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Warm and Crafty

Think warm this summer for the women and children who have to flee to THE ORIOLE
North York Women’s Shelter. Even while it’s hot outside, get crafty
making warm toques, mitts, scarves and socks for these women and
children in preparation for White Gift Sunday in Advent. Oriole-York Mills United Church Newsletter June 2010

Please knit while you natter, crochet in the car (but not when driving), and In this issue: Our Pastor’s Message
sew in solitude, or any combination, to help the women and children at Our Pastor’s Message: Keeping Your Word
North York Women’s Shelter. Keeping Your Word .…..…1
_____________________________________________________________________ I did an Internet search of the phrase
Welcome and Thanks ….…..4 “Keeping your word.” Here are a few
Your OYM Calendar Council News .……………….4 quotations I discovered:
Coming Sunday Worship Services and Events Shop and Harvest Summer From that iconic 20th-century humorist Will
Produce for Lansing Food
Rogers: “There's no trick to being a
Bank ...………….……..…...…6
Sunday June 20th Worship Service at Lifestyles humorist when you have the whole
Kids M&S Art Contest 2010 government working for you.”
(Father’s Day and World Refugee Day) – Let’s See Some OYM Art
Sunday June 27 Sunday’s Cool Closing Work ……………..…….……7 Nikita Khrushchev, known more for banging
* July Sundays Rev. Val. leading worship services – some I am the Good Shepherd his shoe on the podium at the United
may be outdoors with Cedarhurst residents Word Search …………..…..8 Nations than for his humour, noted:
* August Sundays Pastor Chris leading worship services Re-awakening the Spirit ..…9 “Politicians are the same all over. They
Message Theme: Psalms promise to build bridges even when there
Sunday September 19 th
‘Homecoming Sunday’ combined with Lorne Rides Again .........…..11
are no rivers.”
‘Good-bye’ to Pedro de Pablo – after They Took My Home But
Worship Service They Can’t Take My Then from the Broadway play My Fair Lady:
Sunday September 26 th
First Nations Worship Service Future ………......………….11 Eliza Doolittle is courted by Freddy who
Thanks to Contributors …..13 writes her love letters every day. But
* For Pastoral Care during July and August please contact the minister
leading Sunday worship services that month or the church office. Eliza's response to all of his written
New Way to Save Trees
and Money .…………..…....13
promises is frustration: “Words! Words! I'm
so sick of words! Don't talk of stars burning
Contributions and above! If you're in love, show me! Don't
Contact OYM: Oriole-York Mills United Church Suggestions …..….………..13
talk of love lasting through time. Make no
2609 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, ON, M2L 1B5 Warm and Crafty.........……..14 undying vow. If you love me, show me
Phone: 416-447-5941 Email: Your OYM Calendar .…...…14 now!”
Contact OYM .……..….…..…14
2 13

If we admire people who keep their word, then we will resonate with Thanks to Contributors
Eliza’s “If you love me, show me now.” Let me express her attitude
another way. When we keep our word, we may mean many things but Thanks to the following for contributions for this issue:
we will mean at least the following:
Gerry Cooper Council News (page 4)
1. We will do what we say we will do. Lynn Watt Re-awakening the Spirit (page 7)
Whether in business or in our personal lives, we want to be with Lorne MacLean Lorne Rides Again (page 11)
people who do what they say. I don’t remember my parents __________________________________________________________________
making empty promises to me or to my brother and sister. I do
remember they kept their word to me when they said I would be Save Trees and Money
getting a bicycle for my birthday – not a three-wheeler but my first You can save trees and save OYM money at the same time by reading
two-wheeler. That was a promise kept that I will never forget! ‘The Oriole’ online at OYM’s website <>, under
Getting that bike meant I could trust my parents to keep their word ‘About OYM’. The older way, but still a good way, to save trees and save
if they ever said they were going to do something. OYM money at the same time is to receive ‘The Oriole’ in pdf format. For
either option, please send an email specifying your choice to
2. When we keep our word, we show we are trustworthy and ‘The Oriole <>'.
A father was playing with his little boy, repeatedly throwing him in If not going the online or pdf route, you can help to save some trees by
the air and catching him. The child was obviously relaxed and leaving Oriole envelopes for re-use for the next edition of ‘The Oriole’.
having a great time. “Do it again! Do it again!” he said. Envelopes left from the last Oriole will be used for this edition. Please
leave unwanted envelopes in the box provided in the narthex.
A man who was watching asked the father: “Can you explain why
he's so relaxed, even when he's out of control?” __________________________________________________________________________

