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TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2010

Attendees: Blake Surbey, President
Robert Somers, Vice President
Mark Bostwick, Secretary
David Henry, Treasurer
Nicholas Pecoraro, Member

Others Present: Peter Freedman, General Manager

Sonya Rainey, Recording Secretary
Three Residents

I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Blake Surbey at 7:05 pm.

II. Resident Forum

• A resident thanked Management for installing the new hallway light fixtures, and
commented on landscaping and maintenance tasks underway.

• Another resident volunteered to provide information on water and energy conversation

measures to Management.

III. Reading and Approval of Minutes

Mr. Henry Motioned to approve the March 2010 Meeting Minutes as written. The Motion was
seconded by Mr. Pecoraro and carried unanimously.

IV. Committee Reports

Landscape - Sarah Schwartz, was not in attendance, but recently submitted her resignation as
Committee Chair. She will continue to serve as a member of the committee. The proposed
landscape plan submitted was accepted by the Board and is within budget.

Website – A draft website has been developed; the contents were previously reviewed by
Management and the Board. A Motion was made by Mr. Henry, seconded by Mr. Surbey to
approve the website’s layout and content. The Motion was carried unanimously.

Newsletter – Mr. Pecoraro asked if there were any revisions for the June newsletter
previously distributed by email to Management and the Board members. Management suggested
creating a newsletter committee to begin work on the September issue. A Motion was made by
Mr. Henry to form a Newsletter Committee and tasked Management with posting notices
soliciting volunteers. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Surbey and carried unanimously.
Colonial Village II
May 2010 Meeting Minutes
Page 2

V. Management Report


A Motion was made by Mr. Henry to amend a Motion unanimously approved by email in April
from accepting Magco’s proposal for scupper work on 1774 and 1776 Troy Street in the amount of
$2,593 to accepting Alliance’s proposal in the amount of $2,384. The Motion was seconded by Mr.
Bostwick, and carried unanimously.

A Motion was made by Mr. Henry to amend a Motion unanimously approved by email in April
from accepting Magco’s proposal for repairing the gutters on 1778 and 1782 Troy and replacing
downspouts at 1762 Rhodes in the amount of $1,925 to accepting Alliance’s proposal in the
amount of $1,835. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Bostwick, and carried unanimously.

A Motion was made by Mr. Henry to amend a Motion approved by email in April from accepting
Historical Restoration’s proposal in the amount of $202,000 for tuckpointing work to a revised
amount of $178,500. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Bostwick, and carried unanimously.

A Motion was made by Mr. Somers to affirm the Motion approved by email in April to approve
American Exteriors’ proposal for hallway ceiling painting in the amount of $10,225. The Motion
was seconded by Mr. Pecoraro and carried unanimously.

A Motion was made by Mr. Somers to affirm the Motion approved by email in April to approve
Thomas Downey, Ltd as the engineering consultant company that will oversee the tuckpointing

A Motion was made by Mr. Surbey to approve the Landscape Committee’s recommendation to
accept McFall & Barry’s 2010 spring planting proposal in the amount of $6,847.40 and to
authorize Management to purchase trees at an additional amount not to exceed $1,200. The
Motion was seconded by Mr. Henry and carried unanimously.

Laundry Update
Management reported that new laundry equipment had been installed as of May 12th and that no
installation problems were encountered.

Insurance Update
Management reported that a claim release regarding the roof damage that occurred in September
was received, signed and forwarded to the insurance adjuster a few weeks ago. Management is
awaiting the reimbursement check.

VI. Community Business

Arlington Civic Federation

Mr. Somers tasked Management with ascertaining which Board members were registered
members of the Civic Federation and to add all Board members who were not members.

Current and previous Board Meeting Minutes are available on the website at
Colonial Village II
May 2010 Meeting Minutes
Page 3
3 Way Stop Sign
A Motion was made by Mr. Somers to affirm a Motion made by email for Management to
pursue Arlington County’s proposal for a 3-way stop at the corner intersection of Rhodes
Street and Key Boulevard. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Bostwick and carried

VII. Other Business

Home Depot Gift Cards

A Motion was made to affirm a Motion made in May by Mr. Somers authorizing
Management to purchase four $250 gift cards totaling $1,000 to make maintenance related
purchases. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Pecoraro and carried unanimously.

UGI Contract
A Motion was made to affirm a Motion made by email by Mr. Somers authorizing
Management authority to negotiate and sign a new gas contract with UGI to lock in a better
price immediately. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Pecoraro and carried unanimously.
Mr. Freedman reported that the contract was renegotiated to save the Association 35.5% on the
wholesale gas cost for a 12-month term.

VIII. Adjournment

It was the Board’s consensus to adjourn the meeting at 8:49 pm to enter into Executive

Next Meeting: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 7:00 pm

CVII Meeting Room – 1701 N. Troy Street

Respectfully Submitted by:

Sonya Rainey, Recording Secretary

Approved by:

_______________________________________ ________________________________
Mark Bostwick, Secretary Date

Current and previous Board Meeting Minutes are available on the website at

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