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“MTAB hones your soft skills” Nay) Manufacturing Technology Automation Business MTAB XM TRAIN XM_ TRAIN CNC SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION XMTRAIN — CNC SIMULATION SOFTWARE XMTiain is a powertul & user Iriendiy CNC simulation sofware, I allows you fo design and simulate the aciual performance of a CNC system. The simulation of the system can occur both in an offline and oniine environment, XMTrain imitoles the real system thus allowing you, the user, lo observe an operation, validate the manufacturing process and its parameters to follow the design spectications without incurring any rework J redesign expenses / accidents in a system. This simulation software also allows you to generate faults and causal relationships in the system, thus enabling you lo analyse from many scenarios, SOFTWARE FEATURES © Fanuc & Siemens programming possible - Simulates original controls © Animated virtual simulation of he machine with 99 Tool offset setings © Program editor fo create, Save ond run G codes / M codes © Automatic Syntax generation for G Codes /M Codes on program editor © Program Compiler created to identify the error in the program (© On-screen programming keyboard - to feed G Codes / M Codes. (© Machine parameters - ike machine feed rate, enabling / disabling M codes © Program Converter to convert other G codes/M codes programs © Help ile 1o provide syntax and sample G codes / M codes programs XM TRAIN (© Machine Conirols - like Feed / Speed Override, Emergency Stop & MPG control © MDI panel to run commands instantly ©. Printing option to take hardcopy of the Programm ©. 30 simulation viewer wih features like Zoom, Pan, View, Rotate, Program Datum settings, Billet settings, Too! settings © Too! & Bille! setings in simulation for end user 1a choose tools & various material machining © Positioning the billet on any location of the bed MTAB [ARISTO SIMULATION ARISTO SIMULATION SOFTWARE ARISTO SIM - ROBOTIC SIMULATION SOFTWARE ‘AtistoSim is a user friendly software for robot programming and simulation, Readymade applications are ‘available to rain in the operations of the robot such as movement, programming and code generations. This sollware gives the flexibiliy to design your applications and import them info the sofware for simulation. AristoSim has graphics which enable you to visualize the robot from various angles as the robot maves in the simulated application, it aliows you fo watch your code at work thus finalizing your program for operation {and protecting the robot from accidents. An olfline and online sofware, once your programs are ready and Verified, the sludenis can use it in the online mode lo work the robot. SOFTWARE FEATURES © Online & Offine simulation software 0 Extensive library of Tools © Easy to use & simulate — user friendly design ~ Tool Library (inbuill / custom) ~ Grasping CAD objects © Ready made applications in 3D environment ~ ~ Machine stalus display © Tool path tracer (Too! ON / OFF) © Design of applications through CAD Explorer 3D erwironment for robot and world objects © User friendly Teach pendant to program — Axial & Cartesian movement of robot — CreateyImpott models Robot Commands — Insert standard robot pedestal & table — Impori/Expott robot programs © Applications package — Robot program flow control — Readily available 0. Commands — Applications can also be deisgned as — Point to point (Cartesian / Axial) er user requirements Path (Line / Spline / Circle) Sree — Research & Development in robotics ~ Designing projects and applications ARISTO SIM MEC SIM SOFWARE MEC SIM - MECHATRONICS SIMULATION SOFTWARE MecSim Is a u friendly simulation sohware that allows you fo design VIRTUALLY a Mechatronics syste, build the circuits & controls and simulate the system in an offline and online environment. MecSim imitates the real system Ina 3 D environment thus allowing you, the user, lo observe an operation through simulation. This e thal the design of the equipment and tis proc will be as close to design spectticalions as possible without incurring any rework / redesign expenses / accidents in a system. This simulation sofware allows you to also generate faults and causal relationships in the system, th ss enabling you to analyse many scenarios. SOFTWARE FEATURES, © Offine simulation sofware © Easy to use & simulate — user friendly design & 3D simulation 9 Ready made applications in 3D environment Circuit design & Animated virtual simulation for many module wilh Program editor + To program various module - XY lable (2 Axis), Linear Conveyor (1 Axis), Shultle conveyor (1 Axis), Rotary table (1 Axis) and Pneumatics, Fan, Motor and LEDs simultaneously + Program Editor Controls - Insert, Delete Run, Stop, Reset and § ot Run © Parameters defintions for modules include Gear ratio, Pitch, Molor max Rpm and encoder © Simulated Teach pendant fo operale the equipment (0 Automatic Graph generation for Postion, Velocity and acceleration relations has been implemented. 