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Employee satisfaction

Human resource management (HRM) is the management of human resource .It is a
function in the organizations designed to maximize employee performance in service of
an employer's strategic objectives.HR is primarily concerned with the management of
people within organizations, focusing on policies and on systems. HR departments and
units in organizations typically undertake a number of activities, including employee
benefits design, employee recruitment, "training and development", performance
appraisal, and rewarding. HR also concerns itself with organizational change
and industrial relations, that is, the balancing of organizational practices with
requirements arising from collective bargaining and from governmental laws.
HR is a product of the human relations movement of the early 20th century, when
researchers began documenting ways of creating business value through the strategic
management of the workforce. The function was initially dominated by transactional
work, such as payroll and benefits administration, but due to globalization , company
consolidation, technological advances, and further research, HR as of 2015 focuses on
strategic initiatives like mergers and acquisitions, talent management, succession
planning, industrial and labor relations, and diversity and inclusion.
Human Resources are a business field focused on maximizing employee productivity.
Human Resources professionals manage the human capital of an organization and focus
on implementing policies and processes. They can be specialists focusing in on
recruiting, training, employee relations or benefits. Recruiting specialists are in charge of
finding and hiring top talent. Training and development professionals ensure that
employees are trained and have continuous development. This is done through training
programs, performance evaluations and reward programs. Employee relation deals with
concerns of employees when policies are broken, such as harassment or discrimination.
Someone in benefits develops compensation structures, family leave programs, discounts
and other benefits that employees can get. On the other side of the field are Human
Resources Generalists or Business Partners. These human resources professionals could
work in all areas or be labor relations representatives working with unionized employees.
Businesses are moving globally and forming more diverse teams. It is the role of human
resources to make sure that these teams can function and people are able to communicate
cross culturally and across borders. Due to changes in business, current topics in human
resources are diversity and inclusion as well as using technology to advance employee
engagement. In the current global work environment, most companies focus on
lowering employee turnover and on retaining the talent and knowledge held by their

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workforce. New hiring not only entails a high cost but also increases the risk of a
newcomer not being able to replace the person who worked in a position before. HR
departments strive to offer benefits that will appeal to workers, thus reducing the risk of
losing corporate knowledge.
Hr means that management can get and use the skill, knowledge ability, etc. through the
development of skills, tapping and utilizing them again and again. Human resource
management is that process of management which develops and manages the human
elements of enterprise. It is not only the management of skills but also the attitudes and
aspirations of people. When individuals come to work place, they come with not only
technical skills, knowledge, experience etc., but also with their personal feelings,
perception, desires, motives, attitude, values etc. so HRM will mean management of
various aspects of human resources.
According to Flippo, Human resource management is the planning ,organizing, directing
and controlling of the procurement , development, compensation, integration,
maintenance and reproduction of human resources to the end that individual,
organizational and societal objectives are accomplished.
According to Institute of personnel management (U.K.), Personnel Management is an
integral but distinctive part of management concerned with people at work and their
relationship with the enterprise. It seeks to bring together into an effective organization
the men and women who staff the enterprise enabling each to make his/her best
contribution its success, both as a member of a working group and as an individual. It
seeks to provide relationships within the enterprise that are conducive both to effective
work and human satisfaction.
According to G.R. Agarwal, human resource management is a process concerned with
the management of human energies and competencies for achieving organizational goals
through acquisition, development, utilization and maintenance of a competent and
committed workforce in a changing environment.

According to Gary Dessler, Human resource management refers to the policies and
practices one needs to carry out the people or human resource aspects of management
position including recruiting, screening, training, rewarding and appraising.

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HRM in Personnel Management: This is typically direct manpower management that
involves manpower planning, hiring (recruitment and selection), training and
development, induction and orientation, transfer, promotion, compensation. The overall
objective here is to ascertain individual growth, development and effectiveness which
indirectly contribute to organizational development. It also includes performance
appraisal, developing new skills, disbursement of wages, incentives, allowances,
traveling policies and procedures and other related courses of actions.

HRM in Employee Welfare: This particular aspect of HRM deals with working
conditions and amenities at workplace. This includes a wide array of responsibilities and
services such as safety services, health services, welfare funds, social security and
medical services. It also covers appointment of safety officers, making the environment
worth working, eliminating workplace hazards, support by top management, job safety,
safeguarding machinery, cleanliness, proper ventilation and lighting, sanitation, medical
care, sickness benefits, employment injury benefits, personal injury benefits, maternity
benefits, unemployment benefits and family benefits.

HRM in Industrial Relations: It is a highly sensitive area, it needs careful interactions

with labor or employee unions, addressing their grievances and settling the disputes
effectively in order to maintain peace and harmony in the organization. The main aim is
to safeguarding the interest of employees by securing the highest level of understanding
to the extent that does not leave a negative impact on organization. It is about
establishing, growing and promoting industrial democracy to safeguard the interests of
both employees and management.


1. Human Resource Management Is a Management of an Individual

Human resource management is concerned with people dimension of management.

Hence it manages different people such as worker/labor, supervisors, managers,
departmental heads and other related top managers too. Therefore, human resource
management is defined as the management of human resource and their commitment
towards work.

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2. Human Resource Management Is a Continuous Process

Human resource management is not a shot affair rather it is an ongoing process of

managing people and their competencies. It is continued till the dissolution of an
organization. All the processes involved in HRM should run continuously.

3. Human Resource Management Is a Dynamic Function

The principles and practices of HRM should not be rigid. Rather they should be dynamic.
It means HRM is a dynamic function whereby the procedures and practices are
influenced by the environmental factors. Employees should gain an updated knowledge
and ability to work in the changing environment

4. Human Resource Management Is a Universal Function

HRM is a universal function in the sense that it is applicable in all types of organizations.
The principles and practices are applied irrespective of size, nature, scope and purpose of
the organization.

5. Human Resource Management Is a Strategic Approach

HRM is taken as strategic approach for organizational development. It helps to mobilize

human resource in the organization in order to achieve the stated goals and objectives
strategically. All the activities of management are arranged in such a way that they are
interconnected with efficient and effective utilization of human resources according to
change in organizational strategy.

6. Integration of Goals

Usually there is a goal difference between organizational goal and individual goal. An
employee wants to satisfy his/her individual goal first. But managers want to accomplish
organizational goals before something else. Hence, HRM practices and principles help in
integrating individual and organizational goal into a framework. As a result of which,
employees are motivated towards higher level work performance for achievement of
organizational goal.

7. Human Resource Management Is Future-oriented

HRM is future oriented behavior in the sense that it helps in assessing human resource
requirement for future. It helps in determining future goals and objectives of the
organization and it employees the people to get the job done in future period of time.

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1. Recruitment and Training

It is one of the major responsibilities of the human resource team. The HR managers
come up with plans and strategies for hiring the right kind of people. They design the
criteria which is best suited for a specific job description. Their other tasks related to
recruitment include formulating the obligations of an employee and the scope of tasks
assigned to him or her. Based on these two factors, the contract of an employee with the
company is prepared. When needed, they also provide training to the employees
according to the requirements of the organization. Thus, the staff members get the
opportunity to sharpen their existing skills or develop specialized skills which in turn,
will help them to take up some new roles.

2. Performance Appraisals

HRM encourages the people working in an organization, to work according to their

potential and gives them suggestions that can help them to bring about improvement in it.
The team communicates with the staff individually from time to time and provides all the
necessary information regarding their performances and also defines their respective
roles. This is beneficial as it enables them to form an outline of their anticipated goals in
much clearer terms and thereby, helps them execute the goals with best possible efforts.
Performance appraisals, when taken on a regular basis, motivate the employees.

3. Maintaining Work Atmosphere

This is a vital aspect of HRM because the performance of an individual in an

organization is largely driven by the work atmosphere or work culture that prevails at the
workplace. A good working condition is one of the benefits that the employees can
expect from an efficient human resource team. A safe, clean and healthy environment can
bring out the best in an employee. A friendly atmosphere gives the staff members job
satisfaction as well.

4. Managing Disputes

In an organization, there are several issues on which disputes may arise between the
employees and the employers. We can see conflicts among them. In such a scenario, it is
the human resource department which acts as a consultant and mediator to sort out those
issues in an effective manner. They first hear the grievances of the employees. Then they
come up with suitable solutions to sort them out. In other words, they take timely action
and prevent things from going out of hands.

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5. Developing Public Relations

The responsibility of establishing good public relations lies with the HRM to a great
extent. They organize business meetings, seminars and various official gatherings on
behalf of the company in order to build up relationships with other business sectors.


The objectives of HRM may be as follows:

1. To create and utilize an able and motivated workforce, to accomplish the basic
organization goals.
2. To utilize the available human resources effectively.
3. To establish and maintain sound organizational structure and desirable working
relations among all the members of the organization.
4. To secure the integration of individual and groups within the organization by
coordination of individual and group goals with those of organization.
5. To create facilities and opportunities for individual or group development so as to
match it with the growth of the organization.
6. To respect the individual and company relationships with the highest standard of
conduct and integrity.
7. To be close to the customer through employees.
8. To identify and satisfy individual and group needs by providing adequate and equitable
wages, incentives, employee benefits and social security and measures for challenging
work, prestige, recognition, security, status, etc.

The function performed by the resource management can broadly be classified into two
categories, which are:

(1) Managerial functions, and

(2) Operative functions.

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These are discussed in turn.

(1) Managerial Functions:


Planning is a predetermined course of actions. It is a process of determining the

organizational goals and formulation of policies and programs for achieving them. Thus
planning is future oriented concerned with clearly charting out the desired direction of
business activities in future. Depend on planning function .Forecasting is one of the
important elements in the planning process. Other functions of managers depend on
planning function.


Organizing is a process by which the structure and allocation of jobs are determined.
Thus organizing involves giving each subordinate a specific task establishing
departments, delegating authority to subordinates, establishing channels of authority and
communication, coordinating the work of subordinates, and so on.

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It is a process by which managers select, train, promote and retire their subordinates This
involves deciding what type of people should be hired, recruiting prospective employees,
selecting employees, setting performance standard, compensating employees, evaluating
performance, counseling employees, training and developing employees.


Directing is the process of activating group efforts to achieve the desired goals. It
includes activities like getting subordinates to get the job done, maintaining morale
motivating subordinates etc. for achieving the goals of the organization.


It is the process of setting standards for performance, checking to see how actual
performance compares with these set standards, and taking corrective actions as needed.

(2) Operative Functions:

The operative, also called, service functions are those which are relevant to specific
department. These functions vary from department to department depending on the nature
of the department Viewed from this standpoint, the operative functions of HRM relate to
ensuring right people for right jobs at right times. These functions include procurement,
development, compensation, and maintenance functions of HRM.

