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Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 115 (2017) 249e258

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Research article

Prognosis of physiological disorders in physic nut to N, P, and K

deciency during initial growth
 Zanchim a,
Elcio Ferreira Santos a, Fernando Giovannetti Macedo a, Bruno Jose
Giuseppina Pace Pereira Lima b, Jose Lavres a, *
a ~o Paulo, Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture, 13416-000 Piracicaba, SP, Brazil
USP e University of Sa
UNESP e Sa~o Paulo State University, 18600-000 Botucatu, SP, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The description of physiological disorders in physic nut plants decient in nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P)
Received 7 February 2017 and potassium (K) may help to predict nutritional imbalances before the appearance of visual symptoms
Received in revised form and to guide strategies for early nutrient supply. The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth of
4 April 2017
physic nuts (Jatropha curcas L.) during initial development by analyzing the gas exchange parameters,
Accepted 4 April 2017
nutrient uptake and use efciency, as well as the nitrate reductase and acid phosphatase activities and
Available online 6 April 2017
polyamine content. Plants were grown in a complete nutrient solution and solutions from which N, P or K
was omitted. The nitrate reductase activity, phosphatase acid activity, polyamine content and gas ex-
Jatropha curcas L.
change parameters from leaves of N, P and K-decient plants indicates earlier imbalances before the
Nitrate reductase appearance of visual symptoms. Nutrient deciencies resulted in reduced plant growth, although P- and
Phosphatase acid K-decient plants retained normal net photosynthesis (A), stomatal conductance (gs) and instantaneous
Polyamines carboxylation efciency (k) during the rst evaluation periods, as modulated by the P and K use ef-
Nutrient deciency ciencies. Increased phosphatase acid activity in P-decient plants may also contribute to the P use ef-
ciency and to A and gs during the rst evaluations. Early physiological and biochemical evaluations of N-
, P- and K-starved plants may rely on reliable, useful methods to predict early nutritional imbalances.
2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction et al., 2013; Garrone et al., 2016; Rodrigues et al., 2016). These
characteristics make physic nut an excellent model to evaluate
Biodiesel is a renewable, biodegradable alternative fuel source physiological responses regarding the tolerance of the species to
(Aransiola et al., 2014). Physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) has become a abiotic stresses, such as low nutrient availability. Low nutrient
subject of interest as a raw material for biodiesel production availability reduced the yield and quality of biodiesel from physic
because of its high oil production and consequent potential prof- nut (Yong et al., 2010), and thus nutritional deciency also impairs
itability. In addition to its economic potential, this species has biodiesel quality due to physiological disorders (Openshaw, 2000).
shown adequate growth under adverse soil-climatic conditions. Nutrients represent approximately 1.5% of the dry weight of
This suggests tolerance to abiotic stress, with the possibility of plants; nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) represent
cultivation in areas with limited plant development (e.g., arid and approximately 1.5, 0.2 and 0.9% of the total dry weight, respectively
semi-arid regions) and the ability to use nutrients efciently (Silva (Marschner, 2012). However, these nutrients are most commonly
used in fertilization of agricultural crops. Responses to fertilization
depend on the nutritional requirements of the plant and the soil
Abbreviations: A, net photosynthesis; CI, capacity for internal carbon use; DAN, physicochemical conditions. In highly weathered soils with a pre-
days after nutrient withdrawal; E, transpiration; gs, stomatal conductance; k, dominance of 1:1 clay structure and Fe- Al-sesquioxides, P avail-
instantaneous carboxylation efciency; K, potassium; N, nitrogen; NRA, nitrate
ability is low due to a high degree of adsorption (Rodrigues et al.,
reductase activity; P, phosphorus; PAa, phosphatase acid activity; Put, putrescine;
Spd, spermidine; Spm, spermine; UpE, uptake efciency; UtE, utilization efciency.
2015), whereas K availability may be reduced due to leaching
* Corresponding author. (Rosolem and Calonego, 2013). Nitrogen availability, in turn, is
E-mail addresses: (E.F. Santos), giovannetti_agro@yahoo. frequently reduced due to low soil organic matter content, low (F.G. Macedo), (B.J. Zanchim), gpplima@ibb. addition of nitrogen fertilizers, NO3 leaching, and losses caused by (G.P.P. Lima), (J. Lavres).
0981-9428/ 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
250 E.F. Santos et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 115 (2017) 249e258

