CLE Requirements

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Newly Admitted
In this category if date of admission is within last 3 years AND the birth month following the date of
admission is within the last 2 years.
2 years
o On the 1st day of the birth month following the date of admission.
o Example 1: If admitted on January 5, 2015 and birthday is on January 19th, then cycle begins
on January 1st 2016
o Example 2: If admitted on January 5, 2015 and birthday is on March 5, then cycle begins on
March 1, 2015
o Example 3: If admitted on January 5, 2015 and birthday is on January 2, then cycle begins on
January 1, 2016.
o 2 years after it begins, on the last day of the birth month
o 15 hours total
o 3 credits in ethics or professional responsibility
o Limit 3 hours of self-study, inc. 1 ethics
Carry forward:
o 15 hours limit,
o 3 ethics limit
Misc. Member can add CLEs from the year prior to the beginning of the cycle


o Annual
o Begins on first day of birth month and ends on last day of birth month
o 15 hours total
o 3 credits in ethics or professional responsibility
o Limit 3 hours of self-study, inc. 1 ethics
Carry forward:
o 15 hours limit,
o 3 ethics limit

New York
Newly Admitted
In this category if date of admission is within the last two years.
o Two 1 year cycles
o 1st Cycle: Begins on date of admission, and ends on anniversary
o 2nd Cycle: Begins on 1st anniversary and ends on 2nd anniversary
o For each cycle: Ethics/Professionalism (3 Credits); Skills (6 Credits); Law Practice/Areas of
Professional Practice (7 Credits)
Can carry over 16 credits from pre-admission to first year; 8 credits from first cycle to second
cycle; 6 credits from second cycle to next cycle.
o Exception: If birthday is before admission date, then attorney can carry over 12 credits from
second cycle to next cycle.
In this category if date of admission is not within the last 2 years
o 2 years
o Begins: On birthdate on every 2nd year after admission (i.e. if admission is in 2012, cycle
begins on birthdate in 2014, then on birthdate in 2016, etc.)
o Ends: 2 years after begin date
Can carry over 6 credits from one cycle to another
o 24 credits
o 4 must be in Ethics

Illinois (
Newly Admitted
In this category if admitted in the last year
o Cycle: 1 year
o Begins on admission date and ends on last day of the month that they were admitted
o 1 Basic Skills Course; 9 hours of other CLE courses;
In this category if not admitted in the last year
Cycle: 2 years
Begins on July 1 and ends on June 30 two years later
o If last name is A-M, begins on every even numbered year following completion of Cycle 1
o If last name is N-Z, begins on every odd numbered year following completion of Cycle 1 (i.e.
if last name is Smith, cycles will begin on July 1 in 2011, 2013, 2015)
o 30 credits, including 6 Professional Responsibility

Newly Admitted
Admitted Group 1 [last name is A-G] Group 2 [last name is H-M] Group 3 [last name is N-
Compliance cycle: 2/1/13 - Compliance cycle is 2/1/15 - Z] Compliance cycle is
1/31/16 1/31/18 2/1/14 - 1/31/17
Due: Feb. 1, 2016 Due: Feb. 1, 2018 Due: Feb. 1, 2017
June 2013 23 hours including Regular 25 hour requirement Regular 25 hour
4 hours ethics requirement
1 hour bias
1 hour competence issues
December 19 hours including Regular 25 hour requirement
2013 3 hours ethics Regular 25 hour
1 hour bias requirement
1 hour competence issues
June 2014 14 hours including Regular 25 hour requirement
3 hours ethics 23 hours including
1 hour bias 4 hours ethics
1 hour competence issues 1 hour bias
1 hour competence issues
December 10 hours including Regular 25 hour requirement 19 hours including
2014 2 hours ethics 3 hours ethics
1 hour bias 1 hour bias
1 hour competence issues 1 hour competence issues
June 2015 6 hours including 23 hours including
1 hour ethics 4 hours ethics 14 hours including
1 hour bias 1 hour bias 3 hours ethics
1 hour competence issues 1 hour competence issues 1 hour bias
1 hour competence issues
December N/A 19 hours including 10 hours including
2015 3 hours ethics 2 hours ethics
1 hour bias 1 hour bias
1 hour competence issues 1 hour competence issues

o 3 years
o Begins on Feb 1 and ends on Jan 31 three years later
If last name is A-G: 2/1/16- 1/31/19
If last name is H-M: 2/1/15 - 1/31/18
If last name is N-Z: 2/1/14 - 1/31/17
Please program for every three years based on the pattern above
o 25 hours
Ethics: 4 hours
Competence Issues: 1 hour
Recognition and Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profession and Society: 1 hour
o At least half must be "participatory"
o Maximum "self study": 12.5 hours
o Can't carry forward any hours

Florida (
Newly Admitted
o 3 years
o User must enter end date of cycle, because it is provided by Florida to each member
o Practicing with Professionalism Program (within 12 months of admission; can be taken
within 12 months before admission)
o 3 Basic Level Programs (within 3 years cycle)
o 3 years
o User must enter end date of cycle, because it is provided by Florida to each member
o For Cycles beginning before January 1, 2017
30 credits
5 credits in ethics, professionalism, bias elimination, substance abuse, or mental
illness awareness programs
o For cycles beginning on or after January 1, 2017
33 credits
5 credits in ethics, professionalism, bias elimination, substance abuse, or mental
illness awareness programs
3 credits in technology programs
No carryover

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