Inglés - 2do Año A - 1 l01-l06 - PDF

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Lesson 01 All about my family ......................7

Lesson 02 Two very different personalities ....... ..13

Lesson 03 City or country .. ...............................19

Lesson 04 Defining styles ............ .....................25

Lesson 05 A journey ........ ...............................31

Lesson 06 A holiday youll never forget! ...........37

Titles book 2A
Lesson 07 Inviting someone ............................43

Lesson 08 Beyond 2020 ................................49

Lesson 09 A Biography...............................................57

Lesson 10 Indians: The native Americans ..........65

Lesson 11 It happened to me .....................................71

Lesson 12 The best way to get around Europe ............77

Lesson 13 I had a terrible accident ......................83

Lesson 14 School times ......................................89

Lesson 15 Fantastic four ...........................................95

Lesson 16 A re your parents strict? .............................. 101


Lesson 01 All about my family ..................................109

Lesson 02 Two very different personalities ..................113

Lesson 03 City or country ..........................................117

Lesson 04 Defining styles ..........................................121

Lesson 05 A journey .................................................125

Titles workbook 2A
Lesson 06 A holiday youll never forget! .....................129

Lesson 07 Inviting someone ......................................133

Lesson 08 Beyond 2020 ...........................................137

Lesson 09 A Biography .............................................141

Lesson 10 Indians: The native Americans ...................145

Lesson 11 It happened to me ....................................149

Lesson 12 The best way to get around Europe ............153

Lesson 13 I had a terrible accident .............................157

Lesson 14 School time ..............................................161

Lesson 15 Fantastic four ...........................................165

Lesson 16 A re your parents strict? ..............................169

Lesson Grammar Vocabulary Reading Page
Subject pronouns
LESSON 1: and the verb to be Jobs and All about my
ALL ABOUT MY Definite and occupations family 07
FAMILY indefinite articles
(the; a / an)

LESSON 2: Simple present Free times activities Two very different

TWO VERY Adverbs of and Workshops personalities
DIFFERENT frequency 13

LESSON 3: Countable and More uncountable City or country

CITY OR uncountable nouns nouns. 19
COUNTRY Typical uncountable

LESSON 4: Demonstratives Clothes design Defining styles

DEFINING Irregular nouns 25

LESSON 5: Present continuous: More adverbs of A journey

A JOURNEY be + verb + -ing manner 31
Adverbs of manner

LESSON 6: Going to. Vacation activities A holiday youll

A HOLIDAY Future with present never forget! 37
YOULL NEVER continuous form

LESSON 7: Present continuous Movies Inviting someone

INVITING with future meaning 43
SOMEONE Simple present with
future meaning

LESSON 8: Contrasting Future Education: Beyond 2020

BEYOND 2020 forms School
Verb + infinitive 49
Lesson Grammar Vocabulary Reading Page
LESSON 9: Simple past: be Archaeological relics A theft on the
A BIOGRAPHY Past continuous street 55
There was /
There were

LESSON 10: The simple past: More uncountable Indians:

INDIANS: Auxiliary DID nouns The native
THE NATIVE More irregular verbs Americans 61

LESSON 11: Simple past vs. past Common non-action It happened

IT HAPPENED continuous Past verbs to me 67
TO ME forms

LESSON 12: Comparative and Transportation The best way

THE BEST WAY superlative adjectives to get around 73
TO GET AROUND as much as Europe
EUROPE How + adjectives?

LESSON 13: Present perfect + Accidents and I had a terrible

I HAD A yet / already injuries accident 79
TERRIBLE Present perfect +

Present perfect Descriptive

LESSON 14: School times
continuous; for, since adjectives
Past continuous vs.
Present perfect

LESSON 15: Can, be able to Documents Fantastic four

FANTASTIC FOUR Have to / Don't 91
have to

LESSON 16: Modal verbs of Make, Do and Have Are your parents
ARE YOUR obligation and strict?
STRICT? Make / let / be
allowed to
Add one more of your own ______________________________________________________
Windows 7
All about my family
My family
A. Read Alan Cortez letter and write the Alan Cortez
names of his family. Our family na
me is Cortez.
Peru. My dad We are from
and my mom Trujillo in
grandfather i are from Truji
s from Cajam llo but my
arca. He is a t
My father's n
ame is Tom .
(mother) is forty-five. M He's an engin
y dad's favori eer and he
te singer is Ra
My mom is a
and she is fo an. Her name
rty-one. Her is Andrea
The Rolling favorite rock
Stones. My m band is
( father) not heavy me om's favorite
tal! music is
My brother's
name is Mich
Catolica Univ ael . He is a
ersity. He's tw student at
star is Angelin enty. Michael's
a Jolie. She is favorite
an actress.
(brother) My name's A
lan , I am th
year at Trilce irteen. I am
school. My fa in second
day. Their m vorite group
usic is great. is Green

( son)

B. What are the jobs of these people? Andrea, Tom, Michael, Angelina Jollie, Rafael.

e.g. Andrea is a businesswoman. .

