Second Draft

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Special Merry X-mas

It is 25th December 2016, and almost everybody in all world is celebrating Merry
Christmas. Merry Christmas is particularly day on my house.

Someone decorate his house also celebrating birth of Jesus. Many people put
Christmas lights on their house.

Someone usually prepare turkey for to dinner, this dinner is special because the
whole family gathers

On night children open their gifts between Christmas tree. At midnight there are
fireworks and all family spend time together.

My Uncle John came to visit of Egypt, he is Jewish. On 24 of December, He got

up early in the morning to have breakfast, when he saw in the middle of
the room a tree. My uncle at the see the tree he began cutting.

As I was leaving my room, I heard a strange noise, I went downstairs to observe

what was happening. When I reached the first floor, I saw my uncle cut Christmas
tree. I was shocked, call my parents to arrest him.

My parents went downstairs very rushed, they saw my uncle cutting the tree, so
I came to tell you that this is a Christmas tree to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

My uncle did not believe in Jesus, my uncle believed it was a tree for firewood,
so he decided to cut it.

We were very sad because we had no Christmas tree. My dad was driving to the
supermarket to find a synthetic tree, when I saw he was coming home I asked if
he had found one; my dad told me yes, but it was small.

Despite everything that happened, we could continue to celebrate Christmas.

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