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Short Definition : chatter idly or foolishly; make continuous sounds like water running
gently over rounded stone; N.

(noun) gibberish resembling the sounds of a baby
Synonyms : babbling , lallation

(verb) utter meaningless sounds, like a baby, or utter in an incoherent way
Example Sentence
The old man is only babbling--don't pay attention

(verb) to talk foolishly
Synonyms : blather , blether , blither , smatter
Example Sentence
The two women babbled and crooned at the baby

(verb) flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise
Synonyms : bubble , burble , guggle , gurgle , ripple
Example Sentence
babbling brooks

(verb) divulge confidential information or secrets
Synonyms : babble out , blab , blab out , let the cat out of the bag , peach ,
sing , spill the beans , talk , tattle
Example Sentence
Be careful--his secretary talks

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for babble

babble = bab - ble bla bla bla ( ble) which means to chatter foolishly
67 2

by kruthika

babble sounds like blabber(Speak (about unimportant matters)).so bla bla bla
6 1

by moorthy_ragha

imagine a babby in bathtub playing with bubbles and saying Bla Bla Blabble....
2 3

by pankajgoyal

babble ~ ba bb bl; just imagine a baby saying Ba ba ba ba .. (making meaningless sounds)

1 1

by sandeep_fg

1 4

by survivor007007

babble = babe always do bla bla mean womens are talking continuously
0 1

by manglamaur

Sounds like mother asking his boy baba bol(talk) then the little boy spelling the words
which are confusing to understand.
0 1

by shaktipada

Short Definition : noisy party with a lot of drinking

(noun) someone who engages in drinking bouts
Synonyms : bacchant , drunken reveler , drunken reveller

(noun) a drunken reveller; a devotee of Bacchus
Synonyms : bacchant

(noun) a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity
Synonyms : bacchanalia , debauch , debauchery , drunken revelry , orgy , riot ,

(adj) used of riotously drunken merrymaking
Synonyms : bacchanalian , bacchic , carousing , orgiastic
Example Sentence
a night of bacchanalian revelry
carousing bands of drunken soldiers
orgiastic festivity

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bacchanal

Bachchan acted well in movie SHARABI -hope it helps

51 6

by userdce

bachelors + all. if many bachelors (college hostel) join they will have a party with drinks.
so warden shouting at them for creating noise. bacchanal = bachelors party= drinking and
making noise
11 0

by arulmozhi

Baccha(Child)+nal(noise). in punjabi, baccha nal noise karnde hai drinking party which.
10 13

by abhims2
it seems like bachhalan (charater less fellow) and we can imagine as he is an drunken
10 2

by tariq431

bac-chanal- this reminds us of a pub cald back(ward) channel.Pub is a place ,where music
and lots of noise is made.
1 9

by sriharisharma

Bacchaus is Roman God, is happy with dance and drink and forbidden sex in the back.
1 0

by harep

bacha pi k nali me gir gaya..

1 1

by just6700

Imagine: a BACHelor party in

Amsterdam. It was quite a
BASH. The groom got drunk
and fell into a CANAL.
0 3

by logintel

Short Definition : the ancient Roman festival in honor of Bacchus

(noun) an orgiastic festival in ancient Greece in honor of Dionysus (= Bacchus)
Synonyms : dionysia
(noun) a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity
Synonyms : bacchanal , debauch , debauchery , drunken revelry , orgy , riot ,

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bacchanalia

Bachalan(characterless) log hamesha daaru pee ke party karte hain-toshitrules

10 1

by cyli

bacchan the bewada alia mean.. party karayega hi daru ki

0 0

by swap.kamble

Short Definition : drunken

(adj) used of riotously drunken merrymaking
Synonyms : bacchanal , bacchic , carousing , orgiastic
Example Sentence
a night of bacchanalian revelry
carousing bands of drunken soldiers
orgiastic festivity

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bacchanalian

(in hindi langauge) Baccha nali mein pada hai kyon ki vo drunken hai.
23 4

by ankur_mnnit2002

bacchanalian contains Bachchan (hence Amitabh Bachchan) who is famous for his
drunken persons role in bollywood movie Shraabi. (Amitabh bachchan is a famous
bollywood actor.)
7 2

by snehagupta12us

Bacchus is the Roman god of wine and revelry.

6 0

by alikitto

Everyone drank vodca at Amitabh Bacchan's party

2 8

by smartankit_27

if you remember in Amithab bacchan movie "satte pe satha"(spelling is not exact), after
drinking, his dialogue "dharu peeney mein liver karab ho jaatha hai"
1 9

by dgsenthilkumar

bacchanalian = Baccha(Bakasura) + nalian (Nalige/Nalai) sounds like tongue of Bakasura

1 1

by srinathshetty

bacchalan kalmuhi...sharaab pi kar ghar aati hai!!!!

1 1

by SDV

Bacchanla ladki pi karr aayi hai.. DRUNKEN..

0 1

by RajeshBorkar

Short Definition : revert (to bad habits); N. reverter

(verb) drop to a lower level, as in one's morals or standards
Synonyms : lapse

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for backslide

back(means...to turn to your original place or habit) + slide(means to come

down)............and anyone who comes back to his bad habits again after having given up is
said to be in a backslideing situation.
29 1

by preetisoni2411

the situation is said to be backsliding.

0 4

by preetisoni2411

Short Definition : and forwards; Ex. reciprocate his invitation by inviting him; N.
reciprocity: reciprocal relationship; mutual interchange of advantages between two
groups; Ex. reciprocity in trading rights

(adv) at or to or toward the back or rear
Synonyms : back , backward , rearward , rearwards
Example Sentence
he moved back
tripped when he stepped backward
she looked rearward out the window of the car

(adv) in a manner or order or direction the reverse of normal
Synonyms : backward
Example Sentence
it's easy to get the `i' and the `e' backward in words like `seize' and `siege'
the child put her jersey on backward

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for backwards

somebody who takes care of you (not your father/mother, but someone like a WARDen)
and accepts responsibility for you, accepts you as his/her WARD. You reciprocate this
after a few years with money, gifts or love in return.

Short Definition : pester; annoy continually with demands; persuade by asking again and
again; Ex. The children badgered me into taking them into the cinema; N: a kind of
mountain animal

(noun) a native or resident of Wisconsin
Synonyms : wisconsinite

(noun) sturdy carnivorous burrowing mammal with strong claws; widely distributed in
the northern hemisphere

(verb) annoy persistently
Synonyms : beleaguer , bug , pester , tease
Example Sentence
The children teased the boy because of his stammer

(verb) persuade through constant efforts

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for badger

BAD GIRL.....bad girls always annoy people

29 2

by nileshdive

bad+ger(gen) gen means people. badgers are always annoying.

13 10

by raani
badger ~ beggar; Imagine some annoying beggar woman !!
12 2

by katiyar204

Think of "badger" as a vain military officer with a lot of badges pinned on to his
uniform...he keeps pestering everyone to make note of his achievements...so badger =
"pester, annoy or harass"!
4 4

by grehelper

army wear badge, so they are badger. they annoy people persistently.
3 26

by sanjeev

BAD+GERms==always bother us. so badger means bother

2 0

by rejaulmeister

the multi- 'bagger'(sounds like badger) stock ideas advert on this website is very irritating
annoying and pestering
1 0

by Malinga

badgers are like stalker who never cease to pester, irritate and annoy
1 0

by ashu6191

badger = bazar .. annoys us

1 1

by anindyajyotiroy

Divide it like bad+ ger (gen, generation): gen means people. Today's bad generation can
really annoy their parents.
0 0

by editor1

It sounds like anger...badger...anger so u can rembe rit

0 2

by itskhush.gupta

Sound the buzzer frequently to badger people.

0 1

by shadip

remember your class topper in scholl who embosses a BADGEar all the students of the
class ANOY AND PESTER him by asking doubts AGAIN AND AGAIN
0 0

by manojmothy

begger on signal asking again and again

0 0

by swap.kamble

Short Definition : teasing conversation; banter; joking talk

(noun) frivolous banter

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for badinage

"tease ur friend in a friendly and humorous way" that he looks "bad + in + age"(older)
due to his bald head
23 5

by bookworm
Bad-in-age. Youth is the age we may get involved in doing bad things. One of those bad
things is teasing someone (frivolous banter) during conversation or pulling
someones leg.
15 0

by abhinav07

sounds like BADI(big in hindi)and NAAK (nose)..so teasing some one bout their big
5 32

by findktk

split it like this badi+age..so badi(old) age ki ladies often do teasing conversations.
3 25


badinage - - bad+image people with bad image are known for teasing someone
3 4

by sathishs1988

sounds like bandage........in order to tease my friends i had applied bandage to my

leg.....when they asked me what had happened i removed it and started laughing
3 3

by nileshdive

badinage=bad+in+age. If you are bad in age. i.e if you are too old or too young, you lack
seriousness and indulge mostly in careless chatter
2 5

by maddy232323

bad i nage...= in hindi bad + naach...but shes ur friend so ..... tell her the naach was good
in humorous way ,,to tease in a light hearted way...:)
1 4

by ravinderonchopper
Humorous people donot have a very serious image i.e they have bad image. So
BADINAGE corresponds to bad image i.e humorous, ridicule etc
1 4

by rejaulmeister

Think of badinage the way it's pronounced..badinage = "BADDIE" + "NAASH"...sab bad

logon ka naash ho gaya..all baddies destroyed..so everybody is having a light hearted,
playful conversation..badinage = light hearted conversation!
0 1

by grehelper

badinage sounds like bad+image i.e bad image comes because of teasing others.
0 0

by tarunsiddharth999

bad image of the bad man(gulshan grover) cos of his badinage.

0 0

by rawaldelhi@gmail.com

Short Definition : frustrate; perplex

(noun) a flat plate that controls or directs the flow of fluid or energy
Synonyms : baffle board

(verb) be a mystery or bewildering to
Synonyms : amaze , beat , bewilder , dumbfound , flummox , get , gravel , mystify ,
nonplus , perplex , pose , puzzle , stick , stupefy , vex
Example Sentence
This beats me!
Got me--I don't know the answer!
a vexing problem
This question really stuck me
(verb) hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of
Synonyms : bilk , cross , foil , frustrate , queer , scotch , spoil , thwart
Example Sentence
What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge
foil your opponent

(verb) check the emission of (sound)
Synonyms : regulate

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for baffle

baffal=bad+fal(hindi)fruit...a bad fruit frustates u

12 4

by abhi_nagpurkar

baffle sounds like buffalo and a wild buffalo can really frustrate you with his crazy
7 1

by abhims2

baffle sounds like be + fool. Everybody knows that a fool is always confused and
frusturated while trying to understand / do something new.
7 0

by passion2win

Baffle = frustrate = bewilder. Now u can imagine about a Buffalo getting wild...
6 9

by shootdemup!

when you eat baffla(e) ,you overeat & get frustrated on the cook afterwards, who made
you eat so much.
1 1

by sonalrulzzzz

Buffalo on the road baffled me.

0 0

by rawaldelhi@gmail.com

baffle sounds like battle so we get frusteted during battle time.....

0 0

by sai spandana

similar to BEFUDDLE
0 0

by vocabIsFun

BAFFLE sounds like ba ba fool i.e father confused.

0 0

by shaktipada

baffle- just assume that zyada baafle(dal-bafle) khane se frustration hota hai :P
0 0

by nishant19

Short Definition : harass; tease; torment; Ex. badger baiting; N: food or other lure used
to catch fish or trap animals

(noun) anything that serves as an enticement
Synonyms : come-on , hook , lure , sweetener
(noun) something used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or
Synonyms : decoy , lure

(verb) harass with persistent criticism or carping
Synonyms : cod , rag , rally , razz , ride , tantalise , tantalize , taunt , tease ,
Example Sentence
The children teased the new teacher
Don't ride me so hard over my failure
His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie

(verb) lure, entice, or entrap with bait

(verb) attack with dogs or set dogs upon

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bait

sounds like WAIT- a boy ALLUREs or give a "temptation" to his girlfriend by saying that
he wud wait for her forever.
8 5

by prashi2

This word sounds like bite, so Biting someone steadily means teasing someone or to
harass someone.
6 2

by aniruddha_chaudhari

college students bets friends to tease/harass girls

3 2

by swap.kamble
bait(bate in hindi)its the food used to trap/tease for hunting
1 0

by praveenkatti16

In Kannada, Bete mean hunt. Try to lure, before you hunt something.
0 0

by srinathshetty

Wait after putting bait on hook.

0 0

by rawaldelhi@gmail.com

Short Definition : evil; malignant in intent or effect; deadly; having a malign influence;
portending evil; ominous; threatening; Ex. baleful look

(adj) deadly or sinister
Synonyms : baneful
Example Sentence
the Florida eagles have a fierce baleful look

(adj) threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
Synonyms : forbidding , menacing , minacious , minatory , ominous , sinister ,
Example Sentence
a baleful look
forbidding thunderclouds
his tone became menacing
ominous rumblings of discontent
sinister storm clouds
a sinister smile
his threatening behavior
ugly black clouds
the situation became ugly
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for baleful

when we pronounce this word this word sounds simillar to word painful........and anything
painful is always a result of an evil act
30 24

by preetisoni2411

BALEFUL.....remind yourself of christian bale.....in The Dark Knight.....the movie

immediately reminds you of Joker....the BALEFUL joker!!
12 5

by shanto6888

Baleful ~ bail+ful; when any dangerous convict gets out of jail taking bail, he could be
10 3

by yokel

Baleful = Bal + ful. Bal means hair ful means lots of it. Assume a person with unruly long
hair.... he naturally seems threatening and intimidating to others... hence BALEFUL.
5 9

by passion2win

In the cricket ground, throwing bale is baleful for batsman.

4 12

by bhardwajrk

we put alarming bells indicating fire..

4 7

by nileshdive

Tottenham Hotspurs' Gareth BALE is always 'BALEFUL' to the opposition with his
deadly pace and clinical finishing.
4 4

by joshjohn1984
When the "jail" is "full", it is threatening. So baleful means threatening
4 0

by Iam

if you know the game diablo its easy to remember. Bale is another big EVIL who is
diablo's brother.
2 9

by roketz2k7

Think of cartoons, when a cartoon character is FRIGHTENED or THREATENED it

become pale...white in color
2 4

by BNS

we can remember this word as balaful= filled with bala(problem)

1 11

by guswidgutts

u can think of a person who is requesting a bale( in court).......obviously who is asking

bale will be sinister and threatning....and every inch of him shows evil.....
1 3

by nayeem

In the Bible, the harmful and sinister God BAAL and his prophets, are defeated by Elijah
the Prophet.
1 2

by dshefman

bale in telugu means lizard if there are ful bales then its symbol of evil
1 0

by sabitha.poladi@gmail.com

lets BAIL after a FULTOO job

1 0

by joxeusindia

think of "bale":cotton bale when you use up BALEFUL of cotton it indicates that
something EVIL,MALIGNANT has happened
0 1

by manojmothy

It can be taken as Bail-E-ful in which the central big "E" stands for Evil and looks with
evil eyes towards us
0 0

by fahad18g

Short Definition : stop short, as if faced with an obstacle, and refuse to continue; foil;
stop or get in the way of; frustrate

(noun) the area on a billiard table behind the balkline
Synonyms : baulk
Example Sentence
a player with ball in hand must play from the balk

(noun) something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress
Synonyms : baulk , check , deterrent , handicap , hinderance , hindrance ,

(noun) one of several parallel sloping beams that support a roof
Synonyms : baulk , rafter

(noun) an illegal pitching motion while runners are on base
(verb) refuse to comply
Synonyms : baulk , jib , resist

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for balk

sound close to bulk...when u see a bulky thing on ur way u refuse to go ahead

43 7

by mon_m

When a dog barks, you balk.

23 2

by analaarun

balk sounds like a dog's bark; if you see a dog barking, you refuse to go ahead. hence,
dog acts as obstacle (hindrance) in your walk.
12 0

by kabirkhan

Balk sounds like Block. ie is stops from doing something

5 1

by xecutive

consider...WALK-that means when u go ahead;now remove W it bcums BALK-which

means not walking
4 0

by mohit26041988

Balk similar to bulk and also walk Now bulk is a hindrance/an obstacle in walking
1 1

by kamil.king

balk=>sounds like 'bulk'- so when we are with a bulky partner, we are unwilling to
approach to flatter her.
1 5

by rajdip

Balk > Walk > Work > Balk > Bulk > Bark. :> when you walk towards some work you
balk because a bulky dog (which resembles your work) in it barks at you and so haults
(balks?) you
0 0

by fahad18g

When a geek finds a bom-chick swirling around in the balcony,then he gets tentaive or
rather hesitates to move around:-p
0 0

by Rohit_Reddy

Short Definition : heavy substance used to add stability or weight; V. supply with ballast

(noun) any heavy material used to stabilize a ship or airship

(noun) coarse gravel laid to form a bed for streets and railroads

(noun) an attribute that tends to give stability in character and morals; something that
steadies the mind or feelings

(noun) a resistor inserted into a circuit to compensate for changes (as those arising from
temperature fluctuations)
Synonyms : ballast resistor , barretter

(noun) an electrical device for starting and regulating fluorescent and discharge lamps
Synonyms : light ballast

(verb) make steady with a ballast

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ballast

ballast -- balance -- you are adding something to balance it or make it stable ( just as in
weighing balance)
15 4

by rupingill

Divide it like--Bal(Balance)+Last(last long), adding weight to bring balance to

something(as in weighing balance) or to make it stable that last long.
8 0

by abhims2

ballast = ball(imagine a heavy iron ball) + st(ability)

5 4

by passion2win

blast... to stop something from blasting away, put heavy substance on it..
2 0

by yourbikash

Bal(Balance) + st(stability)>>> Adding something to balance or stabilize or support

1 0

by RajeshBorkar

Short Definition : something that relieves pain; oily liquid with a pleasant smell from
(noun) any of various aromatic resinous substances used for healing and soothing

(noun) semisolid preparation (usually containing a medicine) applied externally as a
remedy or for soothing an irritation
Synonyms : ointment , salve , unction , unguent

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for balm

Just think of medicine Zandu (balm),which relieves pain

17 0

by kanduri srikanth

Balmy-balm- I don't like the fragrance of Iodex balm.

0 0

by editor1

Short Definition : soft and mild (of air); fragrant

(adj) informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
Synonyms : around the bend , barmy , bats , batty , bonkers , buggy , cracked ,
crackers , daft , dotty , fruity , haywire , kookie , kooky , loco , loony , loopy ,
nuts , nutty , round the bend , wacky , whacky
Example Sentence
it used to drive my husband balmy

(adj) mild and pleasant
Synonyms : mild , soft
Example Sentence
balmy days and nights
the climate was mild and conducive to life or growth
a soft breeze
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for balmy

BALMs are used to make us feel good, mild when we are having headache or tension.
hence balmy means mild, pleasant
26 1

by rejaulmeister

I don't like the fragrant of Iodex balm

2 18

by smartankit_27

Balmy sounds like Bama who is krishnas wife and she is very pleasant.
1 9

by lakshmihs

Short Definition : hackneyed; commonplace; trite; lacking originality; clich'ed

(adj) repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
Synonyms : commonplace , hackneyed , old-hat , shopworn , stock , threadbare ,
timeworn , tired , trite , well-worn
Example Sentence
bromidic sermons
his remarks were trite and commonplace
hackneyed phrases
a stock answer
repeating threadbare jokes
parroting some timeworn axiom
the trite metaphor `hard as nails'

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for banal

abey nal to roz hi kholte hain...

28 10

by 1.6k

19 21

by viren

'ban + al' --> 'ban all' those directors whose movies are 'banal' (the same old story lines
are repeated ; (another meaning) dull and unoriginal(dubbed))
12 2

by bookworm

Divide it like -- ban + al(ban all people); you ban all those people from your group, if
they are repeating the same activity again and again.
5 0

by Administrator

When u r in severe depression u

will lock urself in ur room
BANNING ALL people for a
while as u need some privacy
2 3

by BNS

Banal = I would like to BAN-ALL banal words because they are dull and overused.
2 2

by avarx

banal sounds like GUNAL(a tamil movie actor).So his death has been shown on TV for
many days(repeated too often).
1 9

by moorthy_ragha

banal => bakwaas(hindi) not always, means being a waste as it's overrepeated.
1 0

by vocabIsFun

banal: beh nal. behta hua nal is a vey munadane affair

0 1

by aroraraman309

ca be taken as a short from for Boring And Not originAL....

0 0

by SDV

Short Definition : discuss lightly or glibly; discuss in a frivolous manner; exchange
(words) heatedly; quarrel; Ex. bandy words with

(verb) toss or strike a ball back and forth

(verb) exchange blows

(verb) discuss lightly
Synonyms : kick around
Example Sentence
We bandied around these difficult questions

(adj) have legs that curve outward at the knees
Synonyms : bandy-legged , bowed , bowleg , bowlegged

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bandy

bandy sounds like brandy--When people drink brandy, they exchange heated words in a
light and glib way.
13 2

by sriharisharma

in hindi u call ur GF ur BANDI, so u share, discuss, have light arguments with ur bandi...
13 6

by prashi2

Bandy--sounds like "Band" which means close . so close the room and talk else
somebody will listen
7 11

by corrupted

bandy sounds like BANDIT. In all movies with bandits, there are a lot of careless
dialogues and actions by the bandits and as a result, fights and quarrels. (Imagine Sholay,
featuring the world's most famous bandit, Gabbar Singh)
3 0

by passion2win

we you drink BRANDY you speak in a bandy way!..

0 0

by extrovert

bandi= in jail Bandi(hindi) discuss lightly for their escape plan

0 0

by extremesantosh

bandy=band+y=BAND+I=BANDI. Men only exchange blows for a bandi and beat each
0 0

by KshitijKhurana

He bandied words with a bandi.

0 0

by rawaldelhi@gmail.com

Short Definition : posion; cause of ruin; ADJ. baneful: harmful; poisonous

(noun) something causing misery or death
Synonyms : curse , nemesis , scourge
Example Sentence
the bane of my life

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bane

Modern technology is BOON OR BANE. Boon is useful and BANE is Something

causing misery or death
28 1

by moorthy_ragha

ban+e -- Things which are harmful or poisonous (can make your life misery) are always
banned by government.
7 1

by preetisoni2411

sounds like CANE which CAUSES MISERY

2 9

by findktk

bane...in rhyme with ... pain...so it pain when u r cursed...so:curse,somethin that makes u
unhappy,that troubles u.. :)
2 1

by ravinderonchopper

there is a stoy of batman and bane where bane is a vilan(cause od ruin/curse)

2 0

by avis484

bane-ane. ane(u) in kannada means tick. wish i s poisonous and harmful to our head and
1 15

by sriharisharma

Bane is a Pain in the Ass

1 2

by subhasish

the sage BANED the king of disloyal to his people

1 0

by sid.reddy

Bane should be BANNED, because it is harmful and poisonous.

1 0

by passion2win

Don't you know MR BANE...........ruinous person.

1 0

by dejavu

remember "Bane" from Dark knight rises? who tried to cause "Bane" to the people in
gotham city
1 0

by namratha25

drugs r banned(bane)by law bcoz it causes suffering and death.

1 2

by gdabli
Like the DARK NIGHT RISES VILLAIN "Bane" who was harmful and poisonous to

Short Definition : heap; piled-up mass; embankment; lateral tilting (as of an aircraft in
turning); V: pile up; protect with a bank; tilt in turning

(noun) sloping land (especially the slope beside a body of water)
Example Sentence
they pulled the canoe up on the bank
he sat on the bank of the river and watched the currents

(noun) a financial institution that accepts deposits and channels the money into lending
Synonyms : banking company , banking concern , depository financial
Example Sentence
he cashed a check at the bank
that bank holds the mortgage on my home

(noun) a long ridge or pile
Example Sentence
a huge bank of earth

(noun) an arrangement of similar objects in a row or in tiers
Example Sentence
he operated a bank of switches

(noun) a supply or stock held in reserve for future use (especially in emergencies)

(noun) the funds held by a gambling house or the dealer in some gambling games
Example Sentence
he tried to break the bank at Monte Carlo

(noun) a slope in the turn of a road or track; the outside is higher than the inside in order
to reduce the effects of centrifugal force
Synonyms : camber , cant

(noun) a container (usually with a slot in the top) for keeping money at home
Synonyms : coin bank , money box , savings bank
Example Sentence
the coin bank was empty

(noun) a building in which the business of banking transacted
Synonyms : bank building
Example Sentence
the bank is on the corner of Nassau and Witherspoon

(noun) a flight maneuver; aircraft tips laterally about its longitudinal axis (especially in
Example Sentence
the plane went into a steep bank

(verb) tip laterally
Example Sentence
the pilot had to bank the aircraft

(verb) enclose with a bank
Example Sentence
bank roads
(verb) do business with a bank or keep an account at a bank
Example Sentence
Where do you bank in this town?

(verb) act as the banker in a game or in gambling

(verb) be in the banking business

(verb) put into a bank account
Synonyms : deposit
Example Sentence
She deposits her paycheck every month

(verb) cover with ashes so to control the rate of burning
Example Sentence
bank a fire

(verb) have confidence or faith in
Synonyms : rely , swear , trust
Example Sentence
We can trust in God
Rely on your friends
bank on your good education
I swear by my grandmother's recipes

Short Definition : joking talk; good-naturedly ridiculing; N.V. banter
(adj) cleverly amusing in tone
Synonyms : facetious , tongue-in-cheek
Example Sentence
a bantering tone
facetious remarks
tongue-in-cheek advice

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bantering

Bantering -- bante + ring; bante - remember Banta Singh -- we read so many silly jokes
on him. we can figure out Banta Singh as a funny person or a person who always does
joking talks.
18 1

by dimplegirl_p

bantering=ban+tearing i.e ban tears and to ban tears we crack jokes and do joyful talks.
17 5

by jimmysukhwani

you can percieve it like banta(e)-(r)sing...which is good natured ridiculing..!!

