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The business processes move-in, move-out, and

Effects on both the business and technical master

SAP AG 2003

You can enter all the data required for moving in or out using the pre-defined transactions move-in,
move-out, and move-in/out. This enables you to process the whole transaction immediately,
including sending the bill to the customer moving out and a welcome letter to the customer moving

SAP AG IUT110 3-1

Move-In/Out: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to:

Describe the business processes move-in, move-
out, and move-in/out.
Implement the business processes move-in, move-
out, and move-in/out from the Customer
Interaction Center (CIC)
Explain the changes to the master data

SAP AG 2003

SAP AG IUT110 3-2

Move In/Out: Business Scenario

A customer reports a move-in.

You carry out the move-in in the CIC as follows:

Check if the customer is an existing business

Enter the premise and move-in date

Enter and check the personal data

Check the meter reading results

SAP AG 2003

SAP AG IUT110 3-3

Move-In Definition

At move-in, a contract is concluded for
Business each installation selected at a premise




SAP AG 2003

You can use the move-in to execute a large number of activities that are required to create the
business partner supply. You can create business master data or change existing data. In particular,
you can allocate a contract to an installation.
You can use move-in processing to make a contract billable. Payment requests levied at the start of
supply and a welcome letter can also be triggered from the move-in.

SAP AG IUT110 3-4

Move-In: Prerequisites

The following technical master object
data must be entered before
Connection object


The device can be installed Installation

before move-in, but this is not
a prerequisite.


SAP AG 2003

SAP AG IUT110 3-5

Move-In: Business Master Data

Should be re-used for existing

Business customers

Contract Can be re-used for existing

account customers

Contract Is created during move-in

SAP AG 2003

SAP AG IUT110 3-6

The Move-In Process

Customer Contract Validation Security Welcome

visit/call letter

Bank details 1
Payment method
Alternative payer
FI-CA document
FI -CA document


moves in Move-in

July Mrs. Smith

31 Move-In/Out

Business Meter Budget Customer

partner, account reading billing contact
SAP AG 2003

Essential steps for move-in

Identify premise
Identify or create customer
Select contract account and edit or create account, as necessary
Create contract
Optional steps for move-in
Add contact data
Prepare and carry out move-in meter reading
Record results of move-in meter reading
Maintain rate data
Check whether the billing structure can be billed
Manually maintain creditworthiness or result of automatic creditworthiness calculation.
Request cash security deposit
Create budget billing plan
Create welcome letter

SAP AG IUT110 3-7

Move-In: The IS-U House

Connection object

Apartment 1 = Premise
Installation 1:
Contract 1:1: Apartment 3
Electricity Electricity
meter Device
Installation 2:
2: Hall
Contract Contract
Contract 2:
account Gas Apartment 2
account Gas
Gas meter
partner Installation
Installation 3:
3: Device
Device Basement
Contract 3:
Water Water
Water meter
meter Basement

Service Connection: Water Service Connection: Gas Service Connection: Electricity


SAP AG 2003

SAP AG IUT110 3-8

Move-Out: Business Scenario

A customer reports a move-out

You carry out the move-out in the CIC as follows:
Identify the customer
Enter the move-out date
Maintain the personal data (new address)
Create a meter reading order

SAP AG 2003

SAP AG IUT110 3-9

The Move-Out Process

Customer reports Contract Final meter Move-out

move-out reading results confirmation

X Contract
Bank deta ils 1
Pay ment method
Alternativ e payer
FI-CA document
FI -CA docum

ent 3

Move-out Move-out


Contact data Budget Final

billing billing

SAP AG 2003

Essential steps for move-out

Identify and choose customer and contract
Enter move-out date
Enter final meter reading results
Optional steps for move-out
Add contact data
Edit the customer moving out and the contract account
Prepare and carry out final meter reading
Carry out final billing immediately and print and issue final invoice
Create move-out confirmation
IS-U will do the following for you:
Terminate contracts
Stop any budget billing collection
Suspend any current dunning procedure
Change any dunning procedures that may affect open items

