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Instructional Technology Leadership

ISTE NETS A Standard 4 Brief

Angela M. Blocher

As stated in ISTE Standard 4, educational administrators should be an agent of change for

increased improvement of learning goals by modeling technology integration, collect and

analyze data to improve student learning, enlist creative and proficient personnel, develop

partnerships to sustain continual improvement and ensure the proper operation of an appropriate

infrastructure. Technology integration must be an expectation set forth by both local and district

level administrators. School-based administrators must continually revisit and assess current use

of technology resources and ensure they are purposeful and essential for student learning

objectives. In order to ensure effective use, data must be collected and analyzed for effectiveness

and supported by innovative and motivated educators.

At McDonald Elementary School. Georgetown, S.C, our recent administration continually

progress monitored student performance through a variety of technology resources. Additionally,

she assessed teacher effectiveness of implementation and student receptiveness of each resource.

We reviewed student performance and surveys to consider changes or alterations to our current

plan of implementation. She maintained the idea that not every technological resource is the right

fit. We have, in the past, become too eager to provide a quantity of resources but overlooked the

quality of the resources. As a result, the administrator looks to the numbers as well as student

and teacher reflections to guide our technology integration plan.

We are also fortunate to have two technology trouble shooters who assist with maintain the day-

to-day functioning of our technology infrastructure. We are ineffective if we do not have

functioning and reliable equipment. Our troubleshooters meet periodically with our administrator

and provide an update on our current system and condition of our digital devices. We are

provided with district level support as well if we are unable to resolve any issues, however, this

supportive team consists of only two people and as a result, we are often waiting lengths of time

for resolution.

Our administrator conducts an initial meeting at the beginning of each school year with the

building curriculum coach and the district technology coach to review our past school-wide goal,

plans and objectives and decide what our new course of action should be. Any further planning

and communication is maintained between the two coaches with a quarterly update provide to

the administrator by the technology coach. The curriculum coach continues to keep the

administrator up-to-date weekly. Because of time restraints with our district level technology

coach, the majority of teaching training is provided by the school curriculum coach. Depending

on the resource, the most effective method is train-the trainer. Coaches receive training for every

district mandated technology tool and localized tool. We have been fortunate to have a few

proficient teachers who are innovative and tech savvy, assist with training. Most of these tools

are initiated by these teachers and have had positive results from implementation. Our

administrator understands the importance of professional development and provides the

necessary time and tools for effective training sessions.

Currently, our school is comprised mostly of veteran teachers who are nearing retirement. As a

result, we have very few classroom teachers who embrace and incorporate technology on a daily

basis, effectively and appropriately. Those who are more acclimated to technology, implement,

research and experiment with a variety of technological resources. Our administrator is very

supportive and enthusiastic about their initiative and creativity as long as the curriculum coach

assist with the explicit and purposeful planning for integration. Regardless of the tool, we must

always maintain our focus on improvement of students learning and objectives.


Any and all school level administrators must lead the movement of improvement and integration.

They are challenged with the task of establishing and setting forth learning goals, collecting the

evidence of effectiveness through data and encourage all building educators to utilize technology

both effectively and creatively. They are the overseers of the infrastructure of implementation

and must establish a plan for maintaining and managing the tools for technology integration.


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