A brief description of these follows:


It involves procuring the right kind of people in appropriate number to be placed in the
organization. It consists of activities such as manpower planning, recruitment, selection
placement and induction or orientation of new employees.


This function involves activities meant to improve the knowledge, skills aptitudes and
values of employees so as to enable them to perform their jobs in a better manner in
future. These functions may comprise training to employees, executive training to
develop managers, organization development to strike a better fit between organizational
climate/culture and employees.

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Compensation function involves determination of wages and salaries matching with

contribution made by employees to organizational goals. In other words, this function
ensures equitable and fair remuneration for employees in the organization. It consists of
activities such as job evaluation, wage and salary administration, bonus, incentives, etc.


It is concerned with protecting and promoting employees while at work. For this purpose
virus benefits such as housing, medical, educational, transport facilities, etc. are provided
to the employees. Several social security measures such as provident fund, pension,
gratuity, group insurance, etc. are also arranged.

It is important to note that the managerial and operative functions of HRM are performed
in conjunction with each other in an organization, be large or small organizations. Having
discussed the scope and functions of HRM, now it seems pertinent to delineate the HRM
scenario in India.


1. Globalization and its implications

Business today doesnt have national boundaries it reaches around the world. The rise
of multinational corporations places new requirements on human resource managers. The
HR department needs to ensure that the appropriate mix of employees in terms of
knowledge, skills and cultural adaptability is available to handle global assignments. In
order to meet this goal, the organizations must train individuals to meet the challenges of
globalization. The employees must have working knowledge of the language and culture
(in terms of values, morals, customs and laws) of the host country.

Human Resource Management (HRM) must also develop mechanisms that will help
multicultural individuals work together. As background, language, custom or age
differences become more prevalent, there are indications that employee conflict will
increase. HRM would be required to train management to be more flexible in its
practices. Because tomorrows workers will come in different colors, `nationalities and so
on, managers will be required to change their ways. This will necessitate managers being
trained to recognize differences in workers and to appreciate and even celebrate these

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2. Work-force Diversity

In the past HRM was considerably simpler because our work force was strikingly
homogeneous. Todays work force comprises of people of different gender, age, social
class sexual orientation, values, personality characteristics, ethnicity, religion, education,
language, physical appearance, marital status, lifestyle, beliefs, ideologies and
background characteristics such as geographic origin, tenure with the organization, and
economic status and the list could go on. Diversity is critically linked to the
organizations strategic direction. Where diversity flourishes, the potential benefits from
better creativity and decision making and greater innovation can be accrued to help
increase organizations competitiveness. One means of achieving that is through the
organizations benefits package. This includes HRM offerings that fall under the heading
of the family friendly organization. A family friendly organization is one that has flexible
work schedules and provides such employee benefits such as child care. In addition to the
diversity brought by gender and nationality, HRM must be aware of the age differences
that exist in todays work force. HRM must train people of different age groups to
effectively manage and to deal with each other and to respect the diversity of views that
each offers. In situations like these a participative approach seems to work better.

3. Changing skill requirements

Recruiting and developing skilled labor is important for any company concerned about
competitiveness, productivity, quality and managing a diverse work force effectively.
Skill deficiencies translate into significant losses for the organization in terms of poor-
quality work and lower productivity, increase in employee accidents and customer
complaints. Since a growing number of jobs will require more education and higher
levels of language than current ones, HRM practitioners and specialists will have to
communicate this to educators and community leaders etc. Strategic human resource
planning will have to carefully weigh the skill deficiencies and shortages. HRM
department will have to devise suitable training and short term programs to bridge the
skill gaps & deficiencies.

4. Corporate downsizing.

Whenever an organization attempts to delayer, it is attempting to create greater

efficiency. The premise of downsizing is to reduce the number of workers employed by
the organization. HRM department has a very important role to play in downsizing. HRM
people must ensure that proper communication must take place during this time. They
must minimize the negative effects of rumors and ensure that individuals are kept
informed with factual data. HRM must also deal with actual layoff. HRM dept is key to
the downsizing discussions that have to take place.

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5. Continuous improvement programs

Continuous improvement programs focus on the long term well-being of the

organization. It is a process whereby an organization focuses on quality and builds a
better foundation to serve its customers. This often involves a companywide initiative to
improve quality and productivity. The company changes its operations to focus on the
customer and to involve workers in matters affecting them. Companies strive to improve
everything that they do, from hiring quality people, to administrative paper processing, to
meeting customer needs.

Unfortunately, such initiatives are not something that can be easily implemented, nor
dictated down through the many levels in an organization. Rather, they are like an
organization wide development process and the process must be accepted and supported
by top management and driven by collaborative efforts, throughout each segment in the
organization. HRM plays an important role in the implementation of continuous
improvement programs. Whenever an organization embarks on any improvement effort,
it is introducing change into the organization. At this point organization development
initiatives dominate. Specifically, HRM must prepare individuals for the change. This
requires clear and extensive communications of why the change will occur, what is to be
expected and what effect it will have on employees.

6. Re-engineering work processes for improved productivity

Although continuous improvement initiatives are positive starts in many of our

organizations, they typically focus on ongoing incremental change. Such action is
intuitively appealing the constant and permanent search to make things better. Yet
many companies function in an environment that is dynamic- facing rapid and constant
change. As a result continuous improvement programs may not be in the best interest of
the organization. The problem with them is that they may provide a false sense of
security. Ongoing incremental change avoids facing up to the possibility that what the
organization may really need is radical or quantum change. Such drastic change results in
the re-engineering of the organization.

Re-engineering occurs when more than 70% of the work processes in an organization are
evaluated and altered. It requires organizational members to rethink what work should be
done, how it is to be done and how to best implement these decisions. Re-engineering
changes how organizations do their business and directly affects the employees. Re-
engineering may leave certain employees frustrated and angry and unsure of what to
expect. Accordingly HRM must have mechanisms in place for employees to get
appropriate direction of what to do and what to expect as well as assistance in dealing
with the conflict that may permeate the organization. For re-engineering to generate its
benefits HRM needs to offer skill training to its employees. Whether its a new process, a

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technology enhancement, working in teams, having more decision making authority, or

the like, employees would need new skills as a result of the re-engineering process.

7. Contingent workforce

A very substantial part of the modern day workforce is the contingent workers.
Contingent workers are individuals who are typically hired for shorter periods of time.
They perform specific tasks that often require special job skills and are employed when
an organization is experiencing significant deviations in its workflow. When an
organization makes its strategic decision to employ a sizable portion of its workforce
from the contingency ranks, several HRM issues come to the forefront. These include
being able to have these virtual employees available when needed, providing scheduling
options that meet their needs and making decisions about whether or not benefits will be
offered to the contingent work force.

No organization can make the transition to a contingent workforce without sufficient

planning. As such, when these strategic decisions are being made, HRM must be an
active partner in these discussions. After its entire HRM departments responsibility to
locate and bring into the organization these temporary workers. As temporary workers
are brought in, HRM will also have the responsibility of quickly adapting them to the
organization. HRM will also have to give some thought to how it will attract quality
temporaries. This is sometimes done on consultancy basis. Consultancy work is often a
short time basis and to re-invent the organizations operation such a workforce of
consultancy is vital.

8. Mass Customization

There is a lot going on already within HR concerning mass customization, the optimal
combination of mass production with customization. Weve seen companies basing
employment arrangements on learning styles and personalities, allowing employees to
choose between lower base pay and higher bonuses vs. higher base pay and lower
bonuses, and changing from career ladders with a straight shot to the top to career lattices
where a sideways move is considered a good career move. Here, HR has done a great job
of applying HR principles to its own traditional functional processes.

HR will need to take the tools of marketing around customization for consumers and
clients and applying them to the task of talent segmentation. The key is to optimize. At
one extreme, a personal employment deal for every individual would be chaotic. At the
other extreme, defining fairness as same for everyone risks missing important benefits
of customization, and in fact may be unproductive and unfair.

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Thus, HR should develop principles for understanding the optimal level of customization
in the employment relationship. Moreover, because customization will often mean that
different groups of employees receive different employment arrangements based on their
needs or the way they contribute, HR must develop principles that equip leaders to
explain these differences to employees. Our work suggests that while many HR managers
understand the need for customization and differentiation in principle, they resist it
because they simply dont feel well-equipped to explain them. It is far easier to say, We
do the same thing for everyone, so its out of my hands. The concept of fairness is
sometimes confused with treating everyone the same.

9. Decentralized work sites

Work sites are getting more and more decentralized. Telecommuting capabilities that
exist today have made it possible for the employees to be located anywhere on the globe.
With this potential, the employers no longer have to consider locating a business near its
work force. Telecommuting also offers an opportunity for a business tin a high cost area
to have its work done in an area where lower wages prevail.

Decentralized work sites also offer opportunities that may meet the needs of the
diversified workforce. Those who have family responsibilities like child care, or those
who have disabilities may prefer to work in their homes rather than travel to the
organizations facility. For HRM, decentralized work sites present a challenge. Much of
that challenge revolves around training managers in how to establish and ensure
appropriate work quality and on-time completion. Work at home may also require HRM
to rethink its compensation policy. Will it pay by the hour, on a salary basis, or by the job
performed? Also, because employees in decentralized work sites are full time employees
of the organization as opposed to contingent workers, it will be organizations
responsibility to ensure health and safety of the decentralized work force.

10. Employee involvement

For todays organizations to be successful there are a number of employee involvement

concepts that appear to be accepted. These are delegation, participative management,
work teams, goal setting, employee training and empowering of employees. HRM has a
significant role to play in employee involvement. What is needed is demonstrated
leadership as well as supportive management. Employees need to be trained and thats
where human resource management has a significant role to play. Employees expected to
delegate, to have decisions anticipatively handled, to work in teams, or to set goals
cannot do so unless they know and understand what it is that they are to do. Empowering
employees requires extensive training in all aspects of the job. Workers may need to
understand how new job design processes. They may need training in interpersonal skills
to make participative and work teams function properly.

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11. Technology

With the current technological advancement and its projection in the future, it has
brought in new eyes in the face of HRM. A number of computerized systems have been
invented to help in the HRM of which they are seen as simplifier of HR functions in
companies. Large or multinational organizations using some of the human resources
information systems are reaping big. You do not have to stay in a particular location to do
your duties but you can do on a mobile basis. For instance the paper work files are being
replaced by HRMIS which may be tailor made or Off the Shelf. These systems help in
handling a lot of data on a chip other than having a room full of file shelves.

