Syllogism: Directions: in The Following Questions, Two State

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The word "syllogism" is given by Greeks The parts of proposition are given below.
which means 'inference' or 'deduction'. It was
introduced by Aristotle. i) Subject : A subject is the part of the
proposition about which something is be-
An example of a question of syllogism is ing said.
given below.
ii) Predicate : Predicate is the part of the
Directions : In the following questions, two state- proposition denoting that which is affirmed
ments are given followed by two conclusions. or denied about the subject.
You have to study the two statements and then
decide which of the conclusions follow from the eg : In the proposition All novels are songs,
statements. something is being said about novels. So nov-
els is the subject. Songs is the predicate here
Mark the right answer from (1), (2), (3), because it affirmed about the subject.
(4) and (5)
Statements : All plants are trees.
i) Universal positive proposition: A
No trees are green. proposition of the form All S are P is called
Conclusions : I. Some plants are green. a universal positive proposition. A univer-
II. No plants are green. sal positive proposition is denoted by A.

1) Only I follows eg : All girls are disciplined.

2) Only II follows All bulbs are lions.

3) Both I and II follow i) Universal negative proposition :A

proposition of the form No S is P is called
4) Either I or II follows a universal negative proposition. It is usu-
5) Neither I nor II follows ally denoted by E.
This is a typical question of syllogism. eg : No professors is lazy.
Here the choice (2) is true. Later on we can dis- No boxes are baskets.
cuss the method to reach at the answer choice.
Now let us see some definitions related to syl- ii) Particular positive Proposition : A
logism. proposition of the form Some S are P is
called a particular positive proposition. It
PROPOSITION is usually denoted by I.
A proposition is a sentence that makes eg : Some boys are smarts.
a statement and gives a relation between two or
more terms. Some boys are cats.

In logic, any statement is termed a propo- iv) Particular negative proposition :

sition. A proposition of the form Some S are not
P is called particular negative proposition.
Eg : i) All windows are rods It is denoted by the letter O.
ii) No cloth is a bay eg : Some flowers are not grapes.
iii) Some students are members Some fans are not black.
iv) Some green are not white In syllogism, there are two types of infer-
1) Mediate inference : HIDDEN PROPOSITION
Here conclusion is drawn from two propo- You may find it difficult to categorise some
sitions. For example, if you are given All cats propositions of the form Rahim is brilliant, Ev-
are dogs and All dogs are animals, then a con- ery man talks English, Not a single student
clusion of the form All cats are animals could passed the exam, No student except Prem was
be drawn from it. present, etc. We shall know, how to find the
2) Immediate inference : hidden propositions in such sentences.

Here conclusion is drawn from only one A - type hidden propositions :

given proposition. For example if a given state- All positive propositions beginning with
ment is All gates are blue, then based on this a 'each', 'every' and 'any'.
conclusion could be drawn that Some blue are A positive sentence with a particular per-
gates. This is a case of immediate inference. son as its subject.
Two important cases of immediate infer- A positive sentence with a very definite
ence is given below. exception.
a) Implications : eg : Each of them plays football.
If a given proposition is A - type, then it He should be awarded.
also implies that the I - type conclusion must All members except Kavitha have a share
be true. Let us verify it by considering the propo- of profit.
sition, All elephants are big. This statement natu-
rally implies that the conclusion Some elephants E - type hidden proposition
are big must be true. Similarly we can prove All negative sentences beginning with
that an E - type proposition also implies an O - 'no one', 'none' and 'not a single'
type conclusion. A sentence with a particular person as
b) Conversion its subject but a negative sense.
Two steps are to be followed in conver- A negative sentence with a very definite
sion. The first step is to change the subject as exception.
the predicate and the predicate as the subject. An interrogative sentence which is used
The second step is to change the type of the to make an assertion.
given proposition to the pattern given in the fol-
eg : None can escape from death.
lowing table.
Swathi is not an IAS officer.
Type of the given Type of the proposition
proposition after conversion No student except Salim has attend the
A I Is there any person who can cheat him-
self ?
I - type hidden propositions :
Positive propositions beginning with words
O Cannot be converted
such as 'most', 'a few', 'mostly', 'gener-
Let us consider the statement Some post- ally', 'almost', `frequently', and negative
ers are good looking. This can be converted by propositions beginning with words such
using the above table as Some good looking as 'few', 'seldom', `hardly', 'scarcely',
are posters. In the same way, No books are 'rarely' and 'little'.
pencils can be converted as No pencils are
A positive sentence with an exception
which is not definite.
eg : Very few writers research before they Let us consider another example.
write. eg : Statement : All pencils are bottles
Seldom are people not jealous. All bricks are pencils.
All students except five have failed. Here the common term is 'pencil'. But it
O - type hidden propositions : does not satisfy the given condition. So we have
All negative propositions beginning with to align this pair. This can be aligned easily by
words such as 'all', 'every', 'any' and 'each'. changing the order of the statements. The
aligned pair will be
Negative propositions with words as 'most'
, 'a few', 'mostly', 'generally', 'almost', and All bricks are pencils.
`frequently'. All pencils are bottles.
Positive words beginning with 'few', 'sel- eg : Statements : No watch is hat
dom', 'hardly', scarcely', 'rarely' and little.
All pins are hats.
A negative sentence with an exception
which is not definite.. In this pair, the common term is 'hat' and
it is the predicate of both the sentences. So we
e.g. : All men are not honest have to align the sentences by converting any
Most of the books have not been read. of the sentences and changing the order if
Girls are usually not brave. needed.
Rarely is a rich man worried. After alignment, the above example will
No students except a few are absent. become
All pins are hats
No hat is watch.
A statement beginning with'only', 'alone', While aligning a given pair of statements,
'none but' or 'none else but' is called exclusive the priority should be given while converting, to I
proposition. Such propositions can be reduced - type statements to E-type statements and then
to A or E or I type. to A - type statement, in that order. That is, the
Only brave men are pilots. rule of IEA should be followed.
This sentence means that "No coward After aligning the given pair of statements,
man is a pilot" and "All pilots are brave men". the conclusion can be easily drawn by using
METHOD Statement - I Statement - II Conclusion
There are two steps to be followed for solv- A + A = A
ing syllogism by analytical method. A + E = E
E + A = O*
A problem of syllogism consists of two E + I = O*
propositions which have one common term. This I + A = I
common term will be the predicate of the first I + E = O
proposition and the subject of the second. If this
condition is not satisfied in the given proposi- No definite conclusion can be drawn for
tions, they should be aligned accordingly. other combinations like A+I, O+A etc, which are
not mentioned in the above table.
eg : Statement : All birds are trees.
For the above given combinations which
Some trees are cows. are aligned properly, the conclusion is a propo-
Here the common term is 'trees'. Also it sition whose subject is the subject of the first
satisfies the above said condition. Hence the statement and whose predicate is the predicate
statements are properly aligned.
of the second statements. The common terms pair is
No bats are lights.
