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Obstacle Training with Herlifts

Atlas Carry

You are going to want to get real low to the ground to grab that stone, so hopefully your squat
form is impeccable. You are going to pick up the stone, carry it to the other flag, do five
burpees and come back. Keep a flat back as you pick up and lower the stone, and move
quickly. Dont cheat on those burpees either, chest to grass and feet off the ground for it to

Pickup the stone at start flag.
Carry it to the opposite flag
Put stone down
Do 5 Burpees
Return Stone to Starting flag

Tip 1 Roll in between your legs in squat position, lift, muscle up
Tip 2 Kneel down on one knee, roll it up

Herlifts Recommended Training:
Goblet Squat, Improve hip mobility (ass to grass), Lunges

Barbed Wire Crawl

Time to get down and dirty. Stay low, crawl fast, and maybe, just maybe, you will make it out
of the barbed wire crawl unscathed. Hopefully you have been doing your bear crawls.

Crawl under the barbed wire (Rolling IS allowed).
Packs / bottles must go through the barbed wire obstacle.
No diving.

Tip 1 Access the line, find the highest point to climb
Tip 2 You can do bear crawl or roll
Tip 3 Do it fast to save energy

Herlifts Recommended Training:
Bear Crawl, Mountain Climbers, Squat Jump, Split lunges, High Plank Hold & Walk

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Bucket Brigade

Bucket Brigade is designed to wear down your whole body. Fill the bucket with rocks
and trek the prescribed route. A grueling task with a special stipulation; dont come
back with all the gravel in your bucket? No burpees for you. Run the obstacle again.

Herlifts Recommended Training:
Bucket iso hold, Incline Push up for upper pec strength, TRX Chest Fly

Fire Jump

Herlifts Recommended Training:
Sprints, Wide leg leap, Split lunge jump, Jump squats

Hercules Hoist

We arent sure what is tougher, the 12 labors Hercules had to go through, or the Herc
Hoist. Anchor yourself to the ground, grab on to the rope with your iron grip, and start
pulling. Once that weight is at the top, you must lower it SLOWLY. If that weight slams
to the ground, you just earned yourself 30 burpees.

Pull the rope to raise the weight until the knot or weight reaches the top.
Lower the weight slowly and under control, without releasing the rope, until
weight reaches the ground.

Herlifts Recommended Training:
Pull up, Pull up bar hang, Farmers walk

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Over Under Through
Found typically at the start of a race, O.U.T is just a preview of what movements you
will be mimicking throughout the remainder of the race. Jump high, crawl low, and
leap through. Move quickly, the pack of racers is right behind you.

Over the first wall.
Under the second wall.
Through opening on the third wall.

Herlifts Recommended Training:
Pull up leg swing through (put a board below to block), shoulder mobility

Rope Climb

Youve climbed a rope before. In 4th grade gym class. Try it now 16 feet up, on a rope
caked with mud, sweat, water, and Spartan blood (okay maybe not blood). We
recommend hooking your foot in some variation to stabilize yourself as you race to
the top. Have a fear of heights? Suck it up and dont look down.

Climb the rope.
Ring the bell with your hands.

Tip 1 S hook
Tip 2 J hook (recommended)
Tip 3 coming down use your legs as much as possible to save energy

Herlifts Recommended Training:
Learn rope climb

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Spear Throw

Unleash your inner Spartan at our trademark obstacle. You will need a steady hand,
and a strong arm as you let fly!

One attempt to throw the spear and have it stick into the spearman (wood or
The spear can not be touching the ground.

Herlifts Recommended Training:
Russian Twist or with partner, Wall ball throw, Power push up (down position and push as
hard as possible up), Side plank, Torso/upper back/chest mobility

Tire Drag

An iron grip will be necessary to conquer the Tire Drag. Pull-ups and many variations
of rowing exercises will help you prepare for this grueling obstacle.

Pull the tire out until the line is taught grabbing only tire. Return to the rope
attachment point (stake), sit, (butt must be on the ground), and pull the tire back to
the stake using the rope. In some events order may be reversed, (pulling first, followed
by dragging). Athlete may not carry tire, tire must be touching the ground at all times.

Herlifts Recommended Training:
TRX Power pull, DB alt bentover row, Tire Sleg Drag, High plank alt row TRX Row, KB High Pull

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Transverse Wall

Rock climbers will feel right at home with the small handholds and footholds. This is
one obstacle you are not going to want to stay on for too long. The longer you do, the
more your grip is going to be taxed and then you are in trouble. Hold on tight, stay
tight to the wall, and pick your spot.

Traverse the wall using only the handholds and footholds.
Ring the Bell

Herlifts Recommended Training:
Pull up (pronated grip), TRX Lat pulldown, Sumo Squat, Iso Squat hold, lets go rock climbing!

Tyrolean Transverse

One of the most formidable obstacles on the Spartan circuit, Tyrolean Traverse
requires you to use balance, strength, and determination to crawl along a rope, ring a
bell, drop into the water and swim to shore.

Athlete must traverse the rope and ring the bell. If on top of the rope, feet may touch
the water. If underneath the rope, feet may not touch the water.

Tip 1 Rope J hook on one leg

Herlifts Recommended Training:
Plank, Side Plank, Side plank with hip rotation, Pull up (neutral/supinated grip), core balancing

Wall Jump

May we recommend a running start? Getting up and over our walls takes back
strength, strong triceps, and some pretty decent ups. Graceful landing optional.

Climb up and over the wall.

Tip 1 Aggressively run towards and do a muscle up
Tip 2 3-point of contact (hands and one leg hook onto the edge of wall)

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Herlifts Recommended Training:
Hip mobility, Abductor flexibility, parallette dips, ring dips Mountain climber, Shoulder
presses (pronated grip), close grip push up


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