Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería

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EM560 - A







Yarn Appearance Board Winder is used to compare the appearance of irregularities against standard
rating photographs which carry out visual determination of unevenness along the length of a yarn.
1) yarns of different
OBJETIVO thickness to be assessed; the spacing between the
GENERAL Pg.wraps
3 is suitably
selected so as to clearly give a distinguishable pattern.

Features of Yarn Appearance Board Winder:


Manually operated.
Checks the evenness & appearance of yarn.
Precise preparation for accurate assessment of imperfection to grade the yarn against photographic
8) BIBLIOGRAFA comparison standards. Pg. 10

Is used 9) ANEXO the yarn on the blackboard for visual examination and grading
for winding Pg. 10the yarn as per
ASTM standards.

Choices of wide range of rectangular and tapered boards.

Specifications of Yarn Appearance Board Winder:

Over all Dimension of the Unit : 61 (W) cm x 35 (D) cm x 27.5 (H) cm.

Size of Tapered Board : 28.5cm x 18 cm.

Size of Rectangular Board : 28.5cm x 18 cm

Standard Yarn Spacing : 20, 22, 26, 32, 38, and 48 WRAPS per INCH

Net Weight of the Unit : 21 kg

Technical specifications & appearance of machines are subject to change without any notice.

Yarn Appearance Board Winder confirms with the following international standards:

ASTM D 2255-96

How Yarn Appearance Board Winder Works?

Wrapping Boards:

Yarn number of the yarn to be tested has to be determined. The appropriate spacing of the yarn
Laboratorio de Taller Mecnico
wraps on the boards has to be found from the table.

A parallel/tapered board has to be fixed onto the short stubs.

The spacing of the yarn on the board has to be checked by making a small sample wrapping on it.

Yarn Appearance BoardelWinder
uso deislas
used to compare
maquinas CNC.the appearance of irregularities against standard
Reconocer las partes de la mquina CNC. of unevenness along the length of a yarn.
rating photographs which carry out visual determination
Reconocer que tipo de material realiza.
Tenable yarns of different thickness to be assessed; the spacing between the wraps is suitably
2) FUNDAMENTO selected
TERICOso as to clearly give a distinguishable pattern.

Features of Yarn Appearance Board Winder:
La utilizacin de las maquinas CNC ha sido de gran ayuda en el trabajo industrial ya que nos permite
un mejor acabado en las diferentes piezas que se fabrican que se utilizan en la vida cotidiana as,
como tambin el mejoramiento en su calidad y presentacin y precisin.
Manually operated.
El manejo de las maquinas CNC requiere de personal capacitado para que conozca y determine la
Checks the
materia prima a utilizar dependiendo delevenness
producto & appearance
a realizar. of conocimientos
Estos yarn. han sido captados
en el taller mecnico de SENATI.
Precise preparation for accurate assessment of imperfection to grade the yarn against photographic
comparison standards.
UnIs used for winding
controlador CNC the
queyarn on the
permite blackboard configuracin
la calibracin, for visual examination and
y el control degrading the yarn
fresadoras CNC.asEs
encargado de procesar cada lnea de procesoASTMde un programa de maquinado (Programa en cdigo
G) para que la mquina herramienta ejecute los movimientos necesarios para realizar una rutina de
fresado. Choices of wide range of rectangular and tapered boards.
GRBL es un firmware libre y de cdigo
Specifications of abierto utilizado en
Yarn Appearance DIYLILCNC.
Board Winder: Este programa ha sido
diseado para ser cargado en plataformas de desarrollo Arduino.
En DIYLILCNC el controlador Grbl recibe secuencias de cdigo de maquinado desde una interfaz
sender por USB (que es un puerto de serie) y utiliza esta comunicacin serial para controlar el flujo
Over all Dimension of the Unit : 61 (W) cm x 35 (D) cm x 27.5 (H) cm.
de cdigo, es decir, cuando el GRBL enva una seal de "estoy lleno" detiene la transmisin hasta
que GRBL pide ms datos.
Size of Tapered Board : 28.5cm x 18 cm.