In the above table, O* implies that the All lights are balls.
conclusion is of type - O, whose subject is the
predicate of the second statement and the predi- E+A=O*. So the conclusion is,
cate of the conclusion is the subject of the first Some balls are not bats.
statement. 5. Statements :Some caps are red.
SOLVED EXAMPLES. No clip is red.
1. Statements :All bags are toys. Here the common term is 'red' which is
All toys are keys. the predicate of both the sentences. By the rule
of IEA, we convert the I - type statement. After
The sentences are already aligned. From conversion, the given pair becomes,
the above given Table, A+A=A. Hence the con-
clusion is of type - A whose subject is the sub- Some red are caps.
ject of the first proposition and the predicate is No clip is red.
the predicate of the second proposition. So the Now by changing the order of the state-
conclusion is All bags are keys. ments, we can align the sentences. So the
2. Statements : All teachers are readers. aligned pair is,
All teachers are writers. No clip is red.
Some red are caps.
This pair is not properly aligned because
the subject of both the sentences is 'teachers'. The conclusion is of type O* since
Since both the sentences are of type - A, we E+I=O*. Hence the conclusion is
may convert any of them. So the aligned pair is Some caps are not clips.
Some readers are teachers. 6. Statements : Some powders are not soaps.
All teachers are writers.
All soaps are detergents.
Here the conclusion will be of type - I be-
The given pair is properly aligned. But no
cause I+A=I.
definite conclusion can be drawn from this type
The conclusion is Some readers are because it is a O+A - type combination.
3. Statements :Some chocolates are IMMEDIATE INFERENCE
toffees. Now let us consider an example which
All chocolates are pastries. has two statements as well as two conclusions.
The subject of both the sentences is the eg. Statements: All novels are stories.
same.By the rule of IEA, we convert the I - type All stories are songs.
Conclusion : (i) All novels are songs.
So the aligned pair is,
Some toffees are chocolates. (ii) Some songs are novels.
All chocolates are pastries First of all let us consider only the state-
ments . The sentences are already aligned.
I+A=I. So the conclusion is
Since A+A = A, the conclusion will be All nov-
Some toffees are pastries.
els are songs If we convert this conclusion, we
4. Statements :All lights are balls get Some songs are novels.Hence both the
No bats are lights conclutions given in the question are true.
By changing the order of the statements eg: Statements :Some roses are leaves.
itself we can align the sentences. The aligned Some leaves are throns.
Conclusions : (i) Some roses are thorns. ii) Draw conclusion using the table
(II) Some leaves are roses. iii) Check for immediate inferences.
We know that for a combination of I+I - iv) Check for complementary pair if steps ii
type no conclusion could be drawn. But if we and iii fail.
convert the first statement, we get Some leaves SOLVED EXAMPLES
are roses. Which is conclusion (ii) Also on con-
verting the second statement, we get some 1. Statement : No rooms are stones
thorns are leaves. This proposition is not given Some houses are rooms.
in the conclusion part. So in this example, con-
Conclusions : i) Some houses are stones
clusion (ii) alone is true.
ii) Some houses are not stones.
So while solving the problems on syllo-
gism, we should also take the immediate infer- We can easily align the statements by
ences of the given statements as well as the changing the order of the sentences. The aligned
immediate inference of the conclusion drawn pair is :
from the table. Some houses are rooms.
No rooms are stones.
COMPLEMENTARY PAIR I + E = O. So the conclusion is Some
Consider the following. houses are not stones, Hence we obtain a defi-
nite conclusion that conclusion (ii) is correct.
Conclusions :i) Some buses are trucks.
Hence step IV becomes unnecessary.
ii) Some buses are not trucks.
2. Statements :Some cows are horses
We know that either some buses will be
All cows are tigers.
trucks or some buses will not be trucks. Hence
either (i) or (ii) is true. Such pair of statements Conclusions : i) Some tigers are horses.
are called complementary pairs. So in a comple- ii) Some tigers are cows.
mentary pair, at least one of the two statements To align the sentences, it is sufficient to
is always true. We can call a pair as a comple- convert the first statement. So the aligned pair
mentary pair if is
i) The subject and predicate of both the sen- Some horses are cows.
tences are the same.
All cows are tigers.
ii) They are an I + O - type pair or an A + O
type pair or an I + E - type pair. I + A = I. Hence the conclusion will be
Some horses are tigers. If we convert this con-
Some complementary pairs are given
clusion, we get Some tigers are horses which
is conclusion (i). Also if we convert the second
i) All birds are swans . statement, conclusion (ii) is obtained.
Some birds are not swans. Hence both the conclusions given above
ii) Some tables are watches. should be taken as true. There is no need to
Some tables are not watches. check for complementary pair because definite
iii) Some girls are cute. conclusion has already been obtained.
No girls are cute. 3. Statements :Some poets are teachers.
Some teachers are saints
Note :The steps to be followed to do a syllo-
gism problem by analytical method are men- Conclusions : i) Some poets are saints.
tioned below. ii) Some poets are not saints.
i) Align the sentences properly This pair is already aligned. But there is
no definite conclusion for I + I type combina- iv) a) If there is a common term between the
tions. Also none of the given conclusions is the two statements chosen in the previous
immediate inference of any of the statements. part, then consider only these two state-
So let us check for the complementary pair. The ments.
conclusions given are in the form of 'some' and b) If there is no common term between the
'some not'. Hence either conclusion (i) or (ii) fol- two statements chosen in the previous
lows. part, then we should consider all the three
Step II
This type of syllogism problems consist
i) If two statements are relevant for a given
of 3 statements which are followed by 4 or more
conclusion, align them.
ii) If three statements are relevant, write them
A typical three - statement syllogism
as a chain. That is, align them in such a
problem is given below.
way that the predicate of the first sen-
Directions : Below are given three statements tence and subject of the second are the
followed by several conclusions based on them. same, and the predicate of the second
Examine the conclusions and decide whether sentence and the subject of the third sen-
they logically follow from the given statements. tence are the same.
You have to take the given statements as true
iii) Now arrive at the conclusion using the
even if they appear to be at variance with com-
monly known facts. table.

Statements : A) All bags are hats. iv) Now compare the given conclusion with
the conclusion drawn using the tables. If
B) Some pins are bags.
they match, the given conclusion is true.
C) No hats are needles. If they do not match, it is false.
Conclusions : I) Some pins are hats. Step III
II) No needles are bags. i) If a given statement has already been
III) Some pins are needles. marked as a valid conclusion after step
IV) Some pins are not needles. II, then leave it. Otherwise check if it is
an immediate inference of any of the
1) Only I and II follow three given statements of the conclusion
2) Only I and IV follow derived.
