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Students will reflect on their own experiences in order to relate to the

Students will work collaboratively to make decisions and think critically
about situations.
Learning Objective(s)
Students will practice writing, by composing persuasive justifications for
their solutions and choices.
Students will practice pronunciation and oral fluency when given the
opportunity to share their work.
Students are placed in small groups. The layout of the classroom makes it so no
students are too far from the front where instruction is being given. I will then go
over the guiding handout. Have students read instructions, check to see if they
understand the language in the instructions, and then ask if anything needs
clarifying. During each task I will make regular rounds around the groups of tables
Facilitation & Safety
to help students remain on task and further clarify instructions as questions arise.
The biggest distraction students face is socializing and cell phone games. If these
issues become a big distraction, certain students can be separated and gadgets
can be removed from the students possession. I will make sure that I am always
approachable and available for assistance.
Language Students will collaborate, think critically, and write during the lesson.
Reading- Students will have to read the instructions along with me as I explain
them. Students will also have to read and know the vocabulary from the list of
potential survival items. Pictures will accompany these items to support
Writing- Students will have to know the vocabulary needed to explain their
Academic Language

problem and its solution and to give coherent justifications. They will have access
Vocabulary to dictionaries and translators, as well as two native speakers in the classroom.
Students will have to listen to me instruct and give directions. I will be careful not
to use obscure or complex vocabulary that may cause unnecessary confusion or
Students will need to be able to correctly pronounce the vocabulary they used in
their writing. I will offer assistance by helping them pronounce words that are
phonetically challenging for them.
Students will demonstrate their understanding of the syntax/ discourse through
Syntax or participation in the collaborative group activity as well as completing the guiding
Discourse handout that scaffolds all the tasks. Students will demonstrate their
comprehension through listening, writing and speaking during the activities.
ELAGSE11-12W1: Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or
texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
GSE - Georgia a. Introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s), establish the significance of the claim(s),
distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that
Standards of
logically sequences claim(s), counterclaims,
Excellence reasons, and evidence.
ELAGSE11-12W9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis,
reflection, and research.
ELAGSE11-12SL1: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative
discussions(one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with
diverse partners on grades 11-12 topics, texts, and issues, building on others ideas and
expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
c. Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that probe reasoning and
evidence; ensure a hearing for a full range of positions on
a topic or issue; clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions; and promote divergent
and creative perspectives
d. Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives; synthesize comments, claims, and
evidence made on all sides of an issue; resolve contradictions
when possible; and determine what additional information or research is required to
deepen the investigation or complete the task.
ELAGSE11-12SL6: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating a
command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.

Cognitive Function: Students will EXPLAIN and PERSUADE in their writing.
Domain: Writing
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 -
Entering Emerging Developing Expanding Bridging Reaching
Entering Emerging Developing Expanding Bridging Reaching
students will students will students will students will students will students may
be able to use be able to use be able to be able to use be able to need little to
one or two common key employ a wider the L2 write no ESOL
common key words and range of vocabulary explanatory support.
words to form basic vocabulary and with greater and persuasive
express their grammatically form sentences ease in order texts using a
thoughts. incorrect with some to explain their wider range of
sentences. grammatical point of view. necessary
errors. Grammatical vocabulary.
and Grammatical
mechanical and
errors will still mechanical
be present in errors will be
their writing. fewer.

Informal assessment will be conducted throughout the lesson. I will ask

comprehension questions and continually check if students are following the
tasks correctly. I will also read their in-process writing to better ascertain which
Formal and Informal
areas they are struggling in. For example: are they finding syntax, vocabulary, or
spelling most difficult? My formal assessment will be conducted based on the
turned in handouts. I will be able to look at the final product and draw more
definitive conclusions about their linguistic abilities.
To introduce the lesson I will draw the students back to the text they have been
Instructional Strategies &

Support Diverse Student

reading with a short discussion about some of the challenges and problem that
Learning Tasks that

Chris McCandless encountered while pursuing his Alaskan adventure. Then I will
have them think about some problems and issues that they have had in their lives
(10 minutes)

and how they dealt with them and ultimately resolved them. They will be able to
write their brief responses on the handout then I will give them the opportunity
to share their experience.
Body For the body of the lesson I will first arrange them in homogenous ability groups.
(30 minutes) I will then explain the handout and check to see if students understand the
assignment and expectations. Next students will work in their groups selecting
four items that they would take on their hypothetical Alaskan adventure in to the
wilderness. They must write down the item and a justification for choosing this
item. The students will work collaboratively in groups, but each student must
write answers on their personal handout. After the groups are finished writing
down their choices with the justifications I will then ask the groups to share what
they chose and why. I will allow 15 minutes to complete this part of the lesson.
For the next part of the body I will hand out different proposed situations they
could encounter in the wilderness. Some scenarios are realistic while some are
quite fictional (i.e. Zombies on the Alaskan frontier). Groups that are have lower
L2 abilities will only be given 2 scenarios to write down solutions for, while groups
with higher L2 abilities will be given 3 scenarios to work through. I will allow
about 15 minutes for this part.
In closing I will ask the groups to choose one of the scenarios they chose and how
they resolved it with their chosen items. Then I will ask the class if anyone can
think of suggestions to help them. After each group has shared we will briefly
(10 minutes)
talk about what is unfolding in the novel Into the Wild and what the next chapter
will be about.
The class does not have any students with IEPs, but the L2 has a relatively wide
range. I would say that the lowest students are developing while the highest
students in the class are bridging. I plan to differentiate the task amounts based
on their WAPT/ACCESS scores. I will place them in homogenous groups and
Modification(s), and
groups on the lower end will have one less scenario to work through than higher
ability groups. I will also assess their writing based on the can do WIDA matrix.
My expectations of output will vary depending on the students L2 knowledge
and skill level.
Guiding handout
Materials Overhead projector
Laminated scenario cards

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