What HRM is concerned with here is the safety (confidentiality) of the data/information
of staff, and therefore it is at the forefront of having to train personnel in operating such
systems and developing the integrity of such personnel to handle the sensitivity of the

12. Health

With the emergence of the wellness clubs and fitness centers together with the need for
having healthy workforce, it has emerged that HRM has to move to another step like
having to subscribe for its employees to such clubs, paying health insurance services for
the staff. This is not only a productivity strategy but also a strategy used to attract and
retain valuable employees.

In the current situation as it is now especially with the outbreak of HIV/AIDS epidemic,
it has been seen to be of value to have infected and affected employees have special
attention so that they can have confidence of support from the employers. With its effect
leading to stigmatization, HRM has to think of counseling and guiding such employee so
that despite of the effect they (employee) remain productive. Cancer is another kind of
issue that has seen the current trend in HRM look closer to health and wellness of
employees. Cancers of all types are endemic to employees. Couple with other
communicable and none communicable diseases HRM has no option other than to advice
management to invest in health care packages that will revitalize the performance of the
affected and infected employees

Therefore for HRM to continue showing relevance it has shifted to providing health
services to staff through health insurance, sensitization, and free medical treatment bills.
This has seen high results in not only in performance but also in attraction and retention
of highly qualified personnel.

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13. Family work life balance

Over a long time now in HRM history it has been a big debate about family life work
balance. Employees have been on toes of the employers to see if there could be justice
done and on the other hand employers have been keen to minimize the effect of the same.
The fact is a happy family is equal to a happy workforce. With the current trend HRM
have to work it out that every employees family to some extent is a happy one.
Therefore investing in what may seem out hand for the organization is inevitable. It is
time HRM to convince management to organize family day out for the staff and their
families, sacrifice sometimes for days off to enable employees to attend to their family

The employment laws unlike from the past now allow family leaves and above all you
have parental leave (paternity and maternity). In this moment the member of the family is
not missed. Time off your duty is to enrich one with family chore which help identify the
employee with the organization. From break of family affairs of course an employee is
rejuvenated and recognizes that the employer values him so much to the extent that
he/she is allowed to visit, stay and enjoy family bond.

Still it is realized that the family bond is a cost to employer in terms of time but it is a
great motivator the employee. Which leads to high productivity. Therefore the HRM
has to stay tuned the dynamics of family needs of employees and go a step ahead to
provide development assistance like loans to meet family needs and social development.

14. Confidentiality

The current trends have been seen as new challenges in the terms of costs especially in
the short run but for organization to strive well in this competitive market to together
with the labor mobility it is imperative important to rethink the HRM in terms of the
current trends at all levels.

It goes without say that as longer as there is no clear defined human resource
management strategies in the given organization there is definitely a problem boiling in
the same organization or an explosion is bound to happen. With the current trend in
managing the most valued organization resource, organizations have to dig deeper to

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Human Resource Manager plays a vital role in modern organization. He plays various
strategic roles at different levels in the organization. The role of HR Manager includes
roles of conscience of a counselor, a mediator, a company spokesman, a problem solver
and a change agent.

1. The Conscience Role: The conscience role is that of a humanitarian who

reminds the management of its morals and obligations to its employees.
2. The Counsellor: Employees who are dissatisfied with the present job
approach the personnel manager for counseling. In addition, employees facing
various problems like marital, health childrens education/marriage, mental,
physical and career also approach the personnel managers. The personnel
manager consults the employees and offers suggestions to solve overcome the
problems of the employees.
3. The Mediator: As a mediator, the personnel manager plays the role of
peacemaker. He settles the disputes between employees and the management.
He acts as a liaison and communication link between both of them.
4. The Spokesman: He is a frequent spokesman for or representative of the
5. The Problem Solver: He acts as a problem solver with respect to the issues
that involve human resource management and overall long rang organizational
6. The Change Agent: He acts as a change agent and introduces changes in
various existing programs.

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1. Preparing and adapting job analysis.

2. Advising the managers regarding Hr planning.
3. Searching for the prospective employees.
4. Motivating employees.
5. Conducting tests and interviews.
6. Conducting induction programs.
7. Identifying the training needs for employees.
8. Fixing the salaries and employees benefits.
9. Preparing the employees in quality improvement programs.
10. Maintaining close and sound relation with individual employees, employee group
and trade union.
11. Solving employee problems and preventing industrial disputes.
12. Assisting managers in organizing for promotion, transfer and demotion.

1. Organizational Culture
Organizational culture is the collection of values, working norms, company vision, habits
and beliefs that the business espouses. The HR management system plays a large part in
shaping the organizational culture. Setting policies, procedures and company standards
dictates to employees the behaviors that are acceptable in the workplace. For example, a
policy may state that time management is important to the business, which fosters
timeliness among employees, or HR may adapt a looser time management policy that
values employees' freedom to manage their own schedules. In essence, the organizational
culture affects the way people do their work and interact with one another and with

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2. Planning for Change

The business world changes rapidly. New technology is introduced, employees come and
go, and the finances of the company fluctuate. HR's role in helping to stabilize the
company for change cannot be understated. Planning for change means helping
employees understand their roles in the larger picture of the company. It's about building
bridges between departments and managers and getting people to talk about "what-if"
situations. HR takes this information and develops a management plan for disasters, for
changes in workflow and for reassuring employees in times of crises or frightening

3. Training and Development

Almost all employees , even ones that are highly educated or skilled, require some
level of training because each organization runs things in a different way. Policies
and procedures need to be firmly communicated to employees as part of their on-
boarding process. The HR management system is also responsible for ongoing
employee development. This continuing education keep employees skill fresh so
they bring new and Innovative ideas to the workplace.

4. Health and Safety

The HR management system plays a key role in ensuring health and safety in the
workplace. This can be achieved through policies and procedures, but the HR function
may go a step further to make sure employees understand the risks of certain activities.
For example, if there is heavy machinery in the office, HR can post warning signs and
posters listing the steps to take in case of an emergency. This minimizes the possibility
that an accident will occur and helps to eliminate any subsequent legal action that might
be taken against the company.
5. Recruitment and Retention
While recruitment and retention may seem like a given for HR management systems, it is
the anchor of all HR's policies and systems. Finding qualified workers, keeping them
engaged with the company, training them to effectively do their jobs and providing
incentives for further education, benefits and compensation are all drivers to
organizational success and should be constantly on the minds of HR managers.

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Employee satisfaction is the terminology used to describe whether employees are happy
and contented and fulfilling their desires and needs at work. Many measures purport
that employee satisfaction is a factor in employee motivation, employee goal
achievement, and positive employee morale in the workplace.



1) Increased involvement:
Surveying are the best possible way to get in to the heart of every employee and knowing
what problems they are actually facing and trying really hard to help them get rid of such
problems. For majority of employee it becomes very difficult to put forward their
problems before their boss. Survey helps anonymously saying things they wish to say and
what changes they want or what are they feeling with the workforce they are associated
with. It is easy and involves involvement from a number of employees.

2) A great medium for communication:

Employee satisfaction surveys are a way employees can communicate with the managers
or upper class of people working with them in the same organization for the up liftment
of the organization. Survey helps in creating a line of communication between different
groups of people working in any company. As the surveys are done anonymously there is
no threat for any individual to put the things they are feeling or wanting to say without
being judged by those feedbacks. It is best for the means of communication.

3) An improvised approach:

Make the employees raise their voice over the issues they want to bring to the company
and those they have been holding back from a l ong time. The employee satisfaction
survey helps then individual employee to mark their presence for making any desirable
change they want to execute in the organization. The feedbacks being provided are taken

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up seriously by the higher authorities so that they can provide a feasible solution that will
benefit both the employees as well as the organization.

4) Anonymous:

Majority of employees working in any organization doesnt want to state their true
emotions about what are they feeling towards their job to be shared as they have a fear of
being criticized. This is a common fear occurring in almost every employees mind. This
anonymously giving opinion through survey helps them to speak their heart out without
any fear. They will give the survey with utmost honesty and wont bring any topic other
than what concerns about themselves. This becomes valuable as the survey helps in
focusing of some points which cause trouble either to that particular employee or the
company indirectly.

5) Flexibility:

The surveys are so designed that they will serve more flexibility to the end user or the
employee in their specific work place. If a survey is being made that highlights the
employee satisfaction which will help the management of the company to know what
makes the employee working under them delighted or sad about anything that concerns
their work place. With a strong opinion one can help the company to plan and manage the
relevant changes in their work plan and bring out the best from every employee.

6) Creative:

When the employee working in any organization is asked for any help regarding anything
or if their opinions are asked through any survey, it is a boon for the organization as
every individual is different. Everyone will have their own thought about the problem and
their very own conclusions as well this will eventually help in the formulation of a better,
new and improvised plan which will ultimately reflect the growth of the company.

7) Better understanding:

While conducting any employee survey in the organizations, various message passing to
the employees or other people associated with the organization whose opinions and
thoughts are important for the growth of the company are always valued by any
company. This helps in the proper management and deliverance of individual employees

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growth and also helps the employees an ease in taking their true opinions through survey
that are executed in the organization. Employees will come to know what help and how
that can help the employees to increase their growth exponentially.

8) Delicate:

If any employee working for the organization is feeling unhappy, lost focus or being used
by the other employees or any higher authority, she/he might be finding it difficult to say
what their concerns are face to face. This delicacy should not affect the growth of the
organization. This is one important aspect of conducting surveys.

9) Helpful:

Survey employee satisfaction helps both the company and the employee to seek and
devote energy and time in doing they are prescribed to do. The survey is fruitful for the
company in various possible ways and for the employees as well. They can maintain and
manage the regularity of the organization and the different employee will serve their
purpose of devotion with honesty and putting forward their opinions.

10) Creative:

Every individual or every employee will serve for the best of the growth of the
organization and this creative approach helps them to grow more and better in many
ways. This creativity helps the employee to understand every problem and think out of
the box to provide the solution for it. This creativity helps them the organization for a
better up liftment and ultimately helps the employee to understand the company more and
the people working there.


1) Increased quantity but no quality questions:

Often in various employee satisfactions survey questions being asked are not what the
organization should aim at asking. There are often times when the number of question
was more than 10 which loses an employees lack of interest and eventually she/he just
tick without even reading the question and hence the employee satisfaction survey
purpose behind taking such surveys goes in vain.

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2) Once an year conduction:

The employee satisfaction takes place in majority of the organization only once in an year
which means that the employee can only say about their problem once every year and
whose solution is also not fixed. Often it is seen the employee who has asked for a
change has left the organization. The amount of time any survey took place and the time
needed to process that task is way too much.

3) Unsatisfied employees:

The major drawback is that the surveys dont actually measure how satisfied the people
are at workforce they are working. While being happy and satisfied are apparently almost
related entities, they are different and have their importance in every aspect. Apparently,
job satisfaction is the most important thing considered at any job. While considering all
the advantages and disadvantages, what every employee thinks about the job is more
important which is majority of the times ignored.