“It's very simple,” the father said. “We have a history together. Contributions and Suggestions
We've played this game before, and I've never dropped him.” The
son found his father to be dependable and worthy of his trust. Contributions and suggestion for future issues of ‘The Oriole’ are
welcome from all readers.
3. When we keep our word, we are showing respect and even love
toward the other person. We are showing we value the integrity of Please get your contributions and suggestions to ‘The Oriole’ by one of
our relationships. the three following ways:
 sending an email (The Oriole <>),
A student was looking for summer employment. She had two job  leaving a message in the slot for ‘The Oriole’ in the office, or
possibilities. One she wanted very much and the other she really  talking to Moira Mancer.
didn't want but would take as a second choice.
12 3

friends, work, community and culture. But despite the enormous loss, As you can guess, the second-choice job was offered first. She
suffering and at times sense of alienation when confronted with an wanted to hold out for her first choice but she didn't know if it would be
uncertain future, refugees never give up their dream to rebuild their lives offered to her or to someone else. So she accepted her second-
and have a better future. Their hope, courage and perseverance should choice. A few days later, as you also could expect, the job she had
be an inspiration to all of us. hoped for was offered to her. She wanted to quit the job she had
already accepted and take the job she really wanted. So she went to
While most refugees want to go home, some cannot safely return (like
her father.
DVRR’s Khasim family, originally from Palestine). Wherever they are,
refugees will always strive to pick up the pieces and start over. The “Dad, I have a problem.” She told him the situation.
courage and determination demonstrated during their darkest hours will
serve them well in rebuilding a new life. On World Refugee Day (Sunday He looked her straight in the eye:
June 20th), let us honour them for these qualities and recognise the “Did you take the first job offered to you?” “Yes.”
richness and diversity they bring to our societies.
“Did you promise you would work there this summer?” “Yes.”
World Refugee Day events in Toronto are shown below.
Date Toronto Events Venue Her father then said, “Why are we having this conversation?”
Friday Music and Arts Festivities to Creasians Restaurant
June 11th Celebrate Refugee Artists 3 Gerrard St. East
All of us want to associate with people who do what they say they will do,
5:30 to 8:30 pm who are trustworthy and dependable, and who value our relationship with
Saturday/ UNHCR Flag Raising Toronto City Hall them.
Sunday Nathan Philip Square
June19th-20th Let me commend Jesus Christ to you. Today, Jesus is the presence of
Sunday World Refugee Day in Queen's Park North, located God through his Holy Spirit for each one of us when we love and obey
June 20th collaboration with Luminato - at Queen's Park Cres. him. God is approachable through Jesus who keeps his word through his
Toronto Festival of Arts, Culture East and Wellesley St. Holy Spirit. When Jesus keeps his word, he means at least the following:
and Creativity East
Reading of World Refugee Day from noon - 6:00 pm First, Jesus wants to do in our lives what he said he would do. He
Proclamation, Awards will do this in the midst of the personal situations in which we find
Ceremony for UNHCR COSTI ourselves through his Holy Spirit within us.
Refugees & Human Rights
Children/Youth Poetry Contest Second, while he was on Earth, Jesus always showed his followers
Winners, World Music Celebration he was dependable and worthy of their trust. He is worthy of our
Wednesday Turtle House Art/Play Centre Trinity-St. Paul 's Centre trust too, even as we face anxious and troubled times. Again, for us,
June 23rd Concert 427 Bloor St. W.
he expresses his trustworthiness through the Holy Spirit.
at 7:00 pm
Then thirdly, through his Holy Spirit, Jesus shows his love and
respect for us even as we express our doubts and questions.
4 11

He values our relationship with him and with his Father who is our Lorne Rides Again
Father as well. What’s more he wants his relationship with us to
Last year the Ride to Conquer Cancer raised $14.5 million. Lorne
deepen and to mature, whatever it takes.
MacLean and his friends were on that ride. With the help of OYM folk,
Let me commend Jesus to you – he is dependable, worthy of your trust they raised $13,000. Now Lorne and his friends are riding again on the
and is God’s life of love for you as you seek to know God in your life. You route from Toronto to Niagara Falls on the weekend of June 12/13.
will find him in the Bible, especially the four Gospels. If you would like Money raised from the event will provide funding for cancer research at
further information, I’d be delighted to help. Call me at 416-447-5941 or the Campbell Family Institute of the Princess Margaret Hospital. In one
check the church’s website at way or another cancer has touched or burdened each of our lives. Lorne
writes, “It will take continued effort and dedication to truly conquer cancer.
Blessings on your summer journey,
That’s why I’m riding again in 2010!”
Chris Miller Lorne continues, “Whether you would consider donating to support me, to
memorialise a lost loved one, to create a better future, or for another
Welcome and Thanks personal reason, the end result is the same: to conquer cancer in our
lifetime… I hope you’ll be generous once again… I hope you’ll consider
Welcome to recent new members of OYM: Heather and Peter Hall, Andy helping to get us closer to conquering cancer in 2010.”
and Tom Noakes, and Rebecca and Quinn Sondermeyer. Our thanks go
to the Adult Mentors of these recent confirmands: Ron Bloor, John You can make a donation in support of Lorne’s Ride to Conquer Cancer
Brooker, Jeff Noakes, Elda Scott, Lynn Watt, and Don Worth. at Go to ‘Donate Now’ with your credit card, then
____________________________________________________________________ ‘Find a Participant’ and put in ‘Lorne MacLean’ to proceed. Otherwise, contact
Council News _____________________________________________________________________

