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This paper consists of three sections : Section A, B and C. You have to answer all the three
sections. You have to complete Section A and B. However, you can choose either Question 1
or Question 2 in Section C.

Section A

( 10 marks )
Study the notes below and use the information to complete the text.
The rhinoceros is one of the endangered animals today. There are _________________


in Asia and two in Africa. The African rhinoceroses are the black and white ones whereas those

of Asia are ___________________________________________ and Sumatran rhinoceroses.


An African white rhinoceros can ____________________________________________


3,500 kilogrammes and is the second largest land animals after the elephant. Rhinoceroses are

Herbivorous mammals and they feed on __________________________________________.


People hunt them _________________________________________________ which are


expensive. A group of rhinoceroses is called a herd.

Section B

( 15 marks )
Study the advertisement on a laptop and answer the following question in the space provided.

List three applications you will find when you use the PG Intel.

i. ____________________________________________

ii. _____________________________________________

iii. _____________________________________________
B (ii)

Your friend cannot decide whether to buy a laptop or desktop computer and has
asked for your advice. Using the information above, write a letter to inform him of
the advantanges and disadvantages of a laptop. Use at least three points and your
letter should be between 50 and 80 words.
107-7-8, Jalan Selasih,
Taman Selasih,
10150 Georgetown,
Pulau Pinang.
14 March 2017
Dear Jamil,
How are you getting on ? I hope you are fine. Here I am fine.

I heard that you wish to buy a computer but cannot decide between a laptop and a

I hope you find my advice useful to help you make the right choice.

Your friend,

( 12 marks )
Section C

( 25 marks )
This section consists of two questions. Answer one question only.

Question 1

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your
answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 and 100 words.
slipped scattered

fell pain

immediately helped

gather plastic bag

grateful gave

Begin your story with :

Mrs Lee was walking home with her groceries after the rain. Suddenly, she

Question 2

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your
answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 and 100 words.

- read enjoys library - Saturday

- wanted interesting bookstore
expensive not buy

- passed second hand bargaine

managed - saved
Prepared by, Checked by, Certified by,

.. .
Pn. Paruthy Pn. Vasagi Devy Pn. Vasagi Devy
Subject teacher Administration Asst Administration Asst






This paper consists of two sections : Section A and B. You have to answer all questions in
the both sections. You have to complete Section A and B.

[20 marks]

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1 Dont put too _______________ sugar in the tea.

A few C many
B some D much

2 Your dress is as beautiful as ______________.

A her C she
B hers D his

3 ____________ is the shortest way to the market ?

A Who C Which
B What D Whose

4 Jack did not sit for the test ___________ he was ill.
A because C but
B and D so

5 Can you see what I ___________ in my hand ?

A holding C am holding
B is holding D are holding

Choose the most suitable phrasal verb.

6 The plane __________ earlier than we thought.
A let off C took off
B took up D went after

Choose the best answer for each blank.

The Batu Caves was crowded with tourists and children. There ____7______ two

hundred and seventeen steps leading to the cave. Some of the visitors were huffling and puffing

as _____8_______ walked and ran up the steps. Inside the cave, the strong smell of bat

droppings _______9_______ the air.

7 A is 8 A they 9 A filling
B are B you B filled
C was C he C fills
D were D we D fill

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning to the underlined word.

10 The watches in that shop are cheap.

A expensive C new
B better D nice

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

11 A How are you getting on, Lisa.

B How are you getting on Lisa?
C How are you getting on, Lisa!
D How are you getting on, Lisa?
Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Every evening mothers will take their children to the playground. While they talk, their

children will play _____12_______ themselves. There are swings, a slide and _____13______

see-saw for the children to play with. The children are quite safe in the playground because there

is a ____14_______ around it. When the _____15______ goes down, the mothers take their

children home. Everyone leaves the playground happily.

12 A with 14 A gate
B along B wall
C among C fence
D between D railing

13 A - 15 A sun
B a B sky
C an C rain
D the D moon

Questions 16 to 20
Read the dialogue below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Joo Bee : I received my report card today , Mum.

Mrs Lim : Let me have a look at it. Well, youve improved in your position in class. But I see a
red mark for English Language. You have to pay more attention to this subject.
Youve done very badly indeed.
Joo Bee : Its true, Mum. Our teacher set a very hard paper the new UPSR format. Most of us
failed in this paper.
Mrs Lim : Thats a lame excuse. Blame yourself for not studying hard enough.
Joo Bee : Ask Tracy, my classmate. She too scored very low marks.
Mrs Lim : All right. From now on you have to read more books on this subject.
Joo Bee : I do read a lot of English books. I do write essays too.
Mrs Lim : Good. Im happy that youre trying hard. Youve done well in Science and
Joo Bee : Theyre my favourite subjects. Can you please sign my report card now?
Mrs Lim : Ill have to show it to your father first. Let him sign it.
16 Why didnt Joo Bee do well in her English?
A She did not study enough.
B English Language is not her favourite subject.
C Her English Language teacher set a very difficult paper.
D Her English Language teacher did not revise with the class.

17 The phrase lame excuse shows that Mrs Lim thinks that Joo Bee __________
A is unable to walk properly.
B needs a lot of help in her English.
C will never pass her English paper.
D is giving a weak reason for her failure.

18 How many subjects did Joo Bee do well in?

A One subject
B Two subjects
C Every subject
D All subjects except English Language

19 How do you think Mrs Lim felt when she saw a red mark for English Language in her
daughters report card?
A sad C Happy
B Frightened D Angry

20 From the dialogue, we know that ___________

A Mrs Lim signed Joo Bees report card.
B Mr Lim will sign Joo Bees report card.
C Mr Lim advised Joo Bee to study harder.
D Tracy told Joo Bee to read more English books.
[30 marks]
Question 21
Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences. Write your answers in the
space provided.