SAP AG IUT110 3-10

Move In/Out: Business Scenario

A new customer reports a move-in and the move-

out of the previous customer
You carry out the move-in/-out in the CIC as
Check if the new customer is already a business
Enter premise and move-in/out date
Enter and check the personal data
Enter the meter reading results

SAP AG 2003

SAP AG IUT110 3-11

The Move-In/Out Process

Move-out Move-in

T ran

SAP AG 2003

SAP AG IUT110 3-12

Options in Move-In/Out Processing

Parameters Parameters
Business partner Premise
Move-out date Move-out date
New premise Business partner
Move-in date Move-in/out Move-in/out or
for for premise classification of the new
business business partner
partner Move-in date
Call in

Front Office: Initial Screen X

Front office Edit Goto System Help

Context Proces

Name: last/first Addr.Cat.
Street/house number Bus. part.
PostCd/city/cntry Conn.obj.
Business partner Tel. no.
Activity date
Environment Change
Call Description Call Description

SAP AG 2003

In the move-in/out transaction, you have the following processing options:

Move-in/out for premise.You can process the move-out or move-in of two different business
partners into one premise.
Business partner move-in/out
You can process a business partner's move-out from a premise as well as his/her move-in to
another premise

SAP AG IUT110 3-13

Move-In: Master Data

Business master data Technical master data

Business Connection
partner object

Contract Premise

Contract Installation


SAP AG 2003

Technical and business master data are connected during a move-in.

SAP AG IUT110 3-14

No Changes to Installation Data


Move-in Customer 1 Move-out Move-in Customer 2

Contract 11 Contract
Contract 22

02. Nov. 02. Dec 03. Jan. 03. Feb. 03. Mar. 03.Apr 03. May


SAP AG 2003

SAP AG IUT110 3-15

Installation History

01.01.90 - 14.08.1992 Terminated contract 10004711

15.08.92 - 31.03.1993 No contract assigned

01.04.93 - 16.12.1996 Terminated contract 10004713

17.12.97 - 31.12.9999
Current contract 10004714

Information on the
installation's data

SAP AG 2003

SAP AG IUT110 3-16

Move-In/Out: Unit Summary

You are now able to:

Describe the business processes move-in, move-

out, and move-in/out.
Implement the business processes move-in,
move-out, and move-in/out from the Customer
Interaction Center (CIC)
Explain the changes to the master data

SAP AG 2003

SAP AG IUT110 3-17

SAP AG IUT110 3-18

Unit: Move-In/Out
Topic: Move-In

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Perform the full move-in process in the system
Display the move-in document generated.

A customer comes in person to the service center and informs you that she
would like a utility contract for an apartment that is currently vacant.
You use the CIC to perform the move-in, with todays date as the start

1-1 A business partner moves in to a premise.

1-1-1 Identify the customer
The customer tells you her name is Constance Bishop. At the moment, she lives
in Massachusetts Avenue 0## in 02100, Boston.
Identify the customer in the system. Once you have done this, the business
partner should be available in the CIC.
1-1-2 Identify the new premise
Mrs. Bishop requires utility contracts for her new apartment 0## East Side
Identify the premise into which Mrs. Bishop is moving. (Once you have done
this, you should be able to access the premise from the clipboard). Execute the
Identify premise call that is located in the Identify call group (action box). In the
Data Finder, choose the Technical data tab page and enter the street and house
number in the connection object area. Choose Save Enter. If the system can
determine a premise, it is displayed in the navigation area on the Clipboard tab
page. Select the entry and display the object (right mouse click - Display).
Enter the number of the premise here: _____________
Choose Environment Data, and answer the following question: Which
installations from Mrs. Bishops new apartment are found in this premise? Enter
them in the following table:

Installation number Division

Return to the CIC.

SAP AG IUT110 3-19

1-1-3 Perform the move-in. To do this, execute the M/in: known customer call under
the Move I/O call group in the action box
Perform the move-in from the CIC . Use the business objects that you saved to
the clipboard. Select both entries.

