Academy March Band Handbook

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Academy March Band

Band Manual

Rules and Guidelines for

Band and Auxiliaries
Dr. Timothy Jones, Principal B.E.S.T Academy
Eulonda Washington, Principal Coretta Scott King Academy
Jovan Burton, Director of Bands
Manual Contents



Personnel and Job Description.

Student Role Exception



Anti-Hazing Policy
The band program at Coretta Scott King Academy and BEST Academy provides an
opportunity for students to learn the fundamentals of band; the students are
encouraged to expand their skill set; and, the more accomplished band students
are encouraged to compose a band selection, revise a band selection and conduct
a selection. The band represents the students, administrators, parents,
community and system and is required to demonstrate exemplary behavior at all
events including those held at the school site and away from the school site. The
band program also provides opportunities for students to entertain and enhance
the broader school program. Community and school spirit are promoted though
such activities as parades, pep rallies, concerts and football games.
The band program helps students to develop social skills, team building skills,
cooperation, musicianship, and self-discipline. Remember: the band belongs to
you; therefore, the band will be as good as you make it.

It is the primary objective of this program to produce literate, proficient and self-
motivated students who will go on to become lifelong learners and productive
members of society. It is strongly suggested that students in the instrumental
music program at Coretta Scott King High Academy and BEST Academy should
enroll in the appropriate band classes for academic credit. Participating in the
recommended courses will enable students to strengthen their musical skills.
Becoming proficient on an instrument will enable the students to acquire the
necessary music skills to qualify for band scholarships to pursue postsecondary

The Band Director is an employee of the Atlanta Public Schools Board of

Education. The Band Director is responsible for the total operations of all bands,
auxiliaries and other support groups.
Is a full time teacher who reports directly to the administrative staff.
Selects, teaches and evaluates music, routines/drills and shows for
Sets the calendar and approves all communications to parents with the
appropriate administrators signature
Approves all auxiliary routines, dances, props and uniforms.
Read and respond to all communication regarding band and band
Schedules all engagements such as parades, festivals, travel, community
appearances etc. with the approval of the administration.
The principal annually appoints the Assistant Band Director with input from
the band director.
Plans and prepares all music for public performance.
Manages inventory of instruments, uniforms, equipment and oversees
instruments repairs.
Approves all auditioned and appointed positions.
Recommends the removal of a band and auxiliary member due to rule
The Band Director communicates on a regular basis with the principal
about matters concerning the band.
Auxiliary Organizer/ and Chorographers are vendors of the Atlanta
Public School system or have been approved by the school administration and the
district to assist with the marching band.
Direct and supervise auxiliary squads
Secure music and equipment
Ensure each member is effective and efficient in learning dance steps and
drill routines.
Keep accurate attendance records and schedule rehearsal, in collaboration
with the band director.

Auxiliary Sponsors are vendors of the Atlanta Public School system, have been
approved by the school administration and the district to assist with the marching
Assist Band Director with management of students i.e. behavior, academic,
uniforms, finances
Responsible for communication with parents

Adjutant and Volunteer staff, e.g. Arrangers, Alumni etc.: Each position and
participant has been approved by the current administration as well as the
Atlanta Public Schools.
These positions are appointed by the band director only to assist with any
area of need (i.e.) rehearsal, sectionals, clinics, fundraisers or other
capacity helps the students of the band program

Student Personnel

Drum Major -Directs and leads the marching band (Student must actively
participate in the marching band for two consistent years, must complete
leadership camp, be recommended by the band director only and/or pass
audition process)

Section Leader- Leads individual section (Student must actively participate in the
marching band for two consistent years, must complete leadership camp, be
recommended by the band director only and/or pass audition process)
Captain- Directs and leads auxiliary squad (Student must actively participate in
the marching band for two consistent years, must complete leadership camp, be
recommended by the band director only and/or pass audition process)

* All student personnel deemed as leaders are an extension of the band

director. Student leaders must exemplify the characteristics of good personal
and moral character and conduct as outlined by the Coretta Scott King Academy
and BEST Academy student handbook. Conduct that is deemed as unacceptable
will be reviewed by the band leader and can result in suspension or termination
from the leadership position and band as well consequences from the school


Student expectations: Students are expected to be present and on time for all
rehearsals. Since this is a performing organization, students are required be
prepared for and participate in all performances. If student misses a performance
without a written excuse from the parent or guardian, the band director should
be notified immediately by calling (office number forthcoming). If neither a call
nor a written excuse is received, the student will be suspended from any further
performances until a parent conference is held with the band director. In
addition, students are expected to be exemplary models of good citizenship and
scholarship both in and outside of the school community. Students are expected
to display team spirit and a respect for authority.


