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1. One country per group.

2. Within the group Ss will be divided into the following topics:

-Culture--> Traditions, Religion, Gastronomy, Folklore in general -music, arts, dance, etc.

-Socioeconomics--> Geography, Demography and CURRENT Politics and Economy that is well-structured
and managed, since questions related to current situation may be asked, (include any other important aspect
they find during their investigation). A plus would be to share in their exposition a current SOCIAL PROBLEM
with a helpful idea the group came up with to try to solve it.

-History-->History of the land, Landmark(s) and its history as well, Relevant people (politics, arts, sports, etc).

3. Each Classroom will perform for the teacher, a guest (MESCyT or UAPA) and other visitors ONCE. But should
have two to three Ss to be ready at all times to represent their classroom and provide general information to
whomever might need it. Every group should have these special Ss as ushers of the class.

4. Ss are allowed to visit other expositions and performance before or after their own.

5. Rules of the program apply for the projects (no consumption of food, nor beverage only for showing-, no
dress code breaking, not even in the name of "traditional clothing": DRESSCODE WILL BE ALWAYS

6. Each group have 45 mins presentation to do all explanations and demonstration they have planned, where ALL of
them MUST have 2 mins TOP speech.

7. Ts will ask questions to those Ss with difficulties to give them extra chance to perform better. Ss SHOULD
KNOW teachers and authorities might ask questions.

8. This is a Fair, each classroom should have a permanent stand to provide general information about the

9. Ss need to know they are going to be evaluated, and they need to know the content of the rubric. They
need to know where the points will be given to.

10. It is highly recommended to use natural but accurate vocabulary during the presentation, instead of
crazy fancy words Ss find online. Tell them to keep it clear for their own sake.

11. Ts MUST check every Ss' speech, and MUST manage and moderate the complete presentation performance
knowing that everything that is going to happen in the class could be creative but NEVER lacking of moral, values
or common sense, since surprises will not be appreciated (no exotic dancing, crazy surprises, etc).

12. Decoration is important but CLEANING after the presentation is EVEN MORE important. No GLUE, CEMENT,
SILICON, OR DOUBLE-FACED TAPE can be used on the walls. Regular scotch tape ONLY.

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