Size of Rectangular Board : 28.5cm x 18 cm

Standard Yarn Spacing : 20, 22, 26, 32, 38, and 48 WRAPS per INCH

Net Weight of the Unit : 21 kg

Technical specifications & appearance of machines are subject to change without any notice.

Yarn Appearance Board Winder confirms with the following international standards:

ASTM D 2255-96
Un software CNC Controler ejecuta cuatro unidades principales de procesamiento de control

Unidad de entrada y salida How Yarn Appearance Board Winder Works?

de datos.
Unidad de memoria interna e interpretacin de rdenes.
Unidad de clculo.
Unidad de enlace con la mquina herramienta.
Wrapping Boards:

Yarn number of the yarn to be tested has to be determined. The appropriate spacing of the yarn
Laboratorio de Taller Mecnico
wraps on the boards has to be found from the table.

A parallel/tapered board has to be fixed onto the short stubs.

The spacing of the yarn on the board has to be checked by making a small sample wrapping on it.

Yarn Appearance Board Winder is used to compare the appearance of irregularities against standard
Tipos de programacin
rating photographs de visual
which carry out las maquinas CNC of unevenness along the length of a yarn.
Tenable yarnsProgramacin
of different thickness
to be assessed; the spacing between the wraps is suitably
Programacin automatica
selected so as to clearly give a distinguishable pattern.
En este caso, el programa pieza se escribe nicamente En este caso, los clculos los realiza un computador, a
por medio de razonamientos y clculos que realiza un partir de datos suministrados por el programador dando
operario. El programa de mecanizado comprende todo el como resultado el programa de la pieza en un lenguaje
conjunto de datos que el control necesita para la de intercambio llamado APT que posteriormente ser
mecanizacin de la pieza. Features of Yarn Appearancetraducido
Board Winder:
mediante un post-procesador al lenguaje
mquina adecuado para cada control por Computadora.
En realidad se deberan estandarizar los lenguajes de
programacin debido a que sera mas til poder
Manually operated.
desarrollar al mximo las potencialidades de los C.N.C

Checks the evenness & appearance of yarn.

Precise preparation for accurate assessment of imperfection to grade the yarn against photographic
comparison standards.

Is used for winding the yarn on the blackboard for visual examination and grading the yarn as per
ASTM standards.

Choices of wide range of rectangular and tapered boards.

Specifications of Yarn Appearance Board Winder:

Over all Dimension of the Unit : 61 (W) cm x 35 (D) cm x 27.5 (H) cm.

Size of Tapered Board : 28.5cm x 18 cm.

Size of Rectangular Board : 28.5cm x 18 cm

Standard Yarn Spacing : 20, 22, 26, 32, 38, and 48 WRAPS per INCH

Net Weight of the Unit : 21 kg

Technical specifications & appearance of machines are subject to change without any notice.

Yarn Appearance Board Winder confirms with the following international standards:

ASTM D 2255-96

How Yarn Appearance Board Winder Works?

Wrapping Boards:

Yarn number of the yarn to be tested has to be determined. The appropriate spacing of the yarn
Laboratorio de Taller Mecnico
wraps on the boards has to be found from the table.

A parallel/tapered board has to be fixed onto the short stubs.

The spacing of the yarn on the board has to be checked by making a small sample wrapping on it.

Yarn Appearance Board Winder is used to compare

MECANIZADOthe appearance of irregularities against standard
rating photographs which carry out visual determination of unevenness along the length of a yarn.
El mecanizado es un proceso de fabricacin que comprende un conjunto de operaciones de
Tenable yarns of different
conformacin de piezasthickness
assessed; the spacing between
de material, thearranque
ya sea por wraps is suitably
de viruta o
selected so as to clearly give a distinguishable pattern.
por abrasin. Tambin en algunas zonas de Amrica del Sur es utilizado el
trmino maquinado, aunque debido al doble sentido que puede tener este trmino (urdir o tramar
algo) convendra usar el primero. Se realiza a partir de productos
semielaborados como lingotes, tochos u otras piezas previamente conformadas por otros procesos
como moldeo o forja. Los of Yarn
productos Appearance
obtenidos puedenBoard Winder:
ser finales o semielaborados que requieran
operaciones posteriores.