4) Time consuming:

The survey takes place in various work forces, it takes a hell lot amount of time in
displaying its result. If any survey is being made in the month of February then its result
might come in the end of October or December which should not be the case . The time
the results get out, not everyone remembers the questions that were being asked in the
survey and hence its purpose becomes unsuccessful.

5) No fruitful result:

The survey aims at providing solution to the employee by considering their problems and
asking for their opinion to help them change those but what actually happens is
something totally different. The company is too rigid to make any changes and they will
eventually do what they aim at doing. The companies just create an imaginary vision but
actually just manage the tasks what they actually want to perform.

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6) Negativity:

The survey doesnt pinpoint the actual problem so that can help for fixing it both rather
they misuse this concept. But they just spread the negativity by not focusing on the actual
problem. The company neglects the opportunity they had for the upliftment of the
company and spread them to the best of every employees work but it all just goes in
vain. Some team member becomes happy if they got the desired output they were asking
for, while some are given no attention. Every focus turns to be more on lowering down
the total score of the team.

7) No growth of the employee:

The survey responses make it very biased and there are companies where they
intentionally ask the employees to mention their name while taking the survey and this
way they can easily approve the voices of the ones who are the companys favorite and
hence ignoring the suggestions of the rest of the employees. The response rate with which
the results are being announced is tremendously low and often helps no one. The growth
of the employee hinders.

8) No ownership:

The survey takes place for the whole employees and not for any individual but problem
arises when there is involvement of various other people working under the solution of
the problem behind the asked questions in any survey. Nobody takes the ownership but
rather is busy in doing something or the other to grab the attention of the company and in
return provide the outcomes that are best for their personal benefit.

9) Survey failure:

The more the number of questions will be, the more will be the chances of its failure. The
important point to consider is to find a balance between the surveys and avoiding any
chaos that can happen. The survey tends to avoid planning for the results and eventually
the last survey overlaps the new and no conclusion drives to be seen. The engagement of
the employee is a good way of seeing a stand-alone solution for a problem but after the
survey gets implemented no solution actually happens

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10) No personal profit:

The job satisfaction surveys are very much useless and often no result tends to be
happening after taking tons of survey every year and they are just meant for personal
benefit of the company and fooling around the employee working under them. It is easy
to sigh off the survey and not giving the appropriate answers to the questions. No
workplace feels or says the things an employee is actually feeling or wanted to say.
Everybody wants something or the other to be done but rarely anything happens.


1. You can maintain retention ratio in Company.

2. No need to hire a new bunch of candidate periodically.
3. Money spent on training new candidates and recruitment of new candidates can
be saved extensively.
4. They would try to produce better results in order to get appreciation from the
5. It helps the company in getting better services and products from its employees.
6. He deals with customers in a better way and builds strong relations with them.
7. The employee starts feeling a sense of responsibility towards the organization.
8. It play very important role in productivity of employee and you can achieve your
desire goal.


1. Rapidly growing organization.

When an organization is growing quickly, it is critical to find out how employees feel
about their jobs, the organization, and their fit and future within it.

2. High or growing turnover rate.

While some industries have a naturally high turnover, growing turnover is a problem for
any organization. If your absolute level of turnover exceeds the industry average, you
have a problem that an employee satisfaction survey is the first step to solving.

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3. Excessive rumors.

A strong rumor mill is symptomatic of other problems in the organization. These can
include communications, trust, and fear. Only a survey can uncover the extent to which
any of these issues exists

4. Planned or recent organizational changes, including change of leadership.

Change can be difficult for many people. If not handled properly, productivity and profits
can decline.

5. Highly competitive industry.

In a highly competitive industry, turnover minimization and productivity and creativity

maximization are keys to success. Staying in touch with employees is necessary to
facilitate continued competitiveness.

6. Contemplated changes in pay and benefits.

You must know what needs to be "fixed" and how much "fixing" it needs to maximize
return on invested money and people resources.


1. Evaluate Methods
When a company runs efficiently, it avoids wasted time and efforts. Often, management
does not know how effective tools and methods are, because the employees are the ones
working with the tools on a regular basis. One objective for an employee satisfaction
survey is to identify problem areas that management may not be aware of. For example,
ask questions about the effectiveness of current tools, equipment and communication
procedures. Determine whether training methods and materials are beneficial to the

2. Evaluate Employee Perception

Often, out of fear, an employee conceals how he really feels about the workplace
environment. This leaves management in the dark, which leads to high turnover rates and
low employee morale. To determine employee perceptions, ask questions that allow the

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employee to express his point of view. For example, ask how satisfied he is with internal
opportunities for growth or promotion, coaching and development programs,
management and supervisor attitudes, company benefits, employee rewards and
recognition programs.

3. Get Details
It is common for employees to select a rating for each survey question. However, instead
of just getting a rating, you should also get the details. The details let you know why an
employee selects a specific rating. To get the details, it is necessary to ask open-ended
questions that allow the employee to provide comments and feedback. If you want honest
feedback on the survey, consider giving employees the option to remain anonymous. If
the employee has to reveal his identity, he may not be honest about his true feelings, due
to fear of ramifications.

4. Survey Methods
The two methods you can use to survey employees are interview or questionnaire. With
an interview survey, you sit down with the employee to get verbal feedback. With the
questionnaire, the employee completes the survey and submits it to you via paper or
electronic format. Though the questionnaire survey is time consuming for management,
the answers tend to be more honest. To increase employee honesty during interview
surveys, consider outsourcing a non-biased third-party company to conduct the interview


1. Passionate
Good employees who stay at a company are passionate about their work and their
company. Finding passion in an interview can be tricky. Hopefully, all your interviewees
seem passionate about the job (and if they dont then that is an immediate red flag), but
your job is to separate fake passion from real passion. More importantly, to find the
people who can use their passion for their work.

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2. Communication Skills

Companies are built by great employees who can work well together. That is built by
strong communication. That is just internally, your companys external success in sales,
marketing, PR, and any kind of collaboration is also dependent on your
employees ability to communicate well. This isnt just expressing ideas coherently, it
also requires the ability to listen to others and respond effectively.

3. Goal Oriented

To grow your small business youve got to have goals. To reach your goals, you
need goal-oriented people, employees who dont get bogged down in the muck of office
politics or taking credit but are committed to getting the job done and achieving the goal.

4. Organized and Detail Focused

A good communicator who is also a go getter is great, but not if they get lost in the
details and cant stay organized. When a small business is trying to grow employees often
need to deliver on many fronts and the bosses cant be micromanaging. 5. Adaptable

Business is unpredictable and circumstances are constantly changing. The business

environment is always evolving and small businesses are hopefully growing and
maturing quickly. Good employees need to be able to adapt to new situations and grow
with your business. You dont want team members who are stuck in their ways.

6. Creative

Companies always need creative team members to help find new solutions. One of the
benefits of new hires is new ideas, but to make sure you get new ideas you need creative

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A typical employee satisfaction survey process is shown below:
1. Agree scope, employee satisfaction survey timings, required employee satisfaction
survey analysis
2. Design employee satisfaction survey questionnaire
3. Employee satisfaction survey questionnaire proof to client
4. Finalize employee satisfaction survey questionnaire (question order, content and
5. Finalize employee satisfaction survey reporting style and content
6. Client informs employees of employee satisfaction survey - Mackman Research
provide template
7. Employee satisfaction survey set-up and testing
8. Mackman Research launch online employee satisfaction survey and capture data
9. Conduct 10% validity checks
10. Analysis of data, prepare employee satisfaction survey final report
11. Deliver employee satisfaction survey findings / forward report


By now everyone knows that employee surveys are a fantastic way to gauge and improve
employee satisfaction. But performing a survey isnt enough. You must properly
understand and analyze the surveys correctly.

1. Before You Begin

To get started, youll first want to go back to the beginning when you were first creating
the survey. Try to remember why you started this process. What were the goals of the
survey? What was the scope of this project in general? Its important to keep these things
in mind as you begin to analyze the data collected. Otherwise, you may find yourself
reading something into the data that isnt actually there. You dont want to try to answer
questions that werent actually asked. If you realize you missed asking a crucial question,
make note of it. It can be included in the next survey, but it cant be addressed with the
current results.

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2. Compile and Review

All survey information should be gathered and prepared for a general review. You arent
just reviewing the data, but also how it was collected and from whom. Consider which
department respondents were from, how and when the survey was completed, and how
many people actually responded as a whole. This review is necessary to ensure the data
you collected is valuable and worth analyzing. If there was a low response rate or a
disproportionate response rate among various departments, the survey may need to be
redone to ensure youre getting accurate and valid results.

3. Edit and Clean

Before diving into the analysis, data needs to be edited and cleaned up. This just means
making sure the data is accurate and no mistakes are included, like the same employee
filling out more than one survey or survey answers being counted multiple times. It may
seem like an unnecessary step, but ensuring the data is clean before analyzing will give
you the most accurate results possible

4. Analyze
Now that you have valuable clean data, its time to start your analysis. First, evaluate the
data and look for trends. These can show specific areas of concern and indicate where
improvement may be needed. More detailed analysis can be done to evaluate the data,
like cross-tabulation, filtering, and graphical analysis. If this isnt the first survey, you
can use previous surveys as benchmarks to compare the results. If this is the first survey,
keep all data and subsequent analysis to be used in the future.

Hopefully your survey results in a treasure of data, and once it is interpreted and sorted
into usable information it can be used to improve the workplace, employee
communication, and overall employee satisfaction. After all, the point of these surveys is
to understand what action needs to take place to improve employee satisfaction.

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Research design is a purposeful activity proposed to be carried out in a sequence during the
process of research focusing on the management problem. Its only a guideline for the researcher
to enable him to keep track of his actions and to know whether he was moving in the right
direction or not to achieve his goal
Research design is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted. It
constitutes the blue print for collection, measurement and analysis of data. It indicates a
plan of action, to be carried out in connection with a proposed research work. It provides
guidelines for research work.


Banashankari, Bangalore 560078.


The purpose of the study is to find out whether the HR policies followed by SAGAR
HOSPITALS have satisfied the employees or not?
The research is basically being done to find out what influences the satisfaction of the
employees that bear on the organization. Only with the help of this study on employee
satisfaction we can analyze if the company has been successful in the HR practices its
been following and if not what are the means to make it successful so that the potentiality
and profitability is increased and the gap between the employees and management is


1. To study the composition of employer and employee relation existing in the

2. To know the facilities provided to the employees as well as the public by the

3. To study the statutory and non statutory welfare practices adopted by the organization.

4. To study the various factors which influencing employee.

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Employee satisfaction


The survey includes primary data collection technique by using methods such as

1. Questionnaire
2. Observations
3. Direct interview etc.


In secondary source of data collection method various information sources like

1. Books
2. Websites
3. Company records
This involves the preparation of written questionnaires, and having it filled from the
sample population. The data collection is presented with the help of tables and graphs.


