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Communication Philosophy

Jennifer Rector

Gonzaga University

COML 595 Theorizing Communication

Dr. Crandall

May 4, 2016

Communication Philosophy

My philosophy of communication is focused on understanding, engagement, motivation,

and resolution through the organization of tools and messaging in a way that feels unique while
also being relevant to a majority.

Communication is not just a language or a subject to be learned. Its a way of surviving in

the world. Its an expression of being. Communication is about both understanding others and
being understood. It is the discussion and analysis in addition to the emotion and containment of
living species not just human beings.

Words, music, art, dialogue, drama, and dance are all part of the vast possibilities when
we talk about communication. But for me, communication is organization. Its the culmination of
a million ideas, thoughts, and feelings spinning around like the ads in Times Square, and finally
coming into clear focus organized in a way that makes sense for the majority.

We as professional communicators have the ultimate responsibility for this organization.

My goal as a student and a life-long communications professional is to understand the world
around me and organize communication strategies, tools, and messages in a way where they will
have as significant an impact as possible.

Communication should above all else be ethical, timely, accurate, and complete. Its the
story, the motivation to get involved, the feeling of a rhythm that forces you on to the same
platform with other human beings. Communication is both mass marketed but also highly

In regards to the endless possibilities in education, Communication is special. You can

learn to do many things. You can study medicine, science, technology, engineering, art the
possibilities are great. But, all of these things do have a common denominator. You must know
something about communicating to be successful in anything you study or strive to be.

Ecology is the study of the environment. In our textbook, we read about media ecology,
the study of the media environment (Griffin, 2015). For me, I believe that the media environment
affects all other things in our physical environment. It can dictate how we behave, interact with
each other, and act in the world we live.

My communication philosophy is to understand the theories, organize the tools, craft the
messages, engage the audience, and ultimately solve the issues. Only through continued
education, listening, and a commitment to react can I be successful in regards to my goals for
communication in both my life and my career. It all starts with education understanding.
And, ultimately ends with resolution.


Griffin, E., Ledbetter, A., & Sparks, A. (2015). A first look at communication theory (9th ed.).
New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

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