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Angel: Hello, Mi name is Angel. And You?

Guillermo: Hi, Angel.Mi name is Guillermo, but please call me Guille Its my nickname.

ngel: Okay, Guille. Great to meet you.

Guillermo: Its nice to meet you, too.

Angel: Where are you from? Guille.

Guillermo: Im from Unites states. And you Angel?

Angel: Im from Peru.

Guillermo: Where do you live?

Angel: I live in Lima.

Guillermo: Ohhh, You are from Lima.

Angel: Yes, Mmm how old are you?

Guillermo: Im 17 Years old. And you?

Angel: Im 21 years old.

Angel: Guille, Do you have email Address?

Guillermo: My email Addres is

Guillermo: What lenguaje do you speak?

Angel: I Speak is Spanish. And you do you like speak English?

Guillermo: Yes, I love. And You?

Angel: So-So.

Guillermo: What is your cell phone number?

Angel: My number is 942750645 and what is your number?

Guillermo: My number is 933316797.

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