College Station, TX 77843-1113, USA
and David Jennings for the design of the cover.
E-mail address:
We began the organization of the 28th Bingham-
ton Geomorphology Symposium Engineering Ge-
omorphology: Changing the Face of Earth at the Richard A. Marston
joint meeting of the Third International Geomorphol- School of Geology,
ogy Association and the 24th Binghamton Geomor- Oklahoma State Uniersity,
phology Symposium held at McMaster University in Stillwater, OK 74078-4073, USA
Hamilton, Canada in 1995. We were the three orga- E-mail address:

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