Emperors Try To Save Rome

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Emperors Try to Save Ancient Rome Diocletian

Became emperor in 284 AD

Wanted to reestablish order in the empire

1. Force unity through strict laws

How did Diocletian try
to reestablish order? 2. Divided the empire in half
Emperor and assistant emperor
for each half

3. Doubled the size of the army


Diocletian did reestablish order

But not all things were great

- Had to raise taxes to support the larger army
and government
- People were upset with his laws

Then when he retired in 305 AD...

- Civil war broke out
- People were fighting for power

Became emperor in 324 AD

Built a new capital city in the eastern
part of the empire
The city was Byzantium
It was renamed Constantinople

Made Christianity the official religion

to unite the empire


Why was Constantinople chosen?

337 AD - Constantine dies

Location His two sons and two nephews fought

for power
Easily protected
- 3 sides surrounded by water Empire goes into further decline
- Mountains behind the city

Middle of a trade route

- Between Europe and Asia


Barbarians continue to attack the empire Theodosius I

378 AD - Battle of Adrianople Becomes emperor in 379 AD

Barbarians defeated the Romans Said that when he died, the empire should
be divided into 2 separate empires
The barbarians now knew they were capable
of defeating the Roman army and continued In 395 AD
take over parts of the empire The empire officially splits


476 AD - Fall of Rome

Barbarians over throw the last western

Roman emperor and take control of the
western empire

The Western Roman Empire has come to an

end, but the Eastern Roman Empire will last
for another 1,000 years

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