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Internship Nr 6


Name of organization

Location Ghent - Belgium


Number of trainees to host 1

Placement Dates: From: Nov 2017 To: Apr 2018


The first weeks are focused to introduce the trainee

to the projects and the different procedures and
Department / Function workflow of the office. After this period the intern
should help and accompany the project leaders in
every aspect of the projects tasks, always of
course, according to his or her ability and
capacities. The Intern will take part in the weekly
design meetings.
After the intern has gained some reliability he or
she will be able to fulfil some tasks more
independently under the supervision of the tutor
and project leaders.
The mentor of the intern is pointed out from the
very beginning, regular meetings with the mentor
are obligatory for the whole time.

-Research and analysis of preliminary design

phases of masterplan and project design in both
Description of project project / commissioned or competition projects.
activities -Conceptual work for design phase of both
commissioned or competition work.
-Presentation documents for different phases
assisting the project architects for meetings with
clients or city municipality or officials
-Drawings for the permit phase of commissioned
-Execution drawings for construction phase, further
design work and detailing work for the construction
of commissioned work after receiving permit
-Sustainability department, research and analysis,
material research and technical solutions assisting
both conceptual and construction phases with the
designated project managers.

Grado / Licenciatura en ARQUITECTURA

Educational level required Talented, motivated and enthusiastic recent
graduates to strengthen our design team.
Other competences/experience Requirements are strong conceptual thinking,
required knowledge of Autocad, graphic and 3D
visualization, preferable with adobe package and
Working proficiency English is required.

Hosting companies are able to extend the placement by 2, 3,

4 or 6 months either by extending the conditions of the
internship or by contracting the intern.If not contracted the
interns retain all the original characteristics of Spanish -
Basque interns with insurance cover for the total period of the
internship and contributions to the Spanish Social Security
throughout. Financing for maintenance and accommodation
Extra months
in the post six month period is covered by the company and
paid directly to the intern. Companies may choose to pay the
intern the same quantity as the scholarship grant (1,358.00
/month) or to pay a quantity in line with local costs of living
and local internship salaries or they can offer to cover some
expenses in kind by providing meals and /or accommodation,
or flights etc.

*1Los candidatos no podrn contactar con las empresas de acogida. Durante el proceso de seleccin, ser la entidad
beneficiaria quien marcar las pautas. En caso de contactar con las empresas de manera voluntaria, la candidatura podr
ser eliminada del proceso de seleccin.

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