4 0

by sonalrulzzzz


2 9

by itskhush.gupta

Remember this as santa-banta jokes i.e., we crack jokes on them and hence the meaning.
1 0

by srikanthkomirshetty

remember chntu bantu talks in movie style

1 2

by swap.kamble
Short Definition : railing in a courtroom; legal profession; vertical line dividing a staff
into equal measures; Ex. prisoner at the bar; V: shut in or out with bars; forbid; exclude;
CF. barrister

(noun) a room or establishment where alcoholic drinks are served over a counter
Synonyms : barroom , ginmill , saloon , taproom
Example Sentence
he drowned his sorrows in whiskey at the bar

(noun) a counter where you can obtain food or drink
Example Sentence
he bought a hot dog and a coke at the bar

(noun) a rigid piece of metal or wood; usually used as a fastening or obstruction or
Example Sentence
there were bars in the windows to prevent escape

(noun) musical notation for a repeating pattern of musical beats
Synonyms : measure
Example Sentence
the orchestra omitted the last twelve bars of the song

(noun) an obstruction (usually metal) placed at the top of a goal
Example Sentence
it was an excellent kick but the ball hit the bar

(noun) the act of preventing
Synonyms : prevention
Example Sentence
there was no bar against leaving
money was allocated to study the cause and prevention of influenza

(noun) (meteorology) a unit of pressure equal to a million dynes per square centimeter
Example Sentence
unfortunately some writers have used bar for one dyne per square centimeter

(noun) a submerged (or partly submerged) ridge in a river or along a shore
Example Sentence
the boat ran aground on a submerged bar in the river

(noun) the body of individuals qualified to practice law in a particular jurisdiction
Synonyms : legal community , legal profession
Example Sentence
he was admitted to the bar in New Jersey

(noun) a narrow marking of a different color or texture from the background
Synonyms : streak , stripe
Example Sentence
a green toad with small black stripes or bars
may the Stars and Stripes forever wave

(noun) a block of solid substance (such as soap or wax)
Synonyms : cake
Example Sentence
a bar of chocolate

(noun) a portable .30 caliber automatic rifle operated by gas pressure and fed by
cartridges from a magazine; used by United States troops in World War I and in World
War II and in the Korean War
Synonyms : browning automatic rifle

(noun) a horizontal rod that serves as a support for gymnasts as they perform exercises

(noun) a heating element in an electric fire
Example Sentence
an electric fire with three bars

(noun) (law) a railing that encloses the part of the courtroom where the judges and
lawyers sit and the case is tried
Example Sentence
spectators were not allowed past the bar

(verb) prevent from entering; keep out
Synonyms : debar , exclude
Example Sentence
He was barred from membership in the club

(verb) render unsuitable for passage
Synonyms : barricade , block , block off , block up , blockade , stop
Example Sentence
block the way
barricade the streets
stop the busy road

(verb) expel, as if by official decree
Synonyms : banish , relegate
Example Sentence
he was banished from his own country
(verb) secure with, or as if with, bars
Example Sentence
He barred the door

Short Definition : sharp projection from fishhook, arrow, or other object; openly cutting

(noun) an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a
telling effect
Synonyms : dig , gibe , jibe , shaft , shot , slam
Example Sentence
his parting shot was `drop dead'
she threw shafts of sarcasm
she takes a dig at me every chance she gets

(noun) the pointed part of barbed wire

(noun) a subsidiary point facing opposite from the main point that makes an arrowhead or
spear hard to remove

(noun) one of the parallel filaments projecting from the main shaft of a feather

(verb) provide with barbs
Example Sentence
barbed wire
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for barb

Imagine a 'barb-e-que' being prepared with the help of a needle-like-stick..

19 3

by soumen

barb sounds like BARBER-so remember tat BARBER will be having SHARP scissors
10 0

by moorthy_ragha

barber uses scissor to cut your hair so barb can be taken from it as a cutting remark.
6 1

by sriharisharma

generally we call a barb(for laying fencing)wire hence it refers to sharp thick which is
projected on a wire and hence it can openly cut ...
1 0

by avis484

BEst example wld be an BarbWIre Used for fencing for protection against theft...!!
1 0

by ajayrulez

imagine a barbarian running with sharp objects in hand and shouting cutting remarks
0 0

by pintu89

Short Definition : poet

(noun) a lyric poet
(noun) an ornamental caparison for a horse

(verb) put a caparison on
Synonyms : barde , caparison , dress up
Example Sentence
caparison the horses for the festive occasion

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bard

bard sounds like beard!! so poets will b havin beard usually!!

33 8

by ajaiiyer

Think of George Barnard(BARDnard)shaw. he is an author but imagine that he is a lyric

poet. it might help
15 0

by rejaulmeister

bard-it brings to us the word bald,if bard is pronounced . poet's are generally bald..hehehe
4 31

by sriharisharma

bard sounds like bird--imagine a poet writing a poem on bird.

4 2

by aniruddha_chaudhari

Bard writes & Bird sings.

3 0

by shadip

Remember the Village BARD (a poet) from Asterix comics who used to sing horrible
songs and irritate the whole village!!!
1 1

by passion2win

bard - bearded nerd

0 1

by shalnew

William Shakespeare was called BARD of Avon...

0 1

by Aditya Parihar

Everyone becomes a bard inside a bear bar.

0 0

by rawaldelhi@gmail.com

Short Definition : shameless and noticeable; blatant; bold; unconcealed; having no
covering on the face; Ex. barefaced lie

(adj) with no effort to conceal
Synonyms : bald
Example Sentence
a barefaced lie

(adj) unrestrained by convention or propriety
Synonyms : audacious , bald-faced , bodacious , brassy , brazen , brazen-faced ,
Example Sentence
an audacious trick to pull
a barefaced hypocrite
the most bodacious display of tourism this side of Anaheim
bald-faced lies
brazen arrogance
the modern world with its quick material successes and insolent belief in the
boundless possibilities of progress

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for barefaced

adding to above statement Bar Faced. strippers u know have to shameless in order to
dance against pole(in bar) and so they are noticeable
14 2

by abhims2

Divide it like--Bar+e+face+d--Think of girls who dance in bar--they are very much bold,
shameless. they are easily noticeable as they don't have any covering on their face. they
are also unrestrained by society rules.
4 0

by preetisoni2411

Bare+Face. ppl usally cover there face when ter feel shame. but barefaced means not
covering during shameful situation. hence shameless n bold

Short Definition : agreement between two groups or people; something for sale at a price
advantageous to the buyer; V: negotiate; trade; Ex. bargaining power

(noun) an agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion) fixing
obligations of each
Synonyms : deal
Example Sentence
he made a bargain with the devil
he rose to prominence through a series of shady deals

(noun) an advantageous purchase
Synonyms : buy , steal
Example Sentence
she got a bargain at the auction
the stock was a real buy at that price
(verb) negotiate the terms of an exchange
Synonyms : dicker
Example Sentence
We bargained for a beautiful rug in the bazaar

(verb) come to terms; arrive at an agreement

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bargain

Divide like--bar (means to prevent) somebody+gain, when you go to a shop you always
prevent the shopkeeper to gain some extra money from you and thus you bargain to him.
2 0

by preetisoni2411

Short Definition : highly ornate

(noun) the historic period from about 1600 until 1750 when the baroque style of art,
architecture, and music flourished in Europe
Synonyms : baroque era , baroque period

(noun) elaborate and extensive ornamentation in decorative art and architecture that
flourished in Europe in the 17th century
Synonyms : baroqueness

(adj) having elaborate symmetrical ornamentation
Synonyms : churrigueresco , churrigueresque
Example Sentence
the building...frantically baroque
(adj) of or relating to or characteristic of the elaborately ornamented style of architecture,
art, and music popular in Europe between 1600 and 1750

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for baroque

BAROQUE Obama....when we think of him, we see white house which is highly

ornamental and extravagent in style....
67 0

by nileshdive

remove the burkah....... and u see the most beautiful women.

11 9

by kmr.akhil

baroque sounds like bareekee ka kaam on shawl.

5 5

by userdce

We can remember it by reminding the last letters "...que" which we read in letter "A". >>
Arabesque: which is a complex ornament. So, Baroque: highly ornate.
5 8

by shootdemup!

Its pronunciation is 'buh-rokh' almost same as of broke > he got "broke" buying
expensive ornaments for house
4 4

by kamil.king

Baroque--Bar + oque (opaque)-- The "dance bar" was highly ornamented with the
"opaque" glass.
3 0

by smartankit_27
BAROQUE- think of SHAHRUKH(pronounciation nearly the same). srk always
overdoes the emotions(baada chaada kar dikha tha hai). so he is elaborate in his
expression on emotions. i.e elaborate, flamboyant etc.
2 8

by rejaulmeister

In Disney's Beauty and the Beast Cogsworth gives a tour of the BAROQUE castle and
jokes, "If it isn't BAROQUE, don't fix it."
1 2

by dshefman

1 0

by vineethyoung

Bou(Bride in bengali and the bride always wears jeweleries in Bangladesh) rocks
0 2

by shadip

Short Definition : barrier laid down by artillery fire; overwhelming profusion; large
number of questions or statements; Ex. a barrage of criticism

(noun) the rapid and continuous delivery of linguistic communication (spoken or written)
Synonyms : bombardment , onslaught , outpouring
Example Sentence
a barrage of questions
a bombardment of mail complaining about his mistake

(noun) the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target
Synonyms : barrage fire , battery , bombardment , shelling
Example Sentence
they laid down a barrage in front of the advancing troops
the shelling went on for hours without pausing
(verb) address with continuously or persistently, as if with a barrage
Synonyms : bombard
Example Sentence
The speaker was barraged by an angry audience
The governor was bombarded with requests to grant a pardon to the convicted

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for barrage

in BAR due to RAGE ppl started heavy fire of artillery.

27 3

by userdce

BARAAT(marriage)- now a days in baraat ppl fire a lot of gunshots(crackers).

4 4

by userdce

BAR+AGE...when you go to a wine or beer bar at low age, you will have to face a rapid
succession of questions and criticism
4 0

by nileshdive

BARRAGE==(B)ombing (A)t RAGE. i.e intense bombing

3 3

by rejaulmeister

Barish (rain in hindi)of bullets, speech.

2 1

by shadip

there are a lot of questions if u are barred underage.

1 12

by sriharisharma
barrage ~ barrier; like man-made barrier in a stream which can stop continuous flow of
river water.
1 0

by reveeriee

Short Definition : counselor-at-law or lawyer in the higher court of law; CF. bar

(noun) a British or Canadian lawyer who speaks in the higher courts of law on behalf of
either the defense or prosecution

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for barrister

telgu:remember barrister parvathesham novel hehe

7 2


BAR exams are given by lawyers!!

3 1

by lord_slayer

Split barrister into bar+rister--just focus on word bar--bar is association of lawyers, so a

barrister is a lawyer.
2 0

by preetisoni2411

Split barrister into bar(limit)+lister, so a person who lists the limits is a lawyer.
1 1

by swaroop_cn

BARRISTE(a)R means lawyer

0 0

by manojmothy

Short Definition : trader; V. barter: trade; exchange good for other goods rather than

(noun) a trader who exchanges goods and not money

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for barterer

if you can remember the BARTER system of early days. they used to exchange goods for
goods, and anyone who does that is a barterer.
4 1

by sriharisharma

barterer sounds similar to BARTENDER who trades drinks for money..

4 0

by niceguysid28

and one who does that is a barterer.

2 9

by sriharisharma

barterer sounds like barthan(hindi), these people use to exchange clothes with barthan
2 1

by praveenkatti16

barter is like trader

0 0

by chulkan
barterer - remember barter system ( give and take - exchange of goods---> trader)
0 0

by rithunraj

Short Definition : contemptible; morally bad; inferior in value or quality; Ex. base
motives/conduct; Ex. base metal such as iron

(noun) installation from which a military force initiates operations
Synonyms : base of operations
Example Sentence
the attack wiped out our forward bases

(noun) lowest support of a structure
Synonyms : foot , foundation , fundament , groundwork , substructure ,
Example Sentence
it was built on a base of solid rock
he stood at the foot of the tower

(noun) a place that the runner must touch before scoring
Synonyms : bag
Example Sentence
he scrambled to get back to the bag

(noun) the bottom or lowest part
Example Sentence
the base of the mountain

(noun) (anatomy) the part of an organ nearest its point of attachment
Example Sentence
the base of the skull

(noun) a lower limit
Synonyms : floor
Example Sentence
the government established a wage floor

(noun) the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or
calculated or explained
Synonyms : basis , cornerstone , foundation , fundament , groundwork
Example Sentence
the whole argument rested on a basis of conjecture

(noun) a support or foundation
Synonyms : pedestal , stand
Example Sentence
the base of the lamp

(noun) a phosphoric ester of a nucleoside; the basic structural unit of nucleic acids (DNA
or RNA)
Synonyms : nucleotide

(noun) any of various water-soluble compounds capable of turning litmus blue and
reacting with an acid to form a salt and water
Synonyms : alkali
Example Sentence
bases include oxides and hydroxides of metals and ammonia

(noun) the bottom side of a geometric figure from which the altitude can be constructed
Example Sentence
the base of the triangle
(noun) the most important or necessary part of something
Synonyms : basis
Example Sentence
the basis of this drink is orange juice

(noun) (numeration system) the positive integer that is equivalent to one in the next
higher counting place
Synonyms : radix
Example Sentence
10 is the radix of the decimal system

(noun) the place where you are stationed and from which missions start and end
Synonyms : home

(noun) a terrorist network intensely opposed to the United States that dispenses money
and logistical support and training to a wide variety of radical Islamic terrorist groups;
has cells in more than 50 countries
Synonyms : al-qa'ida , al-qaeda , al-qaida , qaeda

(noun) (linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed
Synonyms : radical , root , root word , stem , theme
Example Sentence
thematic vowels are part of the stem

(noun) the stock of basic facilities and capital equipment needed for the functioning of a
country or area
Synonyms : infrastructure
Example Sentence
the industrial base of Japan
(noun) the principal ingredient of a mixture
Example Sentence
glycerinated gelatin is used as a base for many ointments
he told the painter that he wanted a yellow base with just a hint of green
everything she cooked seemed to have rice as the base

(noun) a flat bottom on which something is intended to sit
Example Sentence
a tub should sit on its own base

(noun) (electronics) the part of a transistor that separates the emitter from the collector

(verb) use as a basis for; found on
Synonyms : establish , found , ground
Example Sentence
base a claim on some observation

(verb) situate as a center of operations
Example Sentence
we will base this project in the new lab

(verb) use (purified cocaine) by burning it and inhaling the fumes
Synonyms : free-base

(adj) serving as or forming a base
Synonyms : basal
Example Sentence
the painter applied a base coat followed by two finishing coats
(adj) of low birth or station (`base' is archaic in this sense)
Synonyms : baseborn , humble , lowly
Example Sentence
baseborn wretches with dirty faces
of humble (or lowly) birth

(adj) (used of metals) consisting of or alloyed with inferior metal
Example Sentence
base coins of aluminum
a base metal

(adj) not adhering to ethical or moral principles
Synonyms : immoral
Example Sentence
base and unpatriotic motives
a base, degrading way of life
cheating is dishonorable
they considered colonialism immoral
unethical practices in handling public funds

(adj) having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality
Synonyms : mean , meanspirited
Example Sentence
that liberal obedience without which your army would be a base rabble
taking a mean advantage
chok'd with ambition of the meaner sort
something essentially vulgar and meanspirited in politics

(adj) illegitimate
Synonyms : baseborn
(adj) debased; not genuine
Example Sentence
an attempt to eliminate the base coinage

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for base

BASI(stale) is BAD
5 0

by findktk

BASE: it refers to something which is the lowest part..so base is something which is bad;
2 0

by mohit26041988

A person with a Iron leg is morally bad to others.

1 5

by sriharisharma

a base metal like iron is generally inferior in quality and value than the other metals.
1 0

by sriharisharma

Short Definition : luxuriate; take pleasure in warmth

(verb) derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in
Synonyms : enjoy , relish , savor , savour
Example Sentence
She relished her fame and basked in her glory

(verb) be exposed
Example Sentence
The seals were basking in the sun
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bask

Baskin N Robbin's Ice Cream, Remember? Costly one; We really enjoy going there and
having ice creams.
9 0

by soumen

Basketball player Michel Jordan lives luxury life.

8 4

by shadip

bask--look for word bask in basketball--Playing BASKetball gives pleasure as well as

warmth to the body.
4 1

by smartankit_27

Bask reminds bath :) You can bath in the sun, water, love, etc.
1 0

by cheesefries

remember US's basking ridge.. where people live luxurious life

1 1

by swap.kamble

bask is similar to BASS(a deep musical sound)and you receive please from BASS.
1 0

by vocabIsFun

BASS is going to increase after task.

0 0

by shaktipada

Hound of BASKAR vills; baskar vills was a luxurios place

0 0

by divine_sword

0 0

by candylove

Short Definition : illegitimate child

(noun) insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous
Synonyms : asshole , cocksucker , dickhead , mother fucker , motherfucker ,
prick , shit , sob , son of a bitch , whoreson

(noun) the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents
Synonyms : by-blow , illegitimate , illegitimate child , love child , whoreson

(noun) derogatory term for a variation that is not genuine; something irregular or inferior
or of dubious origin
Synonyms : mongrel
Example Sentence
the architecture was a kind of bastard suggesting Gothic but not true Gothic

(adj) fraudulent; having a misleading appearance
Synonyms : bogus , fake , phoney , phony

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bastard

bastard(such as da Vinci) sound like best =bastard is bestis a great talent.

1 1

by blackboyerking

born of parents who were not married to each other at the time of birth; bastard
0 0

by sabitha.poladi@gmail.com

Short Definition : stronghold; something seen as a source of protection; Ex. the last
bastion of male chauvinism

(noun) a group that defends a principle
Example Sentence
a bastion against corruption
the last bastion of communism

(noun) a stronghold into which people could go for shelter during a battle
Synonyms : citadel

(noun) projecting part of a rampart or other fortification

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bastion

sebastian in mermaid cartoon series was a crab..he had claws for stronghold n protection..
36 4

by jc

divide this like-basti+on, now focus on basti (in hindi) which is the STRONGHOLD of
any leader.
12 1

by niceguysid28

In a war the base station has the strongest protection.

10 0

by shadip

Basti mein sawal

8 7

by sriharisharma

Connect it with Bastille Fort of Paris...We read it in History right?

3 7

by soumen

bastion-- this word sounds like base station,while in war base station is a stronghold for
the troops.
3 1

by yokel

bastion;divide it as basti on-means flood prone people who live at banks of krishna are
ordered to come to basti by leaving their homes on bank.so that basti will provide
protection,strong hold
1 0

by isabella swan

That BASTARD will never BASH IN the castle gate.

1 0

by Jackery

Short Definition : let down; lessen the force of; moderate; restrain; Ex. with bated
breath; CF. abate
(verb) moderate or restrain; lessen the force of
Example Sentence
He bated his breath when talking about this affair
capable of bating his enthusiasm

(verb) flap the wings wildly or frantically; used of falcons

(verb) soak in a special solution to soften and remove chemicals used in previous
Example Sentence
bate hides and skins

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bate

Bate: remember 'abate' we memorized while reading the A list? Notice that 'Bate' has a
similar meaning like 'Abate'
41 1

by yokel

bate..sounds like wait..dat is u need to wait till thing happens..ie.. control urself..
5 10

by angel

lets break ABATE or BATE as A-bat-e or Bat-e ie., we can memorise as cricket bat..rahul
dravid plays 'moderate' shots with his bat...
2 3

by tariq431

BATE also means to wait anxiously. so, remember (B)ombay (A)nd Tamilnadu (E)xpress.
Both the places are far apart, so u ve to wait anxiously to reach da destination
1 2

by rejaulmeister
bate is like debate.. in debate we lessen d opponents force on his statements... so bate is
letting down.
1 1

by jimmysukhwani

bate ~ b + ate; when you ate something you lessen the quantity of something.
0 0

by editor1

Short Definition : army unit made up of four or more companies

(noun) an army unit usually consisting of a headquarters and three or more companies

(noun) a large indefinite number
Synonyms : large number , multitude , pack , plurality
Example Sentence
a battalion of ants
a multitude of TV antennas
a plurality of religions

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for battalion

battalion- sounds like "battle"..and we need an ARMY for that

5 0

by Zubin

Battle+Lion= battle reminds us of army and lion reminds us of ashoka chakra tat has 4
1 0

by xecutive
Short Definition : trinket; cheap jewel; trifle

(noun) a mock scepter carried by a court jester

(noun) cheap showy jewelry or ornament on clothing
Synonyms : bangle , fallal , gaud , gewgaw , novelty , trinket

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bauble

Bauble sounds like Babool, which is a cheap tooth paste, is a cheap tooth paste.
32 7

by lakshmihs

bauble > baub > boobs > showy jewelery of females

21 35

by shingalas

bauble sounds like bangle--imagine a cheap bangle which appears showy.

8 6

by angel

Sounds like BUBBLE...remember the metaphor--> All our material things,achievements

will be diminished in course of time like bubbles ..
2 16

by soumen

BIBLE is a rich gift coz it makes you rich from within while bauble is a gift or toy of less
2 4

by nileshdive
bauble sounds like babul(means parents in hindi)-so babul giving cheap jewelery to his
daughter on her wedding.
0 5

by preetisoni2411

A bobble head is a BAUBLE

0 3

by Lukas

bauble whose shape is similar to bubble :D

Short Definition : indecent; obscene; about sex in a rude funny way; CF. bawd

(noun) lewd or obscene talk or writing
Synonyms : bawdry
Example Sentence
it was smoking-room bawdry
they published a collection of Elizabethan bawdy

(adj) humorously vulgar
Synonyms : off-color , ribald
Example Sentence
bawdy songs
off-color jokes
ribald language

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bawdy

Bawdy = Rowdy!
33 9

by shootdemup!

A Female actor showing her body on screen in Indecent and obscene

21 1

by corrupted

sounds like body girls showing body in songs it means its vulgar
16 0

by sriharisharma

sound like GAWDY. which means indescent, obscure

5 4

by sasidhar

ball bearing makes a connection between two metal bodies

0 9

by zelus

This word rhymes with brandy After drinking brandy, he started behaving indecently.
0 0

by smartankit_27

Bawdy sounds like devdy, it is a movie which is very indecent.

0 6

by lakshmihs

Short Definition : deportment; connection

(noun) relevant relation or interconnection
Example Sentence
those issues have no bearing on our situation

(noun) the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies
Synonyms : aim , heading

(noun) dignified manner or conduct
Synonyms : comportment , mien , presence

(noun) characteristic way of bearing one's body
Synonyms : carriage , posture
Example Sentence
stood with good posture

(noun) heraldry consisting of a design or image depicted on a shield
Synonyms : armorial bearing , charge , heraldic bearing

(noun) a rotating support placed between moving parts to allow them to move easily

(adj) (of a structural member) withstanding a weight or strain

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bearing

bear(sounds like wear)+ring --you wear ring from a person with whom you have relevant
relation or some connection like fiancee.
2 1

by sriharisharma

nut bolts bearing makes connection

1 0

by swap.kamble

you BEAR someone or something when u r related to it

0 0

by mohit26041988

Short Definition : giving or showing bliss; blissful

(adj) experiencing or bestowing celestial joy
Example Sentence
beatific peace

(adj) marked by utter benignity; resembling or befitting an angel or saint
Synonyms : angelic , angelical , sainted , saintlike , saintly
Example Sentence
angelic beneficence
a beatific smile
a saintly concern for his fellow men
my sainted mother

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for beatific

Beautiful beats makes one feel heavenly blissful

12 2

by wsquare

divide this word like beati+fic--beati sounds like beautiful and something which is
beautiful is blissful.
9 0

by niceguysid28

The beats of the music filled me with joy.

3 7

by gatz_funky
The BEAT's were TerriFIC..
0 0

by ajayrulez

Short Definition : blessedness; state of great happiness

(noun) a state of supreme happiness
Synonyms : beatification , blessedness

(noun) one of the eight sayings of Jesus at the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount; in
Latin each saying begins with `beatus' (blessed)
Example Sentence
her favorite Beatitude is `Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth'

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for beatitude

beatitude -- beauti(ful) + tude => The one which is beautiful gives extreme happiness
10 1

by cp.jethani

being at(t)itude is being blessed. that brings ot the state of hapiness in oneself who is
3 10

by sriharisharma

beat+it+dude.. just beat all the sadness.. and be in a state of great happiness..
2 0

by yourbikash

split the word into be,atitude which is like attitude so someone proud or showing attitude
has some happiness in boasting =Beautiful+attitude
1 2

by sai dasika

beat + it + dude >> in hindi "chod na yarr"... dost jaab aisa bolata hai chal daroo pine
bolata hai taab bohot khushi hoti hai.. HAPPINESS..
1 1

by RajeshBorkar

as in the detailed meaning.... remember beatus means blessed

0 3

by reveeriee

0 0

by abhi_nagpurkar

Short Definition : dress with vulgar finery

(verb) decorate tastelessly

(verb) dress up garishly and tastelessly
Synonyms : dizen

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bedizen

bad design dress!

85 2

by shootdemup!

bed+zen--bed(bad)+zen--few bad girls who came out of that ZEN car were dressed up
14 2

by smartankit_27

Bed izen: ( Bad citizen)- Bad citizen has dress with vulgar finery!!
10 1

by ria_anu123

bad-in-zen: so there is BAD girl with vulgar dressed in Zen car

6 2

by rhasan

Sounds like BEDaZzlE. Remember the bedazzler you could buy on TV that lets you
BEDIZEN you clothes with rhinestones.
3 1

by dshefman

this is ur ZEN car not ur BED so when ui r going outside in ur zen car do not dress like as
if u r not in ur bed
2 2

by mit006

1 2

by bluegenetic

The BEDroom isn't (IZEN) decorated very nicely - it looks like a brothel!
0 4

by Marise

if you go out in your ZEN car in your BED attire you look VULGAR tht's BEDIZEN
0 1

by manojmothy
bad citizen
0 1

by aparajita

when a girl wants to take some girl in bed then she will DRESS VULGARLY.. or when u
get up from bed then u r IMPROPERLY DRESSED..
0 0

by RajeshBorkar

sounds like DENIZEN which is the new cloth brand and old people fund it vulgar
0 0

by pintu89


0 0

by biotechlover

Short Definition : wet thoroughly; ADJ. bedraggled: draggled

(verb) make wet and dirty, as from rain
Synonyms : draggle

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bedraggle

the bed and the rag was made wet thoroughly by the child.
39 5

by sriharisharma

if u drag ur partner in the bed she will get wet throughly

19 1

by mit006
Be+Draggle--if you are dragged through mud and water.it made you wet and dirty
10 0

by Administrator

BED, RAG. Imagine your

seniors RAGGING you by
completely wetting your BED
and asking you to sleep on it.

Short Definition : direct quick route

(noun) the most direct route
Example Sentence
he made a beeline for the bathroom

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for beeline

moving in a particular line(direction) like a bee

18 0

by andrewgoel

divide this word like bee+line-- bee line -the most direct line or path on which the bee
adopts to reach the destination soon.
8 2

by sriharisharma

bees follow a particualr path through the flowers

1 3

by lord_slayer

beeline (being in line will lead to a direct path quickly than to come in between and get
1 0

by krishu8

Short Definition : confuse thoroughly

(verb) be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly
Synonyms : bedevil , confound , confuse , discombobulate , fox , fuddle , throw
Example Sentence
These questions confuse even the experts
This question completely threw me
This question befuddled even the teacher

(verb) make stupid with alcohol
Synonyms : fuddle

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for befuddle

befuddle ~ fuddle ~ riddle which confuses you

16 4

by adhityabhaskargre

8 15

by shootdemup!

befuddle sounds like being in the flood of river, at that time one gets confused where to
5 0

by drdarshil16
remember Fuddle as MUDDLE...so there is a poem called MUDDLE HEAD by ogden
nash..Muddle head means confused person or a stupid person...thats it..!!
4 3

by moorthy_ragha

2 32

by sriharisharma

suppose u have a great love for BEEF and just at the sight of it u start singing "UDDLE
UDDLE ooooo"(old hindi song) ur friend will get confused throughly .in other words ur
friend will be befuddled
2 6

by mit006

sounds like baffle - means confuse

2 2

by sachkaan

Short Definition : father; become the father of; produce; give rise to

(verb) make children
Synonyms : bring forth , engender , father , generate , get , mother , sire
Example Sentence
Abraham begot Isaac
Men often father children but don't recognize them

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for beget

a simple proverb that "violence begets violence" means produce or give rise
22 2

by saravpreet.302
Beget sounds like bil gate.HE "give rise to"microsoft.
5 2

by Amit514

sounds like budget --Budget is the father of all the money related problems.
2 2

by smartankit_27

beget- sounds like BEG AT ,We usually beg money from our father.
2 2

by corrupted

to get children
0 4

by AndrewVarghese

Be + Get >> BE this and you will GET this back....

