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Reverend JESSE L. JACKSON Straight from the heart Edited by Roger D. Hatch and Frank E. Watkins a phate bor are atl or a eres oo ce 2 7 Bie a gt oe os compe ee Upton ote i copia ae 1958 prot gen suntan SRS Sar rerio tence pounce eta own © 1987 ese crs ‘Ali sce. No pat of is pubtkatonmey be reproduced, sored in Guaral em or arsed in any foom or by any Sesan cee Desa by Pye Casce ONDE Prinedin te United Sts of America 1-82 “omy grandmother, Maids, wh inher tine wi ‘eve ead ibook Date seca there or ‘rebut wh gave me encouragement 0 do 0.70 ‘meter, Hee acon, who, th my ‘eset keto hac, WoC ion tho adopted me and vem his am, lve, “rownganens din, eds ihe os respec hs sn goneo be wth ix, bat ‘hone presence ny ie sures me that even Sie pon cur anv efor. Thr ie, concer, fection, sare, and ciple biped, nny formate yeas to shape my sles Contents Preface x ior Inodoction| a Political Progressive 1 ‘The Candidate's Challenge: The Call of Conscience the Courage ‘ot Conviction 3 Dreaming Nev Dreams » Political Votes, Economic Oats B We Mast Ac Not Just React: The Present Challenge of Our Democracy 7 Liberation and Juste: A Call fr Redefinon, Refocus, and Rededeaion “ “The Advantages ofa Black Preside Canldacy “ Human Rights Advocate n ‘Measuring Human Rights by One Yarstick 2 Service and a Nev Wodld Order % ‘Brown Twenty-five Years Later ” [Ws Not the Bust Us a tm Seach ofa New Focus anda New Vision 9% ‘Overcoming New Forms of Denia Preacher ‘Our Spttual and Prayer Roots Proetng the Legacy: The Challenge of Dr Martin Ler King. J 1 ns nl ao coments ‘Binding Up the Wounds rom Bateground 9 Common Ground to Higher Ground Religious Liberty: Civil Disobedience, Concence and Survival Comforter Genius and Master of Masi: Eulogy fo Donny Hathaway “The Worlds Champion: Eulogy for Je Louis (Barrow) Fareelto a Supetstar anda Delaraton of War: Eulogy for Don Ropes angel for Educational Excelence “The Ten Commandments fr xecience in Edcation Vikim-Vicimier: Why ExceP? Save Our Children: Adminieators for Fxcllence 1s Up 0 You Peacemaker tn Pusu of eace—A More Excellent Way Foreign Foicy—But Not Foreign Yas ‘American Options on Aparield Peace Though Justice: The Crs in Cetra Ameria Forty ears Later—Liertion, But Not Yet Joy Corporate and Cultural Cite What Does the Government Owe the Foo? Black American Seek Economic Eauty and Pasty Save dhe Fail Farm apd the Fan Fay Equity in a New Worl Order: Reparations and Relprocty Environmental ustice: A all to Action ‘An End to Corporate Blackmail Excellence in the Press: Freedom, Falinss and the Fue 59 v4 us. 194 2 21 261 28 an Preface in my preaching, teaching, and activism over the past quate of enfurystidhopefly in his Book1 Rave ted ost that the sues of ie low primarily ro the hear, not from the hes an that ibe center of every poll economi eal and socal ise bs the Spit tral, and eh dimension. "Ths hose who woul! build this natonl hous, these United States, ‘and makes iflerence Inthe world, mst bulld on the solid foundations th jus mere peace, equality, nd eedom. They must ight for fhumase prories a home and human rights abroad measured eery> whereby one yardstick Tidenty with the schoo of thought thar says “right sgh.” not wih the school that ages “ght makes ight” 1 ve “onthe bound {ny aad wit the ineitbletesson that comes with ring fo synthe: Sie and putin thee proper relationship In aplastic society the ‘faligiou and the seul” the “wpa andthe materi” ‘My celigion obligates me o be poicalthats to eck todo Go will sant alow te spntual Word to become concrete justice and dive Song ws: My plies donot make me religious. Religion should ae {ou plicaly to do public servic, Polis should not mise eign, ‘Whe the Word te spiritual) Becomes es (Uh actual and dels in bur eats that lled good religion, Te ithis human rug o have good elon and pod polis that hope you vill seve throughout this cllecion of speches, We see through ls ry As we sugle wit the public sues confronting the men and women of ou day. one of us ha achieved perfection and tones beyond redemption, We mise coestandyrebull relationship, Fevive broken pis, redeem, forgive, and move on Wo the next challenge. Tam very proud of this Book. There have been other books abv me and what I think bot thls my statement, 1s comprehensive, presente collection of my tough snd ters, ‘Alt thes speeches, ofcourse, were witen fra parca occasion and auiene and win 2 concrete moral pola, sa son ‘entext—and, Tight ada, mony on the ran, They have al eo ‘served in thr orginal frm and avo, sujet ony to remand Corrections ad smal editor contentions spares es Sook "ant specially thank my longtime pres sey an calles inthe srg the Reverend Franke. Watkins and De Raper