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Sydney - St. George Branch

- Working for Australians in Retirement -


Meetings - 9.45 am, Grandviews Bowling Club, 821 Forest Road, Peakhurst
3rd Friday of each month, except December
New Members & Visitors - Welcome

You are invited to attend the February MEDITERRANEAN DIET

meeting of the St George Branch of IMPROVES MENTAL HEALTH
A.I.R. on Friday 17th February, starting The Mediterranean diet is now being hailed as
at 9.45 am. the latest weapon in tackling mental health
problems. Researchers at Deakin University
have found that a Mediterranean diet can help
BUSINESS MEETING those suffering from mental health problems,
such as severe depression.
Dozens of patients with major depressive
Welcome: To new members & visitors disorders were placed on a Mediterranean-
Apologies: style diet rich in, whole grains, legumes, fresh
fruit and vegetables, olive oil and nuts.
Confirmation of Previous Minutes: After 12 weeks of healthy eating, one third of
Minutes of 20th January 2017 the patients reported a significant improve-
Business Arising from the Minutes: ment in their mood and symptoms, high-
lighting the need for better diet support for
Correspondence: patients suffering with depression.
Secretary to report Source: ABC Health Online
Membership [ACN -102 164 38]
Welfare Sydney - St George Branch
PO Box 377 - Riverwood 2210
Future Speakers
Secretary - Pat Hinson:
Newsletter Ph 9554 4113
Membership - Christine Gash:
FEBRUARY Assist. Treasurer - Julia Aniston
Treasurer - Syd Dickinson:
Welfare - Rod Lynch: Ph 9546 4888
Hon. David Coleman MP Newsletter Editor - John Palmer:

AUSTRALIAN SUPER Here are three tips to help maintain your fluid
level in hot weather.
1). The most obvious way to stay hydrated is to
After an eventful year, from the lows of Brexit to drink more water! Little and often is the key -
the surprise market rally after Donald Trump's US drinking periodically even if you dont feel thirsty.
presidential election win, most Australians had a Some people find using water bottles filled to the
positive superannuation return for 2016. recommended daily fluid amount helps to ensure
Figures recently released by SuperRatings show they drink enough water.
that balanced option superannuation accounts - 2). Avoid coffee, alcohol and high-protein drinks.
the option chosen by 60 to 70% of Australians - These types of drink have a diuretic affect, so you
returned 7.2% for the 2016 calendar year. A will lose more fluid if you drink them. So be sure to
December rally, helped this result along, delivering drink other water-based beverages as well.
2.1% in the final month of 2016.
3). Always drink after exercising. Whether it is hot
The median balanced option returned an or not - you will always lose more fluid after
estimated 7.2% over the 12 months to 31 exercise. Ensure you drink more water when you
December 2016, which is just slightly below the are exercising, or even doing gardening or
7.7% annual average, for the last seven years. household chores.
SuperRatings chairman Jeff Bresnahan said, "If I ________________________________________
had to sum up 2016, I would say it was a year of
extremes. Super funds struggled at the start of the
year, with many posting significant losses, but JANUARY GUEST SPEAKER
recovered at the year's end as markets stabilised.
While volatility may have induced a few nose- RICHARD COTTON
bleeds, funds have generally had a strong positive Richard introduced himself as a self-funded
year, ending the calendar year above their long- retiree. He told members he started his career
term objectives." studying at the National School of Dramatic Art
The Chairman concluded, "Despite the significant (NIDA), but found acting financially unreliable.
drawdowns experienced in early 2016, as well as He later turned to writing and is now mainly writing
a series of smaller volatility spikes throughout the in rhyme, producing rhyming books for children.
year, super fund returns generally proved capable Richard told members that he estimates he has
of riding out the storm." sold 8 - 9,000 books over the past 6 years and he
Source: Financial Review is now turning his books into audio books. He has
also developed as a reading aid, a text with the
title, "World of Imagination".
DRINKING WATER TO Richard is currently visiting schools and pre-
STAY HYDRATED IN THE HEAT schools to help children learn to read through
With increasing age, the amount of water held in rhymes.
the body decreases, so that its easier for an older At the end of his talk Richard answered questions
person to become dehydrated. Hence in hot from the audience.
weather it's important to drink water frequently, On behalf of the members present, Paul Flynn
even if you dont feel thirsty. moved a vote of thanks to Richard Cotton for his
Exercise, medications, kidney or other diseases, interesting and enjoyable talk.
swallowing disorders, mobility difficulties in getting
to the toilet, are also factors which can lead to
dehydration in seniors.
Hence, it is imperative to takes action to remain FEBRUARY
hydrated, in hot weather. As well as running the
risk of heat exhaustion and heat stroke, GUEST SPEAKER
dehydration in an older person can lead to other
serious medical problems, such as low blood The second half of the meeting will
pressure, which will increase the risk of falling. commence at 11 am and will consist of a
Drinking the recommended amount of water each talk to be given by the:-
day, around 2.6 litres for men and 2.1 litres for
women, will not only keep your organs and body Hon. David Coleman MP
working properly, but will reduce the risk of
coronary heart disease.