0 4

by RajeshBorkar

BEGET : WEnd get pocketmoney from our FATHER....

0 1

by ranuclarke

Short Definition : envy; give or allow unwillingly; grudge; Ex. We shouldn't begrudge
him his success.

(verb) be envious of; set one's heart on
Synonyms : envy
(verb) wish ill or allow unwillingly
Synonyms : resent

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for begrudge

begrudge can be broken into beg + rude... so some one who behave rudely with
beggars ... the beggar 'wish ill ' for that person
16 4

by gomexy

be+grudge. when u have grudge on somebody u always wish ill for him
6 0

by hemanthpotluri

begru+dge--begru sounds like beggars. beggars usually wish ill to others as their own
situation is bad.
5 1

by yokel

be+grudge --recall Grudge the famous horror movie, in which the ghost ( of a lady) killed
by her husband which later killed many others because of envy and grudge.
4 0

by jc

If you "be"come a "guru", others will be jealous of you and push you down from the
e"dge" of a cliff.
2 4

by Jason Chun

basically taken from begrudgen,...means to complain..so you complain about others

because you dont like them.
0 9

by preetisoni2411
begru+dge--begru sounds like begher , a begher (without house) person will always be
envy of people who exiled him from his house.
0 4

by preetisoni2411

REMEBER THE MOVIE GRUDGE where actor jim carrey portrays to be envy of
0 0

by ranuclarke

Short Definition : deceive; mislead or delude; cheat; pass time pleasantly; charm or
attract; Ex. beguiling smile

(verb) influence by slyness
Synonyms : hoodwink , juggle

(verb) attract; cause to be enamored
Synonyms : becharm , bewitch , captivate , capture , catch , charm , enamor ,
enamour , enchant , entrance , fascinate , trance
Example Sentence
She captured all the men's hearts

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for beguile

A takeoff from the mneumonic for guile, which is Guys guile Girls for sex; BEGUILE is
girls attract and lour in guys for their money and nice cars.
12 8

by Marise

Beguile = begal boys in duck tail cartoons were very sly...used to cheat...influence by
slyness means foxiness
7 1

by manveen_hunjan

BE+GUILE....guile means cunning...be guile means to cheat or deceive....

6 0

by nileshdive

Guile sounds like Giles.. England's spin bowler Ashley Giles always mis leaded the
batsman with his wrong-ones.
2 1

by smartankit_27

it sounds like beg+mile means u r misleaded/cheated

1 2

by avis484

beguile : be + guile : guile sounds as Coolie who always try to cheat by asking more
0 2

by sonamM

: be+guile--- guile means to attract by deception

0 1

by nikhilparasher

beguile----beg=begger used to attract people..

0 0

by misha

Short Definition : huge creature; something of monstrous size or power
(noun) someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful
Synonyms : colossus , giant , goliath , monster

(noun) a person of exceptional importance and reputation
Synonyms : colossus , giant , heavyweight , titan

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for behemoth

behemoth = Mammoth
16 1

by jay_gandhi

if we can remember the word "mamoth" a large huge creature.

12 0

by sriharisharma

behemoth...it can be remembered wid behim(f mahabharat) who was very big n a
powerful person...hence behemoth relates 2 a big n poerrful thing or company....
10 4

by vaibhavagar

those who played FINAL FANTASY.BEHEMOTH is a big monster in dat game.

2 3

by razzmatazz

behemoth sounds like "bereham maut" (Hindi word) [death]. Relate it to death caused by
huge monster.
1 7

by aniruddha_chaudhari

Big + Mouth - monster like ....having great power ..!!

1 1

by abbaraju.pranith

0 6

by Gayatri

Behemoth = Baht+ Mahtv...Aperson of High impotance or reputation.

Short Definition : obligated; indebted; owing thanks; obliged or indebted from gratitude

(adj) under a moral obligation to someone

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for beholden

beholden --be+hold--> HOLDING somebody's feet to THANK him.

12 0

by niceguysid28

BEHOLDEN=(BE)st thing in someone's HOLD. so u r in a moral obligation to give him

what he wants and get ur precious thing back. always try to make a story out of a word.
best of luck
11 4

by rejaulmeister

Behold is stated like someone has hold on you as you are having debts.
6 0

by daringdavin

someone HOLDed your hand all through yr difficult times.. so u are now indebted and
obligated to him.
3 1

by yourbikash
Famous line "Beauty lies in the eye of BEHOLDER",who is thankful, indebted.
3 0

by krishna.aswani29@gmail.co

Short Definition : harp on; dwell on tediously; explain or go over excessively or to a
ridiculous degree; assail verbally; beat severely; attack physically

(verb) to work at or to absurd length
Synonyms : belabour
Example Sentence
belabor the obvious

(verb) attack verbally with harsh criticism
Synonyms : belabour
Example Sentence
She was belabored by her fellow students

(verb) beat soundly
Synonyms : belabour

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for belabor

Imagine boss saying "you be labour" : he is criticizing, verbally attacking

47 3

by girish_ksg

divide this word like be(means to exist)+labor--laborer (person who does the labour)so if
someone is working as a labourer at some place, they are generally thrashed verbally by
their seniors and higher officers.
18 1

by preetisoni2411

Heard the big shouting sound of woman in "labour pain"?she is belaboring.

9 14

by sanjeev

Have you heard EMINEM busting elvis presley in his raps. so that's it BELABOR--
(B)usting (EL)vis ABhORantly.the meaning is to verbally assail smeone
3 6

by rejaulmeister

belabor== be a labor/labour(worker) which are physically n mentally harrsed.

3 3

by nasri

The meaning simply resembles the word "BLABBER"

1 8

by maddy232323

replace the 'b' with 'r' and u have 'relabor' which can be remembered as follows:"I've
already LABORED enough to make my points, I don't wanna RELABOR and repeat
them all over again
1 0

by melancholica

Relate it with labourers or poor workers at the construction sites.They generally thrash
their bosses verbally at the site.
0 7

by saikiran

kyun itna bakwaas kar ke mera dimaag bel rahi hai aur mujhe bor kar rahi hai chup kar
nahi to main tujhe bahut belabor (verbal assault,assail) karunga
0 3

by mit006

"BELA BORe" .. so wen u bore someone.. u r belabored!

0 3

by abhishek26

Short Definition : delayed

(adj) after the expected or usual time; delayed
Synonyms : late , tardy
Example Sentence
a belated birthday card
I'm late for the plane
the train is late
tardy children are sent to the principal
always tardy in making dental appointments

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for belated

Divide it like--be+lated ~ belated is being late or delayed.

3 0

by niceguysid28

we says belated happy b'day on next day means delayed

0 0

by rinci

Short Definition : besiege or attack (with an army); harass; beset
(verb) annoy persistently
Synonyms : badger , bug , pester , tease
Example Sentence
The children teased the boy because of his stammer

(verb) surround so as to force to give up
Synonyms : besiege , circumvent , hem in , surround
Example Sentence
The Turks besieged Vienna

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for beleaguer

not able to withstand the HARASSMENT of the senior players the new player opted to
BE out of the LEAGUE
45 2


The opponent team attacked Dhanraj Pille to keep him out of the premier hockey
10 14

by smartankit_27

rem as bully-ger...we all are aware of bullies in school...the strong boys who pester and
terrorize others..
7 9

by Progress

be+league+r -- focus on league ~ The opponent team harassed Dhanraj Pille to keep him
out of the premier hockey LEAGUE.
4 0

by sanjeev

BE +League= In rugBY LEAGUE ,opponents attack each other.(give stress on last 2

word of rugBY,it soungs like BE,and in totality :rug By(BE)league)
4 3

by RAMAN.8051

the australians beleaguered harbhajan singh.

2 11

by sriharisharma

beleaguer== in barclays premier league man utd. harass everyone.

2 2

by nasri

BELEAGUER(Pronounce as bullyger)bully + german -- german was bullying other

countries during hitlers dictatorship..
2 6

by dhaliwalravi

Be an Awami leaguer and attack people, harass girls.

1 4

by shadip

BE+LEAGUEer....my senior warned me to be in his league lest he would harass me

1 1

by nileshdive


1 1

by dshefman

be+league--- someone forcefully says BE in LEAGUE, so PUTTING IN DIFFICULT

0 2

by nikhilparasher
boys parents where training him so that he should BE selected in the LEAGUE
0 0

by sabitha.poladi@gmail.com

Short Definition : contradict; give a false impression; disguise; Ex. The poor sales belied
our high hopes; Ex. Her smile belies her true feeling of displeasure.

(verb) be in contradiction with
Synonyms : contradict , negate

(verb) represent falsely
Synonyms : misrepresent
Example Sentence
This statement misrepresents my intentions

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for belie

belie has lie.

17 7

by Alex/Sasha

belie ~ lie means something false.

12 0

by sriharisharma

be(make) lie. IF you make lies you will negate (or misrepresent) the truth.
8 1

by rishib1988

belies - what lies behind is something false, than what appears on the outlook.
1 4

by wsquare

read as be + lier
1 0

by saravpreet.302

BELIE means to try to convince someone to BELIEve a LIE.

1 0

by dshefman

be-lie = Below lies something else, you have a false impression

0 0

by akshaynakra

if someone belies the facts , he is presenting a LIE BEfore you

0 0

by backstreetrover

The "Bee" "lied" that he doesn't sting people when he has killed over 1 million people.
0 0

by daniel430lee

Lie about someone's being - belie

0 0

by sunilwritesgre

Short Definition : disparage; depreciate

(verb) cause to seem less serious; play down
Synonyms : denigrate , derogate , minimize
Example Sentence
Don't belittle his influence

(verb) express a negative opinion of
Synonyms : disparage , pick at
Example Sentence
She disparaged her student's efforts

(verb) lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of
Synonyms : diminish
Example Sentence
don't belittle your colleagues

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for belittle

be+little-->if u tell someone to 'be little',it is like deprecating them to be only 'small'
13 0

by harsha999

be+little -- be little in value, depreciate ~ In recent days the value of dollar has
depreciated a lot.
3 1

by preetisoni2411

belittle: in tamil its like saying ADANGURIYA !!!! so be little.. so ur disparaging them
3 2

by shri

Short Definition : warlike

(adj) having or showing a ready disposition to fight
Synonyms : battleful , combative
Example Sentence
bellicose young officers
a combative impulse
a contentious nature

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bellicose

lets break bellicose as belli + cose ...belli we can remember as sumo's with huge bellis
will fight (wrestleling) each other.....so belli-cose means a warlike
21 7

by tariq431

BELLY+CAUSE....if you are not able to get food to eat you will fight for your belly and
you will be bellicose
9 1

by nileshdive

Belli ~ Billi (cat); two Billi (cats) very close about to attack : billi-close::bellicose
4 0

by sanjeev

A hill between between two countries has a holy bell on top of it. The constant fights
across the border as to who should own the BELL is the CAUSE of warlike situation.
3 5

by aravindhbaskaran

bellicose = belly+cause, if you see belly of any girl it can be a cause for warlike situation
between you and her bf
2 3

by praveenkatti16

remember the movie kungfu panda in which the panda uses his belly to FIGHT. :)
2 0

by sunilwritesgre
Bellicose sounds like varicose. Varicose veins are enlarged and tortuous vein. Your veins
get large and tortuous when you're ready to fight.
1 3

by dshefman

Bellicose ~ Glucose , Two child are about to fight for glucose.

1 0

by onno manush

BELLY full of gluCOSE!! full of glucose; you are energetic,,,,want to fight!!!!!!!!!!

1 0

by subass

belli+cose ~ cose sounds like cause, a small fight can become a cause of warlike
0 5

by preetisoni2411

Short Definition : quarrelsome

(noun) someone who fights (or is fighting)
Synonyms : battler , combatant , fighter , scrapper

(adj) characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight
Synonyms : aggressive
Example Sentence
aggressive acts against another country
a belligerent tone
(adj) engaged in war
Synonyms : militant , war-ridden , warring
Example Sentence
belligerent (or warring) nations

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for belligerent

belli (TOM) and gerry always quarrel in TOM and GERRY cartoon.
68 3

by keyurpatel87

Just relate it wid another GRE word-- BELLICOSE

19 6

by soumen

Just remember Bully from the word belligerent...the character of a bully is to be harsh
and aggressive.
4 2

by gayathrisharma


GENERATION of this family have been QUARRELSOME
3 6

by preetisoni2411

belligeren = belly, the belly of a girl always cause the fight or may be war
2 0

by praveenkatti16

children FOUGHT with one another for jelly BELLY chocalate :p

1 0

by akshayakshay
In TOM&GERRY story gerry always knocks the doorbell and make tom aggressive
which leads to war
0 0

by divyareddy janga

Short Definition : lament; moan for; express sorrow or disapproval of

(verb) regret strongly
Synonyms : bewail , deplore , lament
Example Sentence
I deplore this hostile action
we lamented the loss of benefits

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bemoan

bemoan... look at moan..means cryin,..whn does one cry when dey loose
something..when one looses something they express disapproval..
25 2

by angel

bemoan -- be mourn means express mourn -- express sadness

11 0

by cp.jethani

be+moan--moon->in olden days mothers used to show their kids the moon and used to
tell some stories and feed them.now most of them are living in apartments, where there is
no scope of showing moon and feed them, so they beat them
2 3

by dimplegirl_p

be+moan--moan sounds like maun(hindi word)(few minute silence in remembrance of

someone.) in order to express our grief when someone dies we keep maun for few
1 0

by gatz_funky

BEAM+ON...the meaning is lament.....I didn't switch on the beam(light) of my car and

because of that I had an accident hence I LAMENT...
1 1

by nileshdive

they have to feel sorry for their kids.as they r failed to do that
0 10

by dimplegirl_p

bemoan has moan in it which means "A low, sustained, mournful cry, usually indicative
of sorrow or pain"
0 0

by pintu89

Short Definition : confused; lost in thought; preoccupied

(adj) deeply absorbed in thought
Synonyms : deep in thought , lost , preoccupied
Example Sentence
as distant and bemused as a professor listening to the prattling of his freshman
lost in thought
a preoccupied frown

(adj) perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment
Synonyms : at sea , baffled , befuddled , bewildered , confounded , confused ,
lost , mazed , mixed-up
Example Sentence
obviously bemused by his questions
bewildered and confused
a cloudy and confounded philosopher
just a mixed-up kid
she felt lost on the first day of school

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bemused

Be mouse(think,muse) for one day. confused or bemused?

6 9

by sanjeev

Not a mnemonic:Amuse=make someone laugh. Bemuse=make confusion. Muse=ponder.

5 3

by rakei

split the word bemused into be + amused, when u are amused you are in a state of
surprise or confusion
2 15

by swaroop_cn

be+m+used--- we are always CONFUSED to buy a BE-USED (previously used)

2 0

by nikhilparasher

'bemuse' sounds like 'demused' which can be split into De(without/bereft)

+Mused(Muse=inspiration/mentor);thus,somebody who has lost his/her Muse is
'confused' and doesn't know what to do next
1 0

by melancholica

bemused ~ be confused + used; he is thinking a lot to convert his invention into useful
commercial product.
0 0

by editor1
be+amused = bemused
0 1

by nanim17

A-muse is laugh laugh laugh. B(e) muse is confusion confusion confusion

0 0

by YOJ

Short Definition : blessing

(noun) the act of praying for divine protection
Synonyms : blessing

(noun) a ceremonial prayer invoking divine protection
Synonyms : blessing

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for benediction

saint BENEDICT always used to bless people...

7 5

by niceguysid28

u know Pope Benedict...pope gives BLESSINGS

3 0

by findktk

bene+dictionbene is the rot with means good i.e., all words starting with bene will
means good, so benediction means BLESSING i.e., something good
2 0

by nikhilparasher

relate with wrds- benifit, benefactor

1 2

by reveeriee

Short Definition : gift giver; patron; person who does good or who gives money for a
good purpose

(noun) a person who helps people or institutions (especially with financial help)
Synonyms : helper

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for benefactor

not a mnemonic but a root..bene is the root word and it stands for GOOD
29 0

by findktk

divide it like BENEFACT+or--focus on benefit, we are always benefited by generous

people or gift givers.
3 0

by preetisoni2411

bene is a root word which means good.. bene+factor i.e some good factors like money,
3 0

by prathyusha

benef+actor -- some actors gives benefits to person and cause in form of money Benef+
factor--- who have factors of giving benefits
Short Definition : kindly; doing good

(adj) doing or producing good
Example Sentence
the most beneficent regime in history

(adj) generous in assistance to the poor
Synonyms : benevolent , eleemosynary , philanthropic
Example Sentence
a benevolent contributor
eleemosynary relief
philanthropic contributions

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for beneficent

Simply think about beneficial(something gives benefit) which help people.

9 0

by samiron

ben+eficent--eficent sounds like efficient--> efficient people are the ones who does good
or produces good.
1 1

by preetisoni2411

sounds like BEEN EFFICIENT: so he/she(s) been doing good..

1 0

by mohit26041988

beneficent In cartoon network ben(ben10) is very eficient and always do good things and
is kind to people.
0 0

by prithvikalakota
Ben means always good.. So, whatever word starts from Ben means good.. Mal is bad
like Malevolent..
0 0

by sans351

Short Definition : helpful; useful; advantageous

(adj) promoting or enhancing well-being
Synonyms : good
Example Sentence
an arms limitation agreement beneficial to all countries
the beneficial effects of a temperate climate
the experience was good for her

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for beneficial

1 0

by shiva kumar

Short Definition : person entitled to benefits or proceeds of an insurance policy or will

(noun) the recipient of funds or other benefits
Synonyms : donee

(noun) the semantic role of the intended recipient who benefits from the happening
denoted by the verb in the clause
Synonyms : benefactive role
(adj) having or arising from a benefice
Example Sentence
a beneficiary baron

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for beneficiary

BENE(root for GOOD) and FICIARY sounds like fishry...so if the fisherman does
6 1

by findktk

benificiary => benefited + officially

2 0

by vocabIsFun

bene(good)+effciaRY(OFFICIALY)....SO SOMEONE WHO his benefitted by officials

1 3

by preetisoni2411

Short Definition : advantage; anything that brings helpl, advantage, or profit; money
provided by the government to the people; fund-raising public entertainment; Ex.
unemployment benefit; V: receive benefits; be benefi

(noun) financial assistance in time of need

(noun) something that aids or promotes well-being
Synonyms : welfare
Example Sentence
for the benefit of all
(noun) a performance to raise money for a charitable cause

(verb) derive a benefit from
Synonyms : gain , profit
Example Sentence
She profited from his vast experience

(verb) be beneficial for
Synonyms : do good
Example Sentence
This will do you good

Short Definition : generous; charitable; having a wish to do good

(adj) intending or showing kindness
Example Sentence
a benevolent society

(adj) showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity
Synonyms : charitable , good-hearted , kindly , large-hearted , openhearted ,
Example Sentence
was charitable in his opinions of others
kindly criticism
a kindly act
sympathetic words
a large-hearted mentor

(adj) generous in providing aid to others
Synonyms : freehearted

(adj) generous in assistance to the poor
Synonyms : beneficent , eleemosynary , philanthropic
Example Sentence
a benevolent contributor
eleemosynary relief
philanthropic contributions

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for benevolent

bene(root bene means good)+volent(voluntarily)..so good person voluntarily donating his

all GOODS to people.
5 0

by preetisoni2411

root: bene= good + evol= wish

2 0

by hinchavi

same as BENEFACTOR: root word BENE=good...both even mean the same

1 0

by mohit26041988

Short Definition : kindly; favorable; not malignant (disease); Ex. benign tumor

(adj) not dangerous to health; not recurrent or progressive (especially of a tumor)

(adj) pleasant and beneficial in nature or influence
Synonyms : benignant
Example Sentence
a benign smile
the benign sky
the benign influence of pure air

(adj) kindness of disposition or manner
Example Sentence
the benign ruler of millions
benign intentions

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for benign

benign- bene(good) + sign

23 3

by reveeriee

opposite of malign
19 6

by 1.6k

Cloud number nine (BY Bryan adams) . so nign or nine is good. Benign is to be pleasant,
good etc.
15 11

by sanjeev

Benign sounds like B9 ~ BNice .. Therefore kind

11 0

by rahularoradce

read it as BEGIN: u begin something when its favorable/good..or when a tumor is in the
beginning stage, its not dangerous
3 0

by mohit26041988
rhymes after Quinine--the panacea for Malaria-->+ve in all sense
1 8

by soumen

1 4

by getsandeepiitd1

to BE on cloud NINE, we have to be gentle and kind with everyone

1 1

by nikhilparasher

benign sounds like begin; this kind of beginning is favorable and beneficial for our all
future projects.
0 0

by editor1

benign * malign
0 2

by jay_gandhi

its always better if beginning should be favorable to us

0 2

by xecutive

lets break it this way be+nice which is kind

Short Definition : blessing

(noun) a spoken blessing

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for benison

BENISON splits as "Bend" down my "son" when a son asks for blessing from his father
or elder.
20 2

by drquadros54

Beni(means good)+ son ~ you have a good son; you need blessings to have a good son.
7 1

by varunrocks

sounds like BENSON cigarette which is curse for body. But Benison means the opposite-
> blessing
4 9

by rhasan

beni+son-->After 10 years of marriage, the god finally blessed the couple with a SON.
4 0

by smartankit_27

god blessed "BEN" a SON

3 6

by sravan257

BeniSON- Blessed with a SON

2 0

by kapoorvibhu

BENSION : SOUNDS LIKE PENSION...getting pension after retirement is good.

1 0

by ranuclarke

can be co-related to {bene(GOOD) + speak(S) on(ON)} that means speaking good.

1 0

by vocabIsFun
Benson Cigarette is a benison for smokers, lolzzzzzzzzzzzzz
1 0

by onno manush

Benison -->Ben-i-son(remember ben-10 on Cartoon Network ) Ben10 said I am a Son

blessed with powers.
0 0

by aggarwal.sahil17

Short Definition : determined; Ex. bent on advancing in the business; N: natural talent or

(noun) a relatively permanent inclination to react in a particular way
Synonyms : set
Example Sentence
the set of his mind was obvious

(noun) grass for pastures and lawns especially bowling and putting greens
Synonyms : bent grass , bent-grass

(noun) an area of grassland unbounded by fences or hedges

(noun) a special way of doing something
Synonyms : hang , knack
Example Sentence
he had a bent for it
he had a special knack for getting into trouble
he couldn't get the hang of it
(adj) fixed in your purpose
Synonyms : bent on , dead set , out to
Example Sentence
bent on going to the theater
dead set against intervening
out to win every event

(adj) used of the back and knees; stooped
Synonyms : bended
Example Sentence
on bended knee
with bent (or bended) back

(adj) of metal e.g.
Synonyms : crumpled , dented
Example Sentence
bent nails
a car with a crumpled front end
dented fenders

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bent

bent~sounds like "bend it like beckham" a movie where a girl is determined to prove her
natural talent of football
18 1

by rajeev10

Bent = Talent; look, the last 3 letters are same!

6 7

by rizvi

bent ~ bent--ppl. of bend. He has got a natural talent of BENDing the hard stiff rods with
his hands
3 0

by smartankit_27

bent=past part. of bend or inclination. if iam inclined towards something then im

determined to take the side
1 0

by hinchavi

bent >>> inclined towards something, usually when u have talent in that thing..
0 0

by RajeshBorkar

Short Definition : leave to someone by means of a will; hand down in his will; N.

(verb) leave or give by will after one's death
Synonyms : leave , will
Example Sentence
My aunt bequeathed me all her jewelry
My grandfather left me his entire estate

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bequeath

'be + qu + eath' before quick death, 'leave ur property to someone by a will'

22 3

by bookworm

divide it like-be(before)+queath(sounds like death)-->a father wrote a will before his

death, that his all property should be given to his son.
9 2

by shiwa
lets break bequeath as be + queath....this queath is spells as quit... so be quit ( leaving) on
our will.........
6 20

by tariq431

son to father: Q(kyun) u EAT all those rubbish stuff.what will happen if u would BE
dying and i would then get nothing as a BEQUEST as u havent prepared a will yet
2 3

by mit006

bequeath-chk the word,and visibilize eat in theword..u dont leave to somone by means of
will,u do it urself rite..uhh..figure out death i.e. will!!!
1 37

by sriharisharma

be(before)+que(question)+at+h(heaven)by god leave the property in will for nominee

1 0

by shaktipada

we can say BATA(Hindi means to distribute) AFTER DEATH

1 0

by vocabIsFun

Relate like Be(Before) + Queath(Death): Someone must legally, have promised you
BEFORE his/her DEATH to Bequeath some valuable things(after death) to you.
1 0

by suraj101

BE (or re regarding) QUE (question of, or issues related to) EATH (death or death AT
Heaven). The issues are of will and inheritence.
0 0

by fahad18g

Short Definition : scold strongly

(verb) censure severely or angrily
Synonyms : bawl out , call down , call on the carpet , chew out , chew up ,
chide , dress down , have words , jaw , lambast , lambaste , lecture , rag , rebuke ,
remonstrate , reprimand , reproof , scold , take to task , trounce
Example Sentence
The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car
The deputy ragged the Prime Minister
The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for berate

his friends berated(criticized) him for showing them b-rated movie..

56 1

by vivek.....

brate - b + rate : So if you will watch B RATing movie you will be scolded
10 2

by sanchit

be+rate ~ he was RATEd BElow expectations and hence forth scolded.