immobilization and denitrication (Mariano et al., 2015). Although polyethylene lm (50 mm) that is also a light diffuser. The green-
physic nuts may display productivity increases with N, P and K house was located at the University of S~ ao Paulo (USP), Piracicaba,
fertilization, there are reports of similar production even when ao Paulo, Brazil (22 4301200 S and 47 380 54 W, with 580 m of
these nutrients are present at low levels (Yong et al., 2010; Souza altitude). The greenhouse mean air temperature ranged between
et al., 2011; Matos et al., 2014). For this reason, it is important to 24.7  C (minimum) and 35.2  C (maximum) and averaged 30.3  C.
describe physiological alterations in physic nut and the possible The average air relative humidity was 65%, and the maximum
strategies involved, to elucidate the tolerance of this species when photosynthetic photon ux density (sunlight) was approximately
grown under low N, P and K availability. 700 mmol m2 s1, with a photoperiod of 12 h. The experiment was
Alterations in plant growth and development caused by N, P and performed for 120 days.
K deciency directly inuence the photosynthetic rate. In the pri- Physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) seeds with the same size
mary stage of photosynthesis, K is transported to the lumen of (3.0 cm) and weight (0.6 g) were selected, germinated in sand
chloroplasts and induced by light to promote load balancing in the and irrigated with deionized water. These seeds were obtained
lumen (Zhao et al., 2001). In the biochemical stage, the inorganic P from the germplasm bank of the Brazilian Agricultural Research
concentration in the cytosol controls the transport of triose- Corporation (EMBRAPA). Seedlings 5 cm in height were transferred
phosphate to the cytosol (De Groot et al., 2003). The photosyn- to a plastic tray (40 L) containing a diluted nutrient solution (25% of
thetic process is also inuenced by nutrients participating in inte- the usual concentration) (Hoagland and Arnon, 1950). After one
gral components of the photosynthetic apparatus (e.g., N in the week, seedlings of similar size (5 cm) were transferred to indi-
pyrrole ring of the chlorophyll molecule). This is in addition to the vidual pots (one plant per pot), where they were grown in nutrient
change in photosynthetic capacity as a function of the alteration of solution at 100% concentration. The growth solutions remained
structural components caused by deciencies in other nutrients, under constant aeration and were monitored daily, with pH
such as P (enzymes related to carbon xation) and K (stomatal adjusted to 6.0 0.5 with NaOH (1 mol L1) and HCl (1 mol L1)
opening and closure) (Marschner, 2012). In this context, nutrient whenever necessary (Santos et al., 2013).
deciency results in low photosynthetic efciency. Nitrogen- The plants were grown in four nutrient solutions: complete
decient wheat plants display lower photosynthetic rates than (control), without N, without P and without K, resulting in healthy
well-nourished plants. Nitrogen-decient plants have a limited plants (complete nutrient solution) and plants decient in N, P or K,
ability to synthesize the available luminous energy for photosyn- respectively (Table 1).
thetic reactions, dissipating it in the form of heat (De Groot et al.,
2003). Similar changes were also reported for P-decient Zizania
latifolia (Yan et al., 2015) and K-decient rice plants (Weng et al.,
2.2. Measured physiological parameters
The photosynthetic process can also be indirectly inuenced by
Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium deciencies were evalu-
nutrient availability, resulting from effects on growth and source-
ated in the third and fourth recently expanded leaves, using non-
sink relationships (Marschner, 2012). Plants decient in N, P and
destructive gas exchange measurements performed at 20, 30 and
K during the reproductive stage may accumulate carbohydrates in
40 days after nutrient withdrawal (DAN) and at the end of the
their leaves and roots (Marschner, 2012). Thus, the low photosyn-
experiment (120 DAN), when decient plants stopped growing.
thetic efciency of leavesdthe main photoassimilate-producing
Additionally, nitrate reductase activity, phosphatase acid activity
plant tissuedobserved in plants decient in these nutrients is
and polyamine concentration were measured in the same leaves to
explained in part by the lower carbohydrate requirement for
evaluate the physiological availability of N, P and K. Evaluations
stronger drainage (reproductive organs) (Pieters et al., 2001).
were performed in the middle lobe of the third newly expanded
Although photosynthetic responses have been studied under
leaves (Santos et al., 2013), and one leaf per plant was analyzed. All
stress conditions stemming from drought and temperature (Silva
analyses were performed in quadruplicate (n 4), using one plant
et al., 2013; Khan et al., 2016; Rodrigues et al., 2016), little is
per replicate.
known about the regulation of this physiological process in the
growth of plants tolerant to nutritional deciency, such as the
physic nut. The description of physiological disorders in decient
plants may indicate the nutritional strategies of physic nuts to Table 1
tolerate nutritional deciency before the appearance of visual Composition of nutrient solution adapted from Hoagland and Arnon (1950) and
volumes (mL L1) pipetted from the standard solution used to induce N, P and K
symptoms. Nutritional disorders can be used to prevent nutritional
deciencies in physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.).
deciencies before visual symptoms emerge. Moreover, the adap-
tation of physic nuts to low N, P and K availability is likely a result of Standard Solution Treatments

physiological responses that ensure the metabolic availability of Complete without N without P without K
nutrients for an adequate photosynthetic rate. This study was KNO3 (1 mol L ) 1
6.0 e 4.0 e
conducted to evaluate the growth of physic nuts (Jatropha curcas L.) NH4H2PO4 (1 mol L1) 2.0 e e 2.0
during initial development by determining photosynthetic pa- NH4NO3 (1 mol L1) 4.0 e 6.0 4.0
rameters (leaf gas exchanges) and correlating them with the MgSO4.7H2O (1 mol L1) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
CaCl2 (1 mol L1) 4.0 4.0 4.0 1.0
physiological availability of N, P and K as measured by chemical Ca(NO3)2.4H2O (1 mol L1) e e e 3.0
tests, and with N, P and K use efciencies. KCl (1 mol L1) e 4.0 2.0 e
KH2PO4 (1 mol L1) e 2.0 e e
2. Materials and methods Micronutrientsa 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Fe-EDTAb 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