The first of a series of quarterly OYM financial reports was presented in They Took My Home But They Can't Take My Future
three successive Sunday service bulletins in May. On balance, we are
World Refugee Day is Sunday June
holding our own with some encouraging signs of brighter times ahead.
20th in 2010. The United Nations High
Our local givings to March 31, 2010 amounted to $22,808 which is up 7%
Commission for Refugees chose the
over the same period in 2009. Recalling that our 2010 goal is a 10%
2010 theme “They took my HOME but
increase, I encourage one and all to augment your local givings in the
they can’t take my FUTURE.”
coming months to put us on track before the summer season begins.
Losing one's home can mean losing
OYM's operating deficit as of March 31st stood at $8,202 which is down one's very identity. As refugees flee
21% from the year-ago deficit of $10,460. Our cash on hand was persecution and conflict, they lose their
$45,926 which is about two months of our average expenses. We also home and all that this entails - family,
10 5

The series is made up of three events, with each event consisting of have, however, some $8,000 in current liabilities which we need to clear
workshops extending over a two-day period. Events are open to all. in May.
The schedule for events is as follows: Our attendance at OYM totaled 831 in the first four months of Sundays,
Sept. 18-19, 2010 Georgina Island, Lake Simcoe, Chippewas of compared to 829 a year ago. But it would be much better to see
Georgina Island Community Centre everyone attending more often on Sundays to share in the joy of worship
Oct. 16-17, 2010 Toronto, Council Fire Native Cultural Centre, which Pastor Chris, Rev. Val, Derrick, John, and Carol are dedicated to
439 Dundas Street East making possible for us all.
Nov. 13-14, 2010 Toronto, Council Fire Native Cultural Centre, Turning to maintenance and housekeeping and with Pedro's help, we are
439 Dundas Street East also continuing in the coming months some essential repairs and
The ‘Highlights from the Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal renovations to our facilities. A new and more robust tile floor has been
Peoples’ tells us that we all have a part to play in arriving at a new installed in the washroom on the northwest wall downstairs. Further
relationship so that, “we can look forward to a Canada that celebrates improvements are in the works for the walls of that washroom. Improved
Aboriginal heritage and draws strength from Aboriginal peoples as full security in the Middle Room has been made with the addition of new
partners in a renewed federation.” doors and key-entry door knobs. Under Pedro's management, we
completed a major clear out of the storage areas that we and our tenants
OYM will be holding an appeal in support of this United Church initiative use. We thereby reduced a number of fire hazards that had been
over three Sundays this fall (September 12th, September 19th and created, among other benefits. Work is also about to begin on repainting
September 26th). Those wishing to do so, should donate to “Re- the plaster walls and steel girders in Fellowship Hall.
awakening the Spirit” using the regular church envelope. This appeal
will lead up to a First Nations worship service on Sunday September 26th. Later this summer, we plan to replace some broken and cracked panes of
The theme of this worship service will be, “The Good Road – Our glass in the Sanctuary windows. Bearing in mind their historical
Partnership with First Nations”. significance, we are trying to find a supplier who can provide similar
textured glass. We are also going to obtain quotes for installing thermal
As we work together with United Church Conferences across the country, pane glass in front of the stained glass windows to both improve thermal
we will realise the vision of our Church and the hope of the leaders of the efficiency and to protect the stained glass panes from damage.
Shuswap people who wrote to Sir Wilfrid Laurier a century ago,
“We will make each other good and great.” The Fellowship Hall, Middle Room, and washroom repairs and
renovations then lead to news of a new tenant. We are in the process of
Chi’miigwech Thank You welcoming the North Toronto Learning and Playing Centre to OYM.
Under the leadership of Marta Posada, who has extensive experience in
For further information, including registration, please contact Linda
running such centres, OYM's Fellowship Hall will become a beehive of
Parsons at 905 809-7194 or
activity for infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers. As of July 1st, this will
initially be in the mornings from Monday to Friday. At the same time, the
6 9

