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Vol. 36, No. 3, MayJune 1999

Mars Path nder Heatshield Design and Flight Experience

William H. Willcockson
Lockheed Martin Astronautics, Denver, Colorado 80201

The Mars Path nder lander mission represented the rst return to the surface of Mars in over 20 years. Along
with the Mars Global Surveyor orbiter, it represented a new era in faster, cheaper, better planetary missions,
dramatically reducing costs below previous Mars programs. The design experience of the entry aeroshell, which
protected the lander during its hypersonic entry into the Martian atmosphere, is described. The design of the
aeroshell required a cooperative effort between Martin Marietta Corporation (now Lockheed Martin), the prime
contractor, and multiple NASA eld centers.

Introduction Mars Lander Concepts After Viking:

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T HE Mars Path nder mission was undertaken by NASA as a Mars Polar Penetrator
low-cost Mars lander. The mission was intended to pave the Because of the spectacular success of the Viking program, many
way for low-cost access to the surface of Mars with a planned bud- of Martin Mariettas senior managers enthusiastically supported
get of approximately$1:5 108 . This target representedan order of efforts to return to the red planet. A team of entry design person-
magnitude reduction in cost below the Viking dual Orbiter/Lander nel and an associated database remained, which could be expanded
program of the 1970s, for which Martin Marietta provided the on for future missions. Preliminary proposals for a variety of Mars
Lander element. To implement such a low-cost venture, an approach missions were undertaken at the Denver facility immediately af-
to ight elements that maximized ight heritage to minimize cost ter Viking, including a mobile Viking Lander (using treads instead
and risk was needed. The entry capsule or aeroshell was a key ele- of footpads), sample return missions, various Mars rovers, balloon
ment to surface access, providing the lander with thermal protection missions, etc.
through the high-energy entry phase. Therefore, a contract was un- In late 1989, Denvers Advanced Planetary Group was ap-
dertakenwith Martin Marietta to producethe Path nder aeroshellby proached by James Martin, former NASA Langley Research Center
use of the Viking-proven ablative thermal protection system (TPS) Viking Program Manager, to look into the feasibility of a bare bones
on a Viking-con gured heatshield shape. New features included the Mars entry vehicle based on the Viking entry vehicle shape. This
use of composites for the major structural elements, a simpli ed low-cost concept would drop ice penetrators onto the surface of the
backshell shape, and simpli ed seals between the heatshield and Mars south polar cap. Called the Mars Polar Penetrator (Fig. 2), this
backshell. mission would strictly cut cost by eliminating the expensive support
orbiter required by Viking. This was accomplished by moving the
Viking Heritage cruise power, attitude control, and telecommunications functions
The Viking missions to Mars were own in 1976 and resulted in inside the entry aeroshell itself. Spin stabilization, instead of the
the rst successful landing on the Martian surface (Fig. 1). Because three-axis attitude control of Viking, was proposed to keep correct
of its rst-ever nature, the Viking program was front loaded with an pointing during cruise and in the atmospheric entry phase. A direct
extensive research and development program in the late 1960s and entry into the Mars atmosphere would reduce operations costs by
early 1970s (Ref. 1). This included a variety of wind-tunnel tests eliminating the Mars orbit phase of Viking. The signi cantly higher
for the proposed 70-deg half-angle cone heatshield (aerodynamics heating rates of a direct Mars entry had actually been tested in an
and heating), TPS testing, and parachute high-altitude tests. Martin internally funded SLA-561 study in the late 1960s; thus, it was felt
Marietta developed a lightweight ablator, called superlight abla- that the material could be used in this higher energy application.
tor (SLA)-561, which was applied to the Viking heatshield along Replacing the Viking soft lander with ice penetratorsbased on then-
with a radio frequency (RF) transparent material known as SLA- funded Comet Rendezvous and Asteroid Flyby hardware was the
220 (Ref. 2). SLA-561V ablator consists of a mix of ground cork nal cost-reductionstep. This design study was presented to NASA
and silica and phenolic microspheres in a silicone binder. This mix Headquarters on April 6, 1990.
is packed into a reinforcing phenolic honeycomb, which has been Although the mission was not funded, many of its basic concepts
prebonded to the heatshield structure. This process is very cost ef- were then expanded upon by NASA Ames Research Center in their
fective, requiring less than a day of operations for packing. The Mars environmentalsurvey (MESUR) feasibility study produced in
material is an extremely high performer, combining outstandingab- 1991. This study envisioned a series of 16 lightweight hard landers
lation and insulation properties for Mars entry heating levels. Even with Viking-based entry aeroshells to produce a Mars meteorolog-
in the 1990s,three decadesafter its initial development,this material ical network. Though none of these various concepts were own,
outperforms more recently developed ceramic derivatives. they provided a background of thinking for a low-cost Mars lander
Because the Viking Lander was to perform entry from Mars orbit, conceptthat was broughtto fruitionby the Jet PropulsionLaboratory
the maximum design heating rates were about 30 W/cm2 . Testing of (JPL) in the form of the Mars Path nder mission in 1997.
the TPS was performed in Denver, Colorado, using a 1.5-MW arcjet
facility. The overall manufacture of the lander and aeroshell system Mars Path nder Proposal
was performed at the Denver facility. The Viking 1 mission launched
a combined Mars orbiter and lander on Aug. 20, 1975. Both vehicles In mid-1992 and 1993 Martin Marietta provided cost and tech-
were propulsively captured into Mars orbit on June 19, 1976. The nical data to JPL on a direct entry aeroshell concept for what was
culmination of the program was the successful landing of Viking 1 then known as the MESUR Path nder mission. This program was to
on the surface of Mars on July 20, 1976. be a path nder to pave the way for a more ambitious network mis-
sion, along the lines of the NASA Ames Research Center study. In
Received July 15, 1998; revision received Aug. 15, 1998; accepted for late 1993, we were asked to produce a formal proposal for an entry
publication March 2, 1999. Copyright c 1999 by William H. Willcockson. heatshield for the Mars Path nder mission. The proposal involved
Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., the use of the proven Viking aeroshell shape, which is a 70-deg
with permission. half-angle cone transitioning to a spherical nose cap of one-quarter
Senior Staff Engineer, Re-entry Systems.
radius to diameter ratio. Although Viking had used an entry angle
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Fig. 1 Viking Lander entry con guration.