2.1. Plant material and experimental conditions a

g per 1 L: KCl (3.728) [50 mmol L1]; H3BO3 (1.546) [25 mmol L1]; MnSO4 . H2O
(0.338) [2 mmol L1]; ZnSO4.7H2O (0.575) [2 mmol L1]; CuSO4.5H2O (0.125)
[0.5 mmol L1]; H2MoO4 (85% MoO3) (0.081) [0.5 mmol L1].
The study was performed in a greenhouse with a galvanized b
Dissolved 33.2 g of EDTA-2Na in 200 mL of deionized H2O. Mixed 89 mL of NaOH
structure (width, 8.0 m; length, 18.00 m; ceiling height, 4.00 m) (1 mol L1); Mixed 24.9 g of FeSO4.7 H2O in 200 mL of deionized H2O, added EDTA
with a ridge zenithal opening and covered with low-density solution [53.7 mmol L1].
E.F. Santos et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 115 (2017) 249e258 251

2.3. Leaf gas exchange Image Master software version 2.0. The concentration of poly-
amines was expressed in nmol g1.
Leaf gas exchange was measured from 09h00e12h00 using an
infrared gas analyzer (LI-6400; LI-COR Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA) under 2.7. Dry matter yield and chemical analyses of plant tissues
a PAR of 1200 mmol m2 s1, air CO2 concentration of
380 mmol mol1 and leaf temperature between 20 and 25  C After plants were harvested (120 DAT), plant height and stem
(Fukuazawa et al., 2012; Santos et al., 2013). Leaf net photosynthesis diameter were measured. The plant material was identied and
(A - mmol CO2 m2 s1), transpiration (E - mmol H2O m2 s1), separated into leaves, stems and roots. Leaf area was measured
stomatal conductance (gS - mol H2O m2 s1) and intercellular CO2 using a leaf area meter (LI 3100, LI-COR, Lincoln, NE, USA). Imme-
concentration (Ci - mmol mol1) were measured in the middle lobe diately afterwards, the plant material was placed in paper bags and
of the third newly expanded leaves and instantaneous carboxyla- oven-dried at 65  C (0.5) for 72 h. Lastly, the material was weighed
tion efciency (k A/Ci) was calculated. and crushed in a Wiley mill (sieved through a 1-mm mesh) to
determine concentrations of N, P and K in the plant tissues. The
2.4. Nitrate reductase activity (NRa) extraction to determine N concentration was obtained via sulfuric
digestion and total N was determined using the analytical micro-
The in vivo nitrate reductase activity was determined using the Kjeldahl method (Jones, 1987). The analysis of P and K was per-
procedure by Radin (1974). Leaf samples from the third and fourth formed following perchloric-nitric acid digestion; the amount of P
recently expanded leaves were collected at 12h00. Freshly collected was determined using the ammonium metavanadate colorimetric
leaf tissue was stored in plastic bags, transported to the laboratory assay, and the amount of K was determined by ame photometry
on ice and rinsed with deionized water. Next, 200 mg of fresh tissue (Mills and Jones, 1996). Nutrient content (mg) in plant tissues was
cut into discs was transferred to assay tubes containing 5 mL of calculated by multiplying their concentration (g kg1) by the dry
phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.4 (50 mM Na-phosphate matter (g) of each plant part (leaves, stem and root). Based on these
buffer 200 mM KNO3). The assay tubes (wrapped in aluminum results, the following variables were calculated: i) uptake efciency
foil to protect from light) were incubated in a 37  C water bath for (UpE, g2 mg) [(nutrient accumulated in total plant, mg)/(root dry
30 min. The reaction was stopped by adding 1 mL 1% sulfanilamide weight), in g] (Swiader et al., 1994); and ii) use efciency (UE,
in 2 M HCl, followed by 1 mL 0.05% naphtylenediamine solution. mg g1) (Leaves Stem dry weight, g)2/(nutrient accumulated in
The nitrite (NO 2 ) produced was measured in a spectrophotometer shoot, in mg) (Siddiqi and Glass, 1981).
at 540 nm using a nitrite standard calibration curve. The enzyme
activity was directly related to the amount of NO2 , and results were 2.8. Statistical analysis
expressed in mmol NO 2 g
1 1
h fresh weight (FW).
The experiment was conducted using a randomized block
2.5. Phosphatase acid activity (PAa) design with four replicates. Statistical analyses were performed
using Statistical Analysis System (SAS) software for Windows 6.11.
In vivo phosphatase acid activity was determined according to Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the F
the procedure of Raposo et al. (2004). One hundred milligrams of test (p < 0.05). The means of treatments were compared using
the third and fourth recently expanded leaves were incubated with Tukey's test (p < 0.05), when more than two groups were analyzed.
8 mL p-nitrophenyl phosphate (p-NNP) at 250 mmol L1, in When two groups were compared, the treatments were compared
0.1 mol L1 sodium acetate buffer at pH 4.0, and kept at 30  C in a using contrast of means based on Student's test. Graphs were made
water bath for 30 min. Subsequently, 2 mL of 2 mol L1 sodium using SigmaPlot software.
hydroxide (NaOH) was added to 5 mL supernatant, and absorbance
was read in a spectrophotometer at 490 nm using a standard 3. Results
phosphate calibration curve. The enzyme activity was expressed as
mmoles of hydrolyzed p-nitrophenol phosphate (p-NPP) substrate 3.1. Physic nut growth under N, P and K deciency
per hour, per FW (mmol h1 g1).
Physic nut plants showed growth reduction due to N, P or K
2.6. Concentration of polyamines omission in the nutrient solution at the end of the experiment
(Fig. 1). Plants decient in N, P or K were reduced in total dry matter
Polyamines (PA) were determined using thin-layer chromatog- by 69, 42, and 51%, respectively, compared to those grown in
raphy following the method described by Flores and Galston complete solution. The order of reduction of the measured plant
(1982). The fresh material was homogenized for 1 min in 5% (v/v) parts (leaves, stem and root) was similar to that observed for total
cold perchloric acid. After centrifugation for 20 min at 4  C, dansyl dry matter (Fig. 1A) (70, 41 and 50%, respectively). A similar result
chloride (95%) and saturated sodium carbonate were added to the was observed for leaf area (Fig. 1B), plant height (Fig. 1C) and
supernatant. Proline (100 mg L1) was added to the supernatant. diameter (Fig. 1D).
Proline (100 mg L1) was added after 1 h to stop the reaction at Plants decient in N, P and K showed 89, 49, and 72% decreases
60  C. The solution was kept in the dark for 30 min at room tem- in leaf area, respectively, compared to plants grown in complete
perature. Toluene was used to extract dansylated Pas, and aliquots solution. Plants decient in N, P and K also showed reductions of 53,
were applied onto thin-layer chromatography plates (glass plates 38 and 43% in height and 38, 10 and 23%, in diameter, respectively,
coated with 60G silica Gel e Merch; 20  20). Separation was compared to control plants. Thus, among the evaluated omissions,
performed in laboratory bowls containing chloroform:triethyl- physic nut plants were less tolerant of total omission of N at 120
amine (10:1). Putrescine, spermidine and spermine standards were DAN than P and K omission.
subjected to the same process. The entire procedure was monitored Plants showed symptoms of nutritional deciency at various
under UV light (254 nm). Polyamines were quantied by compar- times. The rst manifestation occurred in plants kept in solution
ison with standards, which were also applied to the plates, using with N omission at 50 DAN, followed by those under omission of K
uorescence emission spectroscopy (excitation at 350 nm and at 80 DAN. No visual manifestations of P deciency were detected
emission at 495 nm), in a Video Documentation System, using in the physic nut leaves. However, plants grown in this condition (P
252 E.F. Santos et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 115 (2017) 249e258