. .
. .

C. Listen and repeat the keywords stress. Syllables are in bold to help.
1 2

Keywords : jobs
actor / actress,
engineer, teacher ,
businesswoman/ man. 3 4

D. Look at the photos. Match the keywords with them.


Subject pronouns and the verb to Be

Use the verb to be to give information

Use subject pronouns to replace nouns.
about things or to describe them.
I - My brother and I are Peruvian. I am 14.
You We're from Lima. My brother is Michael.
He My dad and my grandmother are from Trujillo.
She - Michael and Luis are 14.
For questions, move the verb to the beginning .
It They're students.
We Is he from Argentina?
You Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.

A. Complete the text with subject pronouns and verb to be.

My name's Emily Salgado. I _______ thirteen years old. My family and I

______ from Ica in Peru. _____ ______ seven members in my family. My
father's name _______ Antonio. _____ _______ forty-six years old . My
mother's name ___ Lucia, ____ ____ forty years old and _____ ______ a
teacher. My brothers are Rolando and Orlando. _____ _______ students
in my school.

Possessive : 's Possessive adjectives

My dad's favorite singer is Rafael. your His favorite singer is Rafael.
My dad and grandfather's favorite singers her Her name is Andrea.
are different. its
B. Write sentences using possesive ('s)
and possesive adjectives. Alan's family is from Trujillo.
e.g. Alan / family / is / from Trujillo. His family is from Trujillo.

1. Alan / family / members are five.

2. Alan / dad / is / Michael.
3. Alan and Michael / school / is Trilce.
4. Andrea / sons / are / Michael and Alan.

C. In your notebook, write sentences about people in your family.

Include information like:
name - job - favorite star.
e.g. My mom's name is Gloria. She is an engineer. Her favorite movie star is ...



Some new students

A. Alvaro and Brenda are back to school. They're talking about the new students
in their classroom. Practice with a partner.

Alvaro : Hello, Brenda. Nice to see you again.

Brenda : H i Alvaro! We are in second year now. Our
classmates are different this year.
Alvaro : You're right. Look at that boy and that girl.
What are their names?
Brenda : Well, his name is Gabriel and her name is Jessica.
They're Silvia's friends.
Alvaro : I want to meet them. Let's go.
Brenda : Alvaro this is Gabriel and this is Jessica. They're
new in our school.
Gabriel : Hey, there! Nice to meet you, pal. You can call me Gab.
Alvaro : Sure, Gab. Nice to meet you, too. And you?
Jessica : Well everybody calls me Jessi.
Alvaro : Nice to meet you too, Jessi. We're going to be
good friends. Let me introduce you to some other friends...

B. Answer these questions about the conversation in part A.

1. What are the new students' names?
2. How do people call them?

A. Write five questions about these famous people. Use yes/no questions with
the verb to be. Then work in groups.

e.g Who is he? Is he an actor?



Silvester Stallone

Maria Pia Copello

Zinadine Ziddan Robbie Williams


Definite and indefinite articles ( the; a / an)

a/an show that we are talking about one The usually means you know which
person, thing, animal, situation, etc.. one I'm talking about.

he; a / an

he; a / an
- In descriptions: - Can I use the bathroom? ( The other
She's an excellent actress. person knows which bathroom)

- When we say what something is, or We use the before only,first,second,etc;

what somebody's job is: and superlatives ( oldest, most, etc.)
This is a pen. - She's the only girl in my class.
I'm an engineer. - I'm the second child in my family.

A. Fill in with a / an or the.

1. Can I use ________ living room's phone?
2. Where's ________ teacher? She's not here.
3. I know ______ good restaurant. It's near my house.
4. I need _______ English dictionary. Do you have one?
5. Today's ______ hottest day of the year.
B. Write four more sentences like the ones in part A. Use your notebook.

C. Put in a or an.
1.______ ticket 6. ______ office We use a/an because of
2.______ holiday 7. ______ hero pronunciation not spelling.
3.______ afternoon 8. ______ European
4.______ uniform 9. ______ hour - a house, a head BUT an hour (h is silent)
5.______ American 10. ______ encyclopedia - an uncle, an umbrella BUT a
university ( pronounced you-niversity)

Jobs and occupations

Listen to some more jobs. Which are professions and which are occupations?
A. Write (P) for professions or ( O ) for occupations in the little boxes.

taxi driver farmer mechanic hairdresser accountant

postman baker manager gardener butcher

B. Pairwork. What do you think about the jobs in part A? Talk to your partner using the
adjectives below and your own ideas.
*****interesting ****relaxing ***nice **stressful *dangerous
A : I think a taxi driver's job is stressful.
B: Really? Why do you think so?
A: Because he/she drives all day! And some passengers are not polite.
B: Well, I think a taxi drivers job is nice beacuse he knows lots of places.
C. Fill in the blanks with the in-law family members and with the step family. 01
Family in-law
Maria Jose 1. Maria is Rosa's .