Fig. 3 Mars Path nder aeroshell system: major elements.

Fig. 2 Mars polar penetrator concept, 1989. In November 1993, at the authors suggestion, a compromise was
acceptedwherebyMartin Mariettawould build most of the backshell
except for a backshellinterfaceplate (BIP) at the apex, which would
of attack of 11 deg for most ef cient velocity reduction, a suf - be tailored to the lander interfaces and built by JPL (Fig. 3). The
cient aerodynamic database for low angles of attack existed to give proposal for the Mars Path nder aeroshell was completed in March
con dence in a spin-stabilizedzero-angle-of-attackconcept. Initial 1994 and the production started that July. Shipment of the ight
stability analyses showed that such an entry was possible at fairly aeroshell to JPL was accomplished a little over a year later, on Sept.
low spin rates (<5 rpm) (Ref. 3). An important aspect of perform- 27, 1995. After integration with the Lander and Cruise Stage at
ing a high-energy direct entry was the derivation of aerodynamic JPL, the Mars Path nder spacecraft was launched to Mars on Dec.
parameters using computational uid dynamics (CFD). This com- 4, 1996.
putational approach (replacing a large investment in wind-tunnel
testing) was assigned to NASA Langley Research Center.4;5 En- Aeroshell Contract Start
try heating rate estimates of around 100 W/cm2 showed the Viking Production began in July 1994 with an initial meeting at JPL.
SLA-561 quali cation range would be exceeded. Limited in-house The serious job of turning promising concepts into ight-quali ed
testing done in the 1960s gave con dence that the material should procedures was an early step. Although a close relative used on the
perform well to at least 90 W/cm2 ; however, the material had last Space Shuttle external tank7 was in current production, the Viking
been produced for a space mission in the 1970s. Thus recerti ca- SLA-561V manufacturing processes were 20 years out of date and
tion of this 20-year-old TPS system for the much higher Path nder had to be updated. This represented a nontrivial step, requiring the
heating application was an important step. The use of high-energy detailed reevaluation of an extensive set of ight-certi ed proce-
arcjet test facilities at NASA Ames Research Center in California dures. As an example, a widely used solvent of the 1970s had to
was necessaryto reach adequateheating rates. Initial screening test- be replaced because of 1990s environmentalrequirements. To meet
ing of SLA in December 1993 showed good performance at heating the system mass targets, Martin Marietta proposed a graphite-epoxy
rates up to 188 W/cm2 (Ref. 6). composite primary structuresapproach.The wedding of lightweight
An interestingproblem arose late in the feasibility assessment for composite technology with the SLA ablator required requalifying
Path nder. The entry capsule consists of a heatshield and afterbody. the total system (Vikings primary structure had been aluminum).
Because JPL knew the interfaces between the lander and cruise Adhesive tests had been performed by Martin Marietta Space Sys-
stage, it was felt that the backshellwould have to be built in Pasadena, tems personnel at Michoud, Louisiana, prior to contract start, which
California. From Martin Mariettas standpoint,the backshellwas an showed that the bond interfacebetween the TPS and structureshould
integral part of the entry vehicle structural and thermal system and have adequate strength for the range of expected environments. In
should be designed within the same organization as the heatshield. the contractphase,several couponswere produced,which replicated

the structural and TPS layup of the heatshield. Basic adhesion of Table 1 Path nder TPS arcjet test program
the SLA phenolic excore to composite facesheets was con rmed
through a series of pull tests. Bending tests at low and high tempera- Path nder TPS Maximum
test program Articles heating Date
tures con rmed that the total system had adequatestrength and stiff-
ness. The upper limit of the system use was set at 480 F (250 C) be- SLA screening Plain coupons 188 W/cm 2
Dec. 1993
cause of adhesive limits in the composite bonding system. Although SLA shear tests Plain, repair options 51 W/cm2 March 1994
higher temperature adhesives exist, their use would require addi- SLA quali cation 1 Plain, repair, plugs 185 W/cm2 July 1994
tional certi cation testing, which was not justi ed in cost reduction. SLA quali cation 2 Plain, repair, plugs, voids 237 W/cm2 Sept. 1994