Data was collected through random sampling method. The employees were selected at
random to answer the questionnaire.

SAMPLING SIZE: The sampling size was 150.


1. The study is limited in a particular organization.
2. Limited period of time and money.
3. Sample unit is limited.
4. The experience of the researcher may hinder the quality of analysis.
5. The study cannot be generalized to the industry.

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Creating a premier, patient focused and integrated Health Care delivery system and
achieving excellence in patient care and Medical Education.


To serve the needs of the society and to provide integrated and cost effective
quality health care . To expand the boundaries of Medical Science through research,
and training the next generation of health care professionals.


Sagar Hospital is a very popular hospital and one of the best hospitals for its
experienced senior doctors and modern advancements in clinical research in the city
of Bangalore in Karnataka. The hospital is governed by Sagar business group of
Bangalore. The hospital started functioning in the year of 1982 with the aim to
serve the people of Bangalore city and surrounding areas with the expert team of
doctors and all the latest technologies. The hospital has experienced and dedicated
doctors in the following medical departments- Laparoscopic Surgery, Pediatric care ,
Cardiology. Sagar Hospital, which is in Kumaraswamy layout found in the following
Address: Shavige Malleshwara Hills, Banashankari, Kumaraswamy Layout, Bangalore,
Karnataka .
Facilities information of sagar hospital is Enough beds , Specialists, Private deluxe
rooms, Luxurious presidential suites, Spacious single rooms , Comfortable semi private
beds, General ward beds, Day and night Cafeteria , Private rooms, Consulting rooms
with spacious Patient waiting lounge, Day care center.
Diagnostics and Treatment services are Intensive Care beds, Operating theatres, Day
care unit, Neonatal unit, Birthing suite, Yoga and Physiotherapy, 24 hour pharmacy,
Laboratory, Ambulance and Blood bank, State of the Art , Cath lab, Cubicle ICUS,
Robotic Enabled OT, Minimally Invasive Surgical OT with L.E.D. Lights, Slice Cardiac
CT, Tesla MRI with Total Imaging Matrix .


The Sagar Hospitals is a landmark healthcare services institution that enjoys a unique
reputation of being a popular destination for both Indian and international patients
seeking treatment at an affordable cost. The Sagar Hospitals has lent its unique dimension

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Employee satisfaction

of human touch to the complex science of healthcare. The Sagar Hospitals mission is to
maintain high degree of quality and care to any patient seeking medical aid is sacroscant
to its highly acclaimed and equipped team.

Bangalore, now boasts of Sagar Hospitals two tertiary care multi-specialty hospitals at
Jayanagar (JNR) with 200 beds and Banashankari (BSK) with 415 beds and four clinics
and the professionalism of its consultants and surgeons that compares well with their
international peers. In a short time, Sagar Hospitals have performed surgeries, some of
them rare in nature exemplifying the innovative application of the latest knowledge in
medicine. It is supported by a chain of pharmacies for the convenience of patients.
Some of its recent feats have underlined its high sense of commitment to taking
challenging cases with a sense of confidence and zeal.
A deft corrective life saving surgical treatment for a child with a congenital heart
illustrates the abilities of its professionals.
A miraculous muscle flap plastic surgery restored the hope of movement to a
child, after being run over by a motor vehicle.
A Total Knee Replacement by its Orthopedic Department exemplifies its surgical
The nursing staff, a product of Sagar Groups own nursing school lends to the
atmosphere of caring and competence towards providing the best medical care for
its patients.

Sagar Hospitals is well equipped with the state-of-the-art medical equipments. A 128
Slice CT Scan that helps achieve a high degree of efficiency and accuracy in diagnostic
procedures for cardiac and other arterial problems, the imaginative concept of `Birthing
Suite` , a fore runner has set standards for pre and post natal care for the modern woman.

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Employee satisfaction

Facilities like video conferencing with relatives living in any part of the globe from the
ICUs sophisticated cubicles provide a new experience to patients. The hospitals Green
Light Laser Surgery facility, the first in India, for treating patients of benign prostate
hyperglasia and reduce their in-hospital stay duration and thereby cost. Its well planned
nursing wards and deluxe suites with a high degree of attention to hygiene and ambiance
help the recuperating patients be in a pleasant environment.

The Sagar Hospitals,Banashankari has been empanelled for extending treatment under
the Tamil Nadu, Government`s Kalaingar Insurance Scheme for Life Saving Treatments.
The Banashankari facility also treats patients under other government welfare schemes
like the Vajpayee Arogya Shree ,Suvarna Arogya Chaitanya and student dependents of
the BPL Card holders. Both the hospitals of Jayanagar and Banashankari, have treated
over a million in-patients for over a decade now.

Sagar Hospitals-Jayanagar is NABH, NABL accredited and ISO 9001certified .Globally,
ISO 9001 has been established as the most fundamental quality management system. ISO
9001 emphasizes customer satisfaction and continual improvement for sustained growth
of the business.
NABL, National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories is an
autonomous body that has been established with the objective to provide Government,
Industry Associations and Industry in general with a scheme for third-party assessment of
the quality and technical competence of testing and calibration laboratories.


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At the turn of the millennium, the Sagar Group and Apollo Hospitals Group came
together to set up this bed facility in the city one of the numerous efforts of that time that
has given the present shape to Indian healthcare scene. Five years down the line, the bed
strength remains the same; the popularity and revenue have surely increased.
Through details werent revealed, Dr Sagar confirms that the Hospital is one of the best
performers in terms of revenue.
The growth, however, has been gradual. Every Greenfield project takes time to take off
to its potential. It took 1.5-2 years for us to fill our beds, says Dr Sagar. But for the last
two years, our beds have been consistently full, he adds. The space constraint in the
existing unit has been the only hiccup in its expansion. Never the less, such hindrances
have been overcome and a new number of beds unit with state-of-the-art technology is
about to start functioning very soon. Through the years of its existence.
The Hospital claims to have been the first in many-from innovations in the years of its
The Hospital claims to have been the first in many from innovations in treatment to
implementation of the latest technology. We were the first in the country to perform a
radical prostrate echtomy and facial nerve reconstruction and the first in Karnataka to do
a bone marrow transplant. Four years back, when we installed the tesla MRI, we were the
first in the entire South East Asia, claims Dr Sagar.
Like most other institutions in the sector, the last few years have been largely trouble
free and smooth sailing for the Hospital. In this case, these have been the years of the
Hospitals existence and a booming industry right in the initial stages is a lot more than
anyone can ask for.
We have not had any major obstacles and it has been quite smooth, says Dr Sagar.
Going forward, plans are to introduce robotic surgery in the new unit that is being set up.
In addition, as part of the expansion plan units are proposed to be set up in Dubai and
Bahrain. Within India, the focus is on tier-II and III cities for developing more such units.

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The Sagar Hospitals is the 9th in India to receive NABH accreditation, the only
national body for Accreditation of Medical establishments.
Laboratories accredited by NABL, the only national body for Accreditation of
Medical laboratories.
1st in the state to do Bone Marrow Transplant.
1st in India to do Laparoscopic Radical Prostactomy.
1st in South India to do Spinal Cord Stimulation for Intractable Angina.
1st in the state to do Combo Device Implantation.
1st to provide the Video Conferencing facility, this enables you to connect to your
near and dear ones anywhere in the world.
1st to commission the Robotic Enabled OT facility.
1st hospital to provide 128 Slice Cardiac CT.
1st hospital to provide Green Light laser for enlarged prostate.
1st hospital to provide Advanced MRI with Total Imaging Matrix (TIM).
1st hospital to conceptualise Birthing suite.
The Sagar GroupDSI institutions became the 1st institution in South India to
organize the International Conference on Carcinogenesis in collaboration with
Carcinogenesis Foundation,USA


Cover My Meds
Prescribers & Pharmacists.

Health Care Logistics
Distributor of over 8,000 Unique & Hard-to-Find health care products.

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Multi-World Technologies
Multi-World Technologies, LLC | Secure Solutions for Your World.


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Special Services

Home Health care:

The Sagar Hospitals pioneered the Home Health Care service program, the 1st of its kind
in Karnataka, made available to the Bangaloreans , particularly for the Senior Citizens
and the immobile. A dedicated team of 25 people have been deployed constituting
skilled nurses, Physiotherapists, paramedical staff and courier boy for the door-to-door
service to physically examine, collect blood samples and to extend personal assistance for
any additional service. All the reports pertaining to Home Health care would be delivered
at the door step latest by the same evening*.

To avail this Home Health Care Facility Please call:

+91-80- 42888777, +91 96866 97452,+91 96866 97458

Sagar Day Care Centre:

The Sagar Hospitals pioneered the concept of Day Care (Short Stay Service) dedicated to
handle patients with a swift efficient treatment by a dedicated team of doctors and nurses
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Employee satisfaction

.Such a service enjoys a unique reputation of being popular destination for both Indian
and International Patients.

Medical Services Development Team at Jayanagar:

Mr.Padmanabhan, PSUs, CGHS & CGHS related central & State Corporate, ESI & Local
Govt. Bodies, +91 9591991894 ,

For Services towards Private Corporate, +91 9591991816, +919591991811,

For Services towards Banks, +919591991886,

For Services towards Doctor Relations, +91 9591991843, +91 9686697483,

Medical Services Development Team at Banashankari:

Mr.C Manjunath, HOD & Corporate Relations, PSUs, CGHS & CGHS related central &
State Corporate, ESI & LocalGovt.,+919591991899,

For Services towards Doctor Relations, +91 9591991806








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Cardiac Sciences

The Cardiology Department at Sagar Hospitals provides complete cardiac care, which
includes both elective and emergency care by a dedicated team of cardiologists, cardio-
thoracic surgeons, interventional cardiologists, cardiology technicians, and paramedical
staff. Comprehensive care is also offered for a range of noninvasive investigational
facilities, cardiac catheterization, and interventional cardiology procedures.
The cardiac Cath Lab at Sagar Hospitals is an ultra-modern digital flat panel - Axiom
Artis Zee by Siemens with comprehensive facilities for performing all diagnostic and
interventional procedures.
Interventional procedures performed routinely in the department include:
Angioplasty and stenting,
Permanent pacemaker implantation,
Coronary and peripheral angiogram,
Device closure for congenital heart disease,
Pacemaker implantation,
Heart failure device therapy,
Intra-aortic balloon pump, and
Complex congenital cardiac surgeries.