2. Jose is Rosa's .
mother in-law
Rosa .
daughter in-law 3. Rosa is Maria and Jose's

4. Lucy is Rosa's .
Lucy Luis Rosa
5. Luis is Rosa's .

sister in-law brother 6. Rosa is Lucy and Luis' .

Step family father Sandra .

7. Sandra is Pepe and Mila's

step mother 8. Mila is Sandra's .

Pepe 9. Pepe is Sandra's .

10. Gustavo is Mila and Pepe's .
step son

Article the

A. Listen out for the pronunciation of the in these sentences.

The house is near here. The office is closed.

Pronunciation rules:

1 Before a consonant sound we pronounce the as / / ( like before mother)

2 Before a vowel sound we say / i / ( like before aunt)

B. Classify the phrases according to the pronunciaion of the article the. Then listen and check.

/ / / i/
the beginning the evening
the woman the uniform
the time the address
the place the end
the old man the hour


1. Fill in the blanks with the correct a. George W. Bush is Chilean.

possesive adjectives. ______________________________
e.g. Ann uses her keys. b. Robbie Williams is from Peru.
c. Pizza is from China.
a. Peter loves _____ wife. They're in love.
b. Mary lives with _____ father.
d. Britney Spears is Korean.
c. I'm going to sell ____ motorcycle. ______________________________
d. My cat's cute. ______ name is Michi. e. Arequipa is a country.
e. ____ vacations are in March. We've ______________________________
made plans. f. My classmates and I are in 3rd year.
2. Circle the correct words.
4. Fill in with the correct alternative.

a. I / My name is Mellissa. a. Henri is my ___________ . He's my sister's

b. How old are you / your? husband.
c. She / Her name is Isabel. 1. husband 2. brother in-law 3. Stepbrother
d. He's / His David Rodolf.
e. We / Our are American. b. A ________ works in a hair salon.
f. They / Their parents are from Japan. 1. farmer 2. butcher 3. hairdresser
g. It's / Its a British band.
c. My dad is a ________ . My brother is already
3. Rewrite the sentences with true 1. step father 2. father in-law 3. step parents
e.g. Brazil is in North America. d. Rogelio doesn't work for a company. He has
Brazil isn't in North America. It's in South his own business. He's a _______.
America. 1. business man 2. accountant 3. postman

To be not have

Use the verb to be to talk about age. In English use :

I am 12 ( years old ). brothers and sisters / siblings

I have 12 ( years old). bothers ( unless they're all boys)
I have 12 years. mother and father ( parents )

Two very different personalities
A. Are twins always the same? Read the text below.

Whenever we talk about twin brothers,

we think they are the same. Sometimes
they can be physically the same but have
two very different personalities. I'm going
to talk about my two fraternal twin
brothers and how they are different.

Their names are Mike and Ed. Mike is an

introvertive boy. He usually likes to spend his free time with his family and his very close
friends. He often plays game boards with them for example 'chessmaster' or 'monopoly'.
When he stays at home, he sometimes reads books or watches videos. He hardly ever goes
to parties. He is more reserved, serious and formal.

Ed is an extrovertive boy. He is always the soul of the party and is very outgoing. He likes to
make new friends and always makes them feel comfortable. He usually joins workshops
such as drama workshop or dance workshop and he does it really well.

They are my older twin brothers. They usually give me good advice and protect me all the
time from other people. They are excellent brothers.

B. Write true (T) or false (F) about the reading.

1. Mike is always the soul of the party. ( )

2. Ed doesn't like drama workshop. ( )
3. I'm younger than my twin brothers. ( )
4. They never protect me from trouble. ( )

C. Find out the following words or phrases in the text. (#) = paragraph number.

1. Doesn't show his feelings or expresses his opinion (adj) __________________________(2)

2. Best friends, really good friends (n) ___________________________________________(2)
3. Like to be with people, sociable (adj) ______________________________________(3)
4. Get into a group, place or something (v) _____________________________________(3)

Simple present

Affirmative statements Negative statements

I / You / We / They play board games. I / You / We / They don't play board games.
He / She stays at home. He / She doesn't stay at home.
It takes ten minutes. It doesn't take ten minutes.

Yes / No questions Short answers

Do you go to parties? I do. I don't.
Does he read books? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
Does it take two hours? it does. it doesn't.

Wh- questions
What does Mike do in his free time?
How often do you play board games?

A. Circle the correct word in the following sentences.

e.g. Josue (work / works) in Piura.

1. I (like / likes) to play the guitar. 4. They (don't / doesn't) go to the movies on Friday.
2. She (don't / doesn't) get up early. 5. My parents (watch / watches) the news together.
3. My sister (listen / listens) to music in the car. 6. Raphael (study / studies) hard for his test.

B. Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the verbs below.

e.g. get up have watch do read go work

Leslie always (e.g.) gets up at six o'clock every morning. She (1) __________ the
newspaper after breakfast. She (2)________ at the bank from eight to four. She
(3) __________ to study at the university at five. Leslie (4)_________her homework and
then she (5)__________ TV. She usually (6) __________ fruit for dinner.