The Marching Band and Auxiliaries are required to participate in the following
Football Games
Pep Rallies
Jamborees and Competitions
Other school authorized activities as specified by the band director or

The Concert Band is required to participate in the following activities:

Adjudicated and Non-Adjudicated Festivals
Commencement Activates and Programs
Other school authorized Activities as specified by the band director and
principal e.g. Visions, graduation, coronation, etc.

Students are required to participate in all band activities and may not select only
those performances and rehearsals that the student deems suitable. If a student
has an unexcused absence for a performance, the student will be suspended from
all rehearsals and performances until a scheduled meeting between the parents
or guardian has been conducted. To schedule a meeting the parent/guardian
must email the band director at or call 404-802-7167

Marching Band Attendance Policy

The Marching Band is the official band for the school. This group performs at all
school football games and at all other administratively approved functions. The
concert band is expected to perform at all administratively approved functions
that involve symphonic music. Each member of the Coretta Scott King band
program is required to attend all rehearsals and performances both during school
and outside of school time. This is mandatory!!!!!!
In the event a student has one unexcused tardy or absence during any week, that
student will not be able to perform on the field during the halftime show. In the
event that the student has two or more unexcused tardy or absence
during any week, the student will not be allowed to attended any performance
during that week i.e. (pep rallies, football games, parades..)
If a student has been suspended for more than two performances, the student
will be expelled from the program, a conference will be scheduled with the band
director and written notification will be sent to the parent or guardian and to the
administrators .Every student is allowed one excused tardy or absence during
week of any performance during the school year. If a student misses the rehearsal
the day before the performance, the student will not be about to perform on the
very next performance. Students are not allowed to make multiple scheduled
excused absences because this takes away from the preparation time for the
overall performance. In the event that is happens, the student will be suspended,
from the program.

Unexcused Absence: Student misses a scheduled rehearsal without approval or

excuse of the band director and who does not notify the band director with a
written excuse from the parent or guardian.

Excused Absence: The student provides a written excuse from the

parent/guardian that must be dated, signed, or contacts the director at 404-802-
7167, and leave a voicemail before the next scheduled rehearsal. The official
written excuse will be documented for the safety and protection of the student.

Unexcused Tardy: An unexcused absence occurs when a student reports to

practice after the scheduled reporting time. In the event that a student is late
more than twice during the week of the performance, the student will be
suspended from the field show; more than three occurrences will result in being
suspended from the performance that week. Notification will be sent to the
parents or guardian and to the administrators. In the event that a student comes
to practice 45 minutes after the scheduled start time, the student will be
dismissed for the rest of the day. The parent will be emailed and contacted
immediately to explain the situation
Practice Procedures
Students must wear the approved practice attire. (Black shorts, pants and
white top) all students must wear an all-white shirt or long sleeved t-shirt.
Tank tops are not acceptable attire. During the colder season, students are
allowed to wear clothing over the approved attire to keep them warm. If a
student is out of compliance with the dress code, the student will be
dismissed from rehearsal and it will count as an unexcused absence.
Students must be dressed and in the designated practice area 15 minutes
prior to practice beginning. If a student is not in there appropriate area at
the start of practice. It will be counted as an unexcused tardy.
Bring his/her instrument to each rehearsal
At the signal of one of the directors or drum major, all playing will
immediately cease
No gum chewing, eating or drinking will be allowed in the in the music
building at any time.
Playing of instrument without being instructed to do so by the Band
Director or Drum Major will not be tolerated.
There should be absolutely no standing around in hallways, outside the
music building, corridors, practice room or storage areas.
Students must remain with the Band, under the direct supervision of the
Director or other adult staff at all times!!! Under no circumstance should a
student be unsupervised. If any student leaves the supervision of an adult
at any time, it will result in suspension until a parent conference is made
for the student for consideration of reinstatement. Students who
absolutely must on occasion, leave during rehearsals early should carry all
personal items out on the field at the beginning of rehearsal, provide a
written statement from guardian at the beginning of rehearsal to the Band
Auxiliaries must report to rehearsal prior to its beginning.
Young siblings and other unauthorized visitors are not welcome to
rehearsal as the movement of large pieces of equipment could be a safety
Parents are expected to provide means for students to be picked up or use
mass transit no later than 30 minutes after the end of the rehearsal and
performances. Students must clear the building immediately after
rehearsal ends. Failure to do so will result in suspension of participation
privileges in the next game.
Student will dress for band practice in the bathroom in the practice area.
Under no circumstance should any student access any other part of the
fine arts building, gym or the building for any reason without being
accompanied by the band director only.