Partes del CNC Manually operated.

Checks the evenness & appearance of yarn.

Precise preparation for accurate assessment of imperfection to grade the yarn against photographic
comparison standards.
de la maquina
Is used for winding the yarn on the blackboard for visual examination and grading the yarn as per
ASTM standards.

Choices of wide range of rectangular and tapered boards. Tablero de

limpiador por Specifications of Yarn Appearance Board Winder:

Over all Dimension of the Unit : 61 (W) cm x 35 (D) cm x 27.5 (H) cm.
Size of Tapered Board : 28.5cm x 18 cm. herramientas

Equipamiento CNC
Size of Rectangular Board : 28.5cm x 18 cm
Mquinas Fresadoras.
Standard Las mquinas
Yarn Spacing CNC
: 20, 22, Fresadoras
26, 32, 38, and 48 usan un cortador
WRAPS per INCHrotatorio para el
movimiento de corte y un movimiento lineal para la alimentacin. El material es empujado en el
Net Weight
cortador, o el cortador es empujado of theen
al material, Unit : 21 kgrectos o curvos tridimensionales, para
producir los elementos deseados de una pieza. La pieza terminada es creada mediante la
Technical specifications
remocin de todo el & appearance
material of machines
innecesario desde laarepieza
subject to change
de trabajo. Estewithout
se notice.

Yarn Appearance Board Winder confirms with the following international standards:
Tornos. Los Tornos CNC rotan la pieza de trabajo en contra de un nico punto de una herramienta
para producir movimiento de corte. ASTM D 2255-96
La herramienta se alimenta a lo largo o en la pieza de trabajo
para producir el movimiento de alimentacin. El maquinado de una pieza en un torno se denomina

How Yarn Appearance Board Winder Works?

Centros de Maquinado. Los centros de maquinado son mquinas CNC ms sofisticadas que
frecuentemente combinan las tecnologas de fresado y torneado.
Wrapping Boards:

Yarn number of the yarn to be tested has to be determined. The appropriate spacing of the yarn
Laboratorio de Taller Mecnico
wraps on the boards has to be found from the table.

A parallel/tapered board has to be fixed onto the short stubs.

The spacing of the yarn on the board has to be checked by making a small sample wrapping on it.

Algunos procesos del CNC

Yarn Appearance Board Winder is used to compare the appearance of irregularities against standard
rating photographs which carry out visual determination of unevenness along the length of a yarn.
Tenable yarns of different thickness to be assessed; the spacing between the wraps is suitably
Presentacin selected so as to clearly give a distinguishable pattern.
Features of Yarn Appearance Board Winder:
Tratamientos con calor
Doblado Manually operated.
Planificacin Checks the evenness & appearance of yarn.
Precise preparation for accurate assessment of imperfection to grade the yarn against photographic
Remocin de material comparison standards.
Is used for winding the yarn on the blackboard for visual examination and grading the yarn as per
Pruebas ASTM standards.
Choices of wide range of rectangular and tapered boards.

Specifications of Yarn Appearance Board Winder:


Over all Dimension of the Unit : 61 (W) cm x 35 (D) cm x 27.5 (H) cm.
Los parmetros tecnolgicos fundamentales que hay que considerar en el proceso de CNC son
los siguientes: Size of Tapered Board : 28.5cm x 18 cm.
Eleccin del tipo de mquina, accesorios y sistemas de fijacin de pieza y herramienta
Size of Rectangular Board
ms adecuados. : 28.5cm x 18 cm

Eleccin Yarn
de CNC:: 20, 22, 26, 32,
maquinas 38, and 48
fresadoras, WRAPS
tornos, per INCH
centros de mecanizados o
maquinas EDM.
Net Weight of the Unit : 21 kg
Insercin de datos a la maquina CNC, para que la maquina empiece hacer el trabajo.
Technical specifications & appearance of machines are subject to change without any notice.
Dependiendo de la complejidad puede tardar entre 1-8 horas para acabar.

