Law and Logic Summer School 2017 Final Programme

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Date: 10-15 July 2017

Place: Badia Fiesolana, Theatre (on 10, 11, 12 and 15 July) and Refectory (on 13 and 14 July)


The Summer School on Law and Logic is being held for its sixth year, from 10-15 July 2017. This course
is designed to give students rigorous training in a wide variety of logical methods that can assist in the
analysis of law for all kinds of legal analysts, including students, lawyers, judges and scholars. The overall
framework for the course is the Logocratic Method, a systematic method for assessing the strengths and
weaknesses of arguments, including, but not limited to, legal arguments. Since so much legal analysis
consists in making and evaluating arguments, this method can be a powerful tool for all legal analysts.

Organized in collaboration with



Day 1, Monday 10 July (Theatre)

8:30 9:00 Registration

9:00 10:30 Session 1.1.1: Perceptions of cooperation and clash of logic and law opening
thoughts about the utilities of logic for law Basic definitions and methods of the
Logocratic Method (Scott Brewer and Giovanni Sartor)

10:30 11:00 Coffee break, Retro Teatro

11:00 12:30 Session 1.1.2: Logic and argumentation (Henry Prakken and Giovanni Sartor)

12:30 14:00 Lunch, Mensa, Badia

14:00 15:30 Session 1.2.1: Introduction to propositional logic: Part 1 (Henry Prakken and
Giovanni Sartor)

15:30 16:00 Coffee break, Retro Teatro

16:00 17:30 Session 1.2.2: Introduction to propositional logic: Part 2 (Henry Prakken and
Giovanni Sartor)

Day 2, Tuesday 11 July (Theatre)

9:00 10:30 Session 2.1.1: Review of basic concepts and exercises from the first day link
(Scott Brewer, Henry Prakken, and Giovanni Sartor)

10:30 11:00 Coffee break, Retro Teatro

11:00 12:30 Session 2.1.2: Representing legal rules and legal arguments in propositional logic:
Part 1 (Scott Brewer and Giovanni Sartor)

12:30 14:00 Lunch, Mensa, Badia

14:00 15:30 Session 2.2.1: Representing legal rules and legal arguments in propositional logic:
Part 2 (Bartosz Brozek, Giovanni Sartor)

15:30 16:00 Coffee break, Retro Teatro

16:00 17:30 Session 2.2.2: Review of basic concepts and exercises on propositional logic
(Scott Brewer, Henry Prakken and Giovanni Sartor)

Day 3, Wednesday 12 July (Theatre)

9:00 10:30 Session 3.1.1: From propositional to predicate logic: grammar and basic structure
(Bartosz Brozek, Nino Rotolo and Giovanni Sartor)

10:30 11:00 Coffee break, Retro Teatro

11:00 12:30 Session 3.1.2: From propositional to predicate logic: semantics and relations
link (Bartosz Brozek, Nino Rotolo Scott Brewer and Giovanni Sartor)

12:30 14:00 Lunch, Mensa, Badia

14:00 15:30 Session 3.2.1: Review of basic concepts and exercises on predicate logic link
(Bartosz Brozek, Nino Rotolo, Scott Brewer and Giovanni Sartor)

15:30 16:00 Coffee break, Retro Teatro

16:00 17:30 Session 3.2.2: Modelling the law in predicate logic (Bartosz Brozek, Nino Rotolo
Scott Brewer and Giovanni Sartor)

Day 4, Thursday 13 July (Refectory)

9:00 10:30 Session 4.1.1: Argumentation and argument schemes (Giovanni Sartor)

10:30 11:00 Coffee break, Loggia, Badia

11:00 12:30 Session 4.1.2: Formalising argumentation / Burdens of proof and presumptions
(Giovanni Sartor)

12:30 14:00 Lunch, Mensa, Badia

14:00 15:30 Session 4.2.1: Review of basic concepts and exercises on argumentation theory
and tools (Giovanni Sartor and Bartosz Brozek)

15:30 16:00 Coffee break, Antirefettorio, Badia

16:00 17:30 Session 4.2.2: Analogical reasoning: Part 1 (Scott Brewer and Giovanni Sartor)

19:30 Social dinner at La Pentola DellOro

Day 5, Friday 14 July (Refectory)

9:00 10:30 Analogical reasoning: Part 2 (Scott Brewer and Giovanni Sartor)

10:30 11:00 Coffee break, Antirefettorio, Badia

11:00 12:30 Session 5.1.2: Deontic and modal logic: Part 1 (Nino Rotolo and Giovanni Sartor)

12:30 14:00 Lunch, Mensa, Badia

14:00 15:30 Session 5.2.1: Deontic and modal logic: Part 2 (Giovanni Sartor and Nino Rotolo)

15:30 16:00 Coffee break, Antirefettorio, Badia

16:00 17:30 Session 5.2.2: Deontic logic and Hohfeldian concepts (Giovanni Sartor and Nino

Day 6, Saturday 15 July (Theatre)

9:00 10:30 Session 6.1.1: Review of basic concepts and exercises on deontic logic (Giovanni
Sartor and Nino Rotolo)

10:30 11:00 Coffee break, Loggia

11:00 12:30 Session 6.1.2: Induction: generalisation and specification (Scott Brewer)

12:30 14:00 Sala Rossa, Badia

14:00 15:30 Induction: Generalisation and specification (Scott Brewer and Giovanni Sartor)
Bringing it all together: a master case for logocratic analysis (Scott Brewer,
Giovanni Sartor)

15:30 16:00 Coffee break, Loggia Certificates of attendance

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