Fig. 1. Leaf, stem and root dry matter (A), leaf area (B), height (C) and diameter (D) of physic nut growth on a control nutrient solution containing all nutrients (complete) or N, P or
K decient nutrient solution (-N, -P or -K), at plant harvest (120 days after nutrient withdrawal). Different lowercase letters are signicantly different by Tukey's test (p < 0.05). Bars
errors indicate standard error (n 4).

deciency) showed lower growth than those grown in complete Table 2

nutrient solution (Fig. 1). N, P and K accumulation (mg/plant) in the plant parts of physic nuts grown in
nutrient solution containing all nutrients (complete) or with N, P or K omitted (-N, -P
or -K), at plant harvest (120 days after nutrient withdrawal).

3.2. N, P and K accumulation in plant tissue Treatment Leaves Stem Root

N accumulation (mg/plant)
Accumulation of N, P, and K in the plant tissuesdleaves, stem, Complete 199.61Ac 707.56Aa 367.71Ab
-N 31.99Bb 64.72Ba 23.39Bc
and rootdincreased as these nutrients were added to the nutrient
CV(%) 3.72 14.87 19.58
solution (Table 2). The stem was the plant part that showed the P accumulation (mg/plant)
highest N and P accumulation under both conditions (complete Complete 11.31Ac 77.33Aa 27.96Ab
solution and omission of analyzed nutrient). The amount of N taken -P 2.78Bc 24.58Ba 9.68Bb
CV(%) 8.07 11.07 11.95
up by the stem corresponded to 54% of the total absorbed by plants
K accumulation (mg/plant)
grown in nutrient solutions with and without N. Phosphorus Complete 23.39Ac 66.29Aa 52.19Ab
accumulation in the stem corresponded to 66% of the total absor- -K 3.77Ba 1.54Bb 5.42Bc
bed by the physic nut plants grown in both the complete solution CV(%) 3.3 9.3 11.89
and the solution with omission of P. Unlike accumulation observed Different uppercase letter in columns are signicantly different by Student's test
for N and P, the highest K accumulations were detected in the stem (p < 0.05) (n 4). Different lowercase letter in rows are signicantly different by
only in plants grown in complete solution. Potassium-decient Tukey's test and (p < 0.05) (n 4).
plants accumulated more K in the leaves, indicating an alteration
in the source-sink relationship as a function of K deciency. In
3.3. N, P and K uptake and use efciency
potassium-decient plants, the leaves presented 35% of the accu-
mulated K total. In K well-nourished plants, leaves presented 16% of
Uptake efciency was higher in plants grown in a complete
accumulated K.
E.F. Santos et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 115 (2017) 249e258 253