3) I, II and IV follow ii) Search for complementary pair :
4) Either III or IV, and I follow a) Check if any two given conclusions have
5) Either III or IV and I and II follow. the same subject and the same predi-
Before solving this example, let us see
the steps in solving a three-statement syllogism b) If (a) is satisfied, then check whether any
problems. of them has been marked as a valid con-
Step I clusion after step II or as an immediate
i) Consider a given conclusion.
c) If none of them has been marked as a
ii) Note the subject and predicate of this given valid conclusion, then they will form a
complementary pair if they are an A - O
iii) Now find which of the two given state- or I - O or I - E pair.
ments has this subject and predicate.
d) If they do make a complementary pair,
then mark the choice "either of the two Since conclusion III is not valid in step II,
follows". let us perform step III (i). The conclusion, Some
If a conclusion is marked as a valid con- pins are not needles is not an immediate infer-
clusion after step II, then it is not necessary to ence of any of the three given statements. So
perform step III (i). Again if a given conclusion the next step is to check the existence of a
has already been accepted in step III (i), then it complementary pair in the given conclusions.
is not necessary to perform step III (ii). We see that conclusion III and conclu-
The learner should understand these sion IV form a complementary pair of I - O type.
steps clearly. Now follow the solution to the ex- So the choice "either III or IV follows" could be
ample which is already given. Here we have to selected. But we find that conclusion IV is valid
check the validity of each and every conclusions from the previous step. So conclusion III is not
one by one. valid. Hence for this given example, the third
choice which is 'I, II and IV follow' is true.
Conclusion I : Here the subject is pin and the
predicate is hat. So let us consider (A) and (B) PRACTICE TEST
as our relevant statements because they have
a common term 'bags'. Directions (Q. 1-71): In each question be-
low there are three statements followed by
The second step is to align the sentences.
four conclusions numbered, I, II, III and IV.
The aligned pair is,
You have to take the given statements to be
Some pins are bags. true even if they seem to be at variance with
All bags are hats. commonly known facts. Read all the con-
I + A = I. So we arrive at the conclusion, clusions and then decide which of the giv-
'Some pins are hats'. So conclusion I is valid. en conclusions logically follows from the
given statements, disregarding commonly
Conclusion II : Here the subject is 'needles'
known facts.
and the predicate is 'bags'. Statement C con-
tains the subject 'Needles'. But 'bags' appears 1. Statements:
in both A and B. We should select A because a. No Cloud is Bird.
there is a common term between A and C. This b. Some Goats are Birds.
is an aligned pair and so we arrive at the conclu- c. All Cars are Goats.
sion No bags are needles which implies No Conclusions:
needles are bags. Hence conclusion II is valid. I. No Car is Cloud.
Conclusion III : Here the subject is 'pins' and II. Some Cars are Birds.
the 'predicate' is needles. These words appear III. No Bird is Car.
in statements (B) and (C) respectively which have IV. Some Clouds are Goats.
no term in common. So all the three statements
1) Only III follows
should be taken as relevant. Now align the state-
ments as Step II (ii) So we get, 2) Only either II or III follows
3) Only I follows
Some pins are bags
4) Only I and either II or III follow
All bags are hats.
5) None of these
No hats are needles. 2. Statements:
I + A + E = (I + A) + E= I + E = O. a. All Grapes are Bananas.
So the conclusion is 'Some pins are not b. All Potatoes are Bananas.
needles', which is conclusion IV. So conclusion c. Some Bananas are Mangoes.
IV is valid.
Conclusions: 1) Only I follows
I. No Grape is Mango. 2) I & either II or III folk
II. Some Potatoes are not Mangoes. 3) Only IV follows
III. Some Grapes are Potatoes. 4) Only II follows
IV. All Mangoes are Grapes. 5) None of these
1) Only I follows 6. Statements:
2) Either I or III follows Some streets are roads.
3) Only II & III follow Some roads are lanes.
Some lanes are highways.
4) Only I, II & III follow
5) None of these
I. Some roads are not streets.
3. Statements:
II. No highway is street.
a. Some Cats are Rats. III. Some streets are not roads.
b. Some Rats are Ants. IV. Some lanes are not roads.
c. Some Ants are Flies. 1) Only III follows
Conclusions: 2) Only IV and III follow
I. Some Flies are Cats. 3) Either I or III follows
II. Some Flies are not Ants. 4) Both I and III follow
III. No Rat is Fly. IV. No Cat is Fly. 5) None of these
1) Only I & IV follow 2) Only II follows 7. Statements:
3) Only I & III follow Some pencils are pens.
4) Only I or IV follows All pens are erasers.
5) None of these All staplers are erasers.
4. Statements:
I. Some pens are not pencils.
a. All Chalks are Dusters
II. All erasers are pencils.
b. Some Chalks are Boards. III. Some staplers are pens.
c. Some Dusters are Pens. IV. Some staplers are pencils.
Conclusions: 1) Only I follows 2) Only II follows
I. Some Pens are Chalks. 3) Only III follows 4) Only IV follows
II. Some Dusters are Boards. 5) None of these
III. Some Pens are Boards. 8. Statements:
IV. All Chalks are Pens. Some tables are chairs.
1) Either I or IV follows 2) Only II & III follow No cupboard is table.
3) Either I or IV & II follow Some chairs are cupboards.
4) Only II follows 5) None of these Conclusions:
5. Statements: I. Some chairs are not tables.
II. All chairs are either tables or cupboard
a. Some Bags are Books.
III. Some chairs are both tables and
b. All Books are Boxes. cupboards.
c. No Box is Board. IV. All chairs are tables.
Conclusions: 1) Only I and IV follow
I. Some Bags are not Boards. 2) Only either II or III follow
II. Some Bags are not Boxes. 3) Only IV follows
III. All Bags are Boxes. 4) Either II or III & I follow
IV. No Bag is Board. 5) None of these
9. Statements: 12. Statements:
All birds are animals. Some cups are utensils.
Some animals are humans. No utensil is a bucket.
All humans are mammals. All buckets are plates.
Conclusions: Conclusions:
I. Some humans are not birds. I. Some cups are buckets.
II. Some birds are humans. II. Some utensils are plates.
III. Some animals are not mammals. III. No utensil is a plate.
IV. All animals are mammals. IV. Some cups are plates.
1) Only I and II follow 1) Only I follows
2) Either III or IV follows 2) Only III follows
3) Either I or II follows 3) Either II or III follows
4) Either I or II and either III or IV follow 4) Either III or IV follows
5) None of these 5) None of these
10. Statements: 13. Statements:
Some leaves are fruits. Some keys are locks.
All branches are fruits. All locks are doors.
Some roots are branches Some doors are windows.
Conclusions: Conclusions:
I. Some roots are fruits. I. Some locks are windows.
II. Some branches are leaves. II. Some windows are keys.
III. No leaf is branch. III. Some windows are doors.
IV. Some leaves are roots. IV. No window is a lock.
1) Either II or III and I follow 1) Either I or IV follows
2) Only I follows 2) Only II follows
3) Only either II or III follows 3) Only III and IV follow
4) Only I and III follow 4) None follows
5) None of these 5) None of these
11. Statements: 14. Statements:
All books are notes. All pins are staplers.
Some notes are pencils. Some staplers are sharpeners.
No pencil is paper. Some sharpeners are stands.