program will provide mothers and nannies with respite and networking Re-Awakening the Spirit
opportunities in a quieter setting in the Middle Room. For more details
on the programs to be offered, please see the poster on the main … Lynn Watt provides news of forthcoming workshops
entrance bulletin board at OYM. “The United Church seeks to transform its historical legacy to that of an
We are refreshing OYM's web site ( by equal and just partnership in healing the church and the world in the Spirit
introducing a new series of blogs by Pastor Chris, based on his of Christ, with active partnership of Aboriginal Peoples of the United
excellent sermons. Do take a look and join the discussion arising from Church of Canada.”
Miller's Musings. Also the web site now has available the Reflections on From the minutes of the meeting of Executive of General Council,
God's Creation theme that was featured in our Advent services, excerpts Quebec City, November 15-17, 2008
from our magnificent Easter Cantata, and soon, highlights from this May's The vision of transformation to a renewed relationship with Aboriginal
celebration of the confirmation of faith of six of our youth. Peoples will be realized through the dedication of Conferences,
Finally, the OYM Growth Task Force is making steady progress on congregations and individuals across the country. In turn, it is individuals,
developing a plan of action for attracting new members to our midst. It congregations, the Church and society that will be rewarded by the
has been meeting on a bi-weekly basis since OYM’s most recent Annual cultural and spiritual enrichment, honour and dignity a renewed
Meeting in February. We hope to provide a draft of the proposed plan to relationship brings.
the congregation in the coming month for discussion at a special meeting Making this goal a reality is a mission that has been entrusted to groups
by early September. within each Conference of the United Church nationwide. Toronto
Gerry Cooper Conference is fulfilling its commitment through the work of the Living into
_____________________________________________________________________ Right Relations Circle, a group of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people
who have come together to build bridges of understanding between the
Shop and Harvest Summer Produce for Lansing Food Bank two cultures.
Fellow gardeners have their seeds and seedlings planted! Farmers and Recognizing that education is the best tool that we as a society have to
market gardeners are tending growing produce just as many humble overcome misunderstandings and misconceptions about another culture,
gardeners are. Please shop and harvest fresh produce to donate to the the Living into Right Relations Circle is holding a series of educational
Lansing Food Bank again this year. and cultural events. These events called, Re-awakening the Spirit, will
give Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people an opportunity to come
The best way to deliver this summer produce to the food bank is to deliver together in a shared learning experience.
it yourself. In the summer Lansing Food Bank is on Thursday mornings
at Lansing United Church (just west of Yonge and south of Sheppard). Themes for the workshops are the teachings of the Medicine Wheel and
Your donation must be there by 8 am (they start setting up around 7 am). the Sacred Grandfather Teachings and the Impact of Colonialism and the
Residential School System. Workshops will be led by Aboriginal elders.
On Sundays, please leave your summer produce in the fridge at OYM.
7 7

Kids M&S Art Contest 2010 – Let’s See Some OYM Artwork Kids M&S Art Contest 2010 – Let’s See Some OYM Artwork
Calling all kids 12 years and under in OYM’s family Calling all kids 12 years and under in OYM’s family
The 2010 M&S Art contest theme is ‘Helping Kids Around the The 2010 M&S Art contest theme is ‘Helping Kids Around the
World’. World’.
 Sadly, some kids’ lives are affected by war.  Sadly, some kids’ lives are affected by war.
 Some kids are hungry and suffer malnutrition.  Some kids are hungry and suffer malnutrition.
 Kids still drink contaminated water when there is no  Kids still drink contaminated water when there is no
community well. community well.
 Not all kids go to school. There may be no school. When  Not all kids go to school. There may be no school. When
there is school it may be too far away. Parents may not be able to there is school it may be too far away. Parents may not be able to
pay or kids may have time-consuming chores, like fetching water. pay or kids may have time-consuming chores, like fetching water.
How different life is for kids in Canada! A special M&S Fund How different life is for kids in Canada! A special M&S Fund
(called World Development and Relief) sends money to (called World Development and Relief) sends money to
agencies improving the lives of kids affected by war, hunger, agencies improving the lives of kids affected by war, hunger,
contaminated water, and no school. contaminated water, and no school.
Get arty kids and talk to your family about helping other Get arty kids and talk to your family about helping other
kids! When you’re bored or it’s raining, think about helping kids kids! When you’re bored or it’s raining, think about helping kids
around the world and the M&S Fund rainbow colours. If you’re around the world and the M&S Fund rainbow colours. If you’re
stuck, ask Mom or Dad, or anyone else around, for ideas to get stuck, ask Mom or Dad, or anyone else around, for ideas to get
you started with your artwork. you started with your artwork.

Winner receives $100 and the winning entry goes on a 2010 bulletin cover. Winner receives $100 and the winning entry goes on a 2010 bulletin cover.
Top 3 entries will be framed and hung in the United Church of Canada Top 3 entries will be framed and hung in the United Church of Canada
General Office (UC). General Office (UC).
Top 10 entries will be posted on the UC website. Top 10 entries will be posted on the UC website.
Top 50 entries will be displayed for one week in the UC General Office. Top 50 entries will be displayed for one week in the UC General Office.
Copies of all OYM entries will be displayed at OYM’S Homecoming Lunch on Copies of all OYM entries will be displayed at OYM’S Homecoming Lunch on
Sunday September 19th Sunday September 19th
8 8