The band will practice in the band room, hallway in front of the band room, right
outside the annex building and on the practice field only. Any student
unsupervised will be suspended from the program, until a parent conference has
be scheduled and completed and is subject to expulsion.

It is Atlanta Public School policy that the Band Director attended scheduled
professional development and faculty meetings. In this event, the band will under
the adult supervision of the band staff at all times. Students will only be allowed
to practice in the band room and the hallway in front of the band room. Under no
circumstance should any student practice outside of the building. Any student
that is out of compliance will be suspended from the band program, written
communication will be sent to the principal and the parent must schedule a
conference with the band director to determine if the student will be allowed to

In the event of inclement weather, the entire marching band will practice in the
band room and in the hallway in from of the band room.
GHSA Guidelines
1.51 To be eligible to participate, practice, and/or try out in interscholastic
activities, a student must be academically eligible. A student is required to pass
classes that carry at least 2.5 Units counting toward graduation the semester
immediately preceding participation.
Exception 1: First semester ninth grade students.
Exception 2: A cheerleader who is academically ineligible for the spring semester
may try out if she is passing ALL classes at the time of the tryout. The window of
opportunity to try out under these conditions is available only during the ten (10)
days set aside for tryouts that the school chooses.
(a) Passing in all GHSA member schools is a grade of seventy (70).
(b) Students participating in junior varsity or B team competition must meet all
scholastic requirements.
(c) If an eligible student transfers from a school that uses a block-schedule format
to a school using a traditional format (or vice versa) and that student cannot get a
full schedule of classes with equivalent credit in the semester of the transfer, the
school may petition the Executive Director for a waiver of this rule for the first
semester after the transfer occurs.
(d) For schools offering courses with yearlong grading, eligibility must be
computed for each semester.
(1) At the end of the first semester, the school must determine that the student
has a grade of 70% or higher in classes carrying at least 2.5 Units.
(2) The second semester grade will be the grade given for the entire course and
shall include the end-of-course test grade.
(3) Remediation programs designed to bring the students first semester grade up
to 70% or higher may be used (in accordance with GHSA guidelines) if the school
allows such programs for all students.
1.52 Students gain or lose eligibility on the first day of the subsequent semester.
The first day of the Fall semester shall be interpreted as the first date of practice
for the first sport.
(a) Exception: Students who successfully complete summer school to maintain
eligibility become eligible last day of summer school.
(1) Summer school is an extension of the previous semester and courses may be:
a. remedial in nature where a previously-taken course is repeated in its entirety
with a new grade being given.
b. enrichment in nature where a new course is taken that results in new credit
being earned.
(2) A maximum of two (2) unit credits earned in summer school may be counted
for eligibility purposes.
NOTE: Additional credits may be earned in credit recovery programs or make-up
(3) Summer school credits earned in non-accredited home study programs or non-
accredited private schools may not be used to gain eligibility. Accreditation
recognized under the rule shall be from the Georgia Accrediting Commission
(GAC) or a regional accreditation agency (such as SACS) or the Georgia Private
School Accreditation Council (GAPSAC).
(4) An independent study course taken in summer school must be regionally
accredited and accepted by the school system for graduation credit.
(b) Courses completed after the beginning of a new semester may not be used to
gain eligibility for that semester. Example: night school classes, correspondence
courses, etc.
(c) Independent study courses taken during the school year must meet the criteria
of 1.52 (a) 4.
1.53 Students must accumulate units towards graduation according to the
following criteria:
(a) First-year students (entering 9th grade) are eligible academically. Second
semester first-year students must have passed courses carrying at least 2.5 units
the previous semester in order to participate.
(b) Second-year students must have accumulated five (5) total units in the first
year, AND passed courses carrying at least 2.5 units in the previous semester.
(c) Third-year students must have accumulated eleven (11) units in the first and
second years, AND passed courses carrying at least 2.5 units in the previous
(d) Fourth-year students must have accumulated seventeen (17) units in the first
three years, AND passed courses carrying at least 2.5 units in the previous
(e) Students may accumulate the required units for participation during the
school year and eligibility will be reinstated at the beginning of the next semester.
1.56 Loss of Eligibility: Students assigned to an alternative school or on out-of-
school suspension for disciplinary reasons, or adjudicated to YDC, lose their
eligibility. Suspension is considered to have ended when the student is physically
readmitted to the classroom.
1.57 Failure to Meet Academic Standards: When a school administrator believes
that the student has failed to meet the academic eligibility requirements due to
conditions that were beyond the control of the school, the student, and/or his
parents, and such that none of them could have been expected reasonably to
comply with the rule, he may request that the student's case be put on the
agenda of the Hardship Committee.
(a) Ignorance of the rule(s) on the part of any individual is not sufficient cause to
set aside the rule(s).
(b) Schools must supply all the materials requested on the Hardship Application
Form on the GHSA website.
1.58 Credit Recovery/Make-up Work: Students who have academic deficiencies
at the end of a semester may make up those deficiencies in programs that are
available to any student in the school. NOTE: Programs allowing students to
recover academic credit have a variety of names in various schools.
(a) Credit recovery programs are short-term programs that involve a course that
has been completed and a grade given. The student is given the opportunity to
work on areas of deficiency.
(b) Make-up programs occur when a course has not been completed and an
Incomplete grade has been given. The student is given the opportunity to work
on areas of deficiency.
(c) Credit recovery and make-up work must be completed within fifteen (15)
school days after the start of the next semester. The student is ineligible until
such time as the work is completed and the required passing grade has been
recorded. Exception: If the end-of-course test is not offered within 14 days of the
beginning of the next semester, the student may be granted a reasonable
extension by the GHSA.
(d) The GHSA Executive Director shall be authorized to approve credit recovery or
make-up work completed later than fifteen (15) days after the start of the next
semester if he finds that the:
(1) time frame was not met due to circumstances outside the control of the
student, his parent(s), and the school, AND
(2) work was completed as soon as reasonably possible, AND
(3) allowance for such a delay is offered on the same basis to all students in the
(e) Credit recovery programs operated during the summer or in intersessions shall
be completed within fifteen (15) days of the beginning of the new semester.
Students using those credits to gain eligibility are ineligible until the course is
completed successfully. Credit recovery is used for remedial work only, and no
new credit courses may be applied under this provision.