6 0

by logic87

berate- berry + ate He scolded me strongly as i ate his berry

5 0

by karthipk

2 4

by emdmehr

lets break Be+Rate. when we go to something as we see different rates in different

shops..and we scold them as aBEy RATE kya re......
2 6

by tariq431

DErate(not to rete someone is also a kind of scolding)....when you berate someone, you
derate him.....
2 0

by nileshdive

The servant failed to get the Basmati rice at the desired RATE, therefore the owner
scolded him severely.
1 0

by smartankit_27

when girl came to know she was be..rated by others she scolded them strongly(berated )
1 1

by yasha

Short Definition : deprived of (someone beloved through death)

(noun) a person who has suffered the death of someone they loved
Synonyms : bereaved person
Example Sentence
the bereaved do not always need to be taken care of

(adj) sorrowful through loss or deprivation
Synonyms : bereft , grief-stricken , grieving , mourning , sorrowing
Example Sentence
bereft of hope

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bereaved

Bereaved sounds like GRIEVE..which means mourning for smbody..
17 9

by vidz

sounds like beleaved (left); Imagine your girlfriend left you; So, you will be called as
4 0

by maheshv

It sounds like be-leaved-this is the state when someone LEAVEs us forever

1 0


be relieved
0 3

by sunla6561

Short Definition : state of being deprived of something valuable or beloved; state of
being bereaved or bereft

(noun) state of sorrow over the death or departure of a loved one
Synonyms : mourning

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bereavement

be-leave-ment; this is the state when some one LEAVEs us forever

42 3

by rhasan

be+ reave +ment=BE in GRAVE without any arrangeMENTS ...hence the dead is
derpived valuable things forever
4 3

by elixir

bereavment ---burry someone, u grieve

3 4

by matty

Bury and Grief

2 0

by vocabIsFun

when u r not in a state to BE able to see the RE(again) moveMENT of AVEs

1 6

by mit006

1 3

by krkpraveen

bereavement sounds like bury at event on the event (funeral)everyone mourn on the
1 2

by khatter

BRAVE MEN loose their fellow aty war and grief

1 0

by joxeusindia

Short Definition : deprived of (something valuable); lacking

(adj) unhappy in love; suffering from unrequited love
Synonyms : lovelorn , unbeloved
(adj) sorrowful through loss or deprivation
Synonyms : bereaved , grief-stricken , grieving , mourning , sorrowing
Example Sentence
bereft of hope

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bereft

bereft = beer + left and therefore DEPRIVED of beer

15 2

by sak

be+reft--reft sounds like left, imagine a man who is left alone after his girlfriend left him
or deprived of someone lovable.
8 1

by niceguysid28

a man deprived of something drinks BEER

3 4

by lord_slayer

He raped her and stole all her clothes, leaving her naked. He LEFT her BARE and F'd.
She was BARE F'd.
1 2

by Jackery

bere +ft -> bare + foot : because the person is no longer having his/her slippers.
1 0

by tanmay186

bereft can be relate to the berieved families to whom we extend condolence because they
are deprived or their near and dear ones
0 0

by santosh pokhrel
Short Definition : mad with violent anger; frenzied; madly excited

(noun) one of the ancient Norse warriors legendary for working themselves into a frenzy
before a battle and fighting with reckless savagery and insane fury
Synonyms : berserker

(adj) frenzied as if possessed by a demon
Synonyms : amok , amuck , demoniac , demoniacal , possessed
Example Sentence
the soldier was completely amuck
berserk with grief
a berserk worker smashing windows

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for berserk

ye to BER ber hi kiye ja raha hai. lagta hai dimag SARAK gaya hai iska
13 1

by mit006

divide it like --ber+serk-->serak..if someone gets madly EXCITED about something..we

11 1

by preetisoni2411

erk- this word,in he word berserk resembles the meaning erked,that means somthing mad
about or violent.
8 7

by sriharisharma

ber + serk(shark) ....shark is angry and out of control

7 0

by Taib

Berserk resembles the hindi word Besabar.. someone who's madly excited about
5 11

by Jyoti.Chhibber

Berserk resembles the hindi word Besabar.. someone who's madly excited about
4 5

by Jyoti.Chhibber

berserk == ber (bar) + serk (shirk) when the manager saw the bartender is shirk, he
became angry(berserk).
4 2

by nasri

Berserk : Ransack!
3 1

by shootdemup!

be+risk if someone is more angry he is at risk

2 1

by kollivijayramya

when we are mad or voilent anger....and somebody not giving the way for us then we
shall say" abey sarak "
1 2

by tariq431

beer peke insan ka dimag kharab hojata hai aur woh wild hojata hai
1 1

by karan sood
beer se dimag sarka hain
1 1

by swap.kamble

remember the movie shrek...where the main charecter always gets in to anger..
0 0

by ranuclarke

BELKUL(Hindi) + SARAK(Mad - Hindi)

0 0

by vocabIsFun

Bark + shirk : when a person is mad in anger, he barks like a dog and bitse like a shark
0 0

by divine_sword

beher sarkho we will say this when we are very angery on someone
0 0

by sabitha.poladi@gmail.com

Short Definition : beg; plead with

(verb) ask for or request earnestly
Synonyms : adjure , bid , conjure , entreat , press
Example Sentence
The prophet bid all people to become good persons

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for beseech

beseech rhymes wid BHEEKH (Hindi)

45 6

by studyabroad.us

Bees (20) rupees de do plz

8 2

by goodnfine000

beggar begging for BAKSHEESH

7 4

by userdce

divide it like-->be(beggar)+seech(seek)..all beggars always seek alms from us, so they

PLEAD TO US or request earnestly.
5 0

by preetisoni2411

by combining the mnemonics above we can write beseech == beekh + search. someone
who search for beekh(beg).
3 4

by nasri

Beseech= Be+ Seek(Ask money, needy)

2 1


Be + Seek >>> we seek something from others.. ie. almost begging...

1 0

by RajeshBorkar

be(we) +see(seek) ch(charity)- we seek charity--when we seek charity we ask for it or

plead for it.
0 0

by sriharisharma
Be+ Sick >>> when we are sick of something, we BEG to god for avoiding this again to
0 0

by RajeshBorkar

Short Definition : harass or trouble from all directions; hem in

(verb) annoy continually or chronically
Synonyms : chevvy , chevy , chivvy , chivy , harass , harry , hassle , molest ,
plague , provoke
Example Sentence
He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked
This man harasses his female co-workers

(verb) assail or attack on all sides:
Synonyms : set upon
Example Sentence
The zebra was beset by leopards

(verb) decorate or cover lavishly (as with gems)
Synonyms : encrust , incrust

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for beset

beset. bees+attack. imagine bees attack on u from all directions.

55 8

by studyabroad.us

beset sounds like be set(ready) to face attack from all directions

10 2

by laljarus
be+set ~ Once the batsman is SET, he can easily attack the bowlers and make runs on all
5 1

by smartankit_27

beset => upset

3 2

by kamil.king

The new batsman is yet to be set, so he will be hemed in by all fielders.

2 4

by rizvi

when smthing is not able to 'set' in then its in trouble from all directions
1 4

by reveeriee

when product release dates are set that time employees feel the pressure or harass or
trouble from all the direction.)
1 0

by praveenkatti16

Short Definition : surround with armed forces; harass (with requests); annoy continually

(verb) surround so as to force to give up
Synonyms : beleaguer , circumvent , hem in , surround
Example Sentence
The Turks besieged Vienna

(verb) cause to feel distressed or worried
Example Sentence
She was besieged by so many problems that she got discouraged

(verb) harass, as with questions or requests
Example Sentence
The press photographers besieged the movie star

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for besiege

divide it like-->be+siege(seize)-- Indian army has seized the line of control, and now the
whole area is surrounded by armed forces.
6 0

by preetisoni2411

be + seize = u are seized by armed forces / by some1 who is continiously annoying u ..!!
2 0

by abbaraju.pranith

Short Definition : soil; defile; make dirty

(verb) charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of
Synonyms : asperse , calumniate , defame , denigrate , slander , smear , smirch ,
Example Sentence
The journalists have defamed me!
The article in the paper sullied my reputation

(verb) smear so as to make dirty or stained
Synonyms : smirch
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for besmirch

Besmirch= kisi ki achi reputation ko mirche lga ke bigadna

28 6

by Administrator

Besmirch = Bees + Mirch (In

Hindi language Bees means
twenty and Mirch means pepper)
So,if you will add twenty
pepper, you will definitely spoil the food.
16 1

by Administrator

besMIRCH-ifu chk the word

mirch,it calls to our mind
chilli's .chillis grown on soil,so
is to meaning.
9 13

by sriharisharma

mirch -> mirchi fm. hearing mirchi fm before exam will spoil the exam
2 2

by chid1989

BE (meaning throughout) + MIRE (to sully, dirty, muddy)= to fully ruin a reputation
1 2

by tivoli25

bees bees mirchi dalega to khana to spoil hona hi hain

1 2

by swap.kamble

kisike base pe mirch lagana matlam usko maign kar dena

1 1

by dont_dare
smirch sounds like smirk. His SMIRK left a STAIN in my mind

Short Definition : beastlike; brutal; inhuman; very cruel

(adj) resembling a beast; showing lack of human sensibility
Synonyms : beastly , brutal , brute , brutish
Example Sentence
beastly desires
a bestial nature
brute force
a dull and brutish man
bestial treatment of prisoners

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bestial

bestial -> beastial means beast like

18 1

by rhasan

This word together sounds like BEast tail -- beast with a tail implies lacking of human
quality ~ inhuman.
4 0


bestial = best + i + all -- a monster is arguing that he is the best of all ...!!
1 0

by abbaraju.pranith

Short Definition : confer

(verb) present
Synonyms : confer
Example Sentence
The university conferred a degree on its most famous former student, who never
bestow an honor on someone

(verb) give as a gift

(verb) bestow a quality on
Synonyms : add , bring , contribute , impart , lend
Example Sentence
Her presence lends a certain cachet to the company
The music added a lot to the play
She brings a special atmosphere to our meetings
This adds a light note to the program

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bestow

(BESTOW) best people are bestowed with awards and trophies

9 0

by bharatinuguri

This word sounds like best toy; when you give a BEST TOY TO your little brother, you
basically confer your best wishes or your love to him by giving him a gift.
8 1

by preetisoni2411

"best aao aur gift pao"(Hindi)

3 0

by vocabIsFun

best + toe = the best gift to some1 u gave is ur toe ..!!

1 1

by abbaraju.pranith
basically this word is taken from bestowen means..be + stowen means to place..so to
place a gift for your friend...at her home...without letting her know....
0 13

by preetisoni2411

If some body offer s.t(Schedule Tribe) certificate then one sound will come bestow.
0 1

by shaktipada

Short Definition : signify; indicate; be a sign of

(verb) be a signal for or a symptom of
Synonyms : bespeak , indicate , point , signal
Example Sentence
These symptoms indicate a serious illness
Her behavior points to a severe neurosis
The economic indicators signal that the euro is undervalued

(verb) indicate by signs
Synonyms : augur , auspicate , bode , forecast , foreshadow , foretell , omen ,
portend , predict , prefigure , presage , prognosticate
Example Sentence
These signs bode bad news

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for betoken

divide it like be+token ; When we park a vehicle in public parking or deposit something a
token is given -- a token is a sign of or signifies that our stuff is kept there.
8 0

by Jyoti.Chhibber

be a token for something...means be a sign/signal for something

3 3

by sumesh.nb

Short Definition : be unfaithful; reveal (unconsciously or unwillingly); Ex. Her
trembling hands betray her anxiety.

(verb) reveal unintentionally
Synonyms : bewray
Example Sentence
Her smile betrayed her true feelings

(verb) deliver to an enemy by treachery
Synonyms : sell
Example Sentence
Judas sold Jesus
The spy betrayed his country

(verb) disappoint, prove undependable to; abandon, forsake
Synonyms : fail
Example Sentence
His sense of smell failed him this time
His strength finally failed him
His children failed him in the crisis

(verb) be sexually unfaithful to one's partner in marriage
Synonyms : cheat , cheat on , cuckold , wander
Example Sentence
She cheats on her husband
Might her husband be wandering?
(verb) give away information about somebody
Synonyms : denounce , give away , grass , rat , shit , shop , snitch , stag , tell on
Example Sentence
He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam

(verb) cause someone to believe an untruth
Synonyms : deceive , lead astray
Example Sentence
The insurance company deceived me when they told me they were covering my

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for betray

bet.+ray ..so a bet that was won by your friend by cheating you, so you are noW
unfaithful about hIS NATURE, as his behaviour has left NO RAY OF HOPE.
3 5

by preetisoni2411

be + tray ek ladka tray le kar bhag gaya matlab dhoka de kar bhag gaya so the meaning is
unfaithful and reveal
2 3

by priyanshu.mittal

Short Definition : become engaged to marry

(verb) give to in marriage
Synonyms : affiance , engage , plight

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for betroth

dont plan to get married otherwise i BET ki tu ROTHa(crying) hua aayega

15 7

by mit006

this word,brings us to mind the word "BEDROCK", ifu remember flintstones,bedrock is

the one u will remember,wr flintstones get married.
6 11

by sriharisharma

be+Troth -- sounds like truth The lovers finally fretted out the TRUTH that they both are
going to marry each other after hiding their affair from past 3 years.
4 1

by smartankit_27

4 9

by yastej

If you dont marry Good partner i BET tu ROTHA ayega.

1 2

by shwethaguna

when u BETROTH a woman,be TRUSTworTHY

1 0

by melancholica

BEROTH: BE ROTT...so after a man gets married he basically ROTTS...(cheers to

bachelor life :)
0 1

by mohit26041988

aree samjh ki life truth marriage me phasana hi hain..

0 1

by swap.kamble
betroth(throat) imagine in hindi films where a father says to his daughter that he have
given "bachhan"(throat)so she must marry whoever he tell
0 0

by santosh pokhrel

Short Definition : large group; Ex. a bevy of starlets

(noun) a large gathering of people of a particular type
Example Sentence
he was surrounded by a bevy of beauties in bathing attire
a bevy of young beach boys swarmed around him

(noun) a flock of birds (especially when gathered close together on the ground)
Example Sentence
we were visited at breakfast by a bevy of excited ducks

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bevy

Bevy=be +"we" not me, hence refers to group of people

53 1

by rakei

bevy-beavers.this brings this word in our mind. beavers are animals that live in large
12 10

by sriharisharma

sounds like BIWI (wife in hindi) .. wives like to go to kitty party GROUPS
2 1

by findktk
Imagine a large group of friends at a party drinking "bevy"s (beverages)
2 2

by dshefman

sounds like Baby; actually babies like to keep themselves in a group. So Bevy means
large group
1 11

by rhasan

can be related to Bheed(hindi) very.

1 0

by vocabIsFun

bevy sounds like heavy and so the large group

0 3

by pioneer

bevy sound like bidai after marriage many ppl gather for bidai of bride
0 0

by shaktipada

Short Definition : be cautious (of)

(verb) be on one's guard; be cautious or wary about; be alert to
Synonyms : mind
Example Sentence
Beware of telephone salesmen

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for beware

it will be written on the gates"BEAWARE OF DOGS"

1 0

by sabitha.poladi@gmail.com
Short Definition : cast a spell over; captivate completely

(verb) attract; cause to be enamored
Synonyms : becharm , beguile , captivate , capture , catch , charm , enamor ,
enamour , enchant , entrance , fascinate , trance
Example Sentence
She captured all the men's hearts

(verb) attract strongly, as if with a magnet
Synonyms : magnetise , magnetize , mesmerise , mesmerize , spellbind
Example Sentence
She magnetized the audience with her tricks

(verb) cast a spell over someone or something; put a hex on someone or something
Synonyms : enchant , glamour , hex , jinx , witch

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bewitch

be+witch -- a woman who practices magic is witch. think of this witch who has captured
all men heart.
3 1

by soumen

witch will have all powers to have control on someone

1 0

by sabitha.poladi@gmail.com

bewitched-if u can remember the film bewitched.

0 5

by sriharisharma
Short Definition : two-chambered as a legislative body

(adj) composed of two legislative bodies

(adj) consisting of two chambers
Synonyms : two-chambered
Example Sentence
the bicameral heart of a fish

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bicameral

its like two(bi) camera are placed in two separate chambers

19 4

by neel_desai2000

it sounds like bi + kamra = 2 rooms meaning 2 chambers

14 0

by 1.6k

bi (means two) + camer (latin root)(chamber) ~ something that consist of two chambers.
3 0

by gatz_funky

Short Definition : quarrel

(noun) a quarrel about petty points
Synonyms : bickering , fuss , pettifoggery , spat , squabble , tiff
(verb) argue over petty things
Synonyms : brabble , niggle , pettifog , quibble , squabble
Example Sentence
Let's not quibble over pennies

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bicker

bicker sounds like biker.Bikers always quarrel when an accident is commited

15 3

by sak

Bicker sounds like Biker The biker crashed into the car and he had a big quarrel with the
owner of the car.
9 0

by smartankit_27

Biker sounds like BEKAR(hindi)...so biker is to argue n quarrel...

5 6

by vidz

er- er is to error,if u reemmebr in most of the cases.quarrel,is a word with a negative

2 10

by sriharisharma

~bekar ==> arrey,bekar mein ladai mat karo yaar,

1 5

by harsha999

bhayanak or fierceful battle

1 1

by wordsmania
bicker sounds like liquor. and also biker liquor and biker...the sudden rexion produced by
our brains is FIGHT
0 3

by friendofafriend

bicker->birds use bick for fighting

0 2

by karthik3152

sounds like BITTER and generally bitter persons end up quarelling

0 1

by mohit26041988

Short Definition : command; utter (a greeting); offer as a price; N: offer of a price;
amount offered; earnest effort to gain something; Ex. bid for freedom

(noun) an authoritative direction or instruction to do something
Synonyms : bidding , command , dictation

(noun) an attempt to get something
Synonyms : play
Example Sentence
they made a futile play for power
he made a bid to gain attention

(noun) a formal proposal to buy at a specified price
Synonyms : tender

(noun) (bridge) the number of tricks a bridge player is willing to contract to make
Synonyms : bidding

(verb) propose a payment
Synonyms : offer , tender
Example Sentence
The Swiss dealer offered $2 million for the painting

(verb) invoke upon
Synonyms : wish
Example Sentence
wish you a nice evening
bid farewell

(verb) ask for or request earnestly
Synonyms : adjure , beseech , conjure , entreat , press
Example Sentence
The prophet bid all people to become good persons

(verb) make a demand, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands
Synonyms : call
Example Sentence
He called his trump

(verb) make a serious effort to attain something
Example Sentence
His campaign bid for the attention of the poor population

(verb) ask someone in a friendly way to do something
Synonyms : invite
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bid

bid sounds like beed i offer my sister beed bangeles so that i can impress her
0 1

by kollivijayramya

Short Definition : every two years

(noun) (botany) a plant having a life cycle that normally takes two seasons from
germination to death to complete; flowering biennials usually bloom and fruit in the
second season

(adj) having a life cycle lasting two seasons
Synonyms : two-year
Example Sentence
a biennial life cycle
parsnips and carrots are biennial plants often grown as annuals

(adj) occurring every second year
Synonyms : biyearly
Example Sentence
they met at biennial conventions

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for biennial


8 0

by prashi2
Enn means year Therefore, Biennial - Happening every second year Perennial -
continuing from year to year, present at all seasons.
2 2

by Administrator

2 0

by gatz_funky

Enn means year Therefore, +BI MEANS TWO.. Biennial - Happening every second year
Perennial - continuing from year to year, present at all seasons.
0 2

by smartankit_27

The word Biennial can be ralted to the word Binomial which means 2 tersm...so 2 terms
implies 2 years
0 0

by itskhush.gupta

Short Definition : divided into two branches; forked

(adj) divided into or made up of two parts
Example Sentence
socially bifurcated populations

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bifurcated

bi (two)+ fur (sounds like hindi faar (tear))===divided into two parts
1 3

by userdce

bi(two)..cate..read it as cut..if we cut anything it will be cut into two parts

1 0

by lokeshraghuram

bi(means two)+furc-sounds like(Fork)-->fork into two parts.

0 0

by editor1

bi(2)+furc+ate=dividing into 2 parts and eating

0 0

by sak

Short Definition : one who is intolerant (in matters of religion or politics)

(noun) a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bigot

bi means two or second.one is intolerable if he GOT second thought or opinion from

8 13

by neel_desai2000

when something is BIG shOT to head; it is INTOLERENT

4 12

by ksameer_coep

bigot:think Be Goat:intolerable goat.

4 13

by sanjeev

BIGot- he is very big and he is intolerable person

2 0

by ipavan57

when we are angry and intolerant we say " BAIGON ... jaane de" similar to BIGOT
1 1

by Ashishbaldwa

Bi+GOT(God) wo mere tolerance se bahar ja raha tha

1 0

by h.pathrabe250487

bigad(D)a -some one who is intolerant.

0 15

by sriharisharma

bi(by)+got(god)--think of a person who is excessively devoted to god and hence very

much hypocritical.this person will not tolerate any opinion about god differing from his
0 0

by editor1

BHAGAT(devout person) of indian religion is bigot

0 6

by userdce

wen sum1 says BY GOD he gets irritated or intolerant if anyone quetions him
0 1

by sonali29

bigot: zealot !!
0 1

by Venu.D
Bi+Got : if you have 2 seconds to do the task you will become intolerant.
0 0

by harepanda

read it as Bey+Got..... when we wanted to force our opinion we say in hindi " aBEYYY u
GOT it!!!!!!!?????
0 0

by l.k.sandra

Short Definition : stubborn intolerance

(noun) the intolerance and prejudice of a bigot
Synonyms : dogmatism

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bigotry

BHAGAT(rebellious person) of indian history is bigot --- his quality is bigotry [Tri means
3 people on punishment]
14 3

by userdce

biggo means a person who acts oversmart.so if he tries to explain something to his fellow
beings it just becomes a case of intoleranser(bigotry) for them
8 2

by mit006

big + ot.. one who thinks himself BIG and OThers small and cannot tolerate other views.
3 0

by yourbikash

Teacher asked you to Go and try the question again .. He is very particular about the style
and content used .. He is showing Stubborn Intolerance
1 4

by rahularoradce

BIGOT and BIGOTRY..mean d same..BIGOT:root:intolerant

0 3

by mohit26041988

big+o+try=large try will b done by stubborn intolerance ppl

0 0


Short Definition : suffering from indigestion; sick from having too much bile; irritable;
easily irritated

(adj) relating to or containing bile
Synonyms : biliary

(adj) suffering from or suggesting a liver disorder or gastric distress
Synonyms : liverish , livery

(adj) irritable as if suffering from indigestion
Synonyms : atrabilious , dyspeptic , liverish

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bilious

bili-ili-ill..so it resembles ill in bile,ie stomach.

11 4

by sriharisharma
Note that many of the words with roots from body organs mean irritable. Examples:
splenetic, spleen, bilious, atrabilious, dyspeptic, livery, and liverish.
5 0

by dshefman

remeber it from biles which is disease of liver; so a person having biles will always be
3 0

by amitarora

bilious can be compared with bile which is produced by liver.

3 2

by daringdavin

BILE juice is used for digestion...

1 0

by sonali29

LIOUS and be compared to LIVER.means leaver problem,indigestion.

0 0

by gdabli

Short Definition : swindle; cheat

(verb) cheat somebody out of what is due, especially money

(verb) hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of
Synonyms : baffle , cross , foil , frustrate , queer , scotch , spoil , thwart
Example Sentence
What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge
foil your opponent
(verb) evade payment to
Example Sentence
He bilked his creditors

(verb) escape, either physically or mentally
Synonyms : elude , evade
Example Sentence
The thief eluded the police
This difficult idea seems to evade her
The event evades explanation

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bilk

bilk -> bill + milk; so you cheated the MILK man by not paying the BILL
27 13

by rhasan

bilk actually comes from Bil-Klinton. The politician who "cheat" all the time.
21 6

by atiya

Bilk rhymes with milk and the milkman "cheats" you by adding water.
11 1

by yoganshi

BILK- Bil Clinton CHEATED India by laying out regulations against it after the Pokhran
6 4

by rejaulmeister

BILK-MILK the milkman cheats us by giving us adultrated milk

1 2

by sonali29

bilk--> sounds like MILK , milkmen cheat by mixing water with milk
1 2

by ankitvora23

bilk='bill'+'milk'->when u MILKing people to pay ur BILLs u r actually BILKing them

1 0

by melancholica

Doctors bill was SO FUCKING MUCH. all i could think of was run away.
0 9

by friendofafriend

BILK = Bad mILK. By selling Bad mILK you are cheating.

0 1

by akshaynakra

BILK-BLINK in a blink u cud gt cheated..

0 0

by sonali29

Short Definition : large wave of water; a great swell or surge (of smoke); V: surge, swell,
roll in billows

(noun) a large sea wave
Synonyms : surge

(verb) rise up as if in waves
Synonyms : wallow
Example Sentence
smoke billowed up into the sky

(verb) move with great difficulty
Example Sentence
The soldiers billowed across the muddy riverbed

(verb) rise and move, as in waves or billows
Synonyms : heave , surge
Example Sentence
The army surged forward

(verb) become inflated
Synonyms : balloon , inflate
Example Sentence
The sails ballooned

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for billow

A PILLOW could be swelling with cotton

14 2

by aravindhbaskaran

see B(il)LOW...blow is to swell

5 2

by findktk

Billow sounds like Pillow.Some pillows are inflated by air

5 1

by deepukurien
Billow sounds like pillow which is swollen.
1 0

by lakshmihs

below (billow) you i.e.. below the earth is a great surge or swell of magma or lava
1 0

by akash_8803

pillow SWELLS with cotton

0 6

by ksameer_coep

Billow sounds like blow(er) which gives hot air (smoke)

0 0

by cp.jethani

BILLOw : Billo Rani in the song was all swelling in air

0 0

by kapoorvibhu

billow ---> below : a large wave will take any ship below

Short Definition : swelling out in waves; surging

(adj) characterized by great swelling waves or surges
Synonyms : billowy , surging
Example Sentence
billowy storm clouds
the restless billowing sea
surging waves

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for billowing

billow sounds like pillow.. pillows r usually swelled up..
12 0

by LuvMnemonic

consider the word as 'blowing', the blowing wind caused the curtains to swell out in shape
of waves.
6 1

by swaroop_cn

billow sounds like BILLO.. Billo k gaal gulabi and her ghagra is billowing with the wind
1 0

by milindjindal1

Short Definition : sharply painful to the body or mind; Ex. biting wind/remarks

(adj) capable of wounding
Synonyms : barbed , mordacious , nipping , pungent
Example Sentence
a barbed compliment
a biting aphorism
pungent satire

(adj) causing a sharply painful or stinging sensation; used especially of cold
Synonyms : bitter
Example Sentence
bitter cold
a biting wind

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for biting

bit{ing)~ bite; biting will always cause sharp pain to body.

2 0

by zelus

Short Definition : having a sharp biting taste; ?; causing sharp pain to the body or mind;
filled with resentment, disappointment, or other unpleasant feelings; Ex. bitter

(noun) English term for a dry sharp-tasting ale with strong flavor of hops (usually on

(noun) the taste experience when quinine or coffee is taken into the mouth
Synonyms : bitterness

(noun) the property of having a harsh unpleasant taste
Synonyms : bitterness

(verb) make bitter

(adj) marked by strong resentment or cynicism
Synonyms : acrimonious
Example Sentence
an acrimonious dispute
bitter about the divorce

(adj) very difficult to accept or bear
Example Sentence
the bitter truth
a bitter sorrow

(adj) harsh or corrosive in tone
Synonyms : acerb , acerbic , acid , acrid , blistering , caustic , sulfurous ,
sulphurous , virulent , vitriolic
Example Sentence
an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose
a barrage of acid comments
her acrid remarks make her many enemies
bitter words
blistering criticism
caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics
a sulfurous denunciation
a vitriolic critique

(adj) expressive of severe grief or regret
Example Sentence
shed bitter tears

(adj) proceeding from or exhibiting great hostility or animosity
Example Sentence
a bitter struggle
bitter enemies

(adj) causing a sharp and acrid taste experience
Example Sentence
quinine is bitter

(adj) causing a sharply painful or stinging sensation; used especially of cold
Synonyms : biting
Example Sentence
bitter cold
a biting wind
(adv) extremely and sharply
Synonyms : bitingly , bitterly , piercingly
Example Sentence
it was bitterly cold
bitter cold

Short Definition : temporary encampment; camp without tents; V.