nutrient solution than those with individual omissions of N, P and K parameters in P-decient plants were lower than in healthy plants.
(Table 3). Therefore, the supply of each nutrient inuenced their In the rst evaluation, the A of plants decient in N, P and K was
own uptake by the physic nut, and individual omission of each 54, 51, and 13% lower than in plants grown in complete nutrient
nutrient led to signicant reductions in dry matter yield (Fig. 1). solution, respectively (Fig. 2A). At the end of the experiment, plants
Physic nut plants displayed the same N and P use efciencies decient in N, P and K showed A decreases of 55, 61, and 63%,
when grown in complete nutrient solution and in solution with respectively, relative to plants cultivated in complete nutrient so-
individual omissions (Table 3). However, the individual omission of lution. A similar result was observed for gs (Fig. 2B) and E (Fig. 2C).
these elements resulted in reduced early development in physic nut At 20 DAN, plants decient in N, P, and K showed gs decreases of 30,
plants (Fig. 1). It is also noteworthy that omission of N caused a 69% 75 and 33%, and E reductions of 16, 63, and 26%, respectively. At 120
decrease in dry matter yield compared to plants grown in a com- DAN, plants decient in N, P and K showed gs reduced by 67, 70 and
plete nutrient solution. Therefore, the results observed for N use 72%, and E reduced by 50, 52 and 63%, respectively. For the k of
efciency are explained by the slower development of N-decient plants grown under individual omission of N, P and K, however, the
plants, which, in turn, required less N per unit of dry matter pro- carboxylation capacity decreased by 67, 44 and 33% in relation to
duced. In this way, the relationship between N accumulation and plants grown in complete nutrient solution. At the end of the
dry matter production from the shoots was similar between plants experiment, plants showed decreases of 67, 17 and 50% in k
grown in a complete nutrient solution and with omission of N. compared to those cultivated in control nutrient solution (Fig. 2D).
Phosphorus-decient plants showed a lower decrease in total dry
matter and leaf area, among the evaluated deciencies, compared 3.5. Nitrate reductase activity (NRa), phosphatase acid activity
to those grown in a complete nutrient solution. These results, along (PAa) and polyamine concentration
with the evaluation of leaf gas exchange (Fig. 2), suggest physio-
logical characteristics of physic nuts that increase the tolerance of Physic nut plants decient in N displayed a lower NRa at all time
this species to P deciency. points compared to the other treatments (Fig. 3A). In contrast,
The results for K use efciency differed from those observed for phosphorus-decient plants, showed an increase in NRa, with a
NUE and PUE (Table 3). The higher KUE of the K-decient physic nut subsequent decline. At 40 DAN, NRa was 22% higher in P-decient
compared to healthy plants indicates the efciency of this species plants than in the complete treatment. Except for 40 and 120 DAN,
in using K. In other words, physic nut plants produce proportionally plants grown in nutrient solution with omission of P showed a
more biomass per unit of absorbed K under K deciency. However, similar NRa to plants grown in complete nutrient solution.
this K use ability was not sufcient to ensure development similar Potassium-decient plants showed differences in NRa
to well-nourished plants (Fig. 1). compared to those with a complete nutrient solution, except at 120
DAN. It should be noted that at the last time point, the plants from
3.4. Leaf gas exchange all treatments showed a low NRa, including those grown in a
complete nutrient solution. However, the N, P and K deciencies
N, P and K deciencies altered net photosynthesis (A), stomatal demonstrate the decrease in the activity of this enzyme during this
conductance (gs), transpiration (E), and instant carboxylation ef- evaluation period.
ciency (k) in the plants in the different treatments and evaluation Nitrogen- and potassium-decient plants did not differ in terms
periods (Fig. 2). Moreover, the lowest results for A, gs E and k were of phosphatase acid activity compared to those grown in complete
found at the last time point (120 DAN). Plants decient in N and K, nutrient solution at all evaluation times (Fig. 3B). Phosphorus-
as well as those grown in complete nutrient solution, displayed a decient plants revealed increased activity of this enzyme
reduction in photosynthetic rate from the rst time point as they compared to other treatments for all evaluation times, as observed
developed. The decrease in photosynthetic rate in N-decient for NRa (Fig. 3A). Phosphorus-decient plants displayed two-fold
plants was already seen in the rst evaluation. Potassium-decient higher PAa than those grown in a complete solution, except at
plants showed a lower A, gs and k than those grown in complete the end of the experiment. At the last time point, the PAa of all
nutrient solution, but only after 40 DAN. Omission of P in the plants was similar for all nutrient supply conditions.
growth solution, unlike other treatments, increased A, gs, E and k at Plants decient in N and P did not show differences in poly-
40 DAN (Fig. 2). However, at the last time point the gas exchange amine (putrescine, spermidine or spermine) levels compared to
well-nourished plants at any evaluation time (Fig. 4A). Putrescine
concentrations in K-decient plants were higher than in plants
Table 3 grown under adequate K supply at all evaluation times. The
e Uptake efciency (UpE) and use efciency (UE) of N, P and K of physic nuts grown
appearance of necrotic spots in the leaves of K-decient plants at 80
in nutrient solution containing all nutrients (complete) and those from which N, P or
K was omitted (-N, -P or -K), at plant harvest (120 days after nutrient withdrawal).
DAN is a result of putrescine accumulation at a toxic level, as
quantied in the present study.
Treatment UpE UE
Spermidine (Fig. 4B) and spermine (Fig. 4C) concentrations were
g2 mg mg g1 lower in K-decient plants at all evaluation times, unlike putres-
Complete 92.4A 3.0A cine. Spermidine concentration rose as a function of the develop-
-N 21.0B 2.8A ment of physic nuts, with leaf concentrations increasing from 5 to
CV(%) 8.0 15.0 61 nmol g1 in plants without K deciency. The opposite response
was observed for spermine content, in which leaf concentrations
Complete 8.5A 15.82A
-P 4.0B 16.25A
decreased from 40 DAN, from 54 nmol g1 at 20 DAN and to
19 nmol g1 at 120 DAN, in K-nourished plants. It can be inferred
CV(%) 2.50 14.5
that spermidine had a higher correlation with the development of
Complete 10.2A 89.3B physic nut plants at the end of the growth cycle in the present
-K 1.0B 111.4A
study; the opposite trend was observed for spermine. Potassium-
CV(%) 5.41 11.5 decient plants were also the only ones to present a high putres-
Different letter in columns are signicantly different by Student's test (p < 0.05) cine/spermidine spermine ratio (Fig. 4D). The lowest results for
(n 4). NRa, PAa, and polyamine concentration were found at 120 DAN.
254 E.F. Santos et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 115 (2017) 249e258