Tutorial may not be used to complete homework or projects. If a student is in

need of tutorial to assist with the need to improve a grade in a class the student
will be placed of academic probation and may not return until 1. The teacher of
the tutorial class clears the student 2. A conference with the parent, student and
director is completed.
(f) Students using credit recovery or make-up programs must have their eligibility
submitted to the GHSA office on a Form C.
*If the students GPA falls below a 2.2 during the marching band
season, she/he will be allowed to practice in practice but not allowed
to perform during the. If the student not able to recover her GPA, she
will be suspended and must follow the reinstatement plan. The
student will not be allowed to return to the marching band until her
GPA has return to a 2.2

Heat index and practice policy

1. BY-LAW 2.67 Practice Policy for Heat and Humidity
Schools must follow the statewide policy for conducting practices and voluntary
conditioning workouts in all sports during times of extremely high heat and/or
humidity that will be signed by each head coach at the beginning of each season
and distributed to all players and their parents or guardians. The policy shall
follow modified guidelines of the American College of Sports Medicine in regard
The scheduling of practices at various heat/humidity levels
The ratio of workout time to time allotted for rest and hydration at various
heat/humidity levels
The heat/humidity level that will result in practice being terminated A
scientifically approved instrument that measures Wet Bulb Globe
Temperature (WBGT) reading must be utilized at each practice to ensure
that the written policy