C. Reorder the following words to make questions.

e.g. play / Do / soccer / you / in / time / your / free / ?

Do you play soccer in your free time?

1. Kevin / read / his / in / Does / free / time / magazines / ?

2. parties / Does / go / Michelle / to / weekends / on / ?

3. they / at / study / the / Do / library / school / after / ?


I'm always busy during the week

A. Brenda and Alvaro are talking about free time activities.

Practice with a partner.

Brenda: So what do you do in your free time?

Alvaro: Well, I get together with friends and we like
to fly kites
Brenda: How often do you do that?
Alvaro: Oh, about three times a week.
Brenda: What else do you do?
Alvaro: On weekends we play video games.
Brenda: You're lucky. I'm always busy during the
Alvaro: Really? Why is that?
Brenda: I have a math class after school twice a
week and I often take dance lessons.

B. Listen to the rest of the conversation and answer these questions.

1. What does Brenda usually do in her free time?

2. How often does she do that?

What do you do in your free time?

A. Ask your partner: What do you do in your free time? How often do you do that?
What about you?

Free times activities and workshops

A. Match the pictures with the correct phrases from the box below them.

play board games learn woodwork drama workshop collect something (coins, stamps)
sports workshop fly a kite dance workshop musical instrument workshop

B. Which one do you practice in your free time? Why? Why not?


Really? Why is that?

Oh, really? What an interesting!
That sounds interesting. Wow!

1. Correct the mistake in these sentences. b. Pamela wants to be a great actress. She studies
Rewrite them correctly. _____________ at school.
c. He is a great _______________ player. He always
wins in chess master.
a. I visit always my relatives.
d. Peter is an excellent ____________. He is
_____________________________________ learning salsa in the dance workshop.

4. Complete the second sentence so that it has

b. Mary go to the gym after work. a similar meaning to the first sentence and
contains the word in bold.
a. Rebecca hardly ever does exercise.
almost never
c. We seldom are good athletes.
b. Sometimes Arturo goes to the stadium.
d. His father never work at night. ___________________________________
c. Lara is seldom late.
2. Choose the best alternative, 1 or 2, to rarely
complete the sentences. ___________________________________

d. Patrick normally gets up at 6:30 a.m.

a. Edu __________ his homework at 4:00 p.m. generally
1. do 2. does ___________________________________

b. I ____________ study for the quiz.

1. am not 2. don't

c. Carolyn is punctual, she is __________ early.

1. always 2. never

d. Marco and I __________ great cooks!

1. are 2. is

3. Complete each sentence with a suitable


a. When the day is windy I like to fly a__________.

City or country
There are many advantages and disadvantages of living in the city or in
the country. First, when we talk about the country we can say that you
have the opportunity to escape from all the noise and the general
routine. In the country you can breathe fresh air without

Also you feel safe and you can always do physical exercises, like riding a
bicycle or walking while in the city you need your car to go everywhere.

However, we need to think that living in the city has its benefits too. You
can go shopping anytime you want to. Many stores are opened twenty-
four hours a day. There is plenty of public transportation so, you don't
need a car to get round. You never get bored in the city, because there's
always something to do. On the other hand, the cost of living in the city
is really expensive, prices are very high.

In the end, we can say that living in the

country and living in the city have
a d va n t a g e s a n d d i s a d -
vantages depending on
your lifestyle and

A. Find out the following words or

phrases in the text that mean:

1. Positive things or benefits of living in the country (n) ________________

2. Uncomfortable sounds (n) ____________________
3. Activities you repeat everyday (n) ______________________
4. To go from one place to another (v) _________________________
5. The way we live (n) _____________________

B. Based on the text above, make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of living
either in the country or in the city.
Advantages Disadvantages



C. Answer these questions in your notebook. Discuss with the class.

1. What's your opinion about living in the country?
2. What other advantages and disadvantages can you think of?
3. Which other places to live in you can think of?

Countable and uncountable nouns

Uncountable nouns:

Don't have a plural form waters.

Are used with a singular verb the water are is.
Can not be used with a / an I want a glass of water

Indefinite article a/an :

These uncountable nouns are countable when we mention a container or
a measurement system.

A bottle of water.
A liter of water.

Are these nouns countable (c) or uncountable (u)? Use a dictionary to help you.
1. problem ________ 5. furniture ________
2. progress ________ 6. homework ________
3. advice ________ 7. information ________
4. luggage ________ 8. friendship ________

I'm moving

Pepe is moving abroad. Practice with a partner.

Lino :You don't look as usual, Pepe. Is there a problem?