Path nder Heatshield TPS Design

The initial TPS design thickness was de ned as a monolithic techniques, representative manufacturing defects, entry instrumen-
coating over the heatshield structure forebody of 0.70 in. (1.78 cm). tation plugs, and low-temperature thermal shock cases (Table 1).
This thicknesswas sized to maintain the stagnation-pointcomposite After initial problems with sample mounting were solved, the test
structure at a maximum bondline temperature of 480 F (250 C) in program proceeded very successfully. These arcjet tests resulted in
the entry phase. Although this resulted in excess material away from outstanding performance of SLA-561V when exposed to environ-
the highestheatingpoint, a trade study of tailored TPS thicknesswas ments up to 240 W/cm2 and surface pressures up to 0.27 atm. As a
deemed not cost effective for the 2 kg saved. result of these tests, a better material response model was developed
One of the challenges of the design process was the ever- by Martin Marietta Valley Forge Division (the former General Elec-
increasing entry mass of the vehicle. When Martin Mariettas con- tric Re-Entry Systems Division, which produced such high-energy
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tract was let, the vehicle had an entry ballistic coef cient W = C d A entry vehicles as the Pioneer Venus and Galileo probes). This TPS
of 45 kg/m2 . As time proceeded, this ballistic coef cient grew, rst model is based on the Valley Forge REKAP material response code
to 55 and nally to 65, representing over a 40% mass growth. The and accounts for ablation, pyrolysis, radiation, and conduction ef-
primary impact was an increase in the required TPS thickness due to fects to produce in-depth temperature predictions of a re-entry ve-
higher heating. Keeping up with the evolving requirement required hicle. In the years since production of the Path nder aeroshell, the
an adaptive aerophysicsapproach. CFD provides a method for solv- SLA model has been extended to include thermochemical surface
ing NavierStokes equations for ow about the vehicle in a detailed erosion predictive capability by use of the CMA material response
computational grid. This allowed the vehicle to be designed in the code. These more recent results have shown the original Path nder
computer rather than in the traditional wind-tunnel experiments of TPS model to be adequately conservative.The REKAP-based SLA-
the past. Although the CFD technique is very powerful, the analy- 561V model was used to produce bondline vs thickness predictions
sis requires time and is not suited to rapid repetitive analyses. The that were the basis of the Path nder TPS design process.
detailed entry environment had been de ned for a W =C d A of 55 The Path nder heatshield structure was designed as a single
by a combined effort from NASA Ames810 and NASA Langley5 2.65-m-diam composite structure.Viking had used a traditionalalu-
Research Centers. To design the heatshield TPS system, Martin minum skin-stringerapproach,which was heavy and sensitiveto en-
Marietta had to combine these reference analyses together with our try loading. The aeroshell structure was required to carry a design
own CFD and engineeringtools into a fairly speedy process.The use entry mass of 602 kg under the peak loading of 31 g. Martin Marietta
of internal engineering codes was essential to the timely production relied on a strong space ight composite structure experience from
of usable heating pro les for TPS design as the vehicle entry mass such development efforts as Magellan, Cassini, and Hubble. The
grew. heatshield and backshell were required to separate in ight to allow
Similar to the aerothermal effort, initial reference TPS analyses deployment of the lander. Six separation nuts held the two elements
had been performed at NASA Ames Research Center using a lower together until ring, which allowed springs to push the two elements