UNDER 82.0 Normal activities --Provide at least three separate rest breaks each
hour of minimum duration of 3 minutes each during workout
82.0 -86.9
Use discretion for intense or prolonged exercise; watch at-risk players carefully;
Provide at least three separate rest breaks each hour of a minimum of four
minutes duration each.
87.0 89.9
Maximum practice time is two hours. For Football: players restricted to helmet,
shoulder pads, and shorts during practice. All protective equipment must be
removed for conditioning activities. For all sports: Provide at least four separate
rest breaks each hour of a minimum of four minutes each
Maximum length of practice is one hour; no protective equipment may be worn
during practice and there may be no conditioning activities. There must be 20
minutes of rest breaks provided during the hour of practice. OVER 92 Practice will
be limited outside. There will be frequent water breaks to keep students hydrated
Football Game Performances
In order to ovoid lateness, please plan to arrive well ahead (at least 15
minutes) ahead of the announced deadline.
All participating band members to travel with the band both to and from
the stadium location of the game. No exception!!!!!
Students are expected to have all of the needed accessories and uniform
parts prior to boarding the buses. A uniform inspection will be conducted
prior to any performance and if the student is or uniform is not in
compliance with the rules of the hand book, that student will not be
allowed to perform.
Students are to sit in the assigned seats with his/her section. No one may
leave without the specific permission of the Band Director.
Unbecoming language, profanity, smoking, drinking and vulgar gestures
are not permitted in the Coretta Scott King High School Band.
All playing must be done as a band or section. Section fanfares are
Visitors are not allowed and are not allowed to travel with the band. Non-
band members are not to sit in the band section or play band

Band Uniform policy for instrumental students

Male: No scarfs, rags on head; no earrings or jewelry; no face paint

Female: Scarf must be black and cannot be seen underneath hat or shako; no
loop earrings, silver or gold studs are acceptable; face piercings must be removed;
finger nails must be a natural or dark color; no lip stick or excessive make up

All instrumental students: must have black shorts under uniform for every
performance; must have all black shoes with heel; clean white gloves; clean white
spats; band cap; Uniform must be clean at all times.
If any student is out of compliance with the uniform policy, the student will not be
allowed to perform. During the early part of the marching season, the student will
purchase the proper attire to wear.
Behavioral Expectations Code of Conduct
Students are selected to become members of the Advanced Band by the
Band Director only!
Students attending rehearsal are to remain under the direct supervision of
the staff until dismissed.
No swearing, fighting, or disrespectful behavior. You represent Coretta
Scott Kings Finest!!
Use of Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs is prohibited.
Disrespect of faculty and staff in any form is grounds for removal from the
Students are to remain in the designated area of the building or campus as
specified by the Band Director.
All members of the band and auxiliaries must travel to and from
performances with the band using school-approved mode of
All school regulations are in effect on and off campus.
Students are to leave the building immediately after rehearsal