The system prompts you to maintain the move-in date in an

additional step in the CIC (specify move-in parameters). Enter
todays date.

When you are asked, Do you want to adopt an existing contract account?,
answer No
Perform the move-in for all the installations in the premise.
You are now in the move-in processing screen.
Name/Admin. tab page
In the contact data, record the fact that Mrs. Bishop came by in person.
Bank data tab page
Since Mrs. Bishop has confirmed that she will continue to use the same
account, you do not need to make any changes here.
Payment data tab page
Check that the payment method entered is correct. Mrs Bishop has agreed
that any credit may be transferred to her bank account. Change the outgoing
payment method accordingly.
Contracts tab page
Enter the following values in the new contracts:

To switch between the contracts, activate the Electricity, Gas and

Water tab pages.

Division Contract text

01 Electricity East Side Highway 0##
02 Gas - East Side Highway 0##
03 Water - East Side Highway 0##
Tab page Meter Reading Data
Check if meter readings already exist If not, estimate them. Therefore, use
the Select All button to select all the registers and choose Estimate.
Save the move-in.

SAP AG IUT110 3-20

1-1-4 Display the current business partner data.
Choose Refresh in the navigation area (Environment tab page). The system
displays the new data you have created. In the Documents tab page of the
navigation area, choose Refresh. A new contact exists. Display this contact
(double click on the object) and choose the Business Objects tab page. Here you
can find the move-in document. Display this document and make a note of the
document number:
1-1-5 Customer overview
Display the customer overview for Constance Bishop. Note that the premise is
visible in the lower part of the screen.
1-1-6 Customer environment
Display the customer environment for Constance Bishop.

1-2 True or false?

1-2-1 The move-in is a workflow process
1-2-2 A move-in connects the contracts of a business partner to the installations of a
1-2-3 The installation contains the move-in date.
1-2-4 During move-in, a business partner and his/her contract accounts and contracts
must already exist in the system.


Unit: Move-In/Out
Topic: Move-Out

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Perform the full move-out process in the system
Display the move-out document generated.

A customer telephones and informs you that she is moving out at the end
of the month.
Perform the move-out from the CIC and enter the customers new address.
In addition, request a meter reading order.

SAP AG IUT110 3-21

2-1 Business partner move-out
2-1-1 Identify the customer
Sarah Peterson lives in Massachusetts Avenue 1##, 02116 Boston
Identify the customer in the system. Once you have executed this step, the
business partner should be available in the clipboard
2-1-2 Obtain an overview of the data environment of Mrs Peterson. To do this, go to
the action box and choose either the Customer Environment or Customer
Overview call.
How many contract accounts does she have?
How many supply contracts?
Complete the following table (with the corresponding key values):

Division Contract Installation

Are there any outstanding receivables for Mrs Smiths account?


SAP AG IUT110 3-22

2-1-3 Perform move-out
Perform the move-out from the CIC (Business partner move-out). Use the
Business partner Sarah Peterson business object that has been saved in the
Move-out date Last day of the current month
Address data tab page
Enter Mrs Petersons new address:
Independence Avenue 0##, 02116 Boston.
MR data tab page
Create a meter reading order for the meters.
Save the move-out, return to the CIC and refresh the data.


Unit: Move-In/Out
Topic: Move-In/Out

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

Perform a move-in/out in the system
Display related documents
Understand the move-in/out data environment
Harry Jones moves into the premise Constitution Avenue 0##, 02116
The previous tenant moved out of the premise today.
Mr Jones reports the move-out and his subsequent move-in, and provides
the meter readings for all the registers.

3-1 Move-in/move-out of a premise

3-1-1 Identify the new customer
Find out if Harry0## Jones is already a customer.
Harry Jones does not exist. Create the business partner in the selection
area. To do this, choose the Create button and maintain the following data:

Field name Value

Title Mr
Category Person
Sex Male
Last name Jones
First name Harry0##
Street Constitution Avenue

SAP AG IUT110 3-23

Number 0##
Post code 02116
City Boston
Country US

SAP AG IUT110 3-24

To enable each group to carry out the exercise, please attach your
group number to the end of the first name. As a result, search for
Harry(0##) Jones later.