(noun) temporary living quarters specially built by the army for soldiers
Synonyms : camp , cantonment , encampment
Example Sentence
wherever he went in the camp the men were grumbling

(noun) a site where people on holiday can pitch a tent
Synonyms : campground , camping area , camping ground , camping site , campsite
, encampment

(verb) live in or as if in a tent
Synonyms : camp , camp out , encamp , tent
Example Sentence
Can we go camping again this summer?
The circus tented near the town
The houseguests had to camp in the living room

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bivouac

when u vomit (sound we make while vomiting - VOUAC) suddenly amidst a journey we
look for some temporary halting place
11 0

by snigdhashrivatsav
wen der was no bused..i used to go "BYWALK" to college.. ofocz dats temporary
9 6

by nikhilsuhas

While I was in Bivouac, I used to vomit a lot.

3 35

by shootdemup!

BIVOUAC- A Building WACKy used to make a temporary shelter. THis is not a good
mnemonic. But i couldnt find any better
3 14

by rejaulmeister

temporary orrented house.Ifwe livein temporary or rented house(bai=kam-wali bhi

bhowk(bark) ke jaati hai
2 4

by saurabh82del

bi+vouac--vouac sounds like Walk-->you are walking towards an temporary camps or

0 0

by editor1

by walking building= temperory encampment

0 6

by buriro

Be in a vua(not worthy) camp.

0 6

by shadip

biwi ne ghar evacuate karaya so had to live in bivouac

0 2

by garg_dce

Be walking in this Bivouac of life

0 0

by Srividya Srikumar

Short Definition : fantastic; violently contrasting; noticeably odd; strikingly

(adj) conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual
Synonyms : eccentric , flakey , flaky , freakish , freaky , gonzo , off-the-wall ,
outlandish , outre
Example Sentence
restaurants of bizarre design--one like a hat, another like a rabbit
famed for his eccentric spelling
a freakish combination of styles
his off-the-wall antics
the outlandish clothes of teenagers
outre and affected stage antics

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bizarre

sounds like bazaar; In India, BIZARRE(bazaar) looks STRANGE and ODD to foreigners
5 1

by nikhilparasher

biz-are -> showBiz people are sometimes unusual and fantastic in behaviour
3 4

by rhasan

showbiz was fantastically vilent and contrasting.

0 5

by sriharisharma

bizarre sounds like bazzar; bazzar(market) always looks outlandish and contrasting.
0 0

by editor1

Short Definition : vote against (an applicant); ostracize; N: negative vote

(noun) the act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto
Synonyms : barring

(verb) expel from a community or group
Synonyms : ban , banish , cast out , ostracise , ostracize , shun

(verb) vote against; refuse to endorse; refuse to assent
Synonyms : negative , veto
Example Sentence
The President vetoed the bill

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blackball

if u have black balls...u'll be voted out

5 0

by vivekimmortal

ostracize-big s(c)ize ostrich,only seen in africa.

1 3

by sriharisharma
black+ball-->(focus on black)black-refers to the dumb system in Africa .white people
used to vote against black.

Short Definition : bleach; whiten; make white or pale

(verb) turn pale, as if in fear
Synonyms : blench , pale

(verb) cook (vegetables) briefly
Synonyms : parboil
Example Sentence
Parboil the beans before freezing them

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blanch

blanch resembles blank..which is generally refered as a white space..so blanch means to

leave it white..so whiten
20 0

by sai dasika

blanch sounds like bleach--woman go for bleaching to whiten their skin or to make their
skin more white.
7 2

by sriharisharma

blanche in french means white

4 1

by LuvMnemonic

blANCH-anch-anchal, is a pretty gal.im smitten by her white innocent face..lol..!!

1 14

by sriharisharma

bLANch -> lan -> lane; so to WHITEN the lane we use BLEACHing powder
1 2

by rhasan

Sounds like Blond. Blond girls have blanched hair.

1 2

by subhasish

doctor said to girl if she takes syrup"BEFORE LUNCH "(blanch) her skin will be
0 0

by sabitha.poladi@gmail.com

Short Definition : soothing or mild (food); agreeable; causing no trouble or offence

(adj) lacking taste or flavor or tang
Synonyms : flat , flavorless , flavourless , insipid , savorless , savourless ,
Example Sentence
a bland diet
insipid hospital food
flavorless supermarket tomatoes
vapid beer
vapid tea

(adj) lacking stimulating characteristics; uninteresting
Synonyms : flat
Example Sentence
a bland little drama
a flat joke
(adj) smoothly agreeable and courteous with a degree of sophistication
Synonyms : politic , smooth , suave
Example Sentence
he was too politic to quarrel with so important a personage
the manager pacified the customer with a smooth apology for the error

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bland

seeing the Black Land ,the blond girl smoothly became agreeable
36 3

by mit006

divide it into B and LAND.in a B-barren LAND you dont get tasty food to eat.
15 4

by khushboo104

BLAND rhymes with BLOND. so blond women gets agree with me or agreeable to my
9 4

by imajeeth

Blends easily.. So the substance is mild and agreeable.

5 1

by shadip

bland- this word flashes the word blend in our mind.blend means somthing mild with
respect to food.
1 5

by sriharisharma

Short Definition : flattery
(noun) flattery intended to persuade
Synonyms : cajolery , palaver

(noun) the act of urging by means of teasing or flattery
Synonyms : wheedling

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blandishment

BLANDISHMENT- Remember it like Brandy to an Irish women, this is like a flattery

and later u can get wht u want frm the IRISH woman
22 5

by rejaulmeister

bland (mild) - wen ur bland wid someone u try to flatter

3 9

by diggs_chauhan

BLAN (like PLAN) + DISH (food) = PLAN a DISH to FLATTER somebody...

1 0

by findktk

blonde(bland) + dish.......blonde dish khilake flatters u

1 1

by simranjeet

U r are blonde---come,come.
0 13

by rakei

blandishment = blan (blank) + dish;he has served you blank dish by flattery.
0 0

by shaktipada
Short Definition : loud or harsh roar or screech; dazzling blaze of light

(noun) a loud harsh or strident noise
Synonyms : blaring , cacophony , clamor , din

(verb) make a strident sound
Synonyms : blast
Example Sentence
She tended to blast when speaking into a microphone

(verb) make a loud noise
Synonyms : beep , claxon , honk , toot
Example Sentence
The horns of the taxis blared

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blare

flare: outburst of flames or fire.Glare=outburst of light. Blare: outburst of noise. FYI.. see
Avaya Flare's animation screen
33 3

by anshulnirvana

blare--sounds like blair -- Tony Blair shouted loud and harsh,when a glare of light fell on
7 0

by sriharisharma

It sounds like "blade", when a theif shows us blade to frighten us,we try to scream loudly
for help
1 0

by divyareddy janga

a man said bl bayya lorry road pe math rokho then the driver started shouting at him
1 0

by sabitha.poladi@gmail.com

divide blare into bla+le.some one is shouting bla bla..it creates noise.
0 1

by sumi12344

Short Definition : bored with pleasure or dissipation; uninterested or bored

(adj) very sophisticated especially because of surfeit; versed in the ways of the world
Synonyms : worldly
Example Sentence
the blase traveler refers to the ocean he has crossed as `the pond'
the benefits of his worldly wisdom

(adj) uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence
Synonyms : bored
Example Sentence
his blase indifference
a petulant blase air
the bored gaze of the successful film star

(adj) nonchalantly unconcerned
Example Sentence
a blase attitude about housecleaning
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blase

23 9

by nileshdive

blase sounds similar baasa... which inhindi means purana ... like basa food means food
that is not fresh so basa food no body eats....like old food ...so its like purana
,old,something we r bored of..
18 16

by ajkeee

BLASE-(B)obby LAYS all day. so he is unconcerned and a boring personality.

7 4

by rejaulmeister

blase -- close to words blast - whenever someone feels bored or uninterested we say go
out and have a blast.
4 0

by manojative

whenever i see a BLack ASE(ass) i feel bored and uninterested

4 2

by mit006

BLASE: B(become) + LASE(less) interested that is we are bored

3 0

by h.pathrabe250487

You can compare it with "PASSE"

2 1


remember your BOSS, assigned some work to you, and you are bored to do it.
1 2

by animator

blase sounds like baass (enough, stop now)!! so when u had enough u get bored and say
0 0

by editor1

blase - if something keeps blazing at you again and again, then you become blased about
0 2

by shalnew

BE it LAYS or kurkure, we are bored from all these

0 0

by souravkhanna

Short Definition : irreverence; sacrilege; cursing; bad language about God or holy
things; V. blasphem; ADJ. blasphemous; CF. sacrilege

(noun) blasphemous language (expressing disrespect for God or for something sacred)

(noun) blasphemous behavior; the act of depriving something of its sacred character
Synonyms : desecration , profanation , sacrilege
Example Sentence
desecration of the Holy Sabbath

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blasphemy

in movie 300 he shouts THATS BLASPHEMY n pushes him into well.. this situation
comes when the messenger gives him a suggestion n king doesnt like it
12 4

by tune.rock.ug

blasphemy >> bless+famous...Famous people are so proud of their success that they often
disrespect God- they are never to be Blessed !
7 1

by paula_3004


INCARNATION OF GOD VISHNU & WHEN YOU blast out on someone you use bad
languges and curse them....
6 19

by preetisoni2411

blas + phemy -- phemy close to famous-using a bad language or showing disrespect for a
famous person.
0 0

by editor1

Short Definition : extremely (offensively) obvious; loudly offensive; Ex. blatant lie; N.

(adj) without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious
Synonyms : blazing , conspicuous
Example Sentence
blatant disregard of the law
a blatant appeal to vanity
a blazing indiscretion

(adj) conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry
Synonyms : clamant , clamorous , strident , vociferous
Example Sentence
blatant radios
a clamorous uproar
strident demands
a vociferous mob

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blatant

BLATANT- BLOW an enemy TANK will rise uproar among the soldiers. Try to
remember words by making such sentences. this will help you remember it easily. dont
just break words into other words(hindi)u will tend to forget them
10 10

by rejaulmeister

Bla( Blah Blah Blah) + Tent..... so extreme noise in a tent.....

8 2

by himrose

It is just the opposite of to b-latent

6 2

by AndrewVarghese

BLATANT: BLA BLA BLA..when some one goes on speaking hes generally being
offensive...so a BLATANT SPEECH
2 3

by mohit26041988

bla (blast) + tant (tent) --> when the offense of doing a blast in tent was done -- there was
loud noise everywhere.
1 1

by logic87

A boy who is bad and talent (Blatant) can do any noisy ,rude and offensive job.
1 0

by onno manush
Short Definition : cold or cheerless; frigid; unlikely to be favorable; depressing

(adj) offering little or no hope
Synonyms : black , dim
Example Sentence
the future looked black
prospects were bleak
Life in the Aran Islands has always been bleak and difficult
took a dim view of things

(adj) providing no shelter or sustenance
Synonyms : bare , barren , desolate , stark
Example Sentence
bare rocky hills
barren lands
the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes
the desolate surface of the moon
a stark landscape

(adj) unpleasantly cold and damp
Synonyms : cutting , raw
Example Sentence
bleak winds of the North Atlantic

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bleak

Bleak sounds like leak, when someone leak urine in his pants he feels cold and cheerless
24 5

by lakshmihs

when exitement leaks we get bleak, means cheerless or cold

9 12

When your secret LEAKs you feel BLEAK..
4 0

by tamz_rulz

bleak sounds like weak.... a cold and cheeerless person

3 0

by misty

bleak....rhymes like .. leak ...thae chances of leaking theexam paper are weak,no hope
2 1

by ravinderonchopper

~Bleak Black Freak> black people are regarded as unfavourable depressing and usually
having cold and cheerless heart
1 1

by rajeev10

BLACK(bleak)clouds are cause of cold and cheerless weather.

1 0

by gdabli

if the fortune BLINK at u, u get lucky and cheerful;on the other hand, if u r BLEAK, u r
cheerless and feeling blue
1 0

by melancholica

bleak sounds like black -- black color is the symbol of hopelessness and depression.
0 0

by editor1

The fuel started to leak from the rocket while the launch and hence the scientists
remained cheerless,that is bleak
0 0

by neela7bhargavi

From german origin..(Bleach)..means with dull or weak skin..which is having less hope..
Or Bleak sounds like weak, & person who is so weak & abt to die is hopeless..
0 0

by pawarsumit

(B)bilious + leak
0 0

by shaktipada

Short Definition : mar; spoil the beauty or perfection of; N: flaw or defect (that spoils
perfection); Ex. blemishes in the crystal; CF. unblemished

(noun) a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something (especially on a person's
Synonyms : defect , mar
Example Sentence
a facial blemish

(verb) mar or spoil the appearance of
Synonyms : deface , disfigure
Example Sentence
scars defaced her cheeks
The vandals disfigured the statue

(verb) mar or impair with a flaw
Synonyms : spot
Example Sentence
her face was blemished
(verb) add a flaw or blemish to; make imperfect or defective
Synonyms : flaw

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blemish

see blame in it..if u blame some one then you put a black mark on his reputation
10 0

by Ishan1

blam + ish -- blam -- blame --> a person is blamed of spoiling the beauty or appearance
of something beautiful.
4 2

by daringdavin

kisee pe blame lagana-- daag lagana-- hence blame = daag

1 1

by vicky0812

blemish sounds like blaming, blaming is the only flaw or defect which our math teacher
had when I was in school except that he was very good teacher
1 0

by praveenkatti16

Short Definition : plant disease; V: infect with blight; ruin; destroy

(noun) a state or condition being blighted

(noun) any plant disease resulting in withering without rotting
(verb) cause to suffer a blight
Synonyms : plague
Example Sentence
Too much rain may blight the garden with mold

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blight

Black light may destroy the plants

31 0

by ksameer_coep

Blight brings Plight

7 1

by findktk

2 2

by dshefman

children often gets DLIGHTED wen they have a sickness(disase) so cu'd skip school
1 0

by nikhilsuhas

bina light ke plant to marega hi na

1 0

by swap.kamble

blight like a means no/away like that b means no, no light will cause the plant disease or
else it will destroy/ruin the plant
0 0

by praveenkatti16
Short Definition : suffering from a disease; destroyed

(adj) affected by blight; anything that mars or prevents growth or prosperity
Synonyms : spoilt
Example Sentence
a blighted rose
blighted urban districts

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blighted

trees bina light gets blighted

13 7

by diggs_chauhan

blight (bina light) - if u read it will DESTROY ur eye sight

7 3

by diggs_chauhan

black-lighted. Normal sunlight is helpful for growth but black-light on the other hand
hinders growth.
2 0

by rhasan

When someone is suffering from a disease, he loses weight and becomes light...
2 4

by amolge

Think of DELIGHT which is nice and attractive and BLIGHT means which is damaged
and destroyed
2 0

by ipavan57

BLIGHTED: LIGHTED, when something's lighted up...or burnt,its destroyed

1 1

by mohit26041988

blighted - sounds like plighted i.e in a bad plight

1 1

by shalnew

blighted so no lighted which means not having light at all will ofcourse make you suffer
from a disease
0 1

by praveenkatti16

Short Definition : complete happiness; ADJ. blissful

(noun) a state of extreme happiness
Synonyms : blissfulness , cloud nine , seventh heaven , walking on air

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bliss

rhyming with kiss..... it feels great when we kiss...

3 1

by apoorvkumar91

bliss sounds like bless, so you will say god bless you only when u are completely happy
with that person
2 0

by praveenkatti16

bliss -- sounds like bless -- god bless you with lot of happiness.

Short Definition : spot; blot; CF. blot+botch

(noun) an irregularly shaped spot
Synonyms : splodge , splotch

(verb) mark with spots or blotches of different color or shades of color as if stained
Synonyms : mottle , streak

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blotch

blotch similar to scoth ...after drinking scotch you can fall in irregular spot (gutter)
5 1

by jay_gandhi

Bleach(wash/whiten) the blotch(spot).

4 0

by shadip

BLOTch is blotting of ink is irregular in shape

1 0

by harish_64

blot + ch -- blot -- sounds like spot - an irregularly shaped spot.

0 0

by editor1

Short Definition : talkative boaster; braggart

(noun) a very boastful and talkative person
Synonyms : boaster , braggart , bragger , line-shooter , vaunter
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blowhard

can be think as blow-word -> blowing words -> means talkative

13 2

by rhasan

blowhard - like we say in hindi fekta hai saala :) or fek(blow) raha hai
8 11

by reveeriee

blow + hard -- imagine someone who blows words in a way as if he is blowing air -- too
many words, hence talkative.
8 0

by preetisoni2411

(blow)ing his own trumpet (hard). One who boasts himself.

6 2

by karthipk

0 7

by prashant_616

imagine a person blowing(boasting) that he is hard but instead he is weak..

0 1

by Ishan1

from the proverb - one who blows his own trumpet

0 1

by sonali29

Short Definition : club; heavy-headed weapon; V.

(noun) a club used as a weapon

(verb) overcome or coerce as if by using a heavy club
Example Sentence
The teacher bludgeoned the students into learning the math formulas

(verb) strike with a club or a bludgeon
Synonyms : club

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bludgeon

Blud+geon-Blood+Generator...If you hit someone with a bludgeon(eg;a hockey stick)

then blood comes out.
12 5

by saikiran

Bludgeon ~ Blood + Generator; If u hit someone with a bludgeon (ex. hockey stick) then
blood comes out.
12 0

by Administrator

Bludgeon sounds like Vazan

(Weight) ... So heavy headed
6 3

by prashant_616

Remember the big ball used in quidich(Harry Potter) that s used 2 hit others
1 0

by s.c.harish
bludgeon :blud+geon: blade (blud) fixed on a gun (geon)
0 1

by sonamM

Short Definition : gloomy; depressed

(noun) blue color or pigment; resembling the color of the clear sky in the daytime
Synonyms : blueness
Example Sentence
he had eyes of bright blue

(noun) blue clothing
Example Sentence
she was wearing blue

(noun) any organization or party whose uniforms or badges are blue
Example Sentence
the Union army was a vast blue

(noun) the sky as viewed during daylight
Synonyms : blue air , blue sky , wild blue yonder
Example Sentence
he shot an arrow into the blue

(noun) used to whiten laundry or hair or give it a bluish tinge
Synonyms : blueing , bluing
(noun) the sodium salt of amobarbital that is used as a barbiturate; used as a sedative and
a hypnotic
Synonyms : amobarbital sodium , amytal , blue angel , blue devil

(noun) any of numerous small butterflies of the family Lycaenidae

(verb) turn blue

(adj) of the color intermediate between green and violet; having a color similar to that of
a clear unclouded sky
Synonyms : blueish , bluish
Example Sentence
October's bright blue weather
a blue flame
blue haze of tobacco smoke

(adj) used to signify the Union forces in the American Civil War (who wore blue
Example Sentence
a ragged blue line

(adj) filled with melancholy and despondency
Synonyms : depressed , dispirited , down , down in the mouth , downcast ,
downhearted , gloomy , grim , low , low-spirited
Example Sentence
gloomy at the thought of what he had to face
gloomy predictions
a gloomy silence
took a grim view of the economy
the darkening mood
lonely and blue in a strange city
depressed by the loss of his job
a dispirited and resigned expression on her face
downcast after his defeat
feeling discouraged and downhearted

(adj) characterized by profanity or cursing
Synonyms : blasphemous , profane
Example Sentence
foul-mouthed and blasphemous
blue language
profane words

(adj) suggestive of sexual impropriety
Synonyms : gamey , gamy , juicy , naughty , racy , risque , spicy
Example Sentence
a blue movie
blue jokes
he skips asterisks and gives you the gamy details
a juicy scandal
a naughty wink
naughty words
racy anecdotes
a risque story
spicy gossip

(adj) belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy
Synonyms : aristocratic , aristocratical , blue-blooded , gentle , patrician
Example Sentence
an aristocratic family
aristocratic Bostonians
aristocratic government
a blue family
blue blood
the blue-blooded aristocracy
of gentle blood
patrician landholders of the American South
aristocratic bearing
aristocratic features
patrician tastes
(adj) morally rigorous and strict
Synonyms : puritanic , puritanical
Example Sentence
the puritan work ethic
puritanic distaste for alcohol
she was anything but puritanical in her behavior

(adj) causing dejection
Synonyms : dark , dingy , disconsolate , dismal , drab , drear , dreary , gloomy ,
grim , sorry
Example Sentence
a blue day
the dark days of the war
a week of rainy depressing weather
a disconsolate winter landscape
the first dismal dispiriting days of November
a dark gloomy day
grim rainy weather

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blue

You will be gloomy and depressed when you know that your secret sex has been shot
secretly and some one made a "blue" film.
1 0

by sanjeev

have you heard of the song jaane kya chahe maan-feel and blue song from pyar
ke side effects, then no need more explanation
0 1

by praveenkatti16

Short Definition : state of depression or melancholy; style of slow, mournful music
(evolved from southern Black American songs)
(noun) a type of folksong that originated among Black Americans at the beginning of the
20th century; has a melancholy sound from repeated use of blue notes

(noun) a state of depression
Synonyms : blue devils , megrims , vapors , vapours
Example Sentence
he had a bad case of the blues

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blues

have you heard of the song jaane kya chahe maan-feel and blue song from pyar
ke side effects, then no need more explanation
1 0

by praveenkatti16

When snake bite your body becomes blue and you become worried
0 0

by kapildev4u

Short Definition : pretense (of strength); deception; high cliff; ADJ: rough but good-

(noun) a high steep bank (usually formed by river erosion)

(noun) pretense that your position is stronger than it really is
Example Sentence
his bluff succeeded in getting him accepted
(noun) the act of bluffing in poker; deception by a false show of confidence in the
strength of your cards
Synonyms : four flush

(verb) deceive an opponent by a bold bet on an inferior hand with the result that the
opponent withdraws a winning hand
Synonyms : bluff out

(verb) frighten someone by pretending to be stronger than one really is

(adj) very steep; having a prominent and almost vertical front
Synonyms : bold , sheer
Example Sentence
a bluff headland
where the bold chalk cliffs of England rise
a sheer descent of rock

(adj) bluntly direct and outspoken but good-natured
Example Sentence
a bluff but pleasant manner
a bluff and rugged natural leader

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bluff

In Bluff Master movie abhishek bacchan has Bluff (rough but good natured)manners.He
bluffs (decieves every one whom he meets) and at the end of the movie he jumps from
(High cliff .Bluff)Very Tall building
18 0

by Bobo

bluff ~ blue film; they made the blue film by bluffing the girl.
0 0

by editor1

bluff = blue + friend; a blue friend always cheat friends.

Short Definition : error; stupid mistake

(noun) an embarrassing mistake
Synonyms : bloomer , blooper , boner , boo-boo , botch , bungle , flub , foul-up ,
fuckup , pratfall

(verb) commit a faux pas or a fault or make a serious mistake
Synonyms : boob , drop the ball , goof , sin
Example Sentence
I blundered during the job interview

(verb) make one's way clumsily or blindly
Synonyms : fumble
Example Sentence
He fumbled towards the door

(verb) utter impulsively
Synonyms : blunder out , blurt , blurt out , ejaculate
Example Sentence
He blurted out the secret
He blundered his stupid ideas

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blunder

Blind Error.
1 1

by shadip

Isabel BLUNDERed by dropping her BLENDER down in the food contest. So, jury`s
pants got dirty because of the sauce on the BLENDER.
1 0

by zedone

blunder ~ blue underwear; suppose you told your servant to go to market to buy a blue
color underwear but he bought pink color .. isn't it a blunder (big mistake)
0 0

by editor1

Down under( in Australia) they make the blunder of wearing only 'Blu under'wear.
0 0

by hmpai

Short Definition : having a dull edge; abrupt and frank in speech or manner; brusque; V:
make or become blunt

(verb) make less intense
Example Sentence
blunted emotions

(verb) make numb or insensitive
Synonyms : benumb , dull , numb
Example Sentence
The shock numbed her senses

(verb) make dull or blunt
Synonyms : dull
Example Sentence
Too much cutting dulls the knife's edge

(verb) make less sharp
Example Sentence
blunt the knives

(verb) make less lively, intense, or vigorous; impair in vigor, force, activity, or sensation
Synonyms : deaden
Example Sentence
Terror blunted her feelings
deaden a sound

(adj) having a broad or rounded end
Example Sentence
thick marks made by a blunt pencil

(adj) used of a knife or other blade; not sharp
Example Sentence
a blunt instrument

(adj) characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion
Synonyms : candid , forthright , frank , free-spoken , outspoken , plainspoken ,
point-blank , straight-from-the-shoulder
Example Sentence
blunt talking and straight shooting
a blunt New England farmer
I gave them my candid opinion
forthright criticism
a forthright approach to the problem
tell me what you think--and you may just as well be frank
it is possible to be outspoken without being rude
plainspoken and to the point
a point-blank accusation

(adj) devoid of any qualifications or disguise or adornment
Synonyms : crude , stark
Example Sentence
the blunt truth
the crude facts
facing the stark reality of the deadline

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blunt

blunt ~ blue + aunty; lady (aunty) standing there in blue clothes is blunt.
0 0

by editor1

blunt knife
0 0

by sabitha.poladi@gmail.com

Short Definition : utter impulsively from nervousness or excitement

(verb) utter impulsively
Synonyms : blunder , blunder out , blurt out , ejaculate
Example Sentence
He blurted out the secret
He blundered his stupid ideas

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blurt

when ever u try to FLIRT u automatically BLURT....reveal all the secrets of u'r frenz,also
talk all non-sense
13 2

by Phanik12312

blurt is like spurt. spurt means sudden discharge. similarly blurt means sudden utterance
of words
8 5

by vishal.c.sharma

Blurt rhymes with flirt. Flirt loves without thinking and blurts talks without thinking.
5 0

by chocolate

blowing utterance
0 4

by matty

Short Definition : become red in the face (from embarrassment or shame); become red
or rosy; N.

(noun) a rosy color (especially in the cheeks) taken as a sign of good health
Synonyms : bloom , flush , rosiness

(noun) sudden reddening of the face (as from embarrassment or guilt or shame or
Synonyms : flush

(verb) turn red, as if in embarrassment or shame
Synonyms : crimson , flush , redden
Example Sentence
The girl blushed when a young man whistled as she walked by
(verb) become rosy or reddish
Example Sentence
her cheeks blushed in the cold winter air

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blush

you go to bathroom use FLUSH...when ever u fart u'r facial expressions changes with
4 2

by Phanik12312

Sounds like FLUSH. When you flush your face with water face becomes rosy red
1 0

by ksameer_coep

Short Definition : blow in heavy gusts; threaten emptily; bully; speak in a noisy or
bullying manner; CF. breeze, gust, gale

(noun) noisy confusion and turbulence
Example Sentence
he was awakened by the bluster of their preparations

(noun) a swaggering show of courage
Synonyms : bravado

(noun) a violent gusty wind
(noun) vain and empty boasting
Synonyms : braggadocio , rhodomontade , rodomontade

(verb) blow hard; be gusty, as of wind
Example Sentence
A southeaster blustered onshore
The flames blustered

(verb) show off
Synonyms : blow , boast , brag , gas , gasconade , shoot a line , swash , tout ,

(verb) act in an arrogant, overly self-assured, or conceited manner
Synonyms : swagger , swash

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bluster

sounds like blast her,so when you blast someone you talk loudly.but barking dogs seldom
bite,so the blasting has no effect
33 5

by imajeeth

Be+LUST+HER...Imagine a boy who is saying " I am going to BE HER

LUST"....obviously the person is building castles in the air.....or he is boasting....
4 2

by nileshdive

blust...er sounds like gust...gust means hawa(hindi)...hawaabaji( hindi for empty talk)
3 4

by anubhav.del
(blust+laughter)heavy blust , but ends in laughter
1 4

by emdmehr

Sounds like blaster -- Blast and hence lot of noise, confusion and turbulence.
1 1

by saikiran

bluster= bl(blow in heavy g)uster

1 1

by anubhav.del

BLUSTER is something like CLUSTER, a collection of Stars...U show COURAGE when

u r in a group...Also clusters are formed due to GUSTY WINDS
0 2

by Phanik12312

0 1

by nileshdive

block bluster >>> hindi movies which has lot or mirch masala with confusion, lot of
noise, show off,etc.. is always successful..
0 0

by RajeshBorkar

Think of a person who always brags and bluster :: what would you say to this man if he
starts blustering again ::: arey abh "" BAS - KER " (bluster) ( in Hindi : to stop)
0 0

by waheedsid

Short Definition : foreshadow; portend
(verb) indicate by signs
Synonyms : augur , auspicate , betoken , forecast , foreshadow , foretell , omen ,
portend , predict , prefigure , presage , prognosticate
Example Sentence
These signs bode bad news

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bode

Bode plot PREDICT the stability of control system

51 14

by ksameer_coep

board (boad+ exams decide ur future

35 1

by diggs_chauhan

bode sounds close to bored...when u are bored u think about the future....or relate it with
MODE (which means latest fashion) which can predict the future sales
4 6

by mon_m

A great saint INDICATED the direct to the Lord's ABODE.