Hazing Policy
The State of Georgia has enacted legislation making hazing a criminal offense.
Coretta Scott King High School Band policy on hazing reflects those laws.
Organizational activities, including should be done in good taste and in a manner
consistent with the philosophy of Atlanta Public Schools. The Coretta Scott High
School Band supports only those activities that are constructive, educational,
inspirational, and that contribute to the intellectual and personal development of
students. Coretta Scott High School Band defines hazing as any activity or
situation intentionally or unintentionally created, with or without consent,
whether on or off campus, which endangers the mental or physical health of the
participants; produces physical discomfort; subjects the individual to
embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule; causes excessive fatigue or physical or
psychological shocks in the individual; involves quests, treasure/scavenger hunts,
stunts, morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; involves late or
early work sessions; or any activity which is not consistent with the laws, policies
of Atlanta Public Schools or the regulations and policies of the Coretta Scott High
School Band. Any individual member or members of the band participating in
hazing activities will forfeit their band privileges, and will be subject to expulsion
of the band program and will be reported to the administrators of Coretta Scott
High School. Failure to report hazing is in effect giving tacit approval of it. Hazing
activities may include one or more of the following but are not limited to:
a. Actions that recklessly or intentionally endanger the physical and mental health
or safety of students;
b. Consumption of any food, drink, drug, or other substance;
c. Participation in physical activities, such as calisthenics, exercises, or so-called
d. Exposure to weather;
e. Fatigue resulting from sleep deprivation, physical activities through late night
or early morning programs, physical activities, or exercises;
f. Assignment of activities that would be illegal or unlawful, or might be morally
offensive to the individual;
g. Physical brutality, including paddling; striking with fists, open hands, or objects;
and branding;
h. Kidnapping, transportation or stranding of individuals (Road Trips);
Bullying and other forms of intimidation will not be tolerated in any form and are
strictly prohibited by the Atlanta Board of Education Policy (JDCDAG) and Georgia
law (O.C.G.A. 20-2-715.1).
All reports of bullying are taken seriously. Reports of bullying or retaliation may
be made by staff, students, parents or guardians, or others, and may be oral or
written. The Bullying Reporting Form is available in the schools main office, the
counseling office, the school nurse's office, as well as the Atlanta Public Schools
website. Counselors and administrators can provide assistance to students in
filling out the bullying reporting form.
Prohibited behaviors must occur on the property of the public school, at an
event within the jurisdiction of a public school or at a school-sponsored event.
Reported incidents of bullying, harassment, intimidation or retaliation that have
occurred outside the jurisdiction of the school and have not disrupted the
school environment shall be reported to the students parents/legal guardians.
Disciplinary action may also be necessary if off-campus behavior results in a
disruption to the school environment.
The term bullying means an act which occurs on school property, on school
vehicles, at designated school bus stops, or at school related functions or
activities, or by use of data or software that is accessed through a computer,
computer system, computer network, or other electronic technology provided by
the Atlanta Public Schools, that is:
(1) Any willful attempt or threat to inflict injury on another person, when
accompanied by an apparent present ability to do so;
(2) Any intentional display of force such as would give the victim reason to fear or
expect immediate bodily harm; or
(3) Any intentional written, verbal, or physical act, which a reasonable person
would perceive as being intended to threaten, harass, or intimidate, that:
(A) Causes another person substantial physical harm within the meaning of
O.C.G.A. 16523.1 or visible bodily harm as such term is defined in
O.C.G.A. 16523.1;
(B) Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student's education;
(C) Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or
threatening educational environment; or
(D) Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
Bullying is usually repeated over time and is intended to ridicule, humiliate,
intimidate, or harm the student. It is important to note that a single negative act
may also constitute bullying (if not more serious misconduct) based upon the
particular circumstances such as the seriousness of the act and/or the intent of
the alleged perpetrator.
Bullying and harassment can take various forms:
Physical (including, but not limited to, hitting, kicking, spitting, pushing,
taking or damaging personal belongings);
Verbal (including, but not limited to, taunting, malicious teasing, name
calling, making threats);
Psychological (including, but not limited to, spreading rumors; manipulating
social relationships, engaging in social exclusion, extortion or intimidation);
Internet or cyber-bullying (including, but not limited to, the use of instant
messaging [IM], e-mail, web sites, chat rooms, and text
messaging that is used to bully or harass another student, and when
such use interferes with the operation of the school, or infringes upon the
general health, safety and well-being of students;
Hazing (including, but not limited to, various forms of bullying and harassment of
students by other students in regard to pledging and/or a student's initiation into
or affiliation with a school or student related organization or team).
Examples of bullying and harassment include, but are not limited, to:
Unwanted teasing
Threats, taunts and intimidation by words and/or gestures
Physical violence and/or attacks
Sexual, religious, or racial harassment
Public humiliation
Destruction of school/personal property
Theft of money and/or personal possessions
Rumors or spreading of falsehoods
Social exclusion, including incitement and/or coercion
Cyber stalking or engaging in conduct to communicate, or to cause to be
communicated, words, images, or language by or through the use of
electronic mail or electronic communication, directed at or about a specific
person, causing substantial emotional distress to the victim
Cyber bullying or the willful, hostile and repeated harassment and
intimidation of a person through the use of digital technologies, including,
but not limited to, email, blogs, social networking websites

(e.g. MySpace, Facebook, etc.) chat rooms, texts, and instant messaging

Discipline policy
The following incidents will result in losing performance privileges for the week
In school suspension
Lunch Detention
Any infraction during school, rehearsal or performances (Verbal
altercations, or stealing)
Any recommendation of so by school administration
The following will incidents will result in automatic expulsion of the band.
Fighting on or off campus
Out of school suspension for any infraction
Anny recommendation of so by recommendation

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