Yarn Appearance Board Winder confirms with the following international standards:
A continuacin, algunas herramientas que se pueden usar para funciones especificas en una
mquina CNC.

How Yarn Appearance Board Winder Works?

Wrapping Boards:

Yarn number of the yarn to be tested has to be determined. The appropriate spacing of the yarn
Laboratorio de Taller Mecnico
wraps on the boards has to be found from the table.

A parallel/tapered board has to be fixed onto the short stubs.

The spacing of the yarn on the board has to be checked by making a small sample wrapping on it.

Yarn Appearance Board Winder is used to compare the appearance of irregularities against standard
rating photographs which carry out visual determination of unevenness along the length of a yarn.
Tenable yarns of different thickness to be assessed; the spacing between the wraps is suitably
selected so as to clearly give a distinguishable pattern.

Features of Yarn Appearance Board Winder:

Manually operated.

Para Taladrar Checks the evenness &Para

Tornear of yarn.

Precise preparation for accurate assessment of imperfection to grade the yarn against photographic
comparison standards.

Is used for winding the yarn on the blackboard for visual examination and grading the yarn as per
ASTM standards.

Choices of wide range of rectangular and tapered boards.

Specifications of Yarn Appearance Board Winder:

Para Fresado

Over all Dimension of the Unit : 61 (W) cm x 35 (D) cm x 27.5 (H) cm.

Size of Tapered Board : 28.5cm x 18 cm.

Size of Rectangular Board : 28.5cm x 18 cm

Herramientas Varias
Standard Yarn Spacing : 20, 22, 26, 32, 38, and 48 WRAPS per INCH

Net Weight of the Unit : 21 kg

Technical specifications & appearance of machines are subject to change without any notice.
Reglas de Seguridad.

SIEMPRE use antiparras para la proteccin de sus ojos.

Yarn Appearance Board Winder confirms with the following international standards:
Maneje con cuidado herramientas y piezas con bordes afilados para evitar heridas.
Las herramientas de corte deben asegurarse firmemente en la mquina para evitar
ASTM D 2255-96
cualquier movimiento durante la operacin de corte.
Asegure su ropa suelta.
Use una brocha para remover residuos de la mquina. Nunca use sus manos.
Evite los empujones
How Yarn oAppearance
el juego rudo.
Board Winder Works?
Use manga corta o arremnguese la camisa sobre el codo.

Partida o Encendido. Depender de cada mquina. Usualmente hay un interruptor principal o

un diferencial y adems hay un sistema Boards: para detener la mquina en caso de
de emergencia
peligro. Algunas mquinas requieren presin de aire o usan sistemas hidrulicos.

Yarn number of the yarn to be tested has to be determined. The appropriate spacing of the yarn
Laboratorio de Taller Mecnico
wraps on the boards has to be found from the table.

A parallel/tapered board has to be fixed onto the short stubs.

The spacing of the yarn on the board has to be checked by making a small sample wrapping on it.

Posicin HOME (de inicio). Muchas mquinas CNC tienen una posicin HOME o de inicio, la cual
Yarn Appearance
permite alBoard
controlWinder is used to
y a la mquina compare
tener the appearance
una posicin of irregularities
de cero previa against
para todos los standard
ejes. Despus
de la partida, la mquina debe ser enviada a esta ubicacin antes de poder comenzar a trabajar.
rating photographs which carry out visual determination of unevenness along the length of a yarn.
Esta posicin cambiar posteriormente a una ubicacin ms apropiada para la maquinacin de
piezaof different thickness to be assessed; the spacing between the wraps is suitably
selected so as to clearly give a distinguishable pattern.
Las maquinas CNC ocupan mucho ms espacio, pero a la vez son mucho ms
Features of Yarn Appearance Board Winder:
el tiempo requerido para la obtencin de una pieza es mucho mejor que el de
una maquina convencional.

6) CONCLUSIONES Manually operated.