Artwork for this M&S Art contest can be in crayon, pencil, pencil crayon, Artwork for this M&S Art contest can be in crayon, pencil, pencil crayon,
paint, marker and pastel. Maximum size of entries is 12 x 16 inches. paint, marker and pastel. Maximum size of entries is 12 x 16 inches.
Entry forms are at the OYM office and require parental Entry forms are at the OYM office and require parental
release. These entry forms must be attached to back of release. These entry forms must be attached to back of
artwork. Submission by Friday September 24th. artwork. Submission by Friday September 24th.
Moms, Dads, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Grandparents, Moms, Dads, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Grandparents,
Great Aunts and Great Uncles, over the summer please encourage all Great Aunts and Great Uncles, over the summer please encourage all
youngsters 12 years old and under in your family to get their crayons, youngsters 12 years old and under in your family to get their crayons,
markers, and paints, or other art materials out for this art contest. Talk to markers, and paints, or other art materials out for this art contest. Talk to
them about other kids around the world needing help and the M&S Fund. them about other kids around the world needing help and the M&S Fund.
_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

I am The Good Shepherd Word Search Copyright © Sermons4Kids, Inc I am The Good Shepherd Word Search Copyright © Sermons4Kids, Inc
Find the hidden words down, across, and diagonally. Find the hidden words down, across, and diagonally.
G G Q N L J B D L T S K O E O attacks life G G Q N L J B D L T S K O E O attacks life
O S X Q O I G S I V Y H H L N authority listen O S X Q O I G S I V Y H H L N authority listen
O H E T O Z S R W A T P E B F away loves O H E T O Z S R W A T P E B F away loves
D E F N L U O T W P H L E E J cares pen D E F N L U O T W P H L E E J cares pen
C P V A S H W A E J Q I E N P father runs C P V A S H W A E J Q I E N P father runs
D H A V T A V S S N T C R I Q flock scatters D H A V T A V S S N T C R I Q flock scatters
K E D U A H K D R Y I G U E W Good sheep K E D U A H K D R Y I G U E W Good sheep
N R A Z K C E T Z O W E E O D Shepherd N R A Z K C E T Z O W E E O D Shepherd
hand hand
O D T U A V J R V H V H U X F hired voice O D T U A V J R V H V H U X F hired voice
W L F T X J Z B I L O V E S L know wolf W L F T X J Z B I L O V E S L know wolf
OYM is the Church of the Good Shepherd. Read about the Good OYM is the Church of the Good Shepherd. Read about the Good
Shepherd in the Bible (John 10: 11-18) and talk to your family about what Shepherd in the Bible (John 10: 11-18) and talk to your family about what
Jesus meant when he said, “I am the Good Shepherd.” Jesus meant when he said, “I am the Good Shepherd.”
6 9

program will provide mothers and nannies with respite and networking Re-Awakening the Spirit
opportunities in a quieter setting in the Middle Room. For more details
on the programs to be offered, please see the poster on the main … Lynn Watt provides news of forthcoming workshops
entrance bulletin board at OYM. “The United Church seeks to transform its historical legacy to that of an
We are refreshing OYM's web site ( by equal and just partnership in healing the church and the world in the Spirit
introducing a new series of blogs by Pastor Chris, based on his of Christ, with active partnership of Aboriginal Peoples of the United
excellent sermons. Do take a look and join the discussion arising from Church of Canada.”
Miller's Musings. Also the web site now has available the Reflections on From the minutes of the meeting of Executive of General Council,
God's Creation theme that was featured in our Advent services, excerpts Quebec City, November 15-17, 2008
from our magnificent Easter Cantata, and soon, highlights from this May's The vision of transformation to a renewed relationship with Aboriginal
celebration of the confirmation of faith of six of our youth. Peoples will be realized through the dedication of Conferences,
Finally, the OYM Growth Task Force is making steady progress on congregations and individuals across the country. In turn, it is individuals,
developing a plan of action for attracting new members to our midst. It congregations, the Church and society that will be rewarded by the
has been meeting on a bi-weekly basis since OYM’s most recent Annual cultural and spiritual enrichment, honour and dignity a renewed
Meeting in February. We hope to provide a draft of the proposed plan to relationship brings.
the congregation in the coming month for discussion at a special meeting Making this goal a reality is a mission that has been entrusted to groups
by early September. within each Conference of the United Church nationwide. Toronto
Gerry Cooper Conference is fulfilling its commitment through the work of the Living into
_____________________________________________________________________ Right Relations Circle, a group of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people
who have come together to build bridges of understanding between the
Shop and Harvest Summer Produce for Lansing Food Bank two cultures.
Fellow gardeners have their seeds and seedlings planted! Farmers and Recognizing that education is the best tool that we as a society have to
market gardeners are tending growing produce just as many humble overcome misunderstandings and misconceptions about another culture,
gardeners are. Please shop and harvest fresh produce to donate to the the Living into Right Relations Circle is holding a series of educational
Lansing Food Bank again this year. and cultural events. These events called, Re-awakening the Spirit, will
give Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people an opportunity to come
The best way to deliver this summer produce to the food bank is to deliver together in a shared learning experience.
it yourself. In the summer Lansing Food Bank is on Thursday mornings
at Lansing United Church (just west of Yonge and south of Sheppard). Themes for the workshops are the teachings of the Medicine Wheel and
Your donation must be there by 8 am (they start setting up around 7 am). the Sacred Grandfather Teachings and the Impact of Colonialism and the
Residential School System. Workshops will be led by Aboriginal elders.
On Sundays, please leave your summer produce in the fridge at OYM.
10 5