Fig. 2. Net photosynthesis (A) (A), transpiration (E) (B), stomatal conductance (gS) (C) and instantaneous carboxylation efciency (k A/Ci) (D) of physic nut growth on a control
nutrient solution containing all nutrients (complete) or N, P or K decient nutrient solution (-N, -P or -K), according to evaluation time course. Different lowercase letters are
signicantly different by Tukey's test (p < 0.05), comparing the treatments with the same evaluation time. Different uppercase letter are signicantly different by Tukey's test
(p < 0.05), comparing the time evaluation to each related treatment (complete, -N, -P or -K). Bars indicate standard error (n 4).

Fig. 3. Nitrate reductase activity (NRa) (A) and phosphate acid activity (PAa) (B) of physic nut growth on a control nutrient solution containing all nutrients (complete) or a decient
N, P or K nutrient solution (-N, -P or -K), according to the evaluation time course. Different lowercase letters are signicantly different by Tukey's test (p < 0.05), comparing the
treatments with the same evaluation time. Different uppercase letters are signicantly different by Tukey's test (p < 0.05), comparing the evaluation time for each related treatment
(complete, -N, -P or -K). Bars indicate standard error (n 4).
E.F. Santos et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 115 (2017) 249e258 255

Fig. 4. Concentration of putrescine (A), spermidine (B), spermine (C) and ratio of putrescine: (spermidine spermine) (D) of physic nut growth in a control nutrient solution
containing all nutrients (complete) or solutions decient in N, P or K nutrient (-N, -P or -K), according to the evaluation time course. Different lowercase letters are signicantly
different by Tukey's test (p < 0.05), comparing treatments at the same time. Different uppercase letters are signicantly different by Tukey's test (p < 0.05), comparing the time
evaluation to each related treatment (complete, -N, -P or -K). Bars indicate standard error (n 4).