ballistic number than anticipated for ight. This preliminary siz- apart. Once separation was initiated, the differential drag of the lan-
ing indicated that 0.70 in. (1.78 cm) of SLA would be suf cient. der and parachute acted to pull them away from the falling heat-
Using the updated heating environment and our material response shield. The design of this hardware required dynamic simulation of
codes, we were able to derive a new thickness for the heatshield of the two elements with aerodynamic loading and spring dynamics to
0.40 in. (1.02 cm), not including ight margins. The ight margins assure no recontact could occur. The separation system was veri ed
included an assessment of aerothermal computational uncertainty, by a full-scale test, which used the aeroshell full-scale engineering
angle-of-attack effects, material variability, as well as basic man- development unit. The heatshield and backshell were sealed at their
ufacturing uncertainty. When these uncertainty effects were com- interface by a compliant high-temperaturebraided Astroquartz fab-
bined, a margined SLA-561V thickness of 0.60 in. (1.52 cm) was ric, which blocked the high-temperatureentry gasses but which did
derived. Because most of the TPS certi cation testing had already not hinder the smooth release. Tolerances were extremely important
been performedfor the 0.70-in. design,the nal Martin Mariettarec- in the design of the aeroshell. Stringent geometric constraints were
ommendation for Path nder heatshield TPS thickness was 0.70 in. important both for the entry ight stability of the vehicle and also
(1.78 cm) of SLA-561V (Ref. 11). To cross check the design pro- for maintaininglander clearances and minimal gapping of joints un-
cess,NASA had previouslycontractedfor an independentheatshield der load. Because of rapid changes in the external pressure during
assessment. The recommendation from this assessment was for a launch and re-entry, a vent was required that passed through the
thicker system, 0.75 in. (1.91 cm) in thickness. Because the launch aeroshell. To dissipate the energy of entry gasses, this vent had built
margin was available, NASA elected to use the thicker of the two in screens that acted as heat sinks. The design of this vent relied
estimates and stay with the most conservative approach for the rst heavily on Viking test data for thermal sizing.
high-energy direct Mars entry. Thus, the Path nder heatshield de- Once the heatshield structure was complete, the TPS phenolic
sign had an extremely low chance of thermal failure due to entry excore was applied to it and cured, and then the SLA-561V ablator
heating. was packed in a single day. The unit was then oven cured and sanded
to the nal surface nish. Afterward, the ight thermocouples were
SLA-561V Arcjet Testing installed with a careful attention to tolerances, as veri ed by x rays.
The recerti cation of the Path nder TPS system came in a se- The last step in the heatshield process was to install the ight seals
ries of arcjet tests in 1994, which subjected representative structure at Cape Canaveral.
plus TPS layups to up to twice the entry heating to be expected
in the Mars direct entry environment.12;13 Circular coupons 5.5 in. Backshell Design
in diameter were constructed with 0.70 in. of TPS bonded to a The backshell was somewhat easier to deal with (from a thermal
1.25-in. (3.18-cm) composite substructure. Thermal response mea- protection perspective). Overall the structural loads were lower, and
surements were taken via thermocouples sandwiched between the so the composite layup was only 0.5 in. (1.27 cm) thick. The layout
TPS and structure.Besides basic SLA-561V performancedata in the was more complex, however, because of the need for 10 holes to
high-energy environment, tests were conducted on candidate repair provide safe and arm access points as well as mounting location