Pepe :Actually, there is. My father is making good progress in his job, so today
I got that news. We are moving to the USA in two months.
Lino :That's good news I guess. You have to feel excited.
Pepe :Of course I am! But it's hard to leave everything here! People gave me a
lot of advice, but I'm still shocked, you know!
Lino :I understand. There are many things to pack, your furniture, you also
have to get some information about the city you're going to.
Pepe :Oh yes, I'm doing that. It's like a lot of homework.
Lino :Take it easy! And remember your friends are going to be here for you
anytime, just like me.
Pepe :I know Lino. Friendship is forever.


A. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentences.

e.g. ( How much /How many) homework do we have?

1. Where (is/are) the sugar?

2. I put (a/some) luggage in the yard.
3. Ana went to buy (a/some) paper to do (some/a) homework.
4. I'm sorry, we don't have (much/many) time.
5. (How much/How many) furniture do you have to pack?
6. Mary's advice (is/are) not very interesting.

More uncontable nouns

salt rain money music

equipment glass wool iron

Uncountable nouns have only ONE form:

money the money my money some money much money, etc

We don't use a/an + uncountable noun: a money a music

But we can say:

a piece of cake a piece of music a glass of water

a bowl of rice a slice of pizza a can of soda
a game of soccer a bottle of milk a spoon of pepper

Some of these sentences need a/an. Some of them don't. Indicate where and
put it on the line... If not, put a tick ( )

e.g. I don't have car. a .

1. Salt is not expensive. ____________ 4. Mario doesn't eat meat. ________
2. Ana never wears scarf. ___________ 5. I'm going to party tonight.______
3. Are you looking for job. __________ 6. Do you like cheese. ___________




Why don't + SUBJ + COMPL Why don't we do homework together?

Let's + VERB + COMPL. Let's make some progress in algebra.

What about + VERB_ing + C What about going to the movies?

How about + VERB_ing + C How about playing a soccer match?

A. Now reorder the words in the following sentences.

1. we / the movies / go / tonight / don't / Why / to / ?

2. visiting / How / San Francisco / about / tomorrow / ?
3. the / at the travel agent's / buy / this afternoon / tickets / Let's / .
4. to / Let's / Hawaii / vacation / for / go / next year / our / .
5. going / to / How / a museum / about / this afternoon / ?
6. Why / we / don't / out / for / go / lunch / on Sunday / ?


1. Correct the mistakes in these a. Juan and I are very good friends. I
sentences. Rewrite them correctly. think our _________ is going to last
a. I need some informations. 4. Complete the second sentence so
__________________________ that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence and which contains
b. We had a lovely weather. the word in bold.
a. Let me tell you what you should do.
c. The furnitures are is very old. advice
__________________________ Let me ____________________

b. I need 3 kilos of sugar.

d. Your hairs are getting very old.
I don't have ________________

c. The book didn't have any

2. Choose the best alternative, 1 or 2 to information.
complete the sentences. in
The information _____________
a. A carpenter needs________ to do his
job. d. I don't like pop music.
1. wood 2. a wood much
I don't listen _______________
b. ________ a lot of money all over the
floor! e. My teacher says my English is better
1. There was2. There were now.
c. Soda? Sorry, we don't have ________. I'm doing __________________
1. some 2. any

d. The information you gave me

________ very useful.
1. was 2. were

He has much money

3. Complete each sentence with a
Don't use much in positive
suitable word.
sentences. Use it in negatives and
a. There's a lot of ________. I listened to
it all day long.
He doesn't have much money.
b. Tom can't see very well. He needs a
Do you have much work to do today?
c. Lorena gives good tips because she has
a lot of ________.
A lot of can be used with negatives,
questions and in positives sentences.

He has a lot of money.

Defining styles
Finding a word to describe an individual style can be hard. You can be mixture of two or more, or
maybe you just wear what you like, and don't know what category you fall under. Check out this
guide to styles at a glance:

a. Informal b. Scruffy c. Casual

Perfect to feel comfortable, Playful and experimental. If Lots of jeans! Not
and for wearing at home or you don't care about people's usually a lot of
just relaxing. Definitely not opinion, this style is yours. A heavy clothes but
for a special occasion. little untidy and disorganized lots of good simple
with unusual jewerly. color and creative
cute combos.

d. Trendy e. Smart f. Over-dressed

A trendy person wears a lot You like looking a yuppie? Mistake! If you never
of whatever's on fashion at the Like an executive? So this is wear the appropriate
moment. Usually it's a clean your style. It looks very formal, clothes, you can feel
style but has a lot of details. clean and attractive. identified. It's a loud
style. It's when
you're too formal or
too elegant and you
don't need to look
like that.

A. Look at the pictures. What's the closest style for each one?

1___________ 2___________ 3__________ 4___________ 5___________

B. Look at the pictures. What's the closest style for each one?

1. Small things that make a difference 4. Something that calls for attention
__________________________ (d) _____________________________ (e)

2. The way you look based on your 5. Attractive and well designed for special
appearance and type of clothes you occasions._____________________ (d)
wear.__________________ (b, d, e)

3. A person who works in an office and 6. Something extreme, not common to see.
usually runs a business.________ (e) ______________________________ (b)


THIS (singular) (close) THAT (singular) (far)

this cap / t-shirt / skateboard that backpack / dress / skirt

How much Do you like

It's s/. 250 that dress?
is this cap? It's lovely

THESE (plural) (close) THOSE (plural) (far)

These pants / jeans / shorts Those glasses / scissors / people

These pants
are loose. You look like a Those glasses
clown! Ha ha ha are fashionable I know, I look

A demonstrative is a pronoun or a adjective that points out which item we are refering to.
A demonstrative pronoun is used in the place of a noun.
A demonstrative adjective is used to modify a noun.