4. Discussion correlation between the initial development of physic nuts and the
availability of this nutrient. Nitrogen-decient plants have a
Results of the present study show that physic nut has an ef- reduced photosynthetic rate, mainly due to their lower ability to
cient mechanism of adaptation to P and K deciency conditions, use luminous energy and compromised amino acid metabolism (De
maintaining and adequate photosynthetic rate as the physiological Groot et al., 2003). Lower NRada key enzyme in the metabolic
use of these nutrients increased at the rst evaluation times. pathway of Ndin N-decient plants, however, indicated a lower
Furthermore, N, P, and K deciencies affected plant growth differ- physiological availability of N in leaves for photosynthesis. Reduced
ently as a function of growing time. All deciencies resulted in NRa in the leaves is associated with lower availability of N to leaves
reduced growth, and consequently lower biomass production. in cases of N deciency in various plant species (Reis et al., 2009;
The higher uptake efciency of plants grown in complete Lavres Junior et al., 2010; Fiasconaro et al., 2013).
nutrient solution compared to those with individual omission of N, In the present study, physic nut plants showed tolerance to N
P, and K indicated that the tolerance of the species to deciencies of deciency at the beginning of the experiment. This is because, even
has no relationship to the development of plant characteristics that with their N metabolism compromised, these plants displayed vi-
elevate the absorption capacity, such as alterations in root archi- sual symptoms of N deciency only at 50 DAN, namely aggravation
tecture. Santos et al. (2015) reported that species and/or genotypes of N deciency. At 20 DAN, N-decient plants had similar devel-
with higher nutrient uptake efciency have a greater ability to opment to those grown in complete nutrient solution. Interestingly,
obtain the element under conditions of low availability. In the N-decient plants in the rst physiological evaluation did not show
present study, we only found differences in nutrient use efciency symptoms of N deciency, but had low NRa A, E, gS and k, which
(Table 3). were similar to those found in the last evaluation. Some species that
Nitrogen-decient physic nut plants showed the lowest growth were tolerant to N deciency increased the redistribution of the
(Fig. 1), and the lowest photosynthetic rate was detected in the rst nutrient to the leaves to ensure adequate photosynthesis (Makino,
evaluation (20 DAN) (Fig. 2). Garrone et al. (2016) also noted a high 2011). This was not observed for physic nuts (Fig. 3A).
256 E.F. Santos et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 115 (2017) 249e258