Minimal Invasive Surgery (MIS)

A minimally invasive surgery refers to a procedure that is less invasive than a

general open surgery and typically involves usage of laparoscopic devices , remote-
controlled instruments , indirect observation through an endoscope etc. ,a surgery carried
out through the body cavity, skin or any anatomical opening ,resulting in shorter
hospital stays, with conscious effort towards outpatient treatment.

The Sagar Hospitals has pioneered work in this field by usage of latest laparoscope
enabling robotic surgery, remote controlled manipulation of instruments with indirect
observation that results in cleaner OTs.

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 40

Employee satisfaction


The Neuroscience Department at Sagar Hospitals provides expert care to neurological,

neurosurgical, and psychiatric patients both in adult and pediatric neurology.

The neuro team comprising some of the best neurosurgeons and neurologists works to
comprehensively treat and provide the expert care for patients suffering from
neurological problems like epilepsy, movement disorder (Parkinsons disease), cerebral
stroke, cranio-spinal infection, degenerative disorders, chronic headache, and migraine.
The team has successfully carried several spinal implant surgeries for spasticity. Sagar
Hospitals is one of the few tertiary hospitals with a history of successfully treating intra-
arterial and intra-venous thrombolysis and it is backed by an excellent intensive care and
rehab facility.

Effective management of acute strokes with clot busters or intervention is done using the
latest technology in imaging. The neurological labs are fully equipped to diagnose, using
EEG for evaluation of seizure and epilepsy,

Unexplained episodes of unconsciousness and coma ENMG system

Muscle disease (ENMG),

Neuropathies and peripheral nerve disorder (NCV), and Evoked potentials for
visual pathway (VEP), for hearing (BAER), and for sensory pathway assessment (SSEP).


Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics

Women epitomize care and are often referred to as an ocean of love. At Sagar Hospitals,
our Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics departments offer an array of medical
services to ensure good health and well being of women and children who bring love and
cheer in to our lives.

The OBG department at Sagar Hospitals specializes in:

antenatal care of Expectant mothers

gynecological problems
problems associated with menarche, menopause
loop insertion and removal

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 41

Employee satisfaction

The OBG department at Sagar Hospitals has established sub specialities namely:

Fetal medicine
Gynaec Endoscopic surgery
Gynaec Oncology Services

The Sagar group was the first to establish concept of Birthing Suites in Bangalore. So
far we have done more than thousand deliveries in LDRP suites to our credit and the
department also runs high risk pregnancy clinics focuses on minimal invasive gyanac lap
surgery and infertility clinic.

The List of extensive OBG Procedures performed at the Sagar Hospitals:

Infertility workup
Operative and Diagnostic Laparoscopy
Normal and assisted deliveries
Ceasarian delivery
Hystectomy- Abdominal / Vaginal / Lap assisted hystectomy / Total Laproscopic
Onco surgeries for CA CX/ cancer of uterus and ovarian cancer.
Patient education series- Antenatal Lamaze classes
Preventive gynocare Pap Smear / Breast examination and Mammography


Urology and Department of Nephrology

At the Sagar Hospitals, our Urology and Nephrology departments understand the
predicament and strive to bring a feeling of comfort and solace to many of our patients by
extending our expertise in providing prompt and proper diagnosis, followed by
appropriate treatment. We are well equipped with sophisticated lasers and advanced
laparoscopy equipment to perform complicated kidney transplantations with precision

All possible surgeries that can contemplated including

advance laparoscopic procedures

Laparoscopy Donor-nephrectomy,
Laparoscopy Radical Nephrectomy
Laparoscopic radical Prostatectomy ,

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 42

Employee satisfaction

are performed at the Sagar Hospitals. We are fully geared to perform all endoscopic
procedures which include:

diagnostic cystoscopy
Surgical tackling of all possible stones including laser lithotripsy (Holmium)

3 years back we have embarked on using the latest Green light Laser Therapy for
vaporization of prostate.

We have to date more than 300 procedures with the same technology with astoundingly
happy results. We regularly carry out infertility work, impotence work (Male infertility).
We regularly carry out adultpaediatrics cadaveric kidney transplantation at our hospitals
and endeavoured in a completing a joint study with a Cardio-Thoracic surgeon for
conducting transplant with bypass surgery.



Children with hormonal problems like growth hormone deficiency, early/late puberty,
uncertain sex at birth, etc suffer social stigma. At the Sagar Hospitals, our medical
professionals of the Juvenile Endocrinology department treat and counsel such children
with understanding and affection. We provide appropriate treatment for such hormonal
imbalances and enable them to regain their self worth to become productive individuals
in the main stream.


Diagnostics and Emergency

In emergency situations, even a minutes delay could tip the critical balance between life
and death. At the Sagar Hospitals, our Emergency and Diagnostic departments reaffirm
the faith of the people who seek our assistance in their hour of need. Our promptness in
attending to critical emergency cases within 7 minutes of their arrival is our promise and
a world standard. Sagar hospitals well equipped diagnostic facilities aid in making quick
and proper diagnosis which enable our doctors to save lives round-the-clock.

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 43

Employee satisfaction


Leave Policy
Insurance Policy
Attendance Policy
Salary & Compensation
Training & Development Policy
Performance Appraisal Policy
Employee Recreation Policy
Grievance Handling Procedure
Relieving Policy

The following are the policies adopted by sagar hospital are discussed in detail:-


Casual Leave (CL) : 12 days per year

Sick Leave (SL) : 12 days per year

Earned Leave (EL) : 15 days (after completion of one year of service)

Maternity Leave : 84 days (12 Weeks)

Compensatory off : 1 Month Validity


Mediclaim Group Insurance Policy (Self, Spouse & Children)

Individual Accident Policy


Salary link to Biometric Attendance

Employees should not forget to mark your Attendance both Time-in & Time-out

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 44

Employee satisfaction


Salary is paid on 1st of every month.

Salary is to be treated as confidential information and no communication is to be

done with colleagues and other staff.


Internal Training

External Training

On the job Training (OJT)

In-house Training


Performance Appraisal is done once in a year.

How do they access you?



Personal attribute




Birthdays are celebrated on the last day of every month.

Star of the month

The award is given to the employee for his/her outstanding performance in that
particular month.

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 45

Employee satisfaction





Resignation letter

Approval of Resignation Letter

Training of Substitute of Reliever

Handing Over

Clearance Form

Exit Interview Form

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 46

Employee satisfaction



Sagar Hospital is the second hospital in Karnataka and 10th hospital in India to
receive the NABH accreditation, the only national recognition body for medical
Laboratories accredited by NABH, the only national body for accreditation of
medical laboratories
First hospital in the state of Karnataka to perform a bone marrow
First hospital in India to do laparoscopic radical prostactomy
First hospital in south India to do spinal code stimulation for intractable angina


First hospital to conceptualize birthing suite in Karnataka

First hospital to provide the Video Conferencing facility, which enables you to
connect to your near and dear ones anywhere in the world
First hospital to enable the Robotic Enabled OT facility
First hospital in the state of Karnataka to provide 128 Cardiac Slice CT
First hospital to provide Green Light laser for enlarged prostates, which would
give minimal cuts on the body
First to provide the facility of advanced MRI with Total Imaging Matrix (TIM)
More importantly , the sagar hospitals respects individuals privacy, hence the
hospital has implemented one of its kinds Cubicle ICUs providing complete
privacy with an ambience of home.


NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 47

Employee satisfaction


CIN U85110TG1988PTC008174



Company Status Strike Off

RoC RoC-Hyderabad

Registration 8174

Company Category Company limited by Shares

Company Sub Non-govt company


Class of Company Private

Date of 11 January 1988


Age of Company 28 years, 11 month, 6 days

Activity Human health activities

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 48

Employee satisfaction



Shri R. Dayananda Sagar: Barrister, Graduated in Arts and Commerce, Fellow of the
Royal College of Economics (England), a Bar-at- Law, Founded the Sagar Group in
1960. The group pioneered in Education more than five decades back. In memory of the
Father of the Nation, Sri R. Dayananda Sagar founded the Mahatma Gandhi Vidya
Peetha Trust, which today runs over 30 institutions ranging from primary education to
doctoral levels offering 100+ courses at DSI.


Dr. Chandramma Sagar, MBBS, FRCS (London) FRCS (Edin), FRCS (Glasgow): A
doctor by profession. She was the first lady in India to complete triple FRCS from the
UK and who went on to become a nationally renowned physician. A gold medalist from
the Mysore Medical College Dr. Chandramma Sagar served as Dean of Vani Vilas
Hospital, Bangalore and served as Honorary Surgeon to three former Presidents of India
and three Governors of the State. The group ventured into healthcare services in 1960
under the qualified leadership of Dr. Chandramma Sagar.

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 49

Employee satisfaction

1.1 Table showing the employees opinion on how fairly their performance
is evaluated.
Options No of respondents Percentage (%)
Strongly agree 43 28.7
Agree 97 64.7
Disagree 9 6
Strongly disagree 0 0
Do not wish to answer 1 0.6
Total 150 100

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 50

Employee satisfaction

2.1 Chart showing the employees opinion on how fairly their performance
is evaluated.

No of Respondents



no of respondents


strongly agree agree disagree strongly do not wish to
disagree answer

From the above table we can analyze that 43 respondents strongly agree, 97 respondents
agree, 9 respondents disagree, 0 respondents strongly disagree, and 1 respondent do not
wish to answer how fairly their performance is evaluated.

From the above table we interpret that 64.7% agree, that employees performance is
evaluated fairly and 28.7% strongly agree, 6% disagree.

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 51

Employee satisfaction

1.2 Table showing the employees opinion, are they feeling free to ask
advice or support from their superiors

Options No of respondents Percentage (%)

Strongly agree 66 44
Agree 74 49.4
Disagree 10 6.6
Strongly disagree 0 0
Do not wish to answer 0 0
Total 150 100

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 52

Employee satisfaction

2.2Chart showing the employees opinion, are they feeling free to ask
advice or support from their superiors

Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
do not wish to answer

From the above table we can analyze that 66 respondents strongly agree that employees
are feeling free to ask advice or support from their superiors, 74 respondents agree, 10
respondents disagree and 0 respondents strongly disagree and do not wish to answer.

From the above table we can interpret that 49.4% agree that the employees feel free to
ask advice or support from their superiors and 44% strongly agree and 6.6% disagree.

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 53

Employee satisfaction

1.3 Table showing employees opinion is their knowledge and skills fully

Options No of respondents Percentage(%)

Strongly agree 60 40
Agree 83 55.34
Disagree 3 2
Strongly disagree 2 1.33
Do not wish to answer 2 1.33
Total 150 100

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 54

Employee satisfaction

2.3 Chart showing employees opinion is their knowledge and skills fully

No of Respondents





40 no of respondents




strongly agree agree disagree strongly do not wish to
disagree answer

From the above table we can analyze that 60 respondents strongly agree that employees
knowledge and skills are fully utilized and 83 respondents agree, and3 respondents
disagree, 2 respondents strongly disagree and do not wish to answer.