Conclusions: Conclusions:
I. Some notes are books. I. Some staplers are stands.
II. Some pencils are books. II. Some sharpeners are pins.
III. Some books are papers. III. Some pins are stands.
IV. No book is a paper. IV. Some stands are sharpeners.
1) Only I follows 1) Only I and II follow
2) Only I and either III or IV follow 2) Only II and IV follow
3) Either III or IV follows 3) Only III follows
4) Only I and III follow 4) Only IV follows
5) None of these 5) None of these
15. Statements: 18. Statements:
Some oranges are apples. Some fruits are vegetables.
All apples are guavas. All liquids are drinks.
No guava is a banana. All drinks are fruits.
Conclusions: Conclusions:
I. Some guavas are oranges. I. Some drinks are vegetables.
II. No apple is a banana. II. Some fruits are liquids.
III. Some oranges are bananas. III. All liquids are fruits.
IV. Some apples are bananas. IV. No liquids are vegetables.
1) Only I and II follow 1) Only I and II follow
2) Only I and either II or IV follow 2) Only II and III follow
3) Only I, II and IV follow 3) Only III and IV follow
4) Only III and either II or IV follow 4) Only I, II & III follow
5) None of these 5) None of these
16. Statements: 19. Statements:
Some spectacles are boxes. All shirts are trousers.
No bat is a ball. Some socks are shoes.
Some boxes are balls. All shoes are shirts.
Conclusions: Conclusions:
I. Some boxes are not bats. I. Some socks are shirts.
II. Some bats are spectacles. II. Some socks are trousers.
III. No bat is a box. III. All shoes are trousers.
IV. No ball is a spectacle. IV. All shoes are socks.
1) Only I follows 1) Only I and II follow
2) Only 1 & III follow 2) Only I or II or III follows
3) Only II and III follow 3) Only II and IV follow
4) Only IV follows 4) Only III and IV follow
5) None of these 5) None of these
17. Statements: 20. Statements:
All fans are tubelights. Some books are papers.
No pen is a bulb. All plates are records.
Some bulbs are fans. Some records are books.
Conclusions: Conclusions:
I. Some pens are tubelights. I. Some plates are books.
II. No pens are tubelights. II. Some records are papers.
III. Some tubelights are fans. III. Some papers are plates.
IV. All tubelights are fans. IV. Some books are records.
1) Only I and II follow 1) Only I follows
2) Only I, II and III follow 2) Only II and III follow
3) Either I or II and III follow 3) Only I and III follow
4) Only III and IV follow 4) Only IV follows
5) None of these 5) None of these
21. Statements: 24. Statements:
Some ice are ring. Some films are clouds.
No ring is paint. All rats are clouds.
Some rings are gold. Some clouds are chairs.
Conclusions: Conclusions:
I. No gold is paint. I. No film is chair.
II. No ice is gold. II. Some rats are films.
III. Some rings are paints. III. Some clouds are rats.
IV. All golds are rings. IV. Some chairs are rats.
1) Only I and III follow
1) Only I and III follow
2) Only I and II follow
2) Either II or IV follows
3) Only III and IV follow
3) No conclusion follows
4) Only II and III follow
4) Only IV follows
5) None of these
5) None of these
22. Statements:
25. Statements:
All gates are flowers.
Some gates are fruits. Some cups are slates.
Some flowers are clips. All slates are apples.
Conclusions: No apple is a car.
I. Some flowers are fruits. Conclusions:
II. Some clips are fruits. I. Some cars are slates.
III. Some clips are gates. II. Some cups are cars.
IV. No flower is fruit. III. Some apples are cups.
1) Only I follows IV. No car is a cup.
2) Only I and IV follow 1) Only II follows 2) Only III follows
3) Only II and IV follow 3) Only IV follows 4) Either II or IV & III
4) Only I and III follow follow 5) None of these
5) None of these 26. Statements:
23. Statements: All buds are bells.
No candle is bell. Some buds are cakes.
Some shoes are bells. Some bells are sponges.
All tables are shoes. Conclusions:
Conclusions: I. Some cakes are sponges.
I. Some tables are bells. II. Some bells are buds.
II. No table is bell. III. Some sponges are not cakes.
III. Some shoes are candles.
IV. Some bells are not sponges.
IV. No shoe is a candle.
1) Only either 1 or III and II follow
1) Only I and IV follow
2) Only II and III follow
2) Only I and II follow
3) Only I and IV follow
3) Only III and IV follow
4) Only either I or IV and II follow
4) Only II and IV follow
5) None of these
5) None of these
27. Statements: Conclusions:
No machine is a fly. I. All pencils are hills.
Some flies are colours. II. Some pencils are cars.
All colours are sweets. III. Some cars are hills.
Conclusions: IV. Some pencils are not cars.
I. Some machines are colours. 1) Only I follows
II. All sweets are colours. 2) Only either II or IV follows
III. Some sweets are flies. 3) Only I or III follows
IV. No sweet is a machine. 4) Only I and IV follow
1) Only either II or IV and III follow 5) None of these
2) Only I and II follow 3) Only IV follows 31. Statement:
4) Only III follows 5) None of these Some pages are papers.
28. Statements: Some papers are magazines.
Some kings are cars. All magazines are books.
Some cars are bottles. Conclusions:
No bottle is a lemon. I. Some books are magazines.
Conclusions: II. Some books are papers.
I. Some cars are lemons. III. Some magazines are pages.
II. No king is a lemon. IV. Some pages are magazines.
III. Some kings are bottles. 1) All follow
IV. All cars are either kings or bottles.
2) Only I and III follow
1) Only I and II follow
3) Only II and IV follow
2) Only either 1 or II and III follow
4) Only I and IV follow
3) Only III or IV follows
5) None of these
4) Only IV follows
32. Statements:
5) None of these
All windows are doors.
29. Statements:
No door is a lock.
Some goats are hammers.
Some locks are keys.
All hammers are diamonds.
No diamond is green.
I. Some locks are doors.
II. Some locks are not doors.
I. No goat is green.
III. Some keys are not doors.
II. Some diamonds are hammers.
III. Some goats are diamonds. IV. All doors are windows.
IV. Some greens are hammers. 1) All follow
1) Only I and IV follow 2) Only either I or II follows
2) Only II and IV follow 3) Only either I or II and III follow
3) Only II and III follow 4) None follows
4) Only either II or III and I follow 5) None of these
5) None of these 33. Statements:
30. Statements: Some shirts are coats.
Some cars are mopeds. All coats are jackets.
Some mopeds are hills. Some jackets are trousers.
All pencils are mopeds.
Conclusions: 1) Only I and II follow
I. Some shirts are jackets. 2) Only I, II and III follow
II. Some jackets are shirts. 3) Only either I or III and II follow
III. All trousers are jackets. 4) Only either I or III and IV follow
IV. Some trousers are jackets. 5) None of these
1) All follow 37. Statements:
2) Only I, II and III follow All glasses are roads.
3) Only I, II and IV follow No road is a stick.
4) Only II, III and IV follow Some sticks are pens.
5) None of these Conclusions:
34. Statements:
I. Some glasses are sticks.
All bikes are scooters.
II. Some pens are sticks.
All scooters are scooties.
III. Some roads are sticks.
All scooties are mopeds.