Answer :




[2 marks]


Answer :



[2 marks]


Answer :




[2 marks]

Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

Once there lived a man called Ah Gong and his son, Ah Saw . One morning they took
their donkey to the market to sell. Ah Saw was riding on the donkey until they met a man.
The man said, Shame on you! How can you let your old father walk? Ah Gong quickly
helped his son down and climbed on the donkey himself.
Soon they met another stranger. What a thoughtless father! commented the stranger.
He made his sickly son walk while he rides in comfort.
So, Ah Gong told his son to ride on the donkey with him. They continued on their way
until they met an animal lover. Have you no love for animals? he yelled at them angrily. How
can that poor animal carry the two of you? You both should be carrying it instead.
Ah Gong and his son got down and grabbed the donkey by the legs to carry it. As they
were crossing a bridge, a crowd of passers-by started to laugh loudly. The noise frightened the
donkey. It gave a kick and fell into the river with a splash. Ah Gong and Ah Saw could not save
the donkey from drowning.

Question 22
Tick ( ) the correct answers.

(a) Ah Gong and his son were on their way to the market
to buy a donkey.

to sell a donkey.

to ride a donkey.
[1 mark]

(b) The most suitable moral for the story is

you can never please everybody.

you must listen to everyone.

you should never sell a donkey.

[1 mark]

Write your answers in the space provided.

c) Why did the passers-by laugh at Ah Gong and his son ?




[ 2 marks ]

d) Do you think Ah Gong and his son should listen to the comments made by the strangers
they met ? Why ?




[ 2 marks ]

e) Ah Gong and his son carried the donkey. Was their action correct ? Why ?



[ 2 marks ]


Mysterious Kellies Castle Perak Museum in Taiping

40 km from Ipoh and near Batu First and oldest museum in
Gajah Malaysia
Built by a Scottish planter Located at junction of Jalan
William Kellie Smith Taming Sari and Jalan Muzium,
Construction started in 1915 but Taiping
stopped in 1926 when Kellie died Founded by Sir Hugh Low, 4th
Castle was built for his wife Resident of Perak in 1863
Many believe the castle is haunted Exhibits include more than 3,000
and has many hidden artifacts and photographs pn
underground rooms and passages anthropology, zoology and local
Opens daily history
Free admission

Fascinating Sam Poh Cave Temple

Biggest cave temple in Malaysia
Located in Gunung Rapat, 5 km from Ipoh City
Discovered by a monk from China in 1890. He stayed there for 20 years
until his death
A climb of 246 steps from the temple to an open cave
View the whole city of Ipoh from the open cave
Many go there to view the more than 40 statues of Buddha on the limestone
walls of the cave.
Question 23
Tick ( ) the correct answers.

(a) If Keng Hua from Penang, the first place he would visit is

Kellies Castle

Taiping Museum

Sam Poh Cave Temple

( 1 mark )

b) James is fascinated with mysteries and ghost stories. Which place will he go to ?


Gunung Rapat

Batu Gajah

( 1 mark )

c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B

List A List B

William Kellie Smith built discovered the Sam Poh Cave

in 1890

Perak Museum in Taiping Kellies Castle for his wife

A monk from China is the earliest and oldest

museum in Malaysia

Kellies Castle is near Batu Gajah and about 40

kilometres from Ipoh.
[ 2 marks ]

Write your answers in the space provided.

d) What can you see after climbing 246 steps from the temple ?




[ 2 marks ]

e) What do you understand by the phrase believe to be haunted ?




[ 2 marks ]

Study the advertisement and read the dialogue below. Answer the questions that follow.



to spend more than

RM 1000 in a single
receipt will receive
a RM50 voucher HURRY
Mohan : Good morning, madam. Can I help you?

Mrs Lee : Yes, Im looking for a new refrigerator.

Mohan : How about our latest MCC model? Its a two door refrigerator with a capacity of 180

litres, semi-automatic defrost and a direct cooling system. After a 20% discount, it

costs only RM1 200.

Mrs Lee : Do you have any other models?

Mohan : Yes, we do. Let me show you the ALPHA three-door model. It has a capacity of 210

litres and its frost-free. The price is RM1 499 after discount.

Mrs Lee : Im not too sure which model I should buy. My husband will be coming after he has

paid for the parking ticket. Well decide then. In the meantime, may I look around?

Mohan : Of course, madam. We have a range of electrical appliances on sale for this month

only. Please feel free to look around and call me if you need anything.
Questions 24 and 25
Tick ( ) the correct answers.

24 (a) How did Mrs Lee get to Billion Electronics?

She took a taxi.

She took a bus.

Her husband drove her.

[1 mark]

(b) electrical appliances on sale for this month only. The word month in the
dialogue refers to




[1 mark]

25 (a)
Can I help you?

Why do you think Mohan said that to Mrs Lee?




[2 marks]

(b) Mr Lee likes spicy food. Suggest an item Mrs Lee would buy from the shop with the
RM50 voucher she will get for buying a new refrigerator. Give reasons to support your





[2 marks]

(c) Why does the shop give a RM50 voucher for every RM1 000 sepent in a single
receipt? Give reasons to support your answer.





[2 marks]

Prepared by, Checked by, Certified by,

.. .
Pn. Paruthy Pn. Vasagi Devy Pn. Vasagi Devy
Subject teacher Administration Asst Administration Asst

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