S T - M A R I A N o V e L L A

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volute :a spiral scroll characteristic of Ionic capitals and also used in

Corinthian and composite capitals S

BIOCHROMATISIM: Pertaining to colour produced by processes in
living organisms. T
Alberti attempted to bring the ideals of humanist M
architecture, proportion and classically inspired
detailing to bear on the design while also creating A
harmony with the already existing medieval part of
the facade. R
His contribution consists of a broad frieze decorated I
with squares and everything above it, including the
four white-green pilasters and a round window, A
crowned by a pediment with the Dominican solar
emblem, and flanked on both sides by enormous S-
curved volutes. N
The four columns with Corinthian capitals on the
lower part of the facade were also added. The O
pediment and the frieze are clearly inspired by the
antiquity, but the S-curved scrolls in the upper part V
are new and without precedent in antiquity. E
Alberti used a tall frieze and the extremities of the
lower story were firmly defined by classical piers of L
exceptional purity integrated into the historical mix . L
Alberti concealed the sloping roofs of the side aisles
with a scrolled gable or volute that was to become A
an Omni present feature in architecture until the
modern age .
His method was to relate the parts to one another
through simple numerical ratios using as a module
the dimensions of the huge square within which the
entire faade could be inscribed : two squares half
the size of the large square contained the lower
faade and each one was equal to the square outline
of the upper story temple.

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