0 Extensive library of Tools — Tool Library (inbuill / custom) Grasping CAD object & Machin fal s display © Interiinked 10's with devices Ikke Pneumatic Cylinders, Motor, light. (© Excel fle generation for the values in position table MEC SIM MTAB i CIM Master Sofware: CIM MASTER SOFTWARE CIMSIM v 2.1 SIMULATION SOFTWARE Computer Integrated Manufacturing System Sofware ‘Computer-Iniegrated Manufacturing (CIM) in engineering is a method of manufacturing in which the entire production process is conirolled by computer. CIM incorporates a number of other technologies that are industries unto themselves, such as CAD/CAM, machines fools, controllers, material handling equipment, dota management software, and robotics. CIM suppor software allows the movement of information between Parts of the manufacturing process, and is thus the key to making the system work. Our sofware has the following features which are integral to the efeclive working and leaming of any CIM system - —a Device Drivers Available, eVeSy hy Mill ‘0 Aulomatic guided Vehicle AGV_ co Lathe 0 Vision System co Assembly Station ‘0 Shuttle Conveyor | 0 Robot 0 Shuttle Conveyor II 0 Loading & Unloading Arm Mill 0 Transfer Conveyor 0 Loading & Unloading Arm Lathe: 0 Rotary Conveyor ‘0 Automatic Storage & Retrieval System ASRS © Rotary Pick & Place (.\ rae 4 ¢ Soflware Features © Online & Offline simulation software © Individual command animation for all 14 Devices & Secured Device Drivers Enabling & Disabling, ‘© Automatic safely feature for machines in online mode ‘© User friendly switch over between modes & Screen Lock function is implemented to lock the software © Three navigation screens avaiable to view all he devices working during runtime © Setting panel available for easy communication path creation between Master & Configuration Sofware © Secured command execution with intemal & extemal Inlerlocks on both Online/Oilline mode ‘© Nelwork based data Iransfer lechnology implemented for the communication of master to equipment ‘© Animated Online IO card testing module available to check |O's in the cell controller ‘© Animated Help file with step by step execution of Software operating procedure FEATURES, © Aulomalic ASRS rack slalus detection feature avaliable ° Loading & Saving command lis into a file is possible for the generated sequence © Current command on execution highlighted in the aulo generated command lis ‘© Each machine sialus and individual process time is displayed at the run-time © Estimated time allocation for each command of the machine set by the user = Yn = U User Advantages - CIM Configuration Software ‘© Layout Design - User can design, save and load the layout design ‘© Process planning - Plan the process in the shop floor layout Le-fle name, material specification, sequence of operation. 0 Sequence Generation - Create roo! plan and Sequence generation for both aulo & manual sequence © Simulate real time production planning scenario to identify an optimum solution ° Design, build & execule complex CIM systems ° Understand and apply the concept of CIM and its extended applications KEY POINTS TO BUY SIMULATION SOFTWARE BY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTES FROM MTAB_ © Windows based user friendly software. © Simulation allows to indentify, track & correct errors before implementing on a real time system. © Offline & Online virtual reality software © 2D and 3D simulation available with suitable © Entire machine simulation & part simulation interfacing facility with machine & CAM software © Ready made applications in 3D environment © Allows multiple access of leaming for the students as the software imitates the real system © Easy to use & simulate - user friendly in design & 3D simulation © Continuous up gradation by our R & D team and service at your door step at nominal cost Our presence in the Global Arena MTAB MTAB Engineers Pvt.Ltd. 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