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of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Ryerson University

BME/MEC 323 - Statics and Mechanics of Materials

Solutions to practice problem set 2.

Instructors: S. Tsai, D. Oguamanam, M. Papini

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Statics 2e 671

Problem 5.38

In the spanner wrench of Prob. 5.37, determine the range of values for angle
so that the pin at B will not slip out of its hole when force P is applied for
(a) L=r D 4.

(b) Any value of L=r.


The FBD is shown at the right. From the solution to Problem 5.37, the
reactions for arbitrary values of P , r, L, and are

By D P (1)
L 1 cos
Ax D Bx D P : (2)
r sin sin

To proceed further, it is easiest if we express the reactions at B in terms of

components that are normal and tangential to the shaft as shown in the figure
to the right.

.By / t D By cos (3)

.By /n D By sin (4)
.Bx / t D Bx sin (5)
.Bx /n D Bx cos (6)
B t D .By / t C .Bx / t
D By cos C Bx sin
L 1 cos
D P cos C P sin (7)
r sin sin
Bn D .By /n C .Bx /n
D By sin Bx cos
L 1 cos
D P sin P cos (8)
r sin sin

Rather than using Bx and By to determine Bn and B t , we could perform the

equilibrium analysis using the FBD shown at the right which will result in the
same expressions for B t and Bn above (this is carried out in the solution to
Problem 5.37).
Neglecting friction at B, the spanner wrench will not slip out of its hole provided the reaction at B is
compressive; i.e., Bn < 0.

Bn < 0 (9)
L 1 cos
P sin P cos < 0 (10)
r sin sin
L cos cos2
sin C <0 (11)
r sin sin
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672 Solutions Manual
sin2 cos C cos2 < 0: (12)
Using the trigonometric identity sin2 C cos2 D 1, Eq. (12) becomes
1 cos < 0 (13)
1 r
> cos (14)
Part (a) For D 4, Eq. (14) requires

1 1
> cos D 75:5 : (15)
Part (b) For arbitrary values of 1< < 1 , Eq. (14) is satisfied only if
r r

> cos 0 D 90 : (16)

This solutions manual, in any print or electronic form, remains the property of McGraw-Hill, Inc. It may be used and/or possessed only by permission May 11, 2012
of McGraw-Hill, and must be surrendered upon request of McGraw-Hill. Any duplication or distribution, either in print or electronic form, without the
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