Por toda la tecnologa que cuenta esta mquina, concluimos que el precio
debe serChecks
muchothe evenness
ms elevado&que
appearance of yarn.convencional.
en una maquina
El manejo que estas mquinas no estn complicado, pero igual requiere de
Precise preparation for
unaaccurate assessment of imperfection to grade the yarn against photographic
comparison standards.
Is used for winding the yarn on the blackboard for visual examination and grading the yarn as per
Traduccin preparada porstandards.
ASTM R. Avils para los usuarios de la mquina CNC
de Electrotecnologas, Agosto de 2004
http://www.monografias.com/trabajos-pdf5/CNC /fresadoras-y-
Choices of wide range of rectangular and tapered boards.
Specifications of Yarn Appearance Board Winder:

Over all Dimension of the Unit : 61 (W) cm x 35 (D) cm x 27.5 (H) cm.

Size of Tapered Board : 28.5cm x 18 cm.

Size of Rectangular Board : 28.5cm x 18 cm

Standard Yarn Spacing : 20, 22, 26, 32, 38, and 48 WRAPS per INCH

Net Weight of the Unit : 21 kg

Technical specifications & appearance of machines are subject to change without any notice.

Yarn Appearance Board Winder confirms with the following international standards:

ASTM D 2255-96

How Yarn Appearance Board Winder Works?

Wrapping Boards:

Yarn number of the yarn to be tested has to be determined. The appropriate spacing of the yarn
Laboratorio de Taller Mecnico
wraps on the boards has to be found from the table.

A parallel/tapered board has to be fixed onto the short stubs.

The spacing of the yarn on the board has to be checked by making a small sample wrapping on it.

Yarn Appearance Board Winder is used to compare the appearance of irregularities against standard
rating photographsMovimiento
which carrydeoutlavisual
Herramienta y Planos
determination ofde Construccin.
unevenness along the length of a yarn.
Tenable yarns of different thickness to be assessed; the spacing between the wraps is suitably
selected so as to clearly give a distinguishable pattern.
Los cdigos del Plano de Construccin
se usan para cambiar entre los planos
coordinados para maquinar arcos o
Features of Yarn Appearance Board Winder:

Estos cdigos son G17(XY), G18(XZ), y

Manually operated.
G19(YZ). El Movimiento de la
Checks the evenness & appearance of yarn. debe ocurrir paralelo a uno
de estos planos para los arcos y crculos.
Precise preparation for accurate assessment of imperfection
grade the
se yarn againstelphotographic
considera plano G17
comparison standards.

Is used for winding the yarn on the blackboard for visual examination and grading the yarn as per
ASTM standards.

Choices of wide range of rectangular and tapered boards.

Sistemas de Unidades y Modos de Entrada
Specifications of Yarn Appearance Board Winder:
Los Sistemas de Unidades son las unidades de medicin que se usan en un programa CNC. Todas
las mquinas entienden las unidades Mtricas (milmetros, mm) y las Inglesas (pulgadas, "). Hay que
indicarle a la mquina CNC que unidades se estn utilizando. Algunas mquinas vienen ajustadas
Over all oDimension
de fbrica a pulgadas of the
a milmetros. Unit : 61 (W)
Normalmente al cm x 35
inicio de(D)
uncm x 27.5 (H)
programa cm.ver eso; G70
especifica pulgadas y G71 especifica milmetros.
Size of Tapered Board : 28.5cm x 18 cm.
Los Modos de Entrada se refieren al tipo de informacin coordenada que se ingresa al programa de
la mquina CNC. hay dosSize of Rectangular Board
tipos: : 28.5cm x 18 cm

- Entrada Absoluta, Yarnpara
diseada Spacing : 20,G90,
el cdigo 22, 26, 32, 38, and
especifica 48 WRAPS
la distancia perelINCH
desde origen o punto cero
del programa. El modo Absoluto es el ms comn.
Net Weight of the Unit : 21 kg
- Entrada Incremental, designada por el cdigo G91, especifica las distancias y direcciones usando
el punto specifications
previo & appearance
como un origen. La entradaofincremental
machines are subject
a veces seto change without
denomina any notice.
punto-a-punto. Todos
los sistemas CNC pueden conmutar desde el modo absoluto al incremental y viceversa, ilimitadas
veces en un programa.