Physic nut plants showed symptoms of N deciency only at 50 Groot et al., 2003). In this study, decreased RuBisCo carboxylation
DAN, according to the regulation of dry matter accumulation, i.e., (k) was observed, as well as lower g and E at 120 DAN. The high PAa
lower use of units of available N for lower dry matter production. ensured adequate photosynthesis in physic nut plants at the rst
The similar NUE in plants with and without N deciency conrms evaluation times except in the last evaluation (Fig. 2).
this hypothesis (Table 3). Fageria et al. (2013) reported that some Potassium-decient plants showed the same KUE compared to
rice genotypes also reduced their growth to optimize nitrogen use. those cultivated in complete nutrient solution (Table 3). This
Rajaona et al. (2013) evaluated gas-exchange characteristics in nding indicates that physic nut plants decient in K efciently
physic nuts as a function of N supply and reported efcient use of N produced a certain amount of dry matter per unit of absorbed K.
by the species for net photosynthesis. The results observed in the The higher KUE of K-decient plants was mainly due to the greater
current study for N-decient physic nut plants indicate that the accumulation of K in leaves than stems and roots (Table 2). Plants
adaptation of the species to soils with low N is mainly a result of that were not decient in K displayed a greater accumulation of this
adjustments in development to the N supply. Thus, the productivity nutrient in the stems compared with the other plant parts. The
of physic nut plants in soils with low N content may be compro- physic nut is an arboreal species, and most nutrient absorption
mised without the appearance of visual symptoms of N, the so- occurs in the stem, to ensure the establishment of the species
called hidden hunger. Souza et al. (2011) reported reduced pro- (Santos et al., 2013). Accumulation of N and P was also greater in the
ductivity of physic nut biomass in response to low N supply in the stem in plants that were decient and non-decient in these nu-
initial vegetative stage of growth, although it was not observed as trients. The change in the source-sink relationship in decient
symptoms of N-deciency. plants represented an adaptive strategy for K deciency (Zhao et al.,
Plants decient in P showed the lowest decreases in photo- 2001). Potassium accumulation in the leaves ensured an adequate
synthetic rate (Fig. 2), resulting in smaller growth reduction photosynthetic rate, similarly to the photosynthetic rate of plants
compared to those grown in complete nutrient solution (Fig. 1). grown in complete nutrient solution. Overall, in addition to being
These ndings indicate tolerance of physic nuts to P deciency. used mainly for the stomatal opening and closure processes, the K
Notably, the remobilized quantities of P from seeds to seedlings, as used in the leaves also ensured adequate NRa, since the activity of
well as the adaptation period of plants in diluted solutions (prior to this enzyme was similar between K-decient and non-decient
the beginning of treatments), might have partially contributed to plants, except at the end of the experiment (Fig. 3A).
this result. However, this is a characteristic of high P use efciency, Potassium participates in the activation of nitrate reductase
which was not observed in N-decient plants in this study. The synthesis. The activity of this enzyme was low under K deciency
results observed for PUE by physic nut plants decient in P are conditions in different species, indicating the importance of this
explained by the positive association between physiological P use element in the enzymatic activation of the process (Lavres Junior
ability and high phosphatase acid activity (PAa) (Zambrosi et al., et al., 2010; Vllora et al., 2003). Similar NRa activities were
2015). It should be stressed that only plants grown in nutrient so- observed in K-decient and non-decient plants in the present
lutions without P did not display visual symptoms in the leaves; study (Fig. 3A), in addition to the greater accumulation of this
only a reduction in growth was observed. Therefore, physic nut nutrient in leaves in relation to stems and roots (Table 2). This can
plants produced the same amount of dry matter per unit of be explained by the efcient use of the nutrient contained in the
absorbed P, irrespective of the availability of this element in the plant reserves, originating from the adaptation solution and the
growth solution (Table 3). reserves from the seed itself. Thus, the low level of K contained in
In the present study, P-decient plants were grown with total the plant was sufcient for the efcient use of the enzyme in the
omission of a nutrient from the solution; thus, they used the P early development of physic nut plants, in addition to its use in
assimilated in the organic compounds, i.e., from the carbon skele- photosynthetic. However, K-decient plants showed reduced
tons. The high PAa in P-decient plants conrms the efcient P use growth (Fig. 1).
in this growth condition. Thus, PAa served as an adaptive tool The decreased growth of K-decient plants resulted from the
against P deciency stress in these plants, explaining the PUE rates reduction in spermidine and spermine concentrations (Fig. 4). The
found in the present study (Table 3). High phosphatase acid enzy- K that was physiologically available in the leaf was used to ensure N
matic activity has been observed as an adaptive response to low P metabolism and the photosynthetic process. In this way, plants
availability in many species (Zebrowska et al., 2011; Zambrosi et al., decient in K displayed a high concentration of putrescine and low
2015). Under low P availability, plants use phosphatase acid to levels of spermidine and spermine. Potassium is a regulator (in-
dephosphorylate organic compounds, providing inorganic P for the hibitor) of enzyme activity that converts putrescine into spermi-
maintenance of cell metabolism, especially photosynthesis (Tran dine and spermine (Fariduddin et al., 2013), which explains the
et al., 2010). Phosphorus deciency in physic nut plants has been results observed here.
reported to interfere little with the development of this species Potassium deciency changes the internal balance between
(Souza et al., 2011), indicating efcient P use during deciency of inorganic cations and anions; cell juice acidity is thus expected to
this element. This result is explained mainly by the participation of increase, but this was not observed (Pottosin and Shabala, 2014).
phosphatase acid in physic nut plants during early development, as Putrescine accumulation functions as a mechanism to maintain pH
found in the present study (Fig. 2B). at a physiologically adequate value. However, at high concentra-
Responses observed for A, E, gS and k (Fig. 2), as well as NRa tions, as observed in this study, putrescine has a toxic effect on
(Fig. 3A), in P-decient plants were similar to that observed for PAa plant tissue, in addition to generating energy expenditure for its
(Fig. 3B) in the same plants throughout the experiment. It can be degradation (Merlin et al., 2012). Thus, the high accumulation of
inferred that the high organic P mobilization (redistribution) ca- putrescine in early development was an adaptive strategy, mini-
pacity of physic nuts enabled a higher photosynthetic rate and mizing the effect of K deciency on cell juice acidity and ensuring
assimilation of N observed when P was omitted, resulting in high available K for adequate photosynthesis.
tolerance to P deciency. Under P deciency, the guarantee of Plant growth and the higher K requirement in plant metabolism
available P ensures adequate photosynthetic (Yan et al., 2015; compromises the development of physic nut plants, culminating in
Zambrosi et al., 2015), while a low concentration of physiological visual symptoms. In addition to the negative effect of putrescine on
P inhibits plant growth due to the decreased RuBisCo carboxylation the development of K-decient plants, the lower concentrations of
and regeneration ability, in addition to reduced cell-division (De spermidine and sperminedplant growth-regulating
E.F. Santos et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 115 (2017) 249e258 257

polyaminesdalso explain the reduced growth of K-decient physic strong ability to dephosphorylate organic P to provide P for
nut plants. The putrescine/spermidine spermine ratio is usually photosynthesis is the main characteristic of physic nut plants in
correlated with cell elongation, and the transformation of putres- their adaptation to limiting P conditions during growth. The higher
cine into spermidine/spermine is important in the control of cell K use efciency by K-decient J. curcas plants compared to those
division (Merlin et al., 2012). Therefore, a high ratio may indicate well-nourished in K suggests high tolerance of the species to
lower plant growth (high concentration of putrescine and low deciency of this nutrient during its initial establishment and
spermidine spermine). In the present study, this ratio increased development. In conclusion, early biochemical and physiological
in plants decient in K, which led to reduced growth in physic nut appraisals can be feasible, reliable techniques to predict nutrient
plants. imbalance before it occurs through visual symptoms.
Reduced accumulation of putrescine with plant growth has
been reported for other species. This polyamine is a precursor of the Author contribution
ethylene hormone, which in turn is responsible for the leaf
senescence characteristic of this species (Fariduddin et al., 2013), as All authors contributed in the same way to the preparation of all
observed at 120 DAN in physic nut plants. Decreases in nitrate the parts of this manuscript.
reductase and phosphatase acid activities were also observed
(Fig. 3). Acknowledgments
The lower NRa observed in the last evaluation was a result of the
allocation of nutrients and photoassimilates for the development of ~o Paulo Research
This work was supported by FAPESP (Sa
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