Ooze and Aaaahh Frame Fce

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I will never forget the night it happened. It was a(n) 1. ____________ night, and I was relaxing
upstairs with my 9. ____________, a good book and my faithful 28. ____________,
35. ____________. Suddenly there was a loud 18. ____________. I jumped to my feet and crawled
downstairs, trying to be as 2. ____________ as I could. Nothing looked out of the ordinary.
Suddenly I heard the 18. ____________ again, but this time it was much more 3. ____________
and I knew it was coming from the basement. As I gathered my courage, I grabbed a flashlight and
walked 32. ____________ down the stairs. I might have met my end right there, if not for
35. ____________, who let out a loud "19. ____________!" Shocked, I jumped 33. ____________
to the side just in time to avoid a long gooey appendage. I turned my flashlight on the intruder and
gasped in horror. Hidden and waiting there in my basement, bathed in the 4. ____________ glow
of my light, was a huge, quivering, shapeless blob of ooze! The disgusting thing was as
23. ____________ as a 10. ____________ and as big as a(n) 11. ____________.
"26. ____________!" I cried.
I fled 34. ____________ upstairs, but the thing chased me with lightning speed. I was trapped,
and knew I had to fight if I wanted to survive. First I tried to cut it with a sharp 12. ____________
from the kitchen, then I shot it with my grandpas 13. ____________ that hangs over the fireplace.
In desperation, I even tried throwing 25. ____________ on it, but it was all in vain. It just kept
coming. I thought I was dead for sure, when suddenly a strange figure crashed through my window
and jumped between us! He was tall and 5.____________, with powerful 6. ____________ eyes
and 7.____________ shoulders. He was dressed entirely in black, except for his 24. ____________
16. ____________.
"27. ____________!" the figure shouted, and quick as a(n) 29. ____________ he jumped in and
paralyzed the ooze creature with a powerful kick.
Without pause he squashed the thing into a(n) 14. ____________ and tied it shut with a long
15. ____________.
"How did you do that?!" I gasped, trying to catch my breath.
"Their only weakness is their 21. ____________," he replied. "One good kick and the things
are helpless."
"But how do you find it?" I asked, staring at the shapeless mass.
"That is easy," said the stranger. "It is right next to their 22. ____________."
I thanked him for saving my life and asked him his name. "I am 20. ____________, and I have
been hunting the ooze creatures all my life. Join me in my quest and we will make the world safe
from their 8.____________evil!"
Now that I knew the truth, how could I say no? I joined 20. ____________ that night and my life
has never been the same. I learned how to identify their 21. ____________ in less than
30. ____________ seconds, and together we have defeated over 31. ____________ of the ooze
creatures. I even got my own 24. ____________ 16. ____________ back.

1. 2. 19. 20.
adjective adjective noise non-English word

3. 4. 21. 22.
adjective adjective body part body part

5. 6. 23. 24.
adjective adjective color color

7. 8. 25. 26.
adjective adjective liquid exclamation

9. 10. 27. 28.

noun noun exclamation animal

11. 12. 29. 30.

noun noun animal number

13. 14. 31. 32.

noun noun number adverb

15. 16. 33. 34.

noun clothing adverb adverb

17. 18. 35.

clothing noise pet's name

Common Word Types

This is a list of words you are likely to encounter. There may be additional word types depending on the story, so if it's not in this list just use your

Noun - a person place or thing (mailman, swamp, toaster) Animal - any creature, whether furry, winged or scaley (anteater,
Adjective - a descriptive word (drippy, obese, stinky) pelican, gila monster)
Verb - an action (fling, grapple, twiddle) Exclamation - something you would say when surprised or excited
(Zounds! Cripes! Holy macaroni!)
Adverb - a word that describes an action, usually ending in "-ly"
(quickly, carefully, secretly) Noise - any sound (plop, boom, screech, splat)
Clothing - anything that you wear (shawl, helmet, jockstrap) Foreign Word - any word in any language other than your own
(agua, fromage, blitzkrieg)

Try to pick unusual or uncommon words.

Fill in ALL the words. If you leave a blank, your story won't make sense.
Don't try to think too much about it. Just drop in the first word that comes to mind.
Try making the story with a friend or in a group - if you trade off picking the words, you'll get a much better variety.

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