The series is made up of three events, with each event consisting of have, however, some $8,000 in current liabilities which we need to clear
workshops extending over a two-day period. Events are open to all. in May.
The schedule for events is as follows: Our attendance at OYM totaled 831 in the first four months of Sundays,
Sept. 18-19, 2010 Georgina Island, Lake Simcoe, Chippewas of compared to 829 a year ago. But it would be much better to see
Georgina Island Community Centre everyone attending more often on Sundays to share in the joy of worship
Oct. 16-17, 2010 Toronto, Council Fire Native Cultural Centre, which Pastor Chris, Rev. Val, Derrick, John, and Carol are dedicated to
439 Dundas Street East making possible for us all.
Nov. 13-14, 2010 Toronto, Council Fire Native Cultural Centre, Turning to maintenance and housekeeping and with Pedro's help, we are
439 Dundas Street East also continuing in the coming months some essential repairs and
The ‘Highlights from the Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal renovations to our facilities. A new and more robust tile floor has been
Peoples’ tells us that we all have a part to play in arriving at a new installed in the washroom on the northwest wall downstairs. Further
relationship so that, “we can look forward to a Canada that celebrates improvements are in the works for the walls of that washroom. Improved
Aboriginal heritage and draws strength from Aboriginal peoples as full security in the Middle Room has been made with the addition of new
partners in a renewed federation.” doors and key-entry door knobs. Under Pedro's management, we
completed a major clear out of the storage areas that we and our tenants
OYM will be holding an appeal in support of this United Church initiative use. We thereby reduced a number of fire hazards that had been
over three Sundays this fall (September 12th, September 19th and created, among other benefits. Work is also about to begin on repainting
September 26th). Those wishing to do so, should donate to “Re- the plaster walls and steel girders in Fellowship Hall.
awakening the Spirit” using the regular church envelope. This appeal
will lead up to a First Nations worship service on Sunday September 26th. Later this summer, we plan to replace some broken and cracked panes of
The theme of this worship service will be, “The Good Road – Our glass in the Sanctuary windows. Bearing in mind their historical
Partnership with First Nations”. significance, we are trying to find a supplier who can provide similar
textured glass. We are also going to obtain quotes for installing thermal
As we work together with United Church Conferences across the country, pane glass in front of the stained glass windows to both improve thermal
we will realise the vision of our Church and the hope of the leaders of the efficiency and to protect the stained glass panes from damage.
Shuswap people who wrote to Sir Wilfrid Laurier a century ago,
“We will make each other good and great.” The Fellowship Hall, Middle Room, and washroom repairs and
renovations then lead to news of a new tenant. We are in the process of
Chi’miigwech Thank You welcoming the North Toronto Learning and Playing Centre to OYM.
Under the leadership of Marta Posada, who has extensive experience in
For further information, including registration, please contact Linda
running such centres, OYM's Fellowship Hall will become a beehive of
Parsons at 905 809-7194 or
activity for infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers. As of July 1st, this will
initially be in the mornings from Monday to Friday. At the same time, the
4 11

He values our relationship with him and with his Father who is our Lorne Rides Again
Father as well. What’s more he wants his relationship with us to
Last year the Ride to Conquer Cancer raised $14.5 million. Lorne
deepen and to mature, whatever it takes.
MacLean and his friends were on that ride. With the help of OYM folk,
Let me commend Jesus to you – he is dependable, worthy of your trust they raised $13,000. Now Lorne and his friends are riding again on the
and is God’s life of love for you as you seek to know God in your life. You route from Toronto to Niagara Falls on the weekend of June 12/13.
will find him in the Bible, especially the four Gospels. If you would like Money raised from the event will provide funding for cancer research at
further information, I’d be delighted to help. Call me at 416-447-5941 or the Campbell Family Institute of the Princess Margaret Hospital. In one
check the church’s website at way or another cancer has touched or burdened each of our lives. Lorne
writes, “It will take continued effort and dedication to truly conquer cancer.
Blessings on your summer journey,
That’s why I’m riding again in 2010!”
Chris Miller Lorne continues, “Whether you would consider donating to support me, to
memorialise a lost loved one, to create a better future, or for another
Welcome and Thanks personal reason, the end result is the same: to conquer cancer in our
lifetime… I hope you’ll be generous once again… I hope you’ll consider
Welcome to recent new members of OYM: Heather and Peter Hall, Andy helping to get us closer to conquering cancer in 2010.”
and Tom Noakes, and Rebecca and Quinn Sondermeyer. Our thanks go
to the Adult Mentors of these recent confirmands: Ron Bloor, John You can make a donation in support of Lorne’s Ride to Conquer Cancer
Brooker, Jeff Noakes, Elda Scott, Lynn Watt, and Don Worth. at Go to ‘Donate Now’ with your credit card, then
____________________________________________________________________ ‘Find a Participant’ and put in ‘Lorne MacLean’ to proceed. Otherwise, contact
Council News _____________________________________________________________________

