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Nama : Joko Purwanto, SKep, Ns, CHt, MNLP, CI

NIRA : 35240360338

Tempat, Tgl Lahir : Sumenep, 16 April 1975

Agama : Islam

Suku : Jawa

Alamat : Dukuan, RT 02/02, Ds. Glagah kec. Glagah

Kab. Lamongan, Prop. Jawa Timur

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Pendidikan Keperawatan/Kesehatan
1. Diploma 3 Keperawatan : AKPER RSI SURABAYA lulus th. 1998
2. Sarjana Keperawatan (S1) : STIKES MOJOPAHIT Mojokerto lulus th. 2013

Riwayat Pekerjaan
1. RSUD dr. Soegiri Lamongan, tahun 2000 sampai Sekarang
2. Praktisi dan Trainer Hypnoterapy di Neuro Trance Formation Institute, tahun 2011
sampai Sekarang
3. Chairman of Neuro trance Formation Institute

Riwayat Organisasi
1. Anggota PPNI Kabupaten Lamongan, tahun 2000 sampai Sekarang
2. Sie Pendidikan dan Latihan DPK PPNI RSUD dr. Soegiri Lamongan, tahun 2016
3. Member in Good Standing of The Indonesian of Hypnoterapy (IBH)
Joko Purwanto, SKep, Ns, CHt, MNLP, CI

- Certified of Hypnotist (CH) from The Indonesian Board of Hypnotherapy (IBH)

- Certified of Hypnotherapist (CHt) from The Indonesian Board of Hypnotherapy(IBH)
- Certified of Instructor (CI) From The Indonesian Board of Hypnotherapy(IBH)
- Certified of Hypnotist (CH) & Certified of Hypnotherapist (CHt) dari Hypno NLP
- Certified of NLP for Hypnoterapist from Yan Nurindra School of Hypnotism
- Certified of Neo NLP Practitioner from Neo NLP Society
- Certified of Master Practitioner Neo NLP from Neo NLP Society
- Member in Good Standing of The Indonesian Board of Hypnotherapy (IBH)

Topik-topik workshop yang digelar :

Hypnotherapy fundamental, Hypnotherapy advance

Lamongan, 13 April 2017

Hormat Saya

Joko Purwanto, SKep, Ns, CHt, MNLP, CI

NIRA. 35240360338

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