IV. No glass is a stick.
1) None follows
I. All mopeds are scooties.
2) Only I or IV and II follow
II. All scooties are scooters.
III. All scooters are bikes. 3) Only either I or II and IV follows
IV. All bikes are mopeds. 4) Only either I or II and IV follow
1) None follows 2) All follow 5) None of these
3) Only III and IV follow 4) Only IV follows 38. Statements:
5) None of these Some lions are goats.
35. Statements: Some goats are horses.
Some pots are buckets. Some horses are flowers.
Some buckets are bags. Conclusions:
Some bags are purses. I. Some lions are horses.
Conclusions: II. Some goats are flowers.
I. Some purses are buckets. III. Some lions are flowers.
II. Some bags are pots. IV. Some horses are lions.
III. Some purses are pots. 1) None follows
IV. Some pots are bags. 2) All follow
1) All follow 2) None follows 3) Only I and IV follow
3) Only I and III follow 4) Only II and III follow
4) Only II and IV follow 5) None of these
5) None of these 39. Statements:
36. Statements: All trees are books.
All biscuits are chocolates. Some books are tables.
Some chocolates are breads.
All tables are pencils.
All breads are pastries.
I. Some pencils are tables.
I. Some biscuits are pastries.
II. Some books are trees.
II. Some pastries are chocolates.
III. Some tables are trees.
III. Some biscuits are not pastries.
IV. Some pencils are trees.
IV. All pastries are breads.
1) None follows 2) All follow 43. Statements:
3) Only either I or III follows All cups are tables.
4) Only either I or II follows No table is water.
5) None of these Some waters are clothes.
40. Statements: Conclusions:
Some doors are windows. I. No cloth is cup. II. No cloth is table.
All windows are dogs. III. Some clothes are waters.
Some dogs are cats. IV. Some waters are cups.
Conclusions: 1) None follows 2) All follow
I. Some dogs are doors. 3) Only III follows 4) Only I and II follow
II. All dogs are doors. 5) None of these
III. Some cats are windows. 44. Statements:
IV. Some dogs are windows. Some flowers are rods.
1) Only I and II follow Some rods are doors.
2) Only II and III follow Some doors are houses.
3) Only I and IV follow Conclusions:
4) All follow I. Some houses are flowers.
5) None of these II. Some doors are flowers.
41. Statements: III. Some flowers are doors.
All buses are trains.
IV. No house is flower.
All trains are rickshaws.
1) Only I and IV follow
All rickshaws are cycles.
2) Only II and III follow
3) Only either I or II follows
I. All cycles are buses.
4) Only either I or IV follows
II. All rickshaws are buses.
5) None of these
III. All buses are rickshaws.
45. Statements:
IV. All trains are cycles.
All trucks are vans.
1) All follow 2) None follows
All vans are cars.
3) Only I and II follow
All cars are trains.
4) Only II and III follow
5) None of these Conclusions:
42. Statements : I. All trains are trucks.
Some bricks are trees. II. All cars are trucks.
All trees are pens. III. All trucks are trains.
All pens are boats. IV. All vans are trains.
Conclusions: 1) All follow 2) Only I and II follow
I. Some boats are bricks 3) Only II and III follow 4) Only II and IV
II. Some pens are bricks follow
III. Some trees are bricks 5) None of these
IV. Some bricks are boats 46. Statements:
1) None follows 2) All follow No table is fruit.
3) Only I and II follow No fruit is window.
4) Only III and IV follow All windows are chairs.
5) None of these
Conclusions: 1) None follows
I. No window is table. 2) Only either II or IV follows
II. No chair is fruit. 3) Only III follows
III. No chair is table. 4) Only either I or III follows
IV. All chairs are windows. 5) None of these
1) None follows 2) All follow 50. Statements:
3) Only I and II follow 4) Only III & IV follow Some cats are lions.
5) None of these All lions are hares.
All hares are horses.
47. Statements:
All birds are fruits.
I. Some cats are horses.
Some fruits are towers.
II. Some horses are lions.
All towers are windows.
III. Some hares are cats.
IV. Some cats are hares.
I. Some birds are towers.
1) Only I and II follow
II. Some windows are birds. 2) Only III and IV follow
III. Some windows are fruits. 3) Only I and III follow
IV. Some towers are birds. 4) All follow
1) None follows 2) Only I and II follow 5) None of these
3) Only II and III follow 4) Only III follows 51. Statements:
5) All follow All boats are rivers.
48. Statements: All rivers are mangoes.
Some buses are trains. All mangoes are apples.
No train is a dog. Conclusions:
All dogs are parrots. I. All apples are boats.
Conclusions: II. All mangoes are boats.
I. No bus is a parrot. III. All rivers are apples.
II. Some parrots are trains. IV. All boats are apples.
III. Some parrots are buses. 1) All follow
IV. No dog is a bus. 2) Only I and II follow
1) Only either I or III follows 3) Only I, III and IV follow
4) Only II, III and IV follow
2) Only II follows 3) Only IV follows
5) None of these
4) Only I and III follow 5) None of these
52. Statements:
49. Statements:
a. Some boxes are trees.
Some cups are flowers.
b. Some trees are horses,
Some flowers are boxes.
c. All horses are fruits.
All boxes are tigers.
Conclusions: I. Some fruits are boxes.
I. Some tigers are cups. II. Some fruits are trees.
II. Some tigers are flowers. III. Some horses are boxes.
III. Some boxes are cups. IV. No fruits are boxes.
IV. No tiger is a flower.
1) None follows 56. Statements:
2) Only either II or IV follows a. No man is sky.
3) Only either I or IV and II follow b. No sky is road.
4) Only either I or III and IV follow c. Some men are roads.
5) None of these Conclusions:
53. Statements: I. No road is man.
a. All flowers are buses. II. No road is sky.
b. Some buses are cats. III. Some skies are men.
IV. All roads are rnen.
c. All cats are tigers.
1) None follows 2) Only I follows
3) Only 1 and III follow 4) Only II & III follow
I. Some tigers are buses.
5) None of these
II. Some tigers are flowers.
57. Statements:
III. Some cats are flowers.
a. Some candles are houses.
IV. Some buses are tigers. b. Some houses are trains.
1) None follows c. Some trains are roads.
2) Only I and II follow Conclusions:
3) Only III and IV follow I. Some roads are candles.
4) Only I and IV follow II. Some trains are candles.
5) Only II and III follow III. Some roads are houses.
54. Statements: IV. Some candles are roads.
a. All fans are rooms. 1) None follows 2) All follow
b. No room is green. 3) Only I and II follow 4) Only II & III follow
c. Some windows are green. 5) Only III and IV follow
Conclusions: 58. Statements:
I. Some windows are fans. a. No tree is fruit.
II. Some windows are rooms. b. All fruits are stones,
III. Some fans are green. c. All stones are rains.
IV. No green is fan. Conclusions:
1) Only I follows 2) Only III follows I. No stone is tree. II. No rain is tree.
3) Only IV follows 4) Only II & IV follow III. Some rains are fruits.
IV. Some rains are trees.
5) All follow
1) None follows
55. Statements:
2) Only either II or IV and III follow
a. Some tablets are rains.