The first of a series of quarterly OYM financial reports was presented in They Took My Home But They Can't Take My Future
three successive Sunday service bulletins in May. On balance, we are
World Refugee Day is Sunday June
holding our own with some encouraging signs of brighter times ahead.
20th in 2010. The United Nations High
Our local givings to March 31, 2010 amounted to $22,808 which is up 7%
Commission for Refugees chose the
over the same period in 2009. Recalling that our 2010 goal is a 10%
2010 theme “They took my HOME but
increase, I encourage one and all to augment your local givings in the
they can’t take my FUTURE.”
coming months to put us on track before the summer season begins.
Losing one's home can mean losing
OYM's operating deficit as of March 31st stood at $8,202 which is down one's very identity. As refugees flee
21% from the year-ago deficit of $10,460. Our cash on hand was persecution and conflict, they lose their
$45,926 which is about two months of our average expenses. We also home and all that this entails - family,
12 3

friends, work, community and culture. But despite the enormous loss, As you can guess, the second-choice job was offered first. She
suffering and at times sense of alienation when confronted with an wanted to hold out for her first choice but she didn't know if it would be
uncertain future, refugees never give up their dream to rebuild their lives offered to her or to someone else. So she accepted her second-
and have a better future. Their hope, courage and perseverance should choice. A few days later, as you also could expect, the job she had
be an inspiration to all of us. hoped for was offered to her. She wanted to quit the job she had
already accepted and take the job she really wanted. So she went to
While most refugees want to go home, some cannot safely return (like
her father.
DVRR’s Khasim family, originally from Palestine). Wherever they are,
refugees will always strive to pick up the pieces and start over. The “Dad, I have a problem.” She told him the situation.
courage and determination demonstrated during their darkest hours will
serve them well in rebuilding a new life. On World Refugee Day (Sunday He looked her straight in the eye:
June 20th), let us honour them for these qualities and recognise the “Did you take the first job offered to you?” “Yes.”
richness and diversity they bring to our societies.
“Did you promise you would work there this summer?” “Yes.”
World Refugee Day events in Toronto are shown below.
Date Toronto Events Venue Her father then said, “Why are we having this conversation?”
Friday Music and Arts Festivities to Creasians Restaurant
June 11th Celebrate Refugee Artists 3 Gerrard St. East
All of us want to associate with people who do what they say they will do,
5:30 to 8:30 pm who are trustworthy and dependable, and who value our relationship with
Saturday/ UNHCR Flag Raising Toronto City Hall them.
Sunday Nathan Philip Square
June19th-20th Let me commend Jesus Christ to you. Today, Jesus is the presence of
Sunday World Refugee Day in Queen's Park North, located God through his Holy Spirit for each one of us when we love and obey
June 20th collaboration with Luminato - at Queen's Park Cres. him. God is approachable through Jesus who keeps his word through his
Toronto Festival of Arts, Culture East and Wellesley St. Holy Spirit. When Jesus keeps his word, he means at least the following:
and Creativity East
Reading of World Refugee Day from noon - 6:00 pm First, Jesus wants to do in our lives what he said he would do. He
Proclamation, Awards will do this in the midst of the personal situations in which we find
Ceremony for UNHCR COSTI ourselves through his Holy Spirit within us.
Refugees & Human Rights
Children/Youth Poetry Contest Second, while he was on Earth, Jesus always showed his followers
Winners, World Music Celebration he was dependable and worthy of their trust. He is worthy of our
Wednesday Turtle House Art/Play Centre Trinity-St. Paul 's Centre trust too, even as we face anxious and troubled times. Again, for us,
June 23rd Concert 427 Bloor St. W.
he expresses his trustworthiness through the Holy Spirit.
at 7:00 pm
Then thirdly, through his Holy Spirit, Jesus shows his love and
respect for us even as we express our doubts and questions.
2 13