4 3

by gunjanshah

port end is the bode of four(fore) shadow(s).

0 4

by sriharisharma

relate it with indian cricket board,board can predict the future of a new player
0 2

by darshit

Just recall Abode and God in abode predicts things of future.

0 2

by saikiran

Bode rhyme with bodh which means purv-abhas

0 0

by kapildev4u

Same definition as the word foreBODE.

Short Definition : soft wet land; V: hinder or be hindered; Ex. bogged down in the mud

(noun) wet spongy ground of decomposing vegetation; has poorer drainage than a
swamp; soil is unfit for cultivation but can be cut and dried and used for fuel
Synonyms : peat bog

(verb) cause to slow down or get stuck
Synonyms : bog down
Example Sentence
The vote would bog down the house

(verb) get stuck while doing something
Synonyms : bog down
Example Sentence
She bogged down many times while she wrote her dissertation

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bog

bog : sounds like fog which creates hinderance while driving the vehicle and also it wet
the land
9 0

by sonamM
bog ~ frog...frogs can be found in free wet land
4 0

by friendofafriend

Frogs can be found at bogs(At wet lands)

1 1

by shwethaguna

Baagh ki wet mitti ki waja say palm trees ka program stuck hogaya.
0 5

by buriro

bog similar to bogus bakwas

0 0

by kapildev4u

Short Definition : counterfeit; not authentic; intentionally false; Ex. bogus interview

(adj) fraudulent; having a misleading appearance
Synonyms : bastard , fake , phoney , phony

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bogus

BOGUS Sounds like BRUTUS-so he is a fraud

4 6

by moorthy_ragha

it is formed as : bug(bog) + us---pcs' bugs are always fake to annoy u!!

1 2

by amirhossein.ghods
BOG(bogy in telugu)+us...one who steals bogies from our country are frauds
0 2

by divyareddy janga

Short Definition : unconventional (in an artistic way)

(noun) a member of a people with dark skin and hair who speak Romany and who
traditionally live by seasonal work and fortunetelling; they are believed to have
originated in northern India but now are living on all continents (but mostly in Europe,
North Africa, and North America)
Synonyms : gipsy , gypsy , roma , romani , romany , rommany

(noun) a native or inhabitant of Bohemia in the Czech Republic

(noun) a nonconformist writer or artist who lives an unconventional life

(adj) of or relating to Bohemia or its language or people

(adj) unconventional in especially appearance and behavior
Example Sentence
a bohemian life style

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for Bohemian

bohemian sounds like He-man ( kids favorite ) who looks very informal and
35 4

by pralabh

Boo ... He Man - A Child booing HeMan is very unconventional generally they love him.
11 1

by anujpathania

Imagine a person from a hypothetical and unknown place called Bohemia who is quite
unconventional and strange in appearance
1 8

by saikiran

bohemian sounds like bahamas, where ppl dress very little.. which is very unconventional
compared to normal ppl living in cities.
1 4

by ChandruBS

mian ki malhar raga, by bismillah mian

0 3

by swap.kamble

Bohemian Rhapsody is a bohemian song (just like most of Queens songs.

0 0

by nic42991

Short Definition : violent; rough; noisy

(adj) noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline
Synonyms : rambunctious , robustious , rumbustious , unruly
Example Sentence
a boisterous crowd
a social gathering that became rambunctious and out of hand
a robustious group of teenagers
beneath the rumbustious surface of his paintings is sympathy for the vulnerability
of ordinary human beings
an unruly class

(adj) full of rough and exuberant animal spirits
Synonyms : knockabout
Example Sentence
boisterous practical jokes
knockabout comedy

(adj) violently agitated and turbulent
Synonyms : fierce , rough
Example Sentence
boisterous winds and waves
the fierce thunders roar me their music
rough weather
rough seas

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for boisterous


TERRORIST..WAT WE MEAN IS THAT THEY ARE too noisy and behaving like
69 2

by preetisoni2411

SPLIT IT LIKE. BOI (BOY)+ STER(STIR)+ US- So if a boy is stirring then it is

Violently agitated and turbulent
10 2

by moorthy_ragha

boy+is+a terror i.e he is xo violent

3 6

by sriharisharma

Think like a BOY who was given STEROIDS and became unruled
2 0

by tmonosov

boys+street...wen few boys meet in a street,it creates a noisy environment

1 0

by amarendar

boisterous sounds like noisterious i.e noise like.

0 0

by shaktipada

Short Definition : support; reinforce

(noun) a pillow that is often put across a bed underneath the regular pillows
Synonyms : long pillow

(verb) support and strengthen
Synonyms : bolster up
Example Sentence
bolster morale

(verb) prop up with a pillow or bolster

(verb) add padding to
Synonyms : pad
Example Sentence
pad the seat of the chair

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bolster


68 4

by Administrator

read bolster as booster which

mean giving extra energy and
hence to support and strengthen
someone or something.
8 1

by mayankagr00

usually when thr is a divan in the hall of a house...we place cushions and BOLSTERS
(longer cushions)to sit comfortably and for back support
3 3

by mon_m

Make Something BOLDer

1 1

by fekrazadeh

Bolster actually means , Raise physical or mental Strength

0 4

by alfaromio

sounds like foster

0 4

by aroraraman309

Bolster = bol (talk) + ster(star);

0 3

by shaktipada

Bolster = Fit the bolt for star i.e to support.

0 1

by shaktipada

Short Definition : door bar; fastening pin or screw; length of fabric; large roll of cloth;
V: dash or dart off; fasten (a | door); gobble down

(noun) a discharge of lightning accompanied by thunder
Synonyms : bolt of lightning , thunderbolt

(noun) a sliding bar in a breech-loading firearm that ejects an empty cartridge and
replaces it and closes the breech

(noun) the part of a lock that is engaged or withdrawn with a key
Synonyms : deadbolt

(noun) the act of moving with great haste
Synonyms : dash
Example Sentence
he made a dash for the door

(noun) a roll of cloth or wallpaper of a definite length
(noun) a screw that screws into a nut to form a fastener

(noun) a sudden abandonment (as from a political party)

(verb) move or jump suddenly
Example Sentence
She bolted from her seat

(verb) secure or lock with a bolt
Example Sentence
bolt the door

(verb) swallow hastily

(verb) run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along
Synonyms : abscond , absquatulate , decamp , go off , make off , run off
Example Sentence
The thief made off with our silver
the accountant absconded with the cash from the safe

(verb) leave suddenly and as if in a hurry
Synonyms : beetle off , bolt out , run off , run out
Example Sentence
The listeners bolted when he discussed his strange ideas
When she started to tell silly stories, I ran out

(verb) eat hastily without proper chewing
Synonyms : gobble
Example Sentence
Don't bolt your food!

(verb) make or roll into bolts
Example Sentence
bolt fabric

(adv) in a rigid manner
Synonyms : rigidly , stiffly
Example Sentence
the body was rigidly erect
he sat bolt upright

(adv) directly
Synonyms : bang , slap , slapdash , smack
Example Sentence
he ran bang into the pole
ran slap into her

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bolt

(changed) Usain Bolt, the runner, rushes across the finish line.

Short Definition : attack (as with missiles or bombs); V. bombard

(noun) the rapid and continuous delivery of linguistic communication (spoken or written)
Synonyms : barrage , onslaught , outpouring
Example Sentence
a barrage of questions
a bombardment of mail complaining about his mistake
(noun) the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target
Synonyms : barrage , barrage fire , battery , shelling
Example Sentence
they laid down a barrage in front of the advancing troops
the shelling went on for hours without pausing

(noun) the act (or an instance) of subjecting a body or substance to the impact of high-
energy particles (as electrons or alpha rays)

(noun) an attack by dropping bombs
Synonyms : bombing

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bombardment

concentrate on bomb bomb is used to attack other country example atom bomb
0 0

by bhargavputumbaka

Short Definition : grandiloquent, pompous speech

(noun) pompous or pretentious talk or writing
Synonyms : blah , claptrap , fustian , rant

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bombast

17 5

by arunprakash

The speech was so bad someone BOMBED the BASTARD

2 1

by Jackery

bombast = bo(mb)ast -> boast in mb -> boast in mega bytes

1 0

by syedbilalnadeem

bo(mb)ast =>boast in mb(mega bytes) => or boast information in GBs but actually it is in
MBs(coz "bombast" covers MB)
1 0

by syedbilalnadeem

people who makes bomblast are careless for others lives and are self important.
0 3

by syedjameelahmed66

Short Definition : pompous; using inflated language

(adj) ostentatiously lofty in style
Synonyms : declamatory , large , orotund , tumid , turgid
Example Sentence
a man given to large talk
tumid political prose

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bombastic

BOMBS and firecrackers are used to impress people and they cause high sound
14 1

by nikhilparasher

bombaat- this word in kannada,somthing like a pompous speech,inflated language.

13 24

by sriharisharma

similar to others above... The U.S. likes to BOMB bombastic dictators like Saddam
4 3

by bugmenot

the words to Mr. BOOMBASTIC by Shaggy tell about an ostentious "Mr. Lover Lover"
3 2

by dshefman

relate it with...BOMB Squad...who has diffused the bomb..while Mantri's giving

pompous speeches...!!
2 2

by mayank2nsitmpae

bomb(very good)baasha (lang in telugu)

2 6

by sandeep reddy.m


1 5

by viren

Bomb-aztec as in aztec gold..so a bomb that is GOOD that comes through a powerful
1 0

by swetz

she considers herself a big Bomb... means she gives a lot of self importance to herself...
0 1

by RajeshBorkar
Short Definition : fond of books and reading

(adj) characterized by diligent study and fondness for reading
Synonyms : studious
Example Sentence
a bookish farmer who always had a book in his pocket
a quiet studious child

Short Definition : blessing; benefit; something very helpful

(noun) a desirable state
Synonyms : blessing
Example Sentence
enjoy the blessings of peace
a spanking breeze is a boon to sailors

(adj) very close and convivial
Example Sentence
boon companions

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for boon

boon - bonus - something helpful

6 0

by Tural

Remember David BOON who was blessing for cricket

2 2

by ksameer_coep

boon ~ moon...both are blessing

2 0

by graduatestudent

BOON :BO ur in ON state means blessed state OR desirable state mean in a state u
wanted to be
0 2

by pujitha

like the lost character "boon" who was helpful to his sister and later died
0 0

by usama.awais

Short Definition : rude, insensitive person

(noun) a crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement
Synonyms : barbarian , churl , goth , peasant , tike , tyke

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for boor

boora in hindi resembles something bad. boore log, boora kaam...

32 1

by sriharisharma

You boo someone which is insensitive. so boor is insensitive, rude

4 0

by sahana
prof.BORA in robo film is very rude
3 0

by bunny466

Boor:Split into boy+poor:when somebody says a boy is poor in front of him ,it's rude and
1 0

by HienSteve

boor sounds like poor, when you ignore a person by thinking he is poor thats rude or
0 0

by praveenkatti16

BOO-ER = unpleasant person who scares everyone with his manners and rudeness.
0 0

by Anais-anais

We either get bore or rude when someone talk insensitively

Short Definition : rude; insensitive

(adj) ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance
Synonyms : loutish , neandertal , neanderthal , oafish , swinish
Example Sentence
was boorish and insensitive
the loutish manners of a bully
her stupid oafish husband
aristocratic contempt for the swinish multitude

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for boorish

boor means =bura .... ill mannered... so make adj boorish..!..:)

30 1

by ravinderonchopper

every one sounds BOO towards RUDE and INSENSITIVE persons

7 11

by daringdavin

Hindi for old women is BOORI.Everyone feel rude and insensitive to the oldish (Hindi-
4 6

by ria_anu123

boorish ....boo= bul.and ish = shit... so we say bulshit to a rude insensitive and ill
mannered person...:)
2 1

by ravinderonchopper

bootulu tittuvadu
2 1

by jeetu300

It's very rude to boo someone who is trying to present his/her work.
1 0

by daniel430lee

BOOR , BOORISH; mean the same, remember the root word, BOOR;rude,ill-mannered
0 0

by mohit26041988

boorish looks like Boo-rich. A boo rich event/person is characterized by a lot of booing
and thus is ill-mannered, coarse and insensitive.
0 0

by cheeseqo
0 0

by Raveena Rani

Short Definition : lift by pushing up from below; increase; raise; N: push upward;

(noun) the act of giving hope or support to someone
Synonyms : encouragement

(noun) an increase in cost
Synonyms : cost increase , hike , rise
Example Sentence
they asked for a 10% rise in rates

(noun) the act of giving a push
Example Sentence
he gave her a boost over the fence

(verb) increase
Synonyms : hike , hike up
Example Sentence
The landlord hiked up the rents

(verb) give a boost to; be beneficial to
Example Sentence
The tax cut will boost the economy
(verb) contribute to the progress or growth of
Synonyms : advance , encourage , further , promote
Example Sentence
I am promoting the use of computers in the classroom

(verb) increase or raise
Synonyms : advance , supercharge
Example Sentence
boost the voltage in an electrical circuit

(verb) push or shove upward, as if from below or behind
Example Sentence
The singer had to be boosted onto the stage by a special contraption

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for boost

Boost is the secret of my energy-Rakesh Gentyala

1 0

by grakee89

Short Definition : mismanage; blow

(noun) an embarrassing mistake
Synonyms : bloomer , blooper , blunder , boner , boo-boo , bungle , flub , foul-up ,
fuckup , pratfall

(verb) make a mess of, destroy or ruin
Synonyms : ball up , blow , bobble , bodge , bollix , bollix up , bollocks ,
bollocks up , botch up , bumble , bungle , flub , fluff , foul up , fuck up , fumble
, louse up , mess up , mishandle , muck up , muff , screw up , spoil
Example Sentence
I botched the dinner and we had to eat out
the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for botch

bot (like BAHUT) in hindi - ch (chhee chhee ).. as in something done really shameful
12 1


botch.......rhymes like ..bache...in hindi means children ...often do blunders....:)

5 2

by ravinderonchopper

Botch:Bach(for botch) ke tu rehna re from embarassing mistake re.

2 8

by sanjeev

botch sounds like "BUCHH"....mamu teri to buch lageli hai means vaat lageli hai...jab
tune koi bada vala blunder ya mistake ki hogi isliye buchh lag gai...
2 0

by jatan0505

botch ~ bache in hindi...suppose a girl got pregnent...now thats an embarrasing mistake

right? ;)
1 4

by friendofafriend

Might sound vulgar; BOTCH=BITCH, so when we have a whore, we..blow her and
mismanage her, treat her as we like.
1 2

by mohit26041988

sounds like bitch. the bitch fucked up!!!

1 0

by torres9

Botch sounds like scoth i.e if u drink scoth, u can do embarassing mistake
0 1

by h.pathrabe250487

thune bottle chore keya

0 0

by sabitha.poladi@gmail.com

Short Definition : clear beef (or meat) soup

(noun) a clear seasoned broth

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bouillon

seperate bouil(boil), soup is prepared by boiling the water

22 2

by Administrator

soup is served in a bowl..

9 0

by 1.6k

bou-ill-on. so when one is ill then his bou(wife) make soup for him.
5 3

by rhasan

Boil the water to make carrion soup.

0 1

by shadip

Short Definition : leap or spring; limit or confine; constitute the limit of; Ex. bounded by
Canada; N: leap or jumping; boundary; ADJ: certain; having a duty to do something
(legally or morally); confined by bonds; Ex.

(noun) a line determining the limits of an area
Synonyms : boundary , edge

(noun) the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something
Synonyms : boundary , bounds

(noun) the greatest possible degree of something
Synonyms : boundary , limit
Example Sentence
what he did was beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior
to the limit of his ability

(noun) a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards
Synonyms : bounce , leap , leaping , saltation , spring

(verb) move forward by leaps and bounds
Synonyms : jump , leap , spring
Example Sentence
The horse bounded across the meadow
The child leapt across the puddle
Can you jump over the fence?
(verb) form the boundary of; be contiguous to
Synonyms : border

(verb) place limits on (extent or access)
Synonyms : confine , limit , restrain , restrict , throttle , trammel
Example Sentence
restrict the use of this parking lot
limit the time you can spend with your friends

(verb) spring back; spring away from an impact
Synonyms : bounce , rebound , recoil , resile , reverberate , ricochet , spring ,
take a hop
Example Sentence
The rubber ball bounced
These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide

(adj) confined by bonds
Example Sentence
bound and gagged hostages

(adj) held with another element, substance or material in chemical or physical union

(adj) secured with a cover or binding; often used as a combining form
Example Sentence
bound volumes
leather-bound volumes

(adj) (usually followed by `to') governed by fate
Synonyms : destined
Example Sentence
bound to happen
an old house destined to be demolished
he is destined to be famous

(adj) covered or wrapped with a bandage
Synonyms : bandaged
Example Sentence
the bandaged wound on the back of his head
an injury bound in fresh gauze

(adj) headed or intending to head in a certain direction; often used as a combining form as
in `college-bound students'
Synonyms : destined
Example Sentence
children bound for school
a flight destined for New York

(adj) bound by an oath
Example Sentence
a bound official

(adj) bound by contract
Synonyms : apprenticed , articled , indentured

(adj) confined in the bowels
Example Sentence
he is bound in the belly

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bound

when u r bounded by something, u wud want to LEAP(or jump) out of it.

1 0

by ChandruBS

if we through a ball to the wall it rebound i.e. it JUMPS back

1 0

by sudhanshu9115

Short Definition : generous; graciously generous; showing bounty

(adj) given or giving freely
Synonyms : big , bighearted , bounteous , freehanded , giving , handsome , liberal
, openhanded
Example Sentence
was a big tipper
the bounteous goodness of God
bountiful compliments
a freehanded host
a handsome allowance
Saturday's child is loving and giving
a liberal backer of the arts
a munificent gift
her fond and openhanded grandfather

(adj) producing in abundance
Synonyms : plentiful
Example Sentence
the bountiful earth
a plentiful year
fruitful soil

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bountiful

The bounty concept of NFS is used here and making MORE bounty leads to a win in
stage..so bounty can b understood as abundant.
17 2

by harsha999

bountiful sounds like boundlessly full=abundant

5 0

by anushasharma

Bunty is full of generosity

2 9

by ksameer_coep

bountiful=bournvita+full....jo aunty full glass bournvita pilaay, she is bountiful

2 0

by ishandave

if you played NFS most wanted..we make bounty by destrying..so the country is
supplying abundant oppurtunities generously to make high bounty
1 2

by sai dasika

bountiful ~ bellyful i.e. abundand

0 2

by friendofafriend

a bounty hunter is someone who finds something for bounty or prize so bounty full will
be the one giving prizes i.e. generous
0 0

by sudhanshu9115

Short Definition : middle class; selfishly materialistic; too interested in material
(noun) a capitalist who engages in industrial commercial enterprise
Synonyms : businessperson

(noun) a member of the middle class
Synonyms : burgher

(adj) (according to Marxist thought) being of the property-owning class and exploitive of
the working class

(adj) conforming to the standards and conventions of the middle class
Synonyms : conservative , materialistic
Example Sentence
a bourgeois mentality

(adj) belonging to the middle class

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bourgeois

high class family chicks are gorgeous, but middle class ones are a little bore...
They are nothing but bourgeois
139 12

by Swapneel Patil

b+urge = means u are having an urge to buy things means u r materialistic

3 3

by Ishan1

din bar jina - only middle class live on a day to day budget
1 8

by ksubbian

bourgeois |boor urge of islam| (bo)or (urge) (o)f (is)lam

1 0

by quantum_killer

bore+geosis..middle class people lives a boring life.

0 1

by harepanda

Short Definition : match; short period of great activity; Ex. wrestling bout; bout of

(noun) (sports) a division during which one team is on the offensive
Synonyms : round , turn

(noun) a period of illness
Example Sentence
a bout of fever
a bout of depression

(noun) a contest or fight (especially between boxers or wrestlers)

(noun) an occasion for excessive eating or drinking
Synonyms : binge , bust , tear
Example Sentence
they went on a bust that lasted three days
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bout

India Bowled Out Pakistan in 20-20 MATCH

15 6

by ksameer_coep

BOUT: Boys OUT,that's what we hear when we misbehave in class, and when we are out,
we sure do have fun for a short time, from all those boring lectures.
6 0

by mohit26041988

bout-out is a word that have to be seen. wen a wicket goes, wen the batsmen is given
out.then there is a short period of great activity happening in the match.
4 5

by sriharisharma

b + out = if you are out of ur house then u have great shot lived activity..
0 0

by Ishan1

bout read it as ball out of the stadium for a six after that people have short period of great
0 0

by praveenkatti16

Bowled out : after a bowled out in a MATCH there is SHORT BREAK

0 0

by divine_sword

Short Definition : cowlike; placid and dull; slow-thinking; calm
(noun) any of various members of the genus Bos

(adj) of or relating to or belonging to the genus Bos (cattle)
Synonyms : bovid

(adj) dull and slow-moving and stolid; like an ox
Example Sentence
showed a bovine apathy

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bovine

basically this word is taken from BOV..means cow..and cow generally remains calm,
placid..and dull
20 5

by preetisoni2411

bov(boy)+ine(ninesounds like boy nine..so a nine year boy is generally very innocent and
placcid so cowlike....and they are generally very slowthinking...
6 11

by preetisoni2411

bovine sounds like divine. In India, Cow is considered to be divine, and related to God.
5 2

by ChandruBS

For farmville players... remember we had that alien cow bovine 09... so bovine is cowlike
and a cow is placid and dull
2 2

by vedantb

bo=buffalo vine=divine thus,bovine=divine buffalo=cow=dull,placid

1 4

by mit006

BOWvine....an ox always bows to his farmer....

1 1

by nileshdive

BOVINE: BOO+VINE; a bad(boo)wine is a drink, which hardly has any effects on a

drunkard, so its dull,light,placid;
1 0

by mohit26041988

Bovine = Bovi + ne; ne always means clumsy awkward cow like dull person.
0 0

by shaktipada

bovine: bov in this word sounds like bull. Hence, bovine = bull : cow
0 0

by davidzws

holy cow..u showed me bove...y dis kolaveri!!! lol

0 0

by torres9

Short Definition : expurgate; CF. Thomas Bowdler

(verb) edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate
Synonyms : bowdlerise , castrate , expurgate , shorten
Example Sentence
bowdlerize a novel
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bowdlerize

Word Root - Thomas Bowdler (1754-1825), English editor who censored and published
Shakespeare's writings for family reading.
59 7

by satyanand

note 'bow' sound in it.. relate it to your dog. Imagine, you are recording a tape. your dog
barked twice or thrice in between.. you will edit and omit it because its indelicate
36 12

by jothivarman

BORDERLIZE by BULLDOZERIZE (removie indelicate or extra parts)

16 0

by bugmenot

bowdlerize it's ending sounds like re-size.make it shorten

4 0

by ankita123

you modified your bowling style and bowled or omit the batsman out of the game.
3 1


bowdlerize = bawdy + 'del'erize i.e delete and edit all the bawdy (obscene) parts
2 0

by shalnew

Sounds like 'Bulldozer' which is used to remove unwanted parts.

1 0

by saketagrawal123

Short Definition : somewhat saline

(adj) distasteful and unpleasant; spoiled by mixture
Example Sentence
a thin brackish gruel

(adj) slightly salty (especially from containing a mixture of seawater and fresh water)
Synonyms : briny
Example Sentence
a brackish lagoon
the briny deep

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brackish

Bra + Kiss;suppose u r kissing under the bra which were wet with sweat..so they taste
salty...:) :P :P
130 29

by sriharisharma

brack(take it as a name)+ fish lives in salty water....

8 10

by vivek.....

Brackish = 'Whalck'(vomiting sound) + ish .. u vomit when u have something distasteful

of unpleasant or something that is too salty.
2 11

by aka.bhagvanji

Short Definition : boast

(noun) an instance of boastful talk
Synonyms : bragging , crow , crowing , gasconade , line-shooting , vaporing
Example Sentence
his brag is worse than his fight
whenever he won we were exposed to his gasconade

(verb) show off
Synonyms : blow , bluster , boast , gas , gasconade , shoot a line , swash , tout ,

(adj) exceptionally good
Synonyms : boss
Example Sentence
a boss hand at carpentry
his brag cornfield

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brag

If you want the bra removed, you have to boast and flirt the girl.
18 3

by shadip

some try to drag the attention by BRAGging, talking too much of themselves.
1 2

by aravindhbaskaran

Short Definition : boasting

(noun) vain and empty boasting
Synonyms : bluster , rhodomontade , rodomontade

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for braggadocio

the word "brag" means boasting.. so from that it can be easily remembered
12 3

by Revathyy

ragg + a + doc >> in medical college ragging, while raging a junior doc, seniors make
them do some things and boast about the way they did that during their ragging..
3 0

by RajeshBorkar

GUyz if u have seen the Movie 2 Fast & Furious In tht a villian called Braga he used to
Boast a lot....!!
1 0

by ajayrulez

braggadocio = brag(drag) + agg (aggresive)+ doc(docile)...a person who drags every

topic of discussion aggressively is actually boasting at the backyard(docile)
0 6

by mon_m

Short Definition : boaster; bragger

(noun) a very boastful and talkative person
Synonyms : blowhard , boaster , bragger , line-shooter , vaunter

(adj) exhibiting self-importance
Synonyms : big , boastful , bragging , braggy , cock-a-hoop , crowing , self-
aggrandising , self-aggrandizing
Example Sentence
big talk

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for braggart

braggart sounds like dragg art.. the art of dragging oneself too much(boasting)!!!
11 1

by manojative

braggart sounds like brad hogg who always 'boasts' about himself
5 8

by imajeeth

city of braga boasts of its arts (braga+art)

1 3

by emdmehr

bragging is his art...so he is a braggart i.e. boaster...!!!