3) Only either II or III and I follow
b. All dogs are rains.
4) All follow 5) None of these
c. All rains are chairs. 59. Statements:
Conclusions: a. All books are stars.
I. Some chairs are tablets. b. Some stars are windows,
II. All dogs are chairs. c. All windows are hills.
III. Some tablets are dogs. Conclusions:
IV. Some tablets are chairs. I. Some windows are books.
1) All follow 2) Only I, II&III follow II. Some hills are stars.
3) Only II, III and IV follow III. Some hills are books.
4) Only III & IV follow 5) None of these IV. Some stars are books.
1) None follows 2) Only I & III follow 63. Statements:
3) All follow 4) Only II & IV follow a. Some boys are rains.
5) None of these b. All rains are clouds.
60. Statements: c. Some clouds are cars.
a. Some cats are rats, Conclusions:
b. All rats are bats, I. Some clouds are boys.
c. Some bats are jungles. II. Some cars are boys.
Conclusions: III. Some cars are rains.
I. Some jungles are cats. IV. Some rains are boys.
II. Some bats are cats. 1) None follows 2) Only IV follows
III. Some jungles are rats. 3) Only I follows 4) Both I & IV follow
IV. No jungles is cat. 5) All follow
1) None follows 64. Statements:
2) Only III follows a. All bricks are flowers.
3) Only either I or IV and III follow b. Some houses are flowers.
4) Only either I or IV and II follow c. All pens are houses.
5) None of these Conclusions:
61. Statements: I. Some houses are bricks.
a. All flowers are clouds. II. Some pens are flowers.
b. No clouds is sky III. Some flowers are bricks.
c. All skies are tigers. IV. No pen is flower.
Conclusions: 1) Only either II or IV and III follow
I. Some clouds are flowers. 2) Only either II or IV and I follow
II. All clouds are flowers. 3) Only either I or II and IV follow
III. Some tigers are skies. 4) None follows 5) All follow
IV. All tigers are skies. 65. Statements:
1) Only II and IV follow a. All lions are ducks.
2) Only either I or II follows b. No duck is a horse.
3) Only either III or IV follows c. All horses are fruits.
4) All follow 5) None of these Conclusions:
62. Statements: I. No lion is a horse.
a. Some dogs are rats. II. Some fruits are horses.
b. All rats are trees. III. Some ducks are lions.
c. Some trees are not dogs. IV. Some lions are horses.
Conclusions: 1) All follows
I. Some trees are dogs. 2) Only either I or II and both III and IV follow
II. All dogs are trees. 3) Only either I or IV and both II and III follow
III. All rats are dogs. 4) Only either I or IV and II follow
IV. All trees are dogs. 5) None of these
l) None follows 2) Only I follows 66. Statements:
3) Only I and II follow 4) Only II & III follow a. Some mountains are rivers.
5) All follow b. Some rivers are roads.
c. Some roads are windows.
Conclusions: IV. Some mountains are roads.
I. Some windows are roads. l) None follows 2) Only I and II follow
II. Some rivers are mountains. 3) Only III and IV follow 4) Only I & IV follow
III. Some roads are mountains. 5) All follow
IV. Some windows are rivers. 70. Statements:
1) All follow 2) Only I and II follow a. All lions are jungles.
3) Only III and IV follow 4) Only I & IV follow b. Some jungles are rabbits.
5) None follows c. All rabbits are elephants.
67. Statements: Conclusions:
a. All benches are trees. I. Some rabbits are lions.
b. All trees are flowers. II. Some elephants are jungles.
c. All flowers are fruits. III. Some elephants are lions.
Conclusions: IV. Some elephants are rabbits.
I. All fruits are benches. 1) Only I and III follow 2) Only I and II follow
II. All trees are fruits. 3) Only II and III follow 4) Only III & IV follow
III. Some fruits are flowers. 5) None of these
IV. Some flowers are benches. 71. Statements:
1) All follow a. All books are pens.
2) Only II,III& IV follow b. No pens are houses.
3) Only III and IV follow c. All houses are doors.
4) Only II & III follow Conclusions:
5) None of these I. No books are houses.
68. Statements: II. No books are doors.
a. Some trains are radios. III. Some doors are pens.
b. Some radios are waters. IV. Some houses are books.
1) Only I follows 2) Only I and II follow
c. All tigers are waters.
3) Only II and III follow 4) Only III & IV follow
5) None of these
I. Some trains are tigers.
Directions (Q. 72-76): In each question be-
II. Some trains are waters.
low are given two statements followed by two
III. No water is train.
conclusions numbered I and II. You have take
IV. All waters are tigers.
the two given statements to be true even if they
1) None follows 2) Both II & III follow seem to be at variance with commonly known
3) Only either II or III follows facts. Read the conclusions and then decide
4) Only either I or III follows which of the given conclusions logically follows
5) Only either I or IV follows from the given statements disregarding common-
69. Statements: ly known facts. Give answer
a. Some buses are rivers. 1) If only conclusion 1 follows.
b. All rivers are mountains. 2) If only conclusion II follows.
c. Some roads are mountains. 3) If either 1 or II follows.
Conclusions: 4) If neither I nor II follows.
I. Some mountains are buses. 5) If both I and II follow.
II. Some roads are buses.
III. Some roads are rivers.
72. Statements: Conclusions:
All leaders are good team workers. I. Some teachers are famous.
All good team workers are good orators. II. Some followers are teachers.
Conclusions: 75. Statements:
I. Some good team workers are leaders. Ship was overturned.
II. All good orators are leaders. Captain was not traced.
73. Statements: Conclusions:
All terrorists are human. I. Captain died in the accident.
All humans are bad. II. Captain is alive.
Conclusions: 76. Statements:
I. All terrorists are bad. Some dedicated souls are angels.
II. No human can be a terrorist. All social workers are angels.
74. Statements: Conclusions:
Some teachers are followers. I. Some dedicated souls are social
Some followers are famous. workers.
II. Some social workers are dedicated souls.


1.2; 2.5; 3.5; 4.4; 5.2; 10. 1; Some roots are branches + All branches
6. 5; All statements are I-type. Hence, no con- are fruits = Some roots are fruits. Hence
clusion is possible with the combination I follows. Again II and converted III make
of any two. And none of the conclusions a complementary pair.
follows from the conversion of any state- 11.2; I follows by converting the first statement.
ment. Nor there is any complementary Some notes are pencils (I) conversion
(I-O) pair. Some pencils are notes (I) + Some
7. 5; Some pencils are pens + All pens are notes are books = I + I = No conclusion.
erasers = Some pencils are erasers. On Hence II does not follow. Since III and IV
conversion, we get Some erasers are form a complementary I-E pair, either of
pencils. Hence II does not follow. I does the two must follow.
