No Sahih (Authentic Sound) Hadith Exists About Masturbation

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No a (authentic; sound) adth exists about masturbation

Tuesday 6 Jumd al-khir 1424 5-8-2003

Fatwa no.: 35889
Category: The secret habit and its ruling
May peace be on you, and the mercy of Allah, and His blessings. What
is the ruling on masturbation (istimn) or the doer of sexual
intercourse with the hands (nki al-yadayn)? Are there any adths
mentioned from the Messenger about it? And what is the remedy
for it?
The praise belongs to Allah, and may blessing and peace be on the
Messenger of Allah and on his family and his companions; after
Verily, masturbationalso called the secret habitis prohibited
(haram) according to majority of the scholars, and that is the
preferred view. And many fatwas have already been issued on this
topic, one of them is fatwa no. 2179, so refer to it.
And for info on how to get rid of this bad habit refer to fatwa no.
As to if any adths have been mentioned from the Prophet , then
we do not know of any existing proven a adth from him about
Some adths have been mentioned but they are either fabricated or
they have no isnd (chain of narrators), but are widespread on peoples
tongues, and among them are some sayings of the Successors (tbin)
which have no isnds. One of them is the adth Allah has cursed the
doer of sexual intercourse with the hands (nki al-yadayn),
mentioned by the author of Awn al-Mabd and the author of Nayl
al-Awr from Ab anfah that they are the words of the Prophet
. And the author of Kanz al-Umml mentioned without isnd
Behold, the curse of Allah and the angels and all the people is on the
one who lessens anything from my right[s] and the doer of sexual
intercourse with the hands.
And the author of Qurrah al-Uyn wa-Naw al-Qalb al-Mazn
mentioned Three are whom Allah will neither speak to them nor
purify them, and for them will be painful punishment , and
mentioned of them to be and the doer of sexual intercourse with his
hand if he did not repent. But it is without isnd.
And there is a saying al-Baghaw has reported from Ibn Jurayj from
A, he said: I heard that a group of people will be gathered on the
Day of Resurrection and their hands will be pregnant. I think them
to be these ones. But he did not provide any isnd for it.
And he mentioned another saying without isnd from Sad ibn
Jubayr, he said: Allah punished a group of people who played with
their male members.
So the conclusion is that there exists no a adth about
masturbation, with it being prohibited (haram) for other evidences,
the strongest of which is the Noble Verse from srahs al-Muminn
and al-Marij So who[ever] seeks beyond that then they are the
transgressors [al-Muminn:7, al-Marij:31]. And you will find it in
detail in the relevant fatwa on it. And Allah knows better.

English translation of the fatwa by

Shees Hassan

6 2003-8-5 - 1424 6


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