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Janice English

Letter of Introduction and Interest

I have a Bachelors degree in mathematics and a Masters degree in Teaching. I also have
both a CA and OR advanced mathematics teaching licenses. My WA license is in process.

I have taken a Graduate class in Technology for the Math Classroom, and an AP calculus

I began teaching about 13 years ago at a small private college where I was hired as the
Mathematics Dept. Chair in order to create a mathematics program at the college. I created and
designed the program, which included writing placement exams, adopting textbooks, and creating
curriculum for all of the math classes. I then taught basic math through college algebra for the next 10

In addition to my position at New Hope, I was hired as the Mathematics Dept. Chair. at a
private high school. I began teaching high school in addition to the college classes. I taught calculus,
pre-calculus, algebra 2, algebra 1, and pre-algebra.

My favorite part of teaching is watching students when they finally understand and they have
that ah ha moment. And I love, especially at the college level, when they say they have always
hated math and now they understand it and are even starting to like it!

In my classes I strive to create an atmosphere that is free for asking questions, making mistakes,
helping one another, and generally having a BLAST, all while learning math.

I'm excited about the possibility, and I would love to interview soon to become part of your
team. I appreciate your consideration and hope to hear from you very soon.


Janice L English

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