for the aeroshell vent. The heating rates were much lower than the and landing (EDL) events. It was with great excitement that the
heatshield (<15 W/cm2 maximum). These heating rates were based announcement was made that the lander had successfully touched
on a limited set of afterbody CFD cases with correctionsapplied for down on the surface of Mars. Shortly after landing, the onboard
Viking-observedtransitionheatingincreases,as well as local surface memory, which included measurements of key data taken during
geometry step-change effects. At this heating rate, the well-proven entry, was downlinked to Earth. Afterward the Lander Station made
spray-on version of the SLA-561 is applicable. This TPS system a series of detailed images of the surrounding terrain and Sojourner
is currently used on the Space Shuttle external tank, and its manu- Rover. In one of these surfacephotographs,the spent backshellcould
facturing technique is well understood.7 Only 0.19 in. (0.48 cm) of be seen resting near the horizon.
TPS was required to handle the entry heating, though the bondline
temperature requirement was somewhat lower (350 F, 177 C) be- Heatshield Entry Performance
cause of the load concentrationnear the apex produced by entry and The EDL data downlinked from the Path nder lander allowed us
terminal descent rocket ring. The backshell was manufactured as insight into the performance of the entry capsule. The heatshield
a single composite unit and then shipped to Michoud. There it was had been instrumented with six thermocouples as part of the build
mounted on a spray xture, and the SLA-561S ablator applied. and nal closeout at Martin Marietta, Denver (Figs. 4 and 5). Three
bondline measurements were installed (stagnation, midcone, and
Path nder Aeroshell Integration and Flight edge of the heatshield), two middepth (stagnation and edge), and
The heatshield and backshell were shipped on Sept. 27, 1995, one subsurface (stagnation). These thermocouples were installed to
from Denver Martin Marietta to JPL, where the lander and cruise very tight tolerances (0.02 in. as veri ed by x ray) to allow accurate
stage were being built and tested. This represented a 14.5-month reconstruction of temperature vs depth. Although pairs of thermo-
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development cycle from initial contract to hardware delivery. Af- couples were installed for redundancy, only one of each pair was
ter lander and cruise stage integration at JPL, the entire system physically connected in the nal integration. All but one of these
was launched on Dec. 4, 1996, in a spectacular night launch from thermocouples returned usable data. The one that failed was unfor-
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station using a Delta 7925 rocket. Af- tunately the only near-surface measurement at the stagnation point.
ter a seven-month cruise, the vehicle encountered Mars on July 4, Despite that disappointment and despite some signi cant problems
1997. A signal from the craft was monitored throughout the entry, with the reference temperature calibration, the rest of the instru-
which con rmed spacecraft health as well as major entry descent ments produced very usable entry data.