als 4 penn hae Iemed o love and respect and with wham hate ‘ork for ovr a decade forth hard workin ascmng Ts took 2nd othe eenesy sein tsp ough want io to thank my publ Harald W Ras my eitoe Davis "akin ad SephaleBgotvi lot Fortes roe cnc is projec and aproaching me withthe propos Dep the eal ot ting mc down-—becase of the ec pce of my shel ey Temi dligen, commited, sad enhussic slow the Wook ‘teoughout For thir faites, wisdom, puance and peer Sonal {shal aay be get "hope tha the urgency end the fervent with which ‘nv these specches conveyed and experienc by you you ne ‘ch page Inthe midst of our present protacied orl an eae Demarai party andthe nation. I In my igh moments t have Jone some good, fered some service, shed some gh healed some ound "ekindled some hope, sired voracone rom apa and inference, ot \ many way felpd someone along te wa then ths catpaign has not teen in vain. For fends who loved and cated for me, fot a Gn wd \\ spareime and fora fay who undo me. tam eemally ute, 1 inmy lw momen n wot, dee oot, trough some eto ‘of temper taste or ane, have cause ajone discomfort crested pall, / ot revived someone’ fas that was not my treet sel there were ‘occasions when my rape tuned int 2 rain ad my oy bell lw ts esomanee plas forgive me. Charge it to my head an moto my ea ‘My heads soiled insta, but my hears Boundless int ove forthe human fly 1am nota perfect servant. Lama ple sean, dingy est gana he os. As ro, develop and sere, be patient Soa no ished with me ye ia “his campaign fe tat me Tach: that leaders mt Be 1 ough opt tender enogh cy ama cough so make mistakes Ime enough to at tem song enough fo sort the pn ‘elect enough o bounce bck. Forester the pin oe nese ‘Bt you mame though teas and Kec moving mith he a that thee na brighter se somewhere Ten! see Hubert Mampbey dhe day foe he id He adjust cal Ricard Nin rm his ying bd od many people wondered ‘ric asked im, Hes les, rm th vantage on i he sn ‘etn in my If ll ofthe speeches, the pola conmentons the ‘cols and the pest gh re bcind me nome At sete hk ou Sree to dsl wth your medal zene fred rope wh tha which ely empotn o yo. What ave condi i then all Sid and done. we mus forgive each ote redeem cach Uther and move on ‘orp iemering fom on ft most handout bs forthe Democratic party president nomination in our ory. But ot healthy competion sould make ws beer nt iter, We mse the Init, waa expec he te Her Hashes an to eal the mounds incur pry hs natn, and the word We st forge exch ober recom ech other repoap andor on ‘ur fig i re hie, an be ut our nation i rainbow —re, elo, bb, Back, abel A are peous in Godt si ‘America soc Uke a Mant, one pce of uneken hte same ‘olor the sme tere, the somes & more ke ullnany patches many pes. many cols, many sex all woven 8nd eld topther bya common thea. The white the Hapa the ack the ‘Ate le the worn: the Nate Arc the sl fame the ‘snessperon, he environmental the peace sv he young, he ‘ithe lst the py and these make vp he Ames sul Ben in our tre ata of cot an tin some: We Inve proven tar we can survive wibout each ther But we have ot roven hate can ot ae pre wit ah tee Ne mt fome oper "rom Fannie Low Hamer in Alanic City 1968 tothe Raibow ‘oaiion in San Franco tos fom the Ante othe Pa, we Ie expetence pln but popes a we tained pen hosing youre peopl othe ight oar we ot Mao, Mart, Megs Beh. Jat. and Vio The tem that pt here mist be expan, ‘Dot ebandoned tery yas ago, tat welled up in our cs a the ‘oe of SehwemerGondman and Chaney were dried om the . esse MeXson depts of «iver in Misspp.* Twenty years ler. our communis, ‘Md and Jewish tein anguish, ange. and pan, Pelings have been rt om both ses. Thee 8 cris in communications. Confsion sn the se but we cannot fod to lee our may. We may age agree, oF free inagice on tues, bot we must bring back city tothe ‘Eision. We ae copatners ina ong and sich religous Mstory—the Jf: Chstian aons Many blacks and Jes havea shared pssion ‘ee Slatunice at home ad peace abroad. We must sek a revival of {Respite by ane von and new posses We mst etm {onigher glound. Weare bound by Moses end Jesus, but ao comneced {wi iat and Mulmmed, We are bound by Dr. Martin Later Kin, Jeet Ratt Abraham Heschel crying ot fom thet graves for us 1 WGcdtcommom ground, We are bound by shared bod and shared ‘Stunce we are much to intlgent: much too bound by ow udeo ‘Gitstenhestaper much oo ictnzed by racm, sexism militarism, ‘GoUSEtrsammisns much too threatened a strc scapegoats to 0 ‘3h avd one fom another. We mist tum fom Bnge-poiting 1 ‘Mise hands We must share our burdens and ourjoys wi oc ote ‘nce apa We must tm fo each ther and not on each eer "Twenty gens late, we cannot be sts by Jost restoring dhe ol

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