not follow from Some pencils are pen. 12.3; Some cups are utensils + No utensil is a
Again, Some pencils are erasers + Some bucket = I + E = O = Some cups are not
erasers are staplers (conversion of last buckets. Hence I does not follow. No uten-
statement), No conclusion can be derived. sil is a bucket + All buckets are plates =
Hence IV does not follow. Ill does not fol- E + A = O* = Some plates are not uten-
low from the last two statements. sils. Hence neither II nor III follows. But
8. 5; Only III follows from the last statement since they form an I-E complementary
and the conversion of first statement. pair, either of the two must follow. IV cant
9. 4; None of the conclusions follows. But con- be established.
clusion I and converted conclusion II make 13.5 14.4 15.1
complementary pair. Similarly conclusion 16.1; Some boxes are balls + No ball is a bat
III and converted conclusion IV make com- (conversion of 2nd statement) = Some
plementary pair. boxes are not bats [I + E = O]. Hence I
follows and III does not. Now, Some spec- 29.3; 1st statement + 2nd statement gives:
tacles are boxes and conclusion I give no Some goats are diamonds. Hence III fol-
conclusion. Hence II and IV do not follow. lows. III + last statement gives: Some
17.3; Some bulbs are fans + All fans are tube goats are not green. Hence I does not
lights = Some bulbs are tube lights .... follow. Conversion of second statement
(a) [I + A = I]. Now, statement (2) + (a) gives II. IV does not follow because of the
gives: Some tube lights are not pens. last two statements.
Hence conclusions I and II cant be es- 30.2; No conclusion follows from the rules of
tablished. III follows from first statement syllogism. But II and IV make a comple-
on conversion. But IV does not. But I and mentary pair. Hence either II or IV follows.
II make a complementary pair [I-E pair]. 31.5; Some pages are papers + Some papers
Hence either I or II follows. are magazines = no conclusion. Hence
18.2 19.5 IV and III do not follow. In all the given
20.4; Only IV follows from statement (3) on con- options either III or IV is present. So, we
version. do not go further and choose (5) as our
21.5; Converted (c) + (b) gives: Some golds are answer.
not paints [I + E = O]. Hence I does not 32. 5; No door is a lock on conversion
follow, (a) + (c) gives no conclusion. Hence No lock is a door implication
II does not follow. Ill and IV do not follow Some locks are not doors. Hence II fol-
from (b) and (c) respectively. lows and I does not. No door is a lock +
22.1; Converted (b) + (a) gives: Some fruits are Some locks are keys = Some keys are
flowers... (A). On conversion, we get I. not doors. Hence III follows. IV does not
Hence I follows and IV does not. (A) + (c) follow from the first statement.
gives no conclusion. Hence II does not 33. 3; First + second statement gives conclu-
follow. Ill does not follow from (a) and (c). sion I. Conclusion II follows as conver-
23.5 24.5 25.4 sion of conclusion I. Third statement, on
26.1; First statement, on conversion, gives II. I conversion, gives conclusion IV but not
and III do not follow from the rules of syl- conclusion III.
logism but they are complementary pair. 34. 4; I does not follow from the last statement,
Hence either I or III follows. IV does not on conversion. II does not follow from the
follow from the last statement. second statement, on conversion. Ill does
27.4; No machine is a fly + Some flies are co- not follow from the first statement, on
lours = Some colours are not machines conversion. 1st + 2nd + 3rd statement
[E +1 = O*]. Hence I does not follow. II gives conclusion IV.
does not follow from the last statement. 35. 2; As all the statements are I-type, no con-
Some flies are colours + All colours are clusion is possible from their combina-
sweets = Some flies are sweets, which tions. Hence None follows.
on conversion gives conclusion III. IV also 36.3; Some chocolates are breads + All breads
does not follow. are pastries = Some chocolates are past-
28.5; Combining the last two statements, we ries on conversion Some pastries
get Some cars are not lemons. Hence I are chocolates. Hence II follows. 1st state-
does not follow. II and III do not follow from ment + Some chocolates are pastries
the given statements. As, Some cars may gives no conclusion. Hence I and III do
be lemons or something else, hence IV not follow but they make a complemen-
does not follow. tary (I-O) pair. Hence either I or III follows.
IV does not follow from the last statement. statement gives: Some chairs are not
37.5 38.1 fruits. Hence II does not follow. III does
39. 5; I follows from the last statement, on con- not follow from combining all. IV does not
version. Similarly, II follows from the first follow from the last statement, on con-
statement, on conversion. Conclusions III version.
and IV do not follow. 47.4; Some fruits are towers (I) + All towers
40. 3; IV follows from the second statement, on are windows (A) Some fruits are win-
conversion. Some doors are windows + dows (I) ( I + A = I). Now, conversion of
All windows are dogs = Some doors are Some fruits are windows gives conclu-
dogs on conversion Some dogs sion III.
are doors. Hence I follows and II does not. 48.1; Conclusions I and III make a complemen-
Ill does not follow from the last two state- tary pair. Hence, either I or III follows.
ments. Conclusion II does not follow since No
41. 5; 1st + 2nd statements gives conclusion train is a dog (E) + All dogs are parrots
III. 2nd + 3rd statements gives conclu- (A) gives the conclusion Some parrots
sion IV. I and II do not follow. are not trains [ E + A = O*]. Conclu-
42. 2; III follows from the first statement, on con- sion IV does not follow because Some
version. 1st statement + 2nd statement buses are trains + No train is a dog
gives: Some bricks are pens...(A) on gives the conclusion Some buses are not
conversion Some pens are bricks. dogs [ I + E = O].
Hence II follows. (A) + 3rd statement gives 49. 5; Some flowers are boxes (I) + All boxes
conclusion IV, which on conversion, give are tigers (A) gives conclusion Some
conclusion I. flowers are tigers (I)[ I + A = I]. On
43. 3; III follows from the last statement, on conversion we get some tigers are flow-
conversion. 1st statement + 2nd state- ers. Hence conclusion II follows but IV
ment gives: No cup is water ... (A). Hence does not follow. Some cups are flowers
IV does not follow from A, on conversion. (I) + Some flowers are boxes (I) gives
(A) + last statement gives: Some clothes no conclusion [ I + I = No conclusion].
are not cups. Hence, I does not follow. Hence III does not follow. No relation is
2nd statement + last statement gives: given between tigers and cups and hence,
Some clothes are not tables. Hence II I does not follow.
does not follow. 50.4; Some cats are lions (I) + All lions are
44.4; As all the statements are I-type, hence hares (A) Some cats are hares (I) [
no conclusion follows from their combi- I + A = I]. Hence, conclusion IV fol-
nations. But I and IV make a complemen- lows. Conversion of conclusion IV gives
tary pair, hence either I or IV follows. conclusion III. Now, conclusion IV + All
hares are horses (A) gives conclusion I [
45. 5; 1 st statement + 2nd statement gives:
I + A = I]. All lions are hares (A) +
All trucks are cars ... (A). Hence II does
All hares are horses (A) gives conclu-
not follow, on conversion. (A) + last state-
sion All lions are horses (A) [ A + A
ment gives conclusion III. III, on conver-
= A]. Now All lions are horses implies
sion, gives: Some trains are trucks.
Some horses are lions. Hence, conclu-
Hence I does not follow. The last two
sion II also follows.
statements gives conclusion IV.