Choose Save Enter. You can now attempt to identify Mr Jones again (press
Enter twice)
3-1-2 Identify the premise and its environment
Identify the premise Constitution Avenue 0##, 02116 Boston Use the
Connection Object Environment call in the Information call group in the
action box.
Find out who was previously registered as a business partner at that address.
Business partner number: ________________________________
Name: ________________________________________________
Select the premise and choose Copy to Clipboard or F8.
3-1-3 Perform the move-in/out
Do this from the CIC (Premise move-in/out). Use the business partner Harry 0#
Jones and Premise 0## Constitution Avenue in Boston, MA 02129 business
objects from the clipboard.
You are on the initial move-in/out screen. You can check the dates here (such as
move-in or move-out date). Choose Save Enter.
You are now in move-out processing.
Move-out: Address data tab page
Enter Mrs Smiths new address:
0## Apple Tree Lane in Washington D.C.
Meter reading data tab page
Estimate all meter readings.
Move-out: Save the move-out.
You are now in move-in processing.
Move-in: Bank data tab page
Mr Jones has account number 08154711## at the Mellon Bank in Boston
(under ID 1).
Move-in: Payment data tab page
Mr Jones agrees to a direct debit and would like any credit balances to be
transferred to this account.
Move-in: Meter reading data tab page
Log the meter reading data. Have the move-out meter readings been
What is the meter reading type?
Save the move-in.

SAP AG IUT110 3-25

3-1-4 Data environment for the premise following move-in/out
Display the premise environment.
Which new contracts were created?

Division Contract Installation

Switch the view from todays data to a view, which comprises the data for a
particular period (for example 01/01/1998 to tomorrow).
Note that the contracts for the premises installations can be displayed

SAP AG IUT110 3-26

SAP AG IUT110 3-27

Unit: Move-In/Out
Topic: Move-In

1-1 Business partner moves in to a premise

Utilities Industry Customer Service Front Office/Customer Interaction Center
Customer Interaction Center
1-1-1 Identify the customer
Enter the following data in the search criteria:

Field name Value

Last name Bishop or Bish*
First name Constance or Co*
Street Massachusetts Avenue or M*
House number 0##
Post code 02100 or initial value
City Boston or initial entry
Choose Enter until the data is displayed in the navigation area.
The business partner identified is now also displayed in the clipboard.

SAP AG IUT110 3-28

1-1-2 Identify the new premise.
Enter the following data in the search criteria (tab page: Technical Data):

Field name Value

Street East Side Highway or Ea*
House number 0##
The premise required is now in the clipboard (Clipboard tab page in the
navigation area).
To display the desired premise information:
Select the premise in the clipboard and choose the Display call via right
mouse click.
In the premise display, choose Environment Data.
The number of the premise is TB060110##.

Installation number Division

TB060110## Electricity
TB060120## Water
TB060170## Gas
Return to the Customer Interaction Center (using the F3 function key).

SAP AG IUT110 3-29

1-1-3 Perform the move-in
The business partner line on the clipboard is selected.
Select the premise line.
Choose the M/in: known customer call under the Move I/O call group.
Enter todays date in the move-in date field. Choose Execute or F8.
When you are asked, Do you want to adopt an existing contract account?,
answer no.
Confirm that you want to perform the move-in for all three installations on
the premise by pressing Enter or the green checkmark.
Name/Administration: Contact data tab page
The personal visit of Mrs Bishop to the customer center is saved under
contact type.
Using field selection (F4), choose the value Personal.
Payment data tab page

Field name Value

Outgoing payment. method B
Bank ID outgoing 1
Contracts tab page

Division Contract text

01 Electricity - East Side Highway 0##
02 Gas - East Side Highway 0##
03 Water - East Side Highway 0##
Save the move-in.
1-1-4 Display the business partner data.
Proceed as described in the exercise.
1-1-5 Customer overview
Choose Customer overview from the Information call group.
Return to the Customer Interaction Center.
1-1-6 Customer environment
Choose Customer environment from the Information call group.
Return to the Customer Interaction Center.