If we admire people who keep their word, then we will resonate with Thanks to Contributors
Eliza’s “If you love me, show me now.” Let me express her attitude
another way. When we keep our word, we may mean many things but Thanks to the following for contributions for this issue:
we will mean at least the following:
Gerry Cooper Council News (page 4)
1. We will do what we say we will do. Lynn Watt Re-awakening the Spirit (page 7)
Whether in business or in our personal lives, we want to be with Lorne MacLean Lorne Rides Again (page 11)
people who do what they say. I don’t remember my parents __________________________________________________________________
making empty promises to me or to my brother and sister. I do
remember they kept their word to me when they said I would be Save Trees and Money
getting a bicycle for my birthday – not a three-wheeler but my first You can save trees and save OYM money at the same time by reading
two-wheeler. That was a promise kept that I will never forget! ‘The Oriole’ online at OYM’s website <>, under
Getting that bike meant I could trust my parents to keep their word ‘About OYM’. The older way, but still a good way, to save trees and save
if they ever said they were going to do something. OYM money at the same time is to receive ‘The Oriole’ in pdf format. For
either option, please send an email specifying your choice to
2. When we keep our word, we show we are trustworthy and ‘The Oriole <>'.
A father was playing with his little boy, repeatedly throwing him in If not going the online or pdf route, you can help to save some trees by
the air and catching him. The child was obviously relaxed and leaving Oriole envelopes for re-use for the next edition of ‘The Oriole’.
having a great time. “Do it again! Do it again!” he said. Envelopes left from the last Oriole will be used for this edition. Please
leave unwanted envelopes in the box provided in the narthex.
A man who was watching asked the father: “Can you explain why
he's so relaxed, even when he's out of control?” __________________________________________________________________________

“It's very simple,” the father said. “We have a history together. Contributions and Suggestions
We've played this game before, and I've never dropped him.” The
son found his father to be dependable and worthy of his trust. Contributions and suggestion for future issues of ‘The Oriole’ are
welcome from all readers.
3. When we keep our word, we are showing respect and even love
toward the other person. We are showing we value the integrity of Please get your contributions and suggestions to ‘The Oriole’ by one of
our relationships. the three following ways:
 sending an email (The Oriole <>),
A student was looking for summer employment. She had two job  leaving a message in the slot for ‘The Oriole’ in the office, or
possibilities. One she wanted very much and the other she really  talking to Moira Mancer.
didn't want but would take as a second choice.

Warm and Crafty

Think warm this summer for the women and children who have to flee to THE ORIOLE
North York Women’s Shelter. Even while it’s hot outside, get crafty
making warm toques, mitts, scarves and socks for these women and
children in preparation for White Gift Sunday in Advent. Oriole-York Mills United Church Newsletter June 2010

Please knit while you natter, crochet in the car (but not when driving), and In this issue: Our Pastor’s Message
sew in solitude, or any combination, to help the women and children at Our Pastor’s Message: Keeping Your Word
North York Women’s Shelter. Keeping Your Word .…..…1
_____________________________________________________________________ I did an Internet search of the phrase
Welcome and Thanks ….…..4 “Keeping your word.” Here are a few
Your OYM Calendar Council News .……………….4 quotations I discovered:
Coming Sunday Worship Services and Events Shop and Harvest Summer From that iconic 20th-century humorist Will
Produce for Lansing Food
Rogers: “There's no trick to being a
Bank ...………….……..…...…6
Sunday June 20th Worship Service at Lifestyles humorist when you have the whole
Kids M&S Art Contest 2010 government working for you.”
(Father’s Day and World Refugee Day) – Let’s See Some OYM Art
Sunday June 27 Sunday’s Cool Closing Work ……………..…….……7 Nikita Khrushchev, known more for banging
* July Sundays Rev. Val. leading worship services – some I am the Good Shepherd his shoe on the podium at the United
may be outdoors with Cedarhurst residents Word Search …………..…..8 Nations than for his humour, noted:
* August Sundays Pastor Chris leading worship services Re-awakening the Spirit ..…9 “Politicians are the same all over. They
Message Theme: Psalms promise to build bridges even when there
Sunday September 19 th
‘Homecoming Sunday’ combined with Lorne Rides Again .........…..11
are no rivers.”
‘Good-bye’ to Pedro de Pablo – after They Took My Home But
Worship Service They Can’t Take My Then from the Broadway play My Fair Lady:
Sunday September 26 th
First Nations Worship Service Future ………......………….11 Eliza Doolittle is courted by Freddy who
Thanks to Contributors …..13 writes her love letters every day. But
* For Pastoral Care during July and August please contact the minister
leading Sunday worship services that month or the church office. Eliza's response to all of his written
New Way to Save Trees
and Money .…………..…....13
promises is frustration: “Words! Words! I'm
so sick of words! Don't talk of stars burning
Contributions and above! If you're in love, show me! Don't
Contact OYM: Oriole-York Mills United Church Suggestions …..….………..13
talk of love lasting through time. Make no
2609 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, ON, M2L 1B5 Warm and Crafty.........……..14 undying vow. If you love me, show me
Phone: 416-447-5941 Email: Your OYM Calendar .…...…14 now!”
Contact OYM .……..….…..…14

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