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Human Acts: A Novel Hardcover Deckle

Edge, January 17, 2017
by Han Kang

2.Trump demands apology, accuses Obama of having

'colluded or obstructed'
By Zachary Cohen, CNN

Updated 2236 GMT (0636 HKT) June 26, 2017

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump continued to criticize former President
Barack Obama on Monday for his response to alleged Russian interference in the 2016
election -- blasting his predecessor in a series of tweets, then demanding an "apology."

"The reason that President Obama did NOTHING about Russia after being notified by the CIA of
meddling is that he expected Clinton would win ... and did not want to 'rock the boat.' He didn't 'choke,' he
colluded or obstructed, and it did the Dems and Crooked Hillary no good," Trump wrote.

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