From the above we can interpret that 55.34%agree that the employees knowledge and
skills are fully utilized at their work place and 40% strongly agree and 2% disagree.

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 55

Employee satisfaction

1.4 Table showing whether the employees receive on the job training to do
a good job.

Options No of respondents Percentage(%)

Strongly agree 72 48
Agree 66 44
Disagree 6 4
Strongly disagree 3 2
Do not wish to answer 3 2
Total 150 100

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 56

Employee satisfaction

2.4 Chart showing whether the employees receive on the job training to do
a good job.

No of Respondents




no of respondents



strongly agree agree disagree strongly do not wish to
disagree answer

From the above table we can analyze that 72 respondents strongly agree that employees
receive on the job training to do a good job , 66 respondents agree, and 6 respondents
disagree, 3 respondents strongly disagree and do not wish to answer

From the above table we can interpret that 48%strongly agree that the employees have
received on the job training to do a good job and 44%agree and 4% disagree .

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 57

Employee satisfaction

1.5 Table showing whether employees appraisal help them to

continuously improve performance.
Options No of Respondents Total

Strongly agree 74 49.34

Agree 59 39.33
Disagree 11 7.33
Strongly disagree 3 2
Do not wish to answer 3 2
Total 150 100

2.5 Chart showing whether employees appraisal help them to

continuously improve performance.

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 58

Employee satisfaction

strongly agree
strongly disagree
do not wish to answer

From the above table we can analyze that 74 respondents strongly agree that employees
appraisal help them to continuously improve their performance and 59 respondents
agree, and 11 respondents disagree, 3 respondents strongly disagree and do not wish to

From the above table we can interpret that 49.34% strongly agree that their appraisal
helps them to continuously improve their performance and 39.33% agree and 7.33%

1.6 Table showing the employees opinion about their satisfaction working
in sagar hospitals

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 59

Employee satisfaction

Options No of respondents Percentage(%)

Very satisfied 63 42
Satisfied 69 46
Dissatisfied 17 11.34
Very dissatisfied 0 0
Not applicable 1 0.66
Total 150 100

2.6 Chart showing the employees opinion about their satisfaction working
in sagar hospitals

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 60

Employee satisfaction

No of Respondents




no of respondents



very satisfied satisfied dissatisfied very not applicable

From the above table we can analyze that 63 respondents very satisfied working in sagar
hospital and 69 respondents satisfied, 17 respondents dissatisfied, 0 respondents very
dissatisfied and 1 respondent not applicable

From the above table we can interpret that 46% are satisfied working in sagar hospital
and 42% very satisfied and 11.34% dissatisfied.

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 61

Employee satisfaction

1.7 Table showing the employees opinion and does their manager treats
them with respect.

Options No of respondents Percentage(%)

Strongly agree 61 40.67
Agree 84 56
Disagree 5 3.33
Strongly disagree 0 0
Do not wish to answer 0 0
Total 150 100

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 62

Employee satisfaction

2.7 Chart showing the employees opinion and does their manager treats
them with respect.

strongly agree
strongly disagree
do not wish to answer

From the above table we can analyze that 61 respondents strongly agree that their
manager treats them with respect and 84 respondents agree, 5 respondents disagree, 0
respondents strongly disagree and do not wish to answer.

From the above table we can interpret that 56% agree that their manager always treats
their employees with respect and 40.67% strongly agree and 3.33% disagree.

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 63

Employee satisfaction

1.8 Table showing does the organization take care of employees health
and safety at the work place.

Options No of respondents Percentage (%)

Strongly agree 50 33.34
Agree 86 57.33
disagree 14 9.33
Strongly disagree 0 0
Do not wish to answer 0 0
Total 150 100

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 64

Employee satisfaction

2.8 Chart showing does the organization take care of employees health
and safety at the work place.

No of Respondents





no of respondents




strongly agree agree disagree strongly do not wish to
disagree answer

From the above table we can analyze that 50 respondents strongly agree that
organization take care of health and safety at sagar hospital and 86 respondents agree, 14
respondents disagree, 0 respondents strongly disagrees and do not wish to answer.

From the above table we can interpret that 57.33% agree that the organization show
concern at their employees for health and safety at work place and 33.34% strongly
agree, 9.33% disagree

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 65

Employee satisfaction

1.9 Table showing employees opinion does the organization show initiative
is encouraged.

Options No of respondents Percentage (%)

Strongly agree 37 24.67

Agree 104 69.34

Disagree 7 4.67

Strongly disagree 1 0.66

Do not wish to answer 1 0.66

Total 150 100

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 66

Employee satisfaction

2.9 Table showing employees opinion does the organization show initiative
is encouraged.

No of Respondents



no of respondents



strongly agree agree disagree strongly do not wish to
disagree answer

From the above table we can analyze that 37 respondents strongly agree that
organization show initiative is encouraged and 104 respondents agree, 7 respondents
disagree, 1 respondent strongly disagree and do not wish to answer.

From the above table we can interpret that 69.34% showing initiative is encouraged for
the employees at their work place and 24.67% strongly agree and 4.67% disagree.

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 67

Employee satisfaction

1.10 Table showing employees opinion, that the organization does not
show any discrimination on the basis of age, religion or disability.

Options No of respondents Percentage (%)

Strongly agree 73 48.67

Agree 70 46.67

Disagree 5 3.33

strongly disagree 0 0
Do not wish to answer 2 1.33

Total 150 100

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 68

Employee satisfaction

2.10) Table showing employees opinion, that the organization does not
show any discrimination on the basis of age, religion or disability.

strongly agree
strongly disagree
do not wish to answer

From the above table we can analyze that 73 respondents strongly agree that the
organization does not show any discrimination on the basis of age, religion or disability
and 70 respondents agree and 5 respondents disagree, 0 respondents strongly disagree
and 2 respondents do not wish to answer.

From the above table we can interpret that 48.67% strongly agree that the management
does not show any discrimination on the basis of age religion or disability of the
employees and 46.67% agree and 3.33% disagree.

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 69

Employee satisfaction

1.11 Table showing the employees opinion about that does the annual
appraisal helps them and their boss to identify and agree and they have
clear performance criteria for the next year.

Options No of respondents Percentage

Strongly agree 44 29.34

Agree 90 60
disagree 9 6
Strongly disagree 6 4
Do not wish to answer 1 0.66
Total 150 100

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 70

Employee satisfaction

2.11 Chart showing the employees opinion about that does the annual
appraisal helps them and their boss to identify and agree and they have
clear performance criteria for the next year.

No of Respondents





no of respondents




strongly agree agree disagree strongly do not wish to
disagree answer

From the above table we can analyze that 44 respondents strongly agree that annual
appraisal help the employees and their boss identify and agree to have a clear
performance criteria for the next year and 90 respondents agree, and 9 respondents
disagree, 6 respondents strongly disagree and 1 respondent do not wish to answer.

From the above table we can interpret that 60% agree that annual appraisal help the
employees and their boss identify and agree and have clear performance criteria for their
next year and 29.34% strongly agree and 6% disagree.

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 71

Employee satisfaction

1.12 Table showing the employees often receives conflicting information

on policies and procedures which affects us such as HR and admin.

Options No of respondents Percentage (%)

Strongly agree 38 25.34

Agree 94 62.67
Disagree 15 10

Strongly disagree 2 1.33

Do not wish to answer 1 0.66

Total 150 100

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 72

Employee satisfaction

2.12 Chart showing the employees often receives conflicting information

on policies and procedures which affects us such as HR and admin.

strongly agree
strongly disagree
do not wish to answer

From the above table we can analyze that 38 respondents strongly agree that employees
often receive conflicting information on policies and procedures which affects us such as
hr and admin and 94 respondents agree and 15 respondents disagree, 2 respondents
strongly disagree and 1 respondent do not wish to answer.

From the above table we can interpret that 62.67%agree that the employees often receive
conflicting information on their policies and procedures which affect us such as hr and
admin and 25.34% strongly agree and 10% disagree.

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 73

Employee satisfaction

1.13 Table showing the employees overall physical working conditions at

their location is satisfactory (ventilation, hygiene, space of work etc).

Options No of respondents Percentage(%)

Very satisfied 54 36

Satisfied 80 53.34

Dissatisfied 12 8

Very dissatisfied 3 2

Not applicable 1 0.66

Total 150 100

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 74

Employee satisfaction

2.13 Chart showing the employees overall physical working conditions at

their location is satisfactory (ventilation, hygiene, space of work etc).

No of Respondents





40 no of respondents




very satisfied satisfied dissatisfied very not applicable

From the above table we can analyze that 36 respondents are very satisfied with the
overall physical working conditions at their location and 80 respondents satisfied and 12
respondents dissatisfied and 3 respondents very dissatisfied and 1 respondent not

From the above table we can interpret that 53.34% are satisfied of the employees
physical working conditions at their location and 36% are very satisfied and 8% are

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 75

Employee satisfaction

1.14 Table showing the employees have the opportunity for personal
development and growth in sagar hospital.

Options No of respondents Percentage(%)

Strongly agree 50 33.34

Agree 91 60.67
Disagree 7 4.67
Strongly disagree 1 0.66
Do not wish to answer 1 0.66
Total 150 100

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 76

Employee satisfaction

2.14 Chart showing the employees have the opportunity for personal
development and growth in sagar hospital.

strongly agree
strongly disagree
do not wish to answer

From the above table we can analyze that 50 respondents strongly agree that employees
have the opportunity for personal development and growth in sagar hospital and 91
respondents agree and 7 respondents disagree, 1 respondent strongly disagree and 1
respondent do not wish to answer.

From the above table we can interpret that 60.67 %agree that the employees have the
opportunity for personal development and growth in sagar hospital and 33.34% strongly
agree and 4.67% disagree.

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 77

Employee satisfaction

1.15 Table showing does the employees have healthy and cooperative
environment at their work place.

Options No of respondents Percentage(%)

Strongly agree 69 46

Agree 74 49.34

Disagree 3 2

Strongly disagree 3 2

Do not wish to answer 1 0.66

Total 150 100

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 78

Employee satisfaction

1.15 Chart showing does the employees have healthy and cooperative
environment at their work place.

No of Respondents




no of respondents



strongly agree agree disagree strongly do not wish to
disagree answer

From the above table we can analyze that 69 respondents strongly agree that employees
have healthy and cooperative environment at their work place and 74 respondents agree
and 3 respondents disagree, 3 respondents strongly disagree and 1 respondent do not
wish to answer.