Demonstrative pronoun May I see that?

Demonstrative adjective May I see that book?

A. Complete the sentences. Use this / that / these / those + these words.
birds house plates seat shoes postcards

1 Do you like 2 Who lives in 3

____________ ____________
____________? ____________?
Look at

4 5 6
Excuse me, is
How much are
_________free? _____________
are dirty!


Clothes design.

That is a polka This is a Those are These are my This is my That short-
dot bow tie patterned vest striped skirts checked favorite turtle sleeved blouse
pajamas sweater is for sale.

A. Match the pictures and the words.

1 2 3 4 5 6
______ turtle neck ______ patterned ______ striped
______ polka dot ______ short - sleeved ______ checked


They're tight These are too short It's a little loose It fits me well It suits me

Read this paragraph and complete it with the correct adjective or verb above.

Look at these jeans! They are really cheap. The problem is that they're a bit ___________ but
I'm going to lose weight soon, and they aren't too _____________ it's just these shoes I'm
wearing. I like the jacket too, but I have to say it's quite ___________, I look like a clown,
anyway this color ____________ me. I look great in pink. What a pitty! It doesn't ________me.

A. Complete these conversations. Then listen and practice.

1. a: Can I help you? 3. a: Good evening.

b: How much ____________ jeans? b: Good evening. How much
a: ______________________ $ 60. ___________________ sunglasses?
b: Sixty or sixteen? a: _________________ $ 30.
a: Sixty b: Oh, really?
b: Sixty dollars! Are you kidding? a: Would you like to take them?
b: Yes, I`ll take them. _____are very nice
2. a: Good afternoon!
b: Hi! How much ______ bagpack? 4. a: Good morning. Can I help you?
a: _________ $ 35. Would you b: How much__________bicycle?
like to take it? a: __________is on sale. ____only $450.
b: Let me think about it! b : $450? Well, I`m just looking.


Collective nouns are nouns that denote a collection of people or things regarded
as a unit.
family government team
orchestra jury

In American English verbs in singular are normally used with most of these
nouns. ( except Family that can have a verb in plural) Plural pronouns can be
The team is in Ica this weekend. They expect to win.

The word Police is always plural .

e.g. The police are searching the robbery.

1. Put a tick ( ) if the word is a collective noun or a cross ( ) if it is not.

audience ( ) club ( ) idea ( ) team ( )

company( ) beach( ) class( ) question( )

2. Match the collective nouns with the member of the group they refer to.

1. a gang ______is a group of athletes or players.

2. a team ______is a group of musicians.
3. a jury ______is a group of robbers / gangsters.
4. an orchestra ______ is a group of jurors in a trial.


1. Write these or this in the following e.g. a pair of pants.

sentences write (P)if it's a pronoun or
(A) if it's an adjective a. ______________________
b. ______________________
a. _______ is not good. ( )
c. ______________________
b. _______ is Mike's backpack. ( )
d. ______________________
c. _______ girls are from my
e. ______________________
college. ( )
d. _______ computer is 4. Complete the second sentence so that it
has a similar meaning to the first
expensive. ( )
sentences and which contains the word
e. _______ shoes are too big. ( ) in bold.

2. Complete each sentence with that or a. I can't wear those, my feet are bigger
those. Write (P) if it's a pronoun or (A) than them.
if it's an adjective.
Those shoes _____________
a. We never eat at ________
restaurant. ( ) b. You look wonderful in that dress
b. Do you know ______ man? ( )
That dress ______________
c. She has to read ________
books. ( ) c. This t-shirt is for someone fatter.
d. ________ cities are big. ( )
This t-shirt ______________
e. We didn't go to ________
concert. ( ) d. I don't like clothes with lines or drawings.
3. Look at the pictures, there are ten I dislike ________________
words that can be used with the
expression a pair of
Write 5 of them.

Cloth, Clothes / Suit, match.

That dress really matches you.

Your jacket can match your pants, if the
colors are similar.
If something you wear looks good on you
it suits you
That dress really suits you.
I hope I can find a nice cloth to wear
I hope I can find some nice clothes to wear.
A cloth is a piece of material
People wear clothes.

A journey
A. Pacey is travelling around the world. Read his e-mail to his family .