1 3

by sravan1411

ragg + art >>> in ragging seniors make us do some artistic comedy and if fail to do
properly, then they boast themselves, saying that they did this and that during their
ragging n all boastings...
1 0

by RajeshBorkar

Short Definition : plait; interweave strands or lengths of; make by weaving strands
together; N: braided segment (as of hair)

(noun) a hairdo formed by braiding or twisting the hair
Synonyms : plait , tress , twist

(noun) trimming used to decorate clothes or curtains
Synonyms : braiding , gold braid
(verb) make by braiding or interlacing
Synonyms : lace , plait
Example Sentence
lace a tablecloth

(verb) decorate with braids or ribbons
Example Sentence
braid a collar

(verb) form or weave into a braid or braids
Synonyms : pleach
Example Sentence
braid hair

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for braid

sounds like bride ,so one who trims and decorates

15 1

by maheshv

aid is needed for our hair if there is a raid by the ticks.

0 4

by sriharisharma

braid is like bride who wears french plait for her wedding by splicing her hair
0 0

by sai dasika

Short Definition : trademark; mark burned on the hide of an animal; mark burned into
the flesh of criminals; mark of disgrace; V: mark with a brand; give a lasting bad name;
stigmatize; Ex. The press branded him a liar.

(noun) a name given to a product or service
Synonyms : brand name , marque , trade name

(noun) a recognizable kind
Synonyms : make
Example Sentence
there's a new brand of hero in the movies now
what make of car is that?

(noun) identification mark on skin, made by burning

(noun) a piece of wood that has been burned or is burning
Synonyms : firebrand

(noun) a symbol of disgrace or infamy
Synonyms : mark , stain , stigma
Example Sentence
And the Lord set a mark upon Cain

(noun) a cutting or thrusting weapon that has a long metal blade and a hilt with a hand
Synonyms : blade , steel , sword

(verb) burn with a branding iron to indicate ownership; of animals
(verb) to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful
Synonyms : denounce , mark , stigmatise , stigmatize
Example Sentence
He denounced the government action
She was stigmatized by society because she had a child out of wedlock

(verb) mark with a brand or trademark
Synonyms : brandmark , trademark
Example Sentence
when this product is not branded it sells for a lower price

(verb) mark or expose as infamous
Synonyms : post
Example Sentence
She was branded a loose woman

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brand

for those who know whats body branding, it is easy to remember!!

1 0

by karnikakapoor

Short Definition : wave around (a weapon); flourish

(noun) the act of waving
Synonyms : flourish

(verb) move or swing back and forth
Synonyms : flourish , wave
Example Sentence
She waved her gun

(verb) exhibit aggressively
Example Sentence
brandish a sword

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brandish

brandish = brand(brandy)...so once v drink brandy v vill start waving foolishly...

59 2

by mon_m

brand+ish...and try to remember sourav ganguly in SONA CHANDI

dada brandishing the sword for chavanpras BRAND
19 11

by preetisoni2411

if you get some new branded item like a shoe or watch etc you'll wanna wave it around n
display it to everyone!!
15 0

by deepster89

Short Definition : swagger; assumed air of defiance; false show of bravery

(noun) a swaggering show of courage
Synonyms : bluster

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bravado

Brava+Do = Act like brave but not brave. Pretended bravery
27 2

by ksameer_coep

bravado ( braveness + for + darao/dikhao ) boldness intended to impress/intimidate

8 5

by diggs_chauhan

bravado sounds like johhny "Bravo" who pretended to be brave...but always failed :P
8 2

by DrishtiBhatia

if someone does a courageous act we applaud and say BRAVO!!...its like a lifestyle
symbol for bravery
3 5

by mon_m

are koi is jhoothe ko bravery do !

1 6

by abhi_vaj

Doing like a bravo person to show others and thus pretending.

1 1

by onno manush

Jhonny Bravo(cartoon). who pretends to be a brave person.but not.

1 0

by suryatejA

generally most of them show a false show of bravery in front of girls

Short Definition : face courageously; Ex. brave the storm
(noun) a North American Indian warrior

(noun) people who are brave
Example Sentence
the home of the free and the brave

(verb) face and withstand with courage
Synonyms : brave out , endure , weather
Example Sentence
She braved the elements

(adj) possessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without
Synonyms : courageous
Example Sentence
Familiarity with danger makes a brave man braver but less daring
a frank courageous heart...triumphed over pain
set a courageous example by leading them safely into and out of enemy-held

(adj) invulnerable to fear or intimidation
Synonyms : audacious , dauntless , fearless , hardy , intrepid , unfearing
Example Sentence
audacious explorers
fearless reporters and photographers
intrepid pioneers

(adj) brightly colored and showy
Synonyms : braw , gay
Example Sentence
girls decked out in brave new dresses
brave banners flying
`braw' is a Scottish word
a dress a bit too gay for her years
birds with gay plumage

Short Definition : noisy quarrel

(noun) an uproarious party
Synonyms : bash , do

(noun) a noisy fight in a crowd
Synonyms : free-for-all

(verb) to quarrel noisily, angrily or disruptively
Synonyms : wrangle
Example Sentence
The bar keeper threw them out, but they continued to wrangle on down the street

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brawl

raw is war....
29 5

by sriharisharma

brawl can be pronounced as bawaal....in hindi bawaal is noisy drunken fight...

3 0

by sush17

brawl=bra+women+loud =because of bras,women talk out loud=>noisy quarrel

2 12

by HienSteve

Short Definition : human muscle; muscular strength; sturdiness

(noun) possessing muscular strength
Synonyms : brawniness , heftiness , muscle , muscularity , sinew

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brawn

if you eat prawn you will become brawn,meaning muscular

54 2

by imajeeth

we must use both BRAIN and BRAWN to maintain balance...!!!

10 2

by sravan1411

Remember Brawn Gp from F1.. Their car was sturdy and they had the strength over other
2 4

by vedantb

Brain Mental ability , Brawn Physical ability.

2 0

by onno manush


1 0

by ajayrulez
When Brawn man acts,pon movie looks good
0 3

by s.c.harish

Short Definition : muscular; having well-developed muscles

(adj) (of a person) possessing physical strength and weight; rugged and powerful
Synonyms : hefty , muscular , powerful , sinewy
Example Sentence
a hefty athlete
a muscular boxer
powerful arms

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brawny

try to relate it to the cartoon network's character JOHNY BRAVO,,,who was rugged n
muscular in appearance
9 0

by harpreet_hps

browny-is the name of a hefty dog so brawny=powerful

1 3

by yaminik

brawny - focus on 'raw' which can signal raw strength

1 1

by shalnew

Short Definition : insolent; without shame; bold; Ex. brazen lie; V: face with bold self-
assurance or with unshamed confidence
(verb) face with defiance or impudence
Example Sentence
brazen it out

(adj) unrestrained by convention or propriety
Synonyms : audacious , bald-faced , barefaced , bodacious , brassy , brazen-
faced , insolent
Example Sentence
an audacious trick to pull
a barefaced hypocrite
the most bodacious display of tourism this side of Anaheim
bald-faced lies
brazen arrogance
the modern world with its quick material successes and insolent belief in the
boundless possibilities of progress

(adj) made of or resembling brass (as in color or hardness)

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brazen

Split the word brazen as Bra + Zen. Suppose you went out with your friends and saw a
girl in a Zen car wearing only a bra. How was the attempt of the girl? Really bold and
128 9

by Administrator

Brazen == Bra+zen hey isn't his

girlfriend "zen" looking hot only
in a bra.
8 27

by vinnu_m558

pronounce brazen means insolent ten time keeping the image of a girl in a bra who is bold
and insolent.
3 1

by gdabli

1 2

by SarahSmile768

Brazen, its from old english word braesen means made of brass(strong enough metal)so
the person who is brazen is bold or strong enough & don't really care what others will
think about it..
1 0

by pawarsumit

Brazen = Be Ragened (rage = anger). When do u get angered? When sm1 behaves
INSOLENTLY (Disrespectfully) with u.
0 1

by fanatic

Short Definition : breaking of contract or duty; fissure or gap; opening; V.

(noun) a failure to perform some promised act or obligation

(noun) an opening (especially a gap in a dike or fortification)

(noun) a personal or social separation (as between opposing factions)
Synonyms : break , falling out , rift , rupture , severance
Example Sentence
they hoped to avoid a break in relations
(verb) act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises
Synonyms : break , go against , infract , offend , transgress , violate
Example Sentence
offend all laws of humanity
violate the basic laws or human civilization
break a law
break a promise

(verb) make an opening or gap in
Synonyms : gap

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for breach

breach ==> brea(k)(ch)...break the contract

24 1

by cp.jethani

sound like ditch ... tht mean to dump (u can think of duty too :-))
2 8

by KAKA777

sounds close to beach....when u break the contract of a duty u relax at the beach.....to
forget it
2 4

by mon_m

remember vajpayee PM going to breach candy hospital.. breach ne vajpayee k ghutne tod
diye.. against the contract of fixing them
1 3

by abhi_vaj

b+reach..reach by plan b,not done by duty

1 0

by infoseeker
you had a contract with your girl friend that u will take her to the beach but you did not
reach on time and broke the contract...
1 0

by souravkhanna

break+chain=break d chain btw them...

0 0

by swaroop2804

breach icc code of conduct

Short Definition : width; extent

(noun) the capacity to understand a broad range of topics
Synonyms : comprehensiveness , largeness
Example Sentence
a teacher must have a breadth of knowledge of the subject
a man distinguished by the largeness and scope of his views

(noun) the extent of something from side to side
Synonyms : width

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for breadth

Bra width = size or extent of bra.

0 3

by shadip

Short Definition : produce young; rear; bring up; produce (an undesirable condition); N:
kind or sort of animal or plant

(noun) a special variety of domesticated animals within a species
Synonyms : stock , strain
Example Sentence
he experimented on a particular breed of white rats
he created a new strain of sheep

(noun) a special type
Example Sentence
Google represents a new breed of entrepreneurs

(verb) call forth
Synonyms : engender , spawn

(verb) copulate with a female, used especially of horses
Synonyms : cover
Example Sentence
The horse covers the mare

(verb) cause to procreate (animals)
Example Sentence
She breeds dogs

(verb) have young (animals) or reproduce (organisms)
Synonyms : multiply
Example Sentence
pandas rarely breed in captivity
These bacteria reproduce
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for breed

poltry feed produces new chickens

0 0

by swap.kamble

Short Definition : conciseness; shortness of duration

(noun) the use of brief expressions

(noun) the attribute of being brief or fleeting
Synonyms : briefness , transience

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brevity

brief + tea session,tea time is short.......

28 1

by infoseeker

well it can be thought as brave+witty and CONCISED into brevity or it can be similar to
6 14

by logic87

brevity sounds like levity which means lightness..when something is light it means it is
short and concise..
6 4

by Ani

Brevity= Brief+Witty
1 3

by mohit.iiita

Think BREath , VITamin. You take deep BREATHs trying to survive in a pit full of
VITAMINS. You inhale more and more vitamins causing your life to be very BRIEF.
0 4

by StudyProf.com

Brevity = br( brave) + evity (evidence); brave evidence describes everything in brief.
0 0

by shaktipada

Rhymes with Gravity..when we fall under gravity..the fall is free fall and is short period
of time.
0 0

by nsg11

Short Definition : harness fitted about a horse's head (used to restrain); curb; check; V:
put a bridle on; control or restrain; show anger

(noun) headgear for a horse; includes a headstall and bit and reins to give the rider or
driver control

(noun) the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess
Synonyms : check , curb
Example Sentence
his common sense is a bridle to his quick temper

(verb) anger or take offense
Example Sentence
She bridled at his suggestion to elope

(verb) put a bridle on
Example Sentence
bridle horses

(verb) respond to the reins, as of horses

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bridle

a bride bridles, ie, she restrains you( husband) from a lot things like friends, temper, food
14 2

by namaskar

IDLE person dont need RESTRAINING POWER but they themselves restrain them
3 5

by neel_desai2000

You a bridle a bride (or Horse) to bring under control.

0 0

by anujpathania

Short Definition : uppermost edge of a cup; projecting rim (as on a hat); Ex. The glass
was full to the brim; V: be full to the brim

(noun) the top edge of a vessel or other container
Synonyms : lip , rim
(noun) a circular projection that sticks outward from the crown of a hat

(verb) be completely full
Example Sentence
His eyes brimmed with tears

(verb) fill as much as possible
Example Sentence
brim a cup to good fellowship

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brim

the word itself has its meaning RIM of the vessel

9 0

by neel_desai2000

Bowl's ring.
0 1

by shadip

Short Definition : tawny or grayish with streaks or spots (of animals)

(adj) having a grey or brown streak or a pattern or a patchy coloring; used especially of
the patterned fur of cats
Synonyms : brinded , brindle , tabby

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brindled

brindled-Remember BRINDA KARAT (communist party MP and prakash karat's

wife)...she wears a huge bindi ...and is hence spotted
32 11

by wingdeng

b+ rin +led,the presence of spots led to the use of rin

13 2

by friendofafriend

3 3

by friendofafriend

Remember Harriet Brindle from the sitcom "Small Wonder" who had lots of freckles or
spots on her face
3 0

by anuragsrm

think of "bhindi sabzi".. its seeds seem like spots!

2 6

by deepster89

branedn brindle from "Small wonder" :)..

Short Definition : edge (at the top of a cliff); Ex. on the brink of the Grand Canyon

(noun) a region marking a boundary
Synonyms : threshold , verge

(noun) the edge of a steep place
(noun) the limit beyond which something happens or changes
Synonyms : verge
Example Sentence
on the verge of tears
on the brink of bankruptcy

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brink

brink sounds like "drink". To drink wine you have to pour it from the edge of the glass
9 1

by cp.jethani

Short Definition : quick and active; marked by liveliness and vigor

(verb) become brisk
Synonyms : brisk up , brisken
Example Sentence
business brisked up

(adj) quick and energetic
Synonyms : alert , lively , merry , rattling , snappy , spanking , zippy
Example Sentence
a brisk walk in the park
a lively gait
a merry chase
traveling at a rattling rate
a snappy pace
a spanking breeze

(adj) imparting vitality and energy
Synonyms : bracing , fresh , refreshful , refreshing , tonic
Example Sentence
the bracing mountain air
(adj) very active
Example Sentence
doing a brisk business

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brisk

(brisk)risk ----to take out a bra without risk u need to active and quick.
10 3

by KAKA777

b(risk): to take a risk, you should be active and quick

8 0

by graduatestudent

brisk = bee + risk. Therefore, you need to be active and quick, or you'll be in danger.
1 0

by davidzws

B(business)+ risk will help only if you are quick and active
0 0

by h.pathrabe250487

Short Definition : short stiff hair; V: (hair or fur) stand up stiffly

(noun) a stiff fiber (coarse hair or filament); natural or synthetic

(noun) a stiff hair
(verb) be in a state of movement or action
Synonyms : abound , burst
Example Sentence
The room abounded with screaming children
The garden bristled with toddlers

(verb) rise up as in fear
Synonyms : stand up , uprise
Example Sentence
The dog's fur bristled
It was a sight to make one's hair uprise!

(verb) have or be thickly covered with or as if with bristles
Example Sentence
bristling leaves

(verb) react in an offended or angry manner
Example Sentence
He bristled at her suggestion that he should teach her how to use the program

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bristle

remember tooth brush bristles

33 2

by cp.jethani

One use his 'Pistol' to express his 'Bristle'.

11 2

by rizvi

Short Definition : hard but easily broken; difficult; unstable; Ex. brittle situation

(noun) caramelized sugar cooled in thin sheets
Synonyms : toffee , toffy

(adj) having little elasticity; hence easily cracked or fractured or snapped
Synonyms : brickle , brickly
Example Sentence
brittle bones
glass is brittle
`brickle' and `brickly' are dialectal

(adj) lacking warmth and generosity of spirit
Example Sentence
a brittle and calculating woman

(adj) (of metal or glass) not annealed and consequently easily cracked or fractured
Synonyms : unannealed

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brittle

brittle --- brick like which is hard if we touch it but it can be easily broken............
7 0

by pioneer

brick like little strength

1 0


brick is hard, but since it is little so can be easily broken

0 0

by swap.kamble
brittle: brick + little -- little as it is, but it is hard and easily broken.
0 0

by davidzws

brittle: brick + little --- Little as it is, but it is hard and easily broken.
0 0

by davidzws

Short Definition : introduce as a subject; moot; open up

(noun) a decorative pin worn by women
Synonyms : breastpin , brooch

(verb) bring up a topic for discussion
Synonyms : initiate

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for broach

When a Boy appROACH a girl for the first time,he needs to BROACH.
60 4

by gatz_funky

BROACH sounds like Brochure. So a Brochure is always is used to INTRODUCE or we

can remember it as Brochure is to OPEN.
35 3

by moorthy_ragha

If you remain unable to 'bring up a topic of discussion', start talking about her beautiful
broach(a decorative pin worn by women)
4 1

by rainmaster

remember hum aapke hai kaun..remember the scen where madhuri gifts salman a brouch
2 8

by jay_gandhi

sounds like "bra coach" a coach who teaches how to wear bra, very embarrasing
1 49

by logic87

you can think of breach, if someone breached the security of NASA, here is trying to
open up what filthy secrets they are hiding
1 8

by anshulnirvana

BRing a new appOACH

0 4

by reachacsv

when Kemar Roach(WestIndian fast bowler)was INTRODUCEd , he OPENED UP the

batsmen's defence
0 4

by infoseeker

Cyrus Broacha....always anounce something on MTV

0 0

by shergillhardeep21

Short Definition : rich, figured(patterned) fabric
(noun) thick heavy expensive material with a raised pattern

(verb) weave a design into (textiles)

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brocade

when my bro bought all those expensive fabric for his gf, even though we were dying of
hunger due to lack of money my mom said "ek jhaapadh BRO KE DE .."
23 6

by friendofafriend

BROCADE---"BROKE-AID"..after buying rich fabric i was BROKE (LACK OF

MONEY) and wanted financial AID..
12 1

by ankitvora23


8 17

by preetisoni2411

Bra+Jade.. Bra which has jade stones on it.

4 2

by shadip

Sounds like BROCODE... Barney Stinson of HIMYM is the inventor of Brocode who
only wears suits => rich clothes
4 0

by Aditya Parihar
brocade-cade-make this as jade. jade is a jewel,ornament ,which is seen in rich and used
in fabric.
3 13

by sriharisharma

brocade, think of a big and heavy 'bracelet' of gold and precious diamonds on it.
2 2

by gunjanshah

brocade.cade is like jade emperor who used to wear very costly and jeweled dress..
0 1

by sai dasika

Short Definition : pamphlet

(noun) a small book usually having a paper cover
Synonyms : booklet , folder , leaflet , pamphlet

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brochure

Book to be sure.
3 0

by shadip

brochure: book? sure!

0 0

by davidzws

Short Definition : cook by direct heat; N.
(noun) cooking by direct exposure to radiant heat (as over a fire or under a grill)
Synonyms : broiling , grilling

(verb) cook under a broiler
Synonyms : oven broil
Example Sentence
broil fish

(verb) heat by a natural force
Synonyms : bake
Example Sentence
The sun broils the valley in the summer

(verb) be very hot, due to hot weather or exposure to the sun
Synonyms : bake
Example Sentence
The town was broiling in the sun
the tourists were baking in the heat

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for broil

heared of broiled chicken.?? cooked directly in fire (camp fire)

10 0

by arulmozhi

broil-boil- people boil to cook food.

3 3

by sriharisharma

br(oil) : oil is used to get heat to cook

0 0

by graduatestudent
Short Definition : platitude; chemical compound used to calm excitement

(noun) any of the salts of hydrobromic acid; formerly used as a sedative but now
generally replaced by safer drugs

(noun) a trite or obvious remark
Synonyms : banality , cliche , commonplace , platitude

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bromide

bromide is the COMMON salt ever found

15 3

by neel_desai2000

Bro don't mind.. A common statement to soothe someone.

11 0

by shadip

Short Definition : ornamental clasp; pin

(noun) a decorative pin worn by women
Synonyms : breastpin , broach

(verb) fasten with or as if with a brooch
Synonyms : clasp
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brooch

relate brooch with uncle Scrooch...he use to have a ornamental clasp on his coat
9 26

by ankit_goyal

women wear brooch/clasp on chest. So if the pin pierces the BRA they say OUCH. BRA-
5 1

by spacker

Brooch sounds like RICH, women wear ornamental pins to look rich
3 7

by animator

1 6

by ranjanron

brings + ouch,either she fastened it tightly or the pin pricked her

1 4

by infoseeker

when a brooch hurts u ...u say oouch!!!

1 4

by sagardoshi63

Brooch=Broach(which is quite easy to remember)..

1 4


Short Definition : sit on in order to hatch; think deeply or worry anxiously; N: the young
of certain animals; group of young birds hatched at one time

(noun) the young of an animal cared for at one time

(verb) think moodily or anxiously about something
Synonyms : dwell

(verb) hang over, as of something threatening, dark, or menacing
Synonyms : bulk large , hover , loom
Example Sentence
The terrible vision brooded over her all day long

(verb) be in a huff and display one's displeasure
Synonyms : pout , sulk
Example Sentence
She is pouting because she didn't get what she wanted

(verb) be in a huff; be silent or sullen
Synonyms : grizzle , stew

(verb) sit on (eggs)
Synonyms : cover , hatch , incubate
Example Sentence
Birds brood
The female covers the eggs

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brood

this word sounds like breed.....means to produce....so breeding of chickens...who are

cared for at one time.
14 2

by preetisoni2411

wen u have done somthing roo(U)de, probly u have to worry and think deepy later by
sitting in an order to hatch..!!
9 3

by sriharisharma

Don't be rude (brood) to the young animals.

1 1

by bob8

sounds like bro(brother)+rood(rude)....so your younger bro..who is rude..and rude people

are basically very moody and anxious about even minor things.
0 3

by preetisoni2411

brood: sounds like 'bird rude' or ' be rude'. So don't be rude to bird.
0 0

by davidzws

Short Definition : tolerate; endure; Ex. brook no interference; N: small stream

(noun) a natural stream of water smaller than a river (and often a tributary of a river)
Synonyms : creek
Example Sentence
the creek dried up every summer

(verb) put up with something or somebody unpleasant
Synonyms : abide , bear , digest , endure , put up , stand , stick out , stomach ,
suffer , support , tolerate
Example Sentence
I cannot bear his constant criticism
The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks
he learned to tolerate the heat
She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brook

relate this to BROOK BOND tea....jst drink the tea and then u can tolerate any tension. :-)
89 5

by ankit_goyal

In class if you don't bring the BOOK teacher will not BROOK it.
28 2

by anshulnirvana

brook rhymes like hook which tolerates the weight of anything hanging on it
12 4

by chowdhury_amrita

Brook can be split into B(be) - ROOK (rookie). A "rookie" is an untrained army personel
who has to put up with (tolerate) the rigors of training.
10 6

by sridharc

brook...BRO(ther) + OK..consider it as "itz OK BRO i can bear it"

6 5

by angel

BROOK: Be like a chess ROOK (elephant), which can ENDURE / TOLERATE a lot of
4 3

BROOK...people ask Kelly BROOK,how u r able to TOLERATE or ENDURE the heavy
weight of ur big boobs ??? :D
4 0

by stealth

1)bina rooke (in hindi language) 2)opposite of break

0 4

by satyanand

brook can be related to broke. If you are broke(insolvent)they you will have to tolerate
0 3

by anshulnirvana

brook - if you cannot say Ruk in hindi to all irritating and intolerable people, then you
will have to brook it.

Short Definition : bully; intimidate

(verb) be bossy towards
Synonyms : ballyrag , boss around , bully , bullyrag , hector , push around ,
Example Sentence
Her big brother always bullied her when she was young

(verb) discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate
Synonyms : bully , swagger

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for browbeat

imagine like dis..hav u ever tasted crow meat...never taste it..its dangerous n yuck..m
indimidating u!!
56 2

by aniruddha_chaudhari

bro+w/+beat,a brother likes to beat his siblings...like bullying them

5 0

by atiffva

brow+beat->THE rock raised HIS BROW(do u smell wat the rock is cookin)and
intimidated and beat the opponent
3 1

by phoenix747

browbeat..sounds like crow meat rght??hav u ever tasted it(no one tastes ofcos)..am
INTIMIDATING r WARNING u al never eat it ,its yuc n dangerous ..
1 2

by amarendar

Salman "bro" beat one guy and was bossy or intimidating for the rest of villians
0 0

by nitinsushil

Short Definition : graze; feed on growing grass; skim or glance at casually

(noun) vegetation (such as young shoots, twigs, and leaves) that is suitable for animals to
Example Sentence
a deer needs to eat twenty pounds of browse every day

(noun) reading superficially or at random
Synonyms : browsing
(noun) the act of feeding by continual nibbling
Synonyms : browsing

(verb) shop around; not necessarily buying
Synonyms : shop
Example Sentence
I don't need help, I'm just browsing

(verb) feed as in a meadow or pasture
Synonyms : crop , graze , pasture , range
Example Sentence
the herd was grazing

(verb) look around casually and randomly, without seeking anything in particular
Synonyms : surf
Example Sentence
browse a computer directory
surf the internet or the world wide web

(verb) eat lightly, try different dishes
Synonyms : graze
Example Sentence
There was so much food at the party that we quickly got sated just by browsing

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for browse

when we Browse the internet we go through sites CASUALLY...without going in detail

3 0

by swikar
Short Definition : injure without breaking the skin; N.

(noun) an injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration
Synonyms : contusion

(verb) injure the underlying soft tissue or bone of
Synonyms : contuse
Example Sentence
I bruised my knee

(verb) hurt the feelings of
Synonyms : hurt , injure , offend , spite , wound
Example Sentence
She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests
This remark really bruised my ego

(verb) break up into small pieces for food preparation
Example Sentence
bruise the berries with a wooden spoon and strain them

(verb) damage (plant tissue) by abrasion or pressure
Example Sentence
The customer bruised the strawberries by squeezing them

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bruise

Sounds like "Bru"-the coffee....imagine a cup of hot BRU Coffee felt on ur hand..u got
injured and ur skin got discolored though ur bones remained unbroken :-P
5 3

by soumen
Relate it to "Brusli".He injures the enemies without breaking the skin(breaks the bones)
3 1

by siddaartha

Tom CRUISE rubbing with Kate Homes. CRUISE:BRUISE

1 2

by sanjeev

Short Definition : main impact or shock (of an attack or blow); Ex. brunt of the

(noun) main force of a blow etc
Example Sentence
bore the brunt of the attack

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brunt

Brunt: It sounds like burnt. The area of the land which was hit the meteoroid was badly
BRUNT due to main impact/shock created by the collision
25 2

by vishal.c.sharma

Break it as Bra-aunt. So if you see neighbour Aunt in bra, you will have what? shock and
main impact :P
13 4

by rockystar

brunt-run is the word to check .people will run,wen there is an impact or shock.
8 18

by sriharisharma
in a HUNT, poor animals bear the blow(BRUNT)
4 9

by findktk

brunt of current
3 7

by diggs_chauhan

sounds lyk when the wire is Burnt-BRUNT we might get SHOCK

2 1

by rohan_1985

See it as BRU + blUNT, BRU is a popular & nice coffee, but it made me dumbfound by
its blunt taste.
1 5

by gunjanshah

brunt is similar to burnt. Think it like some main impact of injury or someone's death.
0 1

by ravinderdhamija562

If u want to BR(bear)+UNT(hunt) ie hunt a bear u need to give him a major impact

0 1

by nistha

Short Definition : blunt; abrupt; curt; not wanting to waste time being nice

(adj) marked by rude or peremptory shortness
Synonyms : brusk , curt , short
Example Sentence
try to cultivate a less brusque manner
a curt reply
the salesgirl was very short with him

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brusque

brush kyun??? I dont want to brush and kiss you directly!!!