From the above table we can interpret that 49.34% agree that the employees have healthy
and cooperative environment at their work place and 46% strongly agree and 2%

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 79

Employee satisfaction

1.16 Table showing the employees opinion, are they satisfied with the total
remuneration package considering their duties and responsibilities?

Options No of respondents Percentage(%)

Very satisfied 83 55.4

Satisfied 58 38.6

Dissatisfied 6 4

Very dissatisfied 2 1.4

Not applicable 1 0.6

Total 150 100

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 80

Employee satisfaction

2.16 Chart showing the employees opinion, are they satisfied with the total
remuneration package considering their duties and responsibilities?

very satisfied
very dissatisfied
not applicable

From the above table we can analyze that 83 respondents very satisfied with the total
remuneration package considering their duties and responsibilities and 58 respondents are
satisfied, and6 respondents are dissatisfied, 2 respondents very dissatisfied and1
respondent said not applicable.

From the above table we can interpret that 55.4% are very satisfied with the employees
total remuneration package considering your duties and responsibilities and 38.6% are
satisfied, 4% are dissatisfied.

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 81

Employee satisfaction

1.17 Table showing the employees opinion, are they satisfied with the
reward and recognition given to those who truly deserve them

options No of respondents Percentage(%)

Very satisfied 38 25.4

Satisfied 101 67.4

Dissatisfied 7 4.6

Very dissatisfied 4 2.6

Not applicable 0 0

Total 150 100

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 82

Employee satisfaction

2.17 Chart showing the employees opinion, are they satisfied with the
reward and recognition given to those who truly deserve them

No of Respondents



no of respondents


very satisfied satisfied dissatisfied very not applicable

From the above table we can analyze that 38 respondents are very satisfied with the
reward and recognition given to those who truly deserve them and 101 respondents are
satisfied and 7 respondents dissatisfied, 4 respondents very dissatisfied and 0 respondents
choose not applicable.

From the above table we can interpret that 67.4% satisfied with the rewards and
recognition given to those employees who truly deserve them and 25.4% are very
satisfied and 4.6% are dissatisfied.

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 83

Employee satisfaction

1.18 Table showing the employees opinion, are they satisfied with their
working hours at the sagar hospital

Options No of respondents Percentage(%)

Very satisfied 98 65.3

Satisfied 39 26

Dissatisfied 5 3.4

Very dissatisfied 6 4

Not applicable 2 1.3

Total 150 100

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 84

Employee satisfaction

2.18 Chart showing the employees opinion, are they satisfied with their
working hours at the sagar hospital

very satisfied
very dissatisfied
not aplicable

From the above table we can analyze that 98 respondents are very satisfied with their
working hours in sagar hospital and 39 respondents satisfied and 35 respondents
dissatisfied, 6 respondents very dissatisfied and2 respondents said not applicable.

From the above table we can interpret that65.3% is very satisfied that the employees are
satisfied with the working hours at their company and 26% is satisfied, 4% are very

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 85

Employee satisfaction

1.19 Table showing the employees opinion, does the organization organize
counseling programs for the employees

Options No of respondents Percentage(%)

Strongly agree 110 73.3

Agree 32 21.4
Disagree 7 4.6
Strongly disagree 1 0.7
Do not wish to answer 0 0
Total 150 100

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 86

Employee satisfaction

2.19 Table showing the employees opinion, does the organization organize
counseling programs for the employees

No of Respondents



no of respondents



strongly agree agree disagree strongly do not wish to
disagree answer

From the above table we can analyze that 110 respondents strongly agree that
organization organize counseling programs for their employees and 32 respondents agree
and 7 respondents disagree, 1 respondent strongly disagree and 0 respondents do not wish
to answer.

From the above table we can interpret that 73.3% strongly agree that the organization
provide counseling programs for the employees and 21.4% agree and 4.6% disagree.

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 87

Employee satisfaction

1.20 Table showing employees opinion that does their superiors helps
them to think innovatively and encourage them to change outmoded
traditions and practices.

Options No of respondents Percentage(%)

Strongly agree 89 59.4

Agree 52 34.6

Disagree 7 4.6

Strongly disagree 0 0

Do not wish to answer 2 1.4

Total 150 100

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 88

Employee satisfaction

2.20 Table showing employees opinion that does their superiors helps
them to think innovatively and encourage them to change outmoded
traditions and practices.

strongly agree
strongly disagree
do not wish to answer

From the above table we can analyze that 89 respondents strongly agree that employees
superiors help them to think innovatively and encourage them to change outmoded
traditions and practices and 52 respondents agree, and 7 respondents disagree, 0
respondents strongly disagree and 2 respondents do not wish to answer.

From the above table we can know that 59.4% strongly agree that the superiors
encourage employees to think innovatively and challenge outmoded traditions and
practices and 34.6% agree and 4.6% disagree.

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 89

Employee satisfaction

1. Majority of the employees agree that performance is evaluated quiet fairly least of
them disagree.

2. Most of the employees agree that they feel free to ask advice or support from their
superior and less no of employees disagree.

3. It is found that majority of the respondents agree that their knowledge and skills are
fully utilized and least of them disagree.

4. Majority of the respondents strongly agree that they receive on the job training to do a
good job and least no of them disagree

5. Most of the respondents agree that employees appraisal helps them to continuously
improve their performance and less no of respondents disagree.

6. It is found that most of the employees are satisfied working in sagar hospital and less
no of the employees are dissatisfied.

7. Majority of the employees agreeing that their manager always treats them with respect
and least of them disagree.

8. Majority of the respondents agree that organization takes care of employees health
and safety at the work place and least of the respondents disagree.

9. Majority of the employees agree that organization showing imitativeness is encouraged

to employees and least no of employees disagree.

10. Most of the respondents strongly agree that the organization does not show any
discrimination on the basis of age, religion or disability to the employees and least no of
respondents disagree.

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Employee satisfaction

11. Majority of the employees agree that annual appraisal help them and their boss to
identify and agree that they have clear performance criteria for the next year and least of
them disagree.

12. It is found that majority of the employees agree that they often receive conflicting
information on policies and procedures which affect us such as hr and admin and least of
them disagree and least of them disagree

13. Most of the employees are satisfied with the overall physical working condition at
their location and less no of employees dissatisfied.

14. Majority of the respondents agree that the employee have opportunity for personal
development and growth in sagar hospital and least no of respondents disagree.

15. It is found that most of the respondents agree they have healthy and cooperative
environment at their place and least no of respondents strongly disagree.

16. Most of the respondents are satisfied with total remuneration package considering the
employees duties and responsibilities and less no of them dissatisfied.

17. Majority of the employees is satisfied with the reward and recognition given to those
who truly deserve them and least of them are dissatisfied.

18. Most of the employees are very satisfied with the working hours in sagar hospital and
few are very dissatisfied.

19. It is found that majority of the employees strongly agree that organization organize
counseling programs for the employees and least of the employees disagree.

20. Majority of the respondents strongly agree that employees superiors encourage them
to think innovatively and encourage them to change outmoded traditions and practices
and least of the respondents disagree.

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Employee satisfaction


Sagar hospitals management fulfills the needs and wants the employees organization
provides a standard quality of life to all employees. But there are some places where the
company should have to make a few rectifications.
Following are made with the intention of further improvement.

1. There should be an improvement of communication between employees and the

superior and the superior should give more attention towards their employees.

2. The employees in the organization says that appraisal doesnt help them to
continuously improve their performance to avoid such mistakes the organization should
look after the employees performance and take respective measure to make them to
improve their performance.

3. Organization should provide more safety and health take caring measures to the
employees and also should provide more precautions before accidents occur.

4.The employees in the organization are not satisfied working in sagar hospital for such
employees the superiors should provide counseling programs and ask their problems and
rectify them if possible.

5. Remuneration to employees may be improved, if feasible.

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Employee satisfaction


Sagar hospital is one of the best service providing organizations in India. The employees
are very much satisfied who are working for sagar. All the employees are motivated and
work together to achieve organizations goal. The employees are very lucky who will
work for sagar hospital. The organization should provide all those facilities, which is
provided at other branches in India. Earning of more and more money is not enough for
live the life, if an employee wouldnt able to give time to his/her family, then he/she must
be disturbed at the working duration. If the employee gives his/her best services to the
organization then the next responsibility of the organization is to provide a better quality
of life in return.

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Employee satisfaction


Reference books


1. Human Resource Shashi K Guptha KALYANI 2009
Management and Rosy Joshi PUBLISHERS
2. Human Resource Shashi K Guptha KALYANI 2007
Development and Rosy Joshi PUBLISHERS


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Employee satisfaction

Instructions for completing the survey
Please circle the rating which best expresses your opinion of the survey statement.

The KEY to the rating number is as follows:-

1. Very satisfied /strongly agree

2. Satisfied /agree
3. Dissatisfied/disagree
4. Very dissatisfied/strongly disagree
5. Not applicable or do not wish to answer

1. I think that my performance is evaluated quiet fairly. 1 2 3 4 5

2. I feel free to ask advice or support my superior. 1 2 3 4 5

3. My knowledge &skills are fully utilized. 1 2 3 4 5

4. I have received on the job training to do a good job. 1 2 3 4 5

5. My appraisal helps me to continuously improve performance. 1 2 3 4 5

6. My working environment is satisfactory. 1 2 3 4 5

7. My manager always treats me with respect. 1 2 3 4 5

8. Concern is shown with my health &safety at work. 1 2 3 4 5

9. Showing initiative is encouraged. 1 2 3 4 5

10. Management does not discriminate on the basis of age, religion or disability. 1 2 3 4 5

11. Does the annual appraisal help you and your boss to identify & agree and clear
performance criteria for next year.1 2 3 4 5

NMKRV College For Women [AUTONOMUS] Page 95

Employee satisfaction

12. We often receive conflicting information on policies and procedures which affect us
such as HR and admin. 1 2 3 4 5

13. Overall the physical working conditions at my location are satisfactory. (Ventilation,
hygiene, space of work etc.) 1 2 3 4 5

14. I believe that I have the opportunity for personnel development and growth in
company. 1 2 3 4 5

15. There is a healthy and cooperative environment at my work place. 1 2 3 4 5

16. Are you satisfied with your total remuneration package considering your duties and
responsibilities? 1 2 3 4 5

17. Are you satisfied with the rewards and recognition given to those who truly deserve
them.1 2 3 4 5

18. Are you totally satisfied with the working hours at the sagar hospital? 1 2 3 4 5

19. Do you agree that your organization organize counseling programs for the
employees.1 2 3 4 5

20. Do you agree that your superiors encourage you to think innovatively and encourage
them to change outmoded traditions and practices? 1 2 3 4 5

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Employee satisfaction

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