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Article appeared Friday, July 7th, 2017 in The News Today, Bangladesh

The Revelation (483) yousuf mahbubul Islam, PhD

What is the primary message that the Holy Scriptures carry? Or rephrasing the question from
the point of view of humans, can we ask: what should the purpose of religions be? Historically,
the differences or divisions between religions has been the cause of many a conflict or is the
apparent cause behind murders carried out in the name of religion. A study of websites {1, 2, 3}
that look at the common features or differences between religions, argue about the nature of
God, e.g., the name of our Creator or the fact that, as pointed out by Pope John Paul II in 1985,
We believe in the same God, the one God, the living God, i.e., the God who created the
world and brings his creatures to their perfection. {4}

Yet the studies {1, 2, 3, 4} fail to consider one very important logic or consequence of being
created. If we are created, could it be without a reason or a purpose? What would be more
important? That is, whether debating on the precise nature of God would be more important?
Or whether human beings, not only have knowledge about God (i.e., they are given the means
to become aware of God), but also to fulfill the purpose of their creation? What is the note of
serious caution here? If humans do not fulfill or refuse to fulfill the purpose of their individual
creation what options would be open to God?

What can God, who has demonstrated the ability to create each human being uniquely, do to
human beings who annoy Him? On the other hand, what might He do or will to do for those who
would Please Him? Being an eternal being, what if He created human beings to be with Him
forever? Could the Day of Judgment be the appointed time where He would separate those who
fulfill their purpose from those who do not?

Coming back to the role of Holy Scriptures what/how could these best help human beings? If
the Holy Scriptures could show by practical example how to fulfill the purpose of creation, would
it be of help? In the New Testament of the Bible we find Jesus responding to the question of a
religious scribe regarding the most important commandment. He answered,
The most important is, Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall
love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind
and with all your strength. [Mark 12:2830] {5}

It is likely that Jesus essentially quoted Deuteronomy 6:45 {6}, thus showing that the purpose
of creating individual humans has always been the same as taught by Moses as quoted in the
Old Testament. In the Holy Quran, the same purpose is stated succinctly and with the reason.
O you people! Adore your Guardian-Lord who created you and those who came before
you that you may have the chance to learn righteousness. [2.21]

Can simply chanting these Verses given in the Holy Quran or the Old Testament (of the Bible)
in the morning and/or evening be righteousness? Would parrots, robots or moving LED lights
repeating the Verses be classified as righteousness? Verse 2.21 of the Holy Quran suggests an
opportunity to learn. With what faculties/how would a human learn?
It is He Who has created for you (the faculties of) hearing, sight, feeling and
understanding: little is the gratitude you show/give! [23.78]

A baby is born inquisitive; it uses these faculties to learn about his self or herself and the
environment. Similarly, through questioning what his father approached and eliminating each
object worshiped, Abraham [6.74-79] isolated and discovered the One true God whose right it is
to be thanked and adored for what He has given/constantly gives. It is therefore righteousness
to discover the life and blessings given by God, be grateful and adore Him. This is the message
God gave through Moses as also recorded in the Holy Quran.
And remember the time when your Lord caused to be declared (publicly): "If you are
grateful I will add more (favors) on you; but if you show ingratitude truly My punishment
is terrible indeed." [14.7]

Can the sin of ingratitude be atoned by anyone other than the recipient of blessings? For those
worried about their sins, God asks:
What can God gain by your punishment if you are grateful and you believe? Nay it is
God that recognizes (all good) and knows all things. [4.147]

Are there examples of people who adored God and loved Him with all their heart, soul, mind
and strength? Chapter 19 of the Quran furnishes examples of people who responded to Gods
gift of life with adoration, piety and gratitude. As this was their lifes focus, they shared their
findings about God with others and were thus selected by God as favored believers and
And (remind yourself of our pious servant) Zakariya when he cried to his Lord: "O my
Lord! Leave me not without offspring though YOU are the best of inheritors. So We
listened to him: and We granted him Yahya: We cured his wife's (barrenness) for him.
These three (father, mother and son) were ever quick in emulation in good works: they
used to call on Us with love and reverence and humble themselves before Us. [21.89

Why did Zakariya want an heir? His concern was not to have a descendant to inherit wealth to
continue his family line. His wanted an heir to continue his work in spreading the word about
God and the purpose of life on earth. Responding to his earnest prayer, God granted him a
righteous son whose brief life was dedicated to God entirely. After the son was born,

19.12 (To his son came the command): "O Yahya! Take hold of the Book with might",
and We gave him wisdom even as a youth.
Yahya (Arabic name) was John the Baptist, a Jewish prophet {7} who is being asked to study
the Torah as it should be studied and live by it through his deeds. The following Verses give a
brief on the key characteristics of Yahya during his short life.

19.13 And pity (for all creatures) as from Us and purity: he was devout

19.14 And kind to his parents and he was not overbearing or rebellious.
Yahyas lifestyle demonstrated his realization that life had a purpose to study and discover
Gods qualities, be grateful and adore Him. In return, God gave him special blessings like that
He gave Jesus [19.33] from His Mercy and like He gave his father Zakariya [19.2].

19.15 So Peace on him the day he was born, the day that he dies and the day
that he will be raised up to life (again)!

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