Pinkerton Family Cookbook Order Form

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This book contains all the recipes from the first cookbook and all recipes that were submitted for the second
edition. There are nearly 500 pages containing just under 1000 recipes!
The first edition sold out very quickly, so be sure to order yours right away.
Cookbooks make great gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, showers, Christmas, Mothers Day, and
other special occasion.
To order this cookbook, fill out this form and mail it, along with your check or money order, to:

Vanessa Chambers
43 Center Street
Collinsville, AL 35961

Please send me ______________ copies of: The Pinkerton Family Cookbook

at $20.00 per book. If you want the book mailed to you please add $5.00 per book.
Enclosed is my check/money order for $_________________
Make checks/money orders payable to Pinkerton Family Cookbook Project.
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________
City: _________________________________________State:____ Zip:_________
Phone ( )___________________ email: _______________________________

Cut Here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Received from ____________________________________________ the amount of

$______________ for ________ cookbooks. Check # / M.O.# __________ Cash

Signature: ____________________________________________
Date: ________________________

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