51.5; Only III and IV follow
46. 1; 1 st + 2nd statement gives no conclu-
sion. Hence I does not follow. 2nd + last 52. 3; Conclusion II follows from conversion of
the conclusion obtained from statement Hence, conclusion II does not follow. Con-
(b) and statement (c) [ I + A = I]. Con- clusions I and IV do not follow because
clusions I, III and IV do not follow because no conclusion can be obtained regarding
statement (a) + statement (b) gives no candles and trains. Statement (b) + State-
conclusion. But the conclusions I and IV ment (c) gives no conclusion [ I + I =
make a complementary pair IE-type. no conclusion]. Hence, conclusion III
Hence, either of the two follows. does not follow.
53. 4; Conclusion IV follows from statement (b) 58. 2; Statement (a) + Statement (b) gives the
and statement (c). [ I + A = I]. Conclu- conclusion Some stones are not trees.
sion I follows from conversion of conclu- [ E + A = O*]. Hence, conclusion I
sion IV. Statement (a) and statement (b) does not follow. Statement (b) + State-
give no conclusion [ A + I = no conclu- ment (c) gives the conclusion All fruits
sion]. Therefore, conclusions II and III do are rains. On conversions it gives con-
not follow. clusion III. Now, statement (a) + All fruits
54.3; Statement (a) + statement (b) gives the are rains gives the conclusion Some
conclusion No fans are green [say (d)] rains are not trees [ E + A = O*]. Con-
[ A + E = E]. Now, conversion of state- clusions II and IV do not follow but these
ment (d) gives conclusion IV. Now state- two conclusions make a complementary
ment (c) + conclusion IV gives the con- pair (El-type). Hence, either conclusion II
clusion Some windows are not fans. or conclusion IV follows.
Hence, I does not follow. Conclusion III 59. 4; Statement (a) + Statement (b) gives no
does not follow because conclusion IV conclusion [ A + I = no conclusion].
follows. Hence, conclusion I does not follow.
Again, statement (b) + conversion of Statement (b) + Statement (c) gives the
statement (c) gives the conclusion Some conclusion Some stars are hills [ I +
windows are not rooms. Hence, conclu- A = I]. Conversion of Some stars are hills
sion II does not follow. gives conclusion II. Conclusion III does
55. 5; Only I, II and IV follow. not follow because statement (a) + state-
Statement (a) + statement (c) gives con- ment (b) gives no conclusion. Conclusion
clusion IV [ I + A = I], Statement (b) + IV follows from statement (a).
statement (c) gives conclusion II [ A + 60. 4;
A = A]. Now, statement (b) + conversion 6l. 5; Only I and III follow. Conclusions I and III
of statement (a) gives no conclusion. follow from statement (a) and statement
Hence, conclusion III does not follow. Con- (c) respectively [on conversion]. But con-
version of conclusion IV gives conclusion I. clusions II and IV do not follow because
56.5; Only II follows. A-type statement cant be converted into
Statement (a) + statement (b) gives no A-type.
conclusion [ E + E = no conclusion]. 62. 2;
Hence, I does not follow. Note that I does 63. 4; Statement (a) + Statement (b) gives the
not follow from statement (c) either. Con- conclusion Some boys are clouds [ I
clusion II follows from conversion of state- + A = I] on conversion Some clouds
ment (b). Conclusion III does not follow are boys. Hence, conclusion I follows.
from statement (a). Conclusion IV does Now, Some boys are clouds + State-
not follow from statement (c). ment (c) gives no conclusion [ I +I =
57.1; Statement (a) + Statement (b) gives no no conclusion]. Hence, conclusion II does
conclusion [ I + I = no conclusion]. not follow. Statement (b) + statement (c)
gives no conclusion [ A + I = no con- clusion Some buses are mountains [ 1
clusion]. Hence, conclusion III does not + A = I] on conversion Some moun-
follow. But conclusion IV follows from tains are buses. Hence, conclusion I fol-
statement (a). lows. Again, Some buses are mountains
64. 1; Statement (a) + conversion of statement + Some mountains are roads gives no
(b) (Some flowers are houses) gives no conclusion [ I + I = no conclusion].
conclusion [ A + I = no conclusion]. Hence, conclusion II does not follow.
Hence, conclusion I does not follow State- Again, Statement (b) + Some mountains
ment (c) + Statement (b) gives no con- are roads gives no conclusion [ A +1
clusion ( A + I = no conclusion). Hence, = no conclusion]. Hence, conclusion III
conclusions II and IV do not follow. But does not follow. Conclusion IV follows from
these two conclusions make a comple- conversion of Statement (c).
mentary pair (IE-type). Hence, either II or 70.5; Only II and IV follow. Statement (a) +
IV follows. Conclusion III follows from con- Statement (b) gives no conclusion [ A
version of statement (a). +1 = no conclusion]. Therefore, conclu
65. 5; Only I, II and III follow. Statement (a) + sion I does not follow. Again, Statement
Statement (b) gives conclusion I [ A + (b) + Statement (c) gives the conclusion
E = E]. Hence, conclusion I follows but Some jungles are elephants [ 1 + A =
conclusion IV does not follow. Conclusion I] on conversion Some elephants
II follows from conversion of statement (c). are jungles. Hence, conclusion II follows.
Similarly, conclusion III follows from con- Conclusion III does not follow because
version of statement (a). Statement (a) + Statement (b) gives no
66. 2; Conversion of statement (c) gives conclu- conclusion. Again, All rabbits are ele-
sion I. Similarly, conversion of statement phants gives conclusion IV [on conver-
(a) gives conclusion II. Statement (a) + sion].
Statement (b) gives no conclusion [ I 71.1; Statement (a) + Statement (b) gives the
+ I = No conclusion]. Hence conclusion conclusion No books are houses [ A
III does not follow. Similarly, statement + E = E]. Hence, conclusion I follows but
(b) +statement (c) gives no conclusion [ conclusion IV does not follow. Again, No
1 +1 = No conclusion]. Therefore, con- books are houses + Statement (c) gives
clusion IV does not follow. the conclusion Some doors are not
67. 2; books [E + A = O*]. Hence, conclusion
68.3; Statement (a) + Statement (b) gives no II does not follow.
conclusion [ 1 +1 = no conclusion]. Again, Statement (b) + Statement (c)
Therefore, conclusions II and III do not gives the conclusion Some doors are not
follow. But these two conclusions make pens [ E + A = O*]. Hence, Conclu-
complementary pair of IE-type. Therefore, sion III does not follow.
either conclusion II or conclusion III fol- 72.1; Conclusion I is the conversion of first
lows. Since Statement (a) + Statement statement, hence I follows. But II does
(b) gives no conclusion therefore train not follow because A + A = A ie All lead-
and tiger cant be related. Hence, con- ers are good orators but not vice versa.
clusion I does not follow. All tigers are 73.1; A + A = A; ie All terrorists are human.
waters on conversion Some wa- 74.2; I does not follow. But II follows because it
ters are tigers. Hence, conclusion IV is conversion of the first statement.
does not follow. 75.3 76.4
69.4; Statement (a) + Statement (b) gives con-

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