POWER AT RISK The brain is awash in chemicals. Among them,
If you are thinking of installing a roof top panel to dopamine is the one that stands out. It is the
save electricity costs, perhaps you think again in driving force behind every human beings sinful
the light of problems surfacing in South Australia predilections and forbidden cravings. It is
and Queensland as the result of an associated with addiction, attention, motivation,
unprecedented penetration of rooftop solar panels and all the hedonistic pursuits ever known to man.
into these two sunshine states, where the uptake But personal feelings aside, what roles does
of solar panels has grown because of soaring dopamine play in the brain that make it so highly
electricity bills, and federal and state incentives. controversial, even in neuroscience?
SA Power Networks in its annual planning report Known as the feel-good chemical, the neuro-
released just before Christmas said, In recent transmitter dopamine is not as plentiful as it has
years, there has been an increasing trend of been thought to be. It is now considered to be so
customer complaints arising from voltages scarce, that only 0.3% of the brains millions of
exceeding prescribed limits. It is anticipated such neurons produce it. Despite this, dopamine is
complaints may increase as solar PV (photovoltaic responsible for several vital bodily functions,
panels) penetration increases across the network. including for example:-
Some 25% of SA Power Networks customers now 1.) Circadian rhythms - Dopamine latches onto its
have an installed PV system. Ergon Energy said it receptor to signal the body to wake up by
had received about 700 service complaints in the suppressing levels of melatonin, early in the
past year relating to solar panels, largely because morning.
of high network voltages.
2.) Memory - The neurotransmitter appears to
Confirming these concerns, Energy Networks control what is retained in the memory, based on
Australia chief executive, John Bradley, said an imagined response to certain information.
recently, The high penetration of solar panels is
3.) Motor functions - Dopamine also regulates the
creating new challenges for electric power
control of motor functions via the basal ganglia.
distribution networks which must ensure power
The basal ganglia depend on a certain amount of
quality to avoid damage to customer equipment,
dopamine to perform at peak efficiency. The lack
or the network infrastructure. Mr Bradley said that
of dopamine in the brain gives way to delayed and
in areas with high penetration of solar panels, the
uncoordinated motor functions. On the flip side,
most common issue was voltage rise. This
the excess of it causes the body to make
occurs when excess solar power is injected back
unnecessary movements, notably tics.
into the grid at times of low electricity demand, for
instance when people are away from their homes Dopamine is now regarded as crucial to the
at noon on weekends and on public holidays, as learning process. When the brain is presented
this can push up the voltage on the network. with an unexpected reward, dopamine production
increases, prompting the limbic reward system to
Mr Bradley said if the issue was unaddressed,
take note of what had happened and to remember
consumer equipment could be damaged. Voltage
how to repeat such a positive experience. On the
rise could also cause solar PV inverters to trip and
other hand, negative encounters reduce dopamine
disconnect from the grid. He commented, "To
as a memory signal, to avoid repeating them. This
manage this new situation, distribution network
is a vital learning mechanism, which also involves
operators will need to transform their role into a
memory-formation and motivation.
more active management of the grid, with better
monitoring, _________________________________________
In many areas, the distribution network is moving
from a relatively passive system where power
flowed one way in a predictable manner, to a The 8th Annual National Dementia
much more dynamic and volatile system, with two Conference will be held at the Stamford
way power flows. Industry sources say Plaza, Adelaide, on 23-24 February 2017.
complaints about solar power problems commonly
The Conference organiser, Informa Australia,
come from the owners of solar panels, when they
find their ability to export power into the grid is
has stated that dementia is now the greatest
curtailed. single cause of disability in older Australians.
There are currently more than 354,000 people
living with dementia in Australia.
Continued - Page 4

The Conference will bring together senior Assessment. You will still need to be assessed
level experts to discuss future challenges and by an ACAT/S. This will determine if you are
opportunities, relating to the implementation of eligible to receive Government funded services,
a new national framework for dementia and what level of care you are eligible for.
services. Choice & control. The Consumer Directed Care
(CDC) model will continue under the new system.
Fees . There are no changes to the HCP program
fee structure, or the income tested fee, which
NEW CHANGES IN HOME CARE determines how much you will required to pay for
services. Your assets, including the family home,
GIVING MORE CHOICE & CONTROL are still excluded from the means testing
From 27 February 2017, changes will commence arrangements for home care.
in the Home Care Packages (HCP) program, _______________________________________
giving consumers more choice and control over
the home care services they receive and who
provides those services. MARCH GUEST SPEAKER
The changes may seem complex and you may be
unsure whether they will affect you. If you are Hon Mark Coure MP
currently allocated a Home Care Package [HCP]
and youre happy with your provider and the ____________________________________________
services you are receiving, then nothing will
change. You will continue to receive home care as
normal. But if you are new to the program and
have been approved for a HCP but have not yet THE ST GEORGE BRANCH OF
started receiving care, these changes will affect
you. They will also affect you if you are currently
receiving interim-care, because services at the
approved level were not available.
Sincerely Thanks
What will change? Instead of a HCP being
owned by the service provider, packages will be in LANHAM INVESTMENT ADVISORY
future be owned by the consumer. This means P/L
that once you have been approved for a HCP you
can contact any approved service provider to
Investment Advisory Service -
obtain the care you need. Ph 9580 7222
Because funding will be linked to you and not to &
an approved provider, it will be easier to change MUNRO SPAUL
providers, if you wish. For example, if youre
moving to a different area you can simply take Your Accounting Service - Ph 9570 8999
your package with you and find a new provider.
Access to HCP. From 27 February 2017 there will For their financial support in the printing
be a new way to get access to HCP. There will be and distribution of this Newsletter.
a national pool of all available packages. After
assessment you will be placed in a queue until a
HCP becomes available to you.
Your place in the queue will be determined by
your personal needs and circumstances and the The Association of Independent
time you have been waiting for home care.
Retirees (A.I.R.) Ltd takes no
Exit fees. If you change providers after 27
February, the provider is allowed to charge you an
responsibility for the views expressed
exit fee to cover any administrative costs, which in articles, extracts thereof or
will be deducted from any unspent funds. advertisements.
Type of care. You will still be able to receive the Branch newsletters are intended to
same type of care under each of the four Home relay information only, not give specific
Care Package levels, such as domestic
assistance, transport, personal care, social
advice or recommendations.
support, food services or medication assistance.

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