Dear Mom and Dad:

It's 1:30 p.m. and I'm sitting in the train station. Jack and I are waiting
for the two-afternoon train. Many tourists of this journey are eating together
but I'm not hungry yet.
Staying in this place is amazing. But we are leaving it soon because we want to
arrive on time to the next city. Jack and I are working in aproject with video
cameras. We are filming groups of people from different cultures. One of them
is Tizoc.
Tizoc is sitting next to me, he is singing happily and he is holding his Mexican flag
proudly. He is our guide in this adventure.
Jack is checking our baggage carefully because it's time to leave the train station. This
trip is not being easy but we trust in God, so he is helping us and we are working hard.
Ok, an old man is shouting loudly, it's the sign to board the train. I'll write to you again
as soon as I can.


B. Find out the following words or phrases in the text. (#) = paragraph number.

1. A trip of some distance (n) ________________________________________________ (1)

2. To make a cinema picture (v) ______________________________________________ (2)

3. All the bags travellers carry on (n) __________________________________________ (3)

4. Speaking or saying very loudly (v) __________________________________________ (4)

C. Answer the following questions about the reading.

1. Are Pacey and Jack waiting for the next train?

2. What project is Pacey and Jack working in?
3. What time is it at the train station at the beginning of the story?
4. What is Tizoc doing before the train arrives?


Present continuous: be + verb + -ing

Affirmative statement Negative

I am I am
He / She is waiting for. He / She is not waiting for]
You/ We / They are You / We / They are.

Yes / No questions Short answers

Am I I am. I'm not.
Is he / she sitting? Yes, he / she is. No, he / she isn't.
Are we / you / they we / you / they are. we / you / they aren't.
*See appendix for rules about spelling

A. Fill in the blanks with the present continuous form of the verbs in parentheses.

1. Mike and Chester in the same band. (sing)

2. Lizbeth the lights on. (turn)
3. I a poem to my best friend. (write)
4. You to the class and to your teacher. (listen)
5. Julissa and I _______________________ to Europe this summer. (not travel)
6. my mother my birthday present? (buy)
7. What Max for dinner? (cook)


Where is Alvaro?

A. Silvia is looking for Alvaro. Practice with a partner.

Silvia : Hi, David!

David: Hey, what are you doing?
Silvia : I'm looking for Alvaro.
David: Alvaro is upstairs in his bedroom, I think.
Silvia : What is he doing? Is he studying?
David: No, he isn't. He's writing an e-mail
Silvia : Who's he writing to? Is he writing to his aunt?
David: I don't know Silvia. I'm watching a video.
Look, do something. Here, read this comic book. GRUMPY I'M OUT OF HERE

Silvia : David! You're grumpy today. Please, I'm out of here.

B. Answer this.

1. What is Alvaro doing?

2. What is Silvia doing?

What are they doing?

A. Imagine, what your mom is doing now, what your father is doing now, tell your partner about
what your parents are doing now and then ask him about his.

I think, my mother is cooking now. I guess, she is working right now.

What's your mother doing?

4. She looks at the information carefully.
5. He is writing happily to his family.

More adverbs of manner

A. Match the pictures with the respective adverb of manner.

1. The little boy behaved 2. He held his grandson 3. She is reading

_______. _______. _________.

a. easily b. carefully c. naughtily

4. The elephant balanced 5. band playing 6. He is walking in the room

_______. _______. _________.

d. proudly e. silently f. loudly


Let's see Huh?

Hmm Hem and haw
I'm not sure Where?

1. Correct the mistake in these sentences.

b. Bruce is running _______________. He has
Rewrite them correctly.
only 5 minutes to arrive on time at school.
a. Carlos is looks for a new job. c. They are _______________ hard because
_____________________________________ they want to get good grades.
d. Wow! That sounds beautiful! She sings
b. Laura and Rocio is singing loudly. _________________ any song.
4. Complete the second sentence so that it
has a similar meaning to the first sentence
c. I aren't working this weekend. and contains the word in bold.
a. Joshua never has mistakes when he writes.
d. Your uncle isn't shouting angry.
_____________________________________ b. Louis makes noise when he talks.
2. Choose the best alternative, 1 or 2, to
complete the sentences. _____________________________________

a. It's raining __________ tonight. c. I can sing. Very well.

1. hard 2. hardly beautifully
b. Thomas is ____________ for the test.
d. He learns without any problems.
1. studing 2. studying
c. Our soccer team plays__________.
1. fastly 2. fast

d. My family treats our neighbor __________

1. politely 2. polite
We can use fast, hard, late, well and early
3. Complete each sentence with a suitable as adverbs or adjectives without changing their
word. forms.

a. Nancy is ______________ a letter to her I arrived early / late. (adverb)

cousins in USA. I caught an early train. (adjective)

He sings well. (adverb)

I was ill but now I feel good.

A holiday you'll never forget!
A. Read this brochure advertisment about vacation plans.