Existen Yarn
otrosAppearance Board Winder
modos de entrada confirms
tales como with the following international standards:
el Helicoidal.

ASTM D 2255-96
Cdigos de Programacin

o Descripcin del Cdigo de Letras

How Yarn Appearance Board Winder Works?
N Nmero de Secuencia

G Funciones Preparatorias

X Wrapping Boards:del Eje X


Yarn number of the yarn to be tested has to be determined. The appropriate spacing of the yarn
Laboratorio de Taller Mecnico
wraps on the boards has to be found from the table.

A parallel/tapered board has to be fixed onto the short stubs.

The spacing of the yarn on the board has to be checked by making a small sample wrapping on it.

Y Comando del Eje Y

Yarn Appearance Board Winder is used to compare the appearance of irregularities against standard
Z Comando del Eje Z
rating photographs which carry out visual determination of unevenness along the length of a yarn.
Tenable yarns
R of different thickness toRadio
be assessed;
desde elthe spacing
Centro between the wraps is suitably
selected so as to clearly give a distinguishable pattern.
A ngulo contra los punteros del reloj desde el vector +X

I Desplazamiento del Centro del Arco del Eje X

J FeaturesDesplazamiento
of Yarn Appearance Board Winder:
del Centro del Arco del Eje Y

K Desplazamiento del Centro del Arco del Eje Z

F ManuallyTasa
de Alimentacin

S Checks the evenness &Velocidad

appearance of yarn.
de Giro

Precise preparation for accurate assessment ofNmero de la Herramienta
imperfection to grade the yarn against photographic
M comparisonFuncin
Is used for winding the yarn
o Nmeros on the blackboard for visual examination and grading the yarn as per
de Secuencia
El Nmero de Secuencia, tambin standards.
cdigo N, es el nmero de identificacin del
bloque (lnea) en un programa CNC. La palabra de cdigo comn utilizada comienza
con N. NChoices of widecdigo
es el primer range en
of rectangular
un bloque yand tapered boards.
normalmente tiene un rango N1 hasta
N9999. Muchas CNC no requieren el uso de cdigos N lo cual ayuda a liberar memoria.
Sus principalesSpecifications of Yarn
beneficios son Appearance
el que permiten laBoard Winder:
bsqueda fcil en programas largos y
la capacidad de volver a hacer partir un programa en casi cualquier nmero de lnea.
Usualmente el programador saltar N nmeros entre bloques para dejar espacio para
Over posteriormente
all Dimension ofbloques
the Unitolvidados
: 61 (W)ocm
adicionales. Por
x 35 (D) cm ejemplo
x 27.5 (H) N5,
cm. N10, N15, etc.
o Funciones Preparatorias
Size of Tapered Board : 28.5cm x 18 cm.
Las Funciones Preparatorias son los cdigos G. Los Cdigos G son indicados por la
letra G y un nmero de 2 dgitos.Board
Size of Rectangular Estos cdigos son las
: 28.5cm funciones
x 18 cm ms importantes en
programacin CNC debido a que dirigen el sistema CNC para el procesamiento de los
datos de coordenadas
Standard Yarn Spacingen una
: 20, manera particular.
22, 26, 32, Algunos
38, and 48 WRAPSejemplos
per INCHson: transversal
rpido, interpolacin circular, interpolacin lineal, y taladrado. Los cdigos son algo casi
Net Weight of the Unit : 21 kg
estandarizado en la industria.

Technical specifications & appearance of machines are subject to change without any notice.
FUENTE: http://gabpingenieria.weebly.com/uploads/2/0/1/6/20162823/CNC.pdf

Yarn Appearance Board Winder confirms with the following international standards:

ASTM D 2255-96

How Yarn Appearance Board Winder Works?

Wrapping Boards:

Yarn number of the yarn to be tested has to be determined. The appropriate spacing of the yarn
Laboratorio de Taller Mecnico
wraps on the boards has to be found from the table.

A parallel/tapered board has to be fixed onto the short stubs.

The spacing of the yarn on the board has to be checked by making a small sample wrapping on it.

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