SAP AG IUT110 3-30

1-2 True or false?
1-2-1 False, since all steps can by carried out by one employee at the same time and
without interruption.
1-2-2 True.
1-2-3 False, move-in and move-out dates are managed in the contract. However, the
installation is assigned to a contract after move-in.
1-2-4 False. During move-in, a new business partner can be added and the contracts
and contract account created.

SAP AG IUT110 3-31


Unit: Move-In/Out
Topic: Move-Out

2-1 Business partner moves out

Utilities Industry Customer Service Front Office/Customer Interaction Center
Customer Interaction Center
2-1-1 Identify the customer
Enter the following data in the search criteria:

Field name Value

Last name Peterson or Pe*
First name Sarah
Street Massachusetts Avenue
House number 1##
Post code 02116 or initial value
City Boston or initial entry
Choose Enter until the data is available in the navigation area.
The business partner identified is now also found in the clipboard.
2-1-2 Navigation area: Customer overview and customer environment.
Choose Customer environment from the Information call group.
Return to the Customer Interaction Center.
How many contract accounts does Mrs Peterson have?

No. of contract accounts Contract account number

1 TB010140##
How many supply accounts does Mrs Peterson have? 2

Division Contract Installation

Electricity TB010160## TB010160##
Water TB010170## TB010170##
Are there any outstanding receivables for Mrs Petersons account? Yes.

SAP AG IUT110 3-32

2-1-3 Perform the move-out
The business partner line on the clipboard is selected.
Choose Move-out partner under the Move I/O call group.
Enter the move-out date
Maintain your data on the Management/Name and Address Data tab pages.

Field name Values

Street Independence Avenue
House no. 0##
Post Code 02116
City Boston
Tab page Meter reading data
Activate the indicator service notif/order
Save the move-out.
Return to the CIC.
Update the Environment and Documents tab pages in the navigation area.

Unit: Move-In/Out
Topic: Move-In/Out

3-1 Move-in/out of a premise

Utilities Industry Customer Service Front Office/Customer Interaction Center
Customer Interaction Center
3-1-1 Identify the new customer
Enter the following data in the search criteria:

Field name Value

Last name Jones
First name Harry0##
Search results:
Using the specified selections, no object from category Business partner
was found.
Create the business partner.
Choose Enter until the data for the new business partner created appears in
the clipboard.
3-1-2 Identify the premise and its environment
Proceed as described in the exercise.
SAP AG IUT110 3-33
Business partner Name
TB000110## Ashley Smith
Return to the Customer Interaction Center.

SAP AG IUT110 3-34

3-1-3 Perform a move-in/out for a premise.
Select both objects from the clipboard.
Choose the Premise move-in/out call that is found under the Move I/O call
group. You can correct any data here if necessary.
You start move-in/out processing by pressing Enter.
Move-out: Address data tab page

Field name Values

Street Apple Tree Lane
House no. 0##
Post Code 12345
City Washington DC
Move-out: MR data tab page
Select all registers
Choose the Estimate button.
Save the move-out document.
The system switches to process the move-in.
Move-in: Bank data tab page

Field name Values

ID 1
Country US
Bank key 083000108
Bank account 08154711##
Move-in: Payment data tab page

Field name Values

Incoming payment. method D (Direct debit)
Bank details ID 1
Outgoing payment. method B (Outgoing paym./bank transfer)
Bank ID outgoing 1
Move-in: MR Data tab page
The meter reading type is 04 (derived meter reading).
Save the move-in document.

SAP AG IUT110 3-35

3-1-4 The data environment of the premise after the move-in/out
New contracts

Division Contract Installation

Internally assigned contract number TB000110##
Internally assigned contract number TB000120##
Data environment from 01/01/1998 to date
Press the button Period F7 and enter 01/01/1998 in the Valid from field.

SAP AG IUT110 3-36

SAP AG IUT110 3-37

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