B. Answer and complete the following:

1. How much do the flight and hotel cost ? ____________________________________

2. How many free days are offered? __________________________________________
3. Where is the resort? ____________________________________________________
4. Is it for children ? ________________________________________________________
5. What does save big mean? ________________________________________________
6. Would you be interested in this trip? ________________________________________
7. Book ______ and learn _________
8. Where would you go in US? ________________________________________________
9. Have you ever been abroad? _______________________________________________
10. Where would you travel next holidyas? ______________________________________

C. Group work. Imagine you own a fantastic inn for tourists to stay in. In groups, design
a brochure advertising the place. Tell about all the facilities given and the interesting
things people can do there. Then, put your vacation advertisement on the classroom
walls for students to read it.
After that, individually, choose one of them and finally, write an e-mail to a friend describing your

Going to

Future : be + going to + verb

We often use going to to talk about intentions things that people have decided to do or
not to do. This structure is common in conversations.

I'm going to swim on the beach. Jessica's going to travel this summer.
What are you going to do this evening? We're going to take summer vacations.

A. Look at the pictures. What is Jessica going to do on her vacations?

This is going to be a different vacation for me. Here there are some things I've planned to do.

First I __________________________ on the beach, I _______________

but I ____________________ any TV, It's boring when you're on vacations. My

friends and I ___________________ in a beach house . Amy's uncle lives there.

He's lovely. He loves cooking , and he's really good at it. He ________________

some sea food for us. I know it __________________ ( be ) delicious.

B. Ann is talking about her vacation plans . Look at the pictures. What do you think she will do?
Use the information in the box and write a paragraph in your notebook.
- I think Amy will fly.


X -
- fly
swim a lot
- take photos
- write postcard
X Star
- read English
HOTEL newspapers
- stay in a hote
- learn a new la
- do homework

New things for my next birthday

A. Mia and David are talking about traveling . Practice with a partner.

Mia : David, you know. It's my birthday next

David : Really? Are you going to have a party?.
Mia : Well, not this year. I'm doing something
different this time. My parents and I are going to travel.
David : Fantastic! Where are you going?
Mia : We're going to make a trip all around Peru. We'll do some new
things together.
David : Yeah? like what? .
Mia : We'll go hiking to the mountains , and surfing in Mancora.
David : Sounds interesting. Will you stay in a hotel or rent a camper?
Mia : None. We're going to stay in a farm. My aunt has one and it's amazing!
David : A farm? Why don't you stay in a hotel?
Mia : I told you. We're going to try new things this time.

B. Answer the following questions.

1. What's Mary going to do for her birthday? ________________________________

2. Where is she going? ___________________________________________________
3. Is she going to stay in a hotel?____________________________________________

A. Work in groups. Imagine your class is going on a school trip for one week. Discuss the following

When / Where are you going?

Which teachers are going with you?
How are you going to travel? by airplane? by cruise?
Where will you stay?
What will you do there? ( Name 3 or 4 activities)
When are you coming back?


A. Look at these vacation activities. Rank them from 1 ( the best) to 8 ( not so good).

canoeing snorkeling

horse-riding mountaineering

sailing windsurfing

sunbathing sightseeing

B. Work in pairs. Look at the suggestion model on

exercise 8 to invite your partner. You both have
two days-off. Talk about, where you are going to,
what interesting things you are doing, you are
inviting anyone else, where you are staying...
We make nouns by
adding -ing to a verb.
sail sailing
v n
sightsee sightseeing
v n


A: Ok, so we're staying in a farm this weekend!

B: Umm, I'm not sure. I don't like farms.
That's a good idea!
That's a great idea!


1. Complete the dialog using the words in

a. ______________________________
parentheses. Use be+going to.
b. ______________________________
Jason : _____________________________ c. ______________________________
(What / you / do) this weekend?
Carla : ______________________( I / see) a d. ______________________________
band , Plumb. Do you want to come?
Jason : No, thanks. _______________(I/ meet) 4. Complete the missing letters. Then
Marcos . ________________(We/see) classify them..
a movie together.
Carla : have a good time! a. h _ _ _ er _ _ _ _g e. _ _ _d_ _ _ f _ _ _
Jason : Thanks, you too.
b. s _ _ _ a _ _ _n_ f. _o_ _t_ _c_ _ _ _ _ _
2. Underline the mistakes and correct
them. c. c_ _ o _ _ _ g. _ _g_ _ _ _ _ i_ _

D. _n_ _ _ _ l _ _ _ h. _ a _ _ _ _ g
a. My uncle will works for a big company .
I know that. in/on water not in/on water
________________ ______________
________________ ______________
b. My sister is studying now but she will is ________________ ______________
on vacation in the summer. ________________ ______________
c. Carlos and Andre going to rent a
d. We will going camping together
e. Look! The cat is will to jump. - Mountaineering A risky sport which
consists on climbing high mountains.
- Rock climbing The sport of
3. Look at Liliana's diary. Write sentences
climbing steep rock surfaces.
about the things she's doing next
- Solo climbing The sport of
climbing rocks or mountains without
Saturday other people or equipment.
10:00 am guitar lesson
4:00 pm meet Alberto
7:00 pm movies with mom
10:00 pm call Enma

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