52 1

by friendofafriend

BRUSQUE=BRU+QUE...after long hours of waiting in the QUE,the crowd was jus

given a cup of BRU coffee.the crowd got pissed off and turned VIOLENT
21 15

by imajeeth

brusque...sounds like brisk...and if you solve someone's doubt briskly..you are trying to
be abrupt.....
18 19

by preetisoni2411

BRUSH KYU karna hai?... b'coz ur teeth hav become blunt

6 11

by hiraditya

3 3

by userdce

BRUSh+QUEstion,when his brushing habits were questioned he turned violent

2 2

by infoseeker

(tab) He was in a hurry to get to the meeting and refused to talk to you. He BRUSHED
past you in the hallway, bumping your shoulder as he passed.
1 1

by Jackery
sounds like barso purana chaaku (knife) think of a old blunt chaaku
0 7

by abhi_vaj

bruce wayne.. batman doest want to waste time...

0 2

by abhijit@25

brusque sounds like Brusly, the actor of Chinese action movies, so imagine why Brusly
plays these movies, because of his brusque character.
0 1

by fantasist

Short Definition : pirate

(noun) someone who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea without having a
commission from any sovereign nation
Synonyms : pirate , sea robber , sea rover

(verb) live like a buccaneer

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for buccaneer

pirates of bikaner..hehe
27 16

by ashay.ut

from nw jst remember BUCCANEER OF CARRIBEANS.....n not PIRATES OF

13 15

by ankit_goyal

Relate it to Umpire Steve Buckner he was from the Caribbean islands and when you
remember this, you get automatically remember pirates.
10 1

by karanvirani90

bhukka(bucca)+ neer(pani in hindi)bhukka pani main pirate hi banega...

9 3

by lovedeepsingh

pirate stole a BUCKET n a CANE form the sea or from the ship
4 1

by vatsaljain

buccaneer means bucar + neer means baqur in pani - water and you know what that
3 1

by shingalas

if u have seen telugu raktha charitra part 1....bucca reddy is the villian....so he can be
assosiated with a pirate...
2 1

by krishna445

visualise umpire steve bucknor(=bucaneer) as pirate

1 2

by technojatin

buccaneer - onw who buckets bucks in the neer - (water) - pirates

0 1

by shalnew
John bukanan. chor gadha
0 2

by swap.kamble

Short Definition : rustic; pastoral

(noun) a country person
Synonyms : peasant , provincial

(noun) a short poem descriptive of rural or pastoral life
Synonyms : eclogue , idyl , idyll

(adj) (used with regard to idealized country life) idyllically rustic
Synonyms : arcadian , pastoral
Example Sentence
a country life of arcadian contentment
a pleasant bucolic scene
charming in its pastoral setting
rustic tranquility

(adj) relating to shepherds or herdsmen or devoted to raising sheep or cattle
Synonyms : pastoral
Example Sentence
pastoral seminomadic people
pastoral land
a pastoral economy

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bucolic

bucolic sounds a bit like bullock which is used in the "country side"...
54 4

by arvind_4

BUlls and COLI (collie, a sheep dog) Country -- rustic and pastoral places, people, and
9 1

by joeyessoe

olic is the one to see. oleic acid is used to remove rust. or even if you can check oli,
jumble it as oil,used as an antirust agent,which in the past was used as an oral agent.
5 18

by sriharisharma

You commonly find a block of salt in a cow pasture. This block of salt is a COWLICK.
Picture a BULL licking the COWLICK
2 3

by Jackery

bullock+kick:it is usually seen in the countryside

2 2

by pratik.knit

Bu (B.) +COLIc (coli): B coli infection is common in RUSTIC area because of the
unhygienic condition.
1 5

by ria_anu123

bhookho likho = in some gaons u dont get much to eat and u have to study(likho) even
when ure ravenous(bhookho)
1 3

by friendofafriend

BUCK+LICK....people who can lick anything for bucks are BUCOLIC and mostly found
1 2

by nileshdive

The villager (rural ans pastural) person who is BOOK-HOLICK (like

alcoholic/workholic)can be easily inspired to good poetry.
1 1

by prasad.sharath

bucolic like alcoholic for urban people and bucolic for RURAL people
1 0

by Voggu Vikas Reddy

You're more likely to get the Bubolic Plague if you live a bucolic lifestyle in the country.
0 0

by AmeliaMann

Buccolic: coli (fishermen) at west side beaches, they are country person of india
0 1

by h.pathrabe250487

bucolic = b for bank + uco + lic; uco bank was established in 1943 in kolkata, therefore it
is oldest bank.
0 1

by shaktipada

bucolic: bu:bull + co: cock + lic : lick - A bull licks a cock; it must be a farm. Hence the
meaning is related to countryside.
0 0

by davidzws

bucolic = but+an alcoholic, so it is a peaceful environment like a pastoral setting where

alcohols are banned
0 0

by atiffva
Short Definition : strike forcefully; slap; batter; knock out; N: table with food set out for
people to server themselves; meal at which people help themselves to food that's been set

(noun) a piece of furniture that stands at the side of a dining room; has shelves and
Synonyms : counter , sideboard

(noun) a meal set out on a buffet at which guests help themselves

(noun) usually inexpensive bar
Synonyms : snack bar , snack counter

(verb) strike against forcefully
Synonyms : batter , knock about
Example Sentence
Winds buffeted the tent

(verb) strike, beat repeatedly
Synonyms : buff
Example Sentence
The wind buffeted him

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for buffet

uff,is the one to see..wen someone slaps u ,u slap them back with a verbal assail " wat the
ff "...hehehe...lol..!!!
9 31

by sriharisharma
sounds like buffalo ,so it hits forcefully
5 8

by maheshv

in a buffet in taj hotel if u eat a lot and dont hav any money to pay..."ufff" says the waiter,
"tu to gaya beta" and he hits u, he hits u hard and he keeps on hitting and hitting and
hitting, untill ther's nothing left to hit any
5 1

by friendofafriend

rememberpheobe BUFFET from friend ....visualize her slapping everyone

3 1

by technojatin

koi mil gaya1,buffet hritik caught, priety's friend buffeted him

1 0

by phoenix747

map it to bullet
1 0

by swap.kamble

buffet (beating + fat ) - beating voilently jab tak woh nahi gaya phat
0 5

by diggs_chauhan

if u are BUFF and u see an ET (jadoo),,,,, u dont run away ,,, but beat the hell out of him
0 1

by saurabhkumar87

Bill Gates was the richest bt..Warren Buffet..knocked him out and Striked forcefully from
the list
0 0

by pratik.knit

Short Definition : stupid person; clown

(noun) a rude or vulgar fool
Synonyms : clown

(noun) a person who amuses others by ridiculous behavior
Synonyms : clown , goof , goofball , merry andrew

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for buffoon

A Baffoon is a cartoon.
14 0

by sanjeev

concentrate on FOO....FOOL...fooling around is a clown

1 3

by mon_m

When a Baboon Puffs a cigarette we may call it Buffoon.

1 0

by onno manush

This word sounds like ' but fool'. Therefore, it is a stupid person.
1 0

by davidzws

Italy goalkeeper Buffon....

0 2

by csadangi

Short Definition : clowning

(noun) acting like a clown or buffoon
Synonyms : clowning , frivolity , harlequinade , japery , prank

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for buffoonery

Imagine a joker dancing "In the buff" that's what is clowning(buffoonery)

3 4

by apoorva

sounds like "puppet"...puppet shows are basically clowns of real animals and hence the
1 0

by deepu_15

Short Definition : bugbear; object of baseless terror

(noun) an imaginary monster used to frighten children
Synonyms : bogeyman , booger , boogeyman , bugbear

(noun) a source of concern
Example Sentence
the old bugaboo of inflation still bothers them
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bugaboo

boo!! u use it when u wonna scare funnily..so relates to a ghost..ghosts are bugbears n
they the baseless terror since they dont stand on floor
28 3

by mon_m

It might help marathi readers...bugaboo sounds like bagulboowa..childhood ghost

7 6

by manojative

Bug+ booth = if your kid starts bugging you you ll tell them a booth(Bugaboo) story.
5 0

by lakshmihs

bugaboo = mugamboo Remember the main villain of movie mr India( amrish puri )=
mogamboo khush hua >> he did so much terror in movie
5 0

by rajpt_007

Imagine dark night and monster shouting BUUUU GAAAAAAAAA BOOOOO HAA
4 5

by sanjeev

maga bootha--in kannada means - dude devil. wen u c an object,thats baseless, people
term it as a devil,as devils dont have legs.so bootas (devils) are known as baseless
2 8

by sriharisharma

The kala bandar(Delhi 6 movie) is a bugaboo.

1 1

by cool.venky
BUG+A+BOO Boota means Devil in kannada. So we can remember it a bugging bootha
1 0

by srinathshetty

For bagla bagh(tiger) asbooo

1 0

by woli

adivasi logonka boogaboo

0 0

by swap.kamble

I will bugaboo at the time of bill, if you donot pay necessary amount.
0 0

by shaktipada

0 0

by vineethyoung

Short Definition : protruding part; swelling of a surface; Ex. The apple made a bulge in
his pocket; V: swell outward; protrude

(noun) something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings
Synonyms : bump , excrescence , extrusion , gibbosity , gibbousness , hump , jut ,
prominence , protrusion , protuberance , swelling
Example Sentence
the gun in his pocket made an obvious bulge
the hump of a camel
he stood on the rocky prominence
the occipital protuberance was well developed
the bony excrescence between its horns
(verb) swell or protrude outwards
Synonyms : pouch , protrude
Example Sentence
His stomach bulged after the huge meal

(verb) bulge out; form a bulge outward, or be so full as to appear to bulge
Synonyms : bag

(verb) bulge outward
Synonyms : bug out , bulge out , come out , pop , pop out , protrude , start
Example Sentence
His eyes popped

(verb) cause to bulge or swell outwards
Synonyms : bulk

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bulge

bulge: it looks like ' bag ', a full bag, which is swelling.

Short Definition : size or volume (esp. when very large); main part; Ex. The bulk of the
work has already been done; ADJ. bulky: having great size

(noun) the property resulting from being or relating to the greater in number of two parts;
the main part
Synonyms : majority
Example Sentence
the majority of his customers prefer it
the bulk of the work is finished
(noun) the property of something that is great in magnitude
Synonyms : mass , volume
Example Sentence
it is cheaper to buy it in bulk
he received a mass of correspondence
the volume of exports

(noun) the property possessed by a large mass

(verb) stick out or up
Example Sentence
The parcel bulked in the sack

(verb) cause to bulge or swell outwards
Synonyms : bulge

Short Definition : gold and silver in the form of bars

(noun) a mass of precious metal

(noun) gold or silver in bars or ingots

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bullion

He has billions, and so he buys bullions

52 1

by emdmehr
if u can remember buillion market,there u get the answer, right away..
4 4

by sriharisharma

He acts like a 'BULL + LION ' since he has billion dollar bills .
0 1

by hmpai

bullion similar to galleon(Gold coins) reference:harry potter

0 0

by kaustav6422

Only million can buy bullion

0 0

by woli

BULLION: bull and lion skin are as expensive as gold and silver bars.
0 0

by h.pathrabe250487

Short Definition : one who is habitually cruel to weaker people; V.

(noun) a cruel and brutal fellow
Synonyms : hooligan , roughneck , rowdy , ruffian , tough , yob , yobbo , yobo

(noun) a hired thug
(verb) be bossy towards
Synonyms : ballyrag , boss around , browbeat , bullyrag , hector , push around ,
Example Sentence
Her big brother always bullied her when she was young

(verb) discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate
Synonyms : browbeat , swagger

(adj) very good
Synonyms : bang-up , corking , cracking , dandy , great , groovy , keen , neat ,
nifty , not bad , peachy , slap-up , smashing , swell
Example Sentence
he did a bully job
a neat sports car
had a great time at the party
you look simply smashing

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bully

.bully....made of bull(the male in cow family)+y......so if you have observed why the fight
is always arrenged between bulls,why not cows,because bulls are symbol of strength and
cruilty(as they fight).......and a bull 's work is to weak its opponent
1 2

by preetisoni2411

jus for fun to remember two meanings of it...imagine one of ur frns is CRUEL n
BRUTAL n he always INTIMIDATES u dat he wud kic on ur belly... !!he is a bully
1 0

by amarendar

in the same way a person who bullys someone try to show his superiority over
others,because he thinks himself more stronger than his opponent
0 2

by preetisoni2411

bully--> bull is always strong. bully is a symbol of strength.

0 0

by shaktipada

Short Definition : strong wall built for defense; earthwork or other strong defense;
person who defends

(noun) an embankment built around a space for defensive purposes
Synonyms : rampart , wall
Example Sentence
they stormed the ramparts of the city
they blew the trumpet and the walls came tumbling down

(noun) a fencelike structure around a deck (usually plural)

(noun) a protective structure of stone or concrete; extends from shore into the water to
prevent a beach from washing away
Synonyms : breakwater , groin , groyne , jetty , mole , seawall

(verb) defend with a bulwark

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bulwark

BULL + WORK--BULLs were carrying bricks for the WORK of a wall construction.
37 4

by userdce
remember Nandi(Bull of Shiva), it protects shiv's place from demons. BULl+shiVA(WA)
15 10

by anshulnirvana

Bulwark: Bull war k time strong wall banana chahiye, taki ko usse par kar public par na
6 0

by h.pathrabe250487

bulwar sounds like bullbar used in front of cars to protect them from scratches and from
small accidents
4 2

by vivek.....

bulwark - a wall for bulk war against enemies or water.

1 1

by shalnew

Building(Bul) + Work(wark)
1 0

by vocabIsFun

After doing bul(wrong) wark(work) laden stayed in between of bulwark

0 1

by shaktipada

bulls work is to attack so people build a wall to stay safe from it

0 0

by sabitha.poladi@gmail.com

Short Definition : hit or knock against with force; N.

(noun) a lump on the body caused by a blow

(noun) something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings
Synonyms : bulge , excrescence , extrusion , gibbosity , gibbousness , hump , jut ,
prominence , protrusion , protuberance , swelling
Example Sentence
the gun in his pocket made an obvious bulge
the hump of a camel
he stood on the rocky prominence
the occipital protuberance was well developed
the bony excrescence between its horns

(noun) an impact (as from a collision)
Synonyms : blow
Example Sentence
the bump threw him off the bicycle

(verb) knock against with force or violence
Synonyms : knock
Example Sentence
My car bumped into the tree

(verb) come upon, as if by accident; meet with
Synonyms : chance , encounter , find , happen
Example Sentence
We find this idea in Plato
I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here
She chanced upon an interesting book in the bookstore the other day

(verb) dance erotically or dance with the pelvis thrust forward
Example Sentence
bump and grind

(verb) assign to a lower position; reduce in rank
Synonyms : break , demote , kick downstairs , relegate
Example Sentence
She was demoted because she always speaks up
He was broken down to Sergeant

(verb) remove or force from a position of dwelling previously occupied
Synonyms : dislodge
Example Sentence
The new employee dislodged her by moving into her office space

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bump

it sounds like bumper,so bumper hits forcefully to the when we go fast near speed breaker
2 0

by maheshv

sounds similar to thump...means...to hit somebody with closed fists.

0 0

by preetisoni2411

Short Definition : mismanage; blunder; botch; blow; spoil by clumsy behavior

(noun) an embarrassing mistake
Synonyms : bloomer , blooper , blunder , boner , boo-boo , botch , flub , foul-up ,
fuckup , pratfall
(verb) make a mess of, destroy or ruin
Synonyms : ball up , blow , bobble , bodge , bollix , bollix up , bollocks ,
bollocks up , botch , botch up , bumble , flub , fluff , foul up , fuck up , fumble ,
louse up , mess up , mishandle , muck up , muff , screw up , spoil
Example Sentence
I botched the dinner and we had to eat out
the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement

(verb) spoil by behaving clumsily or foolishly
Example Sentence
I bungled it!

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bungle

bungle like jungle ..... if on a long drive you lose your way and end up in a jungle.... now
that's a blunder....
27 3

by reveeriee

mungle-jungle...U thought of doing mungle in jungle and got caught red

handed...DESTROYED ur reputation
17 5

by userdce

instead of bAngle ,u write bUngle ,thats a blunder

4 1

by infoseeker

Bungle~Bengaal..all attempts in west bengaal were mismanaged, hence led to IPL

blunder.. an embarassing mistake for the team and captain..
3 3

by shadab.mit

bungle sounds like jungle which means forest. nowadys forests (jungle) are being spoiled
by rapid cutting down of trees. deforestation is spoiling ruining completely.
1 3

by arulmozhi

jungle me mangal is a bungle

Short Definition : able to float; cheerful and optimistic; N. buoyancy; Ex. buoyancy of
wood/water/American market

(adj) tending to float on a liquid or rise in air or gas
Synonyms : floaty
Example Sentence
buoyant balloons
buoyant balsawood boats
a floaty scarf

(adj) characterized by liveliness and lightheartedness
Synonyms : chirpy , perky
Example Sentence
buoyant spirits
his quick wit and chirpy humor
looking bright and well and chirpy
a perky little widow in her 70s

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for buoyant

buoyant = Boy + ant when a boy feels like an ant, which is very light , he feels very light
and lively.
24 2

by Administrator

buoy-ant=boy+want; boys
always want to be light and
2 3

by Born2GRE

remember buoyance of a n utensil.. coz of which it can float on water...

0 0

by RajeshBorkar

Short Definition : overregulated administrative system marked by red tape; ADJ.

(noun) nonelective government officials
Synonyms : bureaucratism

(noun) a government that is administered primarily by bureaus that are staffed with
nonelective officials

(noun) any organization in which action is obstructed by insistence on unnecessary
procedures and red tape

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bureaucracy

bureau(noun........means..a source which provide information..may be an office or an

organization.)+cracy(means...goverment or the rule....)........so....a goverment run by
officials......or officials doing the kind of work that either a rular or a g
7 0

by preetisoni2411

conti.... that either a government or rular does. so what do you think of our administrative
0 1

by preetisoni2411

Short Definition : grow rapidly; grow forth; send out buds; Ex. burgeoning computer
industry; CF. bludgeon

(verb) grow and flourish
Example Sentence
The burgeoning administration
The burgeoning population

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for burgeon

Burge+on sounds like Bulge which means growing big

33 8

by shaamcs

31 16

by userdce

burgeon ~ burger; If you eat a lot of burgers, you will gain weight (hence grow)
14 0

by Kelli0688

If you eat a lot of BURGers you will BrinG ON the weight!

10 2

by karenrw

Can be pronounced as -- > bur grow on, grow on meaning grow forth, ahead
6 6

by viren

bad jaana (bur+geon) in hindi .to increase in number

3 9

by dr_gauravsuneja

burgeon..urge+on..if u hav dat urge(a strong impulse, inner drive) set to on..den defntely
u vl grow and florish
2 0

by amarendar

burgeon- reminds us of the word bargari in kannada...u can somewhat relate it to it..
1 12

by sriharisharma

relate with BURGER..if v eat BURGER we will grow big..

1 4

by moorthy_ragha

sounds like BURGER...when you eat only burgers, your size will INCREASE
1 1

by nileshdive

A good plastic surgeon will make you thinner. A bad surgeon will do the opposite and
make you grow bigger.
1 0

by Rodeokinney

a BIRD takes flight

1 0

by Jackery
burgeon , ge + on .. its like go on .. so it means flourish or grow rapidly
0 4

by kavurisiddhartha

BURGEr+piGEON = if you eat too many burgers you grow like a pigeon!
0 4

by tanay

The kitten grows so rapidly as if she was Be-URGEd-ON to flourish.

0 1

by joeyessoe

Ice burg-on surface of ocean looks small but really big inside tghe ocean.
0 2

by pradeepnegi77

the sURGEON helps population GROW by reducing the amount of ppl die thru surgery.
0 2

by marioM

BURGE similar to BULGE meaning to expand rapidly

0 0

by anand_90

sounds like bulgeon... which is becoming bulge... i.e. growing in size..

0 0

by RajeshBorkar

The doctor was so clever, he quickly burgeoned as surgeon

0 0

by coolme

eat lots of (burge)rs and grow fatter, it's (on) your hand.
0 0

by disaster

burgeon sounds like Gurgaon.... this is one of the fastest developing cities of India..
0 0

by souravkhanna

I burgeon when i drink BURGUNDY!

0 0

by Anais-anais

Short Definition : give an imitation that ridicules; imitate mockingly

(noun) a theatrical entertainment of broad and earthy humor; consists of comic skits and
short turns (and sometimes striptease)

(noun) a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a
humorous way
Synonyms : charade , lampoon , mockery , parody , pasquinade , put-on , sendup ,
spoof , takeoff , travesty

(verb) make a parody of
Synonyms : parody , spoof
Example Sentence
The students spoofed the teachers

(adj) relating to or characteristic of a burlesque
Example Sentence
burlesque theater
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for burlesque

if you want to ridicule Barclays premier league than you can write Burlesque premier
28 7

by nasri

burlesque..can be pronounced as bure log in hindi..wha do bad ppl do?? ridicule others..
19 30

by jc

burlesque~(burles)girls+(que)queue = when lots of beautiful girls go to college

everyday , some handsome, dashing boys make a queue near the gate of the college to
burlesque the girls.
7 9

by khushi5

If somebody jumps the QUEue, people hurl(~BURL) abusES on that person...Mockery

and imitation are common forms of abuses....
3 5

by vivek.....

BURLESQUE.... a burly person will always mock at others.

2 1

by indra1985_mohor@yahoo.com

Burl~girl: The girl at circus imitated the joker for fun..

1 3

by shadab.mit

BURLESQUE = BURY + RESQUE. I want either to bury or rescue myself before they
insult me in this CARICATURE/PARODY
1 0

by biotechlover
ur-your,,that means ,mentioning to the same person ,who has said,,that means
imitate.and ,how to imitate, imitate with a que(used in billiards)..
0 47

by sriharisharma

Burle (charle) + rescue= imagine charle is mocking a rescuer.

0 4

by lakshmihs

Short Definition : make shiny by rubbing; polish

(noun) the property of being smooth and shiny
Synonyms : gloss , glossiness , polish

(verb) polish and make shiny
Synonyms : buff , furbish
Example Sentence
buff the wooden floors
buff my shoes

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for burnish

Remember Varnish - used on wooden things to make them shine

30 0

by goodnfine000

burnish-this brings us to the word ,cald furnish,ie , polishing and rubbing to make it
15 2

by sriharisharma
BURNT thing is polished TO MAKE it SHINY.
4 2

by viren

BURNish: Clay work is burned and POLISHed before selling..

1 1

by shadab.mit

BURN-ish, can be interpreted as giving burnish texture, i.e. POLISH

0 0

by goodking210

Short Definition : piece of sculpture showing a person's head, shoulders, and upper
chest; V: break up; arrest; Ex. crimebuster

(noun) a complete failure
Synonyms : fizzle , flop
Example Sentence
the play was a dismal flop

(noun) the chest of a woman
Synonyms : female chest

(noun) a sculpture of the head and shoulders of a person

(noun) an occasion for excessive eating or drinking
Synonyms : binge , bout , tear
Example Sentence
they went on a bust that lasted three days

(verb) ruin completely
Synonyms : break
Example Sentence
He busted my radio!

(verb) search without warning, make a sudden surprise attack on
Synonyms : raid
Example Sentence
The police raided the crack house

(verb) separate or cause to separate abruptly
Synonyms : rupture , snap , tear
Example Sentence
The rope snapped
tear the paper

(verb) go to pieces
Synonyms : break , fall apart , wear , wear out
Example Sentence
The lawn mower finally broke
The gears wore out
The old chair finally fell apart completely

(verb) break open or apart suddenly and forcefully
Synonyms : burst
Example Sentence
The dam burst

(adj) lacking funds
Synonyms : broke , skint , stone-broke , stony-broke
Example Sentence
`skint' is a British slang term

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bust

Bust is above breast in the chest; police busted him in haste.

2 1

by sanjeev

bust can be remembered with boost,when ever i come across bust,i love to drink
boost,because boost is the secret of my energy
1 1

by anudeep meka

Short Definition : support; prop up; N. stationary structure to support wall; Ex. flying

(noun) a support usually of stone or brick; supports the wall of a building
Synonyms : buttressing

(verb) reinforce with a buttress
Example Sentence
Buttress the church

(verb) make stronger or defensible
Example Sentence
buttress your thesis

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for buttress

remember by your BUTT or BUTTOCKS ! what do they do? They provide you with a
padding when ypu sit, giving support.. :)
68 2

by gatz_funky

If you have big but (hope you know what but is), you will have extra support
9 13

by Administrator

buttress=butt rest...butt gives u

support so u tk rest on ur butt
generally while sleeping or
8 0

by bond

butts rests on support

3 0

by jainarun4u

buttress..sounds simillar to mistress.when i failed my exams due to my ill

health ,it was my biology mistress who understood my problem and supported me in my
tough time.
2 10

by preetisoni2411

buttress ends with "tress" can be read as truss, truss are usually created in order to
strengthen the stucture (Mech)
2 4

by mayank2nsitmpae

sometimes u need to put u need to put butter on your stories to support it

2 5

by winni
butt(container to store liquid)+ress(sounds like rest.) ..plz get only one butt ,as we need it
as a support to our existing water supply,rest we have got big tankers for this purpose.
1 8

by preetisoni2411

buttress sounds like butter which is used to cover the bread for taste......so its gives
support to the bread ...then it taste's well
1 0

by spdram

Buttress = but (put) + tress (stress); give stress for support at back by a pile.
0 0

by shaktipada

Short Definition : full-bosomed; plump; jolly

(adj) (of a woman's body) having a large bosom and pleasing curves
Synonyms : bosomy , busty , curvaceous , curvy , full-bosomed , sonsie , sonsy ,
stacked , voluptuous , well-endowed
Example Sentence
Hollywood seems full of curvaceous blondes
a curvy young woman in a tight dress

(adj) (of a female body) healthily plump and vigorous
Synonyms : zaftig , zoftig
Example Sentence
a generation ago...buxom actresses were popular

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for buxom

buck"some (buy some)gals who are healthy and plumpy to play..kinds a vulgar but thts d
easy way yu remember..!!
18 5

by nikhilsuhas

BOOB+ZOOM here Zoom is in the place of huge.

7 48

by sriharisharma

BUCKSome....generally women having lot of money are Buxom....

3 3

by nileshdive

Buxom ->> bossoms lady with big bossoms

1 7

by mayank2nsitmpae

Buxom->Buxob:when u sea a BUXOM woman (woman with large breasts) it makes your
BOXERS OBvious to others (u r aroused)...sorry for the language;)
1 0

by melancholica

To appear buxom, you have to use botox.

0 4

by mohanster

'bossom' stressed hard in the middle ,so kind of juge

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