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Bosh ving and arcane, tie magica cabalists bound » ito words and signs, crafted by the intricate weaving oF rivals and ancient intonation. cali can sek explore the mysteries ofthe panes and beings of infinite Power oa hi own or join with circle of ike-minded ‘seekers to. work even greater rites Ul the oame of entities that were old when life first erberget fiom the seas and will ehist long afice the sun becomtes'w cinder in the | ltess hens, Cobain wali the stows of tly unimagingble‘beings, drawing upon she mertstechoes of Aheiratentiveand working grand meus yt ter stolen ae ‘omen : be Ue . RI oN aan NAA This isthe eleventh Boo of the Power Erasses series from Mongoose Publishing; be seamlessly stoi into any Tanasybuved.d20 ster pine, cach. — of these minbsupplements introduces an entirely new ‘ore chagetsn elas, addkog a whole mow dimension to “ Sampaigas. Players find fut detds on how to use eee gaa options they are presented with byte, care rulebooks ‘while Gainés Masters may revel in the wide vaciety of new lasses they ave a their disposal Rirndn-player turaeters Pin their earmpaians. ach Power Class booklet ean provide. ‘iours of panving éxjoymiént at anallenew lowcost FOR GAMES MASTERS AND PLAYERS: ALIKE worm mongoosepabtishingcan ‘Requires bie se ofthe Dungeons & Dragons Phir ‘Handbook, ‘Thisd Edition, published hy Wizards mf die. ‘ Coast Rect Serer tries MGP 1H1 US $2.95 ISBN. 1-904577-07-5 Ti) S Spel Sh2025 77072. tual The Power Classes XI abalist — August Hahn Eaitor Matthew Sprange Cover Art Nathan Webb and Seott Clark Interior Iusteations Nathan Webb Production Manager Alexander Fennell Proof Reading Lueya Szachnovwski ‘Open Game Content & Copyright Inoras ot mn Dp ars Cnt of ck ay are pig by se Hy i se MONGOOSE PUBLISHING Mongoose Publishing, PO Rox 10, Swindon, SN3 1DG, United Ringdom ‘nfo mongooxepabising om Web enhance Visi the Mongoose Publishing website a www: mongoosepublishing for regular pte, INTRODUCTION ames, yb plans of per and ots Nae neice tats, Splcson ofa snplr nate

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