Fig. 4 Path nder entry temperature sensor distribution.

Fig. 5 Path nder entry temperature sensor construction.

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Fig. 6 Path nder stagnation heating pro le from reconstruct trajectory.

Fig. 7 Path nder entry stagnation temperature, measured vs predicted.

By the use of JPLs reconstruction of the entry trajectory14 and about 55 F (31 C), which agreed reasonably well with the pre ight
our in-house aerophysics codes, we were able to construct a heat- prediction.
ing pro le for the entry, which had an estimated peak heating of A far stronger signature resulted from the midpoint thermo-
90 W/cm2 at the stagnation point (Fig. 6). This heating pro le couples. Here there was half the TPS thickness overlying the
used pre ight aerophysics assumptions to generate an input to the thermocouplelocation,only 0.35 in. (0.89 cm). Other than the failed
material response codes, thus providing an end-to-end test of the subsurface thermocouple, this location gives the highest quality re-
interaction of the heating with the ablator response. These heat- sponse because it is closest to the highly energetic surface. There
ing data were then used in our REKAP TPS material response was outstanding agreement between the ight measurement and
code to generate predictions of temperature vs time at various model prediction with both midpoint locations (Figs. 7 and 8). The
depths of the TPS. Based on our material response models, we stagnation location measurements showed the largest temperature
had documented a prelaunch prediction of 64113 F (depending rise (310 C, 558 F), as expected, due to the higher incident heat
on initial conditions) as the maximum bondline temperature rise ux at the apex of the heatshield. The edge location thermocou-
of the Path nder heatshield during its entry. The reconstructedma- ple showed a smaller rise (230 C, 414 F) due to the falling off of
terial response showed a fairly small temperature rise at the criti- the heat ux along the conical section of the heatshield. The agree-
cal structure/TPS bondline (due to the great abundance of TPS) of ment of the ight measurementswith the REKAP SLA-561V model
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Fig. 8 Path nder entry edge temperature, measured vs predicted.

reconstruction is within 10 C at the peak. These measurements are Sabahi, and David A. Spencer of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory;
very signi cant. From an engineering sense, they con rm the inter- Huy Tran and Michael Tauber of NASA Ames Research Center;
action of surface heating calculations with TPS material response, and Robert D. Braun and Robert A. Mitcheltree of NASA Langley
thereby reaf rming the process required to con dently design an Research Center.
entry vehicle. From a scienti c sense, the measurements did not
allow an unambiguous separation of the ow eld energy and ab- References
1 Viking Aerodynamics Databook, Martin Marietta Corp., TR-3709014,
lator response uncertainties. This is primarily due to the failure of
the near-surface stagnation thermocouple. The error in the entry Denver, CO, June 1972.
2 Strauss, E. L., Superlight Ablative Systems for Mars Lander Thermal
heating calculations remains at the pre ight estimate of 25%. As
a con rmation of the entry vehicle design process, the Path nder Protection, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 4, No. 10, 1967, pp.
measurements were an outstanding success. 3 Braun, R. D., Powell, R. W., Engelund, W. C., Gnoffo, P. A., Weilmuen-

Conclusion ster, K. J., and Mitcheltree, R. A., Mars Path nder Six-Degree-of-Freedom
Entry Analysis, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 32, No. 6, 1995,
The Mars Path nder was an early exercisein cheaper,faster,better pp. 9931000.
missions with extremely successful results. The aeroshell that car- 4 Gnoffo, P. A., Braun, R. D., Weilmuenster, K. J., Mitcheltree, R. A.,
ried the lander through entry deceleration was designed and man- Engelund, W. C., and Powell, R. W., Prediction and Validation of Mars
ufactured via a similarly streamlined process at Martin Marietta Path nder Hypersonic Aerodynamic Database, Journal of Spacecraft and
(now Lockheed Martin). A signi cant amount of the necessary en- Rockets, Vol. 36, No. 3, 1999, pp. 367373.
5 Mitcheltree, R. A., Computational Aerothermodynamics for Mars
try design heritage was inherited from the Viking and Space Shuttle
external tank programs of the 1970s, as well as internally funded Path nder Including Turbulence, AIAA Paper 95-3493, Aug. 1995.
6 Tauber, M. E., Ames Research Center Arc-Jet Facility Tests of Candi-
design studies that followed. One of the primary Viking inheritances
date Heat Shield Materials for MESUR-Path nder, NASA Ames Research
was the heatshield ablator, SLA-561V, used to dissipate entry heat-
Center, Moffett Field, CA, Feb. 9, 1994.
ing. This material had to be requali ed for Mars direct entry heating 7
External Tank LWT Thermal Databook, Martin Marietta Manned
rates, which were four times that of Viking. A key performance Space Systems, Pub. #80900200102,rev. D, Michoud, LA, Jan. 1995.
discriminator was the use of composite technology in the structural 8
Candler, G. V., Computation of Thermo-Chemical Non-Equilibrium
design of the aeroshell. Much of the required Mars entry design Martian Atmosphere Entry Flows, AIAA Paper 90-1695, Jan. 1995.
data were generated by teaming government (JPL, NASA Langley 9 Haas, B. L., Mars/Path nder Flow Calculations, NASA Ames Re-

Research Center, and NASA Ames Research Center) and indus- search Center, Moffett Field, CA, June 1994.
10 Tauber, M. E., Turbulent Flow Heating on the Mars/Path nder Af-
try (Martin Marietta). Organizationally, the demarcation between
the entry aeroshell and the lander interfaces was accomplished by terbody, Memo, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, Nov.
introducing an interface plate, the BIP, at the backshell apex. The 1994.
11 Willcockson, W. H., Mars Path nder Aeroshell, TPS Sizing Report,
actual entry was accomplishedon July 4, 1997, followed by the suc- Final, Lockheed Martin Astronautics, Denver, CO, Sept. 1995.
cessful touchdown of the Path nder Lander on the surface of Mars. 12 Tauber, M. E., Preliminary Data from September 1994 60 MW Arc-
The entry aeroshell hardware performed as expected. In particular, jet Tests of SLA-561 Heat Shield Material Samples Bonded to Structure,
the TPS data telemetered back after landing con rmed the expected NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, Oct. 1994.
performance of the SLA- 561V heatshield ablator. 13 Brewer, R., and LaMonaca, T., ARC-TEST SLA-561 Temperature

Response Comparisons, Mars Path nder Aerothermal Working Group,

Acknowledgments Denver, CO, Dec. 1994.
Special thanks are given to Thomas Nelson, Program Manager 14 Spencer, D. A., Blanchard, R. A., Braun, R. D., Kallemeyn, P. H.,

of the Path nder Aeroshell Program, and John Smith, the TPS De- and Thurman, S. W., Mars Path nder Entry, Descent, and Landing Re-
velopment Manager. The expertise of Thomas Edquist (aerother- construction, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 36, No. 3, 1999, pp.
mal and TPS development) and Janine Thornton (TPS post ight) 357366.
were key foundations. Thanks are also given to Darius Brant,
Robert Brewer, Theodore Lamonaca, Kevin Miller, Owen Scott, R. D. Braun
and Richard Merschel of Lockheed Martin; Elisabeth Wahl, Dara Guest Editor

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